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Basic Moves (pg 55) Special Moves (pg 72) Carouse (pg 77) +1 for each extra 100

Special Moves (pg 72) Carouse (pg 77) +1 for each extra 100 coins spent
You throw a triumphant party! Spend 100 coins, plus however much extra.
Move Roll Move Roll 10+: choose any 3 below.
Hack and Slash (pg 56) STR Last Breath (pg 72) None 7-9: choose any 1 below.
When you attack an enemy who can defend himself, otherwise just deal damage. Can only When youre dying you catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the Black Gates of Deaths 6-: choose 1, but it gets out of hand, at the GMs discretion.
be done if the attack would could deal damage (ex. stabbing a ghost). Kingdom (the GM will describe it). You befriend a useful NPC. You gain useful information.
10+: deal your damage or do +1d6 damage but expose yourself to attack. 10+: youve cheated Deathyoure in a bad spot but youre still alive. However, Death You hear rumors of an opportunity. You are not entangled, or tricked.
7-9: deal your damage and the enemy attacks you. remembers this slight.
7-9: Death itself offers you a bargain with signi cant consequences. Take it and Recruit (pg 78) None
Volley (pg 58) DEX stabilize or refuse and die. When you put out word that youre looking to hire help. Your bonuses can be:
When you draw, aim, and re a ranged weapon or throw a thrown weapon. 6-: your fate is sealed, and you will die. Sometimes it is instant, sometimes you may +1 if you make it known that your pay is generous
10+: deal your damage. 7-9: deal your damage and choose one below: have weeks to live, but it is imminent. The GM will tell you when. +1 if you make it known what youre setting out to do
+1 if you make it known that theyll get a share of whatever you nd
You must endanger yourself to take the shot. GM puts you in danger. Make Camp (pg 74) - +1 if you have a useful reputation around these parts
Your only shot is sub-optimal. Damage -1d6. When you settle in to rest and consume a ration. You may need to keep watch. If you have
You must take several shots, breaking or losing ammo. Ammo -1. enough XP you may level up. When you awaken from a few hours of sleep, heal 10+: you can pick whoever you want to hire from a list of skilled applicants.
damage equal to half your max hp. This is also when you prepare spells. 7-9: you can settle for someone close to what you want or turn them away.
Defy Danger (pg 60) Depends 6-: someone in uential and ill-suited wants to join (a foolish youth, a loose cannon,
Take Watch (pg 75) WIS or a veiled foe, etc), bring them and take the consequences or turn them away.
When you act despite an imminent threat or suffer a calamity, choose how you defy:
When youre on watch and something approaches the camp: If you turn away applicants you take -1 forward to recruit.
by powering through, + STR by thinking quick, + INT
10+: youre able to wake the camp and prepare a response, everyone in the camp
by dodging or acting fast, + DEX through mental fortitude, + WIS Outstanding Warrants (pg78) CHA
takes +1 forward.
by enduring, + CON using charm and social grace, + CHA 7-9: you react just a moment too late; your companions in camp are awake but When you return to a civilized place in which youve caused trouble before.
10+: you do what you set out to, the threat doesnt come to bear. havent had time to prepare. They have only weapons and armor. 10+: word has spread of your deeds and everyone recognizes you.
7-9: you stumble, hesitate, or inch: you must choose a worse outcome, hard bargain, 6-: whatever lurks outside the camp res light gets the drop on you. 7-9: as above, but choose a complication:
or ugly choice. The local constabulary has a warrant out for your arrest.
Undertake a Perilous Journey (pg 75) WIS Someone has put a price on your head.
Spout Lore (pg 64) INT
When you travel through hostile territory, a party member to act as trailblazer, to scout Your actions put someone important into a bad spot.
When you want to search your memory for knowledge or facts about something speci c. ahead, and to be quartermaster. Setting off to explore is not a perilous journey. Its
The knowledge you get is precise, relevant, and may be useful. wandering around looking for cool things to discover. Bolster (pg 79) -
10+: the GM will tell you an interesting and immediately useful fact. 10+: each does the following.
7-9: the GM will tell you an interesting fact. You say why you dont remember. When you have downtime and spend time in study, meditation, or hard practice, you gain
Quartermaster: reduces the number of rations required by one preparation. If you prepare for 1 week, take 1 preparation. If you prepare for 1 month +,
Trailblazer: reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your Destination
Discern Realities (pg 66) WIS take 3. You can spend 1 for + 1 to any roll. You can only spend preparation once per roll.
Scout: will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the drop on it
When you closely study and observe a target. Usually means physically interacting with it, 7-9: no bonus, no negative. Encumbrance (pg 74) -
not just a quick scan of something. The GM wont lie.
10+: ask the GM any 3 questions listed below. When you make a move you may be encumbered if your weight carried is:
End of Session (pg 76) -
7-9: ask the GM 1 question from below. =<load: you suffer no penalty
When you are at the end of a play session, choose up to one bond that you feel is resolved, <= load + 2: you take -1 ongoing until you lighten your burden
What happened here recently? What here is useful or valuable to me? completely explored, irrelevant, etc. If the bonded player agrees, mark xp and write a > load + 2: choose: drop at least 1 weight and roll at -1, or automatically fail
What is about to happen? Whos really in control here? new bond.
What should I be on the lookout for? What here is not what it appears to be? Then, check your alignment. If you ful lled that alignment at least once this session, mark Terms
XP. Then answer these three questions as a group, and mark xp for each that the entire
Term How it Works
Parley (pg 68) CHA group answered yes to.
Did we learn something new and important about the world? Hold x - Keep track of this number. It can only be spent on the move that created it. Hold
When you have leverage on an NPC and manipulate/make a request of them. Leverage is
Did we overcome a notable monster or enemy? empties when the condition upon its creation is no longer met.
something they need/want.
Did we loot a memorable treasure? +/- x Forward - Modi es your next roll that isnt damage, and then fades. This can be a
10+: they do what you ask if you rst promise what they ask of you.
modi er to a speci c move only, or on a speci c target.
7-9: theyll do what you ask, but need proof of your promise, right now.
+/- x Ongoing - Like forward but until the effect ends.
Level Up (pg 76) -
Stun Damage - This non-lethal subdual damage wont kill something, but can disrupt
Aid or Interfere (pg 70) Number of Bonds with that player When you have downtime and XP >= current level + 7, you can level up. Subtract that cur lvl nonetheless. Defying Danger from stun damage is like trying to clear your head.
When you help or hinder someone, chosen before the main roll. + 7 from your total XP. Choose a new advanced class move. If youre a wizard, gain a b[2d6]/w[2d6] - B denotes, take the highest roll of the two dice, W is to take the lower.
Any time you act against another players move, you roll to decrease the others modi er. new spell. Increase a stat by 1 and recalculate the modi er. Scores cannot go above Similar to D&Ds advantage and disadvantage.
This doesnt always mean sabotaging, it could be anything from arguing against a 18. Bonds - Bonds are a players connections to other players. You always have at least 1, and
parley to stopping a character from pick pocketing on morals. If you were to go beyond 10th level, instead choose one of these: Retire your character, as many as you start off with (3-6 depending on class). Replace when done.
If you can explain how youre aiding a move and if it makes sense, you can roll to aid. take an apprentice to play and your old stops gaining XP, change to a new class
10+: they take +1 or -2 to their roll, your choice. while keeping some your scores and moves at the GMs discretion.
Debility (pg 26) Description
7-9: they still get a modi er, but you also expose yourself to danger, retribution, or
cost. At the GMs discretion of course. Supply (pg 77) CHA Weak (STR) - You cant exert much force. Youre fatigued, hurt, or magically drained.
Shaky (DEX) - Youre unsteady on your feet and youve got shaky hands.
When you go shopping. If the item is special, rare or not local, you must roll to nd it.
Sick (CON) - Your innards are distressed. Maybe youre diseased, ill, or hungover.
Defend (pg 62) CON 10+: you nd what youre looking for at a fair price.
Stunned (INT) - You are light headed and cant think straight. That last knock to the head
When you stand in defense of a person, item, or location under attack. 7-9: youll have to pay more or settle for something thats not exactly what you
shook something loose, you might have brained your damage.
10+: hold 3. 7-9: hold 1. wanted, but close.
Confused (WIS) - Your ears are ringing, your vision of blurred. Youre out of it.
As long as you defend you retain this hold, and when you or whatever youre defending is
Scarred (CHA) - It might not be permanent, but you dont look good.
attacked, you can spend this hold to choose an option: Recover (pg 77) -
Not all attacks in ict a debilities, you get them from magic, poison, monsters, etc.
Redirect an attack from it to yourself Give an ally +1 forward against the attacker When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety for a day, you recover all your HP. Debilities modi es rolls that use that score by -1, and the same dont stack.
Halve the attacks effect or damage Deal damage to the attacker equal to your level Every 3 days (or 2 if youre under care) of you remove one debility of your choice. This are usually healed by the Recovery move

Introduce a New Type of Faction or Creature (pg 169) Requires Has certain requirements in order to be used.
GM Moves (pg 163) Give some clear sensory evidence or substantiated information. Don't be coy, the players Slow Takes a minute or two to use.
should have some idea what you're showing the presence of. You can be subtle in Touch Used by touching to the targets skin.
Move your approach. You don't have to warn the players about this move. A hard Two-Handed Requires two hands to use effectively.
Use a Monster, Danger, or Location Move (pg 165) application of this move can jump right into a combat scene or ambush. Worn To use it, you must be wearing it.
Use a Threat from an Existing Faction/Type of Creature (pg 169) Weapon Tags (pg 323)
A description of what a location or monster does, such as hurl someone away or bridge
the planes. This can also have the monster Deal Damage. This is very straightforward, and is one of the most common dungeon moves. As the Forceful It can knock someone back a pace, maybe even off their feet.
Your fronts should have dangers associated with them as well, dont forget to use those. name implies, use a threat theyve seen before, or otherwise have it return. Ignores Armor Armor is not subtracted from the damage dealt by this weapon.
Make them Backtrack (pg 169) Messy Deals damage in a destructive way, ripping things apart.
Reveal an Unwelcome Truth (pg 165) Look over the map. Is there anything useful yet undiscovered? Can you add a new Precise It rewards careful strikes, you hack and slash using DEX.
obstacle that requires backtracking to be overcome? Maybe a key was missed? Reload After you attack with it, it takes a moment to reset.
Reveal one of your devious machinations: that the room is trapped, or an ally is actually a
Take this opportunity to show the effect the players have had on the areas they've left Stun When you attack with it, it does stun damage instead.
spy. Dont make up something on the spot, this is revealing a truth not creating it.
behind. What new or unresolved threats lurk the halls and chambers? Thrown Throw it at someone to hurt them.

Use this move the make the dungeon a living, breathing, and evolving place. Range Tags (pg 324)
Show Signs of an Approaching Threat (pg 165)
Present Riches at a Price (pg 169) Hand Can hit enemies within arms reach.
This is a very versatile move. 'Threat' is anything bad that's coming. You just show them
Show the players something they want, but just out of reach. Make them work to get it. Close Can hit enemies at arms reach plus a couple feet.
that something's going to happen unless they do something about it.
Reach Can hit enemies several feet away, a max of about 10 feet.

Deal Damage (pg 166) Numbers, Terms, and Tags Near

Can hit enemies dozens of feet away.
Can hit enemies at shouting distance.
A player has failed their roll, it is time to deal damage to them! Damage can come from Damage Amount Die Score Mod Score Mod
Armor Tags (pg 325)
the environment, or combat. Have the player receiving the damage roll the dice. Bruises and scrapes at worst d4 1-3 -3 13-15 +1
Clumsy Tough to move around in, -1 ongoing while using it.
Its likely to spill some blood d6 4-5 -2 16-17 +2
Immunity Gives complete immunity to a certain type of attack.
Use Up their Resources (pg 166) It might break some bones d8 6-8 -1 18 +3
Steading Prosperity Tags (pg 207)
Something happens to cause the players to lose resources, maybe a sword breaks, a pack It could kill a common person d10 9-12 0
Dirt Nothing for sale, nobody has more than they need. Unskilled labor.
catches re, or a shielding spell is negated. Doesnt need to be permanent. Add ignores armor tag if damage source is magic, poison, or is particularly large Poor Only bare necessities for sale. Weapons are scarce. Unskilled labor.
Add 1 armor for partial cover, 2 armor for major cover Moderate Most common items are for sale. Some types of skilled laborers.
Turn their Move Back on Them (pg 166) Wealthy All common items for sale. Most skilled laborers, but they arent cheap
Think about the bene ts a move might grant a player and turn them back negatively. If a Alignments Alignment Rich Common items and more, if you know where to look. Specialist labor.
player spots someone why scouting, maybe they spotted him too. Lawful Uphold the law to the letter Chaotic Reveal corruption in the law Steading Population Tags (pg 207)
Ful ll an important promise Break an unjust law to bene t Exodus Has lost most of its population, on the verge of collapse.
Separate Them (pg 166) Bring someone to justice someone in distress Shrinking Has less population than it once had, buildings stand empty.
Separating the characters can mean anything from being pushed apart in the heat of Choose honor over gains Defeat a tyrant Steady The population is in line with its size. Some slow growth.
battle to being teleported to the far end of the dungeon. Return treasure to its owner Reveal hypocrisy Growing More people than there are buildings.
Good Ignore danger to aid another Evil Take advantage of trust Booming Resources are stretched thin to keep up with the number of people.
Offer an Opportunity, with or without a Cost (pg 167) Lead others to righteous battle Cause suffer for no reason Steading Defense Tags (pg 208)
Give the players something they want or need, but with a known, unknown, or maybe no Personal gain < greater good Destroy something beautiful
None Clubs, torches, pitchforks.
catch. But dont say which! A seemingly safe space chamber, or a mimic chest. Reveal a dangerous lie Upset the rightful order
Militia There a few able-bodied persons ready to take up (worn) arms.
Show mercy Harm an innocent
Watch Watchers are posted around to look for trouble and settle problems.
Put Someone in a Spot (pg 167) Neutral Learn a secret about an enemy Make an ally of someone powerful Guard There are armed defenders at all times, no more than 100 total.
Put them into a position where they have to take action or something bad happens. Uncover a hidden truth Defeat a personally important foe Garrison As with guard, but 100-300. There are multiple patrols at all times.
Battalion As many as 1,000 armed defenders, manned defenses as well.
Tell them the Requirements or Consequences and Ask (pg 167) Tag Description Legion Defended by many thousands of soldiers, intimidating.
When players have failed a move, or a move doesnt exactly cover the solution to an Monster Tags (pg 222) Other Steading Tags (pg 208)
obstacle you use this move. You tell the players what they need to do, with as much Amorphous Its anatomy and organs are bizarre and unnatural. Arcane There are strong spellcasters here. +1 to recruit an adept.
detail as you can. Let the know that there will be consequences for failing this one. Cautious It prizes survival over aggression. Blight Theres a recurring problem, which is usually a type of monster.
Construct It was made, not born. Craft Known for excellence in the listed craft. Their goods are easier to nd or
Give an Opportunity that Fits a Classs Abilities (pg 167) Devious Its main danger lies beyond the simple clash of battle. higher quality here.
or Present a challenge to one of the players (pg 169) Hoarder It almost certainly has treasure. Divine Theres a major religious presence here. +1 to recruiting a priest.
Provide an obstacle that shows a character that they are needed, or gives them a time to Intelligent It's smart enough that some individuals pick up other skills. Dwarven Lots of dwarves live here. Dwarf goods are cheaper and more common.
shine. Reveal a locked door for the thief, evil for the cleric to destroy, etc. Or have a Magical It is by nature magical through and through. Elven Lots of elves live here. Elf goods are cheaper and more common.
negative spotlight show on a player, and have an unresolved event from his past Planar It's from beyond this world. Emnity Holds a grudge against the listed steadings.
catch up with them at an inopportune time. Stealthy It can avoid detection and prefers to attack with surprise. Exotic There are unique goods and services here. List them.
Terrifying Its mere presence and appearance is enough to evoke fear. Guild A type of guild has a major presence here. +1 to recruiting that hireling.
Show a Downside to their Class, Race, or Equipment (pg 167) Organization Tags (pg 222) History Something important once happened here. A battle, miracle, myth,
All positives are bundled with negatives. Is the druids magic upsetting dangerous forces? Solitary It lives and ghts alone. romance, tragedy, or any other you can think of.
Maybe light of the torch also draws attention from eyes in the dark. Group Usually seen in small numbers of 3-6ish. Lawless Crime is rampant and/or the authorities are weak.
Organized Has a complex group structure, where they look out for each other. Market A trade hub. +1 to supply.
Horde Where theres one, theres more. A lot more. Need Has a need the listed resource, which is much more expensive here.
Dungeon Moves (pg 168) Size Tags (pg 222) Oath Has sworn oaths to other steadings, either for fealty/support. List them.
Tiny Much smaller than a hal ing. Personage A notable/famous person lives here. Give him/her a name and story.
Move Small About the size of a hal ing. Power It holds some sort of sway, usually either political, divine, or arcane.
Large Much bigger than a human. Religion The listed deity is revered here.
Change the Environment (pg 168)
Huge As big as a small house or bigger. Resource Has easy access to the listed resource, which is much cheaper here.
As in, the makeup of the area. Carved stone tunnels can transition into a natural cave, or Safe Outside trouble doesnt come here unless the players bring it.
as they trek towards a witch den they come across more and more dead trees. Equipment Tags (pg 322)
Trade Regularly trades with other steadings. List them.
Point to a Looming Threat (pg 168) Applied Its only useful when carefully applied to a person or its food.
The party comes across evidence of a looming threat. The footprints of an unknown Awkward Its unwieldy and tough to use.
monster, or the smell of brimstone before a dragon. This can easily be a red herring. Dangerous Can harm yourself if you use with it without the proper precautions.
Ration Its edible.
Halberd Reach, Two-handed +1 9 2
Hirelings (pg 34) Rapier Close, Precise - 25 1 Services and Purchases (pg 328)
Dueling Rapier Close, Precise 1 Piercing 50 2
Aspect Description Thing Cost
Skill(s) On a scale of 1-10. Can have multiple skills. In uences cost and cant be
Armor (pg 325) Services (pg 328)
hired if it is greater than the players level.
A weeks stay at a peasant inn 14 - charisma
They start with a total number of points based on where they were hired. Armor Tags Armor Cost Weight A weeks stay at a civilized inn 30 - charisma
Villages give 2-5, Towns 4-6, Keep 5-8, and City 6-10 Leather Worn 1 10 1 A weeks stay at the fanciest inn in town 43 - charisma
Cost A hireling must be paid, but there are several ways to do so. Chainmail Worn 1 10 1 A weeks unskilled mundane labor 10
Loyalty How loyal the hireling is to the players. Usually starts at 1. Kindness mod Scale Mail Worn, Clumsy 2 50 3 A months pay for enlistment in an army 30
forward can be from a bonus, disrespect, or late payments. It is Plate Worn, Clumsy 3 350 4 A custom item from a blacksmith Base item + 50
permanently changed by signi cant successes/failures. Shield Held +1 15 2 A nights companionship 20 - charisma
When a player makes a dangerous, degrading, or crazy order roll + loyalty. (This An evening of song and dance 18 - charisma
doesnt count as a move) Poisons (pg 327) Escort for a day along a bandit-infest road 20
10+: They carry out the order. Escort for a day along a monster-infest road 54
7-9: They do it for now, but have demands later. Meet them or they quit. Poison Tags Cost Weight A run-of-the-mill killing 5
An assassination 120
Oil of Tagit Dangerous, Applied 15 0
Costs The target falls into a light sleep. Healing from a chirurgeon 5
The Thrill of Victory Money Bloodweek Dangerous, Applied 12 0 A months prayers for the departed 1
Uncovered Knowledge Fame and Glory Repairs to a mundane item 25% of item worth
Until cured, whenever the a icted rolls damage, they roll an additional d4 and subtract
Debauchery Good Accomplished Meals (pg 328)
that result from their normal damage.
A hearty meal for one 1
Goldenroot Dangerous, Applied 20 0
Skill Description A poor meal for a family 1
The target treats the next creature they see as a trusted ally, until proved otherwise.
Adept Arcane Assistance - Aids in casting a spell with level lower than their skill, A feast 15 per person
Serpents Tears Dangerous, Applied 10 0
Increasing range, duration or potency. Negatives affect the adept rst. Bribes (pg 329)
Anyone dealing damage against the target rolls twice and takes the better result.
Burglar Experimental Trap Disarming - Can lead the way and detect most traps. If a A peasant dowry 20 - charisma
trap is sprung, he suffers the full effect and needs immediate healing,
but the players get + skill and add his armor. Can disarm traps during a
Dungeon Gear (pg 326) Protection for a small business
A government bribe
100 - charisma
50 - charisma
Make Camp move. A compelling bribe 80 - charisma
Minstrel A Heros Welcome - When you enter a place of food/drink/entertainment, you Gear Tags Cost Weight An offer you cant refuse 500 - charisma
will be treated as a friend unless you act otherwise. You also subtract Adventuring Gear 5 Uses 20 1 Gifts and Finery (pg 329)
your highest Minstrels skill from all prices in town. Adventuring gear is a collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, poles, spikes, A peasant gift 1
Priest Ministry - When you Make Camp, you increase healing by Priests skill. ropes, etc. When you rummage through your adventuring gear for some useful A ne gift 55
First Aid - He can staunch your wounds, healing 2x skill. You take -1 forward mundane item, you nd what you need and mark off a use. A noble gift 200
as their healing is painful and distracting. Bandages 3 Uses, Slow 5 0 A ring or cameo 75
Protector Sentry - Can stand between you and an attack to increase your armor by When you have a few minutes to bandage someone elses wounds, heal them of 4 damage Finery 105
their skill, then give them -1 ongoing cumulatively until healed. and expend a use. A ne tapestry 350+
Intervene - Can help you defy danger, giving +1 from their aid. Also for that Poultices and Herbs 2 Uses, Slow 10 1 A crown t for a king 5,000
defy danger, 7-9s will count as 10s instead. Hoards (pg 329)
When you carefully treat someones wounds with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7
Tracker Track - When you Make Camp, they can follow a trail until the next change in A goblins stash 2
damage and expend a use.
terrain, travel, or weather. A lizardmans trinkets 5
Healing Potion 1 Use 50 0
Guide - When they lead the way, you automatically succeed on any Perilous
Journey with a distance (rations) lower than his skill. When you drink an entire healing potion, heal yourself of 10 damage or remove one debility, A Priceless sword 80
your choice. An orc warchiefs tribute 250
Warrior Man-at-arms - When you Deal Damage while he aids, add his skill to the A dragons mound of coins and gems 130,000
damage done. If your attack has consequences he takes most of it. Keg of Dwarven Stout 1 Use 10 4
Transport (pg 328) Cost Load
When you open a keg of dwarven stout and let everyone drink freely, take +1 to your Carouse
Weapons (pg 323) roll. If you drink a whole keg yourself, you are very, very drunk. Cart and donkey, sworn to carry your burdens
Bag of Books 5 Uses 10 2
Warhorse 400 12
Weapon Tags Damage Cost Weight When your bag of books contains just the right book for the subject youre spouting lore on,
Wagon 150 40
Ragged Bow Near - 15 2 consult the book, mark off a use, and take +1 to your roll.
Barge 50 15
Fine Bow Near, Far - 60 2 Antitoxin 1 Use 10 0
River Boat 150 20
Hunters Bow Near, Far - 100 1 When you drink antitoxin, youre cured of one poison affecting you. Merchant Ship 5,000 200
Crossbow Near, Reload +1 35 3 Dungeon Rations 5 Uses, Ration 3 1 Warship 20,000 100
Bundle of Arrows 3 ammo - 1 1 Not much taste, but itll do. Passage on a safe route 1 -
Elven Arrows 4 ammo - 20 1 Personal Feast 1 Use, Ration 10 1 Passage on a tough route 10 -
Club Close - 1 2 An impressive meal for one. Passage on a dangerous route 100 -
Shillelagh Close - 1 2 Land and Buildings (pg 329)
Dwarven Hardtack 7 Uses, Ration 3 1
Staff Close, Two-handed - 1 1 A hovel 20
Dagger Hand - 2 1 Requires Dwarf. Dwarves say it tastes like home, everyone else says it tastes terrible.
A cottage 500
Shiv Hand - 2 1 Elven Bread 7 Uses, Ration 10 1
A house 2,500
Knife Hand - 2 1 Only the greatest friends of elves are treated to this rare delicacy. A mansion 50,000
Throwing Dagger Thrown, Near - 1 0 Hal ing Pipe Leaf 6 Uses 5 0 A keep 75,000
Short Sword Close - 8 1 When you share hal ing pipe leaf with someone, expend two uses and take +1 forward to A castle 250,000
Spear Reach, Thrown, Near - 5 1 parley with them. A grand castle 1,000,000
Longsword Close +1 15 2 A months upkeep 1% of cost
Axe Close +1 15 2
Warhammer Close +1 15 2
Mace Close +1 15 2

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