Time Line

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8-2 8-3 Michael Neff

I was Born I was talking by Walking by 9 I went sledding I had my 1st 1st accident I got my Jack- When I was 5 I also had my Moved for
8 months,with
Summer of
July months... I also for the 1st time plane ride that drew Jack (1st dog) yrs. old I got 1st horseback 2008 was the 1st time
my famous took a few at 5 months going to Hawaii blood at 2 1/2
19,2003 in quote, " No tumbles down old. This is for my Aunt yrs. old. This
at age 4. This my 1st ear ride at age 5,
the 1st time
at age 7, from
Greeley,Colora- touch, No occured on peircing and a with the Wray,CO to
the stairs. when we lived and Uncle's took place in riding a
do, I am the touch." in wedding at age Wray,Colorado Valentine's few years exception of Merino,CO.
youngest and April of later I had almost
horse with
only summer March of 2004. Wray,Colorado, 2. Birds aren't of 2005. Day of no help,
December the only thing gotten them getting happened
baby in my 2004. 2007. repierced. bucked off.
except for
family!! of 2003. that can fly.
getting on of during fall of
Summer of 2008 Spring of course. 2010.
2005. 2008

Suprisingly I lost I had my 1st A few years later In 2016 I had I am currently in I plan to go to I want to see Be a marine In the
my first babytooth
Summer of communion at 8 we moved from 8th grade college at USC the whales in biologist and
at age 7, a few 2010 is when I years old in Colorado to
my 1st surgery participating in in California for Northern work for
summer of
on my lower left
months after we got in my 1st Wray,Colorado of Montana when I leg when I was
multiple sports. I
a marine California National 2043 I want
still have my dog
moved in 2010. four-wheeler 2011. was 9 yrs old. 13 years old. biology major in where my mom Geographic. to travel to
Jack-Jack with the
wreck. This also This was exception of his fall of 2022. went when she Africa, to see
was when I was was 11 yrs old. 2040
7 yrs old.
October younger sister the different
Porky-Pie who is a Summer of ways of life.
lab mix.
October 11, 2025.

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