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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 1/ Volume 6 issue 10


R.Aarthi#1 And D.Sivakumar*2
Research Scholar, Dept Of Electronic And Instrumentation Engineering
Annamalai University,Chidambaram,Tamilnadu,India.
Prof/Head,Dept Of Electronic And Instrumentation Engineering,
Annamalai University,Chidambaram,Tamilnadu,India

Abstract Fertilizer usage exaggerated in worldwide, and it telecommunication and more. Almost precision agriculture
causes the several environmental impacts. In order to minimize techniques reached most of the agro-sectors but the
the ecological factors the fertilizer management is significant. As environmental and economical wise still unstable. In India,
a result of fertilizer management in the agriculture system helps most of the farmers are not willing to adopt the modern
to maximize crop nutrient usage expeditiously and minimize the farming techniques. The new techniques are unreached
nutrient losses via atmosphere conditions. The laboratory soil because of literacy and economical unstableness. Therefore, it
testing methodology is a standard technique for fertilizer is essential to encourage the farmers to adopt the precision
management, which is complex and time-consuming due to
techniques in their field to get the sustainable agriculture
extraction and pretreatment process involved. In order to boost
the fertilizer management adoption of precision agriculture is growth. Finally, the performance of the modern farming
significant. Therefore, implementing the various sensor technique is measured by environmental and profitable
techniques to map the physical and chemical properties of the attributes [3].
soil, which result can be provided in real time or quasi-real time Variability influences the agriculture production and it can
at the moderate price. The Most common technique, are remote be categorized into six groups, they are crop, field, soil, yield,
sensing and a proximal sensor which is providing high-resolution anomalous factor and management visibilities. From the
data based on own attributes. Alternatively, yield map and above groups the soil variability is important because plant
expert systems provide the overall impact of management growth depends on fertility status of the soil. For obtaining
activities and natural conditions. As each soil sensing technology
sustainable crop yield, farmers must identify the nutrient
has upsides and downsides, i.e. one single sensor cant quantify
all the properties of soil. This makes a corresponding single deficiency and toxicity. The yield of the crops is affected by
sensor platform is uncertain and complex when attempting to several factors as atmospheric conditions, crop injury, excess
deploy different production setting. This drawback can be fertilizer, pesticide drift and insect infestations which may
overcome by integrating multiple proximal soil sensors in a cause of nutrient deficiencies. Balanced fertilization is
single platform. This review demonstrates the integrating the significant in order to improve the fertility level. The
multiple proximal soil sensor technologies for detecting conventional method for obtaining balance fertilization is
macronutrient and other vital soil properties in order to improve laboratory soil testing. Soil testing is mainly conducted for
the measurement accuracy. analysis the available nutrients status for making fertilizer
recommendations [12].
Keywords Fertilizer, Multisensory Fusion, Precision The main objective of soil testing is an increase the
Agriculture, Soil Test. agricultural productivity and production and minimizes the
waste of nutrients. Soil testing program started in India during
I. INTRODUCTION the year 1955-56, at the time of starting only 16 soil testing
laboratories are initiated. The number of soil testing
The modern farming technique is named as precision laboratories increased 1024 in 2010-11 its analysis capacity
agriculture or sustainable agro-management system. The main 1.07 crore samples. Over the 12 crore farm holding in a
aim of modern farming technique is adopt and design country only 1.07 crore samples are analyzed per year [16].
agriculture management system based on low initial cost, Most of the farmers not even analysis their soil fertility status
increase the production value and develop the sustainable because of laboratories delaying the given analysis report,
growth in agriculture [1,2]. The emerging precision laboratory equipment is often not calibrated and quantity of
agriculture techniques are the GIS and GPS technologies, in- chemicals are often not supplied according to the sample
field and remote sensing, mobile computing and analysis capacity. Based on the above reasons most of the

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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 1/ Volume 6 issue 10

farmer not even check their soil and use inappropriate amount Other method spectrophotometer devices such as a flame
fertilizers. In general, too much amount of fertilizer can cause photometer, ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma atomic
several environmental problems. For example the Nitrogen emission spectroscopy) and ASS (atomic absorption
fertilizer available in the form of urea and ammonium nitrate spectrophotometer) are widely used in standard laboratories
which is used for plant growth. Most of the nitrogen fertilizer for micro and macronutrients level detections[18]. These
is not absorbed by crops, it has been lost to groundwater devices are high initial cost, size and fragility of this
atmosphere and surface water due to high level NO3-N equipment make transportation difficult so it is not suitable for
content, water becomes undrinkable [15]. Poor nitrogen on-field analysis.
fertilizer management can cause nitrate leaching and increase
the emission of ozone-depleting gases i.e. N2O, NOX, NH3 III. METERIAL AND METHODS AVAILABLE
[13]. To overcome this drawback balanced nutrient
recommendation is needed. At the same time current A. Proximal Soil Sensor Or On The Go Soil Sensors
laboratory methods are not sufficient one, for this reason
automation is urgently needed in soil testing. The increasing prices of fertilizer and environmental
degradation while using fertilizer and pesticides are important
II. CONVENTIONAL METHODS OF SOIL TESTING concerns for precision agriculture. Numerous researcher and
IN INDIA developers have attempted to develop various in-field soil
sensors to measure physical, chemical and mechanical
The laboratory procedure of soil testing is performed by properties of soil. The most common methods of the on-the-go
three steps they are soil sample collection, pretreatment sensor are optical, radiometric, electrochemical,
procedure and chemical analysis. For a plant growth soil electromagnetic and electrical, mechanical pneumatic and
needs sixteen essential nutrients and it was divided into two acoustic sensors. From the above proximal sensors,
groups they are macronutrients and micronutrients. The electromagnetic and electrochemical sensors are most
important macronutrients are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and commonly used soil nutrients level measurement. Other
Potassium simply called as NPK [8]. Generally, soil testing technologies may also be applicable to improve the quality of
laboratories use organic carbon to measure available nitrogen. nutrient detection near in the future.
Olsen and brays method used for available phosphorus and
neutral normal ammonium acetate for Potassium. (16). TABLE 2
National level available nutrients status is given table 1.
Sensor Types Applications


Soil Ph, Nitrate,
Electrochemical Potassium
NUTIIENTS LOW MEDIUM HIGH Electrical Soil Texture (Sand, Silt, Clay), Soil
And Electromagnetic Moisture Content Soil Depth
Variability Cation Exchange

1 AVAILABLE <0.5 0.5-0.75 >0.75

Optical And Radiometric
NITROGEN (%) Soil Organic Matter, Soil Moisture

2 AVAILABLE <10 10-24.6 >24.6

P(kg\ha) Acoustic Soil Texture (Sand, Silt, Clay), Soil
Bulk Density (Compaction) Soil Depth
Variability (Depth Of Topsoil, Depth
To Hardpan)
3 AVAILABLE <108 108-280 >280
Mechanical Soil Compaction, Compacted Soil

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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 1/ Volume 6 issue 10

Table 2 shows the proximal sensor and its corresponding soil properties. In order to enhance the accuracy of precision
application in precision agriculture. From table 2, agriculture, Multisensor concept is essential. Multisensor
electrochemical, electromagnetic measurement and the optical fusion provides the number of operational benefits over the
sensor are used for soil macronutrient (NPK) measurement. In single sensor such as robust operational performance, increase
optical sensor spectrometry techniques i.e. visible and confidence as independent measurement is made on the same
ultraviolet used for Nitrogen and phosphorus measurement. soil, extended attribute coverage, and increase the
For potassium measurement, the flame spectrometry or atomic dimensionality of the estimation space.
absorption spectrometry techniques are used [7]. The optical
sensor methods are reliable and reliable, but time-consuming, IV. SENSOR FUSION TECHNIQUES IN PRECISION
complex construction and high initial cost. So far AGRICULTURE
electrochemical sensor most widely used in soil nutrient
measurements. The main inadequacy of any proximal sensor in precision
agriculture is that crop growth is significantly disrupted by
B. Electrochemical Sensor For Soil Nutrient various soil physical parameter, they are soil water content,
Measurement mechanical strength, soil nutrient level and electrical
conductivity of the soil. This constitutes a corresponding
For soil nutrient measurements the electrochemical sensor decision-making strategy uncertain and complex when to
used and important sensor is Ion Selective Electrode (ISE) endeavor to deploy different production setting. Furthermore,
and Ion Selective Field Effect Transistor (ISFET) [17]. the validity of single sensor estimation is often not as much as
Standard laboratory techniques for soil nutrient measurement perfect because currently available sensors technology can
use different procedure and instrument to investigate the soil react more than one basic parameter of interest. Utilizing a
samples which are taken from the field and transported to a combination of diverse sensing techniques and incorporating
laboratory. With recent advances in using ISE for nutrient the subsequent data in which providing more accurate
detection,which can measure directly, rapidly accurately, at estimates, robustness and improve the adaptability of the
low cost, at a fine scale and in real time right in the field.ISE sensor [4]. This approach is called as multisensor fusion,
is a transducer that converts specific ion dissolved in a which integrates the sensor data and data derived from
solution into an electrical potential that can be measured by a different sources. For instance, crop canopy reflectance
voltmeter. ISE and ISFET both required recognition element sensors have emerged as a new tool for localized prediction of
i.e. Ion Selective Membranes (ISM). Each nutrient having crop biomass and nitrogen uptake by crops. These sensors can
separate ISM this is integrated with a different reference be influenced by multiple stressors such as water or nitrogen
electrode. ISE and ISFET have used soil nutrient detection in insufficiency, a reflectance of inherent soil and size of the
two ways (I) flow injection analysis system (II) vehicle-based crops. Multisensor fusion approach that incorporates canopy
soil sensing system [9]. ISFET has several advantages over reflectance with other sensors to estimate the crop size and
ISE such as fast response, small dimension, low output soil parameters can possibly enhance the measuring accuracy.
impedance, high signal to noise ratio and integrates the Sun yurui was developed a novel technique of sensor
multisensory into a single chip [5]. Hak-Jin Kim et al. integration. The triple sensing cell simultaneously measuring
developed a site specific crop management system for the soil water content, mechanical strength and soil electrical
monitoring the soil macronutrients within the field [8]. A conductivity[14]. Mojtoba Naderi developed triple sensor
Prototype of soil Nitrate mapping system (SNMS) was fusion system for on-the-go measurement of soil compaction.
developed to measure nitrogen (N03-N) content in the soil. It In this study, a novel sensor fusion is proposed that combines
has been demonstrated that soil NO3-N measurement using the a single probe horizontal penetrometer, die-electric type soil
SNMN can be obtained rapidly, on the fine scale with lab water content and gamma-ray sensor used for simultaneously
grade accuracy [10]. So far, most soil nutrient detection measuring the soil compaction, soil water content and clay
methods can only measure one target ion by using content[11].
conventional electrochemical measurement due to an ion
selective membrane, ISE selectively responding to one target V. OPPORTUNITY AND CHALLENGE IN SENSOR
ion. V.I. Adamchuk et al. (1999) developed a direct soil FUSION IN SENSOR FUSION
measurement (DSM) using ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) for A plethora of sensors are accessible for in-field soil
on-the-go mapping of soil pH. DSM was implemented by estimation in precision agriculture. For this circumstance
combination ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) were used to incorporate these sensors, towards adding more accurate as
determine ion activities of H+, K+, NO3, and Na+ in well as reducing cost is more imperative. Therefore a
naturally moist soil samples. Albeit no effective technique to paradigm shift from a single sensor to a multisensor based
rapidly measure soil phosphorous content has been produced system is urged. The potential advantages of integrating and
right now, on-the-go measurements of soil pH, available fusing information from multiple sensors in the agriculture
potassium, residual nitrate-nitrogen, and sodium content have sector, a fusion of redundant information can reduce overall
been attempted [6]. As every soil-sensing technology has uncertainty and thus serve to increase the accuracy compare to
strength and weakness and no single sensor can measure all the single sensor system, in less time and at the less cost.

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International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research (2278-7844) / # 1/ Volume 6 issue 10

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