Volunteer in Libraries - fs23446440

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Your reference number is FS23446440.

Thank you for submitting Volunteer in Libraries

Which role would you like to apply for?: Homework Help

Why would you like to volunteer for this role?: I always wanted to work as a librarian, and even though I'm 26
now, I still plan to study and follow this career path. Being a volunteer as a librarian would give me the opportunity of
doing something that I really love.

Have you had any experience of volunteering or working with the public?: No

When can you volunteer? Tick the time(s) and day(s) you can usually volunteer.: Monday Afternoon,
Thursday Morning, Thursday Afternoon, Friday Morning, Saturday Morning

Which library/libraries are you interested in volunteering at? : Nottingham Central, Sherwood

Are there any health conditions or access requirements that you would like us to know about so that we can
support you in your placement?: I am perfectly healthy/

Is there any other information you would like to add in support of your application?: I studied Universal and
French literature having a bachelor degree (2:1)

Full Name: Ioan-Tudor Puscasu

Address: 5 Ravens Court

Email Address: i.tudor.puscasu@gmail.com

Relationship to you: partner

Full Name: Adriana Mihaela Sav

Address: 52 Wimbledon Road

Email Address: aditza2709@yahoo.com

Relationship to you: close friend

How did you find out about this opportunity?: Library website

Have you ever pleaded guilty to or been convicted of a criminal offence, or have you been cautioned by the
police?: No

Declaration: I declare that I believe the information given in the form to be true and accurate to the best of my

Signed (Print Name): Daniela Elena Oanea

Date: 23/09/2017

Customer Details:
First Last
Title Email Phone Number Mobile Number Address
Name Name
5 Ravens Court
Miss. Daniela Oanea dana.codru@gmail.com 07522700351 07522700351 Nottingham NG5

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