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II Iv. VI. VIL VIII. Table Of (Contents Introduction Soil and Soil Aggregates Concrete Technology Miscellaneous Products Asphalt Technology DPWH Minimum Requirement ---- DPWH Flyers Review Questions Answer Key 66 7 119 148 DUTIES OF A MATERIALS ENGINEER 1. To ascertain that all materials incorporated into the work pass the requirement of DPWH Standard Specification for Highways, Bridges and Airports and to strictly comply with the schedule of minimum testing requirement. 2. To advise th:2 project engineer on the acceptance or rejection of construction materials intended to use in the project, 3. Recommend to the project engineer remedial measures for the correction of unsatisfactory condition of materials. 4, To prepare design mixes for concrete and bituminous mixtures. 5. To ensure the samples are properly cured by standard procedures 6. To fully acquaint himself with the standard procedures of sampling, testing and quality control of materials. 7. To see that the field laboratory is adequately equipped such that the progress of work will not impeded to laboratory testing and that non-performance of test should not be the cause of delay in the prosecution of project. 8. To keep a record logbook of his daily activities ready for inspection at anytime. 9. To submit within the required time frame test reports and other pertinent papers. 10. To sce to it that quality of completed projects are attained as per DPWH standards, MATERIALS QUALITY CONTROL DOCUMENTATION & TERMINOLOGIES Quality Control Program- a program of quality control works prepared by the Materials Quality Control Division of the Regional Office and the MQC Section of the District Office to be complied by the contractor. Contents: Items of Work to be done Description of work Units and quantities Number of test in each item of work Sample Cards Prepared by the DPWH, District or Regional MQC Field Density Test Report- if pavement is being constructed Prepared by the Contractor's project engineer concurred by the DPWH PE and verified correct by the MQC Concrete Pouring Permit/Pouring Slip Prepared by the Contractor's project engineer and approved by the Project Engineer. Dept. Order No. 211 ser 2000 states that in order to ensure that all concreting works are done in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, it is hereby directed that no contractor shall start any concreting without a pouring permit duly approved and issued by the Project Engineer. Conerete Pouring Report Prepared by the contractor's PE, To be submitted every time concreting activity is done, Do not forget to fill up the portion where information is given if cylinder or beam samples are taken. 1 Testing Refers to the process of making tests to determine the degree of compliance of delivered or constructed materials with the specifications, Test Results- conducted either at the regional or district level. Reinforcing bars, cement, angle bars, paints, galvanized sheets, pipes Monthly Materials Report To be prepared by the contractor and submitted every 25" of the month. Contents: Summary report of laboratory and field tests (grading, FDT, complex tests, inspection report, certification) submitted to MQC with transmittal letter Materials Logbook. Contents: Materials activity during the day (pouring and sampling) Information on samples taken Information if samples are tested Materials delivered on site MATERIALS QUALITY CONTROL POLICIES/ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUANCES Order No, Date | Subject 1,DONo. 206 | “00 Amendment to DO 184, series of 1999, re-Guidelines on the Accreditation of Contractors’ & Consultants Materials Engineer 2.DONo.14 | ‘99 Adoption of DPWH Standard Specifications for Public Works and Highways 1995 Edition Vol If in the implementation of all Infrastructure Projects 3,DONo. 184 | 99 Guidelines on the Accreditation of Contractor's and Consultants’ Materials Engineers 4, DMC No. 03 | 99 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Conerete 5.DONo.14 | 99 Adoption of DPWH Standard Specifications for Public | Works and Highways, 1995 edition 6.DONo.127 | 97 Guidelines for Re-coring of Concrete Pavement and Conorete Structures for Strength Determination 7.DONo. 115 | 195 Use of High-Early Strength Concrete in the Construction of National Roads and Major Exch 8, DONo. 29 9. DO No 83 10, DO No. 139 11. DONo. 119 12. DMC No 5 13. DONo. 57 14, DO No. 55 15. DO No. 34 16. DMC No. 83 17. DMC No. 97 18. DO No 13, 19. MO No 28 20. MC No. 38 21. MC No. 33 22. MC No. 80 “94 “94 ‘94, “92 “92 ‘92. "92 ‘91 ‘91 ‘91 87 "85 ‘81 ‘81 ‘8 T | Utilizing first the services of the Bureau of Research and Standards, Regional & District Laboratories in testing of | samples of construction materials |-resting of constuction materials intended for regular maintenance projects. Correcting projects with noted defects/deficiencies prior to partial or full payment. Thickness determination for concrete end asphalt pavement Proper edging on Forms and joints of concrete pavement | | Testing and acceptance of cement Use of different brands or same brand of cement in conerete construction | Use of Fly Ash in Concrete Mix Proper construction and sealing of joints of concrete pavernent Borehole filling after core drilling operation on newly constructed concrete and asphalt pavement ‘Sampling and Testing of Construction Materials Guidelines on the submission of samples Circular about certificate of Quality Control Assurance Contractor is required to provide quality control personnel and fully equipped laboratory building Order for all materials men to keep a logbook on Materials, Quality Control. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES MATERIALS. MINIMUM TESTING MINIMUM QUANTITY/VOL. OF REQUIREMENTS MATERIALS FOR EACH SAMPLE, SUBMITTED 1. Cement 1 sample per 2000 bags 10 kg 2. Asphaltic materials | 1 (s) per 40 Tonnes or 200 drums | SL 3. Asphalt Mix 1 (3) per 130 Tonnes: | 20 kg (Complete) 4, Aggregates 1) per 1500 cum a. Coarse 70 kg aggregate b. Fine 50 kg aggregate 5. Soil aggregate 1 (8) per 1500 cum a. Classification 20kg b. Routinary | Sokg tests c. Moisture S0kg density Relation & CBR 6. Non-reinforeed 2 Pipes min/0.5% of No. of Pipes. | 2 pipes Concrete Pipe 1. Reinforced Concrete | 1 (s)/50 pipes or 2% of No. pipes. | 1 pipe (1 m length) Pipe 8. Steel Pipe 1 (s) per 500 length 2 pes of 100mm tong taken from both (Galvanized) fends w/o thread 9. Concrete Hollow 1(s) per 10,000 units 6 units Blocks (complete) a. Strength 3 units b. Moisture 3 units content 10. Steel bar 1 (s) per 10,000 kg or 10 tonnes | 1 meter 11, Steel Sheet 1 (s) per 1,000 sheets 1 sheet (Galvanized) 12, Wire Strand 2 meters, Strap 13. Gabion im x 2m 14, Paints 1 @L cans) 1 OL cans) 15, Joint Filler (Pre-mold) 1(400 mm x 400 mm) 16. Curing Compound iter 17, Conerete Cylinder | 1 set of 3 cylinders for @ 75 cu.m | | set of 3 cylinders (6" x 12”) a Gontreke Rear 1 set of3 beams fr Tum oI dn pouting 49; Contrees Cote 6 cores for every kilometer 20. Asphalt Cores 1 core for every 100 meters 21, Water Analysis ‘a, Chemical 500 mi analysis, b. Sediment 500 ml Load 2. Structural Steel sheet 1 (6) per $0 tonnes Reduced section as prescribed MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF SAMPLES ON SOILS, AGGREGATES & OTHER MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Aggregate Bate course, ‘Aggregate Surface Course Composite Aggregates Coarse Aggrogate Fine aggregates Conerete & Conereie Products Cone. Beam Cone, Cy Cone, Hollow Blocks inder Cone, Pipes Miscellaneous Materials Steel Bars(Deformed & Rounded) ‘Guard rnils(Structural Steel) Gabion/Mattress wires Gil sheets Paints -same as above- 1 (6) per 300 cum (8) per 1500 cu. M. 1 (5) per 1500 cu. m 1 (s) per 1500 cu.m 1 (6) per 1500 cu.m 1 et of bea per 75 ct 1 (3) per 20,000 units doe 1 (6) per pipes 1 (8) per 10,000 kg 1 (s) per 30 tons 1s) per cach source/shiipment 1 (s) per 1000 sheets 1 (S) per 100 cans MATERIALS MIN. TESTING | MIN. QTY. SAMPLE REQUIRED TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR SUB Soil & Soil agaregates Embankment 1{s) per 1500enm | 20kg Grading, PL-LL,Compaction Aggregate Subbase | 1(s)per300cumn | 20kg Grading & PL-LL | 1(s) per 1500cum | 50 kg Grading, PL-LL, Compaction 1(s) per 2500 cum | 50kg CBR Test -same as above- 20kg. 50 ky 50 kg 70 kg 50 kg, 1 set 03 beams 6°62") 1 set 9 ender (6°12 6 units 3 units | pipe I meter each size 1 “Reduced section 1 (3) of 1.0m x 2.0m I sheet L-4L Cans 1-20L Cans same as above except with Abrasion Test Grading & PL Grading, PL-LL & Abrasion Test Grading, PL-LL Stripping & Bulk Sp. Gr,Grading, Wash test, Sp.Gr, | Absorption, | Abrasion, Soundness & Unit Weight Same as above except with Mostar Strength, Organic Impurities & % Clay Lumps | Flexural Strength Compressive strength Strength, Absorption tets& limension Strength test & Dimension Strength & Absorption Test Tensile strength, Elongation, Variation in mass & Phosporous content Tensile strength, Dimension & Zine coating, Tensile strength, Dimension & Zinc coating Dimension, Zinc coating & coating Bend Test Quality Test i QUALITY CONTROL AND ITS SIGNIFICANT QUALITY CONTROL FORMULA HQ (M+W) = (HQ+E) § Where HQ= High Quality M= Materials W= Work Economical S = Structure Introduction Quality Control is an essential part of engineering practice and is vital to the development of better public works, highways or other infrastructures. It is necessary when one party, the builder/contractor, does work for another party, the owner. ‘The owner is the individual or company who has need for a structure but does not have the ability it himself, So he hires another party to do it from him, The other party is the contractor, also an individual or company, who builds for others for a fee. The owner determines the standards of quality since he pays the bills, Quality requirements are reflected in the plans and specifications which are prepared by an engineer hired by the owner. The contractor is responsible to conform to the requirements set by the owner. ‘The two then enter into a contract, including the plans and specifications which contains, among others, the agreed-upon requirements and the compensation to be paid. The requirements are two-fold, fone involving the quality and the other, quantity. In designing an engineering structure, the materials selected shall he ve the desired quality to withstand the forces to which the structure will be subjected during its life 5 wn. In addition these materials should be used in such quantity and in such a way that the cost of the t.ructure will be as small as possible, All steps taken during construction to ensure an end-production which will possess the agreed-upon quality constitute what is known es quality control. What is Quality? Quality is degree of excellence. It is described by such general terms as stable, durable, rigid or flexible. Some equate it to cost, others to comfort or elegance. However, quality for different Individuals may vary since it is influenced by factors such as economics, esthetics, safety, or performance level, Quality is a judgment by the customers or users of a product or service, it is the extent to which the customers or users feel the product or service surpasses their needs and expectations. The terms Quality is that characteristic of a product that provides a level of performance in terms of service and life “quelity” does not mean “perfect” What is control? Control is to regulate. It is usually used in relation to weight, population, or prices itis instituted when there is need to check or regulate due to some important, compelling reasons. What is Quality Control? Quality control is checking for conformance to requirements. It is now widely and increasingly used in the construction industry it is instituted during the course of construction as a preventive tool, a corrective measure, Preventive measures are always more economical. What is Assurance? Assurance is dogree of certainty. Quality assurance is a function of the owner to verify that the work is done in accordance with specifications. Some call it acceptance inspection. Quality Contra! Work Quality control {work consists of all work elements carried out by the manager or by those in this organization, which contribute to the quality of the output of the organization Quality Assurance Work Quality assuranee work consists of all work elements caried out by the manager or by those in this organization, which contribute to the quality of the output of some other organization. Purpose ‘The purpose of materials quality control is to ensure the highest quality of work and extend the service life of any structure by constructing according to the prescribed plans and specifications. The plans indicate the specific type of the structure and the specifications present the characteristic in ‘Which itis to be build, as well as the materials that are to be incorporated into the work. Other purpose 1s to check and regulate the use of construction materials, and to economize on the cost of construction, Fulfilling these requires adequate control of materials prior t and after placing to thelr final position in the structure. The extent of controlling the required materials depends on the ature and limits of the Work, the specification requirements and local conditions. Normally, every material should be subjected to testing, inspection and verification before acceptance. ‘The Modern Concept of Quality Control In the pail, quality control inspection in a construction project was regarded as a police action 10 ensure compliance and minimize neglect of the requirements. This concept is ironic considering that emnplinali {a placed on the importance of awarding a contract to the most qualified and Fronts ‘Widder and then to imply that he cannot be relied upon to perform his obligation. Recently, a new concept of quality control has emerged. It is a joint effort of the two parties involved and it calls for a two-fold program, namely: 1, Quality control by the contractor 2 Quality assurance by the owner. In this concept, quality control is a system which involves the joint but independent efforts of the owner and the contractor to achieve the level of quality desired by the owner as established in the project specifications. It is a check and balance system. ‘The contractor's task is to regulate, test and inspect his procedures, equipment, materials, and manpower so that the completed facility will comply with the requirements. ‘The owner's task is to verify that the contractor's quality control system is functioning and the completed structure or part of the structures is of the specified quality ‘This concept 1a to place basic responsibility for quality control in’ the contractor. It requires establishment by each contractor of a working quality control organization with responsibility for supervision and inspection at all levels of the work, Control of the quality of work should be recognized by any wellemeaning contractor as his inherent responsibility whether or not itis stated in the contract documents. Contractors should be willing to accept this responsibility. On the other hand, the owner of hls representative should refrain from interfering with the contractor's. His work should be confined to check or verification tests or inspection only when it has been ascertained that there hhave been deviations from the quality control program and the specified quality is not being produced. Quality Control Procedures 1, Selection of Materials Information regarding the location of materials sources that will be incorporated into the work may be represanted by the following: ‘a, Raw miatorlals such es soil, sand and bank or river gravel (with little or no processing). b, Matorlile that are processed without basically changing their properties, such as washed ‘manuftictured sand, crushed rock and gravel, and etc. Manufuetured materials such as bituminous materials, cement, paint, structural and relnforeing steel. 4, Combination of materials that may be partly or totally manufactured, such as bituminous ‘and Portland cement concrete. Matetlala (0 be procured or obtained from selected portions of any area of materials sources such i mentions above should be known in advance so that the required test can be made or arrangement for toting the materials involved may be done to avoid unnecessary delays in ‘eonairigtlin dus to rejection of unacceptable quality of materials. and Storage of Materials sorago of delivered construction materials should be carefully and properly planned ‘and maintain the desired quality. It should be placed or deposited in a safe place froin contamination or the action of weather. The proposed source of materials to be ble to the project. Condition for acceptance of materials a. No materials shall be incorporated into the work until tested and found satisfactory b. The approval of preliminary samples shall not be considered as a guarantee of acceptance of all materials from the same source, as to the quality or quantity of such materials ¢ Any materials which had been sampled and passed as satisfactory may be resampled and retested anytime before, during and after incorporation into the work 3. Sampling and Testing of Materials Quality control is checking for conformity to the requirements. That is, conformance to materials specifications and methods of construction, or workmanship, Quality control therefore, includes all procedures which are necessary to insure that the materials used and workmanship employed conform to the standard of quality specified a, Quality Control Program (QCP) To facilitate quality control, a program of quality control works to bé complied by the Contractor is prepared by the DPWH. The plan includes provisions on how the work and materials should be inspected and the nature and amount of testing to be done. An example of a quality control program is shown in Annex A. Likewise, the DPWH provides a team to monitor the quality control ectivities in the project, like: sampling, testing, laboratory procedures, equipment calibration and quality control reporting, b. Minimum Testing Requirements- arc prescribed in each project based on estimated quantities. ‘The requirements specify the kind and number of tests for each item of work ‘Testing is done as the materials are being incorporated into the work. It should be emphasized that what are specified are the minimum number of testing only. The owner can therefore, require more test if he is in doubt of the quality of materials or the finished structure. ©, Pretestin;, of manufactured materials such as cement, asphalt, and steel bar. Sample re obtained at the factory and tested at the laboratories. Upon verification, the pretested materials are ready for used upon delivery at jobsite. 4, Proper Construction Methods/Procedures 4, Establish a working quality contro! organization with responsibility for supervision and inspection at all levels of work. : b, Construction method should be done according to each item of work indicated in the design. ©, To see to it that materials used pass the required specification prior to incorporation to the project. 4, Continuous quality control inspection on all items of work shall be done as construction progresses a To assign technical and capable personnel to oversee the implementation during construction mae Forse £. To soe to it that needed equipment is available i __ fh: To Aco to it that there is no scarcity of supplies to materials to be used in the project. EB 6, Inspection and Monitoring Different types of construction demand different types and degree of inspection. Emphasis on the initial and early operations is essential One, the equipment and operations are producing the desired quality; occasional checking mey be done to assure continuous satisfactory results. However, vertical structures demand more constant scrutiny or verification due to the greater variety of materials and worked involved. Future results are less predictable on this type of work. ‘Therefore, in! sectors assigned in the field should be competent, experienced, and committed to public service. They should also be familiar with the approved plans and specifications and various DPWH issuances relative to quality control and construction. The purpose of inspection is to ensure that the materials and workmanship provided by the contractor company with the requirements of the project. In general, properly applied inspection/monitoring the project will help in ensuring that: a, the requirements of the contract documents will be carried out b. The use of unacceptable substitutes will be avoided. c. Making errors that might result to unnecessary maintenance cost will be avoided. 4d, Extra work will be minimized. . Materials and workmanship that are guaranteed will be evaluated at the time of installation. Soil- refers to the unconsoliclated mineral materials at or near the earth's surface which consist of air moisture and other organic substance which maybe incorporated therein and which have resulted from natural process such as decay, weathering and other chemical action. 3 classes of Soil 1. Geological Class a, Sedimentary or transported b, residual c. Fill 2. Pedological Class 3. Engineering Class It is divided and classified into 3 groups: 1. Granular or coarse grained soil ‘a. Gravel or stone — rounded or angular passing 75mm (3”) sieve retained in the 2.0mm (#10) sieve b. Sand — passing 2.0mm (#10) sieve retained in 0.075(#200) sieve 2. Fine-grained soil — passing 0.075 (#200) sieve a. Silt- particles passing 0.07Smm (#200) sieve but larger than 0.002 mm sieve b. Clay- materials/particles passing 0,002 mm sieve but larger than 0.001 mm sieve ¢. Colloids — particles smaller than 0.001 mm sieve 3. Organic Soils — dark color, foul odor, due to the presence of decompose plant matter. ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF SOIL a. C anular or coarse grained soil 1, Good load bearing quality 2. Permeable — easy to drained, water easily absorb, 3, Comparatively incompressible under static load, however loose granular materials may undergo a considerable change in volume, when subjected to vibratory load 4, Not subjected to change in strength & volume due to variation to water content. b, Finoegrained soil 1, Poor load bearing quality 2, Impermeable 3, Compressible under sustained load 44, Subjected to change in strength & volume due to variation in water content. ¢, Organic Soil Inferlor than fine-grained soil as to the properties stated, natural M.C. is 100% _ 57-80 (1996) Standard Specifications for Materials for Embankments and Subgrades scovers materials for usc in the construction of embankment & subgrades Definitions (From M 146-91 (1995) ) ~ Std. definition Terms relating to subgrades, soil aggregates and fill materials 1, Rock Natural solid mineral matter occurring in large masses of fragments 2, Boll ~ Sediments or other consolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the physloal and chernical disintegration of rocks, which may or may not contain organic matter 10 3. Broken rock ~ Angular fragments of rock which will be retained on a 75mm (3in) sieve. 4. Cobble (cobble stone) ~ a rock fragment, usually rounded or semi- rounded, with an average dimension between 75mm and 305 mm (3” and 12”) 5. Boulder ~a rock fragment, usually rounded by weathering or abrasion, with an average dimension of 305 mm (12”) or more, 6. Soll aggregates ~ (Dense graded aggregate) natural or prepared mixtures consisting predominantly of stone, gravel or sand containing silt clay (0.075mm or passing No. 200 sieve)material 7. Binder (soil binder) — portion of soil passing 0.425mm(#40) sieve 8. Stone ~ crushed or naturally angular particles of rock which will pass a 75mm (3”) sieve and be retained on a 2.00mm(#10) sieve. 9. Coarse stone ~ stone passing the 75mm (3”) sieve and retained on the 25.0 mm (1”) sieve 10. Medium stone ~ stone passing the 25.0 mm (1”) sieve and retained omthe 9.5mm (%") sieve 11, Fie stone ~ stone passing the 9.5mm (%”) sieve and retained on the 2.0mm (#10) sieve, 12, Gravel ~ rounded particles of rock which will pass a 75mm (3") sieve and be retained on 02,00 mm (#10) sieve 13, Coarse Gravel ~ gravel passing the 75mm (3”) sieve and retained on the 250mm (1”) siove 14, Medium gravel - gravel pessing the 25mm (1”) sieve and retained on the 9.5mm (%") sive 15, Fino gravel- gravel passing the 9.5mm (") sieve and retained on the 2.0mm (#10) sieve 16, Sand ~ Granular material resulting from the disintegration, grinding or crushing of rock and which will pass the 2.00mm (#10) sieve and be retained on the 0.075mm (#200) sieve, 17, Course sand- sand passing the 2.0mm (#10) sieve and retained on the 0.425mm (#40) sleve, 18,190 siove 19, SillsClay = ( 0.75mm (n0.200) material ) fine soil particles which will pass the 0,075mm (i200) sieve 20, Bilt frmetion ~ matcrial passing the 0.075 (#200)sieve and larger than 0.002mm 21, Clay fraction - material smaller than 0.002 mm 22, Collolds = material smaller than 0.001mm Sund ~ sand passing the 0.425 (#40) sieve and retained on the 0.075 nim (#200) PAVEMENT SUBSTRUCTURE COMPONENTS: 1, Tmbankmont Foundation — the material on which an embankment is placed 2, Imbankment(Fill - 2 raised structure of soil, soil-aggregate or rock. 5, Bubgrado (basement soil) ~ the prepared and compacted soil immediately below the yivement system and extending to such depth as will affect the structure design. 4, Bubbaso = the layer used in the pavement system between the subgrade and the base eourie, M 147-65 (1996) ~ Sid. Specifications for materials for aggregates and soil-aggregates subbase, base, and surface courses -covers the quantity and grading of sand-clay mixtures; gravel, stone or slag screenings; or sand, crushes run coarse aggregate consisting of gravel, crushed stone or slag with or without'soil mortar or any combination of these materials for use in the construction of subbast, base, and surface courses, Coarse Aggregate Coarse aggregates retain on a #10 sieve shall consist of hard durable particles or fragments of stone, gravel or slag. Materials that break up when altemately frozen and thawed or wetted and dried shall not be used . It shall have a percentage of wear by the Los Angeles Test. AASHTO T96 of not more than 50. Fine Aggregate: Fine aggregate passing the 2.00mm(#!0) sieve shall consist of natural or cfushed sand ‘and fine mineral particles passing the 0.075mm(#200) sieve. The fraction passing the #200 sieve shall not be more than % of the fraction passing the #40 sieve. The fraction passing, the #140 sieve shall have a liquid limit not greater than 6. All material shail be free from ‘vegetable matter and lumps or balls of clay Subbase materials: Materials for subbase shall conform to the requirements of sections 2 & 3 for gradings A,B,C,D,E,0r F Base Courye materials Materials for base course shall conform to the requirements of sections 2 for gradings AB,CD\or F Surface Course Materials Shall conform to the requirements of sections 2 & 3 for gradings C, D, E or F of the soil aggregate surface course is to be maintained for several years without bituminous surface treatment or other superimposed impervious surfacing, the engineer should specify a minimum of 8% passing 0.075mm(#200) sieve in lieu of the minimum percentages shown. in Table 1 for grading C, D or E and should specify a maximum liquid limit of 5 and plastloliy Index range of 4 to 9 in licu of the limits given in Sect. 2.2.2 (LL 5000 | 18mm | 2S t oe HzSmm [95mm | | - 95mm [63mm [- is | caer | eel ase 63mm 475mm Ie = = | amm [236mm ie - 3000 |= Sele The abrasive charge shall consist of cast-iron spheres on steel spheres approximately 48mm in diameter and each weighing between 390 and 455 grams. The charge depending upon grading of test sample shall be as follows: GRADING NO. OF SPHERES WEIGHT OF CHARGE, a 12 ei 5000325 B un 4584425 e 8 3330220 D 6 2500415 F 2 5000425 ! 12 5000425 G 12 5000425 Place test sample and abrasive charge in the Los Angeles Machine rotated at a speed of 30 to 33 rpm. For grading A, B, C, & D. The machine shall rotate $00 revolutions; for grading E, F, & \G it shall rotate 1000 revolution. 2 At completion of tst, discharge material from the machine, Make a preliminary seperation of the samples on a sieve coarser than 1.70mm, 3. Sieve finer portion on the 1.70mm sieve, using the standard procedure of sieving aggregates. 4 Wash all materials coarser than 1.70mm, dry to constant weight/mass at about 105°C and weight accurately to the nearest grams. CALCULATION; Express the difference: between the original weight/mass and the weightimass of the material coarser than 1.70mm sieve as a percentage of the original weight/mass of test sample this value represents the percents the percent abrasion loss Percentage of wear, % = orig. mass of sample,g — scope retained of no. 1.7mm sieve.g x 100 Orig. mass of sample, g w Mo fo ~M1 x 100 Where. W=% wear 10 = Orig, mass 4| = Sample retained on 1.70mm sieve DT ERMINATION OF MOISTURE CONTENT ificance: Ihe behavior of a soil is markedly influenced by the amount of moisture it contains. Moisture content (herefore, is en important characteristics. By definition, moisture content, MC is the ratio of the igh/mass of the water in the soil to the weigh/mass of the dry soil after has been dried to constant jolght/mass at a temperature of 110+45°C. Apparatus: z 1. Container, with cover 2, Balance, sensitive to 0.1g 3. Oven with temperature control Dessicator Nize of Sample: Ranges from 25-1000g, {he minimum weight of the sample which depends on the maximum grain size, shall be as follows: rassing No. 0.425mm material 25g Vassing No. 2,00mm material 50g 4.75mm material 100g 12.5mm material 300g vrassing No, 25.0mm material 500g Passing No. 50.0mm material 1000, rocedure: 1. Weigh the container with cover and record as We. 2, Take a representative sample of the sample of the soil, place in the container and cover immediately. Weigh and record as W1 Open the container and dry in the oven at constant weight at a temperature of 110 + S°C. The drying time will depend on the kind of soil and size of sample. A 25g sandy material can be dried in about 2 hrs, while the same weight/mass of a plastic, finely grained soil will require at least 4 hours to dry constant weight/mass. 4, Remove the container from the oven and cool to room temperature. Weigh and record as W2. ‘A sample maybe cooled at the room humidity if it is weighed within an hour after it has been removed from the oven. If it cannot be weigh within this period, it should be placed in a dessicator to cool to room temperature. This is especially significant if the soil is very plastic and the room humidity is high. Weighing hot containers is not advisable as it affects the accuracy of results Caleutation: Moisture Content, MC% = W1—W2 x 100 W2-W1 Where: a WI = weighmass 6f container plus vet soil Wv2'= weighimass of container plus dry soil We = weight of container MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATION AASHTO | Method Mold(Ins/mm) | Passing Wt of [No. of | sieve sample Layers per | 55 A FU03) No.4 (75) | 3 kas 3 Standard |B 6r(152) No.4 (4.75) | 7 kgs 3 Proctor Test | C 4°(102) ¥™(19.0) | 5 kgs 3 eet D 152) | 4"19.0) | 11 kes 3 | pris A 4°(102) | No.4 75) [3 kgs sot Modified |B 6°(152) | No (4.75) | 7 kes 5 Prociar Test | C 4"( 02) }e9.0) | 5 kes 5 D _|%a9.0) fiikgs [5 WLof Rammer (T-99) = 2.5 kgs WL. of Rammer (T-180) = 4.54kgs Height = 12" (305 mm) Height = 18° (457mm) Vol. of Mold (4”) = 0.000943 m? Vol. of Mold (6”) = 0.002124 m? DE [RMINATION OF LIQUID LIMIT SIGNIFICANCE The liquid limit is defined as the lowgs|moisture content at which the soil will flow upon the application of a very small shearing forceX{he liquid limit gives a certain measure of the shearing resistance of a soil when mixed with wate2 is a measure of the potential cohesion which in turn depends upon the total size of the contact areas, or the fineness and shape of the grains. The finer and flatter the grains, the greater will be the total contact area between the grains, and the higher the amount of water that could be taken into coat the grains, APPARATUS 1, Evaporating dish Spatula, having a blade about 75mm length and 20 mm width Liquid limit device Grooving tool Containers Oven with temperature control Balance, sensitive to 0.1g PROCEDURE 1. A sample weighing about 100g shall be taken from thoroughly mixed material passing the 0.425mm sieve which has been obtained in accordance with standard procedures in preparation of disturbed soil sample fer test. Mix the sample with 15 to 20 ml of distilled water. Mix it thoroughly by altemately s:irring and kneeding with spatula, Further addition of water shall be made by I to 3ml increments. 26 2. Place a portion of the paste in the brass cup of the liquid limit device, level off the surface with a spatula to a maximum depth of 10mm and divide the soil pat into two segments by means of the standard grooving tool 3. Mount the brass cup to tho carriage such that it can be raised and allowed to drop sharply on the base through a height of 10mm by rotating the crank at an approximate rate of two rotations pet second until the closure. should be by flow of the soil and not by slippage on the eup, 4, Take a slice of approximately the width of the spatula extending from edge to edge of the doil cake at right angles to the groove. Place the sample in a drying can for moisture content determination. i 5. Repeat steps (2) to (1) with different moisture contents of the soil in the range of 15 to 35 blows. A total of 4 determinations should be made. 6, Plot moisture content against log number of blows and draw the flow curve. CALCULATION 1, Calculate the percentage moisture to the nearest whole percent % moisture = W) x 100 w2 Wi w2 eigittmass of wet sample reight/mass of oven-dried sample Plot the percent moisture as ordinate on an arithmetic scale against the number of blows as abscissa on a logarithmic szale. Draw a straight line connecting these points. The plot is called the “flow curve”. 3. The liquid limit is expressec! as the moisture content corresponding to 25 blows. DETERMINATION OF PLASTIC LIMIT AND PLASTICITY INDEX SIGNIFICANCE The plastic limit is defined as the minimum moisture content at which the soil can be readily molded withow: breaking or crumbling. Plasticity index indicates compressibility; high P.1 means high degree of compressibility of soil. It is also related to permeability, the higher the P.1. the lower the permeability and vice-versa. The limit test and plasticity index are widely used to control the characteristics of soil which are to be ineorporated in roadways. {PPARATUS Evaporating dish Spatula, having a blade about 75mm length and 20 mm width A ground glass plate or pieo of smooth, unglazed paper on which to roll the sample Containers . Oven with temperature control 6. Balance, sensitive to 0.1g 1 5. SAMPLE a |. Ifthe plastic limit only is required, mix thoroughly about 20g of sample obtained “¥mecordance with standard procedure in Preparation of disturbed soil sample for test with distilled water until the mass is plastic enough to be shaped into a ball. Take a portion of the ball weighing about 8g for test sample, 2, If both liquid and plastic limit is required, take a specimen sample weighing about 8g from the thoroughly mixed portion of the soil prepared in accordance with the standard method of test for Liquid Limit of soils. ROCEDURE |. Squceze and form the 8g sample into ball B ), Roll the ball of soil between the fingers and the glass plate with just sufficient pressure into thread of uniform diameter throughout its length, When the diameter of the thread becomes 3.2mm, break the thread into 6 or 8 pieces. 1, Squeeze the pieces together between the thumbs and fingers into a uniform mass and reroll Continue the alternate rolling to a thread of 3.2mm until the thread crumbles and the doil can no longer be rolled into a thread. §, ‘Take some of the crumbled soil and place in a drying can. Weigh the container and thread and record the mess. Oven dry the: soil to constant mass at 11045°C at constant weight. Record the Joss in mass: + the mass of weter. PALCULATION |, The plastic limit is expressed as the moisture content in percentage of the oven-dried weight/mass of the crumbled soil thread. Plastic Lin Where Wa = weight of crumbled soil thread Wb = weight of oven-dried crumbled soil thread 1, The plasticity index is the difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit. Plasticity Index = Liquid limit Plastic limit DETERMINATION OF SHRINKAGE LIMIT OF SOIL SIGNIFICANCE The shrinkage limit is between ‘he semi-solid and solid states and is defined as the highest Inoisture content of which the mass attains its minimum volume but continues to lose weight/mass. These are used as important criteria in highway classification systems and in semi-empirical methods of design in highway and airport construction. They are also widely used in highway and sirport specifications to control the quality of fill, base course, and granular surface course twaterials. APPARATUS 1 Shrinkage mold — 45mm diameter and 12.7mm deep Glass cup, about 50mm diameter by 25mm high Mercury supply Medicine dropper Evaporating dish, about 115rm diameter Glass plate Spatula, with a flexible blade about 76mm long and about 20mm wide Oven with temperature control 110 + 5°C Balance, sensitive to 0.012 PROCEDURE 6 Grease the inside of the shriakage mold with a thin film of petroleum jelly. Weigh mold and record. Place about 30g of sample obtained in accordance with standard procedures in preparation of disturbed soil samples for tect in an evaporating dish and mix thoroughly with sufficient water to completely fill the voids to a consistency to as much as ten percent in excess of the liquid limit. Place a portion of the wet soi! in the mold(about 1/3 the volume of mold) and tap the bottom on a firm surface. Add approximately the same amount of soil and tap bottom of mold until thoroughly compacted and entrapped air is driven off. Add more soil and continue tapping untill the mold is overflowing, Strike off the excess sample with a straightedge, and weigh immediately. Record as the weight/mass of mold and wet soil. Air-dry the soil until its color turns from dark to light; then oven-dry to constant weight/mass at 11045°C, Record as the weight/mass of the dish and dry soil Determine the volume of the wet soil by filling the mold with mercury to overflowing. Remove the excess by pressing a glass plate firmly over the top. Measure in a graduated cylinder the volume of mercury filling the mold. This is also the volume of wet soil pat, Determine the volume of the dry soil pat by the following procedure: a, Remove the dry soil pat from the mold b. Fill the glass cup to overflowing with mercury and remove excess by pressing the glass plate with prongs firmly over the top of the cup ¢. Place the cup with mercury in the evaporating dish and place the soil pat on the surface of the mereury 4, Carefully force the soil pat under the mercury with the pronged glass plate and pressed firmly over the top of the cup. ©. Measure in a graduated cylinder the volume of displaced mercury of the dry soil pat. This is also the volume ALCULATION w- V=Vo x 100 Wo S.L, shrinkage limit W. = moisture content = whimass wet cil wt ‘Wimas: dy soil Y_ =yolume of we soil pat Vo. = volume of ov-n-dried soil pat ‘Wo = wt/ mass of oen-ied soi pat wssdrysoil x 100 29 ETE TECHNOLOGY | | j | BASIC CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY How to achieve good quality concrete? Conerete quality means for all in the construction business something different-be it owner, contractor, engineer, architect, ready-mix supplier or pre-caster. This article is envisioned to enlighten the concrete construction industry — the civil engineers of the New Generation Concrete Technology in coping with the demands of high quality, and therefore extended durability of the buildings and structures, are no longer in contradiction to easy and convenient concrete placement. — — = KEYWoRDS: Quality Concrete, Cement, Admixture, Water, Ait INTRODUCTION Quality is commonly associated with excellence or a good product. Actually, there are various degrees of quality, two elements are necessary; technical knowledge and manual skill. To achieve high quality concrete the technician must understand a few fundamental rules or principles. Whenever a problem crops up on a concrete project, you can usually go back to one of these basic rules for a reason or an answer. This text discusses both concrete technology and the manual skills of running tests. With both of these together, we can get the degree of quality needed by the designer and the builder. ‘The two major parts of concrete are paste and aggregates. To build a foundation for ur conerete technical knowledge, let us take these two major parts and break them down into their individual ingredients. When we understand the ingredients and their purpose in concrete, we can put them back together to look at the total pictur. The cement paste consists of Portland cement, water, air voids, and any admixtures, ‘The amount of paste varies from 25% to 40% of the total volume of the concrete mix. THEORY OF CONCRETE MIX DESIGN STEP 1 - Optimize aggregate packing STEP 2 - Optimize properties of cement mortar Packing of Aggregate (Cross-section of Concrete) Graded course ee ‘Ageregate. = ——— Cement Mortar oO and admixtre) 30 These tiny bubb 23 absorb the pressure built up within the concrete as the water in the concrete expand:, when it freezes. Use of de-icers to melt the ice on the concrete surface also causes stress in addition to the expansion due to freezing. Discovery that these very mall bubbles could resist these tremendous forces has been one of the greatest advances in concrete technology. ADMIXTURES Admixtures are materials other than cement, water and aggregate used as an ingredient of concrete and added to the batch immediately before or during its mixing, There are three general classes of admixtures that a concrete technician should be familiar with air entraining, chemical and mineral admixtures. Air Entraining Admixtures Air entraining agents (derivatives from oil, soil, fat, resin, etc.) are added at the mixer All concrete exposed to freezing weather should be sir-entrained but it does not hurt to Use air-entrained concrete for work that is not exposed directly to the elements. Chemical Admixtures c these admixtures that can be used, in concrete. wemical Admixtures are generally liquids that are dispensed by volume. Dosage rates of ‘Type A-Water reducing Admixture Reduces the amount of water required to produce a concrete of a given slump or consistency. A decrease in the water content of a concrete mixture reduces the water cement ratio which increases its strength. Water reducing admixtures may permit a reduction in the amount of cement needed because they reduce the amount of water needed to obtain the required slump and workability of the concrete. Type B-Retarding Admixture Slows down the,early hardening of conerete, The initial setting time of the paste can be retarded from or : to one-and-a-half hours over its normal setting time, but this does not (fect strength gain after the initial set has occurred. The retardation of the initial set beyond the normal setting time with the particular admixture and cement combination. ‘Type C-Accelerating Admixture This admixture up both the initial and the final set, and causes the concrete to develop strength at a faster rate. ‘Type D-Water Reducing and retarding Admixture Reduces the amount f mixing water required to produce conerete of a given slump and retards the initial set of concrete. 36 ‘Type E-Water Reducing and Accelerating Admixture Reduces the amount of mixing water needed to produce concrete of a given slump and accelerates the initial setting time and strength development of the concrete. ‘Type F-Water Reducing, High Range Admixture Reduces the amount of mixing water required to produce conerete of a given slump by at least 12% and retards the initial set of conerete, Type F admixture are also known as superplasticizers or fluidizers. Mineral Admixtures Besides the chemical admixtures that we just covered there is another category of admixtures that can be classified as mineral admixtures. These admixtures are ty solid materials that are measured by weight. Mineral admixtures can be used to modify the properties of concrete, or as a partial cement replacement to lower the cost of producing concrete. It is important when using these materials that you have a good understanding of exactly how they will behave in conerete. Mineral admixtures within the same group can vary by source, and it is also important to know these variations will affect the performance of the concrete, While there are many materials that could be discussed in this section, we are only going (o talk about the three most common mineral admixtures. Fly Ash Fly ash is the w'dely used mineral admixture. Electrostatic precipitators collect fly ash from the stack emissions of coal combustion, primarily from electric power plants. Fly ash is a material that has fineness similar to cement. Specifications have allowed partial cement replacements with fly ash for a number of years. Typically fly ash is used at a rate of 30 150 kilograms per cubic meter of conerete. The specification that covers fy ash that is used in concrete is ASTM C 618. This specification classifies the deferent types of fly ash and defines its chemical and physical requirements, Ply ash’s major classifications are Class F and Class C. The classification is generally dependent upon the type of coal bumed. Class F fly ash is primarily pozzotanic in nature, which means it reacts chemically with the cement hydration products to form compounds that the cementitious. Class C fly ash besides having pozzolanic properties, also has some cementitious properties, which means it can gain strength by itself when mixed with water, When properly used fly ash can he beneficial in concrete. Some of the major benefits are 1.) Reduces the water demand 2.) Reduces the permeability 37 (A LAAN NRL 3.) Reduces the heat of hydration 4.) Can aid in finishability and pumping 5.) Can be used in high strength applications 6.) Can reduce or eliminate alkali silica reaction Not all fly ashes provide all of the above benefits equally. Certain ashes out “perform thers. In general, Class F ashes. will not perform as well as Class C ashes, GGBF Slag Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBF Slag) is another material that is Commonly referred to as mineral admixtures. While it is considered a mineral admixture, \t is in reality hydraulic cement. That is, it gains considerable strength when mixed with Water. The chemical properties of these materials are similar to Portland cement, GGBF Slag replaces cement at a rate generally of 15 10 70 percent. GGBF slag is + manufactured material which is derived from a by-product of the manufacture of iron. During the production of iron, the one is fluxed primarily with limestone which is tapped from the blast furnace as a molten slag, This slag is rapidly quenched and the resulting granules are ground to fineness similar to cement, It is blended with Portland cement cither at a cement mill, or at a conerete batch plant. It is rarely used as the sole cementing materials in concr The specification that covers the production of these materials is ASTM C 989. It is classified into one of three grades based on the strength performance of a blend of GGBF Slag and Portland cement, By varying the percentage of the blend of Portland cement and GGBF Slag certain beneficial properties can be achieved in concrete. Some of these are: 1.) Reduces the water demand 2.) Greatly reduces permeability 3.) Can provide sulfate resistance 4.) Reduces the heat of hydration 5.) Can aid in finishability 6.) Can be used in high strength appl 7.) Can reduce or eliminate alkali Micro Silica Micro Silica is a material that is by-product of the production of silicon metals. This material is also referred to as silica fume. Micro Silica is an extremely fine powder that is finer that cigarette smoke. Because of this, it is handled either as a slurry mixed with water, or as densified powder. Typically, Micro silica is used a rate of 20 to 70 kilograms per cubic meter of concrete. The specification that covers this materials is ASTM C 1240. Micro silica is a very reactive source of silica that reacts with cement hydration products hich provides unique properties to concrete. These are very low permeability and high strength. Because of its fineness, it is generally used with significant dosages of a high range water reducer to control the water demand of the concrete mix. 38 The fineness of :his material and the high dosage rate of high range water reducing hudmixtures resul.s in a conerete that is generally considered more difficult to finish. Conerete that contains micro silica has very little or no bleed water, which besides contributing to difficulty in finishing, also makes the concrete more susceptible to cracking while it is in a plastic condition. This type of cracking is referred to as plastic shrinkage. Even with these potential difficulties the benefits derived from micro silica make it a desirable material in certain applications. Adjustment to production and finishing techniques can overcome many of the difficulties associated with its use. Major Reasons for Using Admixtures Concrete should be workable, finishable, strong, durable, watertight and wear-resistant. These qualities can often be obtained easily and economically by selections of suitable materials that by resorting to admixtures. The major reasons for using admixtures are 1,) To reduce the cost of conerete construction 2.) To achieve certain properties in concrete more effectively that by other means 3.) To ensure the quality of concrete during the stages of mixing, transporting, Placing and curing in adverse weather conditions. 4.) To overcome certain emergencies during concreting operations The effectiveness of as admixture depends upon such factors such as type, brand and amount of cement, water content, aggregate shape, gradation and proportions, mixing time, slump and temperatures of concrete and air. Effect of admixtures on conerete 1.) Effect on Freshly Mixed Concrete a.) Water requirement — compared to concrete containing only Portland cement, concrete mixes that contains fly ash or ground granulated blast- furnace slag will generally require less water. The effect is the reverse wen other kinds of fly ashes, ground slags and natural pozzolans are ured. Fly ash reduces water demand in the same manner as do liquid chemical water reduces, b.) Air Content — using fly ash or silica increase the amount of air entraining admixture required to obtain a specified air content. The amount of air- entraining admixture required for a certain air content is a fineness, carbon content , alkali content, organic material content, loss of ignition and the presence of impurities in the fly ash. c.) Workability - the workability of concrete of equal slump and strength will generally improve when using fly ash, ground slag and several inert materials, Silica fume may reduce workability, thus high-range water reduces are usually added to concrete containing silica fume maint workability,

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