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Introduction (Alfitra)

As we know, one of our topics in Energy Conversion Engineer is research and develop the
renewable energy. With goals to reduce usage of fossil energy, reduce emissions, and minimize
environmental damage. In other words, is to save the world.

Renewable energy is energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are naturally
replenished on a human timescale, such as wind power, solar energy, hydro power, biofuel,
biomass, geothermal energy, etc.

One of the jobs related to that topic is Wind Energy Engineer. Next will be explained by my

What is a Wind Energy Engineer? (Ramdan)

Wind energy engineering is the process of designing wind farms. It refers to all aspects of the
design process, including developing site specifications. It also involves planning, manufacturing
and testing all hardware and electrical components. Building roads and transporting components
to installation sites also falls under wind energy engineering.

A wind energy engineer is a scientist who designs wind farms or their components.
Alternatively, he or she may supervise the manufacture of rotor blades or other components.
Many different types of engineers play a role in wind energy projects.

What Does a Wind Energy Engineer Do? (Rezky)

Engineers who work on wind farm installations design farm layouts and create schematics. They
also do analyses to optimize the designs and layouts of supportive infrastructure, such as roads
and transmission lines. These engineers also make recommendations to upgrade and streamline

Wind energy engineers who focus on hardware design turbines, rotor blades, electrical systems,
and energy production systems. They analyze the aerodynamic properties of new designs, run
tests, and document test results. Some oversee the manufacturing and testing of components.
They also estimate budget and scheduling requirements for manufacturing processes.

Because there are many different factors involved in designing such complex systems, several
different types of engineers find work in wind energy design. These include aerospace, civil,
mechanical, electrical, and environmental engineers, among others.
Where Does a Wind Energy Engineer Work? (Fahmi)
These engineers work in offices, laboratories, and industrial plants. Work environment depends
largely on the area of specialty. For example, materials engineers may spend more time in
laboratories, while mechanical engineers who deal with manufacturing may spend much of their
time in factories. Some split their time between a home office and installation sites. Frequent
travel is common. This may include international travel, since many major turbine manufacturers
are located in other countries.


Aerospace engineers are the aerodynamics experts. They focus on creating turbine blades and
rotors, and assessing their aerodynamic properties. They also help select suitable locations for
wind farms and optimize turbine configurations at those sites.

Civil engineers design support structures for turbines, as well as related infrastructure such as
buildings and roads. They must design roads that can handle the size and weight of turbine

Electrical engineers create and test the electrical components of turbines involved in creating
electricity. These include motors, generators, communications systems, and electricity
transmission systems.

Electronics engineers work on systems that use electricity to operate the turbine.

Environmental engineers assess and minimize the potential environmental impacts of wind

Industrial engineers plan and supervise the manufacture of wind turbine components.

Materials engineers research, create, and test materials used to make wind turbines, and ensure
that they meet technical specifications.

Mechanical engineers design, develop, and test the machines involved in operating turbines and
wind farms. They also work on the machinery and manufacturing processes used to make them.

These scientists work together to construct efficient wind farms that make clean, renewable
energy a reality.

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