Access Deny & Privilege in Pega

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10/29/2017 Access Deny & Privilege in Pega

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Access Deny & Privilege in Pega

Posted on May 19, 2017 by Premkumar G

This is the continuation of Authorization topic.

Please go through Access roles ( post first.

Access roles & ARO Configuration 1/23
10/29/2017 Access Deny & Privilege in Pega

Access Deny

You can explain it with the name.

Yes, we are denying the access.

Simply saying, it is the exact opposite ofAccess of Role to Object (ARO).

Access Deny = Access Denial of Object (ADO)

ADO is my own term, please forget it

As we saw before, objects refer to class instances.

So here, we deny access to particular class instances.


It is a granular part to ARO or Access deny.

See ARO, Access deny control the access for the class instances, whereas Privilege controls the access for particular rules.

Say for example in an organization, we have manager and a set of developers.We need to allow executing appraisal flow only for
managers and not for users.

It means that we can control executing the flow by using privilege.

You need to specify the privilege in 2 places:

1. In the rule form

2. In the Access of Role to Object -> Access role

Say, you have created a new privilege ExecuteAppraisal and included it in Appraisal flow. 2/23
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Now, this flow can be executed only by people who hold the privilege in their access roles.

Are you confused? Cool, you will be well cleared by thefollowing examples

What is an Access Deny rule?

It is the reverse of Access of Role to Object.

Rule form is exact replica to ARO.
Access deny is part of security category.

How do we configure a Access Deny rule?

Step 1: Create a new Access Deny rule.

Step 2: Configure the rule form.

It has a single main tab.

Security tab

If you see the right bottom corner, then you can see,

0 Do not deny access.

5 Access will be denied till production

Access controls You specify the access control for various options.

I just copied the same from ARO ( lessonbelow

In the fields, you can provide either level values (see at the right) or access when rule (Replica of when rule).

Say, you provided Level value 5. Then it will be in application till production environment.

1. Open Instances Controls whether you can Open FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales cases 3/23
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2. Modify instances Controls whether you can Save FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales cases

3. Delete instances Controls whether you can delete FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales cases
4. Run reports Controls whether you can run reports of applies to class FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales
5. Execute activities Controls whether you can run reports of applies to class FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales
6. Open rules Controls whether you can open rules of applies to class FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales
7. Modify rules Controls whether you can modify rules of applies to class FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales
8. Delete rules Controls whether you can delete rules of applies to class FKT-Fkart-Work-Sales.

Lets test it

Step 1: Create a new Access deny rule for User role Fkart:Users

It is already created above.

Step 2: Configure access control for open instances to level value 5.

Step 3: Open the FKart:User access role and verify the access class in the grid.

We have successfully configured to deny access to open sales case.

Step 4:Have a test user pointing to that Users access group Fkart:Users

Note: This access group should contain the same access role Fkart:User, where we created access deny.

Step 5: Login the User and create a new sales case.

We have created a case S-142.

Step 6: Open the case from recent/worklist.

Yes, we did it.

You can remove that access level and test again. 4/23
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Keep on testing di erent scenarios.

What is a Privilege rule?

It provides access control on rules based on access role.

It is part of security category.

How do we configure a Privilege rule?

Step 1: Create a new Privilege rule.

Step 2: Nothing

There isno need to configure anything in Privilege rule form.

Howdo we refer a Privilege rule?

Imagine, we have a requirement like sales user can only create a sales case. Managers cannot create the case.

This is the key area in privilege rule. 5/23
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You need to configure in 2 places.

1. Rules Restricts

In the sales flow rule Process tab

Privilege class This will be default to Flow class.

Privilege name Specify the privilege name here.

2. Access role > ARO conveys 6/23
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Step 1: Open the ARO on sales class that belongs to sales user and open the Privilege tab.

Step 2: Add the Privilege created above.

Now, we have configured the sales user with the privilege to create a new case from sales flow.

For Sales manager, we didnt add any privilege in their Access role, so they cant create a new sales case.

Lets jump to test.

Step 1: Make sure rules areconfigured with the Privilege created and Privilege is added with ARO.

Step 2: Configure the test user to FKart:SalesManager access group > role

Step 3:Check the manager portal, if you are able to create a new sales case. 7/23
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You cant.

Step 4: Now update the test user to sales user role Fkart:User role. 8/23
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Step 5: Now check the user portal.

You should be able to create a new case.

We have successfully configured privilege in flow rule and restricted user based on their roles.

Restricting Flow actions

Scenario: For a sales case, only sales users can change the stage. Sales manager will not have privilege to change the stage.

Note: Change stage flow action will be available through out the case life cycle in the other actions button. We shall see about those
configuration in Cases lesson.

Step 1: First, save the flow action in application class.

Step 2: We can use the same privilege, we used for testing flow. 9/23
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Configure it in security tab Privileges.

Step 3: We have already added the privilege in user role. Make sure it is added.

Step 4: Move to user portal and check the flow action from other actions.

Step 5: Now configure the test operator to sales manager portal and check the Actions button. 10/23
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What are the other rules that can be restricted using privilege?

1. Activity
2. Correspondence
3. Flows
4. Flow actions
5. Report definitions
6. Attachment categories
7. Parse structured

I wanted to show you report definition restriction, but already its a very long post

You can test the above rules.


Access Deny is the exact opposite to ARO. Normally, we use ARO in many places.
Privileges need to be configured in 2 places:

1. Rules
2. Access role of the users

We are at the end of the post.

We will discuss how to use Access Manager in next lesson 11/23
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Posted in AuthorizationTagged Access deny, privilege, restrict rule access, security

How to configure Service Level Agreement(SLA) in Pega? how to use formats & mixins in skin rule

14 thoughts on Access Deny & Privilege in Pega

MAY 19, 2017 AT 11:49 AM
Hi,please share about activities (parameters and looping etc.)

Premkumar G
MAY 19, 2017 AT 2:24 PM
Hi Vinod,
Activities and Data transforms are coming in next week
Please subscribe and stay tuned for more posts. 12/23
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MAY 19, 2017 AT 11:58 AM
its excelent explanation and i need to topic regarding Exception
handling in pega integration

Premkumar G
MAY 19, 2017 AT 2:21 PM
Thanks Madhav. I will take care in Integration related

Vyas Raman
MAY 20, 2017 AT 9:25 AM
Can you describe the scenarios where only access deny is used and
scenarios where only access role to object is used? To get the
di erence between the two rule types. 13/23
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Premkumar G
MAY 20, 2017 AT 11:23 PM
Hi Vyas,
Access Deny gets precedence over ARO.
Imagine a scenario Manager access group contains
three access roles Manager, User, Approver.
You need to restrict access to particular class.
1. If you use ARO, then you should make sure ARO s in all
three roles should be restricted to access level 0.
2. If you use Access Deny, then you can wisely update any
1 access roles with access deny restrictions.
Adv : Rule count is minimized and easy management.

MAY 20, 2017 AT 11:02 PM 14/23
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Nice post.. Keep up the great work.. Just want to add a point to this
topic: Access deny takes precedence over access when if both returns

Premkumar G
MAY 20, 2017 AT 11:24 PM
Thanks Venkatesh. Small typo in your comment. Access
deny takes precedence over ARO

AUGUST 3, 2017 AT 5:41 AM
I have a requirement to give permission to display a particular filed
only to a particular role. I can implement this by adding visibility
condition to the field to check the access role. But I want admin user
to configure this permission to the roles. Is there any way we can
configure and manage these type of permission using Access
Manager. 15/23
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Premkumar G
AUGUST 3, 2017 AT 7:17 AM
Hi Mathew,
Thanks for you comment. I dont think controlling a
particular field using access role is the right way. If you
need admin to control this, have a decision table and
delegate the rule to admin access group. Inside the
decision table, you can administer the visibility
conditions for di erent roles!!

AUGUST 3, 2017 AT 11:14 PM
Hi Prem, Nice work!!
Can you please share detailed explanation about Flows, flow actions
and case management. 16/23
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Premkumar G
AUGUST 22, 2017 AT 3:20 PM
Hi Vasu,
Thank you so much.
Yeah, Ill post about them soon. Stay tuned.
Premkumar G

Haranadha reddy
SEPTEMBER 27, 2017 AT 9:23 AM
This is a Wonderful way of presentation. Thanks a million for your
sharing of knowledge.
Reply 17/23
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Premkumar G
OCTOBER 10, 2017 AT 2:02 PM
Thank you so much for your encouraging appreciation.
You are most welcome, Haranadha.

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10/29/2017 Access Deny & Privilege in Pega


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