IAS Mains Electrical Engineering 1997

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(d) For the voltage-series-feedback amplifier circuit shown in Fig.

I (d), the open-loop gain A of

the OP-AMP varies from 15000 to 20000 as the temperature changes from 25C to 35C
Calculate the closed-loop gain at both the extreme temperatures, assuming R1 = 470 0 and Rt
= 4 7 kO. Calculate the percentage change in open -loop and closed-loop gains and explain the
results. Assume the source impedance to be zero.

-fA 'v co:
,.. . '-Vt.t

-;..:v, I 1\ v.
' R,
2. (a)


(c) t of Fig. 2 (c), when the switch is closed t = 0, it is noticed that i (0) = 10 mA
. sec. Assuming zero initial current for inductor and zero initi a! charge for
411 e values of and R1 and L.

3. (a) Define the attenuation coefficient and phase coefficient in the context of a transmission line.
A correctly terminated transmission line has Zo = 6 00 0, a,= 1.2 dB/m and = 18 /m (with
usual notations). The line is 5 m long and is fed from a 600 0 source of e.m.f. 3V. Find the
magnitude of the received current at the output and its phase relative to the input voltage.
(b) The Fig. 3(b) shows the Wien's bridge for measurement of frequency. Drive suitable
expressions under b a! anced bridge condition. What should then be the rei ali on between R and
R1 and between C and C 1 so that the excitation frequency is expressed as 11(21t RC)?

fi!!l. 3 (b)

resolution of the mstrument 1n mm

4. (a)

Assummg IDss = 5 A and Vpo = -3 V

. . 4y()
(b) what circuit configuration would be preferred and why?
dge ecti fier fed through a transformer from a 2 30 V, 50 Hz supply is used to deliver
to a transistor radio at 9V d-e. Assuming ideal dides and load resistance of 900,
N ci the turns-ratio and current rating of transformer. Also find the d-e and a-c (rms)
v ues of Load current and Peak-Inverse-Voltage.
The mid-band equivalent circuit of a common emitter transistor amplifier is shown in Fig.
4(c). The h-parameters of the transistor used are
h, = !5oo o, = 1o-3 , ht. = 1oo,
h 0 ,=50x 10-6 0
Find the mid-band gain is, libe where is, where is the current in 5 kO resister.


the followmg logtc functions usmg Kamaugh maps and

r '-J
'!em ng NAND

:Em (2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15,) .. +

(u) f(A, B, C, D)=

OM (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13)


(b) It ts destred to add two one-btt btnaty duce the result as Sum and Carry
Prepare a truth table, Karnaugh map and I p sstons to destgn a Half-Adder usmg
muumum number of NAND
(c) What do you understand byr &. en gap in energy bands?
Electrons are s t idden energy gap Eo in Germanium by bombarding of
photons. Calculate the i ave! ength for a photon which will produce electron-hoi e
patrs m Germantum, I eV.
(d) A I OkW, 144 0 - hunt generator has resistance Loss of 4 00 watts in its field winding

Calcul 11 stored in the magnetic field produced by the field winding.

6. (a) the circuit diagram of a NOR gate using MOS transistors (n-channel) and verify the
p eration with. The description of the functioning of this gate.
Name the different types of Read- Only-Memories and briefly discuss their attributes in terms
of programmability volatility, erasability, technology used and utility.
(c) A 3-phase star-connected alternator, rated at llkV, 1600k VA, has negligible armature
resistance and a synchronous reactance of 3 00 per phase. When delivering full-load current
at a certain power factor, the voltage regulation of the machine is zero. Estimate the power
factor of the load and the power delivered by the machine.
7. (a) Two similar 2 00 k VA, single-phase transformers gave the following results when tested by
the back -to-b ack method:
(i) Wattmeter W1 in the supply line reads 4kW; and (ii) Wattmeter W2 in the secondary sends
circuit reads 6 kW, when the full-load current is circulated through the secondaries. Show the
diagram of connections and calculate the full-load efficiency of each transformer.
(b) A 4 -pole D-C Series motor runs normally at 8 00 rpm taking 2 2 A on 2 60 V supply, when all
the four field coils are connected in series. If now the field coils are reconnected two
parallel groups of two coils in series, estimate the speed and current taken by
Assume that, (i) the load torque is proportional to square of speed, (ii) the e
directly proportional to the current, and (iii) the tosses are negligible.

(c) A 3-phase, star-connected, 1200 kW 3.3 kV, 20-pole, 50 Hz

synchronous reactance of 4 0 per phase and negligible resistance
SY6. 0 e
otor has a
otor is fed from
infinite bus-bar at 3.3 kV and is operated at unity power factor by so ng its excitation,
Calculate the maximum power and torque that the motor c er same excitation.
8. (a)

(b) Two I 0 0 kVa, !-phase transfo are nnected in parallel on both primary and secondary
sides. One transformer has op of 0.5% and reactive drop of 8% of the voltage on
full load. The other has the s ng drops of 0.75% and 4% respectively. How will the
total! oad of 2 0 0 ty w actor be shared?
(c) The bulk n -typ re o a particular Germanium junction has conductivity of I 04 S/m at
3 00 K and that fo e p -region is I 02 S/m. Find the voltage drop across the junction in

electro ol+ s 0.36m2/v-s and 0.17 m2/v-s respectively.

stt I Data:
charge : I. 6 x I o-19 Coulomb
Pl;rmeability of free space : 41tx 10-1 H/m
Permittivity of free space : 8.85 x 10-12 F/m
PI anck' s constant : 6. 62 5 x 10-34 J-sec
Velocity of light in free space : 3 x I 08 mlsec
Boltzmann constant : I. 38 x 10-23 J/K
.. II
'i t>1:?rt;;1:? II
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum marks: 300
Candidates should attempt five questions in all selecting at least two questions including the
compulsory question from each of Section A and B or Section A and C,
Assume suitable data if considered necessary and indicate the same clearly,
The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the questions,

SEC110NA 0
Qu2stion no. 1 is compulsory.
I. Select any three of the followmg statements, read them careful!
the correct and the
mcorrect ones Justify your answer usmg not more than 20 0 words

(a) If a system 1s stable wtth umty feedback, the

1s a! so stable

(20x3 = 60)

(b) A two-phase a. c. Servomotor is simi! ar in s conventional induction motor.

(c) If in the state variable description of s em, matrix is singular, then the system is
(d) Commutation has to be special! ake. are o( While using Thyristor-Chopper for motor
speed control.
2. (a) Sketch the under-d! amef J, nse of a second order control system to a step input.
Define clearly the "Del ti ' se time", Peak time", Peak-overshoot", "Settling time"
and" Steady state err show them in the sketch.
,.., (20)
(b) A system is the following equations:

2 X1 +U

.S Ftnd the transfer function by signal flow technique.

State Nyquist Stability Criteria and investigate the stability of the closed loop system with the
following open loop transfer function.
2 3
G(s) H(s) = ((s + )) by drawing Nyquist plot
s s-1
Wherever the Nyquist plot crosses the real or imaginary axis determine the frequency and the
intercept value.

} ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:.:;
3. (a) The response of an initially relaxed time invariant constant parameter system to a unit
impulse applied at t = 0 is 4 e-2t u (t).
(i) Find through time domain analysis the response to the same system to an input e-tu(t)
(ii) Find the time function which when applied to the system would yield a response sin
2t. u(t).
(b) An open loop transfer function of unity feedback system 1s given by
G(s) (
) .Determine the damping factor, undamped natural frequency, al
S S+ 2
frequency and time response for a unit step input.

(c) What do you understand by the term controllab1hty of a system

sufficient condit:l ons to be satisfied by the co effic1ent matnces of a s
1s compi etely controllable Hence check the controllab1hty of a sy
?6Q em,

essary and
the system
111ng for 1ts state

4. (a) Dioow <ho
wl<-""''" '""'"""'' ,. t...':li;,,, iu w'""" ;, ''"'
--,...,--.----.. . ,,._.,..,

the current ic through the commutating capacitor

(c) The load connected at the output of a single phase bridge inverter is a series combination of R
= I 0 0 and L = 0. 05 H. Determine the load voltage and current waveforms for the first two
half cycles with rectangular wave output at 50 Hz. The input of the inverter is Vdr. = 25 0 V.
Also find the expression for the steady state current in each half cycle.
Qu2stion no. 5 is compulsory.
5. Comment with justification on the correctness or otherwise of any three of the following statements,
restricting your answer to within 2 00 words for each.
(20 X 3 = 60)
6. (a)

,., (20)
(b) With a neat sketch explain the working principle of circuit to breaker Explain
why such a circuit breaker is prone to current choppi " tis the voltage expected across
the contacts of the circuit breaker under such a c
c1rcu1t tn which the resistance IS 1 fault place reducmg the max1mum power
transferable to 0 5 P U, whereas e ault this power was 2 0 P U and after the
clearance of the fault 1t 1s I 5 P By use of Equal Area cntena determme the cnt:l cal

cleanng angle ( 0)
7. (a) D1scuss the advant u -antages of HVDC transm1ss1on over a c transnu ss1on
Explam wtth i:liagrarn how power flow m an HVDC transm1ss1on system
netther d1rect:1o a e
(b) 11-<l:V, 3-phase star-connected alternator has a resistance of 0.3 ohm and a
ohms per phase. It delivers fulllo ad current at a power factor of 0. 8 lagging
r ted voltage. Compute the terminal Voltage for the same excitation and I oad
.8 p.f.leading.
at is a synchronous condenser? Distinguish between a synchronous condenser and a static
var compensator. Why is static var compensation necessary in a power system?
8. An electric train has an average speed of 42 kmph on a level track between stops 1400 m
apart. It is accelerated at 1.7 kmphps and is broken at 3.3 kmphp s. Draw the speed-time curve
for the run. Estimate the energy consumption at the axle of the train per ton km. Take tractive
resistance constant at 50 N/ton and allow I 0 per cent for rotational inertia.
(b) Explain the working principle of a time graded protective scheme for radial feeders. Explain
further with a sketch of a ring main feeder, why the time graded protective scheme as to be
sup pi emented by dire eli onal control.
(c) An II kV, 3-phase radial feeder is equipped with two current transformers along with their
associated I.D.M.T.L. relays at two different locations. The c.t. ratios are 600/5 and 200/5
respectively and the relay associated with each c. t. has the following characteristic,
PI ug Setting Multiplier (PSM) Times in sees
2 I0
3 6
5 4.1
I0 30

l:lme of operal:lon of this rei ay, 1f the fault current through the amps Also
cal cui ate the time setting and time of operation of the other rei a onn ted to 6 00/5 c. t.

mqi,.fO.Soo. u0
assuming a plug setting of 2 00% and taking into consideration the a

te discrimination


Qu2stion no. 9 is compulsory.

9. Select any three of the following stateme
or incorrect. Your answer must not exce
(a) VHF band is most suited between a ship and a submarine.
(b) Round trip propagati th geostationary satellites is very large and poses a peculiar
problem for ce
(c) Colour, telev1s1 an tter has to transnu t more mformal:lon than black and wh1te but has
to thin arne bandwtdth
(d) FM br a sy8tems use wtde-band FM
10. ar operal:lng at 6GHz IS havmg a PEW of 900 pps Ftnd the two lowest bhnd
s o th1s redar
y 1s compandmg used m PCM Systems? Descnb e any one companding law
A silica fibre has a I arge core eli ameter. The refractive indices of core and cladding are I. 4 9
and I. 4 6 respectively. Find the NA of the fibre, the acceptance angle in air and the critical
angle at the core-cladding interface.
11. (a) How is stereophonic FM broadcast made compatible with a monophonic system?
(b) What is a three-port circulator? Write its S-matrix. One of the ports of such a circulator is
terminated in a load having a ref! ection coefficient p. If the system is now viewed as a two-
part at the other pair of ports, find the scattering matrix of the two-port.
(c) A deep space probe radar operating at 3 GHz is using a 64 m eli sh and peak pulse power of
20MW. The receiver noise figure is 1.0 dB, the target cross section is 1.5 m2 and the receiver
bandwidth 8kHz. Find the maximum range under threshold detection conditions. Take
antenna noise temperature to be 2 90 K.

12. (a) Ftnd the requtred stze of a cubtc ca111 ty resonator to have a donunant mode at
the dommant modes for thts ca111 ty

(b) Descnbe a balanced off-resonant (slope) discnmmator for FM stgnalr 0



(c) A broadside antenna array has 20 identical radiators, 112 apart. Find
the directivity of the array and express it in decibels. ," - /

'7>CJ (20)

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