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Name: ___________________ Class Section: __________

Project Rubric: Portrait Painting

Your final painting will

Have 3 planning sketches of 3 people with very different proportions in their face before you choose
one and start your final painting.

Your painting can include imaginary and combined elements as well as your person. You may also
interpret your person expressively with drawing styles that are loosely grounded in realism.

Use the entire canvas effectively. The portrait is not floating in empty space or super small in the middle
of the page without any other elements, details, or background.

Be completely painted, shaded, and textured to the best of your ability.

Used class time effectively to complete the project to the best of your ability on time. Utilized outside of
class time such as study or after school if needed to finish on time.

Has a human face as the central element of the composition.

Uses the face proportion measuring skills and drawing techniques from the class demo to the best of
your ability.

Score guide:

_____ 0: Project not done or turned in

_____ 1-2: Project started but not finished or shows very little time and effort and does not meet very
many or any project criteria

_____ 3: Project shows effort but is unfinished or does not meet very many project criteria.

_____ 4: Project is finished or mostly finished and shows effort to meet all or most of the project criteria
as well as time and effort.

_____ 5: Project is complete, displays time and effort, and meets all project criteria.

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