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Museum in Tecuci Uniqueness. Tradition. Continuity.

We learn from the past to build our future!

The cultural patrimony represents the identity card of our people, the story of what surrounds us and an
important authenticity and national uniqueness element. When we talk about history, we dont talk about past
deeds, past places and people, but about our origins, deeply rooted into what had happened before we were
born. We are here today to show the importance of reinstating the past as a way of keeping alive both the human
being and the story of his/her birth. Preserving history means not only preserving it intact in our memory, but
also becoming aware of it and reintegrating it into our times.
Even if we dont agree, everything around us tells the story of the past: stone paved streets which famous
leaders had walked on, building with an impressive past, costumes and objects that talk about people more than
books will ever do.
But, more than anything else, history stays alive through people. Memories, life experiences, legends are
priceless components of the folklore.
Thus, we thought it necessary to train the young generation to rediscover the value of the patrimony and to
promote representative buildings in our community. All these restore local history to the priority list of the
cultural institutions and especially to that of the community itself, of young citizens, the students.
The local culture and patrimony differentiate us and ensure our uniqueness in the European space, for which
reason the fair preservation of these national values is our duty, our responsibility towards our community and
The project Museum in Tecuci - Uniqueness. Tradition. Continuity. has drown its purpose from the local
communitys need to reevaluate the local and national values so that the young generation could find the
motivations to take measures for the development of our country.
Being aware of the cultural and historical inheritance, the drive to promote national values at an European
level is based on the knowledge of our own culture and it will lead to keeping it alive to represent us as a nation.
The project began on the 27th May 2017 and the plan was to last 2 years in three stages. The First stage
was the careful documentation of the team about patrimony objectives, local culture and folklore. During this
stage, the members of the team worked with institutions such as: The Municipal Library tefan Petic, The
History Museum Teodor Cincu, The Cultural House, The Pelin Foundation, as well as with expert
personalities of the field, such as anthology author tefan Andronache who offered significant information
about the history of Tecuci.
The project revolves around the History Museum Teodor Cincu, an edifice built by one of the towns
philanthropist, Teodor Cincu, whose family built the town itself through their many donations in 1850.
During that period, the building which was dedicated to culture and whose promotion as true value was
inspired by the European model of the times , was considered the most beautiful of Moldova, and today it
shows a unique, carefully worked architecture with stained glass windows and extraordinary chandeliers.
Beyond its physical look/appearance, the museum building, whose history is not widely known, houses
today the entire local history, starting with archeological discoveries of the Dacian fortress Piroboridava: coins,
pots, thousands of years old, jewellery and guns, moving to animal skeletons, and ending with an impressive
coin collection, costumes and guns used during the first and the second world war and unique documents and
The second stage was the promotion of the chosen patrimony objective bringing together the history of
Tecuci, the local folklore and traditions. This stage meant the collaboration with the local cultural institutions
and personalities and more. The members of the team used promotion materials such as flyers, banners, leaflets,
posters, films and mass-media, site and social networks online. The local press and the public administration
were closely involved in all the activities.
The third stage involved the expansion of the promotion campaign through the revolution of the projects
The premises of the project were set on 27 th May when we selected the members of the team based on an
interview and the tasks were assigned to each member. The research began on 30 th May member. The research
began Calistrat Hoga Information Center, where divided into smaller teams, the members established the
cultural patrimony objectives to be included in the promotion campaign.
On the 12th June we had the event called History, Ethnography and Folklore in a partnership with the
Town Library tefan Petic. The members of the debate club Great Debaters presented information about
cultural patrimony objectives in town and held a debate on the topic We learn to preserve history we
contribute to the local patrimony development.
The debate was extremely interactive, the students managing to propose efficient ways to rediscover
protect and promote the local patrimony objectives, being extremely enthusiastic to express their opinions. On
this occasion, the members of team presented to the public the project brochure, the flyer and the poster: The
History Museum Teodor Cincu a treasure of Tecuci.
The next event was organized on 29th June as a Festival The summer of traditions from Tecuci, a
promotion campaign of the History Museum in Tecuci as well as of local folklore and traditions. We had some
special guests: the mayor of Tecuci Mr. Ctlin Hurdubae, the manager of the Cultural House, Mrs. Lucia
Gologan and representatives of the museum, who discussed the history of the museums foundation, of its
donation more than a century ago and of Cincu familys philanthropic tradition who gave their name to the
At the same time we distributed questionnaires to the audience to establish how much they know about
the local patrimony objectives, the History Museum included.
On the second of July the project team members visited the local patrimony objectives as part of the activity
called On foot through the history of Tecuci.
In order to encourage others to join our attempt to enhance the value of the patrimony objectives, we
distributed some flyers to the passers-by, we put up posters in different places in town. Also, we started work on
the online albums, which contain objectives, their photos as well as a description that presents the location of
the buildings, their historic past, and their importance for the community of Tecuci.
On the 3rd July the Information campaign The youth and the community. The members of, the team
distributed leaflets that present pictures of the museum and which offer details about the projects purpose and
objectives as well as about the steps to be taken to promote, consolidate and protect the local patrimony assets,
same true historic sources. They talked to different people on the street explaining things about the History
Museum whose story and value are very little known.
On the 17th July the promotion campaign started to pay off once the first ancient objects were donated for the
foundation of a new section of the museum: an ethnographic section. The importance of this exhibition for our
community lies in the rediscovering as a culture at a national and European level.
The activity on the 4th August held at the History Museum Teodor Cincu, Window through times
managed to assemble students when were willing to know the local history, teachers and local personalities in
this field. After a presentation of the Museum, as a central point of local past presentation, the place where
history and folklore join, the online album with pictures of the main patrimony objectives in town was
presented, thus the information could easily reach everybody. The atmosphere created encouraged donations for
the ethnographic exhibition The dower crate of Tecuci. The activity also included two melancholy Romanian
folk songs sung by the student Marlena Berbeci, thus raising young peoples interest in the Romanian folk
music. The personalities invited to the activity such as the teacher Dr. Cezar Ungan, the poet Vasile Ghica and
Mr. Viorel Burlacu the manager of the museum talked about the fair and efficient method of patrimony
During the project, the team members participated as volunteers to all the events organized by the History
Museum Teodor Cincu, such as the celebration of 100 years since the great victories from Mreti and
Oituz, an elegant old cars exhibition, presented to the public for the first time in our town, thus supporting the
promotion of local history.
On 18th August the activity called The history of the Present took place at Pelin Foundations
Athenaeum. It presented a by and large examination of the towns evolution from its beginning to the present,
an album with pictures of the main historical buildings in town and the online version of the sewing sample
album was also presented, as proof that folklore is still alive in the area. This album, History Fragments, is
meant to be a donation to the History Museum Teodor Cincu as part of the new ethnographic section.
Due to the general mobilization of the team members, of local cultural institutions as well as of citizens in
town, the ethnographic exhibition grew to such sizes that we moved it into the building across the street from
the museum, building which was given to the museum by the City Hall for this very purpose: to house the new
ethnographic section put together through the efforts of our project team members. Thus, the new Information
and Promotion Centre houses , besides the objects donated by generous donors, the photography exhibition
Past vs. Present.
On 25th August the official opening of the photography exhibition ,,Past vs. Present took place, an event
which is part of the Euroscola Project of the National College ,, Calistrat Hoga team. The exhibition was
housed by the Cultural House in the main lobby and it includes photos that illustrate the passing of time and its
effects on the patrimony buildings in town.
On 26th August , the project joined the Inter-county Folklore Festival ,,We sing to be heard all around the
waterside with its activity ,, Mirrors through times in which we debated the importance of the museum for
the community that wishes to preserve its local culture. Furthermore, the members of the team participated in
the national folk costume parade, wearing costumes exhibited in the newly founded ethnographic exhibition.
On 7th September we participated in a debate on the topic of successful projects that apply to the local
On 8th September we held the activity ,,Education- then and now. On this occasion we presented the
photography exhibition, containing up to 100 photos, at the Town Library ,,tefan Petic, after it had toured
the cultural institutions in town. The team members also contributed to the unveiling of a memorial plaque to
celebrate 100 years since the death of the great writer Calistrat Hoga whose name our school bears.
On 18th September we organized the activity called Museum into the school in a partnership with the
History Museum during which the students in our school listened to museum representatives talking about the
importance of this institution for the community. The talk turned into a debate after the intervention of the
Great Debaters Club members. They have also been working as volunteers at the Information and Promotion
Center as local history promoters.
On 5th October we held the first edition of the local Symposium Oral history- frontier between the past
and the present, organized on the occasion of the International Education Day as a way to promote the
involvement and the research of the local culture and patrimony to students and teachers. The symposium had
two sections : one for students and one for teachers. The categories for each section had topics such as: The
folklore the untold story of our history; My town- one century ago; The oral history- the frontier between the
past and the present; The local patrimony- a history of buildings; History- a gift for the future;
The results of the project
As a result of the promotion campaign of the History Museum Teodor Cincu, as a patrimony objective of
Tecuci, but also a cultural monument of the local history, by means of all the activities we organized, and by
means of the contribution of our partners, the cultural institutions in town : The Town Library tefan Petic,
The Cultural House, The Pelin Foundation Education without frontiers as well by means of the local press
and Mr. Viorel Munteanu, a photographer who came to our help and together with The City Hall, we all
managed to obtain the building which became the Information and Tourist Promotion Center through the efforts
of our team. The Centre houses the ethnographic exhibition and the photography exhibition which are visited by
the students in town and where our volunteers promote the local patrimony on a daily basis.
Other outcomes of our project are:
Two online local patrimony promotion albums
A photo album
A sewing sample album exhibited in the new ethnographic section ;
a Facebook page , a Twitter link , Instagram , and Youtube ;
A blog exclusively dedicated to the town history -
A film to promote the History Museum Teodor Cincu which was
included into the local program Successful Projects at the Athenaeum as a way to develop the town.
An important aspect in the promotion of the History Museum is the story realized by the national TV station
Digi TV -
- The Symposium is another outcome of our project which is a means to popularize the importance of the
patrimony and history as a turning point in the social evolution. During the symposium ,papers on the topic
were presented as well as two short plays : The stories of the past , Students of yesterday, students of
today, written and directed by the team members of our project and we also watched the great movie
Finally, the students who are organizing the Annual Prom of the National College Calistrat Hoga,
chose the theme of our project: promoting local culture and traditions turning it into a Romanian traditional

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