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21, rue dArtois, F-75008 PARIS B4_109_2014 CIGRE 2014

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Design Challenges for 800kV, 3000MW HVDC Champa Kurukshetra Transmission link with
Dedicated Metallic Return (DMR) Users Perspective


Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd


Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. (POWERGRID) is constructing 800kV, 3000MW HVDC Champa
Kurukshetra Transmission link with Dedicated Metallic Return (DMR) instead of Conventional Ground
Return. The HVDC Transmission line is app. 1305 kms long and both the pole and ground return conductors
are running on the same tower. This will be the first 800KV HVDC Project having DMR conductor running
on the same tower carrying the pole Conductor. Provision is kept to upgrade above HVDC Bipole to 6000 MW
at a later date with increased power transfer requirement. The proposed scheme shall facilitate strengthening of
North-West transmission corridor for dispersal of power with reliability and security. The paper elaborates the
various challenges in the conception and design pertaining to the above said project from users perspective.
The major issues discussed in the paper includes-

1) Salient parameters of the project

2) Various Operating Modes, with respect to conductor/DMR configuration
3) DC Switches & DMR Fault Detection
4) Effect of Parallel AC Line on DMR
5) Selection of DMR Conductor and Configuration of conductor in Tower
6) Corona performance of DMR and ground wire

KEYWORDS: Dedicated Metallic Return (DMR)-Operating Modes- Parellel AC Line-Transfer




Presently, in the Indian Power System, the North-West inter-regional transmission corridors are mainly based
on alternating current technology. However, considering the long distance and the amount of power transfer
requirements to Northern Region from Independant Power Producers (IPP) generation projects in Chhattisgarh,
HVDC System has been planned to transmit the power generated by these IPPs. Power Grid Corporation of
India Ltd. (POWERGRID), is constructing 800kV, 3000MW HVDC Champa Kurukshetra Transmission
link with Dedicated Metallic Return (DMR) instead of Conventional Ground Return.Provision of addition of
another 3000MW Bipole to the above said link thereby increasing the capacity to 6000 MW at a later date has
been kept with increased power transfer requirement to NR. This 800 kV link will provide the transmission
scheme associated with IPPs in Chhattisgarh through a Pooling substation in Champa, scheduled for
commissioning during the period of 2015 -2016.

Salient parameters of the project

This is the first 800 kV project in the world having Dedicated Metallic Return Conductor instead of
Conventional Ground Return path. The existing Bipolar Transmission systems utilises the Ground Return
Electrodes for return path in Monopolar / Unbalance Bipolar operation. However, there are certain constraints
being faced in ground return operation which impacts the selection of ground electrodes i.e non availability of
site having required soil resistivity and thermal conductivity. In case, HVDC is operating under ground return
mode, the electrical potential distribution around electrode station even up to a radius of 10 kms (depending
upon soil resistivity en-route) gets redistributed and may corrode the underground buried metallic objects and
disturb the Cathodic protection of oil/gas pipe lines. Even after taking full care in land selection for locating
earth electrode station, there is still a big element of uncertainty about the proper functionality of the earth
electrode station and may result into undesirable surface currents leading to unacceptably high step and touch
potential around the electrode site and flow of DC Currents in the neutral of Transformer in the vicinity.
These issues can be resolved by using a Dedicated Metallic Return Conductor as return path.
The Transmission rating for the project has been specified as below :

Rectifier DC Bus Duration Redundant Cooling (Converter 400 kV Bus Voltage

Transformer and Thyristor Valves)
Minimum Rating Continuous Not required 380-420 kV
300 MW (Bipolar)
150 MW (Monopolar)
3000 MW (1 pu) Continuous Not required 380-420 kV
3000 MW ( 1 pu) Continuous Required 360-440 kV

The HVDC system shall have the capability of operating for two hours at transmitted power levels at least
10% (ten percent) higher than the maximum continuous ratings for AC Voltages (380kV-420kV), ambient
temperatures (Dry Bulb temp. In the range of 0 to 50 Deg) and redundant cooling (Converter Transformer and
Thyristor Valve) in service. The HVDC system shall be capable of operating for half an hour at transmitted
power levels of at least 20% (twenty percent) higher than the maximum continuous ratings. Further, the HVDC
has dynamic rating to operate at least for five seconds at 1.46 pu power level. This capability
apability can be utilised in
dynamic conditions for AC system stablisation.
tablisation. Also,The HVDC system shall be capable of operating
continuously at Reduced DC Voltages to neutral of upto 640 kV at rectifier DC bus in bipolar as well as in
monopole modes thereby ensuring supply of power under inlcement
inl ement weather conditions.
The main scheme parameters for the HVDC project are finalised as per below :

Sl Description Champa (Rectifier) Kurukshetra ( Inverter)

A) Converter Rating
01 Nominal DC Voltage 800 kV 766 kV
02 Nominal DC Current 1875 A 1875 A
03 Nominal Operating Angles = 13.5 deg = 18 deg
04 Converter Transformer
Impedence 16% 16%
Rating 296 MVA 296 MVA
Nominal Valve Winding Voltage 334 kV 334 kV
Tap Changer Range (%) +30, -10 +30, -10
Configuration Single Phase Two Winding Single Phase Two Winding

B) 800 kV Transmission Line rating 6000 MW, 2 x 1500 MW (DMR)

Rectifier Inverter

Fig 1
Various Operating Modes with respect to conductor/DMR configuration
The HVDC Line is designed with a Dedicated Metallic Return Conductor (DMR) which is split into 2 x Twin
Lapwing Conductors, namely, DMR 1and DMR 2 for reliability and maintainability
maintainability. Necessary switching
arrangement is provided with Isolators to isolate each DMR Conductor offline and operate the system with one
twin lapwing DMR conductor.
The various modes of operation envisaged are as per following:-
a) Bi-polar
polar with both DMR in operation (Fig 2)
b) Bi-polar
polar with one DMR in operation. (Fig 3)
c) Mono-Polar
Polar with both DMR parallel to Pole Metallic Return Conductor(PMR) (Fig 4)
d) Mono-Polar
Polar with one DMR parallel to PMR (Fig 5)
e) Mono-polar
polar with both DMR (Fig 6)
f) Mono-polar with one DMR (Fig 7)
g) Mono-polar with PMR (Fig 8)

Fig 2 Fig 3

Fig 4 Fig 5

Fig 6 Fig 7

Fig 8

DC Switches
The DC Switches namely, Dedicated Metallic Return Transfer Breaker (GRTS), Pole Metallic Return
Transfer Breaker (MRTB) are critical equipment in the scheme as they are utilised in realising the
flexibility offered by various operating modes of the Scheme. In a conventional HVDC scheme with
Ground Return, the duty of the MRTB is higher than the GRTS as the same has to commutate larger
current from ground to metallic
metallic path, the resistance of Ground being considerably lower than that of
the Metallic path. However, in the present scheme, the Pole Conductor is having lower resistance as
compared to the Dedicated
ated Metallic Return Conductor. Therefore, the duty of the GRTS is higher than
the MRTB Breaker. Further, these switches being in the return path, these have to be designed taking
into consideration the future Bipole operation with 6000 MW

Fig 9 -DC Switches Rectifier

DMR Fault Detection

This is the first 800kVV Project having a dedicated DMR conductor running on the same tower
carrying the Pole Conductor. The neutral conductor is shared between the two poles and is
electromagnetically and electrostatically coupled with both the pole conductors
conductors. A fault on one pole
may affect the performance of the DMR. Further, the transfer surges may affect the operation of tthe
DMR and other pole.
The following are the minimum consideration in the design of the control and protection for DMR
Ground Fault:
The protection has to reliably detect any fault to ground from one or both conductors and at any point
along the dedicated metallic return conductor. In case of detection of a fault, actions are considered in
the following order of preference:
Balancing the pole current in bipolar operation using converter station grounding.
Necessary switching and reclosing operation if the fault has cleared.

Switching to Pole Metallic Return Mode both in automatic and manual mode with an operating
Blocking of converters.
In Monopolar DMR operation, DMR fault is to be detected and cleared with automatic restart.
Open Circuit
In case of open circuit in one conductor only, the protection shall limit the current in the
dedicated metallic return conductor to limit overloading of the remaining conductor.
In case of open circuit in both conductors the system shall be grounded at the converter station
and the DMR Line shall be isolated.
Operation shall continue in balanced Bipolar Mode or Monopolar Pole Metallic Return as
There is a requirement of providing necessary equipment to detect faults on the DMR conductor at the
rectifier and Inverter station under all conditions, which could restrict the power carrying capabilities
of the HVDC transmission system depending on the nature of fault on the DMR.

CT for DMR fault

Fig 10 DMR Fault detection CT

Online Fault Location for DMR:

The DC online Fault Locator equipment for the Pole Conductor serves a critical purpose and is proven
equipment in HVDC Transmission System. However, DMR Conductor faults in a balanced bipolar
operating mode are an eventuality for which equipments having reasonable accuracy is to be explored.
Further, the detection of high resistive fault at any point on the DMR Conductor for such long line
length under normal balanced bipolar operation is a challenge and the detection of small fault current
can be an issue. For healthiness check of the DMR line under normal operation creation of a small
unbalance current periodically by operator in Bipolar Mode of operation is being explored.
Effect of Parallel AC Line on DMR
800 KV Champa Kurukshetra is app 1300 km long spanning in the WR- NR Corridor of India. The
corridor is also accommodating a lot of EHV AC Transmission line. One important concern of having
AC Line in parallel to the HVDC Line is the steady state induction of fundamental frequency voltages
along the dc line due to the parallel ac lines. A fundamental frequency current flowing on the dc- side
of the converter will be seen as second harmonic and dc components in the converter transformer
secondary winding due to the cyclical switching action of dc converters. The resulting current ripple on
the dc converter can cause continuous offset transformer saturation. This saturation may result in
increased localized stray flux heating, increased audible noise in Converter Transformers and injects a
broad spectrum of harmonics into both the ac and dc side and can produce a number of other
undesirable effects.
Some HVDC control and protective functions depend upon measurements of transformer current via
CT's on the transformer secondary windings. In the presence of a dc component of current in these
windings, the CT's will experience an offset saturation condition similar to that of the main converter
transformer. This will in turn lead to inaccurate measurements of current and the protective functions
may have reduced sensitivity or false trips.
For studying the impact of parallel AC lines a conservative figure of 100 Km of parallel AC Line (50
Km of parallel untransposed 400 kV D/C and 50 Km of parallel untransposed
untransposed 765 kV AC line at surge
impedance loading of 550 MW/2250 MW respectively)) with the HVDC line within a radial distance
of 70 meters has been considered for Champa Kurukshetra Project.
The typical
ypical HVDC system configuration in Bipolar mode and Monopolar mode with return via DMR1
|| DMR2 conductors including the parallel AC lines used in the studies are given at Fig 11 and Fig 12.

Fig 11 Fig 12
Preliminary studies of the impact of parallel AC Lines have been carried out by POWERGRID on
PSCAD to assess the induced current on the HVDC Line due to the parallel AC Lines and the results
indicate the presence of Induced AC Current on the HVDC Line. Max value of induced current by 765
kV &400 kV line obtained in bipolar Mode and Monopolar
Monopolar Mode with DMR 1 and DMR 2 are
obtained as 14 Amp Refer (Fig 13) and 6.93 Amp Refer (Fig 14) respectively

Fig 13 Fig 14
xtensive assessment study using PSCAD to verify the impact of the location of these circuits on the
levels of AC current induced on the DC circuits considering all operating modes, relative position of
the AC circuit locations in relation to the DC transmission,
transmission, different frequency deviations, DC filter
outages and variations on the DC transmission line lengths are to be carried out in the project. Also the
resonance study of the DC Line as well as DMR line is being carried out in Champa Kurukshetra
Selection of Pole & DMR Conductor Configuration for HVDC Transmission Line
Construction of Indias first +/- 800 kV HVDC transmission line between Biswanath Chariyali & Agra
(line length approx. 1750 km) by POWERGRID is in advance stage. Extensive studies were carried
out for design and optimization of this line including studies for conductor-bundle
bundle selection ; tower
design optimization ; insulator design & optimization ; electrical clearances & earthwire selection etc.
Hexagonal ACSR Lapwing conductor-bundle
cond bundle and Y type insulator strings were adopted for the HVDC
line [10]. The basic transmission line parameters and Pole Conductor Configuration for +/- 800 kV
HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra
Kurukshetra line has been adopted from the design of the 800 kV Biswanath
Chariyali - Agra line. The +/- 800 kV HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra
Kurukshetra line has been designed to carry
6000 MW considering the addition of future Bipole (3000MW) at Champa and Kurukshetra. The
Dedicated metallic return conductor has to be rated to carry the current of two poles (present and
future) connected in parellel to one HV conductor.. Additionally, the DMR must be able to carry the

current corresponding to reduced voltage operation of Monopolar HVDC line and half an hour 20%
over load rating. For the +/- 800 kV HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra line, six ACSR Lapwing conductors
per pole and four ACSR Lapwing conductors for the DMR are being used.

Insulator Requirement of DMR

The Dedicated Metallic Return Conductor at the inverter end is earthed and the Rectifier remains
floating (ungrounded) for the scheme. Therefore, a certain potential corresponding to the current
through DMR during Unbalanced Bipolar/Monopolar operation shall exist at all points of DMR with
the magnitude maximum at the floating end. This potential shall be highest during monopolar mode of
operation with only DMR as the return conductor. With the maximum design value current & the line
length of approx. 1300 km, this potential at the floating end of DMR has been calculated to be approx.
64 kV DC. An insulation level corresponding to 110/132 kV AC would have been generally sufficient
requiring 9/10 nos. Insulators for the DMR insulator string. However, based on lightning performance
studies carried out for the +/- 800 kV HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra line configuration with DMR which
indicated high rate of backflashover of the DMR conductor, the number of insulators for the DMR
have been increased to reduce probability of backflashovers. The number of insulators have been kept
as 15 for Single Suspension insulator string and 2 X 15 nos. for Double Tension insulator string for

Tower Geometry w.r.t. Placement/ Position of DMR

Various alternative tower configurations with DMR, as indicated below, have been analysed :-
i) Alternative 1: 2 X Twin Lapwing DMR above the conductors and below each earthwire. (Fig 15)
ii) Alternative 2: Quad lapwing DMR in the tower body/cage at Conductor level (Fig 16)
iii) Alternative 3: Quad lapwing DMR in the middle of cross arm (Fig 17)
iv) Alternative 4: 2 X Twin Lapwing DMR in the middle of Cross-arm.(Fig 18)

Fig 15 Fig 16

Fig 17 Fig 18

Alternative-1 (2 X Twin Lapwing DMR above the conductors and below each earthwire) has been
adopted for the +/-800 kV HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra line with DMR conductor keeping in view the
advantages offered by the alternative viz. higher reliability of DMR, ease of line maintenance under
one pole shutdown with the other pole in operation & more flexibility of operation.

Corona Performance of DMR & Earthwire

Presence of DMR conductor bundles between the pole conductor bundles & groundwires changes the
space charge free electric field as well as space charge modified electric field distribution of the bipole
line. The space charge generated due to corona on the pole conductors also has an impact on the
surface gradients of ground wires and DMR conductors.
The surface gradient on the DMR conductor due to pole conductors has been evaluated and it has been
observed that surface gradient of of DMR is generally below the corona onset gradient under all modes
of operation. Corona performance has been evaluated by considering bipolar as well as unipolar mode
of operation & it has been observed that worst results are obtained during unipolar mode itself because
of the presence of only one type of space charge.
It has also been observed that DMR conductor bundles produce screening effect, leading to a reduction
of the electric field on the ground wires. Therefore, compared to the +/- 800 kV HVDC Biswanath
Chariyali - Agra line having earth electrode as return, the ground wire surface gradients of the +/- 800
kV HVDC Champa-Kurukshetra Bipole line with DMR are much lower under bipolar as well as
unipolar modes of operation.

Technical Particulars of +/- 800 kV HVDC Champa Kurukshetra Line

Salient technical particulars/parameters of the +/- 800 kV HVDC line are tabulated in Table-1 below :-

Conductors & Earthwire

Conductor-bundle (Pole) Hexagonal ACSR Lapwing
Conductor-bundle (DMR) 2 x Twin ACSR Lapwing
Earthwire/OPGW 13.5 mm dia
Towers & Span
Type of Towers Suspension type (A)
Angle/Tension type (B,C & D)
Normal Span 400 m
Electrical Clearances
Live-metal clearance 6.5 m
Pole to Pole Spacing 22 - 24 m
Ground Clearance 18 20 m
Insulator Strings
For Suspension Towers (Y Y) Y Suspension, 420 kN (2x45+2x22)

For Tension Towers Triple Tension, 420 kN (3x64)

For DMR Single Suspension (1x15) &
Double Tension (2x15), 210 kN
Table - 1
Bulk Power HVDC Transmission system utilizing Dedicated Metallic Return Conductor provides a
prudent solution to mitigate the issues of uncertain soil characteristics, bulk land acquisition /Corrosion
etc associated with the conventional earth return line/electrode station. The advantages offered by this
solutions outweighs the incremental increase in the overall cost of the project typically by about 5-
6%.[11] 800kV HVDC line (of app 1300 km length) with DMR on the same tower will be first of its
kind in the world. Design, construction and operation of this transmission system with adequate
redundancy, maintainability, operational flexibility etc is a challenge and operational sucess of this link
will lead the way for future such projects in the world.

Authors wish to thank POWERGRID for granting them permission to present the paper. Views
expressed in the paper are of the authors only and need not necessarily be of the management of

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