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VCS Salerno (created August 2015; updated April 2016) FIRST PLAYER TURN (Allies)

Black text = VCS Standard Rules; blue text = Salerno Exclusives Mutual Supply Phase (not GT 1)
Parent unit = Non-cadre unit with color designation stripe Consider an airborne unit to be in supply landing turn & following turn
A: Allied Player performs; G = Axis (German) player performs A, GT 9+: May spend 1 Support Pt of units nationality to equip an in-
supply unit w/Pack transport; can equip a max of 3 units
SETUP Cant transfer marker after that; remove it when unit is removed
Place units as per the scenario instructions (see 17.0) Check each unit to see if it has a supply line to a supply source
Place markers on tracks and charts Line: Must trace to source or to continuous road to source
Give US, UK, 8th Army, & Germans 4 Support Points each Cant trace thru an non-occupied EZOC, thru a road thats
Place Port Demo +1 marker in Salerno demolished, or across a destroyed bridge
Place strength chits into two cups, separated by color May trace the non-road portion across an unbridged river
When tracing thru a transit track, must trace along a road
SEQUENCE OF PLAY When tracing thru or to a transit track, cant trace if only
PRELIMINARY PHASE enemy is in track & cant trace thru more than 2 tracks
Weather Phase Max line distance depends on terrain level of unit; see chart
Check for weather, ground conditions, and/or wind per exclusive rules Consider swamp to be level 1
GT 1: If roll Storm, roll again Add 1 to distance for any unit with Pack transport
If there are airborne operations this turn, roll 1d6 against rose next to Source: Depots & other sources as per exclusive rules
the map letter to find wind direction; place wind marker G: Trace to north edge of Maps A & B or Foggia
A: Trace to depot of same nationality
Bookkeeping Phase (on GT 1 determine air points only) A, GT 13+ or when no supplied German units are on Map C:
Consult appropriate exclusive tables to determine number of air pts & May have UK units trace to west edge Map C for
Support Pts available for turn; mark on track general supply but must trace to Taranto for Support Pts
A: Determine number of airfields owned & mark on Airfield Track A: May have ranger/cmdo trace to either Maiori or Vetri if
Count any last occupied by Allied unit w/no German adjacent friendly; if lost & recaptured, must wait one turn to use
If # of airfields > 5, remove CV units A, GTs 1 to 11: Cant use Map C depot for airdropped paras
If GT 4, consider Crotone (C3433) to be occupied Mark a unit OOS if its line is > allowed distance; the road portion is
If GT 4+ & # of airfields < 4, may get 2 Emergency air pts not connected to a source; or its line is blocked but theres a
May do this twice per scenario friendly supplied unit within 3 hexes
Mark # of air points for both sides on track based on # of airfields Mark a unit Iso if it cant trace line due to EZOCs and its > 3 hexes
If Rain turn, halve (down) # of points; if Storm, zero out pts from another friendly supplied unit; if all friendly depots or
Determine number of VPs controlled & mark on VP Track sources have been captured; or unit is OOS & only available
Cant mix Allied nationality Support Pts source is for another friendly nationality
Add Support Pts for depots per exclusive rules Optl: If Iso unit already has 1 Iso marker on it, place a 2nd on it
A: For each depot on a beach, give its nationality 1 Support Pt; If Iso unit has 2 Iso markers on it, roll 1d6; if roll = 3 or 4,
give 2 if in a minor port; give 3 if in a major port remove 1 step; if 5 or 6, remove 2 steps
G: On Airfield Chart, find DRM based on number of fields If not Rain or Storm turn, may attempt to provide supply by air or sea
captured by Allies Cant provide air supply in Severe or Light Mistral either
Roll; modified roll = # of Support Pts gained or lost Only Allies may provide sea supply
Adjust Port Demo & Rubble markers Pay 1 Support Point of units nationality per attempt
A: If weather isnt Storm, for any friendly port that has a Port May go negative; if do, for all nationalitys units, mark in
Demo 2 marker & its been 2 turns since placed or that has a supply units as OOS & OOS units as Iso
Port Demo 1 marker, may spend 1 Support Pt of occupiers For sea supply, target unit must be on coastal hex within 20 hexes
nationality to make a Repair roll on Port Status Table of a friendly depot
If result = repaired, decrement Demo marker by 1 level Spend 1 air point or use 1 ship & roll 1d6; if target unit is adjacent
A: If weather isnt Storm and a friendly port w/no Demo marker & to an enemy unit, attempts successful on 1-3; if not, then 1-5
no depot has been in supply for 2 turns, may spend 2 US Roll only for air supply, not sea
Support Pts & 2 VPs to place second US depot & Port G: For each roll of 6, add 1 to each successive roll
garrison in hex If attempts successful, replace Iso w/OOS or remove OOS
Check for variable reinforcements as per exclusive rules
If GT 4, 8, 12, or 16: Both players roll 2d6 on variable reinf chart, Replacement Phase
cross-referencing w/VPs for captured airfields, locations, & GTs 10, 12, 14, 16, 18: Check TRT Replacement Table for each
Maiori/Vetri loss to determine optional units received; if get nationalitys repl pts acquired this turn
a result, may use those DRMs this turn or get listed Cant accumulated pts; must use in turn acquired
reinforcements (max 3/turn) May use a pt to enhance existing unit or return eliminated unit
Can enter units this turn or any later turn but not before GT 5 May spend repl pts only on a unit that:
Must pay Support Pts & VPs as per VP Cost Chart for any - Is not in an EZOC - Is not OOS or ISO
variable units selected on turn units enter - Did not just receive air or sea supply - Is not arty
A: Adjust army boundary markers - If a Parent unit, theres at least 1 non-cadre unit of its
May place in any manner to separate the two Allied armies formation on map
Optional: Every 4th turn, remove chits from all units & return to pool If enhancing reduced Parent, flip its chit to front
If enhancing cadre, pick a chit and use reduced side
Except: If reduced side = 0 strength, use front side

Copyright 2016 Richard J. Vohlers 1

May spend an (armor)/(infantry) point to add a step to a reduced Roll for each unit by type under Scatter on Airborne Chart
(tank)/(inf or engineer) battalion, to a (mech inf)/(inf )Parent Add 2 to roll if weather is Severe Mistral, +1 if Light Mistral
or cadre, or to return an eliminated (mech inf)/(inf) cadre to Subtract 1 from roll if unit is landing adjacent to a friendly
the map unit & not in an EZOC
Place a returning cadre in a town thats closest to other units Find & implement result per table
of its division but at least 3 hexes from enemy units If get s1, roll 1d6 & move unit that number of hexes in
If Americans or Germans have no engineers on map, may pay direction of current turns wind
1 inf pt to bring an undesignated engineer on as a repl Eliminate any unit that scatters to an all sea hex
Must spend 1 Support Pt & lose 1 VP for each repl pt used Increase the loss type by 1 for any unit that otherwise
G, GT 8: Must delay reinfs or w/draw to match Allied exits scatters to a hex that a) couldnt be a target hex or
b) is enemy occupied
Movement Phase G: Displace any unit landing in a German occupied hex
Enter & place reinforcements as directed by the exclusive rules by 1 hex; select 1st an eligible target hex; eliminate
A: Place seaborne units on supply depot of units nationality unit if all available hexes are enemy occupied
Cant place in unoccupied EZOC; cant enter if Storm turn A: If the weather isnt Storm, may conduct amphibious missions
Consider all Allied reinforcements to be seaborne unless Place each non-depot unit on its beachs coastal hex
marked to arrive by air or at edge of Map C Obey stacking: max = 3 units unless all btlns then max = 4
Consider units to be In Supply turn of entry Cant voluntarily stack US & UK units
Pay accumulated entry costs to move on to map If a units beach is at capacity, may land it at an adjacent
If entry blocked by enemy unit, may enter 1 GT later at any beach not at capacity; if none available, delay unit 1 turn
unblocked hex on same map edge or nearest allied depot Roll 1d6 for each non-depot unit, applying modifiers from
Pay tactical or strat costs, depending on how unit enters Disruption Chart
If have more than 1 stack enter at same location in same If roll > 6, place Disruption marker on unit
phase, must have 2nd stack pay accumulated costs May move any non-Disrupted unit 1 hex, not into prohibited
A: Pay cost of placement hex for seaborne reinforcements terrain or EZOC to EZOC
A: If there are no supplied German units on Map C, may Place any depot unit on any friendly beach hex w/road not in un-
enter GT 11 Map C units if not already on occupied EZOC
G: May enter units in transit track 1; see transit tracks below Except GT 1b: Place UK depot in Taranto
May have reinforcements arriving this turn enter in Reserve Phase A: May move a depot to any friendly port that has no Demo marker
May delay reinforcements A: May place one returning depot on a friendly occupied beach/road
If all entry roads are blocked by enemy units, must delay 1 turn hex on its nationalitys side of boundary
In next turn, may have units enter any hex on same edge A: If weather isnt Storm, may conduct sea movement
G: Cant enter units on a road where an Allied unit exited May have ships enter only full sea hexes
A: If a previously eliminated ship returns, subtract 1 SP from each Cant conduct sea movement in a Reserve Phase
army (either nationality for 5th Army) & reduce VPs by 3 Flip any ship that moves to Fired side as reminder it cant support
Determine for each unit whether to place Reserve marker on it, to move To move a ship between Map A & Map C or Map C & Map B,
it tactically, or to move it strategically; can do only one have it enter the intervening Sea box on 1st turn, then the
May move ships by sea movement (see exclusive rules) Xfer box on the next turn, then to the next map the next turn
Cant have a unit w/a Reserve marker do anything in Movement & If GT 7, cant move a unit from Map C to Map B
Combat Phases May have a ship move adjacent to an Allied port containing a
A, GT 1A: Cant move units except as part of amphibious mission depot & a unit, pick up the unit, move together adjacent to
A, GT 1B: Cant move disrupted units or units strategically another Allied port w/a depot, & drop the unit there
A, GTs 1 & 2: Cant move Pinned units Cant move unit this phase before transfer but may after
A, GTs 1 to 10: Cant move units strategically on Map C unless If moving, follow general movement rules
there are no supplied German units on that map See TEC for costs and restrictions by class
A: Can only move an airdropped para tactically if it doesnt have a Note that Map C has different costs than Maps A & B
supply line to a friendly depot Consider a unit w/12 MPs to be non-mech; 18 or 20 = mech
A: Cant strategically move a unit w/Pack transport Cant move mech units into swamp, level 4+ terrain, and
A: Can never move depot units (just transfer them) across rivers except along roads
G, GT 1: Cant move units in trenches except as result of combat May have inf (mech or not) spend MA to cross river
G, GT 1, Map C: May only move 15/29Pg, 129/29 Recon, 4/1 FJ May move armor & arty across a non-bridged river
Place Reserve marker on friendly stack up to # of games markers that: hexside if units start phase adjacent to the river
- Has not moved this phase - Is in supply stacked w/an engineer, weather isnt Rain or Storm,
- Is not adjacent to an enemy unit terrain on other side is not prohibited, & they spend
May place marker on up to 3 units their full MA
Except: Dont have to mark reinfs arriving in Reserve Phase May move mech inf across an unbridged river only if the
May place on unit in a transit track only if its in a Ready box unit starts in a hex adjacent to the river & weather
A: If the weather isnt Rain or Storm, may conduct airborne missions isnt Rain or Storm
w/82nd Airborne units (only) If move a unit across a hexside w/multiple level changes, use
Place up to 3 airborne units in an eligible target hex cost of highest terrain in hex being entered
Cant place a unit in a city, swamp, or enemy occupied hex May exit a unit off the north map edge; remove it from play
Must place a para unit in a level 1, 2, or 3 hex G: Cant exit a unit at a road where an Allied unit exited
Must place a glider unit in a level 1 hex A: May use parend TEC costs for units w/Pack transport
Cant place a para unit in the same hex as a glider unit A: Cant move a unit from one Allied army into the area
Roll for each unit by type under Loss on Airborne Chart reserved for the other
Add 2 to roll if weather is Severe Mistral, +1 if Light Mistral May move 8th Army units into boundary row
Find & implement result per table Do not apply this restriction to the transit tracks
Copyright 2016 Richard J. Vohlers 2
A: Must unstack UK & US units forced to stack from retreat Combat Phase
Remove any Reserve marker on unit after it moves If there are units of both sides in a transit track, both roll 1d6 for each
Check for modifiers to unit movement allowances such track; if one rolls a 6 or both roll 3 then conduct combat
If mech unit is OOS, halve its MA (down) (minimum = 1) between units on that track with phasing player as attacker
If mech unit is Iso, its MA = 6 Attacker determines order of combats; resolve one before starting next
If non-mech unit is Iso, halve its MA (down) Except: If units in hex are attacking 2+ hexes, resolve all combats
Halve MA of any unit moving in Reserve Phase then implement results as attacker chooses
For a recon unit, roll 1d6 & add # MPs equal to result G, GTs 1 & 2: May have any friendly stack in a trench attack 1 adjacent
GT 1: Halve MA of all units (down) Allied stack; roll 1d6; if result = 6, inflict 1 step loss on Allied
Except: A, GT 1: May move a unit only 1 hex in the stack; if result = 1, place Pinned marker on stack; else no effect
Movement Phase it lands German player selects unit to take loss
Reduce MA of any airborne unit to 0 if it a) scattered to a Cant use normal combat for unit in a trench but can for others
transit track this turn or b) is disrupted Dont pay Support Points for any of these attacks
Move units tactically Pay 1 Support Point of attackers nationality per attack
Check effects of ZOCs Except: If all attackers are airborne & its their first combat
Only Parent-level units have ZOCs in 6 adjacent hexes; May go negative; if do, for all nationalitys units, mark in supply
lower-level units have ZOCs only in their hexes units as OOS & OOS units as Iso
Except: A German unit of any size in a trench that starts If both UK & US attack in transit track combat, have each pay 1 pt
the game on map has a ZOC in 6 adjacent hexes Determine # of attackers, defenders
Depots have no ZOCs May attack all adjacent enemy units; not required
ZOCs do not extend into or out of transit tracks May attack different hexes w/different units in same stack
Must stop when enter an EZOC If attack, must attack all enemies adjacent to attacking units
Cant move a unit into EZOC in same phase it leaves one Except: Need not attack all adjacent enemies if attacker in
To leave an EZOC, must have unit pay + MA (down) city, town, or trench unless defender is in higher terrain
Pay +1 to enter a hex containing a Rubble marker Except: Need not attack all adjacent enemies if attacker in
May always move a unit 1 hex if movement not prohibited by level 4 or higher terrain unless defender is in higher
terrain or EZOCs terrain
Pay +1 to move a unit into a road hex that contains any friendly May use only 1 Parent unit/hex (owners choice) + 2 others/hex
combat unit even if not moving along the road May use other Parent units in hex for div integrity
Pay +1 to move mech unit into a town or a city (Taranto) May use any number of Parent units in a transit track combat
Move units strategically A: Cant attack w/UK & US units together unless in a transit track
Must stay 3+ hexes from enemy unit A: Cant attack with a unit that has a Pinned marker
May move unit further on roads see TEC A: If defending stack has both UK & US units in it, then only 1
Cant strat move an airborne unit that drops until it has a supply nationality can provide arty, air, or ship support
line to a supply source A: May count Darby as either UK or US for both of above
Move units into, within, and out of transit tracks Optl: If defender has one Iso marker on it, place a second on it
May move a unit into a transit track by entering a track from a Determine shifts; attacker announces all then defender announces
non-track hex adjacent to track & paying cost of hex exited 1R/1L: Elevation: For each terrain level that the highest
Place unit in either Waiting box; cant move unit further attacker/defender is above the highest defender/attacker
G: If no Allied units have exited north, may place north map Consider city, swamp, & sea hexes to be level 1
edge reinforcements into one of track 1s Waiting boxes Consider all units in transit track combat to be on same level
A: Cant have units enter tracks 1, 2, or 3 until GT 4 1-2R/1L: Parent Integrity:
For any unit in a Waiting box: Attacking: Get 1 shift left per Parent formation (max 2) if all
If it moved into Waiting last Movement Phase, must keep it Parents of same formation are adjacent to the defender
there this Movement Phase & at least 1 attacks
If it was in Waiting all of last Movement Phase, move unit to Defending: Get 1 shift right per formation (max 1) if
either of tracks Ready boxes defending Parents adjacent to or stacked w/1 other
May do one of the following with any unit in a Ready box: Parent of same formation
- Have it remain there Both: All units of formation must be in play, none cadre, &
- Move it to a Waiting box of an adjacent track nationalitys Support Pts 0
- Have it enter either adjacent map at a hex adjacent to track Disregard armor or engineer attached to formation
G: Check effects of re/capturing a port 0-6R/1L: Combined Arms:
If Allies re/capture, make Demolition roll on Port Status Table Attacker: 1 shift right per stack w/infantry & armor in same
If result = 5, place Port Demo 1 marker; if 6, Port Demo 2 hex & involved in same combat
Do not make this roll for initial capture of Taranto Negate attacking CA shifts if defender has infantry &
If Germans recapture, roll; if result = 5 or 6, increment any Port (armor or anti-tank) or is in trench
Demo 1 marker in hex to 2 or place a Port Demo 1 marker Count regular inf, mech inf, & engineer as infantry
Check stacking at end of phase; max units/hex = 3 Max shift = 1R if all attackers coming across river sides
Owner eliminates any excess units Defender: 1 shift left if defender has armor & attacker has no
A: Dont count depots but can have only 1 depot per hex armor or anti-tank
A: Cant voluntarily stack UK & US units Both: Consider unit w/(CA) on it to have armor & infantry
Except: May do so in a transit track or w/Darby Consider any unit with an AFV icon to be armor
Check engineering works 1-2R/1L: May provide 1 support shift per arty unit if: its w/in 3
Remove building marker(s) on an enemy engineer if a friendly of defender, its not adjacent to enemy, it hasnt fired this
unit is now a) adjacent to an engineer building a bridge or b) phase, & its nationalitys Support Pts 0
w/in 2 of an engineer building a trench For combat in a transit track, may use only arty in that track
Remove any entrenchments no longer occupied by building side May only use arty that is in full supply
Copyright 2016 Richard J. Vohlers 3
1R/1L: May spend 1 air pt per combat Adjust VPs for losses as per VP Cost Chart
Roll 1d6; if result w/in required range, air unit provides 1 If Parent unit takes a loss: Flip chit if on front; flip unit & remove
shift otherwise none chit if on back or back strength = 0; remove a 1 step unit
If not using an Emergency pt, roll on appropriate Steps: 3: if original chit 3+ 2: if original chit 1 or 2
column on Airfield chart to see if air pt is effective 1: non-Parent unit 0: depot unit
A: If # of captured airfields 5 & there are no CVs on If Breakthru result, get Support Point back
Maps A & B, cant use air on Map B & must use -1 Place any removed chit back into appropriate cup
DRM on Map A Check to see if a battalion has a flip side; if it does, its on its
A: If using Emergency air pt, must spend 2 Support Pts front, & it takes a loss, flip it
of attackers nationality Conduct retreats
Cant use air points in a transit track combat If Breakthru result, attacker chooses path else owner does
If successful & defenders in a town or city, place a Rubble Priorities: 1) Empty hex not in EZOC; 2) Friendly occ hex not in
marker in the hex if theres not one already there EZOC; 3) Into EZOC, losing 1 step per stack per EZOC hex
1-2R/1-2L: A: May allocate naval fire if combat in same zone as If possible, must retreat toward available supply source
ship, ship isnt moving between zones, & defender in range Can have ranger/cmdo ignore first ZOC
See exclusive rules for shifts and ranges Cant retreat into a hex prohibited to the retreating unit
Use 2 shifts if BB or M supporting, 1 shift if CL supporting May retreat into a transit track if not enemy occupied
May use or attempt to use only 1 ship per combat Cannot retreat armor, arty across unbridged river hexside
Cant use a ship on its Fired side If unit would be forced to retreat off map or cant retreat full
Must move ship into a blue outlined sea hex to use distance, it must take remaining retreat hexes as step losses
If its GT 1 to 4, must roll before moving a ship into Eliminate any depot that is forced to retreat; place it on the turn
such a hex; if result 4, then ship cant enter hex track as a reinforcement 2 turns in the future
May still use ship that fails if target still in range If first depot of a nationality killed, remove its Support Pts
Can make only 1 attempt/ship/turn If all depots of a nationality are dead, zero out its Support Pts
If target is outside of ships range from Summary Table but May retreat into an overstacked situation, but dont count retreated
no more than 1.5* range (rounded up), roll; if result 3 units for combat this phase; if others in hex suffer an adverse
then provide shift else no do not use any shift result, eliminate retreated units
Flip ship to Fired side when used If must retreat from transit track combat, may have unit 1) retreat
Cant use naval fire in a transit track combat to an adjacent track & stop; 2) retreat full retreat distance to
If defenders in a town or city, place a Rubble marker in the an adjacent map, using a road if available; 3) take step losses
hex if theres not one already there to fulfill result & remain in track
0R/1L: Defenders hex contains a Rubble marker Must select track or map that some retreaters entered from
1R/0L: Attacker includes an engineer & defender is in a trench If result was B1-(1), only attacker can convert retreat to loss
0R/1L: Defenders hex contains a Town Remove any trench marker from a stack that retreats
1R/1L: Against a combined UK/US stack in a transit track combat Conduct advances individually by unit
Determine involved unit strengths Can advance victorious units or those stacked w/them
Reveal strength chits for those Parent units w/chits Follow path of retreat
Choose strength chits for those Parent units w/out chits Must enter losers hex first
Pick from matching color pool & cross-ref class letter May deviate mechanized units after 1st hex
Use stronger side Must have others follow defenders retreat path
Cant see enemy chits until this step Cant advance into a hex prohibited to the advancing unit
If this is the first combat for a cadre that received a repl point May retreat into a transit track if not enemy occupied
& has no chit, pick 2 chits & use the lower rated one Up to allowed distance
Use 1 for defense strength of depot but only if its alone in hex May have unit advance the retreat portion of result that was
Cant attack w/a depot not taken as step losses
Modify for supply status If Breakthru result, may advance mech unit 1 more hex
If attacking unit is OOS, halve (down) its strength Must stop unit if it enters an EZOC except in 1st hex
If attacking unit is Iso, use strength of 1 If Breakthru result, disregard a retreated units ZOC
If defending unit is Iso, halve (down) its strength when advancing a unit
Modify defenders strength for terrain Can have ranger/cmdo ignore first ZOC
*2 if all attackers across river Must stop unit if it enters a Rubble hex that existed before
*2 if defender in trench this combat
*3 if defender in trench & all attackers across river If result is B1-(1) and defender vacates hex, attacker may take
*2 if defender attacked only from a sea hex a second step loss and enter hex
Sum totals for all involved units If combat was across unbridged river, may advance inf &
Consider strength of arty unit = 1 if adjacent to enemy mech inf only 1 hex; cant advance armor or arty
Determine base ratio & CRT column based on terrain; net out both Ignore any advances after a transit track combat
sides column shifts & apply to find final CRT column A: Eliminate any unit still in a sea hex at the end of combat
If > 1 terrain type in hex, use type most favorable to defender If player conducted 5+ attacks, remove 2 Support Pts
Cant shift columns off CRT either direction Divide between depots that supported attacks
Use level 2-3 line for all transit track combats May go negative; if do, for all nationalitys units, mark in supply
Roll 2d6, find result, and implement (loser 1st; defender 1st on B) units as OOS & OOS units as Iso
Results: parenthesized number = mandatory steps lost Check engineering works as in Movement Phase
Nonparenthesized number = hexes retreated or steps lost Check effects of re/capturing a port as in Movement Phase
If Breakthru result, cant convert hexes to steps lost
Attacker must remove first step loss from participating armor Reserve Phase (not GT 1)
All units in hex affected even those not part of combat May move any stack w/Reserve marker as in Movement Phase
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Engineering Phase (not GT 1) Post Invasion Build Up Segment (not GT 1)
Cant perform any destruction or repairs w/a unit in a transit track May combine smaller units into their parent unit if they are on same
Dont count enemy units w/in a transit track for proximity issues map or transit track & arent Iso
Destroy a bridge A: May remove all Assault btlns of a unit that are w/in 5 of each
May attempt with any supplied combat unit other & replace them w/parent regiment/brigade
One of the hexes w/ the bridge on one of its hexsides must be w/in If 3 Assault btlns are left, replace w/parent at full strength
3 hexes of an enemy unit & have a supply line of 4 hexes to If 2 Assault btlns are left, replace w/parent at half strength
the unit making the attempt If only 1 Assault btln is left, replace w/parents cadre
Roll on demo table; if successful, place Blown Bridge marker Place parent in any Allied controlled hex not adjacent to a
Can roll once/bridge/phase; each unit can try 2 bridges/phase max German unit thats w/in 5 of all combining units
Build a bridge G: For 16th Panzer, may remove 1 inf btln, 1 inf co, & 2 (tanks cos
May attempt with any supplied engineer or 16xx AT co) that are w/in 10 of each other & replace them
Engineer must be in hex adjacent to demolished bridge & no w/a regiment; do for both regts (may be on different turns)
enemy adjacent to engineer or bridge If all 4 needed units are left, replace w/regt at full strength
Pay 1 Support Point of engineers nationality If only 2 or 3 are left, replace w/regiment at half strength
If repairs starting this phase, place 2 build markers on eng If only 1 is left, replace with regiments cadre
If engineer has 2 build markers on it, remove one Place regiment in any German controlled hex not adjacent to
If engineer has 1 build marker on it, flip marker to completed side an Allied unit thats w/in 10 of all combining units &
Demolish a road outside the original fort line perimeter
May attempt with any supplied combat unit Remove any inf btlns, inf cos, tank cos, & 16xx AT co that
Road hex must be in level 5 or 6, it must be w/in 3 hexes of an may still exist after both regiments have been reformed
enemy unit, it must have a supply line of 4 hexes to the unit
making the attempt, & it cant contain a friendly mech unit SECOND PLAYER TURN (Axis)
Roll on demo table; if successful, place Road Demo marker Same as First with roles reversed
Can roll once/bridge/phase; each unit can try 2 bridges/phase max
Repair a road SPECIAL STAGE (GT 1 only)
May attempt with any supplied non-mech unit Advance GT marker to GT 1B
Unit must be in a demolished road hex & no enemy adjacent to A: Perform a Movement Phase as above
unit or road A: Perform a Combat Phase as above
Pay 1 Support Point of engineers nationality G: Perform a Movement Phase as above
If repairs starting this phase, place a build marker on unit G: Perform a Combat Phase as above
If unit has a build marker on it, remove Road Demo marker G: Perform an Anti-Ship Fire Segment as above
Build an entrenchment
May build with engineer stacked w/a Parent inf or mech inf if both GAME TURN INDICATION PHASE
in supply, 3+ hexes from nearest enemy unit, & not in town, Player whose unit was the last to enter a hex containing a Rubble
city or transit track hex marker may remove that marker
Pay 1 Support Point of engineers nationality Zero out any unused air points
If building starting this phase, place 2 build markers on eng Remove Disruption and Pin markers
If unit has 2 build markers on it, remove one A: Return all ships in coastal hexes to sea
If unit has one build marker on it, flip marker completed side A: Flip all ships on their Fired sides to their front sides
If Allies have captured Foggia, reduce German Support Points by 10 GT 2: If the Allies havent yet attacked, deduct 1 VP
If Allies have lost Maiori or Vetri for the first time, subtract 1 VP each GT 6: If the Germans havent yet attacked a seaborne unit, add 1 VP
If end of scenario, check victory conditions else advance GT marker
German Player Turns only: Anti-Ship Fire Segment (not GT 1A & AM and start next turn
turns only GT 5+) See location table for VPs; give Allies 1 VP per airfield captured
If its GT 1 to 4, may have an arty unit that hasnt fired this turn fire at If only Germans on a map at end are ISO, then give Allies VPs for
a ship w/in 3 hexes all airfields on that map
Roll; if result = 1 remove the ship Count an exited unit only if the road it exited from is in supply
If its GT 5+ & the Allies havent captured Foggia, may make a rocket
attack against any one ship on Maps A or B regardless of range Weather Effects Summary
Roll; if result = 1 remove the ship Mistral Rain Storm
When a ship is removed, place it as a reinforcement 4 turns in future, Air supply No No No
subtract 1 SP from each army (either nationality for 5th Army) & Airborne missions DRM No No
reduce VPs by 3 Amphibious assaults DRM DRM No
Air points Half None
Movement across No No
unbridged rivers
Sea supply No No
Port assaults & repairs No
Sea movement, seaborne No
reinforcements, & NGS

Copyright 2016 Richard J. Vohlers 5

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