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Feature Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

68(4) 4151
! The Author(s) 2012
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From nuclear to renewable:

DOI: 10.1177/0096340212451592
Energy system transformation
and public attitudes
Nick Pidgeon and Christina C. Demski

Avoiding catastrophic climate change will require rapid decarbonization of the worlds energy supply
systems, and achieving such a significant transformation will involve a range of social and psychological
challenges. The authors write that public consent and acceptability will need to be fostered if plans for
large-scale renewable energy systems are to be realized. Despite highly favorable views in national polls,
some renewable projects have already encountered severe public contestation. The authors write that valu-
able lessons can be learned from existing research on the siting controversies that have surrounded nuclear
power and radioactive waste facilities. A range of contextual factors drive local opposition: lack of tangible
local benefits, threats to valued landscapes or community identity, and distrust of outside agencies. Poorly
executed dialogue and communication processes also serve to rapidly escalate concerns. The facility siting
credo provides an important set of evidence-based principles for those seeking to engage communities about
new renewable energy infrastructure projects.

climate change, facility siting credo, nuclear power, public attitudes, radioactive waste, renewable energy,
wind power

est-known for Britains only pre- 1,500 people gathered in Welshpool to

B served eighteenth-century cock-

fighting pit, Welshpoola Welsh
village in Powys County, only four miles
say so.
In 2011, protesters came together to
challenge renewable energy developers
from Englandmade headlines in 2008, and the UK National Grid company that
when its scenic county was named the planned to build wind farms and asso-
happiest place in Britain (McGrath, ciated transmission infrastructure. The
2008). But three years later, when plans proposed transmission station meant
were announced to build several large that power from this rural farming area
onshore wind developments, this of Wales would be moved into
county was anything but happy, and Englandand it also meant that many
42 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(4)

miles of overhead power cables and new decadesinvolving greater reliance on

pylons would stretch through this and electricity for heating and transporta-
other counties. Pointing out that the tion, and through a variety of non-fossil
Powys community would not, itself, fuel sources. However, the social and
benefit directly from the power pro- psychological dimensions of energy-
duced by the wind turbines, protesters system transformations are likely to be
also argued that the structures would equally challenging. On the demand
cover the natural countryside in con- side, people must alter their future
crete and metal, destroying its verdant, modes and patterns of travel and radic-
picturesque beauty (Williams, 2011). ally change the way they use energy
Eventually, the county council called in both the workplace and the home.
for a moratorium on all new wind-farm On the supply side, the degree of public
applications. Commenting on this deci- support may well determine the diffi-
sion, the councillor who had proposed cultyor impossibilityof implement-
the motion told the press that there ing certain low-carbon infrastructure
was a better carbon-neutral alternative projects.
for Wales: a new nuclear power station Though certainly important, protests
that was planned in the north of the over renewable developments, such as
country, on the Isle of Anglesey. onshore wind, are nothing new.
Developers of new energy technolo- Historically, technological innovation,
gies often look at progress quite sim- for better or worse, has gone hand in
plistically: It can be achieved by creating hand with public hostility and contro-
a new, cheaper, or more efficient versy: food irradiation, agricultural
machine or system that answers a biotechnology in Europe, waste incine-
defined problem, like climate change ration, overhead electrical power lines,
with little regard for peoples percep- to name just a few. But what is new is
tions of the risks, benefits, or level of that over the past decades researchers
societal dialogue that may be required. have scrutinized the public process sur-
It remains a curious, if often unremarked rounding nuclear power and radioactive
fact that, despite the very obvious wastethus, as countries around the
human, social, and cultural drivers of cli- world consider the transition toward
mate changefrom unsustainable food, future large-scale renewable energy
manufacturing, and consumption pat- sources, there is more understanding of
terns to population growththe pro- siting, perceived risk, and trust.
posed solutions are, by and large, So what lessons have communities
dominated by engineering, the physical learned from these earlier public contro-
sciences, and economics. A key assump- versies surrounding nuclear power, and
tion is that new technologies, fostered to what extent can this understanding
through appropriate market instru- help with anticipating and planning for
ments, will lead to the necessary reduc- siting controversies surrounding current
tions in emissions. and future large-scale renewable energy
Unarguably, the technological and systems? These are important questions
economic challenges of decarbonizing to ask, for the sooner they are answered,
the worlds energy supply systems will the closer the world will be to a greener
be significant over the coming years and and cleaner energy future.
Pidgeon and Demski 43

Public attitudes and nuclear psychometric surveys to study public

perceptions of nuclear power and its
risks; the respondents identified the
Throughout many Western countries in power source as dreaded, meaning it
the 1970s and 1980s, at the height of the was not only viewed as a catastrophic
Cold War, public concern steadily risk unknown to the public and to scien-
increased about environmental protec- tists, but it was also believed to be a tech-
tion and the threat of atomic annihila- nology that offered relatively few
tionnot to mention nuclear power, its perceived benefits (Pidgeon et al., 1992;
risks, staggering expenses, and enduring Slovic et al., 1980). Among other things,
links with military programs.1 It is worth the surveys found that distrust has two
highlighting that this trend was rein- major sources: the authoritiesthe
forced, rather than driven by, the cata- nuclear industry is cloaked in secrecy
strophic accidents at Three Mile Island and hubris,3 which, historically, have
in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986; in fact, 20 been the most powerful drivers of the
percent of Americans opposed new publics wariness toward the technol-
nuclear plants in the mid-1970s. That ogy;4 and the mediaintense inter-
community grew to more than 60 per- national coverage of the disasters at
cent in the early 1980s (Rosa and Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the
Dunlap, 1994). Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power
Though new technologies, in general, Station has shaped public attitudes
have a way of inspiring protests, what (Friedman, 2011).5
was unique about nuclear power dissent Around the world, and as memories of
was its widespread and seemingly Chernobyl began to fade, public atti-
intractable natureparticularly when tudes toward nuclear power between
set against the assurances of engineers 1990 and 2010 gradually became more
and plant designers, who argued that positive in a number of countries with
risk levels were acceptable and that, nuclear programs (OECD, 2010), reflect-
internationally, policymakers had ing also the growing concerns about
accorded the strategic placement of energy security and the necessity of
this technology.2 It was this apparent fossil fuel alternatives.6 However, con-
paradox that piqued the interests of cerns persist about both the economics
many social scientists and researchers, of nuclear power and waste disposal,
who wanted to find out why and how and many remain ambivalent about the
nuclear energy was such an emotional acceptability of this technologya con-
and political issue for the public, ditional or reluctant acceptance, at best
paving the way to new approaches to (Pidgeon et al., 2008). The accident in
measuring human response to risk March 2011 at the Fukushima Daiichi
issues. Nuclear Power Station has changed all
of this, prompting strong public oppos-
A timeline of distrust and ition to resurface in Germany, Japan, and
Francecountries with a significant
dependence upon nuclear poweras
Between 1975 and 1990, social scien- compared with the public in the United
tists and psychologists developed Kingdom and United States, where small
44 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(4)

majorities still favor the technology sensitive rural locations or in places

even after the catastrophe (Butler where the local population, actually
et al., 2011). living near power lines, does not benefit
Governments, industry, and environ- from the energy-generating facility,
mental organizations are shifting their itself.
focus from yesterdays benefits of The uncertainties over electromag-
nuclear power, to the future prospects netic fields from overhead power lines
of renewable energy. For many nations, are a significant perceived risk for
the question is not whether the transition some peopleand for this reason,
to renewables will happen, but rather a among others, the electricity-grid
question of how and when. Germany, in upgrade, rather than the facility, may
particular, is set to be a key test case come to be the most contested aspect
over the coming two decades; after the in the transition to decarbonizing
Fukushima disaster, its government energy systems (Cotton and Devine-
announced plans to completely phase Wright, 2011; Vajjhala and Fischbeck,
out its extensive nuclear program. 2007).7
Doing this, while also moving to decar- Although it should not be overlooked
bonize its electricity supply, has set in that many renewable energy projects,
motion a critical experiment: It may such as the major onshore wind devel-
well require all the ingenuity and opments in Denmark and Germany, are
resources of this significant and techno- successfully completedand serve as
logically sophisticated nation to demon- important case studies of successful
strate how a high-technology, but fully sitingmany proposals in other coun-
renewable, energy system can be tries are indeed not welcomed by the
constructed. local communities involved. So, drawing
on several decades of nuclear controver-
Incorporating past lessons in sies, what can be applied here? Three
lessons: local acceptance of perceived
future processes
risks and other perceived detriments go
Many of the issues surrounding public beyond issues of strict technical
acceptance and risk perception raised safety; community concerns can rap-
by previous nuclear facility and other idly escalate if planning processes do
siting controversiesparticularly those not pay attention to local views; and,
that manifested at the local community above all, distrust in the motives of
level (Boholm and Lo fstedt, 2004) large outsider institutions, both gov-
seem guaranteed to be resurrected with ernments and corporations, are likely
some large-scale renewable energy to play a role in debates over siting
developments, such as onshore wind or renewables.
solar farms, biomass incineration,
and marine and tidal systems (Devine-
Wright, 2011). The protest in Wales
serves as a recent case in point. National polls show that the public
Developments often involve upgrades strongly supports renewable electri-
or an entirely new electricity grid infra- cityparticularly wind, solar, and
structure, which is usually sited in hydroelectric powerespecially when
Pidgeon and Demski 45

compared with conventional fossil fuels established facilities and is often some-
or nuclear power (Greenberg and what more supportive than national
Truelove, 2009; McGowan and Sauter, polls report (Greenberg and Truelove,
2005). Unlike with nuclear power, most 2009).8 Likewise, a 2010 survey of
people, when considering renewables as Britains population found that 82 per-
an abstract idea, view renewable sources cent were very or mainly in favor
very positively, as a clean and natural of wind energy (Corner et al., 2011); how-
resource that will not run out (Demski, ever, as was characterized in Wales, this
2011). Further, this also is in keeping with does not mean all will remain calm when
the widespread belief that people should new large-scale projects are brought
show a degree of responsible steward- into communities.
ship toward the natural environment With nuclear power opposition, a
(Dunlap, 2008). prominent feature at the local
But those are national polls, which, by levelalthough its roots are in factors
their very nature, encourage respond- associated with generic distrust issues,
ents to look at an issue as related to like transparency, hubris, that
their countryrather than directly poorly constructed consultation pro-
applying the issue closer to home, in cesses often become linked to peoples
their own community. National polls suspicions that powerful outside insti-
rarely tap peoples limits of acceptabil- tutions and vested interests are
ity, while perceptions related to the local unfairly profiting from a development;
level do allow respondents to context- therefore, communities worry about
ualize the acceptability of a particular the harm that certain large-scale
development by considering it in rela- power projects might bring locally or
tion to their communitys local history that an institutions activities will
and social fabric (Bell et al., 2005). A fea- ultimately threaten local community
ture of large-scale energy systems is that autonomy and identity. This was the
they have a material reality that is case in 2003 and 2004, in Devon,
unique to each communitya particular England, where Peninsular Power Ltd
physical, social, and economic footprint. proposed the construction of a 21.5
For example, public attitudes toward megawatt biomass gasifier. Not only
both nuclear power and radioactive did the community doubt the credibil-
waste facilities show a very complex ity of the developer, but they argued
set of relationships between the technol- that the industrial-scale technology
ogy (real or proposed) and geography would damage their quality of life,
(the aspects of a communitys physical, citing concerns of unhealthy plant
social, and psychological make-up). An emissions, as well as increased truck
important distinction also must be traffic, pollution, and noise (Upham
drawn here between a communitys and Shackley, 2006). Public consult-
views toward the idea of siting a com- ation also occurred late in the deci-
pletely new facility in the community, sion-making process, and, thus,
which, in actuality, is typically met community members struggled to
with more hostility than national polls make their concerns heard. This
anticipate (Rosa and Dunlap, 1994), and experience reinforced the communitys
a community that lives close to long- distrust and negative perceived
46 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(4)

impacts of the proposal, and planning choice, as well as community co-bene-

permission was ultimately refused. fits (see Table 1; Kunreuther et al.,
The policy lesson, then, is how best to 1993). The credo remains a very useful
design consultation processes such that set of pointers for developing a better-
the values inherent in renewable energy designed participatory process for com-
are realized while also meeting accept- munities that may be affected by any
able local conditions, which must be proposed large-scale renewable energy
defined through open public infrastructure projects (Dietz and
participation. Stern, 2008; Renn et al., 1995).

Enabling siting processes Understanding and meeting local

In most countries, the siting of large-
scale infrastructure projectswhether At a local level, objections are often
nuclear or renewablemust involve an denigrated by developers and the
extended period of review, sometimes media as an example of a NIMBY (not
including a statutory local inquiry and in my backyard) response, which is the
consultation. It is usually at this point idea that people support a development
of the process when local objections in principle, as a common good, but self-
emerge. As was learned during ishly object to it near their home because
the nuclear siting process, a two-way they see local detriment and little bene-
process of engagement and dia- fit.11 As such, one response is for indus-
logueabove simple one-way provision tries and governments to offer
of technical informationis critical; a communities material local benefits in
simple attempt to present technical return for hosting facilities,12 or through
information in a strategy of blind per- various community-driven renewable-
suasion rarely works out as the commu- project co-ownerships. For example,
nicator intends.9 Though risk needs to co-ownership has proved successful in
be carefully articulated to communities, Scotland on the Isle of Gigha, where a
the messages need to be tailored to fit wind-energy project is now owned and
individual renewable technologies operated by the community; this owner-
since people can make quite fine distinc- ship structure has had a positive psycho-
tions between aspects of wind, solar, and logical effect on the local population,13
biomass energy (Demski, 2011).10 in contrast to the often more-contested
The facility siting credo (see developer-owned projects, which
Table 1), developed from studies of the can have damaging and disruptive
intense controversy surrounding the effects on communities (Warren and
proposed national radioactive waste McFadyen, 2010).
repository at Yucca Mountain in the To listen effectively to communities,
United States, promotes due process by it is imperative that governments and
emphasising participatory dialogue and industry managers consider how local
consensus, fairness and trust, flexibility publics view their locales; by doing so,
in specifying the range of options avail- they can understand the emotional
able to communities, and, with this, a attachments to, and meanings of, a
degree of genuine local autonomy and place, as well as how physical and
Pidgeon and Demski 47

Table 1. The facility siting credo.


















Source: Kunreuther et al. (1993).

symbolic attributes of a place contribute experiences, which can then produce

to a collective sense of identity (Devine- both positive and negative reactions.
Wright, 2011; McLachlan, 2010). How to incorporate this more personal,
Depending on these meanings, introdu- value-based knowledge into participa-
cing novel aspects such as a wind farm, tory approaches is a fundamental
for example, creates changes that will research objective in environmental
interact with the publics existing decision making.
48 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(4)

engagement by all of usscientists,
Although new low-carbon technologies engineers, industry leaders, financial
and fiscal instruments for curbing emis- institutions, and, above all, governments
sions at a community or individual level and their communitiesto pull off the
will become increasingly important, it is most extensive socio-technical trans-
uncertain whether they, alone, can deli- formation the world has yet seen.
ver either the degree or pace of change
that is required to ensure that the global
society avoids the dangers of climate Funding
change. But, indeed, they are a start. The authors would like to acknowledge the support
of the Leverhulme Trust (F/00 407/AG), the
Over the coming decades, almost Economic and Social Research Council (RES-066-
every country around the world must 27-0013), and the UK Energy Research Centre
profoundly transform its national and (NE/G007748/1).
international approach to energy pro-
duction and consumption. These Notes
energy-system changes bear upon mul- 1. Nuclear powers very large up-front capital
tiple long-term public policy goals, costs and back-end waste-disposal arrange-
including the need for genuinely sustain- ments have been a financial Achilles heel,
able economies; the provision of energy and, combined with public protest, was the
main reason why the construction of nuclear
security, as well as affordable energy for
stations ground to a halt in the more liberal-
everyone, everywhere; and the mitiga- ized global-market conditions of the 1990s
tion of the environmental impacts of onward (Welsh, 2000).
energy production and use. 2. An account of the place nuclear power
Above all, countries cannot continue played in national identity and politics in
their unabated use of fossil fuels as they France after World War II is found in
have in the past; they must establish Hecht (1998).
3. Social scientist James Flynn (2003) docu-
national objectives, despite the current
ments how close links between the US mili-
poor progress of international negoti- tary and civilian programs led to the initial
ations. This isnt impossible: The high levels of secrecy in both. When exam-
United Kingdom has set a goal of an 80 ples of poor practice came to light in the
percent reduction in its national carbon early days of the military program (e.g.,
emissions by the year 2050, and other intentional exposure of military personnel
countries have made equally ambitious to weapons tests), this contributed to stig-
national targets. matization and growing distrust of the man-
agement on nuclear matters as a wholea
Avoiding catastrophic climate change
development not helped by the growing real-
is the single most pressing environmen- ization that many of the early claims for the
tal problem facing the world community promise of nuclear power could not be
today. Without addressing this success- upheld.
fully, governments will be unlikely to 4. Public distrust in the authorities ability to
meet other fundamental objectives consider the risks of both nuclear power
such as poverty alleviation, clean devel- and radioactive wasteand to manage
them safelywas also identified as a power-
opment, and basic health care provision
ful predictor of opposition in national sur-
for all. An orderly way to meet this chal- veys (Pidgeon et al., 1992; Slovic et al., 1991).
lenge is by remodeling the global energy 5. Media reporting often serves to amplify a
system. But this requires full range of factors, such as dread and distrust,
Pidgeon and Demski 49

which prompt concern about a technology now been discredited by both theoretical
(Kasperson et al., 2003). advances and empirical data. From a theor-
6. A number of countries have reframed the etical perspective, assuming a deficit of
image of nuclear power as a clean alterna- knowledge can be patronizing to a commu-
tive to fossil fuels (Bickerstaff et al., 2008; nity and often deflects debate from the real
Nisbet, 2009) and as a potentially valuable concerns that people wish to have aired; it
part of the energy fuel mix. is therefore not conducive to establishing a
7. Although the evidence for significant health genuinely participatory interaction
effects is highly uncertain, electromagnetic between site developers, regulators, and
fields from overhead power lines hold nega- communities (Pidgeon et al., 1992). From
tive associations with invisible radiation an empirical perspective, the core assump-
exposure (Morgan et al., 2002: 141151). On tion of the deficit model also appears to be
the ground, overhead power lines and asso- false, as studies have consistently shown
ciated infrastructure, such as transmission that peoples perception and acceptance
stations, offer little direct benefit to people of technology and science are not straight-
living close to them, are seen as posing these forwardly attributable to their level of
uncertain electromagnetic health risks, and knowledge about them (Sturgis and
for many are detrimental to local landscapes. Allum, 2004; Wynne and Irwin, 1996).
8. While it is easy to see why local attitudes are 10. With onshore wind energy, for example,
overwhelmingly negative in advance of a people tend to be mostly concerned about
proposed new development, given the the potential impact upon valued or par-
unique dreaded signature of nuclear ticularly sensitive landscapes, suggesting
power and waste, the position in existing that there are both more, and less, suitable
nuclear communities is far more complex. places to site such developments. With bio-
With the latter, the community is likely to mass, people tend to worry that emissions
be more polarized on the issue (with both are not properly managed and controlled.
strong pro- and anti- views represented), This association with burning and emis-
while local factors and context always sions makes biomass distinct from other
come into play to attenuate some residents renewable-generating sources; in fact, bio-
risk perceptions. These include the familiar- mass may not be perceived as renewable
ity gained over time with economic and at all (Whitmarsh et al., 2011).
employment benefits if a plant has been 11. Contemporary academic thinking is that
operating without great incident, as well as NIMBYism is a highly misleading label
increased trust in local management and its that oversimplifies what prompts local con-
operations (Venables et al., 2009). Equally, cerns. Modern academia also argues that
as our own interview research has shown, NIMBYism risks alienating local commu-
some events (local incidents, a media nities that must host such developments
report of a nuclear accident elsewhere) do (Devine-Wright, 2011; Ramana, 2011).
hold the capacity at such locations to rapidly 12. Compensation in the absence of
escalate concerns (Parkhill et al., 2010). co-ownership is also a complex issue to per-
9. This phenomenon is now discussed in terms fect, as it is not always clear which party has
of the so-called deficit model of science the responsibility to pay; furthermore, to
communication. This model assumed that local communities, such offers can resem-
the public had a simple deficit of technical ble bribery schemes if trust has already
knowledge and that greater acceptability been lost (Aitken, 2010).
would follow from provision of greater 13. Local residents on Gigha displayed very
knowledge (about the technology, its risks, positive attitudes toward wind energy,
benefits, etc.). However, early attempts to even more positive than prior to the devel-
persuade the public to accept nuclear opment. They also exhibited a strong sense
power in this way proved a spectacular fail- of pride in, and connection with their
ure. And the simple deficit hypothesis has wind farm project, evidenced by the fact
50 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 68(4)

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Pidgeon and Demski 51

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energy? A case study from south-west Scotland. Barry Turner of the 2nd edition of Man Made
Land Use Policy 27(2): 204213. Disasters (Butterworth Heinemann, 1997).
Welsh I (2000) Mobilising Modernity: The Nuclear
Moment. London: Routledge. Christina C. Demski is a research associate in
Whitmarsh L, Upham P, Poortinga W, et al. (2011) the Understanding Risk Research Group in the
Public Attitudes, Understanding, and Engagement
psychology department at Cardiff University in
in relation to Low-Carbon Energy: A Selective
Review of Academic And Non-Academic Wales, United Kingdom. She has expertise in
Literatures. London: Research Councils UK. public acceptability and attitudes toward
Williams S (2011) 1,500 at Mid Wales wind farm pro- environmental and energy issues, such as cli-
test. Daily Post, June 30. Available at: http:// mate change, energy security, and renewable energy. She recently completed her PhD,
news/welshpool-news/2011/06/30/1-500-at-mid- which focused on public perceptions of renew-
wales-wind-farm-protest-55578-28967125/. able energy technologies and examined the
Wynne B and Irwin A (1996) Misunderstanding conditional nature of support using both quali-
Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. tative and quantitative methods. She has par-
ticular expertise in survey methods and is
currently working on a project investigating
public values, attitudes, and acceptance of UK
Author biographies
energy-system transformations, including per-
Nick Pidgeon is professor of environmental ceptions of framings and trade-offs around
psychology at Cardiff University, where he energy futures.
directs the interdisciplinary Understanding
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