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By Jeffrey J. McDonnell

The 1-hour workday

hen I was an assistant professor, I felt constantly overwhelmed. I had classes to teach,
relationships with new colleagues to navigate, a lab group to assemble, and an infant at
homenot to mention research to conduct and papers to publish. To get ahead, I took on
any opportunities that were offered, including membership on various editorial boards
and professional committees. Despite working like a madman, my productivity as mea-
sured by paper output was meager. I simply could not find time in my day for undistracted

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writing. And when I did find the time after an extended stretch away from writing, the warm-up
period to get back into the paper was often long, further slowing my progress.

At first I thought that this kind of much more enjoyable. It also offers
frustration was routine for aca- an opportunity for deep thinking.
demic researchers. But as the years I remember rarely having any such
passed, I noticed a few senior col- thinking time when I started out
leagues who published with im- as a professor, but now I find that
pressive regularity and always had my daily keystrokes can lead to
a paper in the works. When I asked new ideas. When I string together
them what their secret was, I found days of successful writing, ideas
that they prioritized doing small flow and new connections present
amounts of focused writing every themselves even when Im away
day. Ive since developed my own from my keyboard, particularly on
version of this approach. I call it my bike ride to work or when Im
the 1-hour workday, referring to the reading for pleasure.
short, sacrosanct period when I do Many days, writing means edit-
what I see as the real work of aca- ing and revising the work of others.
demia: writing papers. This work can sometimes be a slog,
First thing in the morning is but I keep my spirits up by thinking
when Im at my mental best, and I wake up early, of it as a game of table tennis. My
when Im still most in control of make an espresso, and goal is to return the servewhen
my time, so I now use the first hour done quickly, this greatly improves
of my day to write. For me, its best write until Im spent. the game.
done from home. Ive developed In any sport, one must stay toned
something of a ritual: I wake up early, make an espresso, and conditioned. If I fall out of practice, I quickly lose that
and write until Im spentor until distractions like email fitness, and my writing and editing become labored. So,
or the days deadlines and meetings start to intrude. This even though distractions abound, I protect that daily work-
is usually about an hour, some days a little less and some out at the keyboard during the first precious work hour
days more. Ive found that, like hitting a ball in golf, regu- of the day. Ive learned that writing does not need long
lar writing is easier if I tee it up. I plan my early morn- stretches of uninterrupted time. Focus and regularity are
ing writing the night before. It is in my calendar and on what matter. I now advise my Ph.D. students and postdocs
my to-do list, with details about which paper and section who are going on to faculty positions to adopt daily writing
I will be working on. as an early-career habit so that they dont repeat my years
This routine has transformed my work life. Instead of of writing frustration. At any career stage, a daily writing

the frustration that frequently plagued me early in my ca- ritual can help improve performanceand, perhaps most
reer, nowno matter how work proceeds after Ive com- importantly, job satisfaction.
pleted my writing timeI go home at the end of the day
with the satisfaction of having accomplished something. Jeffrey J. McDonnell is a professor in the School of Environ-
I have in no way mastered the writing game, but my ment and Sustainability at the University of Saskatchewan
1-hour workday has certainly increased my academic out- in Saskatoon, Canada, and Sixth Century Chair at the Uni-
put. And by keeping me focused and in practice, it has versity of Aberdeen in the United Kingdom. He thanks his
improved the quality of my writing and made the process Ph.D. students and postdocs for feedback.

7 18 12 AUGUST 2016 VOL 353 ISSUE 6300 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS
The 1-hour workday
Jeffrey J. McDonnell (August 11, 2016)
Science 353 (6300), 718. [doi: 10.1126/science.353.6300.718]

Editor's Summary

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