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As Nate stood at the front of the church, he scanned the pews of smiling faces. On the

right side of the church, a bunch of proper wedding guests were wearing suits and dresses

that cost more than Nates car. He didnt recognize anyone on that side of the room.

To the left, the spectrum was more diverse. The smiling faces covered a wide variety of

skin colors and economically diverse backgrounds. Nate saw a couple of familiar faces from

Vinces bachelor party, and he saw a beautiful woman in the front row that made his heart

skip a beat. When she smiled at him, he sucked in a sharp breath and twirled his wedding

ring between his finger and thumb.

The violinist began playing a soft tune and a stream of women in obnoxious pink

dresses tottered down the aisle on precarious looking heels. There was no denying that

Natashas bridesmaids were beautiful, but Nate was still staring at Olivia who was dutifully

waiting for the bride to make her appearance. When Natasha stepped through the church

doors, Olivias eyes widened and her eyes darted directly to Nate. A smile played at the

corners of her lips and she didnt have to say a word for Nate to know exactly what she was


To say that Natashas dress was extravagant was a severe understatement. It was like

something from a fairytale, only more garish. Nate thought about the simple white dress that

Olivia had worn for their wedding and again felt a flutter in his chest. When Vince stepped
up and took Natashas arm, it was Nates que to take a seat. He happily slid into the pew

next to Olivia and slipped an arm around her smooth shoulders.

Well done, Tucker, she whispered, her hand gently squeezing his thigh. When she

crossed her legs, the satin fabric of her dress crept upward, revealing several inches of

perfect skin. Did I mention how hot you look in that tux?

Behave, he whispered back, letting his eyes linger for a few seconds on the low cut of

her neckline. We are in a church.

The priest rattled on about love and marriage, oblivious to the side conversation

happening just feet away from him. It was the first wedding Nate had been to since his own

and it was a nice reminder of the best day of his life.

You look stunning, he said, brushing his lips over Olivias cheek.

Her hand immediately went to her stomach and she smiled uncertainly. Olivia was still

getting use to the small bump that had only recently started to show. She had eyed herself

skeptically in front of the mirror for several minutes while getting ready earlier. Nate loved

seeing that little swell of her belly, even if it meant that her clothes were a little tight. He

thought that she had never looked more beautiful and when he told her that, she smiled and

looked away.

Vows were being exchanged and Nate felt and odd twinge of emotion building in his

chest. He didnt usually get sentimental, but he was remembering the beautiful things Olivia

had said to him during their vows, words that had been so powerful he had actually shed a

tear or two. Now, he cleared his throat and blinked hard to keep any such emotion at bay.

Keep it together, Tucker, Olivia teased softly, rubbing her hand over his thigh.
Shh. Nate nodded toward the priest and feigned rapt attention at what was being said.

He didnt like being caught in his sentimental revere. Olivia fought back a smile and rested

her head on his shoulder. They were quiet for the rest of the ceremony.

Afterward, Nate was ushered away and forced to endure over an hour of fake smiling

for photographs that he would never see. He had been shocked when his partner, Vince

Monroe, had asked him to stand up in his wedding. They had only been partners for just

over a year, but they had formed a sort of friendship in that time. Nate knew that Vince

didnt care about capturing every possible pose and angle of his groomsman, but Vince did

care about making his new wife happy. That was reason enough for Nate to grin and bear it,

no pun intended.

While they were waiting in the courtyard for pictures of the family to be taken, Nate

stood off to the side with the rest of the bridal party. Olivia was back at the church steps

talking to another groomsmans girlfriend. There was a bridesmaid on either side of Nate

and each of them took turns asking him questions and occasionally touching his arm. He

wasnt so oblivious that he didnt recognize the flirting signals and Nate wished that he could

catch Olivias eye and wave her over.

She had missed the rehearsal dinner the previous night after a late bout of morning

sickness due to the pregnancy. When Nate had shown up alone, it had likely sent the wrong

signal to Natashas friends. Even when Nate repeatedly mentioned his wife while talking to

them, they werent deterred. When one of them ran a hand over his bicep, he looked in

Olivias direction again. This time she was looking right back at him.
After just a moment of hesitation, she started in his direction. Her dark hair flowed

behind her as she marched across the lawn. When she was close enough that Nate could see

the narrow slant of her eyes, he worried that she thought he had been encouraging the

bridesmaids behavior. Just as he was about to explain, she stepped right up to him and

locked her hands behind his neck, pulling his head down. Without caring if anyone was

watching, she kissed him long and hard.

No one touches my man, she said when she finally pulled away, a devilish twinkle in

her eye. Youre all mine, Tucker.

Damn straight, he said, still feeling breathless. He knew he wouldnt have to worry

about any of the bridesmaids talking to him for the rest of the night. One look at Olivia, one

glimpse of how Nate looked when he was with Olivia, and it was obvious that he would

never choose anyone over her. How are you feeling?

Isnt it obvious? she said with a smirk and a wink as she pushed her body even closer

to his.

Nate chuckled. So youre not sick to your stomach right now? Thats good news.

The baby did want me to let you know that he is going to need your piece of wedding

cake tonight, she said as she fluttered her eyes at him adorably.

Oh really? Wel,l you tell the baby that she can have anything of mine that she wants.

Nate kissed Olivia gently on the lips. Except for my heart, because Im pretty sure youve

already stolen all of that.

Im willing to share. Olivia gave him the look that he loved most, the one that said she

adored him as much as he adored her. We can leave early tonight, right?
As soon as you are done eating cake, Nate promised.

Tucker! Stop feeling up your wife and get over here! Vince beckoned him over.

Duty calls, Nate said, stepping away from Olivia reluctantly. He noticed a wide grin

spreading over her face. Whats so funny?

She shook her head. Nothing. I just really like being called your wife, Nathaniel


He had to put a hand over his heart just to make sure it was still beating. Never in his

life did he ever dream he would get this lucky. Not as much as I like calling you my wife,

Olivia Thompson.

Nate pretended not to notice the faint flinch she made as he turned away. When she had

decided not to change her last name, it hadnt bothered Nate in the slightest. Olivia had built

an entire career around the Thompson name and it was the one thing that she still had that

tied her to Rosie and her parents. To Nate, it made sense and he never would have asked her

to change it.

But Olivia had still spent almost an hour explaining her reasoning to him the night

before they got married. She still asked him at least once a week if it really didnt bother him.

No matter how much Nate insisted that it didnt, Olivia would frown and become quiet.

Ten minutes later, the last group photo was taken and everyone was freed to drive to the

reception. Natasha had picked one of the most glamorous locations in town a dazzling

ballroom at the top of a five-star hotel. The large glass windows revealed an amazing view of

the city and the open bar was fully stocked. Nate felt a little bad that Olivia couldnt join him

in spending Natashas fathers money.

I plan to eat all the appetizers, Olivia said, waving away his concern. And did you see

the cake over there? Three different flavors! What a great time to be pregnant.

As if you wouldnt eat all the cake otherwise, Nate teased, sliding a hand over her bare

back. Just dont eat too much and make yourself sick. I fully intend to dance with you

tonight, Thompson.

Dirty dancing? she said with a hopeful lift of her eyebrow.

Nate knew that he was luckier than most to have found Olivia. The guys at the station

were always complaining about their wives, often putting in long hours just to avoid going

home. He knew that at least a few of them were having affairs, and even more were either

divorced or going through a divorce. Nate himself had also been married once before and

remembered what it was like to prefer sleeping alone over sleeping next to someone who

had become a stranger.

It wasnt like that with Olivia. If there was such a thing as soulmates, she was his. When

he was with her, there was nowhere else he wanted to be and when they were apart, he

couldnt wait to be with her again. People less familiar with their relationship would think it

strange that he only spoke highly of her and their marriage. Veterans at the station would tell

him to give it time, they were still in the honeymoon stage. But Nate had loved Olivia for

thirteen years already and that love had only grown with time.

After eating only half of Nates cake, she happily followed him onto the dance floor and

let him hold her as close as he wanted.

Do you wish we had done this? Nate asked as a familiar love song played around

They hadnt had music and dancing at their own wedding. Getting married in his moms

backyard had required some sacrifices, including a small guest list and an intimate dinner

rather than an extravagant party. While they had both agreed on the plans, and in fact Olivia

had insisted on it, Nate sometimes still worried that they had rushed things and that one day

she would regret not having a more traditional wedding.

Were doing this right now, she said, smiling softly. And neither of us had to spend

thousands of dollars to get to this moment.

I would have happily done that for you, he said seriously.

Her smile flickered. I know you would have. Where is this coming from? Are you

regretting our wedding?

No, no. Of course not. He tightened his arms around her. That day was absolutely


Then why are you being weirder than usual? She studied him with worried eyes.

Since you asked, there is something I need to tell you. Nate paused for dramatic

affect. He had been keeping this secret for a few weeks and was incredibly proud that he

hadnt said anything to her.

Okay Her smile wavered. Should I be worried? I was just getting used to wearing

this ring.

Nate chuckled. Dont you dare remove it. This is good news, I hope.

Youre finally agreeing to paint the ceilings? she said excitedly, squeezing his shoulder.

Three years of whining and it turns out all I had to do was marry you.
Slow down, Thompson. Im not that whipped. Yet. He smiled. What do you think of


Island. Warm. Bounty hunter. She tilted her head. Is that good enough?

What do you think about us going there? Tomorrow.

Up until this point, they had been swaying somewhat in rhythm with the music, but now

Olivia froze. Seriously?

When it comes to seeing you in a bikini? Always. He laughed at the perplexed

expression on her face. You put me in charge of the honeymoon, remember?

Yeah, but I never thought you would actually plan anything. What about work? She

seemed to be growing even more confused.

Things have been slow lately. I have plenty of vacation days saved up and your classes

dont start for a couple more weeks. You said yourself that we dont have many days left

when well be able to take a trip like this. Now is the time, love.

After Olivias stalker had been found and killed, Nate had spent a lot of time re-

evaluating his priorities. He was tired of making empty promises to Olivia about all the

things he wanted to do with her when he could finally get away from work. In just a few

months, they would become parents and it would be even harder for him to find time for

just the two of them.

Hawaii? Tomorrow? She started to smile. For how long?

Ten days, or until you are sick of me. The song had changed into an upbeat number,

but they both stayed motionless.

Of seeing you in a bikini? Never. Olivia seemed to finally process the news as she

pulled Nates head down and kissed him passionately. How soon can we go home and start


Nate scanned the room, his detective skills coming in handy for planning a hasty exit.

The rest of the bridal party is on their fifth round of shots. I think we can leave whenever

we want and no one will even notice.

As a groomsman, shouldnt you be at the bar with them? Olivia said.

Nah, Vince already knows Im old and lame. Plus, he helped me plan this trip. Hes

onboard. Nate took Olivias hand and pulled her from the dance floor. As they crossed the

room, Vince happened to glance in their direction. When he realized they were headed

toward the exit, he just smiled and nodded. Nate waved a goodbye and led Olivia into the

Has it really been a week already? Olivia sighed and stretched her arms lazily, arching

her back and thus pushing out her tiny baby bump.

Dont do that. Nate shot her a glare from his lounge chair. We still have three whole

days. Stop acting like this is almost over.

She sighed again and settled back in her chair, slowly eyeing Nates chiseled body. This

really isnt fair. The least you could do is match me pound-for-pound as I slowly get fat.

Youre pregnant, not fat, he replied automatically. Besides, a guy like me has to stay

in top form if hes going to keep a woman like you.

Olivia ran a hand over her stomach, still getting used to the idea that there was a tiny

human growing inside. She estimated that she was about fourteen weeks pregnant, but they

had a doctors appointment next week to confirm.

Is that why you got us this house on a private beach? Keeping away all the other studly

men? she teased. Dont worry, when you look that good in a pair of swim trunks, youve

got nothing to worry about.

I dont know its been about an hour since youve tried to take advantage of me.

Maybe youve already grown sick of me.

Nates lounge chair was less than a foot away from Olivias and she was already holding

his hand. That didnt stop her from climbing out of her chair to join him in his.
Better? she said, running her hand over his bare chest. You were the one that insisted

we spend more time enjoying the beautiful weather rather than staying in bed for ten days


Ive suggested a lot of stupid things over the years and youve never hesitated to veto

them. I blame you for this. He slid a finger under the strap of her bikini. Youre getting a

tan line.

We cant have that, she said, untying the already scant top it in one smooth motion.

Olivia had never been an exhibitionist, but their vacation home was completely private and

she was feeling bold.

Olivia Thompson, are you trying to seduce me? His hand already covered her newly

exposed skin. Because its definitely working.

She hesitated, feeling oddly nervous. Olivia hadnt felt this nervous around Nate since

their first few weeks of friendship when shed had a fierce, seemingly unrequited crush on

him. Tucker.

Yeah? He was too focused on her body to notice her awkwardness.

Nate. She waited until he lifted his eyes to her face. I want to take your name.

What? His mouth dropped open. Why?

Olivia was surprised by his reaction. You dont want me to take your name?

Liv, I would love for you to be Mrs. Tucker, but I would never ask you to do that. I

dont care if you keep your name. I understand. He looked concerned. Where is this

coming from?
Because I think I care. Were about to have a kid and I think it would be nice if we had

a family name. Youve already been my family for the last thirteen years and Tucker would

be a pretty great family name. Olivia realized they had never even talked about that babys

name, whether he or she would be a Tucker, Thompson, or combination of the two. I want

to keep Thompson, though. I was thinking, Olivia Thompson-Tucker. If thats alright with


It would be an honor to share my name with you, darling. He finally smiled. The

Tucker family, huh? I must say its already an improvement over my previous Tucker


Definitely in the husband/father department, Olivia agreed as her hand moved down

to the scar on Nates stomach. Can we go back inside yet?

Nates smile turned crooked in the way that Olivia loved best. Absolutely not. Inside is

too far away.

Here? she said, feigning surprise. What if a plane flies over?

Then they will get quite a show. Nate had already started untying Olivias bottoms.

Whats the point of staying on a private beach for your honeymoon if you cant ravish your

beautiful wife on it?

Good point, Mr. Tucker, Olivia said as she moved her hand even lower on his body.

You better get busy ravishing me. We only have three days left.

They were still on the beach hours later, sunburned and covered in sweat and sand,

when Nates phone rang for the fifth time. He was stubbornly refusing to answer it, but
Olivia worried there might be an emergency back home. She crawled over Nates naked

body and snatched the phone.

Its Vince. You better answer it. She dangled the phone in front of him.

Work can wait, Nate said, unconcerned. They had moved from the lounge chair to a

blanket spread on the beach, giving them more room to move around but also increasing

their exposure to the sand. Vince will understand.

You dont even know why he is calling. Olivia didnt think Vince would call unless it

was an emergency. I really think you should talk to him.

Liv, darling, your naked body is on top of me right now. Can we please not talk about

Vince? He slid a hand down her body to prove his point.

She sighed and dropped the phone. Fine, just promise me youll call him back later.

Later. Promise. Nate grimaced when the phone immediately rang again.

Vince wouldnt be calling unless its important, Olivia said pointedly.

Nate grabbed the phone and answered. Tucker.

Olivia rolled away from him and reached for a towel. From the way Nates body tensed

almost immediately, she knew that their romantic trip was about to come to an end.

Calm down, Monroe. I can barely understand you. He had sat up and his eyes

narrowed as he concentrated hard on what Vince was saying. It wasnt going to be a quick

call, so Olivia wrapped the towel around her and headed back to the house. Without waiting

for Nate, she started packing. When he joined her a few minutes later, the sun-kissed glow

was gone from his face. He had pulled on his swim trunks and they rested low on his hips.

Olivia didnt have the luxury of appreciating the view.

Its bad? Olivia guessed as she read his expression.

The worst. Something has happened to Natasha. Nate spoke through a clenched jaw

as he struggled to keep his emotions in check. I could barely understand Vince. Hes a

mess. He said something about her being assaulted and now shes in the hospital in a coma.

Vince is the prime suspect.

Olivia dropped the clothes she was holding and said, Assaulted? And they think Vince

did it? That isnt possible. Why would they think that?

I dont know, Liv. Vince wasnt making much sense. Nate noticed the nearly full

luggage sitting on the bed. Youre packing?

Our friends wife is in a coma, Nate, and hes being investigated. We need to go

home. Olivia had never been a fan of Natasha, but she loved Vince. He needed their

support. Do you disagree?

No. Nate ran a hand through his hair, muscles rippling. But Im not ready for this

trip to end.

Olivia smiled sadly. It had been a darn near perfect honeymoon. Our journey is just

beginning, loverboy. Now go put on some clothes so we dont get stuck at security for hours

while the TSA ladies pat you down.

She finished packing while Nate took a shower and dressed. Then it was her turn to

shower while Nate called around to find them flights back to Chicago. In less than three

hours, they had boarded a plane back to the mainland. To get two seats on the same flight,

theyd had to splurge on a first-class upgrade. Olivia stared out the window as their plane

took off, headed over the beautiful sparkling ocean.

Just three months ago we were making promises to each other that we would go away

together, she said, reaching for Nates hand. To be honest, I never actually thought we

would do it.

To be honest with you, I never actually thought so either. Nate flipped over Olivias

hand and kissed the top of her ring finger. I never thought you would ever agree to marry

me either, so Ive been wrong a lot lately.

I have this terrible feeling that were headed back to something really ugly, Nate. Im

not sure I can go through that again. She looked him in the eye. There were worry lines on

his face that she was seeing for the first time. Promise me our lives arent going to be in

danger again.

Nate sighed. I would love to promise you that, but we both know it might be a lie. All I

can promise you is that I will do whatever I can to keep you safe, even if I have failed

horribly at that in the past.

Nate, you have never failed me. Not once. She forced a smile. Im still alive, arent I?

So are you. As long as those two things are true, Id say you succeeded.

I think you give me too much credit. Youve kept me alive as much as Ive kept you

alive. Nate was frowning, looking so adorable that Olivia couldnt help but smile. Its not

funny, Liv.

Im not laughing at you, honey. Olivia squeezed his leg. I just cant believe how

much I adore you, every day more than the last.

Stop, youre making me blush. Nate did have a flush of red in his cheeks, but it might

have been sunburn. He put a heavy arm around Olivias shoulders. This thing with Vince
isnt going to be good, Liv. There had to be some pretty damning evidence for them to

investigate a detective.

Well help him, she said confidently. Theres no way he was involved in this and we

will prove it.

Yeah. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Olivia had spent hours of her life

staring at Nate, but she had never seen him this tense over something that didnt directly

involve her.

She kissed his cheek softly and then rested her head on his shoulder. Whatever was

happening in Chicago, they would face it together.

I love you, Olivia, Nate said quietly. This past week was easily the best week of my

life. Thank you.

Why are you thanking me? Youre the one that planned the whole thing. Olivia

couldnt understand the unusual emotion on his words. It was as if Nate was anticipating

that everything was about to change on them.

Ill never stop thanking you for loving me. You have no idea just how much it means

to me, how much your love matters. Its everything.

Youre being a bit of a drama queen right now, Nater, Olivia said with an uncertain

laugh. Im not dying of an incurable disease. Im not leaving on a voyage on the Titanic. Im

right here. Now and always. You might as well get used to it. She moved her hand further

up his thigh and squeezed firmly.

Nate cleared his throat, but his voice still came out low and rumbling. When you say

things like that, how do you expect me not to thank you?

Olivia didnt have to look up to know that she would see a faint glisten in his eyes. Nate

would never admit it, but he was definitely the more emotional partner in their relationship.

You already thank me every day, Nate, just by loving me. She paused and then quickly

added, And also, all the sex.

Nate laughed and tightened his arm around her. Definitely the best kind of payment.

Not to ruin this incredibly touching moment, but what do you think is going to happen

to Vince? They havent actually arrested him, right?

Not yet. Nates body tensed again and Olivia regretted changing the subject. I called

a few guys at the station while you were in the shower, but they didnt have much to tell me.

There are a lot of weird protocols in place now because of Barnes.

Having a detective that turned out to be a serial killer had likely made everyone more

leery about investigating one of their own. He should get a lawyer if he hasnt already. They

can help him figure this out.

Vince understands how the legal system works, Liv. Nates voice was strained.

His response to the news about Vince had been completely out of character. He usually

switched right into detective mode when presented with a new case, even the personal ones.

But this time he sounded weary and apprehensive. There was something that he wasnt

telling Olivia.

What are you keeping from me? she said, pulling away to look him in the eye.

Nothing you need to know about. Nate looked over her shoulder and out the window

rather than meeting her stare.

I dont think thats true. She put a hand on his chest. Tell me whats bothering you.
He took in a breath so deep it shook his whole body and when he looked at Olivia, his

blue eyes had gone dark. Natasha was brutalized. From what I was told, its a miracle shes

still alive. Beaten, stabbed, strangled raped. Even if she survives the attack physically, she

might never recover mentally.

Youve faced cases like this before, Olivia said gently, even as she processed the

horrific news.

This is my friends wife, Liv. Its different. His voice cracked. It couldve been you.

Maybe it wouldve been you if we hadnt left town.

You think this happened because of you and Vince? One of your cases? Things finally

started to come together. Olivia shouldve known that Nate would somehow find a way to

blame himself for something that happened thousands of miles away.

Nates lips pressed into a firm line. I think its likely. We worked a similar case right

when Vince was first assigned as my partner. A woman was attacked in an almost identical

manner, and we arrested her husband, Leo Ellison. Hes in prison for the rest of his life.

Thats your job, Nate. You arrest the bad guys.

Sometimes, yes. His head shook slowly as he stared at Olivia, almost in a daze. But

what if we were wrong? What if we arrested the wrong guy?

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