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Name: Adam W


1. Name of Campus? - Simon Fraser University (SFU)

2. Why did you choose this campus? - Obligated to attend

3. What is unique about this campus? - The university is inside of a mall

4. What kind of programs are offered? - Arts, business, applied sciences, health
sciences and man more areas.

5. What is the application deadline? February 28th

6. How do I check my application status? - By going to the site

7. After I have been accepted, how do I register? Register online at

8. How do I know what classes to register for? Check online with student ID

9. What is the average class size? - Around 50-100 students

10. Where are the best places to study on campus? the library, or my favorite one
of the hot tubs

11. Does the campus offer residence? No the surrey campus does not

12. How can I get involved with athletics or clubs and societies? you can ask the
office for more information about what is happening

13. How long was the tour? 11:00 12:30 (an hour and a half roughly)

14. What surprised you about campus? How the campus had their own video
game center

15. What did you like about the campus? How the campus was attached to a mall
so it made everything really convenient

16. What did you not like about the campus? - I did not like how everyone in the mall
could just stroll freely through the university

17. Would you apply to this Campus? - Possibly, this university is one I would have
to think about.

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