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Alexis Payne

21 Beacon Rise

Dear Alexis

I am pleased to advise that the Teacher Registration Board of Western Australia (TRBWA) has
considered your application and is satisfied that you meet the requirements for registration. You have
been granted Provisional Registration effective from 26 November 2015.

Details of Registration:

Category Provisional Registration (PR)

Registration Period 26 November 2015 to 26 November 2018
Registration Number 33099622
Date of last TRBWA Fit and Proper 12 October 2015
Conditions No Conditions

Please retain a copy of this letter as evidence that registration has been granted. It does not, however,
provide evidence of ongoing registration. Verification of current registration can be obtained through the
Register of Teachers on the TRBWA website Should you need another copy of this
letter, you can download a copy from the Correspondence section through Teacher Login on the
TRBWA website.

Maintaining Registration

Under the Teacher Registration Act 2012 (Act), Provisional Registration is generally not able to be
renewed unless a teacher can demonstrate to the Board that there are exceptional circumstances for
doing so.

Teachers granted Provisional Registration are encouraged to move to Full Registration prior to the
expiry of their Provisional Registration.

To move to Full Registration a teacher must be able to demonstrate that they have met the Professional
Standards for Teachers in Western Australia (Professional Standards) at the Proficient Level.

To meet the Professional Standards at the Proficient Level, it is a requirement that the teacher has
taught for a minimum period of 100 days in one or more Western Australian educational venues or
other Australian or New Zealand schools in the 5 years prior to application.

Verification that the Professional Standards have been met is generally based on an assessment of
evidence by an appropriate person at the school/ educational venue level.
For further information on moving from Provisional Registration to Full Registration please refer to the
Teacher Registration section of the TRBWA website


Telephone (08) 9230 0600 Facsimile (08) 9230 0650
Registration obligations

Registration as a teacher carries with it a number of obligations including the requirement to:
maintain your teacher registration which includes the requirement to pay an annual fee by 31 March
each year
provide written notice to the TRBWA within 30 days of a change of name, postal or email address
provide written consent to the TRBWA, upon request, to obtain a criminal record check
comply with any conditions placed on your registration
continue to be a fit and proper person to be registered
provide written notice to the TRBWA, under sections 38, 39 and 40 of the Teacher Registration Act
2012 (Act) about:
o civil proceedings which result in orders to pay damages or compensation (within 30 days)
o convicted of an offence which includes a statutory penalty of imprisonment (within 30 days)
o loss of qualifications that enabled teacher registration (within 30 days)
o working with children notices and assessments (within 14 days)
For further information about your obligations as a registered teacher, please refer to the Currently
Registered Teachers tab of the TRBWA website
Teachers are required to pay an annual fee when they are granted teacher registration. An annual fee
invoice will be forwarded to you separately.

Teacher Login
As a registered teacher, you have access to Teacher Login where you can view, update and easily
manage various aspects of your teacher registration details online.
To access Teacher Login you will require a password. To obtain your password, click on Teacher Login
on the homepage of the TRBWA website and use the password tool. A password will be emailed to you
along with a link to Teacher Login.
Teacher Login can be used to:
view your registration category and expiry date
check when your annual fee is next payable
make an application for the renewal of your registration, where applicable
update your contact details and your current school/educational venue
view and update your professional learning records
access and download copies of correspondence
pay annual and application fees

Further Information
For general information about the TRBWA and registration as a teacher, please refer to the TRBWA
website at
If you have any questions regarding your registration, please contact the TRBWA
(tel: (08) 9230 0600; country callers: 1300 652 911; email:
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you well for your future in the teaching profession.

Yours sincerely

Richard Miles

27 November 2015

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