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Dear Sharon,
How are you recently? I hope you are in the pink of health.
Holidays had just passed. How was yours? I had a really fun and memorable time
during my holidays. Do you interested how I spent my holidays? I couldn't resist
to share with you my holidays life.

During the last summer holiday, my family had planned to Pantai

Morib for picnic. It was a nice Saturday morning. The gently wind breeze and it
was quite a cold day. We arrived at the beach rather earlier and got a fine spot
to lay out the food. Pantai Morib is such a marvelous place. The sand is so white
and the sea water is so clean and clear. I can see many fishes in the water and
can see there was a lot of crab climbing in and out of the sand. What a beautiful

As usual, my mum would make sure to bring enough food to feed an

army. My brother and I were so excited and ecstatic. We quickly change into
our swimming suit that we had just bought and jumped into the water.
We shivered because the water was as cold as ice as it was still early in the
morning. My brother was beyond excited while my father took out the new
flouts that he had bought at the nearby store. He could not stop jumping up and
down just like a monkey. We played happily and were in high glee.

We then swam until our skin wrinkled up like dried prunes. Later, we
built some sandcastle and put some baby crabs in it like it was crabs' kingdom.
After that, we collected many beautiful and unique seashell by the seashore.
We also did not forget to buy some souvenirs and took quite a lot of pictures at
there. It was so wonderful!

Maybe you can join us next time. I reckon you sure will enjoy this
trip very well. If not, we also can go fishing at my village or climbing up the hill
to enjoy the beautiful scenery. We can learn a lot about the flora during those
trip. It was quite a list of activities that we can do in the next school holiday.
Do you fancy joining me? I hope your answer is ' yes ' instead of no. I have to
stop now. Don't forget to reply my letter.

Your best friend,

Last Saturday, the Interact Club had organised a visit to the orphanage
which named "Rumah Bahagia Orphanage "that was located in Kuala Lumpur. The
trip was comprised of thirty members and accompanied by three teachers. We
boarded a huge bus from our school to the destination and arrived at about
10.00 a.m in the morning.

Our arrival were greeted by all of the little cute children and some of the
volunteers. They looked so happy when they saw us. They cheered happily and
welcomed us with opened arms. All of us were surprised with their respond.

The event was started off with a short opening speech by the president of
Interact Club followed by a welcomed speech by the head of Rumah Bahagia
Orphanage. Then, we also gave out the scrumptious apple pie that we had made
in school to the children. They looked so ecstatic and were in a high glee.

After that, we played games with the little children there such as tug-of-
war, gunny sack race and bobbing for apples race at the courtyard of the house.
We had a lot of fun and the children enjoyed themselves very well. They seemed
to have a nice time with us. Lastly, we also gave presents that we had brought to
all the children included the volunteers there.

Soon, it was time to leave. Everyone had a great time and this event was a
success. Before we went back to school, we gave each of the little cute children
a bear hug. We hope to visit another home again in the next summer holidays.

My family and I celebrate Mother's Day in a famous restaurant treated by our

father every year. But this year, we decide to celebrate Mother's Day at home.
We all planned the event weeks before. My mum was kept in the dark about the

On that day, my father brought my mum to have breakfast and then they
went for a movie. My father was supposed to bring mum home in the evening. My
sister and I stayed at home to cook some scrumptious dishes while my brother
went to the bakery shop to fetch the cake we ordered a week ago. He also
stopped at the near by florist's to buy a bouquet of white roses.

Later, three of us decorated the hall with colourful balloons and we also
hung a big banner on the wall. The banner was written " Happy Mother's Day!
We love you very much mum!". Everything was set up properly on the table and
we had also put on our nice clothes to wait for our parents to come home.

It was about 6.00p.m in the evening. My dad brought mum back on time. As
both of them entered the house, my brother took out the cake and my sister
presented our mum the bouquet of white rose. At the same time,we all said "
Happy Mother's Day " to her. Then we took turns to hug and kiss her. My
mother was touched and she was in tears of joy.

Mother's Day is a crucial and special event for all the mothers in the
world. It is the day for all the children to thank and appreciate their mother.
Mothers had sacrificed their time and love us unconditionally.

It was a crisp Saturday morning. My father brought us to the waterfall at

Templer Park. It was located in the countryside.The journey took about an hour.
It was a pleasant journey as the scenery along the way was breathtaking.

There was already a big crowd at the waterfall as we arrived. The

waterfall cascading from the top of the hill. We were mesmerised by the
crystal clear water. The air was fresh. It was such a marvellous place to have
family and friends gathering. We then helped to spread the map on the ground
under a big tree and began to arrange food on it.

My mother had prepared lots of delicacies such as sandwiches, fried rice

and some pastries. My brother and I quickly changed into our swimming trunks
and jumped into the water. We splashed the cool water and giggled at each
other. My father managed to snap some photos while we were playing happily in
the water. We felt we were in paradise as the view around us was so beautiful
beyond description.

After spending about an hour in the water, we felt a little bit hungry. We
changed back into our dry clothes and enjoy the food that our mum had
prepared. The food was tasty and scrumptious that we had almost finished all
the food within a minute. There was a lot of colourful fish swimming in the
water.There were some men using a fishing net to catch fish. We left the
waterfall at about six in the evening. It was such a memorable outing.

A family picnic at the waterfall is a good way bond with family members.
Besides, there are also many other activities toward achieving close-knit family
such as visiting grandparents in the village during the weekend, doing gardening
or cooking at home together or even going for a movie.

It was a Sunday night. I walked home alone after buying some food from the
nearby night market. I walked along Jalan Mutiara 2. It was quite a deserted
road and very few cars were around. As it was getting dark, I walked quickly.

In a distance, I saw an old woman walking along the pavement. She was
pushing a cart. I supposed she was one of the vendors at the night market. She
looked tired as she pushing the cart. A bolt out of the blue, a speeding red car
came passed her. There was a loud screeching sound. The cart she pushed was
thrown far away. The poor old woman was fall and laid motionlessly on the

It was a hit and run accident. The driver never stopped but sped off like
greased lightning. I quickly took down the car number and used my mobile to call
for the police and the ambulance. Within a minute, the ambulance arrived. The
paramedics ran down from the ambulance and quickly sent the unconscious
victim to the hospital. Soon, the police also arrived at the spot. One of the
policeman recorded my statement.

I felt sorry for the poor old woman. The driver should at least stopped and
helped when his car hit the old women. He should not run away when things
happened. This is such an irresponsible attitude.

Jogging : relaxing and fun

I love jogging. I started this sport since I was small. My parents used to bring
me to the nearby park to have a jog. I found it quite enjoyable since it do not
need any skill. So, I had a habit to go for jog every morning before having
breakfast. I can feel the fresh air and relax my mind when I was jogging.
Everyone can do this sport at anytime and anywhere.

During school holidays, I always invite my friends to jog together. This is a good
way to tighten our friendship because we can share our ideas or chat about our
life while jogging. However, everyone was encouraged to warm-up your body
before start jogging in order to avoid your body from getting hurt. For people
who are competitive and enjoy doing this activity, you can go for marathon race
and win a trophy.
I would strongly recommend this sporting activity to everyone since it bring a
lot of benefits to us. Jogging is an easy sport as you do not need much
expenses on the trainers because what you need is just a pair of sport shoes.
Why dont you have a try?

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