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Bio Art (Lucas Evers)

- Art including life and living materials at the moment of its exhibition.

- Edward Steichen- Delphinium Blue (1938)

- George Gessert- Iris barbata elatior Oryx
- Eduardo Kac- Alba
- Orlan- Harlequin Coat
- Critical Art Ensemble & Institute of Applied Autonomy- Seized
- Marta Damenezes- Nature?
- Marta Damenezes- Decon
- Beatriz Da Costa- Dying for the other
- Stelarc- Ear on Arm
- Charlotte Jarvis- Blighted by kenning
- Heath Bunting- Natural Reality SuperWeed Kit
- Spela Petric- Life in the Teratrope
- Maja Smrekar- K-9 Topology
- Paul Vanouse- Deep Woods PCR (
- TC&A- Disembodied Cuisine
- Chloe Rutzerveld- The other Dinner
- Neil White- Self-Experimentation
- Anna Dumitru- Confronting the bacterial sublime
- Howard Boland- Cellular propeller
- Andie Gracie- Drosophila Titanus
- Art Oriente Object- Du cheval au panda
- Spela Petric- Skotopoiesis
- Adam.W.Brown- Great Work of the Metal Lover
- Joe Davis- Microvenus
- Adam Zaretsky- Micro
- Adam Zaretsky- Errorarium
- Guy Ben-Ary- CellF (
- Matthijs Munnik- Microscopic Opera (C.Elegans)
- Mari Ohno- Cells

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