Lit Terms

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13. Chorus:-is a group of singers who stand alongside the stage in a drama.

14. Catharsis:-is emotional release of pity and fear that the tragic incidences in a tragedy arouse to an
15. Comic relief:-a humorous scene in a tragedy to eliminate the tragic effect from audience.
16. Couplet:-Two lines of the same material length usually found in Shakespearean sonnets.
17. Catastrophe:-Catastrophe is the downfall of the protagonist in a tragedy.
18. Didactic:-is a literary work which aims at teaching and instructing its readers.
19. Dirge:-is a short functional term.
20. Diction:-is the selection of words in literary work.
21. Dialect:-is the language of particular district; class or a group of people.
22. Drammatical Monologue:-In a poem when a single person speaks along with or without an audience
is called drammatical monologue. Example My last Duchess-----Br
23. Difference between drama and novel:-A drama is meant to be performed whereas a novel is meant
to be read.
24. Difference between stanza and paragraph:-A stanza contains verses whereas a paragraph contains
prosaic lines.

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