Lay Creator

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The Lay Creator

Software Manual
Welcome and congratulations on purchasing The Lay Creator e-book. This
manual is the supplement to The Lay Creator program and the two used
together are bound to put you into the elite group of punters on Betfair who
can truthfully say they make regular profits. Within this guide are the
simple steps you need to take to successfully use The Lay Creator program
and to make endless profits for just a short investment of your time each
day. As little as 1% of Betfair punters make regular profits and by using
this system you will become one of them today!

This manual is easy to use and you require no prior knowledge on betting
to be able to master its easy steps within a few hours. Once you begin
reading you will see for yourself how easy it is to use.

Everything you will need to know is explained in this manual, from key
concepts to which betting sites to use and of course how to use The Lay
Creator program to yield astonishing results for only putting in a few
minutes of your time each day.

A lot of systems on the market require you to start with a large capital
which is inconvenient and risky. However, to use The Lay Creator all you
need is a bank of 50. Using the manual you will be able to build your bank
up until you are bringing in large amounts of profits each day.

A short guide to Betfair and Racing Post now follows to assist those of you
who are not already familiar with these web sites. They are the two most
important web sites that this manual makes use of and if you have not
already signed up with either of them you will need to do so. Registration is
absolutely free and will take only 5 minutes of your time
A quick guide to Betfair
Betfair is by far the largest and most widely used betting exchange on the
web. It allows you to bet against millions of other punters around the world
and offers more versatile betting than bookies. This is the site I use and is
the best site to use for this system where you can place your lay bets of
which you will find out more a little further on. Below is a screen shot of the
Betfair home page:
This is an average horse race event on Betfair.

The blue column is the best back odds on offer for each horse and the pink
column is the best lay odds available for each horse. If you decided to back
the favourite Mon Plasiar in this race at the best available odds of 2.52 for
say 10 you would make 15.20 profit

The breakdown:
10 x 2.52 = 25.20
25.20 - 10(your stake) = 15.20 profit
Lay betting is a relatively new phenomenon. It allows anybody to act as a
bookmaker by accepting the liability on back bets that other punters have
placed on selections. So for instance if you decided to lay the favourite
(Mon Plasiar) in the above race for 10 at the odds of 2.58 you are betting
that that horse will lose the race.

If the horse does lose then you make 10 profit
If the horse wins the race however your liability is calculated as follows:
10 x 2.58 = 25.80
25.80 - 10(your stake) = 15.80 loss

So if you back a horse at odds of 3 for 10 and another punter on Betfair

lays that same horse at odds of 3 for 10 and the horse wins the race, you
will make 20 profit while he will make a 20 loss which is paid out to you.

This is why betting exchanges are so popular, it offers you the opportunity
to act as a regular punter and back selections to win but also lets you act
as the bookmaker and bet on horses to lose. In the above race there are 13
horses running which means if you back a horse to win you have a 1/13
shot of being correct. However by laying a horse you have a 12/13 chance
of winning! This manual makes use of lay betting to give you the best
chance possible of winning every bet.

If you have not already signed up to Betfair, click on this link and sign up
now and take a few minutes to look over the site and become familiar with

A few useful sites you might want to visit:


Racing Post




The odds made easy
To be successful at using this system you need to be familiar with and
know how to interpret two types of odds:

European odds (decimal odds)

UK odds (fractional odds)

European Odds
This is the easier of the two types of odds to understand. Most betting sites
and exchanges use European odds including Betfair. Ranging from 1.01 to
1000 on Betfair they are very easy to read with examples being 6.2, 2.45,
and 1.98. You will need to know how to convert these odds into fractional
odds and back to be able to easily use Betfair together with Racing Post.

For lay bets to work out your liability if the bet loses the calculation is:

(Odds 1) x stake


Placing a 10 back bet on a horse with odds of 4.5 if the horse;

Wins your profit will be: 10 x (4.5 1)

= 35

Loses your loss will be: 10 (10 stake)

Placing a 10 lay bet on the same horse with odds of 4.5, if the horse;

Wins your return will be: 10 (10 stake)

Loses your liability (loss) will be: 10 x (4.5 1)

35 (10 x 3.5)

UK Odds
Almost every UK bookmaker uses fractional odds and many betting sites
that you will come to use will also make use of this format of odds.
Examples of fractional odds are 7/1, 5/2, 100/30 etc. To be able to quickly
convert fractional odds into decimal odds and vice versa is a skill you will
need to master to be a successful punter. Its a simple process shown here
To convert fractional into decimal odds:
7/2 to decimal:

(7 2) + 1 = 4.5

(10 3) + 1 = 4.33

The 1.00 must always be added when converting from fractional

odds to decimal format

Your bank,odds and staking

Many people think of betting as a get rich quick scheme. They could not
be more wrong. Every person who tries to make money that way through
betting will eventually fail and lose everything. If you want this system to
work well you must remember that it is a process and it will take time to
build up your bank.

To use The Lay Creator I recommend a starting bank of 50 pounds at the

very least but 100 or more is preferable. You may have your own staking
plan that you follow and if it works for you then by all means continue to
use it. If you do not however have a staking plan, then for this system I
recommend you keep your bets at 5% of your bank or below. 4% is ideal
but you may go up to 5%. With a starting bank of 50 that is 2.00 - 2.50
bets and if you start with 100 for instance then do not let your bets exceed
5 but ideally start them at 4.

You may recalculate your 4% stakes at any time but it is fine to recalculate
it every time your bank reaches a 50 marker ie. 100, 150, 200 or 250.
Remember, do not be greedy! If you stick with your staking plan you will
bring in constant profits so do not try and double your bank in a day.

On Betfair the odds may differ from the estimated odds on Racing Post and
as a precaution it is advisable not to lay any horses over odds of 8 on
Betfair as the risk then becomes too large.

Now onto the system itself

How the system works
The lay creator system is based on a program which calculates whether or
not you should lay a specific horse by evaluating the horses statistics
from previous races. The program is very easy to use and gives an instant
recommendation on whether or not a horse should be layed.
Below is a screen shot of the program:
Screen Shot 1

As you can see, the only thing that you need to do is tick the boxes and
then press calculate and the program will evaluate the information you
have entered and will tell you whether or not you should lay the horse.

I will now use a real life example to take you, step-by-step, through the
process of using the program.
Once you have signed up at, log into your
account, click on any card and then on a race time to bring up a screen
similar to this one:
Screen Shot 2

I have highlighted the key information that we will need to enter into the

The first step is to find the horses in this race that fit our odds criteria. As
stated above, when using this system we are only going to be finding
horses with odds between 3/1 and 5/1 to lay and in the race above there is
only one horse that is between those odds, Atlantic Rhapsody priced at 4/1
(Orange indicator).

Number of days since the horse last ran

Now we have our horse so we can start to use the information on the
screen to begin entering into the program. Referring back to the screen
shot of the program (screen shot 1) you will see that the first line is days
since the horse last ran. This data is found directly to the right of the
horses name on Racing Post, as we can see above in screen shot 2,
Atlantic Rhapsody ran its last race 18 days ago (Blue indicator). So in the
program, check the first box labeled 1-100 days. The program will
automatically fade out the other two check boxes for this criterion to
ensure that you do not accidentally check them for another criterion (You
may only check one box in each row). If you checked the wrong box you
can simply make use of the clear option on the right of the check boxes to
re-enter the information. The clear all option at the bottom clears all
information from the program.

Number of runners
The next piece of information the program requires is the number of horses
running in the race. On screen shot 2 above, you can see there are 14
horses running numbered 1 to 14 and just above this I have highlighted the
label 14 run in red which is the count of horses running in this particular
race. On the program face we will check the third box labeled 14 or more.

The third step is to enter the number of tips the horse has. Racing Post
gives the number of tips to win each horse has received from well-known
newspapers and websites. Our horse Atlantic Rhapsody has two tips (blue
indicator in screen shot 2) and so on the third line of the program, number
of tips this horse has we check the second box labeled 2 - 3. If the horse
has no value under tips, accept this as 0 tips.

Top Speed

Racing Post gives the recorded top speed of each horse running. We will
also make use of this information in our system. Check your chosen
horses top speed then scan over the top speed of each horse in the race
and see how it compares. Now you can give it a ranking in comparison to
the other horses in the race. In our example on screen shot 2 we see that
Atlantic Rhapsody has a top speed of 96 (Blue indicator), and that there are
three horses with a better top speed being Chockdee, Fait Le Jojo and
Mapilut Du Moulin with top speeds of 105, 138 and 103 respectively. So our
horse is ranked 4th in top speed in this race. So we go over to the program
to the 4th criterion and check the middle box labeled 4th 6th. If the
horses top speed is not given, assume a top speed of 0 for this system.
We now move on to the next line item.
Trainer and Jockey win Percentage
The system makes use of how well the horses trainer and jockey have
performed recently. To view this information, click on the trainers name
(found in screen shot 2 in the blue indicator), in this case the trainer is B J
Llewellyn. A window similar to this will pop up:
Screen Shot 3

Click on the statistics tab (blue indicator) to bring up this screen:

Screen Shot 4

This trainers win percentage for 2007 is 8% as the highlighted figure

shows. So head over to the program to the line called Horses trainer win
% and check off the first box that is labeled 8% or less. Repeat the
process in exactly the same way for the Horses jockey win % criterion.
In this example our jockey had a win percentage of 0% so we will check off
the first box labeled 8% or less.
If a jockey/trainer has no win percentage, assume a win percentage of 0%
for the purposes of this manual.

Post Data

Racing Post provides valuable information in their post data table. This is a
table showing how good each horse is in several areas such as going,
distance and ability. The horses are also given a RPR (racing post
rating) which is how good the Racing Post rates each horse. The higher the
rating the higher the horse is on the post data list. As you can see from the
list below, our horse has is ranked 5th so on the Post data ranking criterion
on the face of the program we will check off the box on the far right labeled
5th or lower.

Screen Shot 5

Recent form
The recent form of a horse is the positions each horse has come in its last
6 races. It can give a good indication as to how well the horse is going to
fair in its next race. Looking back to the screenshot of the card (screen
shot 2) you can see that the recent form of our horse Atlantic Rhapsody is
7 5 - 2 3 8. The dash indicates that the horse did not finish the race so we
can see that this horse has not won any of its last six races and its best
position was 2nd. In its last race 18 days ago it came 8th. Looking at the
program, the next criterion is Recent Form and the first box is labeled
no wins. Our horse has not won any of its races in its recent form thus
we will check off this box and move onto the next line.
Course and distance

Screen Shot 6
The above screen shot is an extract from screen shot 2. For the next two
criteria on your program you need to check off the box if the horse has won
at this course and/or distance previously. If a horse has won at the course
or distance in a previous race the Racing Post will automatically put a C
for course and/or a D or distance next to the horses name. We can see
that the horse Fait Le Jojo has won a previous race at this course and has
also won a separate previous race at this same distance of 2 miles 4
furlongs but on another course (blue). Outside Investor has a C and D in
one box meaning it won a previous race of 2 miles 4 furlongs on this
specific course (green). Our selection Atlantic Rhapsody has only won a
previous race on this course but not on this distance (red) so on the
program we will check off the box labeled Horse has won at this course
before but DO NOT check off the box labeled Horse has won at this
distance before. We would only check off that box if Atlantic Rhapsody
had a D next to its name. So we will leave that box open.

Going and Class

The program requires you to fill out whether the horse has dropped in
class or if it has won before on the going that it is racing on in this specific

Horse races are split up into classes to ensure that horses of similar ability
run against each other. There are seven classes, Class 1 down to Class 7
with class 1 being the best and class 7 being the worst. Horses can move
up or down in class and if a horse moves up a class it will be running
against better horses than before and if a horse moves down a class it will
be running against easier opponents than before. We are interested to
know if the horse we have chosen has moved down a class since its last
race. To find this out click on the horses name to bring up this screen:
Screen Shot 7

The highlighted race (blue indicator) is the last race this horse ran. It gives
the date, conditions, class and the position the horse ended. Atlantic
Rhapsody came 8th and the race was a class 4 race (red indicator). Looking
below at the extract from screen shot 2 we see that this race is a class 5
race (green indicator) meaning that the horse is dropping down a class.
Head over to the program and check off the box labeled Has the horse
dropped down a class. Now onto the last criterion

Screen Shot 8


The going is the condition of the track that the race is being run on. It can
be Heavy, Soft, Good, Good to soft, Good to firm, Good, Firm or Stand.
We want to see if our horse has won a previous race on the same going as
its next race. Many horse trainers concentrate on specific conditions and
horses can perform better on certain conditions so we want to take this
information into account. In the above screen shot taken from the main
page of the race card you can see that the ground condition is good to firm.
Click on the horses name as above and then click on the statistics tab as
shown in screen shot 9:
Screen Shot 9

When the page loads, scroll down to the going subsection. These are the
statistics on how this horse has done previously on each going.

Screen Shot 10

Our horse has run 9 races on good to firm ground and has not won a single
one. Thus on the program you WILL NOT check off the box labeled Has
the horse won on this going before.


You have now filled in all the required information into the program and all
thats left to do is for you to click the calculate button and the program
will instantly tell you to lay the horse or not. When you are finished the
program should look like this:
Now you head over to and place your lay bet and watch
your balance rise. Atlantic Rhapsody had an awful race and ended up last.

When you start using the program it might take a few days to get used to
and to be able to choose your lay picks but within a week you will be able
to go through every racecourse within 20 minutes to pick your lays. You
might get many opportunities a day to bet but remember not to be greedy.
Go at your own pace and watch your Betfair balance constantly rise from
this point onwards.

Below are the exact results I obtained from using this program for 10 days
with a starting bank of 100.

Good luck and I wish you 1000s of profit!

Stake Odds Result Balance
5.00 4.2 WON 105.00
5.00 4.7 WON 110.00
5.00 3.8 WON 115.00
5.00 4.1 LOST 99.50
5.00 5.8 WON 104.50
5.00 5.4 WON 109.50
5.00 4.9 WON 114.50
5.00 4 WON 119.50
5.00 4.2 WON 124.50
5.00 5.8 WON 129.50
5.00 5.2 WON 134.50
5.00 6.4 WON 139.50
5.00 4.9 WON 144.50
5.00 5.1 WON 149.50
7.50 3.8 WON 157.00
7.50 5.6 WON 164.50
7.50 5.2 WON 172.00
7.50 4.8 LOST 143.50
7.50 6.2 WON 151.00
7.50 5.4 WON 158.50
7.50 4.6 WON 166.00
7.50 4 WON 173.50
7.50 6.4 WON 181.00
7.50 5.4 WON 188.50
7.50 5 WON 196.00
7.50 6.2 WON 203.50
10.00 4.6 WON 213.50

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