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What would you like to buy with your first

Importance of saving
money since a very
Young Age
Do you remember which kind of
car was for sale?
(a Corvette sports car).
Would you like to buy the car in
the ad. Why? Why not?

How many bedrooms does your

dream house have?
How many bathrooms does your
dream house have?
How many kitchens does your
dream house have?
Ferrari sports car for sale. Yellow with a radio
and CD player. Needs new paint. 78,000 miles.
Very clean and fast. A beautiful car.
Price is $20,000.
Phone Dave 980-6321.
newspaper ads websites, radio TV ads,

phone calls face to face appointments

Im calling about your
Im interested in your

Id be happy to tell you about them.

Would you like to make an appointment?

Im calling about your electronics products.

At a picnic At a restaurant At the beach

At a party At a business meeting.

A waiters taking the order. Two people are eating pasta.

A womans ordering lunch.

How do you feel?
What did we learn?
How did you learn?
Speaking: Phone Call

- Hello?
- Hello, may I speak with
Mr. Dickson?
- This is Mr. Dickson. How
can I help you?
- I'm interested in your
company's new products.
- I'd be happy to tell you
about them. Would you like
to make an appointment?
- Yes, I would.
This is Kevin Summer. You are
listening to radio station WNYC in
New York City. Call up and tell us
what you think. They're closing the
old movie theater on 77th Street. Is
this good for our city? Call me now
at 788-6678.
Hello. What is your name, please?
Hello, Kevin. My name is Margo
Announcer: Hi, Margo.
I'm very angry, Kevin. I see movies
there all the time.
Announcer: Thank you Margo.
Margo: You're welcome, Kevin. Bye.
Who is the man calling? (Mr. Dickson)

Why is the man calling? (Hes interested in

the companys products,)

What does he want to do? (He wants to make

an appointment,)

What is unusual about the man in the

Grammar animation? (He usually travels by
train,but today hes taking the bus.)

Sergios car is a Renault.

Marias car is Corvette.

Whose is this?

This Sergios book.

This is Marias pen.
Indicar pertenencia sin utilizar el nombre del propietario.


Seguido siempre por el sustantivo al cual describe: my, your, his,
her, its, our, their

Sin el sustantivo al cual que describe: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs

"Is it your turn?"

"No, it's his."
"It's not my turn, it's hers."
USO: Unir el sujeto y la forma de "BE" y convertirlos en una palabra. Se emplea en

Forma Regular Forma Contrada
I am going. I'm going.
You are going. You're going.
He is going. He's going.
She is going. She's going.
It is going. It's going.
We are going. We're going.
You are going. You're going.
They are going. They're going.

He is taking the bus.
He's taking the bus.

I'm not working.

You're not working. You aren't working.
He's not working. He isn't working.
She's not working. She isn't working.
It's not working It isn't working.

We're not working. We aren't working.

You're not working. You aren't working.
They're not working. They aren't working.

"Frank is not driving to work today."

"Frank isn't driving to work today."
"Frank's not driving to work today."

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