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[LORE Mains se Candidates should attempt questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory and any three of the remaining ‘questions selection at least one question selecting at least one question from each Section. Answer any three of the following Determine the relationship between Ri, Ra, Land C of the circuit shown th the poles of the function V(s)/I(s) are complex @ &) © @ Determine field strength at a distance of 50 kin of a short vertical monopole radiating power of 20 kW at a frequency 1 MHz over ground with mean conductivity of 10 A) As b | @ Gi) 10 Justify the states fator in a dc, machine keeps the armature mmf stationary in space along the is even though the armature rotates. faciprs influence the performance of Yagi—Uda antenna? Explain it clearly help of aneat sketch showing the direction of em.w. ‘The clock frequency of 1000 nsis connected to a 3-bit asynchronous counter with each flip- flip having 50 ns propagating delay. Which slate will never occur in it, ifthe clock frequency is decreased to 100 ns? Explain it by drawing wave- shapes for 1000 ns and 100 ns clock frequencies separately. A230 V Dic. source feeds a separately-encited dc. motor through a chopper operating at 400 He, Theload torque a 1200 p.m is 32.5 Nm. The motor has r, V-sirad, All motor and chopper losses are neglected, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ‘ neon PAPER ~{ SECTION A 20 cr i Le ey Justify that a thin sheet of a cot Qe acts as a low-pass filter for electromagnetic waves Le a 10 Avradio signa at a frequeny oPRg MHz is transmitted through sea-water having o = 4m ad g = 100, e distance at which 80% of the wave amplitude is attenuated. 20 10 mSimetre 10 20 | L,=3 mH and Ky =1.3 oO @ &) © @ ® Calculate @) the armature current excursion and (i) the armature current expressions dusing on and off periods. 20 Draw the equivalent circuit of a 1-phase induction motor based on two-revolving field theory Identify the various parameters involved in it Prove, there from, that the forward ux wave is severd times greater than the backward flux wave ¢y normal rotor speed, hut at standstill. =o 20 Describe the principle of working of linearized model of phase lock loop shown jandhe given below and show that the output voltage is proportional to the change infreqNgcy in the FM signd oO * sees G [persons g@° lyn Peep uen © ‘Two transformers A end B, operating in equal voltage ratios and leakage impedances. Their reactance to resistancégtios“esé 10 and 4 respectively. Determine the ratio of the full-load kVA delivered el combination to the sum of their individual KVA ratings. Comment on the res 20 shown above, thyristor T is tumed on at a triggering angle greater than that ini’ (E/Vq). Draw waveforms for u u,, io and ur, Derive an expression for the charging current I, supply voltage of 30 V, 50 Hz and constant battery em £ of 6 V find the resistance to he inserted in series with the battery to limit the average charging current to 3 A in case thyristor Tis tumed on at a firing angle of 20°. 20 ‘Why do the macimum voltages across the inductance and capacitance in a series R-L- C resonant circuit occur at different values of frequencies? Explain, 20 @ Calculate the quiescent collector current Icq or room temperature for the amplifier circuit shown in the figure given below. 10 © @ © aloe 4 300+ 10) Gi) Describe the applications of dipping and clamping circuits ‘What is the difference between TWT and Klystron? How TWT m@y rowave oscillator? Determine (i) the gain parameter, (ii) the power gain, and (iii) any Ceegpe constants in a traveling wave tube having the following parameters Beam voltage Vo = 2kV oa ci g Frequency f= 10 GH © Characteristic impedance of helixe Za= 109 Circuit length = 50 (wavelength) x 20 Answer any three of the foll ai urrent i) as shown inthe above figure is passed through a capacitance C mine the voltage across the capacitance when @ = 1000 rai/sec. 20 Design a combinational circuit having 3 inputs and 6 outputs with the condition that the output number is square of the input number. 10 Gi) A-computer uses RAM chips of capacity 1024 x 1. How many chips are required and how their address and data bus be connected to provide a memory capacity of 1024 bytes? How chips would be connected to provide memory of 16 K bytes? 10 For a single-phase one-pulse controlled converter system, sketch waveforms for load voltage and load current for @) RL load and (i) RL load with freewheeling diode across RL Compare these waveforms and discuss the advantages of using a freewheeling diode. State the assumptions made, @ @ ®) © @ © 20 Justify the statement pulse modulation is not digital whereas pulse code modulation is digital Obtain the bandwidth for 128 quantization levels and 8 kHz sampling frequency of a practical PCM system consisting of 24 telephone channels, each band limited to 34 kHz in time division multiplexing Deduce formulae used. ® Gi) @ @) @) 20 Explain the phenomenon of attenuation in TE and TEM waves, 10 Determine the guide wavelength to propagate a20 GHz signd through afar waveguide having a plate separation of 5 cm. 10 Which type of communication system will you prefer for ae With the help of a suitable schematic diagram modulation system. Discuss its limitation. 10 Derive relationship between critical freq Qymnne density of a layer N. 10 Calculate skip distance for a whe ency 4.5 MHz when the maximum working of a delta ionization in the E - region has, electrons/m’ at aheight of 105 km. 10 20 A n-type Gats Gunn diode of length 10 ym, doping concentration 2 « 10'/m? and threshold field 3 kV/cm operates at a frequency of 10 GH with applied voltage of 3.5, KViem. Calculate electron drift velocity, current density and negative mobility of electron 10 Gi) A circular loop of 20 cm radius made of 3 mm dia of copper wire is used as an antenna. Calculate its radiation resistance. ohmic resistance, input resistance and radiation efficiency at 1 MHz 10 A signal v(®) = k(1 + m ft)} cos actis applied to the input of an average (diode) detector with load resistance R. The diode is characterized as iy =O for <0 in = Unita for Un > 0 Obtain an expression or low frequency component of the output voltage of the detector for Im f@l< 1 20 at eee” 1 Baier 20 step $12 J} Gupur inp | ; ei ZOM : Zero Order Hold. Determine the output c(t) a t=2 sec for the system shown in the a) 20 (b) Asta connected synchronous machine with Zs= 1 + j 10 ohm p: is synchronized ‘with an infinite bus of 11 KV. The machine is made to operatpaba leading power factor of 0.8 with an armature current of 50 A ad with terminal volt f the excitation emf Calculate the magnitude of excitation em.£ How can thismachine be made to operate at unity p! {Undef{this condition, find the armature current and load angle, 20 (©) A single-phase full bridge inverter fee he! ‘lows load commutation. Explain how e load commutation is achieved, Des: duction of various elements of the inverter cireuit 20 eee 9 [C56 Mains 2000 1 Select any three of the following statements, read them carefully and identify the correc! incorrect ones. Justify your answer using not more than 200 words in each case. @ &) © @® @ ® @ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERIN eA PTO PAPER ~ SECTION A State variable approach for analysis is applicable only to linear time invari ‘The problem of drift may assume very serious problems in electronic Power carrying capability of transmission lines decreases with ifltreasdjin the length of transmission, and can be improved by providing shunt reactors. Optical fibre is the best choice for heavy demand -0;"" communication systems. ‘The open hop transfer function of a unity feedback syfftem ig glen by o)-— Flesh) sh) & @ Using the Routh—Hutwitz met the necessary conditions for the system to be stable. Gi) Sketch the root locus dia ¢ system described for positive values of ky ti and. ta, Show how the Oe ified with addition ofa zera Incremental cost ch tic thermal plantsis given by 4a (60+0.2, W — hr aa 'W and 250 NW. what will be the saving in cast in Rs./hourin comparison to loading in 3 proportion to rating? Describe the construction and principle of working of a solid-state and over-current relay. Boron is doped in n-type Si wafer having 2 x 10” phosphorus zoms m° through a circular window of 0.1 wm diameter for 10 minutes at 1100° C The gaseous atmosphere of BH used for doping provides the B concentration of 1 x 10 atoms m® at the surface of the wafer Estimate the location of the p-n junction beneath the surface. Given the diffusivity of B in Si at 1 100°C is 4 = 10°" m? s* &) oO @ ‘What is load flow solution? What is its significance in power system Classify various types of buses in a power system for load ow studies. Explain, with a flow-chat, the computational procedure for load flow solution using Gauss-Siedel method. 20 What are solar concentrators? Describe various components of a solar concentrator giving their fanctions 20 (One method of measuring a small capacitance Cy is shown in fig. 1. C and Ca are equehbigh- quality variable air capacitors. Cs is a fixed high quality capacitance of much sypaller Vilye than maximum value of C2 (about 1/10 of C3). The following two balances are obfain @ With switch S open, C, atits maximum value and Cis adjusted f (i) With switch $ closed, Cy left unaltered and C2 is adjusted to Ca balance Prove that cn Sa =y (CQ +O4e,- C4) ° TER = 10000 Cy and Cy are 1000 pF and C3 = 50 ing the variable capacitors are realable to + 5 pF with what accuracy could a capegitang of 1 pF be measured? Pst (®) Discuss LI snes rrr ect e © @ &) © ° 20 1 help of block diagram a CW Doppler radar using an intermediate frequency in Doe reBOver. Give its advantages applications and limitations 20 SECTION B fect any three of the following statements, read them carefully and identify the correct and the ‘orrect ones. Justify your answer using not more than 200 words in each case. 20% 3=60 Feedback provides same control on the steady state error to standard inputs by adjustment of open-loop gain One disadvantage of magnetic tape recorder is that its characteristics limit its use at higher frequencies. ‘The cost of fabrication and installation of system for utilizing solar energy is too high to be viable, @ @ ® © @ ®) © @ A) © ICs, though cheaper, axe less relicble as compared to discrete components interconnected by conventional techniques. A system is described by the following state and output equations | x-[° 'le[?lu ‘| 2-3)" hh i And ¥= (1 0X i | X2(0) = 0. Obtain the time | where u(t) is a unit step input and the initial conditions X1(0) = response of the system. Briefly explain the principle of PCM, differential PCM and delta moduli 20 | Discuss salient features of a fibre optic communication system [Ast some of the opticd components used to interconnect adigital voice or deta systems 20 | Discuss multiple access techniques for satelli fons, Explain the meaning of the | following i FDMA, TOMA, COMA and SOMA i 20 | . 20 | Discuss the functions of various Registers and ALU ¢@ i Briefly describe two different typth of Pogce aray radars. How can phased arrays overcome the difficulties occasioned byw usOagf moving radar antennae? 20 Give the cwmanahal ‘working end apperceptions of an LVDT. 20 Develop receive ld flower circle diagram of a transmission tine. Explain, how from the power circle diagramp€apacity of a synchronous phase modifier be determined, ° 20 Es diagram for load-frequency control of an isolated power system, @ 2 Table of the Error Function

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