SSC Scientific Assistant Answer Key For Electronics & Telecommunication 2017

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SSC Scientific Assistant Answer Key for

Electronics & Telecommunication 2017

1. 1 2. 4 3. 4 4. 2 5. 4
6. 2 7. 3 8. 1 9. 4 10. 3
11. 3 12. 2 13. 2 14. 2 15. 3
16. 2 17. 3 18. 3 19. 2 20. 3
21. 3 22. 3 23. 2 24. 4 25. 2
26. 4 27. 1 28. 2 29. 1 30. 1
31. 1 32. 2 33. 1 34. 4 35. 3
36. 4 37. 4 38. 4 39. 1 40. 1
41. 3 42. 3 43. 4 44. 2 45. 2
46. 2 47. 2 48. 1 49. 4 50. 4
51. 2 52. 3 53. 3 54. 2 55. 4
56. 1 57. 1 58. 1 59. 3 60. 3
61. 1 62. 1 63. 1 64. 4 65. 1
66. 3 67. 1 68. 1 69. 3 70 2
71. 3 72. 4 73 3 74. 2 75. 1
76. 3 77. 3 78. 3 79. 3 80. 4
81. 1 82. 3 83. 3. 84. 2 85. 1
86. 1 87. 2 88. 3. 89. 3 90. 2.
91. 1 92. 2 93. 2 94. 2 95. 1
96. 1 97. 1 98. 4 99. 1 100. 3

1. In pn junction diode, holes diffuse from p side to n side because there is higher
concentration of holes on p side. It is because of this concentration gradient, holes
diffuse form high concentration to low concentration region.
2. FETs don't experience thermal runaway because mobility decreases as temperature
increases. This is due to Lattice scattering effect. So, there is no thermal runaway
effect in FET.
3. In equilibrium, the product of charge carriers is constant at a particular
temperature. Thus, np = ni pi
4. The forward current of a pn junction is given by
I = Io eVT
Taking natural logarithm we have
lnI = lnIo +

This plot gives a straight line with slope and y intercept lnIo .

5. In a CMOS, only one MOSFET is switched on at a time. Thus, there is no path from
voltage source to ground so that a current can flow. Current flows in a MOSFET
only during switching. Thus, compared to N-channel MOSFET has the advantage of
lower drain current from the power supply, thereby causing less power dissipation.
6. The effective channel length of a MOSFET in saturation decreases with increase in
drain voltage. As drain voltage increases, the potential difference between gate and
drain at the drain end drops below threshold eroding the channel at the drain.
7. A tunnel diode is operated in forward bias while an avalanche diode is operated in
reverse bias.
8. ICEO being reverse saturation current is very sensitive to temperature. An increase
in temperature causes measurable change in temperature.
9. N channel FETs can carry more current than the p channel FETs for the same level
of doping because the mobility of electrons is more than the mobility of holes.

10. In an enhancement MOSFET, the output V I characteristics first has ohmic
region and as voltage increases the MOSFET enters the saturation region.
11. The emitter injects electron into the base. While a small fraction of it
recombines with the holes in base, most of the electrons pass from the base to
the collector.
12. Intrinsic semiconductors are made of semiconductors in their purest forms.
Their energy bandgap is in between those of conductors and insulators. The
charge carriers consist of equal number of holes and electrons.
13. The SiO2 layer in an IC is used as an insulating layer. Its secondary function is to
provide mechanical support.
14. The common base current gain is related to common emitter current gain by

the equation =

15. The leakage current

T2 T1
I2 = I1 2( 10

= 10 106 2( 10 )
I2 = 10 106 22
I2 = 40A
16. Mobility, = = sec

= 0.05cm2 /V sec
17. Common base is also known as current buffer hence the current gain is unity
which is low whereas voltage gain of Common Base is very large.
18. Hartley oscillator is commonly used as local oscillator in Radio Receivers
because of its wide range of operating frequencies.
19. Most of the specifications of Bridge rectifier and Full wave rectifier but the main
advantage of bridge rectifier over full wave rectifier is its lower PIV(Peak
Inverse Voltage).
For Bridge rectifier PIV = Vm

For Full wave rectifier PIV = 2Vm
For Half wave rectifier PIV = Vm
%changeofclosedloopgain = %changeofopenloopgain
1 10
20. 0.2 = 100
(1+100) 100
50 = 1 + 100
= 0.49
21. In cascaded connection the bandwidth value decreases because gain increases.
Hence Overall Bandwidth BWn = BW(2n 1)

22. Negative feedback is generally used in amplifiers whereas in oscillators we will

use positive feedback.
Comparator is an open loop configuration of Op Amp that means it doesnt have
23. The class B power amplifier is having maximum distortion which is known as
cross over distortion and this problem can be eliminated by Push Pull Class AB
power amplifer. Distortion is when the output is not faithfully produced at the
output irrespective of the conduction angle of the amplifier. In class C amplifier,
the conduction is less than 180 degrees but the output is replica of the input for
the given conduction angle. In class B amplifier, the distortion occurs at the zero
crossover when the input voltage drop below cut-in voltage of the diodes.
24. Sample and Hold circuit consists of MOS Transistor and a capacitor. Depending
upon the control signal the MOS will be either ON or OFF which results
charging or discharging of the capacitor.
25. In the earlier days, in IC Fabrication the UV radiation is used in the masking
process of photolithography.
Now a days x rays are used in this process.
26. In CC amplifier input impedance is high and output impedance is low. There is
no phase shift between the input and output signals and the voltage gain of CC
amplifier is unity.
27. An FET is a better chopper than a BJT because it has zero off set voltage. If we
need to turn on BJT we should have minimum voltage of 0.7 is required which
is known as offset voltage.
28. The class C power amplifier is known as Tuned amplifier which is used in radio
frequency transmitter circuits.
29. Voltage series feedback is also known as Series Shunt feedback. Hence it is
having high input impedance and low output impedance.
30. In cascaded connection gain increases. Hence bandwidth decreases. Decreasing
in bandwidth results increase in lower cut off frequency and decrease in upper
cut off frequency.
flower =
213 1

31. DAC has 10 bits, that means total number of steps = 210 1 = 1023

Resolution = = 5

32. The output of first multiplexer,

f1 = S0 (0) + S0 (B) = C(0) + CB = CB
f = S0 (1) + S0 (A) = CB 1 + CBA = ABC + B + C

f = ABC + B(AC + AC) + C(AB + AB)

f = ABC + ABC+= C + B + A = ABC

Hence the output will be NAND gate.
= + + +
= + =
34. To construct a 2 to 1 multiplexer by using 2 to 1 multiplexer, the number of 2 to
1 multiplexers required are 2 1. For example, n = 3 means we have to
construct 8 to 1 multiplexer. So we need 2 1 = 7, 2 to 1 multiplexers.
35. Given binary number is 11001110
Number of 1s present in the above given binary number = 5
Hence it is odd parity.
36. By using 4 line to 16 line decoder it is possible to obtain many code conversion.
37. Two of the four synchronous modes of operation of clocked JK flip flops are
SET, HOLD. The other two are RESET and TOGGLE.
38. (20)16 = 2 163 + 10 162 + 15 160
= 8192 + 2560 + 15
= (10767)10
39. (, , , ) = ( + )( + )
= + + +
40. This is possible only if = 0, = 0
i.e. = 1, = 1
a) 0 + 0 + = 0 + = , this is true.
b) 0 + = + 0 , this is false.
c) 0 + 0 = 1 + 0 0 1, this is false.
d) 0. = 1 0 1, this is false.
41. For 4-bit modulo 16 ripple counter has 4 JK flip flops whose propagation delay
Total propagation delay, = 4 50 = 200
Maximum clock frequency,
= = 5
42. Logic 1 in positive logic system is represented by higher voltage level.
Logic 0 in positive logic system is represented by lower voltage level.
Logic 1 in negative logic system is represented by lower voltage level.
Logic 0 in negative logic system is represented by higher voltage level.
43. Asynchronous counters eliminate the delay problems encountered with
asynchronous counter because the input clock pulses are applied simultaneously.

= + + + + + + + + +
= + + +
= ( + ) + ( + )
= + = ( + ) =
(235)1 = (565)10 = (1065)2
45. 212+ 31 + 5 = (565)10 1 = 16
23+ 62 + 5 = (565)10 2 = 8
46. WecantconstructExcess-3 code to BCD code converter using 4: 16 de-ultiplexer.
47. From the given diagram,
We know that sum of any no of bits is XOR of all bits.
So, =
S = either zero or even because LSB is zero always.
48. Carry look adder is frequently used to addition because of its speed. It involves
complex circuit, hence needed more number of gates and hence cost also more.
And it is preferred for less number of bits. As bit number is increasing number of
gates and cost also will get increases.
[ + ( + )] = [ + (( + ). ( + )]
= [ + ( + + + )]
49. = [ + + + + ]
= [ + + ]
= + + =
50. NAND and NOR gates are universal gates. Multiplexer can be used to implement
any combinational circuit.
51. We have

30 5 150
R1 = = = 3
30 + 5 + 15 50
30 15 450
R2 = = = 9
30 + 5 + 15 50
5 15 75
R3 = = = 1.5
30 + 5 + 15 50
52. For two two-port network in series parallel connection, the overall h parameter is
the sum of individual h parameter matrices.
53. For a two port network, the scattering matrix,
S11 S12 0.10 0.990
[S] = [ ]=[ ]
S21 S22 0.990 0.190
Now, for the network to be symmetric, [S] = [S]T
0.10 0.990
We have, [S]T = [ ] = [S]
0.990 0.190
Thus, the network is symmetric.
For the network to be lossless, the sum of magnitude squares of elements in each
column should be one. Here,
|S11 |2 + |S21 |2 = 0.01 + 0.81 = 0.82 1
|S21 |2 + |S22 |2 = 0.81 + 0.01 = 0.82 1
Thus, the system is not lossless but reciprocal.
54. Let the ratio = R in . Since, the input and output powers are same. We have

I12 R in = I22 R
I2 n
Now, =
I1 1

I2 = nI1
Using, this we have,
I12 R in = n2 I12 R
R in = n2 R
55. The maximum power transferred is never more than 50 percent. Thus. Power loss
will be equal to power transferred. Thus, power loss PL = Pm

56. The average value of a sin wave is given by, Vavg =

2 200
Vavg = = 127.8V

57. The average value of a sin wave is given by, Vavg =

2 200
Vavg = = 127.8V

58. The current through 4 resistance is I1 = A = 0.75A.

Thus, the current drawn from the voltage source is I = 0.75 + 0.25 = 1A
59. For frequencies greater than the resonance frequency, the inductive impedance is
greater than capacitive impedance. Hence, the circuit will be inductive.
60. Superposition theorem can be applied to only linear bilateral networks.
61. Applying KVL in the biggest loop, we have
V = 3V
62. Power P =
P1 V21 R2
= .
P2 V22 R1
100 R2
= 4.
100 R1

63. An active element delivers energy whereas passive elements absorb the energy.
Hence R, L and C are known as Passive elements.
Voltage and current sources are the examples of active sources.
64. Generally transients in the system are results due to the energy storage elements
capacitor and inductor. If the circuit does not contain these two elements then
circuit does not contain any transients.
65. Equivalent inductance is given as Leq = 8||(4 + 4) = 8||8 = 4H

66. At t =0- : I.e. In steady state the inductor acts like an short circuit and i(0 ) =
i(0+ )
Hence at t = 0+ the inductor acts like a current source with a value of i(0+ )
67. The potential of the earth is zero and current never flows into the ground.
Hence we can say that earth have infinite resistance.
68. We can compare the phase difference between the two wave forms only when they
have the same frequency.
69. Assume Voltageacrosscenter1ohmresistorasV
V V +3
Then apply nodal analysis then we get 3 + + =0
1 1

V = 0V
Hence we can write as V3A + 3 1 + V = 0
V3A = 3V
70. Att=meansthenetworkisinsteadystatehencethecapacitoractslikeanopen
circuit hence voltage across capacitor is given as 10 + 2 0 + = 0
Therefore = 10
71. The quantization noise power is given by
PQ =
And = , where Vpp is peak to peak value and n is number of encoding bits.

( 2 n )2 V2pp
PQ = = N
12 22n 12

Now when number of bit increases from n to n+1 we have

V2pp V2pp PQ
PQ1 = = =
22(n+1) 12 22n 22 12 4

Thus, quantization noise power becomes one fourth.

10 | P a g e
72. The auto correlation function is the inverse Fourier power spectrum. Now, inverse
sin f sin f 2
Fourier of is a rectangular pulse, and inverse Fourier of ( ) is a triangular
f f

sin f 2
73. Thus, autocorrelation function of ( ) is a triangular pulse.
Vpp 1.536
Step size, = = = 0.012
L 128
2 0.0122
Quantization noise power, PQ = = = 1.2 105 V 2
12 12
74. The power of an AM is P1 = PC (1 + )
The power without carrier, P2 = PC

Powersaved, PS = P1 P2 = PC
Now, percentage power saved for modulation index, = 1
PC 2
PS = 100 = 100 = 66.66%
2 3
PC (1 + )
75. ThemeanandvarianceofaPoissonsdistributionareequal.So,ifthemeanis5,
the variance will also be 5.
76. The quantisation noise power is given by, Nq =

We have the step size given by, = 1.536/128 = 0.12

Thus, Nq = = 1.2 105 V 2

77. For a bit rate of R b ,

BWbASK = BWbPSK = 2R b and, BWbFSK = 2R b + |f1 f2 | where f1 and f2 are
modulating frequencies used in FSK.
78. The power of an angle modulated signal depends only on the carrier power and is
equal to it.
Thus power of wide band FM is Pc .

11 | P a g e
79. The probability of error for the above mentioned scenario is given by, Pe =
Q( )

80. The main advantage of delta modulation over PCM is its simple circuit. The simple
circuit is a direct consequence of a quantizer having only two quantisation levels.
81. Figure of merit is unity for SSB-SC and DSB-SC signals demodulated using
synchronous detector. For AM demodulation, figure of merit is less than unity and
for FM, FOM is a function is modulation index.
82. A super heterodyne receiver has the added advantage of improved selectivity and
83. Sampling rate of each signal = 2 4kHz = 8ksamples/sec
Multiplexing 4 such signals gives a sampling rate of 8k 4 = 32ksamples/sec
For 256 quantization levels, we have log 2 256 = 8bits/sample
Thus, bit rate for multiplexed signal = 32k 8bits = 256kbps
84. The bit of the signal is R b = 36kHz log 2 256 = 36kHz 8 = 288kHz
1 1
Thus, bit duration, Tb = = = 3.47sec
Rb 288103

85. The modulation system where different data bits are represented by differing
phases is phase shift keying. Since there are four symbols, the phase shift keying is
known as quadrature phase shift keying.
86. The signal above is a DSB-SC modulated signal obtained after direct multiplication
of single tone message signal and carrier.
A general DSB-SC signal is Ac Am cos2fc tcos2fm t
87. The power of AM modulated wave, P = Pc (1 + ) Putting Pc = 1kW and = 1 we

P = 1.5kW
88. When a signal is sampled, the frequency spectrum of sampled signal consists of
copies of frequency spectrum of continuous time signal each separated by a

12 | P a g e
separating frequency depending on the sampling frequency. These spectrums
dontoverlapiftheyareseparatedfromeach other by a frequency more
than 2fmax , where fmax iscontinuoustimesignalshighestfrequencycomponent.
For this the sampling frequency should be greater than or equal to 2fmax or
sampling interval is less than or equal to

3K2f P
89. FOM of FM is given by, FOM =

Thus, as transmission bandwidth W is doubled, FOM becomes one fourth.

90. The signal to noise ratio of a PCM system is given SNR1 = 6n + 1.8dB
Now, when number of bits per sample is increased from n to n+1 we have
SNR 2 = 6(n + 1) + 1.8dB = 6n + 1.8 + 6dB
SNR 2 = SNR1 + 6
Thus, SNR increases by 6 dB.
91. For transmission of speech signal through PCM, the bandwidth required is 64 kHz.
Such a PCM uses 8 bit encoding.
92. Since the sampling rate is fs and that each sample is coded into a p word long code
then the bit rate will be pfs and thus the pulse rate is pfs .
93. A bistable multivibrator is used to convert a PPM into a PWM.
94. For a narrowband signal, modulation is small compare to 1 and hence the term +
1 can be approximated as 1. Thus, bandwidth, BW = 2( + 1)fm 2fm
95. In the spectrum of an FM signal the carrier component is given
Ac J0 ()
by appearing at fc Hz. Now, there are values of

for which J0 () = 0. Thus, the statement that carrier is never zero is incorrect.
96. We know that Q = CV
dQ d
Also we have i = = (CV)
dt dt
97. Consider the Series RLC circuit Z = R + j(XL XC ) Hence tan = Then
power factor cos =
13 | P a g e
10(2) 20
98. By current division principle we have I5 = = = 2.85
7 7

99. Given that i = 50sin(314t 10 ) + 30sin(157t 20 )

50 30
Hence = ( )2 + ( )2 = 1700 = 41.23
2 2

100. In Series RLC circuit impedance is minimum and current is maximum.

And at resonance the circuit is purely resistive hence it has unity power factor

14 | P a g e

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