Trabajo Pre Vio 7

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INDG1005 Pronstico y Control de inventario Trabajo autnomo 6

Resolver los siguientes ejercicios:

1. A beer distributor reorders when a stock item drops to a reorder point. Reorder
points include statistical safety stocks with the service level set at 95 percent of
not stocking out. For beer, the forecast usage for the next week is 500 cases
and the standard deviation of demand has been 137 cases. Purchase leadtime
is also one week (a fiveday work week).



Desviacin= 137

Nivel de confianza= 95%

a) What is the safety stock?

b) What is the reorder point?

= (1,29)(137)

= 176,73

= +

= 500 + 176,73

= 676,73

Cuando hayan 676.73 unidades en inventario se debe reordenar, el stock de


c) How many times larger would the safety stock have to be to provide a 99
percent service level to the customers? How many working days supply does
the 99 percent level provide?

INDG1005 Pronstico y Control de inventario Trabajo autnomo 6

= (2,33)(137)

= 319,21

= +

= 500 + 319,21

= 819,21

El stock de seguridad debe ser 142.48 mayor que el stock de seguridad con un nivel
de confianza de 95%.

2. John, the office manager of a desktop publishing outfit, stocks replacement

toner cartridges for laser printers. Demand for cartridges is approximately 30
per year and is quite variable (i.e., can be represented using the Normal
distribution). Cartridges cost $100 each and require three weeks to obtain
from the vendor. John uses a (Q,r) approach to control stock levels.


D=30 por ao

Desviacin= 5 unidades por ao

Nivel de confianza= 98%

C= $100 cada unidad

L= 3 semanas = 0.0577 aos

a) John wants to restrict replenishment orders to twice per year on average,

what batch size Q should she use? If he wants to ensure a service level (i.e.,
probability ofhaving the cartridge in stock when needed) of at least 98 percent,
what reorder point r should she use?
INDG1005 Pronstico y Control de inventario Trabajo autnomo 6


= 16

= +

= (30)(0.50577) + 0.0577 (5)(2.06)

= 4,205

b) If John is willing to increase the number of replenishment orders per year to

six, how do Q and r change? Explain the difference in r.


= 5

3. Moonbeam-Musel (MM), a manufacturer of small appliances, has a large

injection molding department. Because MM's CEO, Crosscut Sal, is a stickler
for keeping machinery running, the company stocks quick-change
replacement modules for the two most common types of failure. Type A
modules cost $150 each and have been used at a rate of about seven per
month, while type B modules cost $15 and have been used at a rate of about
30 per month, and for simplicity we assume a month is 30 days. Both modules
are purchased from a supplier; replenishment lead times are one month and
one-half month (15 days) for modules 1 and 2, respectively. Assume
demands are normally distributed

a) Suppose MM estimates the cost to place a replenishment order (regardless

of type) to be $5 and the holding cost interest rate to be three percent per
month. Use the EOQ model to compute order quantities (where the EOQ
INDG1005 Pronstico y Control de inventario Trabajo autnomo 6

values are rounded to the nearest integer to get Q). Using these order
quantities, what should the reorder points be to achieve a 98 percent service
level for both modules?


C= $150
D= 7 mensual
D= 30 por mes
Desviacin = 3 por mes
Desviacin = 10 por mes
L= 1 mes
L= medio mes
A= $5
A= $5
H= 3%
NC= 98%



= 4



= 26

4. Walled-In Books stocks the novel War and Peace. Demand averages 15 copies
per month, but is quite variable (i.e., is well represented by a Normal distribution).
Replenishments from the publisher require a two-week lead time. The wholesale
INDG1005 Pronstico y Control de inventario Trabajo autnomo 6

cost is $12, and Walled-In uses a weekly holding cost rate of one-half percent. It
also estimates that the fixed cost of placing and receiving a replenishment order
is $5.

a) Compute the approximately optimal order quantity, using the EOQ formula and
rounding to the nearest integer. Using this order quantity, find the reorder point
that makes the service level at least 90 percent. Compute the resulting average
inventory (in dollars).


(5)(2)(15)( )
= 4

= 25

= +

= 0.5(15) + (5)0.5 (1.29)

= 15.6

= +


= = 12.5 12 = $150

b) Repeat a) but now using a service level of at least 95 percent. Compute the
resulting average inventory (in dollars).

= +

= 0.5(15) + (5)0.5 (1.65)

INDG1005 Pronstico y Control de inventario Trabajo autnomo 6

= 21.43

5. XY Hospital consumes 500 boxes of bandages per week. The price of bandages
is $70 per box. The hospital operates 52 weeks per year. The cost of processing
an order is $60, and the cost of holding one box for a year is 15% of the value of
the material.
a) The hospital orders bandages in lot sizes of 900 boxes. What extra costs does
the hospital incur, which it could save by applying the EOQ concept?


= 545

(900) = +

(60)(500)(52) (900)(70)(0,15)
(900) = +
900 2
(900) = 6458,33

( ) = 2

( ) = 2(60)(500)(52)(70)(0.15)

( ) = 5723,635

Incurre en 734.695 dlares extra que se podra ahorrar usando el EOQ

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