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You are on page 1of 47 ENSES TEACH YOURSELF ENGLISH SERIES—BOOK I (All Rights Reserved) TENSES MADE EASY x by ZS 5 : EFZAL ANWARE MUFTI B.A,, B.T., Panjab), A.CP. Cane feels ‘Modern Academy, ——————— : RieviseD & ENLARGED f oe St oe Published by _QAUMI KUTUB KHANA 19, FEROZEPUR ROAD, LAHORE March 1997' 1 ane’ pices) aon |. Parts of Speech (Made Easy) , Analysis (Made Easy) |. Twelve Less 9 in Basic English, i g pore as BOOKS 8Y THE SAME AUTHOR ; ack Pick-Me-Up— PRIMER Pick-Me-Up Book 1 {for class V1) Pick-Me-Up Book’ li {for class VII) | Pick-Me-Up Book 111 (for dass Vit) Tenses (Made Easy) Translation (Made Easy) J ‘we f BE Avr) 2 Sa om eb eae ae Ew es Bose SEY er ee PAS 2Shn Sone oF et ott Wea! SOF gat Laks S Tenses x ot og By a Sobbs dhs! pee, ‘ a WF spl Og sKe whee Cola 2 Sarre Slab i ih asta 5 a sh sine see SAE S ot ot 9. rs “2 Bes pS 6 dy at Lite AN ve & Passive Voice (Made Easy) Direct & Indirect Narration (Made Easy) k ‘The Verbs & Related words (Made Easy). ? We Semtences & Proverbs in every day use Good Hand Writing (Made Easy) a oF shh on to) B Pak Translation SPIT ee eal 4 tay Pak Secondary School English Grammar Composition. Pak English Composition for Every Body: Iblished by $M. AHSAN for Quam Kutub Khas, Panted by Tamer Printing Pen, 19, Ferezapur Road, te Sone ng (Dalal CONTENTS GOOD HANDwaitiNG ; MADE Easy ; Subject c aE Ae Goer hee oe 2 a te! SUS z Bale one ‘Fiesent Indefinite Tense : . Sag 5 Far ae ot 5 te OE FS Goal lll WBS alti a sorb 2 ae eee Present Conti aD t Continuous - WS netendbet a duh Fate Exercise 2 Present Perfect Tense S WS te dbo ” bE 18 Bxercise 3 Present Perfect Contiouous Tense Bis.S cl eet LL agh et 2 Exercise 4 | Revision of the Present Tense e . Exercise 5 Past Indefinite Tente QsUMI KUruB KHANA Sirewlar Road o/, shati Gate, - AOE balkali Subject No. Subject : Exercise 6 es teas Ceara Tereey 6 Voture Perfest Continuous Teme i Bb Sule. Shead ae as Wefan’ Exercise 7 i Hi 1, Past Perfect Tease 4 9. 10. 12 13, Revision of the Future Teose BS. Wee Ske} Belrdde 8 xercae 15 Past Ferfea Continvons Tease 5, eee See $e eee Miscellaneous Exercise ae Questions of Objective Pattern Revision of the Past Ten: e ‘Three Forms of about 200 Verbs Beercite 10 IN QUESTIONS Falite Indefinite Tease é | EXAMINATION Q a aed aha D cps 5 ahs ah aE Vee Z Temes A ah ee Exercise 11 i Qe lh wee ered Sela cae 22 LAUT st oth Syl Future Continuous Tense OS glee ea Exercise 12 Future Perfect Tense. OS. alle lead Page ar ‘ Lo 33 3 F j TENSES MADE EASY } DE 2G? ey Lily” ger F Tense we wn! yee NIN e) sal lag US (9) 6 athe) WS Jo? cae 25T pat Prevent Tense one 53,630 55 12.3 Past Tense ene in. 851 95 Lj yp eS” — ge Ula PAG; Ny 2? ig CES MoU Sala sf yl Pe ial gs iN utiie Teaalla Ge oat ss FEE Sli eye SS) Fuge Aert) HW SHY at 4 i FBS Wane aan, 9 we 4 ES Opis 4 412985 i cally Lhe ge BS oat Bor em Jy Sh 3s Ey Me HV S55) rele od Soo gh O95 ay orig FeO SHS os HF Ode C49 Ke yal Sat le eed ok dle 23 Foi i ME oe re TO oy © oS ot + aH ES Nha ow old g FE aoil dai Dh wg Var Verb con Sd” eens Gta BG ce BI EG eg Bid ey al ST La ole Verb ee 5 Saeges ol BL YY lige” & US” BO r Pee US Action Word 57 Tense Sil ao cme Tenses sig Vi weyace ene sie sit (p) Continuous (¢) Indefinite (4) rey et sly ake SF “ee ah sSrmy> co us OI «Perfect Continuous (c) 531 Perfect WS rere ge aK yeh! Se LS VEE SS crc alee IS OL AB ay Solel Sy pay? cx Moe GAL Moy gid? pe oe oy BE IS 2 Usteegend (EOL pt be, A? ng DE Oly eye 6A St WOE eB ona gay iqbalkalm 710 TENSES MADE EASY ‘THE PRESENT INDEFINITE TENSE ib LER IN - . % Wh ge L ‘dle ei” ee gayi ye) Tense a ere INTRODU - - * s S t dee gee Ete. Ming Seed asses IB enye fg OS WRT z a ‘ See LAs Eosly FE Stree (1 pr Ea HEL Seta eae SNE a ee ea Gly 15 Past Participle (y) 31 Past (,) Present (,) tise SUSY ingow sl SiForm de othe EOL (reading ead y5! going x so ‘ Fores, vile = dh Be cae ee We AY PreseniPactisiple eal Fees le Lgl 2 op Fl sal La Forms oy: PVs Tce Big ix Gor distal sab come 98 Tenses 5 we a oF deel eel geet slay SoA ESE CN Stl gh AGel Soak a ace OF Sheed ef sat ty 5 9 Bt yy S Tense Sly, FEE Ole oe Mad eat dee be pe Wan vi 3b Jaki (Bltst Form) Suze he S Verb «Sal xp Been wae Sor Ue! Present Indefinite Tence Baise bal ‘1 TOW She ly He & Singular Noun ds Subject But 51 eee os EM en eee een Dee PLOW EL dyed phy ber oh () ‘The Muslims bury the Jead. ; ‘We embrace one another, after saying the “Eid prayers. ‘The bride leaves her parents’ house with tears ia her eyes, Sb ee | AL Oe E080 ST £ ort (ow) 1. The sun rises in the east Water keeps its level. ‘God helps those who help themselves. 2 £ Be E (Vaiversal Teathy ale silo 4S” (9) ree 1. Honesty is the best policy. 2, Two and two make four. ; -igbalkali -o TENSES MADE EASy ee ne aa 13 a = ‘Sentemses ‘Seatenses he DEOL 38 oF Fos (a) z 1. The duck s in | play cricket, I catch the ball. cae ‘We play cricket. ‘We catch the ball, 2. The snake bites man. : 30 eterd lave eatinace M You play ticker. You cateh the ball, He plays cricket, He catcles the ball. She plays cricket. ‘She catélles the ball.” ~ It plays cricket. Teeatehes the hall. They play cricket. They catch ; eF Ble Sob Ti ett ag Mae say Bene tel cal by 1. Colwhibus discovers America, 7 7%, Mabinud of Ghazoi anacks India 18 times, ny The boy plays cricket, “The boy catches the ball, en The girl plays cricket. Boys catch the ball. ane |Qisid- Aram tocos the dream of Aland j Boys play cricket. The girl eatches 1 into a reality. : ; : Childréa play cricket. Girls catch the b ball. 62 LES F156 Quotation ou) gts oF ee ee) BELG lly Noga 092 C tenet H 91 393+ cele ol il Form Je S Verb £1 (1) “a We cat sweets, mar) 242 8 donot gle, x uf “Whey do cx They go home \ We do not ext sweets "= (pot go home. Pot bya B05 4 5 ce stl Form eS Verb S1.(2) ) Be? 8 does not gle ao ol Fy oS es ly We goct l She does not eat tice 2 She eats rice + (He does not go home << home 1s (wl) nterrogative 95 yah" Teuse ul ; Me me Ie Briere ao cde Jol 54! Form be S Verd 1 (1) 1 The Quran sayy: doing. God is aware of what we are” 2 The Holy Prophet says: advice sou 10 truth, (Sellatioh-o- Alait-i:Wasallani) fear God and to speak the y ‘THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 3 “4 poe aimen oalel che nallae nest utjat Dou ey Lat Dé we eat cz We eat tweets cor) 269 BI (8) = (sweets ? Foi Bes bs ae ATE Fotm de J Verb 51 Q) Il, Correct the folloniig, If necessary :— £ vist Dos inert Sak 7 Sets 1. The cow do not give milk ? 2. . He does not tells He goes home coin) 42 B(1) che wally exe x5 lie.” 3. Dees you go to thjs cap? 4. Do the = (Does he g0 home? ze’, “fnins falls io July? §, Tt take two o make a quarrel. © 6. The stars shines ia ibe sky, 7, Do you prays five JS usse Tatervogative 331 Negative Tense od “times 2 day? 8 She does not likes sweets. 9. My = 56 ake 2459 3 L oils father love me, 10. Do the policeman catches the thief? £ GAS 21 Gee ysl Teh Said neni ecole, ie ae ee aS bee ae glee ah 2, THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE + obble 5 (Ue Exercises Bl pis 2 og ao sips Soe Prescot Participiet E24 Teme a emrmemceter cold water, $. My wate gains time. 6. She speaks he teush. 7. They fly kites, 8 The snake bites the Horse. 9, Thes/ceceive the guests. 10, Hens lay eggs. : én ree. ( wencise 1 Bea) cout aie int oh le Paste 1. | Rewrite the following as Negative Seutences :— « is sitting & are sitting & am sitting 1. He seiddithe Holy Quran every ky.|2 4 ip Hejl JUL Ja Gee gagh ges) Tens w inthis house. 3, Dogs cat meat. 4, My uncle I that house. 5. The sun rises at 6 o'clgck. 6. to school on foot. 7, She reads the newsparer with fail. 8. Lwind the watch at noo. 9. We travel class. 10. She likes mangoes. spon DDL dod coil (q. B = OM uyemae hy on TS EO ee ei whan a a de et) Uiag Deel LT Sye'am oe Tense ol He & She It & Singular Noun pS whyeq is +{I am sitting ert) = sz hy T Subject yobs ea yee — DE You & We tyr are )3! (Shahwar is sitting 4 He is sitting Ul, Rewrite the following as Interrogative Sentences 1, The cow gived milk. 2. Itrains here almost day. 3, They play atthe cards at noob. 4 1 RAS es aE Sale S Present Participle * /. ee a r iqbalkalmati. 16 ‘TENSES MADE EASY Su eS see = IE Ploral Noun GF They » You are sitting met) —~ 90 by +4 deco! Subject sya ue nieoh wesicida SS whe ot eh oy Eainl raves BE Achueldete tenet so ROSE | + Ble gy oti Person Sentences Sentences: Lam sitting, 1am playing Rockey We are sitting. ‘We are plavins hockey. HM Youare sitting. You are playing hockey He is sicting. He is playing hockey. UL, She is sitting, She is playing hockey I is sitting Itis playing hockey They are sitting. They ure playing hockes Nasi is iting. Tahir is playing hockey Javeid is sitting. _Najma is playing hockey Boys ure sitting. Boys are platiniz hockey The cows are siting. Girls are pluvine hockey. Wam 2 ly (ail Negative 35° oy Z Tense > They are playing nen) #42 Snot ay, © are w i (They ate nor playing hockes a hockes PELs (alga) Imterrogative 9 ay 38 Tense! oe ALE, Me we Subject 223 ST Are UL Am JOGSPOt.GORMent contmuous Tense LE He is’sleeping govt) te? ©) (2) eke ile eee sl (is he sleeping ? ax usila,s” Suss3 Incerrogative ys! Negative £ Tense vl 9 Sune 8 IE EXERCISE 2 1. Rewrite the folloning as Negative Sentéecs :— 1, The horte is eating grass. 2. My brothers are poing to Karachi, 3. Heis ringing the bell now. 4. 1 am taking the ckamination, 5. Birds are flying in the air, 6. The radios playing: 7, Lam doing my duty. 3. ‘They re wartiog for you. 9. Dogs are barking a them. 10.. She is taking 2 beth. IL. Rewrite the following as Snterrogative “szieaces -— i The stars are shiningin tbe sky. 2. He is swioa- ming in the tank. 3, Lam learning my lesson. 4. You fare tellin a lie. 5. They are baving tea. 6, Tam wash- ing my bands and face. 7. She is dressing ier 8, We are learning this poem by heart. 9. 1 am drink: EL, Correct the folloming > 1, They running on the road. 2. MY father are steeping now, 3. Tam tive with a ftiend of mine. 4. She 18 * yexses xcsenr pexrect TENSE f wash my shirt. 3, Is sitting te on the’ ge 6 Boys are playing not hockey on our ground, 7: falling the ruin outside 2° 8. The train are runing fast, 9. Am taking! the craminstion? 10. He gol alles go ast oh FO 2s A oF od poh atl Seal 6 Tense ut FE s Person Sentences {tosebool 65 foot, Ihave spt, Lhave gone home © We have slept. We have gone home. ave : re T TENSE -- 11 You havesiept. You have gdbe bome: : anak be has slept. He'aas gone home Save Sr S Si 2 EEG Tense» wewseensnes She has slept. She has gone home. We 8 tase Ube ce = (Tai Form) RES uit feharepe Aub gtbe home. ~ (have gor ‘They have slept. They have gone home, el has cone men) aU Bashir has slept, » The doctor has gone home. The peon has slept, The patient has gone bome: Peons have slept. Nurses have gone home, Boysihave slept, Visitors bave gone home. eS eb Se al ae sigh Sen) Th we 2) Tetsem serge SEY EEE in EU) goes ete Le 1b He bas killed the snake sorb denpile oS gt 3h Dean . Singular & Plues) Nouns We bas co) Zils (iW) Negative 55 unit Z Tense ue} ‘Phey = They have goneycivet) <4? Gi not an have = (have not gone, Singular WS It b She & He wtany -b nse 91 4 TSubject isl aaah or se oad The cow has eaten He hus seen them Zan) 2 liye Sheu Plural y=S° They be You's We wiaeg have" od - (gra Ys or DEA Subject se) care aS es on gil < Noa (The dog bas’ eaten ‘ineat ¥ They have gond ao) 94 se Oy Sal gi £ aka (allan) lnterrogatine 9F unjit £ Tense vi} we EAT Sy de & Subject oF Have & Has @ He-has gone home on) 24? 8 (2) Oe ~ (Has he gone home ? eeesiqbalkalmati JS Sond Interrogative 531 Neestive £ Tense wt 786 ole 2055 IF ane exeRcIgE 3 J. Rewrite i Stoning a oie Sener 4. *She has milked the air of shoss, Tees lost ber. crise 6. He com. 2, He hes bought» doi watch. 3, Thave boughs this ed OBS. 4. She 1 have sent bim o telegram, "leave. 7. Thete doctors Te ots Mf atighbou’s horse has “aict 2, LBAVE polished your shoes. 4a. ‘The guard has blown he whist, ‘Rewrite the folowing 3 litettogative Sentence Pe Eat locked the dood

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