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Sk Jahiruddin

Error Analysis


Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

Sk Jahiruddin

How to Write the Data?

Suppose you are asked to Find time period of a pendulum
= 2 /
L = 0.24 m and g =9.81m/s2

Calculation in calculator will give you wrong ans T = 0.9832692359 s

Right Ans is T = 0.98 s

Concept: When no uncertainties are given, report your value with the
same number of significant figures as the values of your source
variables, which are L and g here, both of them are known to you as
correct upto 2 digit of significant figure after decimal.

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

Sk Jahiruddin

How to Represent the error?

The mass of an object was found to be 3.57 g with an uncertainty of 0.033 g.
Wrong Ans: m = 3.57 0.033 g
Right Ans: m = 3.57 0.03 g
Concept: Uncertainty should be reported with one significant
Suppose you find the length of an object to be 4.593cm with an uncertainty
of 0.03 cm
Wrong Ans: m = 4.593 0.03 cm
Right Ans: m = 4.59 0.03 g
Concept: The result should reported the exact order of precision
of error and should never be reported more accurately than the
error in measurement itself.
Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis
Sk Jahiruddin

Statistical Analysis of Small Data Set

Repeated measurements
1) Gives better idea of the actual value
2) Enable to characterize the uncertainty of measurement.
Suppose the value obtained from a particular measurement is x.
The measurement is repeated N times.
Sometimes N is small usually not more than 5 to 10.
How to calculate error from small number of measurements?

= (1 +2 + 3 + + )/
= /2

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis
Sk Jahiruddin

Statistical Analysis of Small Data Set- Example

Measurement Data Set -1 Data Set-2

(Kg) (Kg) Reported values
X1 72 80
Data Set-1:
X2 77 81
X3 83 81 =
X4 85 81
X5 88 82

Data Set-2:
Quantity Data Set-1 Data Set-2
81 81
= . .
R 16 2
8 1
4 0.4

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

Sk Jahiruddin

Statistical Analysis of Large Data Set

Random Errors: In the limit of an infinite number of measurements,
the distribution of values follows a normal distribution .This
distribution has a peak at the mean value and a width given by the
standard deviation.

For a large number of measurements, ( 10 102 ) or more,

measurements may be approximately normally distributed. In that
event we use the formulae below:

= ( =1 )/ : = =

= / : =
Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis
Sk Jahiruddin

Statistical Analysis of Large Data Set: Example

Suppose Im measuring my weight and got data points in my

weight machine like these

82.0, 82.2, 82.5, 82.8, 83.0, 83.2, 83.5, 83.8, 84.0, 85.0,
85.2, 85.5, 85.8, 86, 86.2, 86.5, 86.8

Calculate Average and error in measurement and report the


Ans: = 84.3529 : = = 1.472, = / = 0.357

= 84.4 0.4

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

Sk Jahiruddin

Errors of a function - Propagation of Errors

Suppose We want to Measure Error in measuring Resistance of simple circuit
where we know errors in measuring current and voltage.
= : & : ?
Here we need the theory of Propagation of errors

2 2
= + = ()2 +()2 : = = +

2 2
= = +

2 2
= = +

= , : = +

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis
Sk Jahiruddin

Errors of a function - Propagation of Errors- Examples

A resistance is measured by passing a current through it and measuring the resulting

voltage drop, If the voltmeter and the ammeter have uncertainties of 3% and 4%
respectively, then, the uncertainty in the value of RESISTANCE is?

= = V has uncertainties of 3%
So from our general formula
2 2 = .03

= : = 2
+ 2

I has uncertainties of 4%

2 2
1 = .04
= 2 + 2


2 2
2 2
= + R has uncertainty: =. .03 + .04 = 0.05

2 2
R has 5% uncertainty
= +

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis
Sk Jahiruddin

Errors of a function - Propagation of Errors- Examples-2

What Will be uncertainty in Power in the previous example?


2 P has 5%
= = +

Lesson: You should have written = 2 and calculated

the Error: But that would be WRONG

Error always should have been calculated from most basic

observations which is V and I here

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

Sk Jahiruddin

Errors of a function - Propagation of Errors- Exercises:

The viscosity of a liquid is given by Poiseuilles formula

If l and V can be measured very accurately and pressure has an rms
error of 1% and radius has an independent error of 3%. The rms
error of the viscosity is closet to?

Options: (a) 2%; (b) 4% (c) 12% (d) 13% Ans: (c)

The length and radius of a perfect cyllinder are each measured with
RMS error of 1%. The RMS error on the measured volume of the
cylinder is roughly?

Options: (a) 1.7%; (b) 2.3% (c) 0.5% (d) 1% Ans: (b)

Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

Sk Jahiruddin

Error in Counts
We learn by Example:

Suppose a detector used to count the number of rays emitted by a

radioactive source. If the number of counts recorded in exactly 20 seconds is
10,000. the error in the counting rate per second is?

Whenever some count or rate per second type of thing come the error will be

Here Rate per second is 10,000/20 = 500

So the error is .
Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis
Extra slides
Measureme Data Set -1 Data Set-2
nt (Kg) (Kg)
X1 72 80
X2 77 81
X3 83 81
X4 85 81
X5 88 82

Quantity Data Set-1 Data Set-2

81 81
R 16 2
8 1
4 0.4
Sk Jahiruddin: Error Analysis

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