Sound Effect: Sound of A BABY CRYING

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ADAM (V.O) : Iam Adam and my days are numberedItll be soon till I meet my death as
itis my curse.

*sound effect: sound of a BABY CRYING*


A flash of ADAMS PARENTS carrying a baby (ADAM). The two is trying to shield their baby from a

WITCH : Theres nothing you can do! His fate is already written. He shall die on his 21st
birthday as the sun stands above our heads. Unless

ZOOMING SOUND (crescendodecrescendo)


ADAM (V.O) : I still remember that day. It was terrifyingcoldand I was alone. I was scared.


ADAM (V.O) : Too scared. And from that day, I hate rain.


A little kid is sitting, trying to curl himself. He looks scared and is sobbing. ADAMS MOTHER comes
running towards him while yelling his name.

ADAMS MOTHER : (bending over, hugging ADAM) ADAM! There you are, my son. Oh dear, Im
so sorry. Its okay, sweetheart. I am here. Dont you go to this place again, Adam. Promise me.

ADAM (V.O.) : And that was the first time I enter that dimension.


ADAM is standing on a rooftop, overlooking the city. Hes just looking at the view, thinking.

ADAM (V.O.) : And today is my second and last time Im here I know I will die. So why do
I need to wait longer? Everything has been pressuring me and I hate this life.

ADAM steps forward towards the edge of the rooftop. CARINA appears behind him.

CARINA : (Drawing in her sketchbook) Careful there.

ADAM looks at her.

CARINA : What are you doing.

ADAM : W-What are you doing?

CARINA : (nods at the view) The view is great, you see. I could look at it everyday.
Dont you think so?

ADAM : (snorts) I guess so.

CARINA : (still drawing) So whats about life that bores you?

ADAM : Why does it matter to you?

CARINA : (shrugs while eyes still on her sketchbook)Just trying to strike a


ADAM : (after a long pause) No one will care anyway if I die. No one will know.

CARINA : I will. I will know. Im here.

CARINA looks up and ADAM looks down. Their eyes meet.

ADAM (V.O.) : And that was the moment our eyes met for the very first time.


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