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Cross-cultural Management Paper

Why Yogyakarta is a Special Region in Republic of Indonesia

Claudyo Steffano

Bachelor Degree of Management, Faculty of Economics

Maranatha Christian Uniersity
Bandung 2017
Yogyakarta Special Region

Yogyakarta Special Region (Java: Dharah Istimwa Ngayogyakarta) is a province-level

Special Region in Indonesia which is a fusion of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the Paku Alaman
State of Kadipaten. Yogyakarta Special Region is located in the southern part of Java Island, and
is bordered by Central Java Province and Indian Ocean.Yogyakarta Special District is often
associated with the city of Yogyakarta so that it is not exactly appropriate to be called Jogja,
Yogya, Yogyakarta, Jogjakarta. Although geographically it is the second largest provincial level
area after DKI Jakarta, this Special Region is renowned at national, and international level,
especially as a mainstay tourist destination after Bali Province.

there is some reasons why Yogyakarta is called Special Region :

1. Because of The culture of Imperial System

Prior to joining the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, Yogyakarta had a royal
system of government (Kasultanan Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat and Pakualaman) and the culture
of royal government system still attached to society or apparatus in Jogja government which
always obedient and follow all rules issued by the king. Just as individuals who do not want to lose
their identity, then the people of Yogyakarta will bet themselves for the cultural identity. Privileges
of Yogyakarta is a dowry to join Ngayogyakarto to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

2. The area is always conducive

In article 18 A paragraph 1 of the 1945 Law states that the Indonesian state is very fond,
proud and respectful of all governmental administration that used to be specialized in a special
regulated in the law. all rules that are based on etiquette and live side by side without knowing
11111one's RAS is still being carried out to this day. we should be proud that until now Yogyakarta
is a city that never experienced turbulence intersect each other and not easy to ignite the emotion
if there are political, social or cultural influences that seek to influence them. such as the existence
of anarchist-ending demos, student brawls, violent acts of fellow citizens and others.

3. The privilege of Yogyakarta is strengthened in terms of the History of the

Formation of the DIY Governmen

In connection with the struggle for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia in
accordance with the 1945 Constitution, Article 18 & its Explanation which guarantees the right of
the origin of a region as a self-service areaHas a predicate as the largest tourist city number
two after Bali
4. As a city that has many traces of art and culture

As a city that is always associated with high-value culture because the relics of heritage
heritage in the time of the Mataram kingdom, the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the nadness of
natural spikes and about the rules of good manners and full of solidarity that until now still valid
and sustainable in the community. The kingdom has many stories of heroism and struggle of the
people of Yogya which once the spirit against the Dutch colonialism and the oppression of the
Japanese nation

5. Based on the decision of the Court on Law Number 32 Year 2004

Currently Yogyakarta is one of the special areas owned by Indonesia. "Yogyakarta

becomes a special area due to historical factors"

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