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Write a list of your friends birthdays.

Name Birthday

Put a full stop or a question mark. (Textbook page 59)

1. When is Aruls birthday ( )

2. Idas birthday is in June ( )
3. How many days are there in December ( )
4. Where do you live ( )
5. My fathers birthday is in August ( )
6. What is your name ( )
7. My birthday is in November ( )
8. I am sorry, Adam ( )
9. When is your birthday party ( )
10. Thank you, Ming ( )

Answer the questions. (Textbook page 58)

1. Who has a birthday in October?

2. Where is Esas birthday party?
3. Who invites Ida to her birthday?
4. At what time is Ranis party?
5. Rani invites you to her party. You will buy a ____________ for her
because ______________________________.
6. Which party would you like to go to? Why?

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