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Fisiologi dan Teknologi

(TPP 2612)

Pengaturan Pemasakan

Dr. Ir. Djagal W. Marseno, M.Agr


Mempercepat Pemasakan
Pemberian ethylene/acethylene
Menurunkan CO2

Menunda Pemasakan
Ripening :
Meningkatkan CO2
adalah proses Menurunkan O2
terbentuknya semua Menurunkan suhu
karakteristik buah Blocking produksi ethylene
masak yang Inhibitor ethylene
p. 135
Pemasakan (ripening)
Ripening adalah proses terbentuknya semua karakteristik
buah masak (ripe) yang diinginkan
Pemicu : ethylene sebagai hormon pemicu kematangan
Ciri :
Tekstur  Lunak
Rasa  Tidak asam, manis, tidak sepet/pahit
Flavor  Aromatic, spesific
Warna  spesific kuning, merah, dsb
Respiration is the process by which stored organic materials
(carbohydrates, proteins, fats) are broken down into simple end
products with a release of energy.
Climacteric fruits show a large increase in CO2 and ethylene (C2H4)
production rates coincident with ripening,
Non-climateric fruits show no change in their generally low CO2 and
C2H4 production rates during ripening.

p. 135
Klasifikasi buah berdasarkan
proses pemasakan
Climacteric fruits
Fruits that can be picked mature
green and ripened after harvest
Containing high amounts of starch
that can be converted into sugars
Klasifikasi The color and flavor develop further
after harvest
buah Ripening rate can also be hastened
Rise in respiration when it starts to
ripen which declines slightly before

Non-climacteric fruits

p. 135
Klasifikasi buah berdasarkan
proses pemasakan
Climacteric fruits

Non-climacteric fruits
Fruits that have to be picked ripe
Have no starch to be converted into
They have to be picked ready to eat
as there is no further development
of flavor after harvest
hardly no change in respiration after
degreening process by ethylene to
p. 135
yellow orange
Pola Perubahan Respirasi
(Patterns of ripening)
CO2 Production



Times of harvest (days)

Pola Perubahan Etilen pada
Buah Climacteric
Mechanism of ripening

Ethylene Many Enzyme Respiration

Increased / Increase in amount Shoots up
Applied Or synthesized
Enzymes gets
Increase Ethylene Breakdown of
more in
Production Protein and
contact with

Changes tissue

Decreased Breakdown of Conversi Synthesis of Breakdown of Synthesis of Breakdown

in Hemicellulose on of Carotenoids & chlorophyll volatiles of tannins
acids & starch Protopec Other pigments
tin to
pectins Color change
Development Loss of
of aroma Astringency
(contribute to
Cell wall Separation of cell Flavor)
Cellulose Along middle
Structure lamella
Loosens up

Climacteric & Non-Climacteric
Non-Climacteric Climacteric
grape banana
pineapple avocado
rambutan mango
strawberry papaya
mandarin watermelon
oranges tomato
longan guava
cashew jackfruit
Advantages of Accelerated Ripening

1. Mempermudah transportasi, karena buah yang

matang hijau lebih stabil terhadap kerusakan
mekanik dibanding buah masak
2. Menjamin terbentuknya warna seragam yang
maksimum menyeluruh
3. Mengurangi susut pascapanen
4. Mempercepat pengembalian modal usaha
5. Menjaga stabilitas harga jual yang tinggi
sepanjang tahun
6. Mempermudah proyeksi volume penjualan
7. Meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan gudang
Justification for Degreening

1. Meningkatkan harga jual

Light green  yellow
Green  orange
2. Meningkatkan derajat penerimaan
General Technique for
Accelerated Ripening & Degreening
1. Menambahkan ethylene dan / atau acetylene di
ruang penyimpanan buah
Ethylene-releasing compound (2-chloroethyl
phosphonic acids  ethephon (ethrel)
Acethylene-releasing compound (calcium
2. Membuat buah menjadi stress untuk
menghasilkan ethylene stress.
Luka (wound)
Suhu tinggi
3. Expose to bioethylene (from leaves or fruits)
Perbedaan dan Persamaan Teknik
Accelerated Ripening & Degreening
1. Persamaan :
Menggunakan ethylene/acetylene
2. Perbedaan :
Waktu yang digunakan
Ripening  shorter time (12 48 hours)
Degreening  longer time (3 7 days)
3. Alasan :
Dalam buah climacteric yang terpenting
adalah tahap memicu produksi ethylene
secara autocatalytic
Pada jeruk, ethylene harus selalu ada di
lingkungannya sampai kulit yang berwarna
hijau menjadi kuning (degreening)
Requirement for Ripening
A. Dari segi buah :
Buah harus matang (mature)
Buah tidak cacat / infected

B. Dari segi Ruangan :

Kedap udara
Suhu rendah (avocado : 16-24 oC; banana : 14-
20 oC; mango : 21-24 oC; papaya : 18 21 oC;
tomat 15 oC)
Dinding berisolasi baik terhadap perubahan
Memiliki ventilasi dan sirkulasi udara yang baik
Memiliki pengendalian humidity yang baik
Memiliki pengaturan gas ethylene yang baik
Memiliki pintu darurat
Effect of CO2 on Ripening
immature mature stage ripening stage
stage (matang) (masak)


O2 C2H4

Enzyme Enzyme Ripening initiated

O2 O2


Binding site for

Ethylene developed O2 CO2

Ripening inhibited
Effect of Karbit on Ripening

(2.000 oC)
CaO(s) + C(s) CaC2(l) + CO(g)
Ca-oksida Kokas Ca-Carbide
(arang C)

CaC2(s) + 2H20(l) Ca(OH)2(aq) + C2H2(g)

Ca-Carbide Acetylene

CaC2(s) + H20(l) CaO(aq) + C2H2(g)

Ca-Carbide Ca-oxide Acetylene
Amount of Carbide for Ripening Fruits

Fruits Amount

Mango 1 g/kg fruits

Banana (in 1 g / 12 air space for 24 -36 hours

general) 60 g/208 L container for 24 48 h

Saba banana 5 20 g/230 L container for 24 h

Bungulan 10 60 g/230 L container for 24 h

Chico 3 g / 60 g in basket for 12 18 h
Classification of fruits based on
ethylene production
Ethylene production rate
Level range at 20C (68F) Fruits
(ml C2H4/kg-hr)*
Artichoke, asparagus, cauliflower, cherry,
citrus fruits, grape, jujube, strawberry,
Very Low < 0.1 pomegranate, leafy vegetables, root
vegetables, potato, most cut flowers
The non-climateric fruits : Blackberry,
blueberry, casaba melon, cranberry,
Low 0,1 1,0 cucumber, eggplant, okra, olive, pepper
(sweet and chili), persimmon, pineapple,
pumpkin, raspberry, tamarillo, watermelon
Tomato, avocado, honeydew melon
Moderate 1,0 10,0 Banana, fig, guava, melon, lychee, mango,
Papaya, avocado, chico, banana, fig,
guava, honeydew melon, lychee, mango,
High 10,0 100,0 plantain, tomato Apple, apricot, avocado,
cantaloupe, feijoa, peach, pear, kiwifruit
(ripe), nectarine
Passion fruit (Cherimoya, mammee apple,
Very High > 100,0 passion fruit, sapote)
Factors affected on
ethylene production

1. Maturity at harvest;
2. Physical injuries;
3. Disease;
4. High or low temperature; and
5. Water stress
Factors affected on ethylene

1. Reducing the storage temperature;

2. Reducing O2 levels to less than 8%;
3. Treating with the inhibitors AVG, AOA
or cobalt chloride; or
4. Genetic engineering (using antisense
Blocking of ethylene action

1. Treating with silver thiosulphate

(commonly used in flowers);
2. Hypobaric storage - keeping the
commodity under vacuum;
3. Elevating CO2 to more than 2%; or
4. Genetic engineering (blocking the
ethylene receptor).
Treatment with Ethylene Gas
1. Cost and availability
Mahal bagi industry kecil
Impor dari Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia
2. Concentration
Treshold level in fruit : 0,2 1,0 ppm
Applied at the lowest possible level, and the
shortest possible time  just to trigger the
autocatalytic ethylene concentration
Degreening : 100 1.000 ppm
3. Danger
Explosive at 30.000 ppm (3 %)
4. Methods of application
Intermittent method (every 6-8 hours)
Continuous ventilation
Treatment with Ethephon (Ethrel)
1. Cost and availability
Relative murah dibanding ethylene

2. Concentration
Commercially  4 lbs/gal  480 g/L
pH 1-4 (stable). pH > 4  ethylene
Concentration : 2.500 5.000 ppm
Color adding
1. Definition
Application of a dye to pale colored oranges
to improve color in addition to greening
2. Requirement
Only mature oranges
The dye is safe for health. FDA  Citrus Red
No. 2. allowable residue : 2 ppm
3. Condition
4 minuts  49 oC.
No injured fruits should be treated
The water : low in sulfur and iron, pH 
slightly alkaline
Equipment and water should be clean
1 galon of dye  + 300 gal of water
Grade and degreening before color adding
Rinse after color adding
Fisiologi dan Teknologi
Pasca Panen
(TPP 2612)


Dr. Ir. Djagal W. Marseno, M.Agr

1. Penyimpanan Suhu
2. Penyimpanan Suhu
3. Pengaruh Suhu dan
Waktu Penyimpanan
terhadap Mutu Produk
Precooling Cooling
(pre-refrigeration) (Refrigeration)
rapid cooling (48 hours or less)
of a commodity soon after harvest to
a desired storage temperature
cooling prior to refrigerated storage
or transport

Benefit from Precooling

1. The time needed to attained the temperature
of the refrigerated space is lesser
2. Minimize refrigeration load
3. Allows ripe fruits to be transported or stored
4. Permits havier loading of refrigerated
transport vehicle
solid liquid gas
Temperature : - 5 oC 0 oC 0 oC 5 oC 100 oC 100 oC 150 oC

State : ice ice liquid liquid liquid vapor vapor

Type of heat sensible sensible sensible sensible

involved : heat heat heat heat

Latent Latent heat of

heat of vaporization

Latent heat : the heat required to transform water from ice to water
and from water to vapor without any change in temperature
Latent heat of fusion : heat required to transform water from ice to liquid
Latent heat of vaporization : heat required to transform water from liquid
water to vapor
Sensible heat : heat needed to raise the temperature without any change in state
Some terms

1. Evaporation takes place at a lower

temperature when the pressure is low.
In other words, boiling point is
lowered at lowered pressure
2. Vapor moves from high pressure area
to a low pressure area
3. When a surface is colder than the air,
then the air condenses on the surface.
Methods of Precooling

1. Room cooling
2. Forced air cooling or Pressure cooling
3. Hydrocooling
4. Wet air cooling
5. Vacuum cooling
6. Hydrovacuum cooling
7. Contact ice
Methods and commodities

Precooling Commodities
Room cooling All commodities
Hydrocooling Commodities that are not harmed by prolonged
contact with water : leafy vegetables, asparagus,
sweet corn, celery, topped carrot
Vacuum cooling Best for products with a higher surface area to
weight or volume ratio : celery, parsley, letuce,
other leafy vegetables
Package icing Commodities that needed temperatures close to
0 oC: lettuce and other leafy vegetables, carrot,
cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, young cob corn
Determining the rate of cooling
1. Half cooling time : the length of time it takes
to reduce the temperature difference
between the commodity and the water or air
coolant by half
2. It is used to estimate cooling time
3. Practical cooling time usually 3 8 half
cooling time.
4. Half cooling time is 3 hours  practical
cooling time is 9 hours
5. Example : T of commodity : 30 oC, T in room
cooler 4 oC  half cooling time = 30 {(30-
4)/2} = 17 oC.
Factors determining the rate of
1. Accessibility of the commodity to the cooling
2. Temperature difference between the product and
the cooling medium
3. Velocity of movement of the cooling medium
4. Rate of heat transfer from product to cooling
Depend on shape and size (surface to
volume/mass ratio)
Thermal properties  spesific heat and thermal
Spesific heat : the amount of heat (BTU) to raise the
temperature of l lb of commodity 1 oF
Thermal conductivity : ability of the substance to transfer
Determining the rate of cooling
1. Half cooling time : the length of time it takes
to reduce the temperature difference
between the commodity and the water or air
coolant by half
2. It is used to estimate cooling time
3. Practical cooling time usually 3 8 half
cooling time.
4. Half cooling time is 3 hours  practical
cooling time is 9 hours
5. Example : T of commodity : 30 oC, T in room
cooler 4 oC  half cooling time = 30 {(30-
4)/2} = 17 oC.
Applicability of precooling in
developing countries

1. Distance.
Short and long distance
Type of equipment
2. Altitude : precoolers are more useful
in lowlands than in highlands
3. Precooling is practical only with high
value, perishable products

1. Definition of Refrigeration
Proses pemindahan panas dari suatu ruang atau
bahan untuk menurunkan suhunya dan
menjaganya pada tingkat suhu yang diinginkan
2. Objective of Refrigeration
Untuk memindahkan panas dari product dengan
cepat agar (1) dapat menurunkan metabolisme
ke tingkat minimum sehingga dapat menunda
kerusakan dan kebusukan; (2) memungkinkan
untuk menjual dan menggunakan produk pada
hari berikutnya
Memperluas jangkauan pasar, menghindari
melimpahnya produk dipasar, membatasi susut /
Persyaratan Ruang Pendingin
1. Kapasitas pendingin harus cukup
Jumlah panas yang dikeluarkan oleh
sistem pendingin dalam waktu tertentu
harus memadai
2. Sirkulasi udara harus cukup
3. Dinding penyekat harus sesuai
Dapat membatasi pertukaran panas
antara bagian dalam ruang pendingin
dan lingkungan luar
Pertimbangan penggunaan

1. Keuntungan produk
Harga jual produk (mahal)
2. Lokasi ruang pendingin
Dekat dengan pusat produksi atau
Sebab-sebab yang dapat
memperpendek umur simpan
1. Serangan mikrobia
2. Berkembangnya ketidakteraturan proses-
proses fisiologis
3. Hilangnya kemampuan untuk masak secara
normal setelah panen
4. Kehilangan air karena :
delayed storage,
placing very hot fruit in the storage,
hot spot in the store,
low humidities,
slow cooling,
and excessive air circultion
Determining When to Terminate Storage

Length of storage varies depending on :

Kind and quality of product
Preharvest history
Condition in the store
Greening of Potatoes

Formation of solanine (bitter and

potentially toxic compound)
1 5 mm from surface
Depend on how long the lights are
turn on during storage
Physiological Disorders during
Low Temperature Storage

1. Greening of potatoes
2. Chilling injury
3. Ammonia injury
Physiological Disorders during
Low Temperature Storage

1. Greening of potatoes
2. Chilling injury
3. Ammonia injury
Greening of Potatoes

Formation of solanine (bitter and

potentially toxic compound)
1 5 mm from surface
Depend on how long the lights are
turn on during storage
Chilling Injury
Terbentuknya bintik-bintik hitam pada permukaan bahan yang
didinginkan pada suhu dibawah suhu yang diperlukan selama waktu

a. Symptoms :
Gejala timbul setelah komoditi disimpan pada suhu
dibawah suhu yang diperlukannya untuk periode
tertentu lalu dikeluarkan dari ruang dingin
Terutama terjadi pada komoditi tropis
Gejala umum (common symptoms)
Bintik hitam dipermukaan bahan
Perubahan warna internal bahan
Gagal untuk masak, masak tidak merata
Meningkatkan kerentanaan terhadap penyakit
Timbulnya rasa manis pada kentang

Chilling Suhu terendah Freezing

T : 5 12 oC aman bagi bahan T : - 0 oC
(suhu kritis)





Fluidity / tekstur

Simptom CI:
Enzim + substrat
Bintik coklat
Asam-asam organik Tekstur lunak
Tumbuh mikroorganisme Pembusukan
Mechanism of
Chilling Injury Formation of
Toxic compound

Membrane Disruption of Respiratory Reduced

Chilling permeability changes
chemical reactions energy level
temperature changes

Water loss Disruption of Failure Death of

cyclosis to ripen cells

pitting Water soaking

Discolo- Suscept
rization ability to
Simptom Chilling Injury
Suhu terendah
aman rata-rata Commodity and cultivar
Alpukat 5 12 Bintik-bintik berlubang, pencoklatan pulp dan
jaringan vaskulter
Pisang 12 Bercak-bercak coklat pada kulit
Ketimun 7 Warna gelap, banyak bagian berair
Terong 7 Busuk permukaan
Lemon 10 Bintik-bintik pada flavedo pewarnaan
membrane, dan bercak merah
Lime 7 Bintik-bintik
Mangga 5 12 Kulit jelek, pencoklatan pada areal tertentu
Melon 7 10 Bintik-bintik, busuk permukaan
Pepaya 7
Nanas 6 10 Jaringan coklat atau hitam
Tomat 7 - 12 Bintik-bintik, busuk Alternaria
Chilling Injury
b. Overcoming Chilling Injury :
Suhu ketika precooling
Penyimpanan dalam CAS, MAS atau
hypobaric storage (low O2 and high CO2 
banana : 3 - 4% O2 dan 0 - 5% CO2)
Penyimpanan dalam RH tinggi
Ca treatment (CaCl2  1 - 7,5%)
c. Keuntungan mengatasi Chilling Injury :
Pemasakan buah dapat dikendalikan
Penyakit yang diakibatkan jamur dapat
ditekan (misal Rhizopus)
Penyakit yang diakibatkan insekta selama
karantina dapat dihambat
Ammonia Injury

a. Penyebab :
Kebocoran ammonia dalam ruang penyimpanan
 0,8% selama satu jam telah menyebabkan
kerusakan pisang dan onion)
b. Symptoms :
Pada tingkat ringan : terbentuknya warna coklat
sampai hitam kehijauan pada permukaan bahan
Pada tingkat lanjut : terjadinya perubahan warna
dan pelunakan jaringan bahan bagian dalam 
c. Pencegahan :
Memberikan aerasi ruang yang baik
Treatment dengan sulfur dioxide < 1% (pada
Post Refrigeration Storage
a. Symptom :  kondensasi uap air pada permukaan
b. Penyebab :
terjadi jika komoditi dingin ditaruh pada suhu
ruang dengan humidity tinggi
Suhu dimana terjadi kondensasi uap air disebut
dewpoint. Udara jenuh dengan uap air
c. Pencegahan :
Bahan dingin ditaruh pada ruang yang memiliki
suhu dibawah dewpoint udara. Contoh : Suhu
ruang diluar cold storage 25 oC, RH 80%. Suhu
komoditi harus > 21,5 oC. Jika sama atau kurang
akan terjadi kondensasi.
Keluarkan komoditi pada tengah malam atau dini
Sirkulasikan udara kering hangat (fan / blower)
Dewpoint temperature
Tempe Relative Humidity of Environment (%)
of air 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
20 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.3 19.2
21 10.2 11.8 13.0 14.5 15.5 16.5 17.5 18.3 19.5 20.2
22 11.0 12.2 14.0 15.3 16.5 17.5 18.3 19.5 20.5 21.2
23 12.0 14.0 15.0 16.2 17.3 18.3 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.2
24 13.0 14.5 16.0 17.0 18.3 19.5 20.5 21.5 22.2 23.2
25 14.0 15.5 17.0 18.0 19.2 20.5 21.5 22.3 23.2 24.0
26 15.0 16.5 17.7 19.0 20.3 21.5 22.3 23.3 24.2 25.3
27 16.0 17.3 18.5 20.0 21.2 22.3 23.3 24.5 25.3 26.2
28 16.8 18.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.3 24.5 25.3 26.5 27.3
29 17.7 19.2 20.6 21.8 23.0 24.5 25.5 26.5 27.3 28.3
30 18.5 20.3 21.5 23.0 24.0 25.3 26.5 27.5 28.3 29.2
31 19.5 21.0 22.4 23.8 25.0 26.2 27.2 28.3 29.2 30.0
32 20.3 22.0 23.3 24.6 26.0 27.2 28.3 29.3 30.3 31.0
33 21.3 22.8 24.3 25.6 27.0 28.2 29.3 30.3 31.0 32.0
34 22.3 23.5 25.3 26.5 28.0 29.0 30.3 31.2 32.2 33.0
35 23.0 24.6 25.1 27.5 28.8 30.0 31.3 32.1 33.2 34.0
Supplements to Refrigeration

1. Irradiation
sinar gamma, sinar x, elektron
Dosis : 3 s/d 75 Kgy (kilogray)
Benefit :
Enzyme inactivation  delayed
Controls fruit fly
Minimize deterioration
Inhibit sprouting, prevents rotting of
potatoes, garlic, onions.
Supplements to Refrigeration
2. Chemical treatments
Cytokinins :  retard chlorophyll degradation,
maintain high protein level, delaying yellowing
Gibberelins :  lower respiratory rate, delayed
color change, retardation of ripening
Auxins nathoxyacetic acid :  reduced
weight loss, retain ascorbic acid  lower
Calsium : (by infiltration)  delayed ripening
Succinamic acid 2-2 dimethyl hydrazide : 
delayed yellowing and discolorization
Ethylene oxide : (kadar 0,75%)  retarded ripening
of tomatoes (endogeneous antagonist of ethylene)
Supplements to Refrigeration
3. Modified Atmosphere Storage / Packaging :
Penyimpanan komoditi dalam
ruang/kemasan yang memiliki komposisi
gas berbeda dengan udara normal
Komposisi O2 and CO2  dikendalikan
O2 : 21 %  5 %
CO2 : 0.03 %  3 5 %
 respiration in an enclosed system
4. Low pressure (Hypobaric) storage /
packaging :
The lower the pressure  the lower O2 
the lower ethylene production
Normal pressure : 1013 mb to 101.3 mb 
02 lowered from 21 to 2.1 %, ethylene
production reduced to 1/10
core or flesh browning,
fermented flavour,
spongy texture,
susceptibility and
symptoms vary with

Chilling injury
< 2oC

rubbery texture
watery flesh
irregular ripening
seed browning
surface pitting

Chilling injury < 10oC

greyish skin
discolouration, pitting,
uneven ripening, poor
flavour, increased
susceptibility to Alternaria

Chilling injury
< 12oC
pitting, blotchy coloration,
uneven ripening, skin scald,
hard core (hard areas in the
flesh around the vascular
bundles), water soaking of
tissues, and increased
susceptibility to decay.

Chilling injury
< 7oC
The symptoms of chilling injury in guava:
Brown color in guava peel
Dark spot in fruit surface
Fisiologi dan Teknologi
Pasca Panen
(TPP 2612)


(Controlled Atmosphere Storage)

Dr. Ir. Djagal W. Marseno, M.Agr

Controlled Atmosphere

Normal atmosfir : CAS:

O2 : 21 % O2 :1-5%
CO2 : 0.03 % CO2 : 0,5 - 5 %
N2 : 78% N2 :

Komoditi Komoditi

Living tissues:
ethylene production

organik : Oksigen organik :
Protein Suhu, waktu H2O

Respiration is defined as the process by which stored organic materials

(carbohydrates, proteins, fats) are broken down into simple end products
with a release of energy. Oxygen is used in this process and carbon
dioxide is liberated.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 686 kcal
glucose oxygen carbon water energy
oksidasi reduksi
Required for
essential processes
within the cell

IB : Internal Breakdown
ACC oksidase
Udara terkendali dapat
mempengaruhi respirasi
pada 3 tingkat, respirasi
aerobik, anaerobik dan
kombinasi dari keduanya
Respirasi aerobik
berlangsung bila persediaan
O2 nya normal dan
menghasilkan pembebasan
CO2 dan air
Respirasi anaerobik :
pernafasan yang
berlangsung tanpa O2 sama
sekali yang menghasilkan
CO2 dan etil alkohol melalui
Bila O2 sedikit kedua proses
berlangsung dan bergantung
pada konsentrasi relatif O2
Effect of CO2 on Ripening
immature mature stage ripening stage
stage (matang) (masak)


O2 C2H4

Enzyme Enzyme Ripening initiated

O2 O2


Binding site for

Ethylene developed O2 CO2

Ripening inhibited
Kandungan CO2 dalam sel yang tinggi
mengarah ke perubahan-perubahan fisiologi
sebagai berikut:
1. Menurunan reaksi-reaksi sintesis
pematangan (protein, zat warna)
2. Menghambat beberapa kegiatan enzimatik
3. Menurunkan produksi senyawa aromatik
4. Mengganggu metabolisme asam organik
terutama penimbunan asam suksinat
5. Memperlambat pemecahan zat-zat pektin
6. Menghambat sintesis klorofil dan
penghilangan warna hijau, terutama setelah
pemanenan dini
7. Mengubah perbandingan berbagai gula

Controlled Atmosphere Advantages of Gas Storage :

Storage Secara umum dapat memperpanjang
umur simpan dibandingkan
penyimpanan biasa maupun
penyimpanan dingin saja tanpa
kombinasi CA
Buah-buah yang sedikit lewat masak
dapat disimpan lama tanpa
CAS mengurangi umur simpan
O2 :5% Mengurangi sensitivitas buah
CO2 :3-5% terhadap ethylene maupun chilling
N2 : injury pada suhu dibawah suhu
optimum  delayed ripening
No problem of insects and rodents,
mold growth
Disadvantages :
Komoditi Expensive
Need technical knowledge to run

Controlled Atmosphere

Persyaratan Ruang untuk CAS :

Sufficient gas tightness. Pasokan O2
harus dibawah kebutuhan untuk
CAS Insulation against heat loss
O2 :5% Accurate control of the desired gas
CO2 :3-5% concentration. Too low O2 
N2 : anaerobic respiration; too high CO2 
injure fruits
Good air circulation
Small access door for emergency
escape, sampling and inspection
Komoditi Memiliki vent valve
Memiliki peralatan lengkap
(thermometer, gas meter, light)

Controlled Atmosphere

Persyaratan Ruang untuk CAS :

Sufficient gas tightness. Pasokan O2
harus dibawah kebutuhan untuk
CAS Insulation against heat loss
O2 :5% Accurate control of the desired gas
CO2 :3-5% concentration. Too low O2 
N2 : anaerobic respiration; too high CO2 
injure fruits
Good air circulation
Small access door for emergency
escape, sampling and inspection
Komoditi Memiliki vent valve
Memiliki peralatan lengkap
(thermometer, gas meter, light)

Controlled Atmosphere
Storage Methods of controlling the
atmosphere :
Biarkan buah melakukan respirasi untuk
menghasilkan CO2 dan menurunkan O2.
Ketika CO2 telah mencapai konsentrasi yang
CAS: diinginkan, kondisi ini dijaga konstan.
O2 :5% Ketika O2 turun, inlet dibuka untuk
CO2 :3-5% memasukkan udara segar
N2 : Proses pemasukkan udara segar (3-4
kali/jam) memerlukan pengalaman yang


Environment :
Packaging :

O2 Respiratory
rate  konstan

O2 Komoditi
(CAS) for Banana

CA = O2 (2%); CO2 (7%); T (12,5 oC)  6 weeks T (16 oC)  4 5 days


CA = O2 (2%); CO2 (5%); T (12,5 oC)  5 weeks T (16 oC)  4 5 days

Limits of O2 for Some Commodities
Table 1. O2 limits below which injury can occur for selected horticultural crops held at
typical storage temperatures.

O2 (%) Commodities
< 0.5 Chopped greenleaf, redleaf, Romaine and iceberg lettuce, spinach, sliced pear,
broccoli, mushroom
1.0 Broccoli florets, chopped butterhead lettuce, sliced apple, Brussels sprouts,
cantaloupe, cucumber, crisphead lettuce, onion bulbs, apricot, avocado, banana,
cherimoya, atemoya, sweet cherry, cranberry, grape, kiwifruit, litchi, nectarine,
peach, plum, rambutan, sweetsop
1.5 Most apples, most pears
2.0 Shredded and cut carrots, artichoke, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, bell and chili
pepper, sweet corn, tomato, blackberry, durian, fig, mango, olive, papaya,
pineapple, pomegranate, raspberry, strawberry
2.5 Shredded cabbage, blueberry
3.0 Cubed or sliced cantaloupe, low permeability apples and pears, grapefruit,
4.0 Sliced mushrooms
5.0 Green snap beans, lemon, lime, orange
10.0 Asparagus
14.0 Orange sections
Data are from Beaudry (2000), Gorny (1997), Kader (1997a), Kupferman (1997),
Richardson and Kupferman (1997), and Saltveit (1997). Those commodities in italics are
considered having very good to excellent potential to respond to low O2.
Limits of CO2 for Some Commodities
Table 2. CO2 partial pressures above which injury will occur for
selected horticultural crops.

CO2 (kPa) Commodity

2 Lettuce (crisphead), pear
3 Artichoke, tomato
5 Apple (most cultivars), apricot, cauliflower,
cucumber, grape, nashi, olive, orange, peach
(clingstone), potato, pepper (bell)
7 Banana, bean (green snap), kiwi fruit
8 Papaya
10 Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery,
grapefruit, lemon, lime, mango, nectarine,
peach (freestone), persimmon, pineapple,
sweet corn
15 Avocado, broccoli, lychee, plum, pomegranate,
20 Cantaloupe (muskmelon), durian, mushroom, rambutan
25 Blackberry, blueberry, fig, raspberry, strawberry
30 Cherimoya
Modified from Herner (1987), Kader (1997a), and Saltveit (1997).

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