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2017/2018 Basketball Player and Parent Handbook

Guidelines, rules and program expectations:

Congratulations on being selected as a member of the West High Lady Bears Basketball
Program. As a student-athlete in our program, you have distinguished yourself as a unique
individual rather than just another face in the crowd. As a basketball player in this program it is
important that you take pride in representing Billings West academically and athletically with
character. This is a class program and only class individuals will be a part of it.

The purpose of this handbook is to help you become a better student-athlete, a better person,
and to help you understand how you can become the best basketball player possible. This
handbook will also serve as a guideline for the rules and expectations of Lady Bear Basketball.
The rules and expectations are being set so that each member of the program including players,
managers, coaches, and parents will have a clear understanding of programs philosophy, in
addition to the standard procedures, appropriate behavior, financial responsibilities and code
of conduct. The rules and expectations will be set so that each individual and each member of
the team will be able to work towards a common goal in a positive learning environment.

Lady Bear Basketball: Leadership, Pride and Commitment

When the student/athlete leaves our basketball program we are hoping that she will have
learned many lifelong lessons that will help her continue on any road she chooses to take after
high school.

Some lessons are winning with class and losing with dignity. Learning how to win can be a vital
attribute for a young woman going into the workforce. Being able to deal with defeat is
another important attribute. Learning how to bounce back from a loss and prepare for the next

Competing is another important part of our program. Being a competitor is something that is
instilled and can lead to great accomplishments. Not only on the court but also in the real
world. Learning how to compete is a very vital attribute we try to instill in the Women's
basketball Program.

Hard work, dedication, and the will to prepare to win are what makes anything work. These
few items are taught in our program. These are lifelong habits that can help the graduating
student/athlete in her future.

Lady Bear Basketball is about competing with everything weve got, showing leadership,
commitment and having pride.
Program Breakdown:

By the time they reach the high school level the fundamentals should be in place. At the
freshmen and sophomore level, all players should have a chance to improve and play. All
fundamentals of the game and the mental part of the game are continued to be coached. At
the J.V. level: playing time of the better players should start to increase and at the varsity level
those players that have earned the right to play should. The basis of all practices is
fundamentals. Without them it is hard to move on to any other level.

Lady Bear basketball is about competing with everything weve got, showing leadership,
commitment and having pride.

Lady Bear Family Policy

1. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

2. Never say anything behind a family members back. Say it to their face; move on.

3. If you say youre going to do it!! Yes means yes. No means no.

4. Acknowledge or recognize when you are wrong. Then you can go about fixing it.

For Parents
Expectations of parents: It is expected that all parents/guardians understand that we are all a
family and shall work together to make the experiences positive for everyone involved. It is
expected that all family member cheer in the manner that is POSITIVE for our team and not
negative towards the opponent. Positive language is important. This positive cheering can
spread and we will lead this by example. Above all, enjoy your daughters basketball season.
Provide encouragement, support, empathy, transportation, money, help with fund-raisers, etc.,
but... do not coach! Most parents that get into trouble with their children do so because they
forget to remember the important position that they play. Coaching interferes with your role as
supporter and fan. The last thing your child needs and wants to hear from you after a
disappointing performance or loss is what they did technically or strategically wrong.

Expectations of players: We expect since your daughter is on the team that she has committed
herself to becoming the best she can be as a player, student and person. At any point during
the season if your daughter becomes a detriment to herself, or to the team based on her
actions on and off the court she may be dismissed from the program (slandering the
Expectation of Coaches: It is expected that coaches will put forth the effort to make sure that
every player on the team is cared for in a manner that will accomplish the goal of making every
player the best she can be as a student, player and person.

Fund Raising: Program and poster by parents. The players will be asked to sell
program/schedules to family, friends etc. Raising money for meals, travel bags, new uniforms
and some equipment.

Dress Code: Our dress code is important for each of our players, team, family, school and
community. The players are to be dressed like a team whenever we are viewed in public.
Dresses, skirts (appropriate length) blouses, khaki pants etc. no blue jeans, tennis shoes,
t-shirts (unless arranged beforehand with Coach Johnson).

Meetings with coaches: If you want to meet with a particular coach you are to set up a
meeting with them and give 24 hours before setting the meeting and after. Ex. After a game
you want to talk to the coach about your daughter. You are to wait until the next day to call
them and then set the meeting for the following day. Playing time will not be discussed!!
Playing time is earned at practice and based on situations in games.

Curfew: For the players we ask that you follow and monitor the team curfew.

Curfew: Weeknights (Sunday thru Thursday): 10:30 PM

Weekends: (Friday and Saturday): Midnight when no game

If there is game on a Saturday night, curfew for Friday is 10:30 PM

Diet: It is important that each player is on a strict diet. Pregame meals should be eaten 3 hours
before game time. Plan accordingly. Freshmen usually have to fight through this always having
the early games. Do the best you can to provide the nutrition needed. NO POP is

Important Phone Numbers/Emails

Charlie Johnson- Head Coach- 281-5748 or 671-4588

Jody McIlvain- JV Coach- 281-5709

Jason Amundsen Sophomore Coach- 281-5748

Dana Conway- Freshman Coach- 281-6215

Misc Rules/ Regulations

- It is highly recommended that every player by the beginning of their sophomore year
get into fitness and conditioning class. If schedule does not allow for this class you
should be lifting at West before or after school (coach supervision).
- Players are to sit in designated areas on road games (ask coaches).
- Players are to arrive at home games 1 to 1 hr before game time.
- Bus Conduct: A general rule is that we get closer to game site we will get more focused
and ready to compete. PG-13 movies only. Movies viewed as we travel will primarily be
motivational/ and or game film. Movies view on the way home may be other. Calls
home for rides need to be made at least 15min before we arrive in Billings. No one
should have to wait for their ride. Trash should be taken to the dumpsters by the gym.
- Players are responsible for their own towel for showering after practices and games.
- Locker rooms: The locker room is ours. You need to take pride in it and the way it
- looks. Everyone is responsible for keeping it clean.

Rules/Regulations Cont..

1. Missing Practices: Should not be a problem.

a. Excused Miss- Extra Conditioning- 1 min= 1 down and back (Every 3 min
equals 1 suicide)
b. Unexcused Miss- Extra, extra conditioning (3 unexcused= dismissed from
team- depending on circumstances).
c. Captains will monitor this extra conditioning (Head Coach determines
excused and unexcused).
d. Multiple missed practices could lead to sitting quarter, half or missing game!
2. Be on time for:
a. Practice
b. Meetings
c. Trips
d. Games
3. Practice Wear: Practice jerseys need to be worn at all practices / shoot around
(players will purchase these) tops are the same; players wear own shorts.
4. Violators of District 2 chemical policy: Those who are in violation of the D2 policy
will have to fulfill the required punishments the districts provides and will also be
subject to serve more punishment from the Lady Bear coaching staff deemed fit.
Worst-case scenario is the student/athlete will not be allowed to participate in
games or dismissed from team.
5. Social Media: Be mindful what you put on social media!
6. HIB- Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying will not be allowed by any member of the
Lady Bear Family (Players, Coaches, Parents and Fans) this is a serious matter and
will NOT be tolerated in this program. If this is happening it needs to be reported
right away for further review by School District 2.
7. Grades: STUDENT-Athletes needs to maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher; multiple Ds and
Fs will result in the loss of Quarters/Halves/Games (depending on circumstances).

Team Goals:

We have three goals for the season:

1. Play like a FIST- the five fingers that make up the FIST represent-
a. Communication
c. Collective Responsibility
2. Be the best defensive TEAM in the state.
3. Play Saturday Night!

Having this in place we would like to:

- Improve our record from last season

- Improve our team atmosphere for everyone involved

Lady Bear Lettering Requirements

1. Student/ Athlete needs to complete season in good standing with the school and
coaching staff.
2. Student/Athlete needs to have played at the varsity level in 30% of the quarters
played throughout the season. Example: In 22 games, 88 quarters, she would need
to play in 26 quarters to letter.
3. Student/Athlete may be lettered if she is a senior and makes the State Tournament
Team. Other underclassmen close to the quarter requirement and makes the State
Tournament Team may be eligible for a letter. Coaching staff has the power to
letter or not letter any Student/Athlete.
Bear Handbook

Billings West High Lady Bear Basketball

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