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Ingls 5 ano Sala Estudo ATL A Gaivota

Nome: Data:

1. Read the text :
Simon: Good morning! Im Simon Miller. Who are you?
Bill: Good morning!Im Bill Taylor and this is my friend, Mary Watson.
Simon: Hi, Mary. How are you?
Mary:Im fine, thanks. And you?
Simon: Im Ok.whats your adress?
Mary: My adress is 23, Kings Rd.,London.
Simon: And whats your phone number?
Mary: My phone number is 02085445036.
Simon: Nice too meet you!
Bill and Mary: Nice to meet you too.

2. Say if the stantements are True(T) or False (F). correct the falses
Indica as afirmaes so verdadeiras ou falsas e corrige as falsas.

a) Her name is Mary.

b) Her surname is Taylor

c) Simon is her friend.

d) Her phone number is 02085445036

3. Answer the questions about the text:

Responde a estas perguntas sobre o texto:
a) Whats your first name?_________________________________
b) Whats her surname?___________________________________
c) Whats her phone number?______________________________
d) Who is Bill?___________________________________________

Ingls 5 ano Sala Estudo ATL A Gaivota

1. Complete with the correct formo f the verb TO BE am/is /are

a) This ______ my friend.

b) Simon ______my friend.
c) My surname_____McGregor.
d) Who______you?
e) I_____Ok,thanks.

2. Complete the senteces with: my, your,his,her.

a) This is Mr. Watson.________first name is John.
b) Whats ________surname, Bill?
c) This is Alison.______surname is Thompson.
d) Kate: Hello!______names Kate. Whats ______name?

3. Complete the table with the correct members of the family.

Completa a tabela com os membros da famlia correta.

Male Female
Father Mother


1. Write the missing months.

Escreve os meses do ano que faltam.
1. 2.February 3. 4. 5. 6.June
7. 8.August 9. 10. 11.November 12.

Ingls 5 ano Sala Estudo ATL A Gaivota

2. Write the days of the week.(Esceve os dias da semana)


3. Write the seasons in the correct box.( escreve as estaes do ano

nas caixas corretas)

4.Complete the table with the missing numbers (completa a tabela com
o nmeros em falta)

22 9
Fifty-six Thirteen
78 12
eleven 15

Ingls 5 ano Sala Estudo ATL A Gaivota

1. Complete the dialogue between you and Sally: (completa o
dialogo entre ti e a Sally)

Sally :Hello,___________.How__________________?
You : ______________.And________?
Sally : Im Ok.Whats __________?
You: ____________________________.
Sally: How ___________?
You : ___________________years old.
Sally : Nice to meet you.
You : ___________________________.

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