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9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer | Release 8.1.0

Installation and User Guide
Issue 1 | September 2012
Legal notice

Legal notice

Alcatel, Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent and the Alcatel-Lucent logo are trademarks of Alcatel-Lucent. All other trademarks are the property of their respective

The information presented is subject to change without notice. Alcatel-Lucent assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein.
Copyright 2012 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved.

Security Statement

In rare instances, unauthorized individuals make connections to the telecommunications network through the use of remote access features. In such event,
applicable tariffs require that the customer pay all network charges for traffic. Alcatel-Lucent cannot be responsible for such charges and will not make any
allowance or give any credit for charges that result from unauthorized access.

About This Document

Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................................................... xxv

Reason for reissue ..................................................................................................................................................................... xxv


Release information ............................................................................................................................................................... xxvii


Intended audience ................................................................................................................................................................. xxviii


How to use this document .................................................................................................................................................. xxviii


Conventions used ..................................................................................................................................................................... xxix


Technical support ..................................................................................................................................................................... xxix


How to comment ...................................................................................................................................................................... xxix


Part I: Software Installation

1 Software Installation

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1


Hardware and software requirements

Hardware and software ........................................................................................................................................................... 1-3


Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-4


Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 currently installed on workstation ................... 1-5

Procedure 1-2: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software ............................................................................ 1-6

Determine the workstation's operating system

Determining the operating system ...................................................................................................................................... 1-7


Procedure 1-3: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista-View system
window in Control panel ................................................................................................................................................ 1-8

Procedure 1-4: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista - View system
information window ......................................................................................................................................................... 1-9
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Procedure 1-5: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system
properties in the control Panel ................................................................................................................................... 1-10

Procedure 1-6: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system
information window ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-11

Procedure 1-7: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 7 - View system
information window ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-12

Procedure 1-8: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View
system properties in Control Panel .......................................................................................................................... 1-13

Procedure 1-9: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View
system information window ....................................................................................................................................... 1-14

9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-15


Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software ............................................... 1-16

Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation with no Internet connectivity .......................... 1-25

Configuration of the SGW and PGW

To configure the SGW and PGW debug logging (LTE) .......................................................................................... 1-28

9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server and/or Optional IMSI Masking

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-31


Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server
and/or IMSI Masking .................................................................................................................................................... 1-32

Citrix License Renewal ........................................................................................................................................................ 1-40


Part II: 9958 WTA User Guide

2 9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1


9958 WTA software Overview

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-2


9958 WTA functions ................................................................................................................................................................ 2-3


Data collection, analysis, and flow ..................................................................................................................................... 2-5


9958 WTA capabilities ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-10

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Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-12

Call Trace types ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2-15


Trace formats, Trace depth, and Trace Limits ............................................................................................................. 2-16


Procedure 2-1: Trace Implementation ............................................................................................................................. 2-18


9958 WTA Window View

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-20


Opening window ................................................................................................................................................................... 2-20


Main Menu Overview

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-22


Main software menu ............................................................................................................................................................. 2-22


Main menu descriptions ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-24


Procedure 2-2: License Upgrade ....................................................................................................................................... 2-41


Procedure 2-3: To un-install or return a license .......................................................................................................... 2-43


Procedure 2-4: To add a new license ............................................................................................................................... 2-44


3 Data Collection

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1


Data Flow ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2


Manage Files ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-6


Local Host .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-7


Connect to remote Network Elements ............................................................................................................................ 3-12


Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE) ................................................................................................................... 3-13


Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE) ................................................................ 3-32

Remote Network Connections ........................................................................................................................................... 3-33


Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element using SSH ............................................................... 3-34

Procedure 3-4: Connect to the Remote Network Element using Secure File Transfer Protocol
(SFTP) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3-39

Procedure 3-5: Connect to the Remote Network Element using HTTP (LTE) ................................................ 3-42
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Procedure 3-6: Filter data while connecting to the Network Element (LTE: MME only) .......................... 3-44

Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network Element (LTE) ....................................................... 3-46

Procedure 3-8: Download data files to the workstation ........................................................................................... 3-49


Procedure 3-9: Add data to an existing project ............................................................................................................ 3-51


Procedure 3-10: Refresh files and directories .............................................................................................................. 3-53


4 Projects and Studies

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1



Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-3


Projects within the Manage Files window ....................................................................................................................... 4-3


Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files window ............................ 4-4

Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage Files window ....................... 4-8

Procedure 4-3: Create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window ............................................. 4-9

Procedure 4-4: View an open project .............................................................................................................................. 4-10


Procedure 4-5: Open a project ........................................................................................................................................... 4-11


Procedure 4-6: Create a project from previously downloaded data ..................................................................... 4-13

Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via menu ADD option ......................................... 4-15

Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via drag and drop method .................................. 4-19


Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-22


Load a study ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4-22


Procedure 4-9: Rename a Study ........................................................................................................................................ 4-25


5 Explorers

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-1


Statistics Explorer

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-3


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Using Statistics Explorer ........................................................................................................................................................ 5-3

Metric Explorer

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-11


Using Metric Explorer .......................................................................................................................................................... 5-11


Procedure 5-1: Open the Metric Explorer ..................................................................................................................... 5-12


Metric view tool bars ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-14


Project Explorer

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-22


Using Project Explorer ......................................................................................................................................................... 5-22


Project Explorer screen menu ............................................................................................................................................ 5-23


To move a Journal from one Study to another ............................................................................................................. 5-26


Procedure 5-2: Manage Journals ...................................................................................................................................... 5-27


Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-28


Using Report Explorer .......................................................................................................................................................... 5-29


Common Reports .................................................................................................................................................................... 5-31


Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only) ............................................................................................................................... 5-33


Technology: W-CDMA only .............................................................................................................................................. 5-36


User Defined Items ................................................................................................................................................................ 5-36


Procedure 5-3: Build a report ............................................................................................................................................. 5-43


Counts Items (UDI) ............................................................................................................................................................... 5-47


Raw Data Details (UDI) ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-49


Reports (UDR) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5-52


Statistics Items (UDI) ........................................................................................................................................................... 5-55


Time Differences Items (UDI) ........................................................................................................................................... 5-57


Procedure 5-4: Create a report via Command Line Interface (CLI) .................................................................... 5-62

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Info Window

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-63


Info Window ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5-63


Message Explorer

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-66


Message Explorer ................................................................................................................................................................... 5-66


Procedure 5-5: Start Time Difference ............................................................................................................................. 5-71


Timeline ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5-72


6 Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-1



Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-3


Journal Selector ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6-4


Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer ........................................................................................ 6-6

Filters .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-12


Grid Filter .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6-21


Non-Grid Filtering ................................................................................................................................................................. 6-26


Bookmarks ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6-31


Procedure 6-2: Create Bookmark Icons ......................................................................................................................... 6-34


Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View ............................................................................................. 6-36


Message Views

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-38


Message Exports ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6-38


Message Flow .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6-40


Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View ................................................................................................... 6-45


Synchronize Message Flow ................................................................................................................................................ 6-48


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Play .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6-49

Data Displays

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6-53


Data Display views ................................................................................................................................................................ 6-54


View Display Legend ............................................................................................................................................................ 6-55


Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics ............................................................................................ 6-59

Scatter Plot ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6-61


Procedure 6-6: Create a Scatter Plot graphic ................................................................................................................ 6-66


Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric .................................................................................................... 6-68


Procedure 6-8: Display data using a map view ........................................................................................................... 6-71


X-Y Scatter Plot ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6-73


Procedure 6-9: Choosing metrics to compare in an X-Y scatter plot .................................................................. 6-74

Histogram .................................................................................................................................................................................. 6-75


Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric ................................................................................................... 6-77


Procedure 6-11: Show Multiple Metrics in a View .................................................................................................... 6-80


Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display ................................................................................................ 6-82


7 Map View

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-1


Map Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7-2


Map Application Programing Interfaces (APIs) ......................................................................................................... 7-14


Map set-up ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7-14


Show/Hide Cells on map ..................................................................................................................................................... 7-24


Map of Cells and Search ...................................................................................................................................................... 7-26


Zone filters ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7-27


Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters ............................................................................................................................... 7-28


Cell Based Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................... 7-32


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Map of Cells and Search Cells .......................................................................................................................................... 7-36

8 Tools

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-1


Launch SZip

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-3


SZip file menu ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8-3


One Shot Decoder

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-11


Procedure 8-1: Decoding Hexa String ............................................................................................................................ 8-12


X-Y Scatter Plot

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-14


Using X-Y Scatter Plots ....................................................................................................................................................... 8-14


X-Y Scatter Plot Template

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-15


X-Y Scatter Plot Template .................................................................................................................................................. 8-15


Clear Cached Metrics

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-16


Clear Cached Metrics ............................................................................................................................................................ 8-16


Open Map Cache

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-17


Open Map Cache .................................................................................................................................................................... 8-17



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-19


Metric, message, and event information ........................................................................................................................ 8-19



Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-22


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Options menu items ............................................................................................................................................................... 8-22

Applications Options ............................................................................................................................................................. 8-25


Project Options ........................................................................................................................................................................ 8-33


Technology Options ............................................................................................................................................................... 8-41


A Abbreviations/Acronym List

Abbreviations/Acronym ........................................................................................................................................................ A-1


B Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces

LTE ................................................................................................................................................................................................ B-1


W-CDMA .................................................................................................................................................................................... B-2


CDMA .......................................................................................................................................................................................... B-4


EV-DO .......................................................................................................................................................................................... B-4


C History of Revision

Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................... C-1


Updates per 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Release .................................................................................... C-1



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List of tables

1-1 Minimum, recommended, and supported hardware and software. .......................................................... 1-3

2-1 File menu tags ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-24


2-2 View menu tag descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 2-27

2-3 View menu with mapping tag descriptions .................................................................................................... 2-29

2-4 Call Trace menu tag descriptions ...................................................................................................................... 2-31

2-5 Tools menu tag descriptions ................................................................................................................................ 2-31

2-6 Play menu tag descriptions .................................................................................................................................. 2-32

2-7 Help menu tag explanation .................................................................................................................................. 2-39

3-1 Local Host Panel Menu/Icon definition ............................................................................................................ 3-8

3-2 Initiate Call trace via MME ................................................................................................................................. 3-15


3-3 Initiate Call trace via SGW .................................................................................................................................. 3-16


3-4 Initiate Call trace via PGW .................................................................................................................................. 3-18


3-5 CT Status icons ........................................................................................................................................................ 3-32


3-6 Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH Network request screen .............................. 3-35

3-7 Input parameters for LTE SSH Network request screen ........................................................................... 3-36

3-8 Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP Network request screen ............................ 3-40

3-9 Input parameters for LTE SFTP Network request screen ......................................................................... 3-41

3-10 Input parameters for HTTP (LTE) Network request screen .................................................................... 3-43

3-11 Filter via the NE ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-44


3-12 Filter execution commands ................................................................................................................................ 3-45

3-13 Network Element filters. ...................................................................................................................................... 3-47


3-14 Filter execution commands ................................................................................................................................ 3-48

5-1 Available Studies window key .............................................................................................................................. 5-5

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5-2 Project Explorer Window ..................................................................................................................................... 5-24

5-3 Message Explorer Icon explanation ................................................................................................................. 5-66

6-1 Journal selector menu items ................................................................................................................................... 6-8

6-2 Bookmark Options .................................................................................................................................................. 6-32


6-3 Message flow icon explanation .......................................................................................................................... 6-41

6-4 Play menu tag explanations ................................................................................................................................. 6-52

6-5 Legend set window position ......................................................................................................................... 6-56

6-6 Legend mini tool bar .............................................................................................................................................. 6-57


6-7 Scatter Plot data set tool kit explanation. ....................................................................................................... 6-61

7-1 Map tool bar ................................................................................................................................................................ 7-9


7-2 Cell tool bar ............................................................................................................................................................... 7-11


7-3 Cell tool bar ............................................................................................................................................................... 7-13


7-4 Search icons .............................................................................................................................................................. 7-37


8-1 SZIP Menu Structure ................................................................................................................................................ 8-4


8-2 Technology and Metric Theme Explorer menu explanation ................................................................... 8-37

8-3 Theme menu icon definition ............................................................................................................................... 8-38

B-1 LTE interfaces Network Elements and Protocol ........................................................................................... B-1

B-2 W-CDMA interfaces Network Elements and Protocol ............................................................................... B-3

B-3 CDMA interfaces Network Elements and Protocol ..................................................................................... B-4

B-4 EV-DO interfaces Network Elements and Protocol ..................................................................................... B-5

C-1 WTA 7.0, Issue 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... C-2


C-2 WTA 6.0, Issue 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... C-3


C-3 WTA 7.0, Issue 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... C-4

C-4 WTA 6.1, Issue 1 ..................................................................................................................................................... C-4

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List of figures

1-1 Citrix code ................................................................................................................................................................. 1-34


2-1 Call trace data analysis architecture for LTE ................................................................................................... 2-7

2-2 Call trace data analysis architecture for W-CDMA ...................................................................................... 2-7

2-3 Call trace data analysis architecture for CDMA ........................................................................................... 2-8

2-4 Call trace data analysis architecture for EV-DO ........................................................................................... 2-8

2-5 Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software for LTE ...................................................................................... 2-9

2-6 Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software for W-CDMA .......................................................................... 2-9

2-7 Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software for CDMA/EV-DO ............................................................ 2-10

2-8 LTE Supported Interfaces .................................................................................................................................... 2-12

2-9 W-CDMA Supported Interfaces ........................................................................................................................ 2-13

2-10 CDMA Supported Interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 2-14

2-11 EV-DO Supported Interfaces .............................................................................................................................. 2-15

2-12 Initial application window ................................................................................................................................... 2-21

2-13 LTE Software menu ................................................................................................................................................ 2-23


2-14 W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO Software menu ................................................................................................... 2-23

2-15 File menu .................................................................................................................................................................... 2-24


2-16 View menu ................................................................................................................................................................. 2-26


2-17 View menu with mapping items ........................................................................................................................ 2-28

2-18 Call Trace menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-30


2-19 Tools menu ................................................................................................................................................................ 2-31


2-20 Play menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 2-32


2-21 Window menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 2-33


2-22 Example of a single Tab Group with multiple (3) tabs. ............................................................................ 2-34

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2-23 Help menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 2-39

3-1 WTA LTE data flow (Metric Filtering) .............................................................................................................. 3-2

3-2 WTA W-CDMA data flow (Metric Filtering) .................................................................................................. 3-3

3-3 WTA CDMA/EV-DO data flow (Metric Filtering) ....................................................................................... 3-4

3-4 Data flow example (Metric Filtering) ................................................................................................................ 3-5

3-5 Opening Manage file menu .................................................................................................................................... 3-6

3-6 Manage Files dialog window ................................................................................................................................ 3-8

3-7 W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH remote Network Element request screen ...................................... 3-35

3-8 LTE SSH remote Network Element request screen .................................................................................... 3-36

3-9 W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP remote Network Element request screen ..................................... 3-40

3-10 LTE SFTP remote Network Element request screen .................................................................................. 3-41

3-11 LTE HTTP remote Network Element request screen ................................................................................. 3-43

3-12 Network Element filters ........................................................................................................................................ 3-44


3-13 Downloaded .log files . ......................................................................................................................................... 3-49

4-1 Archive Member Selection Dialog ................................................................................................................... 4-17

5-1 Available Study views ............................................................................................................................................. 5-5


5-2 Statistics explorer Project column ....................................................................................................................... 5-7

5-3 Statistics Explorer with non-Numeric column ................................................................................................ 5-7

5-4 Statistics Explorer with Numeric column ......................................................................................................... 5-8

5-5 Statistics Explorer column context menu ......................................................................................................... 5-8

5-6 Statistics Explorer Neighbor List Cell Details menu .................................................................................... 5-8

5-7 Statistics Explorer - Highlight the selected device ........................................................................................ 5-9

5-8 Metric views ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-16


5-9 Display Types (example) ...................................................................................................................................... 5-17

5-10 Metric Explorer tree view ................................................................................................................................... 5-20

5-11 Project Explorer Window ..................................................................................................................................... 5-23

5-12 Metric Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 5-41

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5-13 Events Tab .................................................................................................................................................................. 5-41

5-14 Messages Tab ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-41


5-15 User Defined Counts Tab ..................................................................................................................................... 5-42

5-16 User Defined Statistics Tab ................................................................................................................................. 5-42

5-17 User Defined Time Differences Tab ................................................................................................................. 5-42

5-18 Count Dialog ............................................................................................................................................................. 5-47


5-19 Raw Data Details window ................................................................................................................................... 5-49

5-20 Time difference dialog .......................................................................................................................................... 5-58


5-21 Info Window Tab (info tab is undocked) ........................................................................................................ 5-63

5-22 Metric tab Message view with Info window pinned .................................................................................. 5-64

5-23 Info View with Message View. ........................................................................................................................... 5-65

5-24 Message Explorer Tool bar .................................................................................................................................. 5-66

5-25 Selecting a Study from the Message Explorer menu ................................................................................. 5-67

5-26 Selection By Column: User would use this to sort or copy or find (Message Name below). ..... 5-68

5-27 Selection By Rows: User would use this to synchronize, copy or find. ............................................. 5-69

5-28 Selection By Cells. Using Ctrl+Click in the first column, all rows containing information for that
cell will be highlighted. User would use this to copy or find. ............................................................. 5-69

5-29 Selecting all data. Click on the top of the first column. ............................................................................ 5-70

5-30 Timeline example .................................................................................................................................................... 5-73


6-1 Journal Selector .......................................................................................................................................................... 6-8


6-2 Messages Explorer Tool bar .................................................................................................................................. 6-9

6-3 Select Color ............................................................................................................................................................... 6-11


6-4 Choose Message ID ............................................................................................................................................... 6-11

6-5 Select Color Output ............................................................................................................................................... 6-12


6-6 Message Flow/Explorer filter menu ................................................................................................................. 6-13

6-7 Filtering by Message Group ............................................................................................................................... 6-15

6-8 Filter messages by message group .................................................................................................................... 6-16

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6-9 Filter messages by mobile .................................................................................................................................... 6-17

6-10 Filter by Network Element ................................................................................................................................. 6-18

6-11 Filter by Call Id ........................................................................................................................................................ 6-19


6-12 Filter by Bookmarks .............................................................................................................................................. 6-19


6-13 Filter by sorting data .............................................................................................................................................. 6-22


6-14 Example 1: Filter by Groups ............................................................................................................................... 6-23

6-15 Example 2: Text/Numeric Filtering Dialog ................................................................................................... 6-24

6-16 Example 3: To clear filter ..................................................................................................................................... 6-24


6-17 Non-grid filtering ................................................................................................................................................... 6-27


6-18 Demonstration of how Keep vs Filter can affect a data set. .................................................................... 6-30

6-19 Message Explorer Tool bar: Export .................................................................................................................. 6-38

6-20 Message flow menu. selecting a study ............................................................................................................ 6-41

6-21 Message flow tool bar ........................................................................................................................................... 6-41

6-22 Message Flow Diagram. ...................................................................................................................................... 6-43

6-23 Message Flow Detail View. ................................................................................................................................. 6-44

6-24 Synchronizing Message Flow with Message View ................................................................................... 6-48

6-25 Legend Set window position ........................................................................................................................ 6-56

6-26 Example: histogram or E-RAB Failure Rate. ............................................................................................... 6-60

6-27 Scatter Plot pre split. .............................................................................................................................................. 6-68


6-28 Scatter Plot post split ............................................................................................................................................. 6-69


6-29 PM-scatter-plot ......................................................................................................................................................... 6-69


6-30 Merged histogram ................................................................................................................................................... 6-75


6-31 Un-merged histogram ............................................................................................................................................ 6-75

6-32 Histogram with curves .......................................................................................................................................... 6-76

8-1 SZip File menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 8-4


8-2 SZip file without path information ...................................................................................................................... 8-9

8-3 SZip file with path information ............................................................................................................................ 8-9

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8-4 One Shot Hex Decoder ......................................................................................................................................... 8-13

8-5 Tools->info ................................................................................................................................................................ 8-19


8-6 Tools->Options ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-23


8-7 Tools-> options ........................................................................................................................................................ 8-24


8-8 Expanded Options-Applications menu categorized ............................................................................. 8-24

8-9 Changing the color of the active event or message. ................................................................................... 8-32

8-10 Project Options menu ............................................................................................................................................ 8-34


8-11 Theme Editor ............................................................................................................................................................ 8-36


8-12 Theme menu bar ...................................................................................................................................................... 8-38


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List of procedures

Part I: Software Installation

1 Software Installation

1-1 Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 currently installed on workstation .................................. 1-5

1-2 Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software ........................................................................................... 1-6

1-3 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista-View system window in Control
panel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1-8

1-4 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista - View system information
window ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1-9

1-5 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system properties in the
control Panel .......................................................................................................................................................... 1-10

1-6 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system information
window .................................................................................................................................................................... 1-11

1-7 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 7 - View system information window
............................................................................................................................................................................ 1-121-12

1-8 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system properties
in Control Panel .................................................................................................................................................... 1-13

1-9 Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system
information window ............................................................................................................................................ 1-14

1-10 Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software ................................................................. 1-16

1-11 Acquire a WTA license for a workstation with no Internet connectivity ............................................ 1-25

1-12 Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI
Masking ................................................................................................................................................................... 1-32

Part II: 9958 WTA User Guide

2 9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus

2-1 Trace Implementation ............................................................................................................................................ 2-18


2-2 License Upgrade ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-41

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA xxi
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
List of procedures

2-3 To un-install or return a license .......................................................................................................................... 2-43

2-4 To add a new license .............................................................................................................................................. 2-44


3 Data Collection

3-1 Call Trace initiation (LTE) ................................................................................................................................... 3-13


3-2 Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE) ............................................................................... 3-32

3-3 Connect to the Remote Network Element using SSH .............................................................................. 3-34

3-4 Connect to the Remote Network Element using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) .............. 3-39

3-5 Connect to the Remote Network Element using HTTP (LTE) ............................................................... 3-42

3-6 Filter data while connecting to the Network Element (LTE: MME only) .......................................... 3-44

3-7 Filter data downloaded from the Network Element (LTE) ...................................................................... 3-46

3-8 Download data files to the workstation ........................................................................................................... 3-49

3-9 Add data to an existing project ........................................................................................................................... 3-51

3-10 Refresh files and directories ................................................................................................................................ 3-53

4 Projects and Studies

4-1 Create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files window ........................................... 4-4

4-2 Create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage Files window ...................................... 4-8

4-3 Create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window ............................................................ 4-9

4-4 View an open project ............................................................................................................................................. 4-10

4-5 Open a project ........................................................................................................................................................... 4-11


4-6 Create a project from previously downloaded data .................................................................................... 4-13

4-7 Add Call Trace data to an existing project via menu ADD option ........................................................ 4-15

4-8 Add Call Trace data to an existing project via drag and drop method ................................................. 4-19

4-9 Rename a Study ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-25


5 Explorers

5-1 Open the Metric Explorer .................................................................................................................................... 5-12

5-2 Manage Journals ...................................................................................................................................................... 5-27


xxii Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
List of procedures

5-3 Build a report ............................................................................................................................................................ 5-43

5-4 Create a report via Command Line Interface (CLI) ................................................................................... 5-62

5-5 Start Time Difference ............................................................................................................................................ 5-71


6 Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display

6-1 Load a journal into the Message Explorer ........................................................................................................ 6-6

6-2 Create Bookmark Icons ........................................................................................................................................ 6-34

6-3 Remove bookmarks in Message View ............................................................................................................ 6-36

6-4 To change the Message Flow View .................................................................................................................. 6-45

6-5 Display data using charts and graphics ........................................................................................................... 6-59

6-6 Create a Scatter Plot graphic ............................................................................................................................... 6-66

6-7 Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric ................................................................................................................... 6-68

6-8 Display data using a map view ........................................................................................................................... 6-71

6-9 Choosing metrics to compare in an X-Y scatter plot ................................................................................. 6-74

6-10 Histogram: Parameterized Metric ..................................................................................................................... 6-77

6-11 Show Multiple Metrics in a View ..................................................................................................................... 6-80

6-12 Show Multiple Metrics in a display ................................................................................................................. 6-82

7 Map View

7-1 To create zone filters .............................................................................................................................................. 7-28


8 Tools

8-1 Decoding Hexa String ........................................................................................................................................... 8-12

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA xxiii
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Issue 1 September 2012
List of procedures


xxiv Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
About This Document
About This Document

The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed software installation and user guide
for the Alcatel-Lucent 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA).
This document has been created for those customers using LTE, W-CDMA, CDMA, and
EV-DO technologies. Where information differs, the information for each product has
been clearly marked with the technology name.

Reason for reissue

The information contained in this document is current for 9958 WTA Release 8.1.0. The
changes and enhancements made for this release are described below.
This document has been updated for various editorial issues.
The use of the XMS has been discontinued. All information regarding the XMS has
been eliminated throughout this document. (LTE)
New item for Create Derived Project within the Manage Files window. See:
Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage Files
window (p. 4-8).
The ability to hide an NE within the Message Flow view has been added. See:
Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View (p. 6-45).
Selected studies based on the Device ID can be viewed for both the Message Explorer
and Message Flow Views. See: Message Explorer (p. 5-66) and Message Flow
(p. 6-40).
The user now has the ability to find the device ID for a set of data within the statistics
view. See: Figure 5-7, Statistics Explorer - Highlight the selected device (p. 5-9).
In the Call Trace Initiation Dialog and the Manage Files SSH Dialogs for SGW and
PGW the call trace log will display /log and cannot be modified. See: Figure 3-8,
LTE SSH remote Network Element request screen (p. 3-36) and Procedure 3-1:
Call Trace initiation (LTE) (p. 3-13) for SGW and PGW. (LTE)
The user now has the ability to view the IMSI(s) status for the MMEs accessed via the
MME Call Trace Initiation screen. See: Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)
(p. 3-13)
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA xxv
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
About This Document

The Call Trace Status can now be accessed via the Call Trace/Show call Trace Status
menu. See: Call Trace - 3 LTE only (p. 2-30) and Procedure 3-2: Check Call
Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE) (p. 3-32).
Message Flow view: Ability to combine NEs within the view. See: Combine network
elements (p. 6-45).
Interface traced column has been added to the Call Trace Status Window. See:
Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE) (p. 3-32).
When collecting data via a Manage File NE access, if there are no CT files to be
processed a pop-up informs the user. See: Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote
Network Element using SSH (p. 3-34).
Tools/Info has the ability to create an Event.xls spreadsheet. See: Info Window
(p. 5-63)
Call Trace Timer Expiration has been added. See: Call Trace Timer expiration
(p. 3-29)
Search available for Statistics Explorer. See Statistics Explorer (p. 5-3)
Availability for Details of Selected Rows in a Message Export to be exported in an
xls, xlsx or CSV format. See: Message Exports (p. 6-38).
The ability to jump from a Statistics ->Call Trace Failure to a Message View/Flow for
specific Tracekey(s) has been added. See: Jump from Call Trace Failure to Message
Explorer/Flow for specific tracekey(s) (p. 5-9)
The ability to use .7z files has been added. See Procedure 4-6: Create a project from
previously downloaded data (p. 4-13)
In Message Flow there is a new item in Filters: Hide Non Directional Messages which
allows the user to enable or disable messages that are without direction, default is
off/disabled. See: Filters (p. 6-12).
Default Reset is now available in the Tools->Options window. See: Reset (p. 8-25)
The filters for Network elements in an SSH connection have been changed. See:
Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element using SSH (p. 3-34)
Small Cell information has been added throughout this document. Also see: Manage
Files (p. 3-6) (W-CDMA)
There is a limitation to the number of Projects that can be displayed in the Message
Flow/Explorer. See Procedure 4-5: Open a project (p. 4-11).
A new item has been added to the Tools->Options->Default->Application.
Auto Open on Load can be found in Applications Options (p. 8-25).
The Initiate Call Trace procedures for SAM have been changed. See Call Trace
procedure for SAM (p. 3-21). (LTE)
New Tools->Option->Project set-up for WCDMA CT Time Zone for Small Cells.
See: Project Options (p. 8-33). (W-CDMA)

xxvi Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
About This Document

The user now has the ability to view the IMSI(s) status for the MMEs accessed via the
MME Call Trace Initiation screen. The MME Call Trace Initiation window has been
edited. See: Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE) (p. 3-13).
This document has been updated with CDMA and EV-DO information. This release
only covers CDMA/EVDO Call Trace files from OMP and provides the Message
Flow, Message Explorer views.
The following items are not available for CDMA/EV-DO in this release.
A message has been added in various areas of this document noting that events are not
displayed for Call Trace Activation data when displayed in Message Flow or Message
Explorer views. Events are available/displayed in Message Flow and Message
Explorer views when archived Call Trace data fields are read in a project.
An option has been added to define the line linking all data points in scatter plot. See:
Project Options (p. 8-33)
The ability to eliminate specific bookmarks within the Message View has been added.
See: Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View (p. 6-36)
A new network element tab has been added to manage files window. For more
information see: Procedure 3-5: Connect to the Remote Network Element using
HTTP (LTE) (p. 3-42)
A note has been added to the Call Trace Timer expiration (p. 3-29) section stating
that Call Trace Expiration Reminder is not available for MME. (LTE)
A new item has been added to the Message Flow/Explorer Filter drop-down: Hide
Start/End of File Events. See: Filters (p. 6-12)
A list of possible licenses has been added to Update/Upgrade License (p. 2-39)
The format of the CLI command to generate reports has been updated: See: Reports
via Command Line Interface (CLI) (p. 5-61)
Installation of the WTA software on a computer that does not have Internet
accessibility must be done with a special license. See Procedure 1-10: Installation of
the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software (p. 1-16) and Procedure 1-12:
Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server and/or
IMSI Masking (p. 1-32)

Release information
Information related to software releases associated with the installation of the 9958
Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) software:
LE 5.0

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA xxvii
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
About This Document

LA 5.0: eNB
LM 5.0: 9471 MME
GWR4.0: 7750 SR-SGW (S5, S11, Rf (Gxc) Interfaces only)
GWR4.0: 7750 SR-PGW (S5, Gx Interfaces only)
UA 7.1 and 8.1
Small Cell: BSR 3.0
IPC: BSR 3.0
UA 7.1
UA 8.1
UA 7.1
UA 8.1

Intended audience
This document is to be used by customers who need to perform end-to-end call analysis
within their network.
Typical users include:
Performance Engineers
Radio Frequency Engineers
Network Operators

How to use this document

This document contains the following information:
Part I
Chapter 1, Software Installation
Part II
Chapter 2, 9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus
Chapter 3, Data Collection
Chapter 4, Projects and Studies
Chapter 5, Explorers
Chapter 6, Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display
xxviii Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
About This Document

Chapter 7, Map View
Chapter 8, Tools
Appendix A, Abbreviations/Acronym List
Appendix B, Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces
Appendix C, History of Revision

Conventions used
The following conventions are used throughout this document:
Literal user input. Keystrokes that you are to enter character by character
exactly as shown in the text appear in monospace bold type.
Enter the following command:
Variable user input. Input values that vary from one execution or instance to
another appear in monospace bold italic type.
cd directory
directory = the directory to which the change is to be made.
Literal system output. The names of files, directories, forms, messages, and
other information that a system outputs exactly as shown in the text appear in
monospace regular type.

Technical support
For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site ( for contact

How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel- or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA xxix
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
About This Document


xxx Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Part I: Software Installation

The purpose of this section of the guide is to:
provide information regarding the hardware and software requirements for the 9958
Wireless Trace Analyzer.
details on the hardware and software requirements.
detailed instructions for installing all necessary components used by the 9958
Wireless Trace Analyzer.
Note: This document focuses on the 9958 WTA Client Application Software.
The following Network Elements and specific logins for the Network Elements are
necessary and must be completed prior to the installation and use of the 9958 WTA 8.1.0
9471 MME (requires satellite agent software)
5620 SAM including AUX server
7750 SR-PGW/7750 SR-SGW
Valid logins to:
Small Cell Management System (SCMS)
9353 WMS (NB)
Valid logins to:
9256 Operations and Management Platform (OMP))
See the Alcatel-Lucent Support web site ( for
more information.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA I-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Overview


Chapter 1, Software Installation 1-1

I-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
1 Software Installation

This section contains detailed information for the installation of the software required to
run the 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) software.


Hardware and software requirements 1-3

Hardware and software 1-3
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 1-4
Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 currently installed on 1-5
Procedure 1-2: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software 1-6
Determine the workstation's operating system 1-7
Determining the operating system 1-7
Procedure 1-3: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 1-8
Vista-View system window in Control panel
Procedure 1-4: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista 1-9
- View system information window
Procedure 1-5: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - 1-10
View system properties in the control Panel
Procedure 1-6: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - 1-11
View system information window
Procedure 1-7: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 7 - 1-12
View system information window
Procedure 1-8: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 1-13
Server 2003 - View system properties in Control Panel

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Overview


Procedure 1-9: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 1-14
Server 2003 - View system information window
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software 1-15
Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software 1-16
Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation with no Internet 1-25
Configuration of the SGW and PGW 1-28
To configure the SGW and PGW debug logging (LTE) 1-28
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server and/or 1-31
Optional IMSI Masking
Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on 1-32
a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
Citrix License Renewal 1-40

1-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Hardware and software
Hardware and software requirements

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware and software

Hardware and software requirements

Table 1-1 Minimum, recommended, and supported hardware and software.

Minimum Recommended Supported

CPU Core2 Duo Core i5 Same as OS support
Core i7
OS MS Windows XP + MS Windows 7 MS Windows XP _
SP3 SP3, Server 2003
MS Windows
MS Windows 7
MS Server 2008
MS Server 2008
Supports both 32 and
64 bit editions of
Hard drive 10GB Free + Data 100GB Free + Data Same as OS support
Space Space
5400 RPM 7200 RPM
Display Resolution 1024x768 1600x1200 Same as OS support
Other SW Microsoft .NET Microsoft .NET Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0 Framework 4.0 Framework 4.0

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Overview
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 must be installed on any computer utilizing the 9958
WTA software.


Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 currently installed on 1-5
Procedure 1-2: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software 1-6

1-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 currently installed on workstation

Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0

currently installed on workstation
This procedure must be followed to insure that the correct version of Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0 is installed on the workstation on which the 9958 WTA software is to be

Complete the following procedure to verify the version of Microsoft .NET that is
currently installed on your workstation.

1 Click on the Start button.


2 Click on Settings\Control Panel\Add or Remove Programs.


3 Scroll through the alphabetized list of software installations. Find Microsoft

.NET Framework 4.0.

4 Use the following table to decide what to do next:

IF .... Then ...

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 exists go to the next section of this document
(Determine the workstation's operating
system (p. 1-7))
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 does not exist go to the next Procedure (Procedure 1-2:
Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
software (p. 1-6))


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-5
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-2: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software

Procedure 1-2: Install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software

If Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 has not been installed upon the workstation, use the
following information for the installation of the software

Installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 software.

1 Download the installation files from the following website: Microsoft website
Make a choice of the options below:
Download the installation files and install now:
Download the Stand Alone Installer, save to hard drive and install later.

2 Follow the procedures given for the installation of the .NET Framework 4.0 software.

3 Verify that the software has been installed by checking your Settings\Control Panel\Add
or Remove Programs as shown in Step 2 of procedure 11.

4 Restart the workstation


1-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Determining the operating system
Determine the workstation's operating system

Determine the workstation's operating system

Determining the operating system

The 9958 WTA installation files are available for 32-bit and 64-bit MS Windows
operating system configurations. In this section you locate the operating system that is
running on the workstation. The procedures to follow are based upon the workstations
operating system. Follow the steps in the next set of procedures to determine the bit count
of the operating system.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-7
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-3: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows Vista-View system window in Control panel

Procedure 1-3: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows Vista-View system window in Control panel
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista-View system window
in Control panel.

If you have MS Windows Vista, there are two methods to determine whether you are
running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. If this procedure does not work, use. Procedure 1-4:
Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista - View system
information window (p. 1-9).

1 Click Start.

2 Click on Run.

3 In the Start Search box, type system.

Result: A Program list is displayed.

4 Click system in the Programs list

Result: The operating system is displayed as follows:
For a 32-bit version operating system: 32-bit Operating System appears for the
System type under System.
For a 64-bit version operating system: 64-bit Operating System appears for the
System type under System.


1-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-4: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows Vista - View system information window

Procedure 1-4: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows Vista - View system information window
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Vista - View system
information window.

If you have MS Windows Vista, there are two methods to determine whether you are
running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. If Procedure 1-3: Determine the operating system
bit count for MS Windows Vista-View system window in Control panel (p. 1-8) did not
bring the necessary results, use this procedure.

1 Click Start.

2 Click on Run.

3 In the Start Search box, type system.

Result: A Navigation pane is displayed.

4 Select System Summary in the navigation pane.

Result: The operating system is displayed as follows:
For a 32-bit version operating system: x86-based PC appears for the System type
under Item.
For a 64-bit version operating system: x64-based PC appears for the System type
under Item.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-9
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-5: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows XP - View system properties in the control

Procedure 1-5: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows XP - View system properties in the control Panel
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system
properties in the control Panel

If you have MS Windows XP, there are two methods to determine whether you are
running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. If this procedure does not work, use Procedure 1-6:
Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system
information window (p. 1-11).

1 Click Start.

2 Click Run.

3 Type sysdm.cpl in the open line.


4 Click OK.

5 When the system properties window opens, click on the General tab.
Result: The operating system is displayed as follows:
For a 32-bit version operating system: Windows XP Professional Version <Year>
appears under System.
For a 64-bit version operating system:
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition Version <Year> under System.
Note: <Year> is a placeholder for the actual year that will be shown.

1-10 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-6: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows XP - View system information window

Procedure 1-6: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows XP - View system information window
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows XP - View system
information window.

If you have MS Windows Vista, there are two methods to determine whether you are
running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. If Procedure 1-5: Determine the operating system
bit count for MS Windows XP - View system properties in the control Panel (p. 1-10)did
not bring the necessary results, use this procedure.

1 Click Start.

2 Click Run.

3 Type winmsd.exe in the open line.


4 Click OK.

5 Select System Summary in the navigation pane.


6 Locate Processor under Item in the details pane.

Result: Note the values below:
If the value that corresponds to the Processor starts with x86, the computer is
running a 32-bit version of MS Windows.
If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with ia64 or AMD64, the
computer is running a 64-bit version of MS Windows.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-11
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-7: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows 7 - View system information window

Procedure 1-7: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows 7 - View system information window
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows 7 - View system
information window.

If you have MS Windows 7, there one good way to determine if you are running a 32-bit
or a 64-bit version.

1 From your desktop, click on the My computer icon .

Result: The System window will appear.

2 This screen contains all information regarding your computer. There is a line that states:
System type. This item will say either 32bit or 64bit Operating System.

1-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-8: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system properties in
Control Panel

Procedure 1-8: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows Server 2003 - View system properties in Control
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system
properties in Control Panel.

If you have MS Windows Server 2003, there are two methods to determine whether you
are running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. If this procedure does not work, use Procedure
1-9: Determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View
system information window (p. 1-14).

1 Click Start.

2 Click Run.

3 Type sysdm.cpl in the open line.


4 Click OK.
Result: A System Properties window opens.

5 Click on the General tab.

Result: The operating system is displayed as follows:
For a 32-bit version operating system: Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition
appears under System.
For a 64-bit version operating system:
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition under System.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-13
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-9: Determine the operating system bit count
Determine the workstation's operating system for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system information

Procedure 1-9: Determine the operating system bit count for

MS Windows Server 2003 - View system information window
To determine the operating system bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system
information window.

If you have MS Windows Vista, there are two methods to determine whether you are
running a 32-bit or a 64-bit version. If Procedure 1-8: Determine the operating system
bit count for MS Windows Server 2003 - View system properties in Control Panel
(p. 1-13) did not bring the necessary results, use this procedure.

1 Click Start.

2 Click Run.

3 Type winmsd.exe in the open line.


4 Click OK.
Result: A System Properties navigation pane opens.

5 In the Details pane, locate Processor under Item.

Result: Note the values below:
If the value that corresponds to the Processor starts with x86, the computer is
running a 32-bit version of MS Windows.
If the value that corresponds to Processor starts with ia64 or EM64T, the
computer is running a 64-bit version of MS Windows.


1-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Overview
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software

9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software

This section is used for installing the 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Software.


Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software 1-16
Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation with no Internet 1-25

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-15
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software

Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit

system software
Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software.

Before you begin

Which version of 9958 WTA should be installed.
For a 32bit operating system, the 32bit version of 9958 WTA must be installed.
Users with a 64-bit operating system have the option to install the 64-bit version
of 9958 WTA or the 32-bit version of 9958 WTA. There is a performance
improvement using the 32-bit version if the user does not plan on loading large
volumes of data.
WTA requires Microsoft .NET framework. Verify if this version is already installed on
the workstation. See: Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
currently installed on workstation (p. 1-5)
Required Logins
MME required logins: (LTE)
lss login for CT
CT activation permissions on the MME
file retrieval permission from the MME
Required SAM Client Login Permissions prior to installation. See the Alcatel-Lucent
Support web site ( to obtain a SAM login. (LTE)
OSS - Ability to connect to the SAM Server through the OSS interface
Allows WTA to use the SAM-O interface
lte.SubscAndEquipmentTraces - Configuration of Call Traces
Privileges must include Call Trace permissions
Allows WTA to create/delete and start/stop CTg traces through the SAM-O
calltrace.WebDAVSharedData - HTTP (s) configuration for eNodeB CT access
- Allows WTA to retrieve eNodeB CT files from SAM-AUX server using HTTP
(s) and SAM client login
Unix Level with SFTP on SAM Aux Server
Allows user to retrieve eNB call traces from Aux Server
Login access can be limited to calltrace directory.

1-16 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software
7750 SR-PGW and 7750 SR-SGW (LTE)
SGW/PGW user profile requires the following (W-CDMA):
access to file and all other subcommands cd, dir
access to debug, show, file, environment.
access to SSH and SFTP for connectivity
Login should be restricted to Compact Flash (cf1 or cf2) where the Call Trace debug
files reside.
The PGW/SGW login should have a profile that is executed upon login to the
PGW/SGW. This profile should contain a single command environment no more.
For more information on PGW/SGW (W-CDMA) see: 7750 SR OS Mobile Gateway
System Management Guide, 93-0300-01-01
Note: LTE users must have a login to the 5620 SAM Server before running this
9353 WMS, and SCMS users (W-CDMA)
Login capabilities with permissions to the following directory:
WMS: /opt/nortel/data/utran.
For more information regarding the 9353 WMS see: Alcatel-Lucent 9353
Management System - Overview, NN-20500-031 V6.0
SCMS: /opt/nortel/data/utran/observation/subscriberTrace.
For more information regarding the SCMS see: Alcatel-Lucent 9352 Wireless
Provisioning System Small Cells/SCMS 3.0 Installation and Administration,
NN-20500-190 (most recent issue)
Note: W-CDMA users must have a login to the 9353 WMS/SCMS Server before
running this procedure.
Login capabilities with permissions to the following directory:
OMP: /home/
For more information on the OMP see: 9256 OMPv2 OA&M, (401662108) or
9256 OMPv4 OA&M, (401662121)
Note: CDMA/EVDO users must have a login to the 9256 OMP.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-17
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software
Follow the procedures below to install the 9958 WTA software to the workstation.

1 Contact your Alcatel-Lucent Account Representative for a link to the current 9958 WTA
software and request the required 9958 WTA software license information.

2 Download the 9958 WTA zip file to the workstation.


3 Unzip the file and place the contents into a temporary directory.

4 Double-click on the executable file.


5 Follow the installation instructions.


6 Once 9958 WTA has completed installation, go to:

Start\(All) Programs\Alcatel-Lucent\9958 WTA\9958 WTA link and open the software.

7 When prompted enter the Activation ID information provided by your Alcatel-Lucent

Account Executive.

1-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software
Note: If the workstation does not have Internet connectivity, an error similar to the
following is received, see .Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation
with no Internet connectivity (p. 1-25)

Note: If you have questions or concerns regarding this release of 9958 Wireless Trace
Analyzer (WTA), contact your Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site (

If the Node License is used to Mask IMSIs from eNB Call Traces, upon start up of WTA,
a user will be prompted for SAM Client User name and password along with the
hostname of the SAM. This is used to validate user.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-19
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software
Optional Step
This can be completed at any time.
Create a file called NetworkElementList.txt and place it in the application installation
directory (typically C:\Program Files\Alcatel-Lucent\Alcatel-Lucent
9958 WTA 8.1.0.
Place the following information within the .txt file:
hostname1: MME;SGW
9958 WTA GUI View:
Manage Files/Connect to Network Element

1-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software
Note: A hostname can only be used if the PC running WTA has access to a DNS that
will resolve the hostname into an IP Address.

For 2 different WMS you may want to connect to:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-21
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software

For 2 different SCMS you may want to connect to:


1-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software

For 2 different OMP you may want to connect to:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-23
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-10: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software system software

Note: : If you have questions or concerns regarding this release of 9958 Wireless
Trace Analyzer (WTA), please contact your Alcatel-Lucent customer support team.
See the Alcatel-Lucent Support web site (

1-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software with no Internet connectivity

Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation with

no Internet connectivity
The recommended method to successfully acquire a WTA license is via a connection from
the 9958 WTA workstation to the Internet. If the software is being installed upon a
workstation that does not have Internet connectivity, a special license will be required.
This procedure should only be used if an error similar to the following is received.

To request this special license, complete the following steps:

1 Access the SMA software.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-25
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software with no Internet connectivity

2 Access the system information from the File/Get system info

Result: Information similar to the following is displayed


3 Click on Copy to Clipboard


4 Send this information to your Alcatel-Lucent customer support team via E-mail.
Result: A license will be sent to you within 24 hours of WTA customer service
receiving the request.

5 Once the zip license file has been received, unzip and place the contents where it can be
located easily.

1-26 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-11: Acquire a WTA license for a workstation
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software with no Internet connectivity

6 Access the SMA software.


7 From the file menu, choose Import License File and point to the unzipped file.
Result: The license is installed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-27
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation To configure the SGW and PGW debug logging (LTE)
Configuration of the SGW and PGW

Configuration of the SGW and PGW

To configure the SGW and PGW debug logging (LTE)

Enable debug logging
The SGW/PGW does not have debug logging enabled as default. The SGW/PGW
administrator must manually establish this debug logging before using the Call Trace
feature by an SGW/PGW user from command line interface (CLI), configure the log file
with rollover and retention time using the following syntax:
Note: User must have administration rights to perform the PGW/SGW commands.
PGW (SGW) user login must have the following permissions:
show log
Within the log file command, complete the following information:
configure log file-id<id>location<cfid>{rollover<minutes>
This configure log file-id may be enhanced to add the optional <description>. this item
acts as a descriptive label.
file-id<id>: mandator. This configures internal file ID (number).
Location <cfid>: mandator. This item configures which compact flash drive the log
files should be written (under sub-directory/log)
Note: It is recommended that cf3 Compact Flash not be used for storing debug trace
Rollover <minutes>: optional. This item configures rollover time, until next log file
will be created. Range [5..10080] in minutes.
Retention <hours>: optional. This item configures time until the file will be erased
from the file system. Range: [1..500] in hours.
The file log needs to be connected with the debug trace with a second command from
configure log log-id<id> from debug-trace to file<id>
log-id<id>: mandator. This item configures internal log ID (number).
file<id>: mandatory. This item must match existing file-id.
1-28 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation To configure the SGW and PGW debug logging (LTE)
Configuration of the SGW and PGW
Log files are written under <cfid>/log/logeeff-timestamp. Each time a new trace is
initiated (and no other trace is currently enabled) a new trace file will be created with a
new timestamp.

ee is the event log ID value
ff is the log file ID value

Timestamp is the timestamp when the file is created.


yyyy is the four-digit year (example, 2011).
mm is the two digit number representing the month (example: 12 for December).
dd is the two digit number representing the day of the month (example, 03 for the 3rd of the
month March).
hh is the two digit hour in a 24-hour clock (example: 04 for 4 a.m.. 16 for 4 p.m.)
mm is the two digit minute (example: 30 for 30 minutes past the hour)
ss is the two digit second (example: 14 for 14 seconds)

Status of file logs and trace configuration can be queried by using the following 2
back-to-back queries:
configure log
Output example:

*A:SGW-56>config>log# info
file-id 20
location cf2:
rollover 1440 retention 350
log-id 20
from debug-trace

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-29
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation To configure the SGW and PGW debug logging (LTE)
Configuration of the SGW and PGW

to file 20

Example configuration of debug log-file rollover & retention time intervals

1. Create a file similar to the following:
File location is CF2
the file will be rollover in 1440 minutes (a new file will be created and the current
file will be closed).
retention 350 means that the closed file will be kept on the CF card after 350
hours and be deleted . This is to prevent the CF card from getting full.
configure log file-id 20 location cf2: rollover 1440
retention 350
2. Create a log to use the file 20, all of the debug trace information will be written to the
file 20.
configure log log-id 20 from debug-trace
3. Create a file 20, all of the debug trace information will be written to the file 20.
configure log log-id 20 to file 20
Note: ID numbers do not have to match. These numbers can be different than the
numbers shown in this example.
For more information regarding configuring the PGW and SGW log setup refer to: 7750
SR OS System Management Guide, 93-0071-08-04

1-30 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Overview
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a

Citrix server and/or Optional IMSI Masking

This section is used for installing the 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) software on a
Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking.


Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on 1-32
a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
Citrix License Renewal 1-40

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-31
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit

system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on the Citrix server and/or
IMSI Masking.

Before you begin

Which version of 9958 WTA should be installed.
For a 32bit operating system, the 32bit version of 9958 WTA must be installed.
For better performance of the tool, users with a 64-bit operating system must
install the 32-bit version of 9958 WTA.
9958 WTA 8.1.0 requires Microsoft .NET framework. Verify if this version is already
installed on the workstation. See: Procedure 1-1: Verify the Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0 currently installed on workstation (p. 1-5)
Required Logins
MME required logins: (LTE)
lss login for CT
CT activation permissions on the MME
file retrieval permission from the MME
Required SAM Client Login Permissions prior to installation. See the Alcatel-Lucent
Support web site ( to obtain a SAM login. (LTE)
OSS - Ability to connect to the SAM Server through the OSS interface
Allows WTA to use the SAM-O interface
lte.SubscAndEquipmentTraces - Configuration of Call Traces
Privileges must include Call Trace permissions
Allows WTA to create/delete and start/stop CTg traces through the SAM-O
calltrace.WebDAVSharedData - HTTP (s) configuration for eNodeB CT access
- Allows WTA to retrieve eNodeB CT files from SAM-AUX server using HTTP
(s) and SAM client login
Unix Level with SFTP on SAM Aux Server
Allows user to retrieve eNB call traces from Aux Server
Login access can be limited to calltrace directory.
7750 SR-PGW and 7750 SR-SGW (LTE)

1-32 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking
SGW/PGW user profile requires the following:
Login should be restricted to Compact Flash (cf1 or cf2) where the Call Trace debug
files reside.
The PGW/SGW login should have a profile that is executed upon login . This profile
should contain a single command environment no more.
access to file and all other subcommands cd, dir
access to debug, show, file, environment.
access to SSH and SFTP for connectivity
For more information on PGW/SGW see: 7750 SR OS Mobile Gateway System
Management Guide, 93-0300-01-01
9353 WMS/SCMS users: (W-CDMA)
Login capabilities to the 9353 WMS
Login capabilities to the SCMS
9256 OMP users: (CDMA/EV-DO)
Login capabilities to the 9256 OMP
Note: The 9958 WTA installation and node license step can only be performed by a
Citrix administrator.

Follow the procedures below to install the 9958 WTA software on a Citrix server.

1 Contact your Alcatel-Lucent Account Representative for a link to the current 9958 WTA
software and request the required 9958 WTA software license information.

2 Download the 9958 WTA zip file to the Citrix server.


3 Unzip the file and place the contents into a temporary directory.

4 Double-click on the executable file.


5 Follow the installation instructions to finalize the 9958 WTA installation.


6 On the Citrix server from the Windows Start/run prompt or from a Unix prompt: Go to
the application installation directory (typically C:\Program Files\Alcatel-
Lucent\Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8.1.0).
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-33
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

7 Run the following command: DumpNodeId.exe. (This command is not case sensitive.)
Result: The following box will be displayed:

Figure 1-1 Citrix code


8 Copy the node ID shown in the informational box displayed (similar to the one shown
highlighted in Figure 1-1, Citrix code (p. 1-34).
Contact your Alcatel-Lucent customer support team.
You will need to provide the following:
the node ID
indicate whether IMSI Masking Option is to be activated or not
IMSI Masking will mask the IMSI values available in the object based traces
including management based eNB call traces (cell traffic traces)
If you do not know the individual to contact, see the Alcatel-Lucent Support web site
Result:Based on this Citrix code, the Alcatel-Lucent Support team will generate and
return a node ID license file (xxxx.nodelilc) for the Citrix user usually with in 2
business days.

9 Place the node ID license file in the 9958 WTA installation directory on the Citrix server -
in the same directory where the 9958 WTA executable file is located. Usually,
c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\Alcatel-
Lucent\9958 WTA.
Note: The users accessing the 9958 WTA software must have the ability to write
within this directory.

1-34 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

10 (LTE) The following message will be received by all users of the Citrix server when
logging on to the 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM).

W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO: The user is now permitted to use 9958 WTA from the Citrix

11 (LTE) Once the login is validated on SAM the user is permitted to use 9958 WTA from
the Citrix server.
Upon start up of WTA, a user will be prompted for SAM Client User name and
password along with the hostname of the SAM. This is used to validate user.

Optional Step
This can be completed at any time.
Create a file called NetworkElementList.txt and place it in the application installation
directory (typically C:\Program Files\Alcatel-Lucent\Alcatel-Lucent
9958 WTA 8.1.0) Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software.
Place the following information within the .txt file:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-35
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking
hostname1: MME;SGW
9958 WTA GUI View:
Manage Files/Connect to Network Element

Note: A hostname can only be used if the PC running WTA has access to a DNS that
will resolve the hostname into an IP Address.

1-36 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

For 2 different WMS you may want to connect to:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-37
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

For 2 different SCMS you may want to connect to:


1-38 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

For 2 different OMP you may want to connect to:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-39
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Procedure 1-12: Installation of the 9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server system software on a Citrix server and/or IMSI Masking
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

Note: A hostname can only be used if the PC running WTA has access to a DNS that
will resolve the hostname into an IP Address.
Note: : If you have questions or concerns regarding this release of 9958 Wireless
Trace Analyzer (WTA), please contact your Alcatel-Lucent customer support team.
See the Alcatel-Lucent Support web site (

Citrix License Renewal

This section gives instructions for renewing a Citrix 9958 WTA license.

Ten days prior to the expiration date for the Citrix 9958 WTA, a message similar to the
following will be displayed:

1-40 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Citrix License Renewal
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on a Citrix server
and/or Optional IMSI Masking

The renewal process is the same as the initial licensing process. See: Step 8

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 1-41
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Software Installation Citrix License Renewal


1-42 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Part II: 9958 WTA User Guide

The purpose of this section is to assist the user in utilizing the 9958 WTA software. This
includes the following chapters:


Chapter 2, 9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus 2-1

Chapter 3, Data Collection 3-1
Chapter 4, Projects and Studies 4-1
Chapter 5, Explorers 5-1
Chapter 6, Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display 6-1
Chapter 7, Map View 7-1
Chapter 8, Tools 8-1

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA II-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA User Guide Overview


II-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
2 2958 WTA Software
Overview and Navigation

This section of the document addresses the 9958 WTA software functions, capabilities,
and explains the available navigation menus.


9958 WTA software Overview 2-2

9958 WTA functions 2-3
Data collection, analysis, and flow 2-5
9958 WTA capabilities 2-10
Interfaces 2-12
Call Trace types 2-15
Trace formats, Trace depth, and Trace Limits 2-16
Procedure 2-1: Trace Implementation 2-18
9958 WTA Window View 2-20
Opening window 2-20
Main Menu Overview 2-22
Main software menu 2-22
Main menu descriptions 2-24
Procedure 2-2: License Upgrade 2-41
Procedure 2-3: To un-install or return a license 2-43
Procedure 2-4: To add a new license 2-44

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Overview
9958 WTA software Overview

9958 WTA software Overview

9958 WTA is a post-processing and analysis tool for Call Trace data. The 9958 Wireless
Trace Analyzer is used to provide a quick way of analyzing end-to-end call scenarios that
exist within any given set of traces.
9958 WTA is used to:
Analyze generated call trace data for Network Elements. Call trace data for the LTE is
stored on the SAM, MME, SGW or PGW and is downloaded to the WTA.
eNodeB (eNB)
9471 Mobility Management Entity (9471 MME) via the 5620 SAM
7750 SR - Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW)
7750 SR - Serving Gateway (SGW)
Analyze generated call trace data for Network Elements. Call trace data for the
W-CDMA is stored on the 9353 WMS or SCMS and is downloaded to the WTA.
9370 Radio Network Controller (9370 RNC)
NodeB (NB)
Network elements:
-Small Cell
-Iu Protocol Converter (IPC)
-Small Cell Gateway (SCGW)
Analyze generated call trace data for Network Elements. Call trace data for CDMA is
stored on the 9256 OMP and is downloaded to the WTA.
EV-DO: Analyze generated call trace data for Network Elements. Call trace data for
the EV-DO is stored on the 9256 OMP and is downloaded to the WTA.

2-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Overview
9958 WTA software Overview
Note: This release only covers CDMA/EVDO Call Trace files from OMP and
provides the Message Flow, Message Explorer views.
The following items are not available for CDMA/EV-DO in this release.
- mapping
- metrics
- reports
9958 WTA is supported on two platforms:
PC-based client application (single user)
Server-based client application (multiple users)
Correlate trace data and provide per call trace analysis.
Display analysis reports as call flow diagrams and detailed message views.
This section discusses 9958 WTA functions, the uses for data, and the basic Menu options
and functions.


9958 WTA functions 2-3

Data collection, analysis, and flow 2-5
9958 WTA capabilities 2-10
Interfaces 2-12
Call Trace types 2-15
Trace formats, Trace depth, and Trace Limits 2-16
Procedure 2-1: Trace Implementation 2-18

9958 WTA functions

High level 9958 WTA functions
The following is supported for 9958 WTA call trace analysis:
9471 Mobility Management Entity (9471 MME)
5620 Service Aware Manager (5620 SAM)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus 9958 WTA functions
9958 WTA software Overview
9453 Extended Management System
7750 SR-PGW and 7750 SR-SGW
Small Cell
9370 Radio Network Controller (9370 RNC)
9256 OMP
9958 WTA supports management and signaling based call trace activation methods.
9958 WTA supports collection of call trace files from:
7750 SR-PGW
7750 SR-SGW
9471 MME
5620 SAM (eNB)
Note: LTE only: 9958 WTA supports the set up of call traces (start/stop and
specifying associated call trace parameters) by connecting with 7750 SR-PGW, 7750
SR-SGW, 9471 MME, or 5620 SAM (eNB).
9353 WMS (NB)
9256 OMP

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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Data collection, analysis, and flow
9958 WTA software Overview

Data collection, analysis, and flow

The 9958 WTA is used to analyze call trace data. This section describes call trace data
collection and flow.

Activate, deactivate, and storing of data

Traces are activated, deactivated, and stored on the following:
7750 SR-PGW, 7750 SR-SGW, 9471 MME or 5620 SAM
9353 WMS or SCMS
9256 OMP
The call trace data is collected and stored on the following:
9471 MME or 5620 SAM.
9353 WMS or SCMS
9256 OMP
The data is downloaded to the 9958 WTA is able to connect remotely and collect call
trace data from the following Network Elements:
5620 SAM (eNB)
9471 MME
7750 SR-PGW
7750 SR-SGW
9353 WMS (NB)
9256 OMP

Data request and analysis

The following takes place when data is requested:
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-5
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Data collection, analysis, and flow
9958 WTA software Overview
LTE: When data is requested the following takes place: see Figure 2-1, Call trace data
analysis architecture for LTE (p. 2-7) and Figure 2-5, Data Flow within the 9958 WTA
software for LTE (p. 2-9).
A request is made: for Call Trace
data is collected from the eNB and sent to the 5620 SAM.
data is collected from the PGW/SGW for PGW/SGW CT.
data is collected on the 9471 MME for 9471 MME CT.
Files are imported onto the workstation requesting the data.
Metrics/Plots/Messages/Events are populated and saved in Projects.
Events are not displayed within the Message Flow and Message Explore views
from the call trace Activation. Events are computed and saved in the archived Call
Trace data files. They are read in a Project from a local/remote server.
W-CDMA: When data is requested the following takes place: see Figure 2-2, Call trace
data analysis architecture for W-CDMA (p. 2-7) and Figure 2-6, Data Flow within the
9958 WTA software for W-CDMA (p. 2-9).
A request is made: for NB CT
data is collected from the NB and sent to the 9353 WMS.
data is collected from the small cells, IPC, and SCGW and sent to the SCMS.
Files are imported onto the workstation requesting the data.
Metrics/Plots/Messages/Events are populated and saved in Projects.
CDMA: When data is requested the following takes place: see Figure 2-3, Call trace data
analysis architecture for CDMA (p. 2-8) and Figure 2-7, Data Flow within the 9958
WTA software for CDMA/EV-DO (p. 2-10).
A request is made: for 9256 OMP CT
data is collected from the CDMA RAN and sent to the 9256 OMP.
Files are imported onto the workstation requesting the data.
Metrics/Plots/Messages/Events are populated and saved in Projects.
EV-DO: When data is requested the following takes place: see Figure 2-4, Call trace data
analysis architecture for EV-DO (p. 2-8) and Figure 2-7, Data Flow within the 9958
WTA software for CDMA/EV-DO (p. 2-10).
A request is made: for 9256 OMP CT
data is collected from the EV-DO RAN and sent to the 9256 OMP.
Files are imported onto the workstation requesting the data.
Metrics/Plots/Messages/Events are populated and saved in Projects.

2-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Data collection, analysis, and flow
9958 WTA software Overview

Figure 2-1 Call trace data analysis architecture for LTE

Figure 2-2 Call trace data analysis architecture for W-CDMA

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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Data collection, analysis, and flow
9958 WTA software Overview
Figure 2-3 Call trace data analysis architecture for CDMA

Figure 2-4 Call trace data analysis architecture for EV-DO

Data Flow
The following shows data flow information.
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Data collection, analysis, and flow
9958 WTA software Overview

Figure 2-5 Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software for LTE

Figure 2-6 Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software for W-CDMA

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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Data collection, analysis, and flow
9958 WTA software Overview
Figure 2-7 Data Flow within the 9958 WTA software for CDMA/EV-DO

9958 WTA capabilities

Via the 9958 WTA the user is able to:
Identify performance problem areas and aid in its resolution via troubleshooting
Remote connectivity to Network Elements for Call Trace data collection.
9958 WTA supports connectivity to 5620 SAM through http and to 5620 SAM
including AUX server using SFTP or Satellite Agent.
Remote SSH connectivity to 9471 MME to pull Call Trace files back to 9958
WTA for post-processing
Connectivity is supported using SFTP connectivity to 7750 SR-PGW and 7750
SR-SGW to pull Call Trace files back to 9958 WTA for post-processing

2-10 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus 9958 WTA capabilities
9958 WTA software Overview
WTA supports connectivity to 9353 WMS (NB) and SCMS (Small Cell) through
both SSH and http using SFTP to pull Call Trace files back to 9958 WTA for
WTA supports connectivity to 9256 OMP through both SSH and using SFTP to
pull Call Trace files back to 9958 WTA for post-processing.
9958 WTA correlates trace data and provides per call trace analysis.
Trace data is generated by the eNB, 9471 MME and PGW/SGW.
Analysis of eNB Call Traces from 5620 SAM.
Analysis of 9471 MME Call Traces.
Post-processing of PGW and SGW traces.
Trace data is generated by the NB and 9353 WMS
Analysis of NB Call Traces from 9370 RNC
Trace data is generated by the Small Cells
Analysis of Small Cell Call Traces from SCMS
Trace data is generated by the 9256 OMP
Analysis of Call Traces from CDMA RAN
Trace data is generated by the 9256 OMP
Analysis of Call Traces from EV-DO RAN
Support tracing multiple UE sessions at the same time.
Copy traces that match the category that is wanted for future reuse.
Analysis reports are available in the form of call flow diagrams and detailed message
Start/stop call traces on the 5620 SAM, 9471 MME, PGW, and SGW (LTE only).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-11
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Interfaces
9958 WTA software Overview

LTE Interfaces
The following LTE interfaces are supported: Also see: Appendix B, Network Diagrams
and Supported Interfaces
9471 MME:
eNB Interfaces available for Signaling Based Trace:
S1-MME (S1AP and NAS)
S6a (Diameter)
S11 (GTPv2C)
Uu eNodeB-MME
Note: The S13, Ga, Gn, Gy, RF and Sgs interfaces are for future use.
Gx (Diameter)
S5/S8 (STPv2C)
S5/S8 (GTPv2C)
S11 (GTPv2C)
Uu (RRC)
X2 (X2AP)
Rf = Gxc (Diameter)

Figure 2-8 LTE Supported Interfaces

2-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Interfaces
9958 WTA software Overview
W-CDMA Interfaces
The following W-CDMA interfaces are supported: Also see: Appendix B, Network
Diagrams and Supported Interfaces
9370 RNC:
Packet Network - lu-Ps (RANAP)
Circuit Network - lu-Cs (RANAP)
RNC - luB (NBAP)
Uu (RRC)
lu-Ps (RANAP)
Small Cell

Figure 2-9 W-CDMA Supported Interfaces

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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Interfaces
9958 WTA software Overview
CDMA Interfaces
The following CDMA interfaces are supported: Also see: Appendix B, Network
Diagrams and Supported Interfaces
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary:
WTA Required Input Format:
UXcptrace output file collected on OMP in text format.

Figure 2-10 CDMA Supported Interfaces

EV-DO Interfaces
The following EV-DO interfaces are supported: Also see: Appendix B, Network
Diagrams and Supported Interfaces
A13 (DO-RNC)

2-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Interfaces
9958 WTA software Overview
HAI (HDR Air Interface) (AT, SFM, OHM)
Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary (OHM-OHM & OHM-SFM & OHM-HCS &
WTA Required Input Format:
UXcptrace output file collected on OMP in text format.

Figure 2-11 EV-DO Supported Interfaces

Call Trace types

Call trace types
The following call trace types are supported:
9471 MME: and eNB Signaling call trace per IMSI
9471 MME Management based call trace per IMSI
PGW, Management based call trace per IMSI
SGW Management based call trace per IMSI
eNB Management based call trace: Cell Traffic Trace and Event Based Trace
eNB: Signaling based call trace initiated from 9471 MME per IMSI.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-15
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Call Trace types
9958 WTA software Overview
W-CDMA call trace session types

Call trace Maximum number of simultaneous traced

CTb 20/OAM
CTg 120/RNC
CTn 300/TMU
OT-Cell 250 cells

ATtrace output file collected on OMP
UXcptrace output file that has been processed by cpstory on OMP

Trace formats, Trace depth, and Trace Limits

Trace Format
9471 MME
proprietary format
3GP Standard XML format
Proprietary format
Text format
ATtrace output file collected on OMP
Text format
UXcptrace output file that has been processed by cpstory on OMP

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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Trace formats, Trace depth, and Trace Limits
9958 WTA software Overview
Trace Depth*
9471 MME
Min trace depth (signaling based trace)
Max trace depth (management based trace)
Note: * The trace depth is the 3GPP terminology that defines the level of detail
contained in a call trace file. There are 3 levels defined in the standards: minimum,
medium and maximum. The maximum trace depth would contain all the Information
Elements (IE) defined by the standards. (Refer to the 3GPP TS 32-422 Section 5.3 for
detailed description). PGW and SGW have only 2 levels: low and medium.

Trace Limits
The following limits are imposed:
9471 MME: Up to 40 simultaneous UEs per 9471 MME.
eNB: Up to 100 UEs with MAX call trace depth and 200 UEs with MIN call trace
PGW: 40 UE limit
SGW: 40 UE limit
Call trace limits on the NB and 9370 RNC

Call trace type Description Limit

CTa Core Network CT 7 Calls/TMU
CTb NodeB CT 20 Cells/OAM
CTg Geographic CT 120 Calls/RNC
CTn Neighboring CT 300 calls/TMU
CFT Call Failure Trace 60 Calls/TMU Min
OT-Cell Object trace CT 250 cells/OAM

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-17
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-1: Trace Implementation
9958 WTA software Overview

Procedure 2-1: Trace Implementation

The following will take place during Management Based Trace Implementation:
LTE has the possibility of two types of connectivity:
User facilitated connectivity to the 9471 MME, PGW, SGW, and 5620 SAM for
eNB call trace.
9958 WTA software provides connectivity to the 9471 MME, PGW, SGW, and
5620 SAM to facilitate Call Trace file transfer.
W-CDMA has one type of connectivity:
9958 WTA software provides connectivity to the SCMS, and 9353 WMS to
facilitate Call Trace file transfer.
CDMA\EV-DO has one type of connectivity:
9958 WTA software provides connectivity to the 9256 OMP to facilitate Call
Trace file transfer.
Call traces files are stored on the following:
9471 MME, PGW, SGW, and 5620 SAM
SCMS, or 9353 WMS
9256 OMP
Trace Reference correlates to:
IMSI for 9471 MME call trace
IMSI for 7750 SR-PGW call trace
IMSI for 7750 SR-PGW call trace
eNB number for eNB call trace

2-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-1: Trace Implementation
9958 WTA software Overview
The following will take place during a Signaling Based call trace implementation - LTE
only: :
There is the possibility of two types of connectivity:
User facilitated connectivity to the 9471 MME to start the signaling based call
trace as well as identify the 5620 SAM AUX server that will collect the eNB call
trace data.
9958 WTA software provides connectivity to the 9471 MME, and 5620 SAM
AUX server to facilitate Call Trace file transfer.
Trace Reference which correlates to the IMSI maintained across NEs for Signaling
Based Trace.
eNB receives signaling trace propagation command either from the 9471 MME or
from another eNB.
S1 message is used to propagate trace from 9471 MME to eNB.
X2 message is used to propagate trace from one eNB to another eNB.

Open the 9958 WTA software

After installing the software using the information in Chapter 1, Software Installation,
open the software using the instructions:

1 Click on Start

2 Click on Programs in the menu box.


3 Click on Alcatel-Lucent in the menu box.


4 Click on 9958 WTA in the menu box.


5 Click on the next 9958 WTA in the menu box.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-19
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Overview
9958 WTA Window View

9958 WTA Window View

This section shows the opening 9958 WTA window GUI and where to find the
information related to each section of the software.
The menu bar and tool bar are consistent with the functionality and look of Microsoft
Windows. The explorer tabs open specific explorer windows, which are discussed later in
this section.


Opening window 2-20

Opening window
Upon opening the software, the user is introduced to the software by the window
displayed in Figure 2-12, Initial application window (p. 2-21).

2-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Opening window
9958 WTA Window View

Figure 2-12 Initial application window

Note: W-CDMA, CDMA, and EV-DO initial application window does not contain the
Call Trace menu item.

Main menu references

For information on the main menu drop-down menu and icons, see: Main Menu
Overview (p. 2-22).
For information on studies see: Chapter 4, Projects and Studies.
For information on Available messages by study and Journals by study see Statistics
Explorer (p. 5-3).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-21
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Overview
Main Menu Overview

Main Menu Overview

This section gives a high level overview of the available menus. Where applicable, links
are provided for a more detailed information on functionality within the menus.


Main software menu 2-22

Main menu descriptions 2-24
Procedure 2-2: License Upgrade 2-41
Procedure 2-3: To un-install or return a license 2-43
Procedure 2-4: To add a new license 2-44

Main software menu

Many of the available menu items or icons are typical of any MS Windows software.
Upon opening the software, the following menu items are available:

2-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main software menu
Main Menu Overview

Figure 2-13 LTE Software menu

Figure 2-14 W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO Software menu

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-23
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview

Main menu descriptions

File - 1

Figure 2-15 File menu

File menu tag and icon descriptions (including call out letters from Figure 2-13, LTE
Software menu (p. 2-23) or Figure 2-14, W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO Software menu
(p. 2-23), if they exist.

Table 2-1 File menu tags

Manage Journals For ...:

Allows users to manage different journals
New Project: (a) loaded and rearrange the journals into studies
Create New Project See: Procedure 4-6: within the same project.
Create a project from previously downloaded
data (p. 4-13).

2-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Table 2-1 File menu tags (continued)

New Empty Project:

Creates a empty project without loading data.
Print: (d)
Print the content, if available.

Open: (b) Print Preview : (e)

Open an existing project. To see how the data will look before you print.
Page Setup:
Setup defaults for printing.
Add Data to <Project Name>:
Add data to an already opened project.
Note: this item will not be available until a
project has been opened.
Save <Project Name> : Cell Info:
(9). Icon is for save all. If multiple projects See: File menu Cell Info (p. 7-2)
are open, clicking on this item leads to a list of
currently open projects. Each project can be
saved separately OR, saved easily via clicking
on this icon. There is no comparable item in
the drop-down menu. This icon may be used to
save all projects at once.
alternative to File/Save: use Ctrl+S
Note: this item will not be available until a
project has been opened.
Save <Project Name> As ....: Recent Projects:
Save the current project under a different This menu item provides a list of the last 10
name. If multiple projects are open, clicking projects opened or created.
on this item leads to a list of currently open
Note: If a project can't be found (moved or
projects, each project may be saved separately
deleted), it will be removed from the list.
under a new name.
Note: this item will not be available until a
project has been opened.
Recent Projects provides a list of the last 10
projects opened or created. If a project can't be
found (moved or deleted), it will be removed
from the list.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-25
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Table 2-1 File menu tags (continued)

Close<Project Name>: Exit:

Close the current project. If multiple projects Closes the program. The user is prompted to
are open, clicking on this item leads to a list of save all open items.
currently open projects, each project may be
closed separately.
Note: this item will not be available until a
project has been opened.

Manage Files:
Allows users to manage large amounts of 9958
WTA data files. See: Manage Files (p. 3-6).

View - 2

Figure 2-16 View menu

Note: Within the user's software, the word Technology is replaced by the name of the
technology (i.e.: LTE, W-CDMA, etc.).

2-26 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
View menu tag and icon descriptions (including call out letters from Figure 2-13, LTE
Software menu (p. 2-23) or Figure 2-14, W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO Software menu
(p. 2-23), if they exist).

Table 2-2 View menu tag descriptions

Metric Explorer: See Using Metric Explorer

(p. 5-11)
Shows the Metric Explorer window. Synchronize:
See Synchronize Message Flow (p. 6-48).
Project Explorer: Map of Cells for ProjectX:
See Using Project Explorer (p. 5-22). Map of cells (p. 7-36)
Shows the Project Explorer window.

Projects: (8) This icon shows all currently

open projects. for more information see:
Procedure 4-4: View an open project
(p. 4-10).
Report Explorer: Lte Neighbor Tier Histogram for Project X:
See Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA) Clicking on this menu item creates a histogram
(p. 5-28). per project. If there is more than one project
Shows the Reports associated with Studies. open, the user is prompted to choose a project.
Tier histogram provides the users a general
view of how many neighbors belong to each
tier. There are 4 tiers from 0 (intra-cell
neighbors) to 4 (neighbors with furthest
distance). The x axis is the cell ID and is
sorted by descending order of the number of
tier 4 neighbors. The y axis is the number of
neighbors for each cell breaking down into
There is 1 neighbor tier histogram for each
Statistics Explorer:
See Statistics Explorer (p. 5-3)
Shows the Statistics Explorer window. Messages Explorer: (f)
See Message Explorer (p. 5-66).
Shows the Messages Explorer window for

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-27
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Table 2-2 View menu tag descriptions (continued)

Info Window: (9) Message Flow: (g)

Info See Info Window (p. 5-63). See Message Flow (p. 6-40).
Shows the Message Flow diagram for Studies.

View -2

Figure 2-17 View menu with mapping items

Note: Within the user's software, the word Technology is replaced by the name of the
technology (i.e.: LTE, W-CDMA, etc.).

2-28 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
View menu tag and icon descriptions (including call out letters from Figure 2-13, LTE
Software menu (p. 2-23) or Figure 2-14, W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO Software menu
(p. 2-23), if they exist)

Table 2-3 View menu with mapping tag descriptions

Metric Explorer:
See Using Metric Explorer (p. 5-11)
Shows the Metric Explorer window. Show Cell Info:
See: Map and cell menu (p. 7-9)
Project Explorer:
See Using Project Explorer (p. 5-22).
Shows the Project Explorer window. Show Graticule:
See: Map and cell menu (p. 7-9)

Projects: .
(8) This icon shows all currently open
projects. for more information see: Procedure
4-4: View an open project (p. 4-10)
Report Explorer: Map of Cells for ProjectX:
See Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA) Map of cells (p. 7-36)
(p. 5-28).
Shows the Reports associated with Studies.
Statistics Explorer: Technology
See Statistics Explorer (p. 5-3) Neighbor Tier Histogram for Project X:

Shows the Statistics Explorer window. Clicking on this menu item creates a histogram
per project. If there is more than one project
open, the user is prompted to choose a project.
Tier histogram provides the users a general
view of how many neighbors belong to each
tier. There are 4 tiers from 0 (intra-cell
neighbors) to 4 (neighbors with furthest
distance). The x axis is the cell ID and is
sorted by descending order of the number of
tier 4 neighbors. The y axis is the number of
neighbors for each cell breaking down into
There is 1 neighbor tier histogram for each
Note: Within the software, Technology is
replaced by the name of the technology.
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-29
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Table 2-3 View menu with mapping tag descriptions (continued)

Info Window: (9) Messages Explorer: (f)

Info See Info Window (p. 5-63). See Message Explorer (p. 5-66).
Shows the Messages Explorer window for

Synchronize: Message Flow: (g)

See Synchronize Message Flow (p. 6-48). See Message Flow (p. 6-40).
Shows the Message Flow diagram for Studies.

Edit Layers:
See: Map and cell menu (p. 7-9)

Call Trace - 3 LTE only

This menu allows Call Trace activation on 9471 MME, 5620 SAM, 7750 SR-PGW, and
7750 SR-SGW. The ability to use Call Trace requires a specific license to be activated.

Figure 2-18 Call Trace menu

2-30 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Call Trace menu tag explanation
View menu tag and icon descriptions (including call out letters from Figure 2-13, LTE
Software menu (p. 2-23), if they exist)

Table 2-4 Call Trace menu tag descriptions

Initiate Call Trace: Call Trace Status:

Displays a GUI allowing 9958 WTA to Clicking this menu choice displays the CT
connect to 9471 MME and/or 5620 SAM Status icon and opens the call trace log for
and/or PGW and/or SGW to start, stop, and view.
retrieve 3GPP Layer 3 signaling data for call Icon (10).
analysis. See:
See: Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status
See: Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation and stop a Call Trace (LTE) (p. 3-32)
(LTE) (p. 3-13).

Tools - 4 (LTE) or 3 (W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO)

Figure 2-19 Tools menu

Table 2-5 Tools menu tag descriptions

Launch SZip: Clear Cached Metrics:

SZip is an application that is used to compress User has the ability to clear metrics. See:
files and open compressed files in the zip or Clear Cached Metrics (p. 8-16)
.szip. See Launch SZip (p. 8-3).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-31
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Table 2-5 Tools menu tag descriptions (continued)

One Shot Decoder: Open Map Cache:

Decodes in detail some ASN1 messages. See This provides the users the ability to manage
One Shot Decoder (p. 8-11). (delete) these files since they can be very
large. See: Open Map Cache (p. 8-17)
X-Y Scatter Plot: Info:
See X-Y Scatter Plot (p. 6-73) Generate Lists of information.
See: Metric, message, and event information
(p. 8-19)
X-Y Scatter Termplates: Options:
See X-Y Scatter Plot Template (p. 8-15) User can set the options for 9958 WTA. See
Options (p. 8-22).

Play - 5 (LTE) or 4 (W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO)

Play feature provides the user with an automated way of playing the data around the
timestamp of interest.

Figure 2-20 Play menu

Table 2-6 Play menu tag descriptions

Go To Timestamp: Play:
Go to a timestamp in "playable" data view. Play the playable data view.
Move to First: Move to Next:
Move to previous timestamp in "playable"
data view.

2-32 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Table 2-6 Play menu tag descriptions (continued)

Move to Previous: Move to last:

Move to previous timestamp in "playable" Move to last timestamp in "playable" data
data view view.
Pause: Speed:
Pause the play. Controls the speed of play.

Window - 6 (LTE) or 5 (W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO)

These items are not discussed in detail anywhere else within this document.

Figure 2-21 Window menu

The Window menu provides multiple ways to arrange views and select open views.
Default View: All views are combined in a single tab group. See Default Window
layout (p. 2-34)
See New Horizontal Tab Group (New Horizontal Tab Group (p. 2-35)).
See New Vertical Tab Group (New Vertical Tab Group: (p. 2-36)).
Close All Tabs: Close all tabs in the view window.
Reset Window Layout: Resets positions of the tabbed/dockable windows and makes
them visible. These are the windows for Metrics, Statistics, and Reports.
Opened Views: List of opened views. Clicking on a view will make the view active.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-33
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Window similar to the following is displayed.

Figure 2-22 Example of a single Tab Group with multiple (3) tabs.

Window menu tag explanation

Each menu listed separately.
Default Window layout
Window similar to the following is displayed.

2-34 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Clicking on the Close item closes the open tab. All other choices are grayed out.
New Horizontal Tab Group
Allows the user to organize views into tab groups and stacks them on top of each other.
Window similar to the following is displayed.

To move a view to a new Horizontal Tab Group complete one of the following:
Select the view to make it active

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-35
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
From the menu-> Window-> New Horizontal Tab Group. OR
Right mouse click on the view tab and choose New Horizontal Tab Group.
By default each view created will belong to the active tab group.
An existing view can also be dragged to a different group.
To move a view to another tab group see Moving Views between Tab Groups (p. 2-37).
New Vertical Tab Group:
The New Vertical Tab Group allows the user to organize views into tab groups and aligns
them side by side.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

To move a view to a new Vertical Tab Group do one of the following:

Select the view to make it active and then from
the menu-> Window-> New Vertical Tab Group. OR
Right mouse click on the view tab and choose New Vertical Tab Group.
Close all tabs:
Close all open tabs in the view window.

2-36 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Reset Window Layout:
Resets positions of the tabbed/dockable windows and makes them visible. These are the
windows for Metrics, Statistics, and Reports.
Moving Views between Tab Groups
Example: Below is an example of four view. Each view is in its own tab group. Two
Vertical Tag Groups and two Horizontal Tag Groups.
Tab Groups lets the user organize views into tab groups and aligns them either:
side by side (Vertical Tab Group) or
stacked (Horizontal Tab Group).
to be moved a view to a new Vertical Tab Group see New Vertical Tab Group:
(p. 2-36).
to be moved a view to a new Horizontal Tab Group see Horizontal Tab Group. See
New Horizontal Tab Group (p. 2-35)
Moving Views to Different Tab Groups
1. Right mouse click on a view's tab.
2. Chose one of the following:
Move Previous: Move selected view to the previous Tab Group.
Move next: Move selected view to the next Tab Group.
Close: Close view.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-37
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Example: Views and Tab Groups

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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Help - 7 (LTE) or 6 (W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO)

Figure 2-23 Help menu

Table 2-7 Help menu tag explanation

Displays a typical MS Windows HELP Index containing 9958 WTA information. (Uses the same
menus as Search).
Displays the HELP search engine used to find information regarding 9958 WTA. (Uses the same
menus as Index).
Frequently asked questions and answers.
Update/Upgrade License:
Displays informational box requesting the Activation ID. This allows the user to
Update/Upgrade a license from within the WTA software.
About 9958 WTA
Displays a typical MS Windows based Aboutwindow showing 9958 WTA software information.

Update/Upgrade License
Certain functions require a license.
The following license options are available:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-39
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Main menu descriptions
Main Menu Overview
Note: LTE can be with or without call trace activation
For more information regarding license availability contact your Alcatel-Lucent Account

2-40 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-2: License Upgrade
Main Menu Overview

Procedure 2-2: License Upgrade


1 Navigate to the Menu-> Help-> Update/Upgrade License.


2 Click the Update/Upgrade License item.

Result: A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


3 Click on the Update/Upgrade button.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-41
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-2: License Upgrade
Main Menu Overview
Result: A window similar to below is displayed.


4 Enter the Activation ID information provided by Alcatel-Lucent.


5 Click on the OK button.

Result: Upgrade/update procedure is finalized.

2-42 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-3: To un-install or return a license
Main Menu Overview

Procedure 2-3: To un-install or return a license


1 Navigate to the Start->(All) Programs->Alcatel-Lucent-> SMA

Result: A window similar to the following is displayed technology listed may be


2 Select the license to be returned.


3 Click the Return License button.

Result: Procedure is finalized and license is returned.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-43
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-4: To add a new license
Main Menu Overview

Procedure 2-4: To add a new license


1 Navigate to the Start->All Programs->Alcatel-Lucent-> SMA

Result: A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


2 Click on File
Result: The following menu item is displayed.

2-44 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-4: To add a new license
Main Menu Overview

3 Choose Acquire License.

Result: The following window is displayed


4 Enter the new Activation ID provided by Alcatel-Lucent.


5 Click OK
Result: Procedure is finalized and the new license has been acquired.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 2-45
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9958 WTA Software Overview and Navigation Menus Procedure 2-4: To add a new license


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3 Data Collection

This chapter provides the user an insight into the collection of and downloading of data,
viewing the Local Host and Remote connection. When files are opened, the software tries
to determine if the Journals are associated. If not, a new Study is created for that
particular Journal. A new Study is created for each Mobile/UE.


Data Flow 3-2

Manage Files 3-6
Local Host 3-7
Connect to remote Network Elements 3-12
Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE) 3-13
Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE) 3-32
Remote Network Connections 3-33
Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element using SSH 3-34
Procedure 3-4: Connect to the Remote Network Element using Secure File 3-39
Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
Procedure 3-5: Connect to the Remote Network Element using HTTP (LTE) 3-42
Procedure 3-6: Filter data while connecting to the Network Element (LTE: 3-44
MME only)
Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network Element (LTE) 3-46
Procedure 3-8: Download data files to the workstation 3-49
Procedure 3-9: Add data to an existing project 3-51
Procedure 3-10: Refresh files and directories 3-53

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Data Flow


Data Flow
The following is a visual of the LTE data flow architecture.

Figure 3-1 WTA LTE data flow (Metric Filtering)

3-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Data Flow

The following is a visual of the W-CDMA data flow architecture.

Figure 3-2 WTA W-CDMA data flow (Metric Filtering)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-3
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Data Flow

The following is a visual of the CDMA/EV-DO data flow architecture.

Figure 3-3 WTA CDMA/EV-DO data flow (Metric Filtering)

Metric Parameters
Figure 3-4, Data flow example (Metric Filtering) (p. 3-5) represents an example of data
flow and how metric calculations and filtering affect visual output: grid, map , scatter
plots, Histogram (not available for CDMA/EV-DO).

3-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Data Collection Data Flow


Figure 3-4 Data flow example (Metric Filtering)

Filter description
kb%: Keep By Percent (Scatter Plot, Histogram)
FB: Filter By Percent (Scatter Plot, Histogram)
Column: (Grid)
Note: The order for the filters "Keep By" and the "Filter By" can be changed by the
user. The Parameter filter is always last.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-5
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Manage Files


Manage Files
The Manage Files dialog gives the user greater control over the data being imported into a
Allows users to manage large amounts of 9958 WTA data files.
Provides ways of filtering and selecting multiple files.
Lists and shows content of existing projects.
Showing the content allows the user the ability to decide if the data should be
added to an existing project or used to create a new one.
Allows the removal of existing journals from projects.
Open the Manage Files dialog by clicking on File-> Manage Files.

Manage Files screen information and views

Figure 3-5 Opening Manage file menu

3-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Manage Files

The Manage Files dialog box has 2 tabs:
Local Host
Used to work with files already existing on the workstation.
Remote Network Element
used to download W-CDMA data from the 9353 WMS/SCMS
used to download LTE data from
7750 SR-SGW
7750 SR-PGW
9471 MME
5620 SAM including AUX server
used to download CDMA\EV-DO data from the 9256 OMP

Local Host
When the Manage Files menu item is selected, a dialog box is opened (see Figure 3-6,
Manage Files dialog window (p. 3-8)). The dialog is divided into two sections. The top
section is for loading files. The bottom section is for managing the project details.
The Local Host is used when all data already exists on the local workstation and no data
collection is needed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-7
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Local Host

Figure 3-6 Manage Files dialog window

Viewing the panes See Figure 3-6, Manage Files dialog window (p. 3-8):
A: Swap panes. Moves the top pane to the bottom and the bottom pane to the top.
Splits the two panes vertically
Splits the two panes horizontally
Collapses the pane so that only one pane is visible at time. Both tabs will be at
the bottom.
Table 3-1 Local Host Panel Menu/Icon definition

File Loading Grid

Select: File path.
Used to select or deselect files.

File name: Archive name:

Name of the 9958 WTA file. Name of the archive in which the file (File
Name) can be located.
File loading buttons

3-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Local Host

Table 3-1 Local Host Panel Menu/Icon definition (continued)

Add Files: Choose Columns:

Opens an Explore window for locating data Shows a list of columns that will be shown in
files. the grid for later use.

Add Folder: Save Settings:

Opens a Choose Folder dialog for locating Saves the Choose Columns selection in the
folders. Contents of the folder will be loaded grid for the next session.

Add Folders Recursively Select All:

Adds all of the files in a folder including all of Selects all the rows.
the files in existing sub folders. The process
continues until all the files within the folder
and subfolders are added.

Unselect Alll
Unselects all the rows.

Add to Project:
This menu item will add selected files (files
that are checked) to an existing project or to a
new project (Create New Project...).

Scan files: Swap panes: See A in Figure 3-6, Manage

Scans the selected files (Select Column in the Files dialog window (p. 3-8)
grid) to findFigure 3-6, Manage Files dialog Moves the top pane to the bottom and the
window (p. 3-8) IMSI, etc. on which to filter. bottom pane to the top.
Found between the top and bottom panes.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-9
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Local Host

Table 3-1 Local Host Panel Menu/Icon definition (continued)

Auto Scan: Vertical split, horizontal split, collapse all.

When Auto Scan is turned on, all files are See B in Figure 3-6, Manage Files dialog
automatically scanned when loaded. window (p. 3-8)
Vertical split: changes the view to a side by
side view.
horizontal split (default): changes the Vertical
split back to a horizontal view.
collapse all: closes one of the views so only
one is showing on screen. See icons in bottom
right to restore to previous view.

Removes selected files from the Manage Files
Project grid only

Trace Session Reference:

Selected: Reference number for the call trace session.
Used to select or deselect files associated with
a project. To save the existing state, click the
Save button.

Trace Record Session Reference:

Project : Record reference number for the call trace
Name of the current project. session.

Study: IMSI: International Mobile Subscription

Name of the study. Identifier.

File Name: NE ID: Network ID

name of the file. Note: not shown in Figure 3-6, Manage Files
dialog window (p. 3-8)

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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Local Host

Table 3-1 Local Host Panel Menu/Icon definition (continued)

Start Time: Type: Type of journal.

Start time of this study. Note: not shown in Figure 3-6, Manage Files
dialog window (p. 3-8)

End Time: End time of this study.

Note: not shown in graphic
Project details

Select Projects: Save Settings:

Shows or hides the project and associated files. Saves the "Choose Columns" selection in the

Open window. Select All:

Opens Windows Explorer for loading existing Selects all the rows.

Delete: Unselect All

Removes a file(s) from the Manage Files Deselects all the rows.

Choose Columns: Create Derived Project

Shows a list of columns that will be shown in
the grid.

Note: To create a new project from within the Local Network window see: Procedure
4-3: Create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window (p. 4-9)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-11
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Connect to remote Network Elements


Connect to remote Network Elements

Remote network connections
There are 2 ways to collect data via a remote Network Elements:
1. Initiate a Call Trace: to do this you must have a specific license. If a license has not
been purchased, these menu items will not be available. See Procedure 3-1: Call
Trace initiation (LTE) (p. 3-13).
2. Remote Network Secure Shell (SSH), Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), or
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) connection. See Remote Network
Connections (p. 3-33),

3-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)


Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Via this menu, a Call Trace can be activated on the host 9471 MMEs, 5620 SAM, 7750
SR-PGW, and 7750 SR-SGW.
To initiate a call trace, check the status of a current trace or to stop the call trace use the
procedure below.
Note: There is a special license associated with this feature. Without this license, you
will not have the ability to use this part of the software.

Procedure for Call Trace Initiation

Procedure for 9471 MME.

1 From the menu bar, click on Call Trace.


2 Initiate Call Trace :

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-13
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Clicking on this menu item displays the following window:


3 For Call Trace initiation information, see the following items:

MME: see Table 3-2, Initiate Call trace via MME (p. 3-15)
SGW: see: Table 3-3, Initiate Call trace via SGW (p. 3-16)
PGW: see Table 3-4, Initiate Call trace via PGW (p. 3-18)
SAM: see Call Trace procedure for SAM (p. 3-21)

3-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

To initiate a 9471 MME call trace, click on the MME tab and complete the following

Table 3-2 Initiate Call trace via MME

Host Name: eNodeB (Signaling Based Trace)

The IP address of the 9471 MME. : Checking this box activates the ability to
access the items in the box below. Complete
one of the items along with a password:
OAM IP Address: IP address used by
WTA to retrieve Call Trace files from
RAN IP Address: IP address used by
eNodeB to send Call Trace information to
SAM client user name:
Note: SAM-AUX credentials are only
requested if HTTP(s) is not configured for
WTA to retrieve eNodeB CT files from
SAM-AUX server using HTTP (s) and SAM
client User Name credentials
User name: Save To:
User name for the 9471 MME. Data files are downloaded and saved to this
Target IMSI (space separated): (space Automatically download all call trace files:
separated) (default checked)
Each IMSI has to be a 15 digit numeric value. Initiates the call trace and downloads the Call
Trace log files to the Save To directory.
Interface Type: Automatically process after data download:
All is selected by default. (default-checked)
Downloads the Call Trace log files to the
Save To directory and processes the data.
Automatically loads the data to Message View
and Message Flow.
IMSI (s) Status: The empty section at the bottom shows the
Clicking on this button connects to the MME status while initiating the call trace.
(entered in the MME tab, the Host Name and
user name are mandatory fields for this button
to work) and displays the status of all IMSI's
Call traces (Started or pending).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-15
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

To initiate a 7750 SR-SGW call trace, click on the SGW tab, and complete the following

Table 3-3 Initiate Call trace via SGW

Host Name: MSISDN :

the IP address of the 7750 SR-SGW network Space separated MSISDN list. 2
User name: IMEI:
User name for the 7750 SR-SGW network Space separated IMEI list.
Note: Within the WTA login setups, the
information should have the debug trace being
sent to the Home directory.
The commands that are supported by WTA
login are show debug, show log log-id,
show log file-id, file dir, and pwd.

3-16 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Table 3-3 Initiate Call trace via SGW (continued)

Password: Log file path:

Password for the 7750 SR-SGW network Directory path where log file exists.
server. Note: Path for SGW will display /log and
cannot be modified.
Equipment ID: Save To:
Equipment ID (Default is 1). Data files are downloaded and saved to this
Debug Depth: Automatically download all call trace files:
Debug Depth. (default Checked)
Initiates the call trace and downloads the Call
Trace log files to the Save To directory.
Interface Type: Automatically process after data download:
List of Select/Deselect Interface Type, default (default Checked)
All is selected. Downloads the Call Trace log files to the
Save To directory and process the data and
loads the data to Message View and Message
IMSI: The empty section at bottom shows the call
Space separated IMSI list. 1 trace status while initiating the call trace.

NOTE: only one of these items is required:


1. The IMEI is restricted to future GW release. This applies only to 7750 SR-SGW.
2. The MSISDN is restricted to future GW release. This applies to both 7750 SR-PGW and
7750 SR-SGW.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-17
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

To initiate a 7750 SR-PGW call trace, click on the PGW tab, and complete the following

Table 3-4 Initiate Call trace via PGW

Host Name: Target IMSI :

The IP address of the 7750 SR-PGW network Space separated IMSI list. 1
User name: MSISDN:
User name for the 7750 SR-PGW network Space separated MSISDN list. 2
Note: Within the WTA login setups, the
information should have the debug trace being
sent to the Home directory.
The commands that are supported by WTA
login are show debug, show log log-id,
show log file-id, file dir, and pwd.

3-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Table 3-4 Initiate Call trace via PGW (continued)

Password: Log file path:

Password for the 7750 SR-PGW network Directory path where log file exists.
element. Note: Path for PGW will display /log and
cannot be modified.
Equipment ID: Save To:
Equipment ID (Default is 1). data files are downloaded and saved to this
Debug Depth: Automatically download all call trace files:
Debug Depth. (default checked)
Initiates the call trace and downloads the Call
Trace log files to the Save To directory.
Interface Type: Automatically process after data download:
List of Select/Deselect Interface Type, default (default checked)
All is selected. Downloads the Call Trace log files to the
Save To directory and process the data and
loads the data to Message View and Message
Access Point Name: The empty section at bottom shows the call
Access Point Name trace status while initiating the call trace.

1. The IMEI is restricted to future GW release. This applies only to 7750 SR-SGW.
2. The MSISDN is restricted to future GW release. This applies to both 7750 SR-PGW and
7750 SR-SGW.


4 Accepted and initiated call trace

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-19
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

EXAMPLE: The example below is for 9471 MME (information is similar for the 7750
SR-SGW, and 7750 SR-PGW):


5 If the information in step 3 was entered correctly, a connection will take place. The Call
Trace initiation window will open and then close.
The CT Status icon located on the menu bar is now activated .
Note: The trace will continue to run until it is manually stopped or the default Stop
Call Trace Interval (in hours) has been reached (see: Call Trace Activation (p. 8-27).
The status of all the traces initiated from the status window can be viewed via the CT
status. See Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE)
(p. 3-32)

3-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Call Trace procedure for SAM

1 From the menu bar, click on Call Trace.


2 Initiate Call Trace :

Clicking on this menu item displays a window similar to the following:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-21
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)


3 To initiate a 5620 SAM (eNB) call trace, click on the SAM tab.


4 Complete the following:

SAM Host IP Address....:

the name or IP address of 5620 SAM server.
User name:
User name for the 5620 SAM server.
User name password for the 5620 SAM server.


5 Click the connect button.

3-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Result: The available eNodeB(s) are populated into the Select eNodeB(s) section
Note: if there are no eNodeB(s), a pop-up will be displayed stating that there are
no eNodeB(s) available.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-23
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

The following items are available:

Select eNodeB(s): list of available Save To:

eNodeB(s). data files are downloaded and saved to this
Selecting the eNodeB(s) moves it to the next directory.
Selected eNodeB(s): Automatically download all call trace files :
list of selected eNodeB(s) (from Select (default checked)
eNodeB(s) window). Initiates the call trace and downloads the
Call Trace log files to the Save To directory.
SAM Call Trace Status Automatically process after data download:
This button retrieves the current Call Trace (default checked):
Status from 5620 SAM for the eNB. This Downloads the Call Trace log files to the
status indicates if Call Trace is currently Save To directory and process the data and
active. If Call Trace is currently active, WTA loads the data to Message View and
will be unable to activate Call Trace. Message Flow.
Trace Parameters: The empty section at bottom shows the call
Once the eNodeB(s) have been moved to the trace status while initiating the call trace.
right column, Trace Parameters becomes


6 Select and move the desired eNodeB(s) from the list of available eNBs to the Selected

3-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Result: A screen similar to the following is displayed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-25
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Note: To remove the eNodeB(s) from the Selected eNodeB(s) section, click the
boxes in front of the eNodeB(s) and click the left arrow.


7 Click on the Trace Parameters button.

3-26 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

Result: The interface trace parameters are displayed.
Review the information making corrections, if necessary.

Note: From this screen, the user has the choice to return to the eNodeB Selection
or Start Call Trace.

8 From the Trace Parameter window, initiate the Call Trace by clicking the Start Call Trace

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-27
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

By default, the first HTTP is associated using the SAM login credentials to connect to the
SAM-AUX. If the HTTPs are configured, go to Step 10.
Result: A screen similar to the following will only display if HTTPs are not

3-28 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)


9 In the Authenticate with Credentials section, enter the User Name and Password required
or enter the network path for a mapped AUX Server drive. Click enter on your

Result: The Poll for Traces(s) button is enabled.


10 Click on the Poll for Trace(s) button.


11 If the information was entered correctly, a connection will take place. The Initiate Call
Trace window will close.
The CT Status icon located beside Projects/Info on the menu bar is now activated
Note: If the CT Status icon appears and then disappears, the credentials entered were
incorrect. The trace will be stopped and a comment will be written to the WTA log.
Note: An active trace will continue to run until it is manually stopped or the default
Stop Call Trace Interval (in hours) has been reached (see: Call Trace Activation
(p. 8-27).
The status of all the traces initiated from the status window. See Procedure 3-2: Check
Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace (LTE) (p. 3-32)

Call Trace Timer expiration

The Call Trace Status window displays the Expiration time noting when the Call Trace
will be disabled.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-29
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)


Several minutes prior to the expiration time a notice is received stating that the Below
Call Trace(s) will expire soon!
Note: Amount of time prior to expiration is based upon the setting in
Tools/Options/Application/Call Trace Activation.

Options available:
Dismiss All
Extend: Extend Call Trace expire time (Hours):
Snooze: This is done per call trace session in the reminder window. Snoozing time is
1 minute (1 minute snooze time cannot be changed in the options).
Note: If the call traces is being connected through MME, call trace extension is not
The Call Trace Expiration Reminder option may be edited in the Tools/Options/
Application/Call Trace Activation.

3-30 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)

CT trace expiration in Green. Length of Call Trace in red.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-31
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace

Procedure 3-2: Check Call Trace status and stop a Call Trace
As a call trace runs, the status can be viewed. See procedure below.


1 When a Call Trace is running, the CT Status icon is active below the tool bar.
Note: The Call Trace Status can also be accessed through the Call Status menu/Show
Call Trace Status.


2 Click on this icon.

Result: A CT Status window is displayed.

Table 3-5 CT Status icons

Stop button: Stop All Traces button:

Stops the trace for that IMSI. Stops all the Call Traces running.
Status Log Button: Initiate button:
Shows the log in a status window. Shows the Call Trace initiation dialog box.

Call Trace States

Green - Initiated
Red - Disconnected
Yellow- Error


3-32 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Remote Network Connections


Remote Network Connections

The Remote Network tab permits the user to review the call traces that were created from
the SCMS or 9353 WMS (W-CDMA), 9471 MME, PGW, SGW, and/or eNB
(downloaded from 5620 SAM) (LTE) and/or 9256 OMP (CDMA\EV-DO). The request
for the download of the already created call trace files takes place through this tab.
The remote Network Element configuration allows the workstation to connect to a remote
Network Element, review, filter, add data to new or existing projects, and download data.
Remote connection can be made in 3 ways:
Secure Shell (SSH)
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) (LTE only)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-33
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using SSH

Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element using

To download data to the workstation, a remote network connection must be made.
Use the following procedure to make the remote Network Element connection via the

1 From the File->Manage File window, click on the remote Network Element tab.

Result: The Network Element informational screen is displayed.


2 Click on the SSH tab. (should be the default)


3 The information must be completed accurately for the connection to take place. For input
information see:
Figure 3-7, W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH remote Network Element request screen
(p. 3-35) and Table 3-6, Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH Network
request screen (p. 3-35) (W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO)

3-34 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using SSH
Figure 3-8, LTE SSH remote Network Element request screen (p. 3-36) and Table 3-7,
Input parameters for LTE SSH Network request screen (p. 3-36) (LTE)

Figure 3-7 W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH remote Network Element request screen

Table 3-6 Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH Network request


Host Name: NE Type:

IP Address or name of the network element to Network Element Type.
connect to.
Authentication Mode: Use:
Use Predefined Credentials The type of custom authentication.
Not available for 9353 WMS or SCMS
Use Custom Credentials.
Default for 9353 WMS or SCMS.
User Name: Password:
Login name for the network element Needs to be provided if using user name and
sometimes with the key file.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-35
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using SSH
Table 3-6 Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SSH Network request
screen (continued)

Key File:
a file with the login credentials:
Authentication mode to: Use Custom
Credentials (login/password).
To use, set the following: Use: Private Key

Figure 3-8 LTE SSH remote Network Element request screen

Table 3-7 Input parameters for LTE SSH Network request screen

Host Name: Key File

IP Address or name of the network element to : a file with the login credentials:
connect to. Authentication mode to: Use Custom
Credentials (login/password).
To use, set the following: Use: Private Key

3-36 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using SSH
Table 3-7 Input parameters for LTE SSH Network request screen (continued)

Authentication Mode: NE Type:

Options only available for MME: Network Element Type (MME, PGW, SGW,
Use Predefined Credentials SAM).
Use Custom Credentials .
User Name: Use:
Login name for the network element The type of custom authentication.
Path: Password:
this is the path to where the log files are to be Needs to be provided if using user name and
stored. sometimes with the key file. (Not available for
Note: If the NE is PGW or SGW, the path will MME).
display /log and cannot be modified.


4 To filter while connecting to the Network Element, see: Procedure 3-6: Filter data while
connecting to the Network Element (LTE: MME only) (p. 3-44) (LTE only).

5 Click OK to connect to the NE.


6 Once connected, choose the information to be downloaded.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-37
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using SSH
Note: If there is no call trace information available to process, a pop-up similar to the
information below will display.


3-38 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-4: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

Procedure 3-4: Connect to the Remote Network Element using

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
To download data to the workstation, a remote network connection must be made.
Follow the procedure below to make the remote Network Element connection via the

1 From the Manage File window, click on the remote Network Element tab.

Result: The Network Element informational screen is displayed Figure 3-9,

W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP remote Network Element request screen (p. 3-40)

2 Click on the SFTP tab.


3 The information must be completed accurately for the connection to take place. For input
information see:
Figure 3-9, W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP remote Network Element request screen
(p. 3-40) and Table 3-8, Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP Network
request screen (p. 3-40)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-39
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-4: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
Figure 3-10, LTE SFTP remote Network Element request screen (p. 3-41) and Table
3-9, Input parameters for LTE SFTP Network request screen (p. 3-41)

Figure 3-9 W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP remote Network Element request screen

Table 3-8 Input parameters for W-CDMA\CDMA\EV-DO SFTP Network request


Host Name: User Name:

IP Address or name of the network element to Login name for the network element
connect and download from.
NE Type: Password:
Network Element Type: OMP/WMS/SCMS. Needs to be provided.

3-40 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-4: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

Figure 3-10 LTE SFTP remote Network Element request screen

Table 3-9 Input parameters for LTE SFTP Network request screen

Host Name: User Name:

IP Address or name of the network element to Login name for the network element.
connect and download from.
NE Type: Password:
Network Element Type (MME, PGW, SGW, Needs to be provided if using user name and
SAM). if connecting to SAM, always use sometimes with the key file.
auxiliary SAM IP address.


4 Filtering while connecting to the Network Element. See: Procedure 3-6: Filter data while
connecting to the Network Element (LTE: MME only) (p. 3-44) (LTE).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-41
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-5: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using HTTP (LTE)

Procedure 3-5: Connect to the Remote Network Element using

To download LTE data to the workstation via HTTP, a remote network connection must
be made.
Follow the procedure below to make the remote Network Element connection via the

1 From the Manage File window, click on the remote Network Element tab.

Result: The Network Element informational screen is displayed.


2 Click on the HTTP tab. (should be the default)


3 The information must be completed accurately for the connection to take place. For input
information see:
Figure 3-11, LTE HTTP remote Network Element request screen (p. 3-43)

3-42 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-5: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using HTTP (LTE)
Table 3-10, Input parameters for HTTP (LTE) Network request screen (p. 3-43)

Figure 3-11 LTE HTTP remote Network Element request screen

Table 3-10 Input parameters for HTTP (LTE) Network request screen

AUX Server Name: Path:

IP Address or name of the network element to This is the path to the SAM AUX call trace
connect to. files directory.
SAM User Name: NE Type:
Login name for the network element. Network Element Type (SAM).
SAM Password: Needs to be provided if User
Name is used.


4 Click OK to connect to the NE.


5 Once connected, choose the information to be downloaded.

If there is no call trace information available to process, none will be displayed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-43
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-6: Filter data while connecting to the Network
Element (LTE: MME only)

Procedure 3-6: Filter data while connecting to the Network

Element (LTE: MME only)
For MME ONLY: A data filter may be created at the time the user is connecting to the
Network Element. This procedure is based on the lower part of Figure 3-12, Network
Element filters (p. 3-44).

Figure 3-12 Network Element filters

Filtering while connected to the Network Element information is part of the NE screen.

1 Complete the information based upon Table 3-11, Filter via the NE (p. 3-44)

Table 3-11 Filter via the NE

Name Contains: Begin/End Date:

Filter the list of data files by File Name. Filter the list of data files by date.

3-44 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-6: Filter data while connecting to the Network
Element (LTE: MME only)
Table 3-11 Filter via the NE (continued)

Content Contains:
Filter the list of data files by file content.

Table 3-12 Filter execution commands

Load button: Save button:

Load configuration information for connecting Save configurations for future use. These files
to Network Elements, including the host name, can be shared with other users.
authentication type, user name, NE type.


2 Click OK to connect to the 9471 MME.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-45
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network
Element (LTE)

Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network

Element (LTE)
Data being downloaded to the workstation can be filtered in many ways. The following
show the various ways to filter the Journal information to contain exactly what is desired.
The user may filter the information that is being collected by various criteria for filter
values (see Table 3-13, Network Element filters. (p. 3-47) for complete details of
information to be completed.
Connect to the NE as shown in Procedure 3-3: Connect to the Remote Network Element
using SSH (p. 3-34)then follow the procedure below.

To filter information being downloaded within the Manage Files window, follow this

3-46 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network
Element (LTE)
From the Manage File menu:

1 Click on the green down arrow (filter) icon in the Network Element (NE) side of the

Result: The filtering menu is displayed.


2 Using the information in the following tables, complete the bottom section of the
Network Element tab to filter the data being collected.
Filter the list of data files retrieved by:

Table 3-13 Network Element filters.

Name Contains: Content Contains:

This option is used to find file names that This option finds files that contain the string
contain the string entered by the user in this entered by the user in this box. The function is
box. similar to what a user would expect to get
using a grep function.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-47
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network
Element (LTE)

Table 3-14 Filter execution commands

Load button: Save button:

Load configuration information for connecting Save configurations for future use. These files
to Network Elements, including the host name, can be shared with other users.
authentication type, user name, NE type.


3 Complete the filter details based upon your criteria. See: Figure 3-12, Network Element
filters (p. 3-44).

4 Click Apply.
To filter information within a project, see: Filters (p. 6-12) and Non-Grid
Filtering (p. 6-26).

3-48 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-8: Download data files to the workstation


Procedure 3-8: Download data files to the workstation

To download the data retrieved from the Network Element (NE) to the local workstation,
use the information below.

Data files
Once the credentials are accepted and filters (if any) are in place, the list of files on the
Network Element is viewed within the remote element tab on the 9958 WTA screen.

Figure 3-13 Downloaded .log files .

Note: A new Remote Network Element tab has been created. Another connection can
be made.
Once the credentials are accepted and filters (if any) are in place, the data on the Network
Element is viewed within the remote element tab on the 9958 WTA screen.


1 On the Network Element side of the screen (left), click in the box located beside the file
that you wish to download to your local workstations hard drive.
Note: Multiple files may be downloaded at one time.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-49
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-8: Download data files to the workstation


2 On the workstations hard drive side of the screen (right), choose the directory in which
the data file should be placed.


3 Click on the Download File(s) button.

Result: Download complete.

3-50 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-9: Add data to an existing project


Procedure 3-9: Add data to an existing project

To add the data retrieved from the Network Element (NE) to an existing project, use the
information below.
Once the credentials are accepted and filters (if any) are in place, the data on the Network
Element is viewed within the remote element tab on the 9958 WTA screen.

Note: Each UE file is given a unique identifier.

Note: A new Remote Network Element tab has been created. Another connection can
be made.


1 On the Network Element side of the screen (left), click in the box located beside the file
that you wish to download to your local workstations hard drive.
Note: Multiple files may be downloaded at a time.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-51
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-9: Add data to an existing project


2 Click on the menu item for Add to Project.

Result: A menu opens providing a list of currently open projects or the option to
Create New Project.


3 Choose the option.

Result: The data is added to existing project or a new project is created.

3-52 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-10: Refresh files and directories


Procedure 3-10: Refresh files and directories

Periodically the user may wish to check for new files on the Network Element.
There are two ways to refresh the files downloaded to your workstation.


Manual refresh Auto Scan

To manually check for new files, click on the The Auto Refresh button will check for new
manual refresh button. files on the Network Element at a given time
interval. The default is 60 seconds.
To change the default: Tools->Options-
>Default->Application->Call Trace
Activation->Polling interval in seconds.

Then follow step A or B:

Network Element:
Manually refresh the Network Element file
browser by clicking the
Files in Network Element button.
Local Machine:
Manually refresh the local machine, click the
Files in Local Machine button.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 3-53
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Data Collection Procedure 3-10: Refresh files and directories

Click the Files in Local Machine button.


2 Choose the button for the action being requested.

Result: The window is refreshed and the new files should be seen.

3-54 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
4 Projects and Studies

This chapter provides information for processing and creating projects from the call trace
What are projects and studies?
When a call trace is requested, the data is captured and stored in call trace files on the
9471 MME, PGW, SGW, or 5620 SAM including AUX server (LTE)
9353 WMS or SCMS (W-CDMA)
The scope of a project is defined by the user. It is typically made up of one or more
studies. Each data log contains one project.
Each study or logical grouping includes data from the physical call trace files that are
combined using the user selected combination method.
The combination method would be one of the following:
Combine by Trace Session Reference Number:
Correlates to eNB (LTE) or NB (W-CDMA) for Management Based Cell Traffic
Trace or Event Based Trace.
Correlates to IMSI for Management Based Call Trace on 9471 MME, PGW, or
Same Session Trace Reference across NEs.
Same Trace Session Reference across NEs:
Combine by Session Recording Reference Number.
Correlates to a UE for Cell Traffic Trace or Event Based Trace.
Correlates to an IMSI for Call Trace on 9471 MME, PGW, or SGW (LTE).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Overview

Combine by source NE type:
eNB (LTE) or NB (W-CDMA)
9471 MME, PGW, or SGW (LTE)
Combine by specific NE name:
eNB (LTE) or NB (W-CDMA).
9471 MME, PGW, or SGW (LTE)
Combine by IMSI (LTE/CDMA/EV-DO)
Combine by date and time.
allows user to specify date and time range
Combine by ESN, MEID, UATI (EVDO)
Combine by Call ID, MIN, DN (CDMA)


Projects 4-3
Projects within the Manage Files window 4-3
Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files 4-4
Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage 4-8
Files window
Procedure 4-3: Create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window 4-9
Procedure 4-4: View an open project 4-10
Procedure 4-5: Open a project 4-11
Procedure 4-6: Create a project from previously downloaded data 4-13
Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via menu ADD option 4-15
Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via drag and drop 4-19
Studies 4-22
Load a study 4-22
Procedure 4-9: Rename a Study 4-25

4-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Overview


This section will discuss only the creation and use of projects.


Projects within the Manage Files window 4-3

Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files 4-4
Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage 4-8
Files window
Procedure 4-3: Create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window 4-9
Procedure 4-4: View an open project 4-10
Procedure 4-5: Open a project 4-11
Procedure 4-6: Create a project from previously downloaded data 4-13
Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via menu ADD option 4-15
Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via drag and drop 4-19

Projects within the Manage Files window

After downloading the data from the Network Element, projects can be created from
within either of the Manage Files windows.
From the Local Host window
Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files
window (p. 4-4)
Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage Files
window (p. 4-8)
From the NE window
Procedure 4-3: Create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window
(p. 4-9)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local
Projects Host Manage Files window

Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local

Host Manage Files window
Use this procedure to create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files
window (file->File Manager->Local Host).
Using files on the Local Host Manage :

1 Select the Add files buttons.

4-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local
Projects Host Manage Files window
Result: A selection window similar to the following is displayed.


2 Navigate to the directory where the data files are located. Open the data files (double
click on it).

3 The data is loaded into the top section of the screen.

A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-5
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local
Projects Host Manage Files window

4 Click on Add to project then Create New Project.

Or, if there are other projects open, the user may add this data to an existing project
shown in the drop down list.
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Result: A project is created. All data is added to the project screen in the bottom of
the window.
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


5 The Manage Files window may be closed. The project data information is displayed
within the WTA tree.

4-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local
Projects Host Manage Files window
Note: To give this project a specific title, go to File-> Save Project 1 as ... and save
the project under a new name.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-7
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the
Projects Local Host Manage Files window

Procedure 4-2: Create a derived project from within the Local

Host Manage Files window
A derived project allow the user to create a subset project from a just created project. Use
this procedure to create a derived project from within the Local Host Manage Files
window (file->File Manager->local host tab).

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure, complete Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from
within the Local Host Manage Files window (p. 4-4)


1 Once the new project has been created within the Local Host File Manager window (see
Procedure 4-1: Create a new project from within the Local Host Manage Files window
(p. 4-4)), uncheck items within the existing project that you do not want to use for the
derived project that is going to be created.
Result: Once you uncheck the first item, the Create Derived Project icon becomes
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


2 Once all items necessary for the new project have been unchecked, click
Create Derived Project.
Result: A save project window is displayed allowing the user to name and save the
newly created project.

4-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-3: Create a new project from within the NE
Projects Manage Files window

Procedure 4-3: Create a new project from within the NE

Manage Files window
Use this procedure to create a new project from within the NE Manage Files window
(file/File Manager/Network tab).

Using files on the Local Host Manage or file share:

1 Select New Project from the File menu.


2 From the Add to Project menu, select Create New Project...

A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Result: Project files are created and displayed in the bottom section of the window.

3 To be sure that you have the ability to open this project in the future, you must save the
file. Go to File-> Save. Navigate to where you would like to save the file and give it a

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-9
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-4: View an open project

Procedure 4-4: View an open project

Once a project has been created, information may not be viewed on screen. To view the
project information complete the following:

1 Click on View->Message Explorer-> then choose the view from the following:
1. project->study individual studies.
2. Use Journal Selector. multiple studies.
3. Selected Studies particular studies from a specific Device ID.


4-10 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-5: Open a project

Procedure 4-5: Open a project

To open downloaded or existing projects. Projects are opened from the
File Menu-> Open (or the open folder icon from the menu bar).
Note: Many projects can be opened at one time by using the typical Windows controls
(shift or ctrl enter).
Loading the various views along with the data is time consuming. Loading the project
files without loading the views addresses this issue.
The major reason for doing this is for speed. Having a large number of views associated
with a project can affect load time.
Note: No matter how you open the project(s), to open a project without loading the
associated views, hold down the Shift Key before selecting the project. Note: Do not
release the Shift Key until the project fully opens. The major reason for doing this is
for speed. Having a large number of views associated with a project can affect load

After the data has been downloaded, select a project to be opened:

1 Open 9958 WTA.


2 Click on File-> open or click on the open icon , or Recent Projects list.

3 If using File/open or the open icon, navigate to the directory containing the project files
Note: If your options are not set up to automatically open to your projects directory,
See Applications Options (p. 8-25).

4 Click on the desired project file(s), then click on the open button or double click on the
file name.
Result: The project is opened in the Message Explorer view.
To open a project without loading the associated views, hold down the Shift Key
before selecting the project.
Note: Do not release the Shift Key until the project fully opens
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-11
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-5: Open a project
Why? The major reason for doing this is for speed. Having a large number of views
associated with a project can affect load time.
To open the views after the project has been opened, either recreate the view or close
the project and then reopen without using the shift key.
Note: Whenever the project is saved, any saved view state will be replaced with
the current view state.
Projects can also be opened by:
double clicking on a .wta file within Windows Explorer.
from the Journal Selector Journal Selector (p. 6-4).


4-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-6: Create a project from previously
Projects downloaded data

Procedure 4-6: Create a project from previously downloaded

After downloading the data from the Network Element projects can be created at any
time. To do this follow the procedure on the following page.

To create a project from data that was previously downloaded us the following procedure:
From the main 9958 WTA window:

1 Select New from the File menu, or choose the NEW icon (Ctrl/N).
Result: The Select the files to add to the project dialog will be displayed.
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


2 Select the files to be added to the project.

Note: Multi-select files by using the Ctrl+ or Shift+ keys.
The following file types can be selected:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-13
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-6: Create a project from previously
Projects downloaded data

3 Click Open
Result: The software parses the file and creates a new project.
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Note: The following will produce and error:

Selecting an archive that contains no valid files for 9958 WTA to parse.
Selecting files that are not valid.
Selecting a .TAR.GZ or a .TGZ which is a GZ file which doesn't contain a TAR

4 Go to the project drop-down menu (View->Project Explorer). The project created is there.

4-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via menu ADD option

Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via

menu ADD option
If data is delivered in a file, the information can be added to an existing project.
There are 2 ways of doing this.
Through the menu item.
Drag and drop.

The following steps will add file(s) that contains Call Trace data to an existing project via
the menu item.

1 Open a project.
From the Menu select File-> add data.
Choose the project.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via menu ADD option
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


2 Select the files to be added to the project.

Note: Multi-select files by using the Ctrl+ or Shift+ keys.
The following file types can be selected:

3 Click open (or double click on a single file).

Result: The software parses the file and adds the information to your project.
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via menu ADD option
Note: The following will produce and error:
Selecting an archive that contains no valid files for 9958 WTA to parse.
Selecting files that are not valid.
Selecting a .TAR.GZ or a .TGZ which is a GZ file which doesn't contain a TAR

4 If the files are zipped, after the files have been extracted from the zip file, a list of files to
be processed is displayed.
Note: By default, only files with the correct extension will be selected.

Adding Individual Files

When files other than zip/archive files are selected, they are automatically imported into
the Project Explorer.
If the file can not be imported, an Unknown Input Data error is displayed.
Adding Zip/archive Files
When zip files are being added to a new or existing project, a dialog box displays
showing the files that have been selected by default. See Figure 4-1, Archive Member
Selection Dialog (p. 4-17). Within this dialog box, the user has the ability to choose the
files to run by checking or unchecking the box in front of the file.
Note: The In the future, automatically select recognized Archive file members
check box can be selected to automate the process.

Figure 4-1 Archive Member Selection Dialog

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-17
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-7: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via menu ADD option
Override Archive Member selection defaults
To override this behavior and have all the files selected run automatically:
1. Go to Tools-> Options.
2. In the menu section, select Default-> Application.
3. Under Files in the Properties section, set
Automatically Select All Zip File Members to True or check the check-box.

4-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via drag and drop method

Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project via

drag and drop method
The following steps will add a zip file that contains Call Trace data to an existing project
via drag and drop:


1 Open a project.

2 From the View menu, click on Project Explorer.


3 Move to the bottom of the Project Explorer window where there is a drag and drop

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-19
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via drag and drop method
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


4 Open a Windows Explorer directory and navigate to the zip file containing the
information that is to be add.

5 Select the files to be added to the project.


6 Drag and drop the files into the Project Explorer Drag and Drop area.

7 After the files have been extracted from the zip file, a list of files to be processed is

4-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-8: Add Call Trace data to an existing project
Projects via drag and drop method
Note: By default, only files with the correct extension will be selected.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-21
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Overview


Studies are created based upon the filters the user set when the data was collected and
downloaded, or filtered when a project was created.


Load a study 4-22

Procedure 4-9: Rename a Study 4-25

Load a study
Where to find a study
When a project is created, studies are also created. When the project is opened studies are
automatically there.

Viewing Messages with the Message Explorer

After the Study is selected (View->Message Explore->Project->Studyx), two data grids
are built reflecting the messages in the project.
The top grid is the Summary data.
The bottom grid is the Detail data.

4-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Load a study
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Clicking on a row in the Summary grid will show the details for that record in the
Details grid below.
Message View with Details view as Text. Text view is at the bottom of the Detail Data
screen (bottom).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 4-23
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Load a study
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

4-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Projects and Studies Procedure 4-9: Rename a Study

Procedure 4-9: Rename a Study

To change the Study name, use the following procedure.

To change the Study and file name, from the Project Explorer drop-down list complete
the following:

1 Double-Click on the Study to open the Rename Study Dialog.

A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


2 Enter the new Study name.


3 Click OK to accept or Cancel to retain current information.


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Projects and Studies Procedure 4-9: Rename a Study


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5 Explorers

When the data is downloaded to a workstation from 5620 SAM including AUX server,
9471 MME, PGW, or SGW for LTE, 9353 WMS or SCMS for W-CDMA or 9256 OMP
for CDMA/EV-DO, it is parsed to create project files. Within these files is the information
that is needed to create Projects, Studies, and Journals. The 9958 WTA Explorers allow
the user to manipulate the data in a logical view for the purpose of their analysis.
Explorer refers to the various ways of viewing data. The following Explorers are covered
in this section:
Statistics Explorer
Hierarchical views for:
Per Call Metric Statistics
Call Statistics
Metric Explorer
Provides various views for Events and Statistics (LTE and W-CDMA only)
Project Explorer
Used to manage projects and associated studies
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA only)
Contains different types of reports (arranged in hierarchical order)
Common reports
User defined Items (UDIs)
W-CDMA Pre-defined Items
Message Explorer
Allows user to view studies

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-1
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview

NOTE: Not all view folders are available for every call trace.


Statistics Explorer 5-3

Using Statistics Explorer 5-3
Metric Explorer 5-11
Using Metric Explorer 5-11
Procedure 5-1: Open the Metric Explorer 5-12
Metric view tool bars 5-14
Project Explorer 5-22
Using Project Explorer 5-22
Project Explorer screen menu 5-23
To move a Journal from one Study to another 5-26
Procedure 5-2: Manage Journals 5-27
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA) 5-28
Using Report Explorer 5-29
Common Reports 5-31
Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only) 5-33
Technology: W-CDMA only 5-36
User Defined Items 5-36
Procedure 5-3: Build a report 5-43
Counts Items (UDI) 5-47
Raw Data Details (UDI) 5-49
Reports (UDR) 5-52
Statistics Items (UDI) 5-55
Time Differences Items (UDI) 5-57
Procedure 5-4: Create a report via Command Line Interface (CLI) 5-62
Info Window 5-63
Info Window 5-63
Message Explorer 5-66
Message Explorer 5-66
Procedure 5-5: Start Time Difference 5-71
Timeline 5-72

5-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview
Statistics Explorer

Statistics Explorer

Statistics are arranged in a hierarchical manner. All studies contain statistics that are
related to that particular study. Per Call Metric Statistics list metrics by technology and
statistics broken down by call.


Using Statistics Explorer 5-3

Using Statistics Explorer

Access the Statistics Explorer: .
With a project already open:
1. Click on View->Statistics Explorer or click on the Statistics item in the bar at the
bottom of the WTA screen.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-3
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer
Result: the Statistics view of a journal similar to the window below is displayed
(depending on the technology being used).

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer

Figure 5-1 Available Study views

Table 5-1 Available Studies window key

1 Studies
When the data is parsed, the studies are divided into many views.
Each of the views can be accessed via the menu or by clicking on the view
tabs within the data screen.
The list of views include:
Available Metrics by Study
Available Messages by Study
Journals by Study
Available Event by Study
Total drive time by Study
Double clicking on any of these choices provides the data view for that
particular item.
2 Per Call Metric Statistics:
LTE or W-CDMA Statistics
Each of the views can be accessed via the menu or by clicking on the view
tabs within the data screen.
Per Call Metric Statistics list metrics by technology and statistics broken
down by call.
The list of view is determined by the data.
3 Call Statistics
Shows statistics about the call (Success, Attempts, Percentage).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-5
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer
Table 5-1 Available Studies window key (continued)

4 Exporting of the data is available

See: Message Exports (p. 6-38)
(Common for all statistic views)
5 Individual column drop down filter
For more information on using filters see: Filters (p. 6-12).
6 Individual column drop down filter by filtering criteria
For more information on using filters see: Filters (p. 6-12).
7 The Search Box is used to filter metrics based on a query using typed values

Once a statistics is chosen from the Statistics Explorer window, a status bar is displayed
on the bottom of the window showing statistics values for each column. User can select
any of the statistic functions mentioned below to be performed on that statistic column:
None - This will not display any of the statistics.
Count - Total number of rows in statistics.
Sum - Sum of the specific column.
Min - Minimum Value of the specific column.
Max - Maximum Value of the specific column.
Mean - Average of the specific column.
Median - Median for the specific column.
Standard deviation - Standard deviation for the specific column.

By default, the statistics bar displays Count (number of total records) for any column. for
e.g. project column will show number of records for example 185 records.

5-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer

Figure 5-2 Statistics explorer Project column

Note: If a study, mobile, and journal statistics columns do not have any statistics to
report, the item will be shown as empty.
By default, in a non-numeric columns Count will be shown.
For Numeric Columns, if summary exists and default statistics is specified for a particular
column then it will show default statistics else "Count" will be shown as default.

Figure 5-3 Statistics Explorer with non-Numeric column

For Numeric Columns, if a summary exists and default statistics is specified for a
particular column then the column will show default statistics. If not, Count will be
shown as the default.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-7
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer

Figure 5-4 Statistics Explorer with Numeric column

Right click on a specific column in the Statistics Explorer column and a context menu is
displayed. The user is able to select specific statistics as shown below.

Figure 5-5 Statistics Explorer column context menu

In the Statistic view coverage overlap analyzers are provided for Neighbor Cell details
such as: Neighbor Cell Distance, Neighbor Cell List, Number of Neighbor Cells,
Reciprocity Neighbor Cell List alert,

Figure 5-6 Statistics Explorer Neighbor List Cell Details menu

5-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer
Highlight the selected Device

Figure 5-7 Statistics Explorer - Highlight the selected device

To find the device associated with the data

1. Select any of the rows displayed.
2. Click on the Highlight the Selected Device icon.
3. The information within the Device window indicates the device associated with the
Jump from Call Trace Failure to Message Explorer/Flow for specific tracekey(s)
Follow the information below to Jump from the Call Trace Failure to the Message
View/Message Flow for information on a specific tracekey(s).
1. Load Call Failure Traces (CFT) files.
2. Open Statistics Explorer.
3. Generate Call Statistics->Call Failure View.
4. To generate the Message View/Flow, select the row containing the desired tracekey.
5. Click the red button on the tool bar to choose the mobile (device) associated with the
Result: A new report (e.g., Message View) is generated which will only contain the
data (messages) associated with that device rather than all the devices loaded.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Statistics Explorer
Statistics Explorer

6. Click on the desired Message View/Flow icon on the tool bar to Display Message
View/Flow Diagram for the selected Journal.
7. Choose the By Trace Key option to view the Trace Key Message View/Flow.

Result: The Message View/Flow is displayed for that particular Tracekey(s).

5-10 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview
Metric Explorer

Metric Explorer

To access the Metric Explorer (not available for CDMA\EV-DO): See Procedure 5-1:
Open the Metric Explorer (p. 5-12). Metrics can be viewed by related sets, filtered,
viewed within multiple views and computed.


Using Metric Explorer 5-11

Procedure 5-1: Open the Metric Explorer 5-12
Metric view tool bars 5-14

Using Metric Explorer

Once project files have been loaded (or opened), the metric group structure is built.
Metrics are grouped into related sets. To access the Metric Explorer see: Procedure 5-1:
Open the Metric Explorer (p. 5-12)
Metrics can be filtered by:
Metric Explorer Filter. See Metric Grid Custom Filter (p. 5-18).
Metric Explorer Search Box. See Metric Explorer Search box (p. 5-20)
Multiple views can be created.
Multiple (group) metrics computation can be created at the metric group level.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-11
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-1: Open the Metric Explorer
Metric Explorer

Procedure 5-1: Open the Metric Explorer

To view data in Metric Explorer.

With a project already open:

1 Click on View-> Metric Explorer or click on the Metrics item in the icon bar at the
bottom of the screen.

Result: The project is opened in the Metric Explorer view.

5-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-1: Open the Metric Explorer
Metric Explorer
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-13
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer

Metric view tool bars

Metric scatter plot tool bar

Metric Scatter Plot tool bar explanation.

Synchronization Select Data Set
See Synchronize Message Flow (p. 6-48).

Export: Zoom In & Out. See Zoom in and zoom out

See Message Exports (p. 6-38). (p. 6-61)

: :
Panning tool Filter
Allows information to be filtered.

Select Data Set: X-Y Scatter Plot:

See Data View-> Select Rows: Highlighting Displays the metrics box to create the X-Y
Data Points (p. 6-62)and Highlighting coordinates.
Multiple Regions (p. 6-63)

For more information on scatter plots see: X-Y Scatter Plot (p. 6-73)

Metric Histogram tool bar

The histogram displays tabular data in the form of frequencies.

Merge or unmerge the histogram Split the series based on the parameter values
for parameterized metrics. See: Procedure
6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric
(p. 6-77)
5-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer

Sets the size of the bin. For example, this

would set the bin size to 2 seconds. (If binned)

CDF (cumulative distribution function):

Provides the probability that a metric will be
less than a value on the histogram (bar).
CCDF (complementary cumulative distribution
function): A method used to characterize the
peak power statistics of a digitally modulated
PDF (probability density function): describes
the relative chance for this random variable to
occur at a given point in the observation space.
Sample Count: Provides the sample count
across the Y-Axis on the right side.
Bars: Show the histogram bars.
Theme Editor

Exports the chart to a Windows BMP, JPG,

PNG, GIF file.

Clicking on one of these Projects/study will

produce a theme window allowing the user to
change the attributes of the histogram.

For more information on histograms, see: Histogram (p. 6-75)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-15
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer
View Unbinned Data Types
Viewing information:
If a binned metric has an associated unbinned metric, the unbinned metric will appear
as a submenu on the right click menu for the binned metric.
If there is no binned metric for an unbinned metric, the unbinned metric will appear
by itself on the metric explorer.
If the data is filtered to show only unbinned metrics, then all unbinned metrics will
show in the metric explorer.
If a metric is binned, it will have (Temporal) next to it.
To display the Unbinned metric (if it exist) in a view:
Right-Click on the metric.
Select Unbinned from the list (if it exist)
Select the view to be displayed.
Note: The Default View is indicated by the icon that is to the left of the metric name
histogram will be shown. When the metric name is right mouse clicked, the
different view types will be shown. Within the View Pane, the icon at the top of the
view tells you what type of view has been chosen.
Metric types
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Figure 5-8 Metric views

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Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer
NOTE: the items listed in a display is dependant on the Metrics and Data contained.

Figure 5-9 Display Types (example)

Group Metric Calculation

Metrics in the group can be calculated by selecting the metric group using the right mouse
button and selecting Calculate Metrics as shown in Diagram below. If there is a large
amount of metrics this is an easy way to calculate all of them together. Also see Creating
Groups (p. 8-30) for creating custom metric groups.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-17
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Metric Grid Custom Filter

Custom Filter permits the user to filter a grid based on up to two criteria using the
AND/OR Operator.
1. From the Grid, click on the drop-down list in each column.
Information similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

2. Select either Number Filters or Text Filter. The choice depends on the data being
5-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer
3. Click on Custom Filter.

Result: The Custom Filter window is displayed.

4. Complete the Custom Filter with the following information.

1. Grid Column Name: Search Parameter #2:

This is the column being filtered. Drop down provides a second search
parameters (for example: Equals, Contains,
Greater Than).
2. Search Parameter #1: Search Criteria #2:
Drop down provides search parameters (for Drop down list of values in the column to
example: Equals, Contains, Greater Than). compare against.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-19
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer

3. Search Criteria #1: Click OK to filter data base on the criteria set
Drop down list of values in the column to or Cancel to cancel the operation.
compare against.
AND/OR Operator:
This provides an AND/OR using Search
Criteria #1 and Search Criteria #2.

Note: Filtering is ignored if the Search box is used. See: Metric Explorer Search
box (p. 5-20) . To re-enable filtering, clear the Search box.

Metric Explorer Search box

Within the metrics tree view, is the ability to use a search box to eliminate the many filters
available to the user.
Filtering files based on metric name: The Search box is used to filter files based on a
query using the typed values (*string*).
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Figure 5-10 Metric Explorer tree view

By using the search box, the list of items within the tree can be honed to just a few. The
example below was created by typing the letters e-RAB into the search box.

5-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Explorers Metric view tool bars
Metric Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-21
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview
Project Explorer

Project Explorer

The Project Explorer is used to manage projects and studies associated with them.


Using Project Explorer 5-22

Project Explorer screen menu 5-23
To move a Journal from one Study to another 5-26
Procedure 5-2: Manage Journals 5-27

Using Project Explorer

From the Main menu, click on the View item then Project Explorer or click on
the Project item in the icon bar.

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

5-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Project Explorer
Project Explorer

Result: A Project Explorer window similar to the following displays (depending on the
technology being used).

Figure 5-11 Project Explorer Window

Note: <NE> could be any NE element.

Project Explorer screen menu

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-23
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Project Explorer screen menu
Project Explorer
The following information refers to Figure 5-11, Project Explorer Window (p. 5-23).

Table 5-2 Project Explorer Window

1. 8.
Project tab: Click this to un-hide the Project Name:
Project Explorer Window. This item can be user defined or software
The check box next to the project name,
controls whether or not the metrics for this
particular project are visible in the Metric
2. 9.
: Create new Study zone:
Info Window icon Drag a journal (11) onto this area to move the
See: Info Window (p. 5-63). journal to a new Study.

3. 10.
CT Status: Study Information:
This icon will only exist for LTE technology Provides the name of the Study and file
and if you have a license to initiate a call trace identifier.
and a call trace is currently running. The check box next to the Study name,
controls whether or not the metrics for that
particular study are visible in the Metric
Note: To change this information, double-click
on the Study or File name to open the
Project Rename Study Dialog. See: Procedure
4-9: Rename a Study (p. 4-25).

5-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Project Explorer screen menu
Project Explorer
Table 5-2 Project Explorer Window (continued)

4. 11.
Device ID Selector : Device ID Selector pull Composite Journals:
down menu provides a quick way to select a Collection of journals from the same parser
particular device. This is useful when many and the same Network Element. Journals
devices are involved in the same project. It can represent a collection of messages for a
also be used to select ALL devices. Any particular device.
Changes done on device ID selection are
reflected on the project tab. If ALL is selected
from the device ID selector, all devices are
selected in project tab. If multiple devices are
selected within the project tab the Device ID
shows Multiple in the display. The Device ID
is used in creating studies for specific devices.
See: : Message Explorer (p. 5-66) and
Message Flow (p. 6-40).
NOTE: This is only used within the Project
Explorer. This does not affect what is shown in
the Message Flow or Message Explorer.
5. 12.
Pin and unpin (auto hide): The Project Allows user to Align Journal Time to a study
window disappears if the Auto Hide Pin (#12) time or set/reset custom start time for Journal.
is set to unpinned . (This is the default
The Project Tab will stay locked on screen
when the Auto Hide Pin is set to pinned .
6. 13.
Studies Section: Create New Project zone:
List of studies by project. Drop files here to create New Project:
Multiple studies may be added either by From Windows Explorer, a file can be dragged
adding multiple zip files or moving journals. from a folder directly into a new project.
7. 14.
Project Explore Timeline: Provides the date Delete Item:
and the time (Military Time) for the Studies. Drag Journals to this section to remove them.

For more information on Projects and Studies see: Chapter 4, Projects and Studies.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-25
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers To move a Journal from one Study to another
Project Explorer

To move a Journal from one Study to another

To move a Journal from one Study to another do one of the following:
Click on a Journal and drag it from one Study to the next
Click and drag the Journal to the Create additional Studies section. See: Figure 5-11,
Project Explorer Window (p. 5-23).
Note: When you Shift+Drag, a copy is created, not moved.
A Journal may be moved to another study by using the Manage Journal. See:
Procedure 5-2: Manage Journals (p. 5-27)

5-26 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-2: Manage Journals
Project Explorer

Procedure 5-2: Manage Journals

Managing Journals
Moving studies between projects or creating new projects is accomplished through the
Project Explorer. The Manage Journals window allows the user to arrange/rearrange
journals within studies.

1 From the Main File menu (Main Menu Overview (p. 2-22)), click on the
Mange Journals For <Project>
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).


2 Within the Manage Journal window, find the file that is to be moved.
Note: The current study is listed in the last column.

3 Click on the drop-down arrow within the Study column for the File Name, choose the
study to which the file should be moved.
Result: The file has been moved to a new study.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview


Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

The Report Explorer is available for LTE and W-CDMA only. It contains 4 types of
reports that are arranged in a hierarchical manner.
Common report which are reports that are not specific to any technology. See Key
Statistics Report (p. 5-32)
User Defined Reports provides the user a way to create customized reports with any
combinations of criteria.
Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only)
Technology specific reports (W-CDMA only)


Using Report Explorer 5-29

Common Reports 5-31
Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only) 5-33
Technology: W-CDMA only 5-36
User Defined Items 5-36
Procedure 5-3: Build a report 5-43
Counts Items (UDI) 5-47
Raw Data Details (UDI) 5-49
Reports (UDR) 5-52
Statistics Items (UDI) 5-55
Time Differences Items (UDI) 5-57
Procedure 5-4: Create a report via Command Line Interface (CLI) 5-62

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Report Explorer
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Using Report Explorer

The Report Explorer is available for LTE and W-CDMA only. Studies contain statistics
that are related to that particular study. Per Call Metric Statistics lists metrics by
technology and statistics broken down by call.
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Reports Tool Bar

Report tool bar explanation

Page Setup:
Page selector: Typical WINDOWS page setup.
Allows the user to choose the page that is to be
Back: Save Report:
Takes the user back to the Parent Report Allows the user to save the report in MS Excel
or Acrobat PDF File format
Stop rendering: Zoom In/Out:
Allow the user to stop the spooling of the Allows the user to Zoom In/Out of the current
report. view.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-29
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Using Report Explorer
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Refresh: Find:
Allows the user to refresh the current screen Search on a value and find it.
Print: Next:
Print Find next item.
Print Layout:
Allows the user to edit the print view.

Report Types
There are 4 types of reports:
Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only)
User Defined Items (UDI)
Technology Specific reports (W-CDMA only)

Metric Selection
Double click the report title to display a window that allows the user to select the
metric(s) to be included in the Key Statistics report.

5-30 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Explorers Using Report Explorer
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
A window similar to the following is displayed (depending on the technology).

Common Reports
Common Reports are canned reports that may be used by any technology. (LTE and
W-CDMA only)
All Events Report

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-31
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Common Reports
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Key Statistics Report
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Metric Selection
Right click on the Key Statistics Report
A item appears to Enter Open. Click on this
Result: A Metric(s) selection box appears similar to the following displays (depending on
the technology being used).

1. Search...: See Metric Explorer Search box (p. 5-20)

2. Check box: Selects the metric(s) to be evaluated.
3. Metric Parameter Values. See Metric Parameters (p. 3-4). Only applies to
parameterized metrics.
4. Cumulative Distribution Function Percentile.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only)

Pre-Defined Items are canned reports that may be used as is or saved and modified.

Raw Data Details

Right clicking on the WCDMA RRC Connection Raw Data Details items displays a menu
similar to the following:

Choosing View displays a window similar to the following:

Pre-defined Items created here may be copied and used within the User Defined Items:
See User Defined Items (p. 5-36) and See: Raw Data Details (UDI) (p. 5-49)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-33
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Right clicking on this item again displays the menu. Choose copy. A menu is displayed
allowing you to rename the item.

This item is saved to the User-Defined Items/Raw Data Details menu.

This item can now be edited to the user's specifications.

Right clicking on the WCDMA RSEPS EDCH Loading Reports items displays a menu
similar to the following:

Choosing View displays a window similar to the following:

5-34 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Explorers Pre-Defined Items (W-CDMA only)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

These items are not editable.

Pre-defined Reports created here may be copied and used within the User Defined Items:
See User Defined Items (p. 5-36) and See: Raw Data Details (UDI) (p. 5-49)
Right clicking on this item again displays the menu. Choose copy. A menu is displayed
allowing you to rename the item.

This item is saved to the User-Defined Items/Raw Data Details menu

This item can now be edited to the user's specifications.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-35
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Technology: W-CDMA only
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Technology: W-CDMA only

Reports that are W-CDMA technology specific.

User Defined Items

This section describes the creating of UDIs.
A window similar to the following is displayed.

User Defined Items

User Defined Items (UDI) provides the ability for the user to create reports that can
include the following: Metrics, Events, Messages, User Defined Counts, User Defined
Statistics or User Defined Time Differences.
The UDI is made up of four Item Collection types:
User Defined Counts: Provides a count of a particular event/message optionally
meeting the criteria selected. See Counts Items (UDI) (p. 5-47)
User Defined Raw Data Details
Allows user to create a report to extract selected parameter(s) from selected
message(s). See: Raw Data Details (UDI) (p. 5-49)
User Defined Reports: User Defined Reports (UDR) provides the ability a user to
create customized reports with any combinations of Metrics, Messages, Events, User
Defined Counts, User Defined Statistics and User Defined Time differences. See
Create a report within all tabs (p. 5-39) and Procedure 5-3: Build a report
(p. 5-43).

5-36 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers User Defined Items
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
User Defined Statistics: Creates a formula using a created UDR Count or an Event.
See Statistics Items (UDI) (p. 5-55).
User Defined Time Differences: Provides the time difference between two particular
events/messages optionally meeting the criteria selected. See Time Differences Items
(UDI) (p. 5-57).
Note: User Defined Counts, Statistics, and Time Differences may be added to a UDI
Report (see Reports (UDR) (p. 5-52))

Menu items for UDR

From the UDR menu, right clicking on a report displays the following:
New :
Creates a new item for the different collections.
Time Difference
Raw Data Details


Note: The report list shown in the right-click menu may also be viewed by clicking
on the + in front of the User Defined Items menu item.
Example of a possible conflict scenario that can arise due to export/import by two

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-37
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers User Defined Items
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Import Conflict Scenario: User A exports an UDI and gives it to User B. User B
changes the item name, exports it and then gives the export file back to User A. The
following dialog will appear:
Keep Existing: Cancels the import for the item.
Keep Imported: Replaces the current item with the new item.
NOTE: This will occur for each item in conflict.
Resolve Name Conflict
Keep Existing: Cancels the import for the item.
Keep Imported: Replaces the current item with the new item.
Note: This will occur for each item in conflict.

Replace all:
Removes the current items in the collection and replace it/them with the imported

Reports with all tabs

This robust report builder contains so many variables that it would impossible to provide
the user with every possibility. An example will be used to explain the procedures.

5-38 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers User Defined Items
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Reports (all tabs) tool bar

Add: List Study Files:

Adds previously created Item to the bottom Lists the file names part of every study in the
frame. report.
Zero Suppress: Remove All:
Suppress the items in the report if the count is Removes the selected item from the Report.
List Study Folders:
Lists the folder names of the data files part of
every study in the report.

Create a report within all tabs

There is one item per tab added to the report.
1. The user decides the tabs to be used:
Metrics, Events, and Message tabs display a tree with the available options.
Items for User Defined Counts, User Defined Statistics, and User Defined Time
Differences must be created before they are displayed in the Reports tabs. If they have
not been created, use the links below:
- Count Items (UDI) (p. 5-47)
- Statistics Items (UDI) (p. 5-55)
- Time Differences (UDI) (p. 5-57)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-39
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers User Defined Items
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Type: Mean:
Type of item (metric, event, message, count, Average.
statistic or time difference).
Grid Values: Median:
Show grid values in the report. numeric value separating the higher half of a
sample from the lower half.
Count: Standard Deviation:
The number of occurrences. A statistic that tells how tightly all the various
examples are clustered around the mean in a
set of data.
Thematic Count: K-th%:
For each metric, it is the number of data points Use Percentile (Yes/No).
that fall into each them range.
Min: Percentile:
Minimum value. The values below which a certain percent of
observations fall.
Maximum value.

5-40 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers User Defined Items
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Tab possibilities
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-12 Metric Tab

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-13 Events Tab

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-14 Messages Tab

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-41
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers User Defined Items
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-15 User Defined Counts Tab

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-16 User Defined Statistics Tab

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-17 User Defined Time Differences Tab

5-42 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-3: Build a report
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Procedure 5-3: Build a report

By choosing items from each tab the user is able to create the desired report(s).
Report requirements must contain one or more criteria from the tabs:
There are 6 possible elements:
Metric data
Events data
Message data
User Defined Counts: - Count Items (UDI) (p. 5-47)
User Defined Statistics- Statistics Items (UDI) (p. 5-55)
User Defined Time Differences - Time Differences (UDI) (p. 5-57)


1 This example report is created using:

The three UDR items previously created for the RRC connections
Call Trace Event
E-RAB Failure Rate Metric
Each item is added to the report builder by checking one or more of the boxes in the top
screen and then clicking the Add button. Clicking the Add button moves the chosen
information from the upper part of the screen to the lower part of the screen (the report

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-43
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-3: Build a report
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).


2 Name the report.

Note: Spaces are permitted.

3 Click OK
The user is taken back to the main screen where the new report is listed under reports.

Note: This has created the outline for the report. This has not created actual report

5-44 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Explorers Procedure 5-3: Build a report
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

4 Right click on the report.


5 Click Open.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-45
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-3: Build a report
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Result: A progress bar window is displayed as the report is created.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


5-46 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Counts Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Counts Items (UDI)

Count Items (UDI)
UDI Counts item provides a count of a particular event/message optionally meeting the
criteria selected.
If this is the first time creating a Count UDI, right mouse click on the collection displays
the New button. Click on this icon to create a new item for this collection.

Figure 5-18 Count Dialog

Note: The possible items available in any of the drop-downs is based upon the criteria
entered in the previous field. It would be impossible to list all possible breakdowns
for all of the entry fields.

1. Event/Message Selector: 4. Value:

Provides a list of events or messages. A The value to be used for the search criteria.
window similar to the following displays
(depending on the technology being used).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-47
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Counts Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

2. Field: 5. And/Selector:
Provides a list of where the search is to take Allows for the joining of conditional
place. statements.
Note: The And operator takes precedence.

All Details: Searches for the value in each

row. If the value is found, then true.
Additional Info: Searches the Additional
Info section for the value.
3. Operator: 6. Name:
Logical operator used for the search. Name given to the item. Click OK and the
newly created report is listed under Counts.

Once an item has been created, Right + Mouse Click on the item name. (Example: Right
clicking on the W-CDMA System Information Type 1) will open the following menu:

Open: Copy/Paste:
Opens the selected item as a virtual report. Creates a copy of selected item.

5-48 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Counts Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Edit: Delete:
Edits the item. Deletes the item.
Rename: Export:
Rename the item. Exports the item as a file.

Raw Data Details (UDI)

Raw Data Details (UDI)
UDI Raw Data Details allows user to create a report to extract selected parameter(s) from
selected message(s).
The Report can be stored with user defined name for future use.
If this is the first time creating a Count UDI, right mouse click on the collection displays
the New button. Click on this icon to create a new item for this collection
If this is the first time creating a Raw Data Details UDI, right mouse click on the
collection displays the New button. Click on this icon to create a new item for this
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-19 Raw Data Details window

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-49
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Raw Data Details (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Note: The possible items available in any of the drop-downs is based upon the criteria
entered in the previous field. It would be impossible to list all possible breakdowns
for all of the entry fields.
Once the Add button is clicked, the possible choices are listed in the bottom window.
Choose Data: A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology
being used).

5-50 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Raw Data Details (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Select Add: A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology
being used).

In the Detail Name line item, create a title for the Raw Data Details then click OK.
Once an item has been created, Right + Mouse Click on the item name (Example: right
clicking on the RRC Connection Setup Count) will open the following menu:

Open: Copy/Paste:
Opens the selected item as a virtual report. Creates a copy of selected item.
Save Data to CSV Delete:
Saves reports data to a Comma separated Deletes the item.
Values file.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-51
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Raw Data Details (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Edit: Export:
Edits the item. Exports the item as a file.
Rename the item.

Reports (UDR)
Using Reports
LTE and W-CDMA only.
If this is the first time creating a Report, right mouse click on the collection displays the
New button. Click on this icon to create a new item for this collection.
A window similar to the following displays.

A new User Defined Report opens, with a User Defined Count
(W-CDMA System Information Type 1) already created do to the examples (see Counts
Items (UDI) (p. 5-47)).

5-52 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Reports (UDR)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
A window similar to the following displays.

Add the User Defined Count, select it in the list and then click the Add button on the tool
bar. This example uses W-CDMA System Information Type 1.
1. Select the item
2. Click the Add button.
3. The Item is added to the list.
4. Name the report.
5. Click the OK button to save or the Cancel button to cancel.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Reports with all tabs

This robust report builder contains so many variables that it is impossible to provide the
user with every possibility. An example will be used to explain the procedures.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-53
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Reports (UDR)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
Reports (all tabs) tool bar

Add: List Study Files:

Adds previously created Item to the bottom Lists the file names part of every study in the
frame. report.
Zero Suppress: Remove All:
Suppress the items in the report if the count is Removes the selected item from the Report.
List Study Folders:
Lists the folder names of the data files part of
every study in the report.

Report Sub menu

Once a report item has been created, right mouse click will display a menu:

Open: Opens the selected item as a virtual report.

Edit: Edits the item.
Rename: Rename the item.
Copy/Paste: Creates a copy of selected item.
Delete: Deletes the item.
Export: Exports the definition of item as a file.

5-54 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Statistics Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Statistics Items (UDI)

Statistics Items (UDI)
Using a created UDI Count or an Event the user can create formulas which are used
within the Statistic UDIs.
If this is the first time creating a Statistic UDI, right mouse click on the collection
displays the New button. Click on this icon to create a new item for this collection.

Note: The possible items available in any of the drop-downs is based upon the criteria
entered in the previous field. It would be impossible to list all possible breakdowns
for all of the entry fields.
To add a User Defined Count to the formula:
Use the Statistic tool bar:
Click on a count . Example: RRC Connection Setup Count.
Click the Add button on the tool bar .

To add a numeric value:

Click a mathematical operator on the tool bar: i.e.: (+ - *) Example: 12.
Type the value. Example: 12.
To add an event:
Click a mathematical operator on the tool bar: i.e.: (+ - *).
Click the Events tab.
Click the Add button on the tool bar.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-55
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Statistics Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Kind: The value returned (count or rate).

Name: Name of the element to be saved.
Click on the OK button to save the information or Cancel to get out of the window.

Note: The Validate button on the tool bar must be clicked before the changes can be
Once an item has been created, Right + Mouse Click will expose the menu:

5-56 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Statistics Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Open: Copy/Paste: Creates a copy of selected item.

Opens the selected item as a virtual report.
Edit: Delete: Deletes the item.
Edits the item.
Rename: Export: Exports the item as a file.
Rename the item.

Time Differences Items (UDI)

Time Differences (UDI)
UDI Time Difference item provides the time difference between two particular
events/messages optionally meeting the criteria selected.
If this is the first time creating a Time Difference UDI, right mouse click on the collection
displays the New button. Click on this icon to create a new item for this collection.

Note: The possible items available in any of the drop-downs is based upon the criteria
entered in the previous field. It would be impossible to list all possible breakdowns
for all of the entry fields.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-57
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Time Differences Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Figure 5-20 Time difference dialog

Complete the information in the window based upon the TO and FROM factors.

1. Event/Message Selector: 4. Value:

Provides a list of events or messages. The value to be used for the search criteria.
A window similar to the following displays
(depending on the technology being used).

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9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Time Differences Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

2. Field: 5. And/Selector:
Provides a list of where the search is to take Allows for the joining of conditional
place. statements.
Note: The And operator takes precedence.

All Details: Searches for the value in each

row. If the value is found, then true.
Additional Info: Searches the Additional
Info section for the value.
3. Operator: 6. Name:
Logical operator used for the search. Name of the item.

Once an item has been created, right + mouse click on the item name (Example:
RRC Connection Setup Count) will open the following menu:

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-59
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Time Differences Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)

Open: Copy/Paste:
Opens the selected item as a virtual report. Creates a copy of selected item.
Edit: Delete:
Edits the item. Deletes the item.
Rename: Export:
Rename the item. Exports the item as a file.

Once the reports have been created, the report item collection contains the created reports:

Satellite Agent, Command Line Interface (SA CLI)

Once 9958 WTA connects to the Network Element using SSH, SA CLI is used to list and
download the files.
File location:
CLI Install Location in 9471 MME: SA Installation folder for MME (LTE).
CLI Install Location in PGW: SA Installation folder for PGW (LTE)
CLI Install Location in SGW: SA Installation folder for SGW (LTE)

5-60 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Time Differences Items (UDI)
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA)
CLI Install Location in 5620 SAM: SA Installation folder for SAM (LTE).
CLI Install Location in 9353 WMS: SA Installation folder for WMS (W-CDMA).
CLI Install Location in SCMS SA Installation folder for SCMS (W-CDMA).
CLI Install Location in 9256 OMP SA Installation folder for OMP (CDMA\EV-DO).
Data file Location in 9471 MME: Call Trace Log file location for MME (LTE).
Data file Location in PGW: Call Trace Log file location for PGW (LTE)
Data file Location in SGW: Call Trace Log file location for SGW (LTE)
Data file Location in 5620 SAM: Call Trace Log file location for SAM (LTE).
Data file Location in 9353 WMS: Call Trace Log file location for WMS (W-CDMA).
Data file Location in SCMS: Call Trace Log file location for SCMS (W-CDMA).
Data file Location in 9256 OMP: Call Trace Log file location for OMP

Reports via Command Line Interface (CLI)

Running the Command Line Interface to generate reports uses the following format:
<WTA installed path>WTA
dstat <StatisticsName>[-h][-o <OutputDir>]<InputFile>
[ ] denotes optional parameters
? or -h This help message
R Recursive directory tree when <InputFile> is a directory. >ON by default, use +R to
dalc dump all Logcodes to Logcodes.csv <requires -o>
damet dump all metrics <requires-o>
damsg dump all messages to Messages.csv <requires -o>
darep dump all reports in excel format <requires -o>
dastat dump all statistics in excel format <requires -o>
o- <OutputDir> send output to folder <OutputDir>
drep <ReportName> Generate report names <ReportName> in excel format <requires
dsat <StatisticsName> Generate statistics named <StatisticsName> in excel format
<requires -o>
<InputFile> is the input project/data input file path and name.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-61
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-4: Create a report via Command Line Interface
Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA) (CLI)

Procedure 5-4: Create a report via Command Line Interface

CLI report

1 Open Windows Explorer.


2 Navigate to the WTA directory.

Note: The path to this directory. Will be used in another step.

3 Click on Start->Run.

4 Type: cmd : Enter.


5 Change directory in the cmd window using cd <WTA installed path> to navigate to
where WTA is installed
Result: The command window should now be open in the folder where WTA has been
NOTE: Use double quotes if the OutputDir, InputFile, StatisticsName or
ReportName have spaces (ex: "E-RAB Failure Rate").

Example of the string to type in the command window:

InputFile: C:\projects\wta\
OutputDir: \projects\wta\
ReportName: E-RAB Failure Rate Report
CLI: wta -drep "E-RAB Failure Rate Report" -o C:\projects\wta

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview
Info Window

Info Window

The Info window displays information and statistics about a metric or message when it is
selected in the Metric Tree View, Message View or Message Flow.


Info Window 5-63

Info Window
The Info Window is a dockable window. By default, it is docked at the top of the Main
Window. See Figure 5-21, Info Window Tab (info tab is undocked) (p. 5-63) (red arrow
at the top).
To undock the info window, click on the X in the upper right corner of the Info
Window (see red arrow in Figure 5-22, Metric tab Message view with Info window
pinned (p. 5-64)).
To re-dock the info window, click on the menu for View-> Info Window..
Note: The Info Window is a disappearing drop-down screen. To make this window
stay in place, click on the pin (shown by green arrow in Figure 5-22, Metric tab
Message view with Info window pinned (p. 5-64)).

Figure 5-21 Info Window Tab (info tab is undocked)

The Metric Info Tab displays information about a metric or message statistics when it is
selected in the Metric Tree View, Message View, or Message Flow. See Figure 5-22,
Metric tab Message view with Info window pinned (p. 5-64).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-63
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Info Window
Info Window
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-22 Metric tab Message view with Info window pinned

Info Window Tool Bar

The following items are part of the Info tool bar.

Go back: Clears the history:

Moves to the previous info pane. The current record will be shown, but the all
the other buttons will be inactive.
Go back: Copy:
Go back to the previous info panel. . If any text is selected, then only that which is
selected will be copied.
Go forward:
Go to the next info panel. Clears the display.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Info Window
Info Window
Info Window with Message View
The info View will show information for the row selected.
To get the view shown below, click the down arrow on the right side of the info box.
From the drop down, choose Dock to, bottom.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-23 Info View with Message View.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-65
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Overview
Message Explorer

Message Explorer

Studies can be viewed via one of the following:
1. Selecting an individual study.
2. Selecting Use Journal Selector (Journal Selector (p. 6-4)).


Message Explorer 5-66

Procedure 5-5: Start Time Difference 5-71
Timeline 5-72

Message Explorer

Figure 5-24 Message Explorer Tool bar

Table 5-3 Message Explorer Icon explanation

Synchronize: Sort Original:

Allows for a message view and flow view to Sort the grid view column(s) to its original
be synchronized when being viewed together. order.
See Synchronize Message Flow (p. 6-48).
Bookmarks: (7 icons on bar)
For information on bookmarks see:
Export messages. Bookmarks (p. 6-31).
See Message Exports (p. 6-38).

5-66 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Message Explorer
Message Explorer
Table 5-3 Message Explorer Icon explanation (continued)

Filter: Find Dialog.

SeeFilters (p. 6-12). See Find Dialog (p. 6-9).

Sort Ascending See Timeline:

Sort the grid view column(s) in ascending Timeline (p. 5-72)

Sort Decending
Sort the grid view column(s) in descending

Figure 5-25 Selecting a Study from the Message Explorer menu

1. Projectx: Select specific study within a project.

2. Use Journal Selector: Clicking this item brings up the various journals. See:Journal
Selector (p. 6-4)
3. Selected Studies: If a particular Device ID is chosen from the Device pull down
menu, the user is able to view only the studies for the selected Device ID.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-67
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Message Explorer
Message Explorer
Note: In Message Flow/Explorer there is a limit to the number of Studies displayed.
When the limit has been reached, the Project item will display the Journal selector

Cell selection examples

Within the Messages Explorer Summary and Details Grids, cells can be selected multiple
ways for completing searches.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-26 Selection By Column: User would use this to sort or copy or find
(Message Name below).

5-68 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Message Explorer
Message Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-27 Selection By Rows: User would use this to synchronize, copy or find.

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-28 Selection By Cells. Using Ctrl+Click in the first column, all rows
containing information for that cell will be highlighted. User would use
this to copy or find.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-69
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Message Explorer
Message Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-29 Selecting all data. Click on the top of the first column.

5-70 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Procedure 5-5: Start Time Difference
Message Explorer

Procedure 5-5: Start Time Difference

The Start Time Difference provides the time difference between two messages.


1 Select the 1st message.


2 Click the Start Time Difference button.


3 Click the 2nd message.

Result: A dialog with the time difference is displayed.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 5-71
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Timeline
Message Explorer

The Timeline bar presents a graphical way to view messages and events.
Information for the timeline graphic example. The Timeline represents all the messages
from the first to the last message or event.

Timeline Tab: Events:

Clicking on this tab brings down the timeline. Each event from the list in the view screen is
this screen can also be pinned down. For indicated in the timeline.
information on hide/unhide see Table 5-2,
Project Explorer Window (p. 5-24)
Timeline: Bookmarks:
This area represents a length of time based Bookmarking the events in which the user is
upon the all of the events that are in the interested in provides a marker for these
database. events within the timeline.
The top section of the Timeline area shows
all the bookmarks.
The bottom area of the Timeline shows all
the events.
Clicking on the Timeline will move the
Visible Records Bar: to the point clicked.
Visible Records Bar: Zoom In/Zoom Out the Timeline:
The Visible Records Bar, (shown in light To zoom in on the Viewable Timeline (light
green) represents all the records that are green section) can be accomplished two ways:
currently visible. The darker green area Ctrl+ Mouse wheel scroll up.
represents the current message.
Double Click Left Mouse button.
Clicking on a record will move the
Zoom out the Viewable Timeline (light green
Visible Records Bar to the correct position on section) can be accomplished two ways:
the Timeline.
Ctrl + Mouse Scroll down.
Double Click Right Mouse button.

5-72 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Timeline
Message Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 5-30 Timeline example

Note: Placing the mouse cursor on an event within the timeline causes a tool tip to
appear display indicating the name of the event. Example above: in the Legend for
Successful Attach Even is displayed.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Explorers Timeline


5-74 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
6 J6ournals, Message Flow,
Message Views, and Data

This section defines and explains Journals, Message Flow, Message views and data


Journals 6-3
Journal Selector 6-4
Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer 6-6
Filters 6-12
Grid Filter 6-21
Non-Grid Filtering 6-26
Bookmarks 6-31
Procedure 6-2: Create Bookmark Icons 6-34
Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View 6-36
Message Views 6-38
Message Exports 6-38
Message Flow 6-40
Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View 6-45
Synchronize Message Flow 6-48
Play 6-49
Data Displays 6-53
Data Display views 6-54
View Display Legend 6-55

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Overview


Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics 6-59

Scatter Plot 6-61
Procedure 6-6: Create a Scatter Plot graphic 6-66
Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric 6-68
Procedure 6-8: Display data using a map view 6-71
X-Y Scatter Plot 6-73
Procedure 6-9: Choosing metrics to compare in an X-Y scatter plot 6-74
Histogram 6-75
Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric 6-77
Procedure 6-11: Show Multiple Metrics in a View 6-80
Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display 6-82

6-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Overview


Journals are a collection of messages for a particular device.
1. Mobile 1
2. Mobile 2

Device Type Message

Mobile 1 Mobile 1 Message 1
Mobile 1 Mobile 1 Message 2

Mobile 2 Mobile 2 Message 1

Mobile 2 Mobile 2 Message 2
Mobile 2 Mobile 2 Message 3


Journal Selector 6-4

Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer 6-6
Filters 6-12
Grid Filter 6-21
Non-Grid Filtering 6-26
Bookmarks 6-31
Procedure 6-2: Create Bookmark Icons 6-34
Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View 6-36

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Journal Selector

Journal Selector
The Journal Selector presents a list of journals that:
selects data that can be viewed in Message Explorer and Message Flow.
allows the user to select/view journals across projects and studies at one time.
shows key information about all the journals in the projects that are selected:
files included in each project.
Trace Session Reference for each data file.
Trace Record Session Reference for each data file.
Data Type: eNB (LTE), NB (W-CDMA), or OMP (CDMA/EV-DO)
Note: User has the ability to change the settings of the Journal Selector grid and save
the settings for later use.
By default Include Events is selected. User has the option to remove them from
the Message Explorer and Message Flow
Note: Events are not displayed within the Message Flow and Message Explore
views from the call trace Activation. Events are computed and saved in the
archived Call Trace data files. They are read in a Project from a local/remote
By default, Include Call IDs option is selected. By Call ID filter will not be visible
in Message Explorer and Message Flow, if user unchecks this option.
Note: unchecking this option will load the views faster.

6-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Journal Selector
Journal Selector menu

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-5
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer

Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer

To load a journal into the Message Explorer use the following procedure.


1 Open a project.

2 From the View/Message Explore, the Journal Selector displays a list

of projects that can be loaded into the Journal Selector.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

6-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer

3 If more than one project is open make a choice from the list of project(s) to be loaded.
<All> will select all of the available projects.
shows a list of columns that can be added or removed from the Journal

Selector grid

4 Click the OK button to continue, or the Cancel button to cancel the operation.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-7
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being

Figure 6-1 Journal Selector

Table 6-1 Journal selector menu items

Save Settings:
saves the Choose Columns selection in the
Select Projects:
A drop down provides a list of projects that
are currently opened.

File Open: Select All:

Opens a File Open dialog to open existing Selects all the rows.

6-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer
Table 6-1 Journal selector menu items (continued)

Unselect All:
Deselects all the rows.

Choose Columns:
Shows a list of columns that can be added or
removed from the Journal Selector list.


Move a journal from one Study to another

To move a Journal from one Study to another either:
Click on a Journal and drag it from one Study to the another.
Click and drag the Journal to the Create additional Studies.
Note: When you Shift+Drag, a copy is created, not moved.

Find Dialog
There are 2 types of views to be searched by the Find Dialog.
Summary will search within the Summary grid view.
Detail will search within the Detail grid view.

Figure 6-2 Messages Explorer Tool bar

There are many options when using the Find Dialog binoculars.
1. From the Main Menu Tool bar select the Binoculars button (or Ctl/F) to use the Find
Result: The Find dialog box is displayed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-9
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer

2. Find what: Add search string here, or select a previous search using the drop down.
Options check boxes:
Match case: Case sensitive searches.
Match whole cell: Search within the grid and compare the search string to the
string of the cell.
Search up: This will start the search from the current position and move up. The
default is to search down.
Section box:
Search the Summary
Detail of selected message
All (Entire View)
Search box:
All: Search within all selections.
Selection: Search within the selection only.
Column: Search within the column only.
Selecting data on which to search:
See Cell selection examples (p. 5-68).

Select Color
In the Message View, each row can be colorized by doing the following:
1. Right-Click on the row and click Select Color... (see Figure 6-3, Select Color
(p. 6-11)).
2. In the dialog that appears, select the Message ID(s), and then chose the Foreground
and Background color for that selection. (See Figure 6-4, Choose Message ID
(p. 6-11).
See Figure 6-5, Select Color Output (p. 6-12) for an example.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-3 Select Color

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-4 Choose Message ID

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-11
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-1: Load a journal into the Message Explorer
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-5 Select Color Output

Filters are used to further define the information being searched. By using filters you are
able to eliminate information that is not pertinent to your project or current search.

6-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters

Figure 6-6 Message Flow/Explorer filter menu

Filter menu drop-down

By Message Group: Group messages by message IDs (see: Filter messages by
Message Group. (p. 6-16)).
By Mobile: Group messages by mobile (see: Filter messages by mobile (p. 6-17)).
By Network Element: Group messages by Network Element (see Filter messages by
Network Element (p. 6-17)).
By Call Id: Group messages by Call ID (see Filter messages By Call Id (p. 6-19)
By Bookmarks: Group message by Bookmarks. (see Filter messages By Bookmarks
(p. 6-19)
By Message Detail: Group message by Message Detail. (see Filter messages By
Message Details (p. 6-20)
Hide Messages: Removes Messages from view. Only items showing are Events.
Hide Non Directional Messages: In Message Flow (only) by default all the messages
will be included for flow diagram and All non-directional messages will be hidden.
To View non directional messages Click on Filter and un-check Hide Non Directional
Messages button.
Hide Events: Removes Events from view. Only items showing are Messages.
Default: unchecked (off)
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-13
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
Hide Start/End of File Events: Removes the Start of File Event and End of File
Event rows from view in Message Explorer or Message Flow.
Default: checked (on)
Clear Non-column Filters: Removes all the filters that are shown in the Filter drop
down menu (By Message Group, By Mobile, By Network Element, Hide Messages,
Hide Events).
Clear Column Filters: Removes all the enabled filters for all the columns.
Clear All: Removes all the filter effects.

Create a Message Group

See Creating Groups (p. 8-30).

Select a Message Group Filters

Figure 6-7, Filtering by Message Group (p. 6-15) is an example of selecting
Test Group from the combo box, with Uplink Grant, Channel Info and Downlink Grant
selected to form the group Test Group.

6-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters

Figure 6-7 Filtering by Message Group

Filter messages by Message Group. (p. 6-16) is an example of selecting Test Group
from the combo box, with Uplink Grant, Channel Info and Downlink Grant selected to
form the group Test Group.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-15
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
Filter messages by Message Group.

Figure 6-8 Filter messages by message group

To filter message by Message group:

1. Create a Message Group. Creating Groups (p. 8-30).
2. From the Filter menu, choose By Message Group.
3. Click on the Edit button.
4. Check the items on which you want to filter the data.
5. After selecting the items to be viewed, click to OK button to approve or the Cancel
button to undo the selection.

6-16 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
Filter messages by mobile
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-9 Filter messages by mobile

To filter by the mobile:

1. From the Filter menu, choose By Mobile.
2. Check the mobiles that are to be in this project.
To view all the mobiles, either click the All box or select Clear All Filters in the
3. After selecting the mobiles to be viewed, click to OK button to approve or the Cancel
button to undo the selection.

Filter messages by Network Element

Filter by Network Element provides capability to filter by All, by particular Network
Element ID, or by pair of Network Element ID. When filtered by a particular NE, all the
other NE and their associated messages are filtered out.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-17
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-10 Filter by Network Element

To filter by the Network Element:

1. From the Filter menu, choose By Network Element.
2. Check the Network Elements that are to be in this project.
To view all the Network Elements, either click the All box or select Clear All in the
menu and choose only those Network Elements wanted.
3. After selecting the Network Elements to be viewed, click to OK button to approve or
the Cancel button to undo the selection.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
Filter messages By Call Id

Figure 6-11 Filter by Call Id

To filter messages by Call ID:

1. Click the All box in the menu. or select the Call Id to be viewed.
2. Click the OK button to approve or the Cancel button to undo the selection.

Filter messages By Bookmarks

Figure 6-12 Filter by Bookmarks

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-19
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
To filter messages by Bookmarks:
1. Click the All box in the menu or if there is a list, select the items by which to filter.
2. Click the OK button to approve or the Cancel button to undo the selection.

Filter messages By Message Details

Filter by Message Details provides capability to define the criteria by particular of the
messages that are to be filtered.

To filter by the Message Details:

1. From the Filter menu, choose By Message Details.
2. A Filter by Message Details window is displayed.

3. After selecting the Network Elements to be viewed, click to OK button to approve or

the Cancel button to undo the selection.
4. Complete the following fields:
6-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Filters
Message Name, field name, operator and value
5. Click OK
The message view/flow data is filtered based on the user entered criteria.
Note: Clicking on the Cancel button clears the fields and closes the dialogue box.
To remove the filter:
1. Go to the filter drop down
2. Complete on the of following actions:
Clear Non-Column Filters
Clear All Filters

Grid Filter
Grid filters set the filtering to a deeper level. Filters from the main menu filter the total
data. Grid filters sort the data based upon criteria set within each column.

Grid Filters: Data sorting

To sort the data, click on the column header.
Sort Ascending: Sort the selected column data in ascending order.
Sort Descending: Sort the selected column data in descending order.
Sort Original: Arrange the selected column data back to the original order.
Clear Filter: Remove all filtering affects.
Text Filter or Number Filter for Timestamp:
Text filters allows the user to further filter the data by many options.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Grid Filter

By clicking on these items, the user can choose options to further filter the data.
Set: Filter by groups, filtering by the values in the column (similar to MS Excel).

Figure 6-13 Filter by sorting data

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Grid Filter
Grid Filters: Text/Numeric Filters
Filtering Data using Text Filters or Number Filters:
1. Select a column(s) in the Summary grid (Message Name).
2. Click on the drop down button.
3. Click on the Text Filters button or Number Filters to reveal the items by which one
can group:
Except for Custom Filter. Clicking one of the text filters will populate the
Example 2, Combo Box 1 Figure 6-15, Example 2: Text/Numeric Filtering
Dialog (p. 6-24).
The Combo Box 2 - Example 2 - Figure 6-15, Example 2: Text/Numeric Filtering
Dialog (p. 6-24) provides a unique list from the column. This area can be
overwritten by the user.
NOTE: Filter Text is Case Sensitive.
4. To clear the filter, click the Clear Filter item (Example 3 - Figure 6-14, Example 1:
Filter by Groups (p. 6-23)).

Figure 6-14 Example 1: Filter by Groups

Note: A menu for column containing numeric data display Number Filters instead of
Text Filters in the menu.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Grid Filter

Figure 6-15 Example 2: Text/Numeric Filtering Dialog

Note: Content will change depending on data loaded and column being filtered.

Figure 6-16 Example 3: To clear filter

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Grid Filter

Grid Filter: Set

Filtering Data using Set.
1. Select a column(s) in the Summary grid.
2. Click on the drop down button.
3. Click on the Set button to reveal the items used for filtering.

4. Once Set is selected, click the OK button to show results.

5. To clear the filter, click the Clear Filters item.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Grid Filter

Note: There is no Set item for the timestamp column.

Non-Grid Filtering
There are times when the user needs the data to be filtered and values need to be
discarded based on certain values. For example, the average throughput needs to be
greater than 1 Mb for all areas where SNR > 0dB.

Parameterized Data (Cell)

If a metric has a parameterized value, a combo box for the Cell ID will be added. The
Metric can be filtered by All the cells or a select group of cells.

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A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-17 Non-grid filtering

Note: If a metric can be filtered, a filter button will be provided.

Time Based Filtering

There are times when the contract says that the data needs to be filtered and values need
to be discarded based on certain time Intervals. For example, after plotting Metric using
any of the render types (i.e. Scatter, Histogram and Map) data can be filtered between two
intervals (i.e. Start and End Date).
1. Click on the filter button.
Result: A new filter options will be added under the specified metric and Time filter
button will be disabled.
2. Enter the Time ranges in the two input boxes in the specified Time format and press

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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Non-Grid Filtering
To remove the Time filter button from the filter options, press the delete button which
will be available at the end.
Time filter options will be removed from the filtering options and Time filter options
button will be enabled.
Once a view (Scatter, Histogram, Grid, Map) has been created, multiple metrics can
be added to that view by dragging the additional metric(s) onto the view.
If the Time Based Filtering needs to apply to all the metrics added to the view, choose
the option Click here to apply time range filter to all the metrics... located at the
bottom of the filter.

Enter the time intervals and press Set Button.

This will apply Time Based Filter to all the metrics available in the view and
Apply this time range filter to all Metrics will be closed.
Then press Apply. Metric data will be filtered for the available metrics.
Note: Start Time should be less then the End Date Time. If the date is not proper, a
warning will be displayed.

Metric Based Filtering

1. Click the Add Filter... button

2. From the Select Filter(s) to Add dialog, select the filter(s) to be applied.
3. Click the OK button to apply the filters, or click the Cancel button to close the dialog
with applying the filter.
Once a view (Scatter, Histogram, Grid) has been created, multiple metrics can be added to
that view by dragging the additional metric(s) onto the view.
Once a view (Scatter, Histogram, Grid) has been created, multiple metrics can be added to
that view by dragging the additional metric(s) onto the view.

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A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Keep vs. Filter

When a Keep of filter is added, a combo list can be used to determine how the data
should be treated.
Auto-apply parameter choice changes. When this is selected, any changes to the
Keep or Filter will be applied immediately.
If a metric has a Keep Of filter applied, a combo box for the Keep Of will be added

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Non-Grid Filtering

Apply Auto-apply parameter choice changes: When this is selected, any changes to
the Keep or Filter will be applied immediately.
Auto-apply event choice changes: When this is selected, any changes to the Keep or
Filter will be applied immediately.

Figure 6-18 Demonstration of how Keep vs Filter can affect a data set.

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Keep and Filters set:
Keep: Min 50% of the Group
Filter: dB <= 1.1
Keep, then Filter: Applies the filter to the group that is selected.
Keep: 50% of the Group = 5 Rows (yellow)
Filter: Of the 5 rows, 4 rows have a dB < 1.1
Total rows selected = 4. As shown by the "x" in Column "C".
Filter, then Keep: Filter data first and then selects the group.
Filter: 4 rows have a dB <= 1.1 (yellow)
Keep: 50% of the 4 rows = 2
Total rows selected = 2. As shown by the x in Column D.

Parameterized Data (Cell)

If a metric has one or more parameters, a combo box for each parameter will be added.

Bookmarks allows you to compare items against another in a simple manner. It makes the
line(s) in question or being compared stand out.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Bookmarks

Table 6-2 Bookmark Options

Add/Remove Bookmark (Ctrl+F2): Bookmark all Call Separation rows.

Down arrow shows a list of bookmarks that
can be used. Toggle a bookmark for the
current row (CTRL+F2).
Once a bookmark has been used, this symbol
becomes an icon beside the Add/Remove
Bookmark icon.
To delete a flag from a specific line: highlight
the line containing the flag to be deleted. Click
that flag again from the drop down list. This
will delete the flag for that particular line(s).

Bookmark all Call Failure rows.

Bookmark all visible lines:
The primary purpose of this is to be able
to quickly bookmark records using
Filter the messages and then click the
Bookmark Visible Lines button.
Remove the filter(s).
This provides a method to view the book
marked records as part of a larger set.

Go to previous bookmark:
If there isn't a previous bookmark, this will be Find:
grayed out. Find Dialog (see Find Dialog (p. 6-9)).

Go to next bookmark:
Goes to the next bookmark. If there is not a Time Difference:
next bookmark, this will be grayed out. Shows the time difference between two
selected messages.

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Table 6-2 Bookmark Options (continued)

Clear all bookmarks: (CTRL+SHIFT+F2).

From Selected Row: (CTRL+SHIFT+F3)
From Highlighted Rows: (CTRL+SHIFT+F4)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-33
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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-2: Create Bookmark Icons

Procedure 6-2: Create Bookmark Icons

A list of bookmarks are provided in the drop down list

To add a new bookmark icon to the bottom of the list:

1 Navigate to Tools->Options.

2 Select Application under the Default tree.


3 In the Formatting->Custom Images, click on the ellipse (...)

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-2: Create Bookmark Icons
Result: An Edit Custom Flags Images dialog opens.


4 Click the Add button to add an image that is 16x16 pixels.

Click the Delete button to remove the custom image.
Note: Bookmarks are saved per project.
Note: A bookmark added in the Message explorer view window is also visible in the
Message flow window and vice versa.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View

Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View


If .... Then ....

Removing all bookmarks Use steps 1 thru Step 2
Removing specific bookmarks Use steps 3 thru step 5


1 Note: To clear all bookmarks:

Click the button

2 Choose Clear all Bookmarks from the drop-down.

Result: All bookmarks are removed.

3 Note: To clear specific bookmark(s):

Choose the line(s) where the bookmark is to be cleared,

4 Click the button.


5 Make a choice from the drop-down:

Clear all bookmarks
From Selected Row
From Highlighted Rows

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-3: Remove bookmarks in Message View
Result: Requested bookmarks are removed.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


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9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Overview


Message Views

Message Views allow messages in Projects to be viewed. Currently, there are 2
Messaging views.
Message Explorer
Message Flow


Message Exports 6-38

Message Flow 6-40
Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View 6-45
Synchronize Message Flow 6-48
Play 6-49

Message Exports
The Export button exports the Message View data to multiple formats.

Figure 6-19 Message Explorer Tool bar: Export

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Message Views
Summary Only
To export the Summary information to an .xls (MS Excel) format.
1. Click on Export either from the From the Menu-> File-> or from the tool bar menu
icon ( ).
2. Click on Summary Only.
3. In the Save As dialog box:
Save in: Navigate to the directory in which the information should be stored.
Save as type: Choose the type of file extension to be used in the File name box.
File name: Create a title for the file.
The data can be exported one of following formats:
MS Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
MS Excel 2007 (*.xlsx)
CSV (*.csv)

Details Of Selected Rows

To export the details of selected rows:
1. Highlight the rows that you want to have exported.
2. Click on the Export icon.
3. Click on Details of Selected Rows.
4. In the Save As dialog box:
Save in: Navigate to the directory in which the information should be stored.
Save as type: Choose the type of file extension to be used in the File name box.
File name: Create a title for the file.
Exports the details of the selected rows of following formats:
MS Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
MS Excel 2007 (*.xlsx)
CSV (*.csv) format.
Adobe PDF files (*.pdf)

All Details
Note: Large exports can take a long time and generate large files.
To export All Details:
1. Highlight the rows that you want to export.
2. Click on the Export icon.
3. Click on All Details.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Message Exports
Message Views
4. In the Save As dialog box:
Save in: Navigate to the directory in which the information should be stored.
Save as type: Choose the type of file extension to be used in the File name box.
File name: Create a title for the file.
Exports the details of the entire report of following formats:
MS Excel 97-2003 (*.xls)
MS Excel 2007 (*.xlsx)
CSV (*.csv) format.
Adobe PDF files (*.pdf)
Note: Warning: Large exports can take a long time and generate large files.

Message Flow
A Message Flow can be viewed by:
1. Projectx: Select specific study within a project.
2. Journal Selector: Clicking this item brings up the various journals. See:Journal
Selector (p. 6-4)
3. Selected Studies: If a particular Device ID is chosen from the Device pull down
menu, the user is able to view only the studies for the selected Device ID.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Message Flow
Message Views

Figure 6-20 Message flow menu. selecting a study

Message flow tool bar

Figure 6-21 Message flow tool bar

Table 6-3 Message flow icon explanation

Bookmarks: (flags)
Synchronize For information on bookmarks see:
Synchronize Message Flow: see Synchronize Bookmarks (p. 6-31).
Message Flow (p. 6-48).

Export view to a .bmp, .xls or .pdf file format. Find:
Export messages (see Message Exports Find Dialog (see Find Dialog (p. 6-9)).
(p. 6-38).

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Message Flow
Message Views
Table 6-3 Message flow icon explanation (continued)

Filter Timeline:
SeeFilters (p. 6-12). See TimelineTimeline (p. 5-72)
Combine network elements
See: Combine network elements (p. 6-45)

Message flow diagram

Reading a Message Flow Diagram:
Each column heading represents a protocol or interface that the messages are sent on
Figure 6-22, Message Flow Diagram. (p. 6-43).
The arrow indicates the direction of the message flow.
The color scheme uses the same coloring as the Message Explorer.
To change the color, go to Menu-> Tools-> Options-> Default-> Application->
Formatting (Message Coloring). See Figure 6-22, Message Flow Diagram.
(p. 6-43).
To change the size of the Message Flow Diagram, use the CTRL + Wheel Mouse.
Spinning the mouse wheel changes the zoom level.
The Timestamp is the time the message was sent/received.
The Timestamp can be numerically filtered (see: Grid Filters: Text/Numeric Filters
(p. 6-23)
Click on a row to see the detail information: Figure 6-23, Message Flow Detail
View. (p. 6-44)
To select multiple rows, click on the far left side of the diagram (Figure 6-22,
Message Flow Diagram. (p. 6-43)).
To select multiple rows in sequence (see Figure 6-23, Message Flow Detail
View. (p. 6-44).
1. Select the first row.
2. Hold down the Shift key and then select the second row.
To select rows out of sequence, hold down the Ctrl Key while selecting multiple
rows. See red circle in Figure 6-22, Message Flow Diagram. (p. 6-43).

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Message Views
A shows the current indicator. B shows the selection shaded area. The information to the
follow depends on the technology being used.

Figure 6-22 Message Flow Diagram.

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Message Views
Figure 6-23 Message Flow Detail View.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View
Message Views

Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View

There are times when the information viewed on screen is not giving the user a good view
of what is taking place. The screen view can be changed.
Depending on the technology being used, the Message Flow view will be similar to the
graphic below.

Note that the information is spread out. There is too much distance between the Network
Element (NE) columns and the NE element tabs are too wide.

Combine network elements


1 Combine Network Elements within the Message Flow view, by clicking on the Combine
item -> Network Element -> within the Message Flow tool bar

Result: A box with a list of available NEs is displayed.


2 Choose the NEs to be combined.

Note: Combine NE is a costly operation. Combining NEs reloads the entire view. This
takes the same amount of time as initial reloading of the message flow.
The Combine Network Elements combines the unique IDs of the same network
element type into one column in the message flow.
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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View
Message Views
eNodeB ID:1, eNodeB ID: 7890 and eNodeB ID: 99901 will be combined into

3 Click OK.
Note: All filters may be applied on top of Combine option.

Change the message flow view


1 To RESIZE a single NE column: From within the Message Flow view screen, place your
cursor at the end of the first NE tab.
In this example, at the end of the NE tab for LTE eNodeB: ID: 56161.

Result: The cursor indicator becomes the MS Windows symbol for left/right dragging.

2 With the drag symbol showing, left mouse click. As you drag the symbol to the left, the
tab decreases in size. Moving the cursor to the right increases the size of the tab.
Note: Holding down the ctrl key will resize all NE columns at once.


3 To HIDE an NE: A push button is provided on the right of each NE. When the push button
is clicked a floating Hide NE menu item is displayed. If the Hide NE is applied, that NE
will be disabled from view and the appropriate filter is applied.
The filter information is found in the menu item: Filter-> By Network Element.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-4: To change the Message Flow View
Message Views
To un-hide the NE, go to Filter --> By Network Element and check the NE which was

S-GW: ID .... has been hidden.

Note: the filter item in the menu bar is now active.

To un-hide the S-GW ID, navigate to the filter menu->By Network Element. Check the
box in front of the S-GW ID: 3 item. Then click OK.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-47
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Synchronize Message Flow
Message Views

Synchronize Message Flow

Synchronizing views is used when two screens are being viewed at the same time:
Message Flow and Message View. To synchronize these views the following must take
Synchronize must be turned on for all of the views to be synchronized.
If selecting a record in Message View, a record with a direction arrow must be
selected. The other view(s) will automatically scroll to the start of the synchronized
selection. (Figure 6-24, Synchronizing Message Flow with Message View
(p. 6-48)).
If selecting a record in Message View, a record with a direction arrow must be
selected. The other view(s) will automatically scroll to the start of the synchronized
selection. (Figure 6-24, Synchronizing Message Flow with Message View
(p. 6-48)).
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used)

Figure 6-24 Synchronizing Message Flow with Message View

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Play
Message Views

Play allows the user to view scenarios of a call as it is played between the Message
Explore view and Message Flow view windows. The user is able to follow the
progression of the call.
To begin the Play mode,

Preparation for running the Play mode

To prepare for running a play mode, use the following procedure.

1 Open an existing project.


2 From the main software menu, open both a Message Explore window and a Message
Flow window for the same study.

Result: both the Message Flow Diagram and Message Explore are displayed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-49
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Message Views
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used)


3 From the WINDOW menu, to view the windows horizontally or vertically.


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Message Views
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Running Play mode

Play feature provides the user with an automated way of playing the data around the
timestamp of interest. The Play menu item will be visible once there is data that supports
playable data scatter, grid, message explorer, or message flow views.
Once the data is in a viewable play mode, the menu items may be used.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Play
Message Views

Table 6-4 Play menu tag explanations

Go To Timestamp: Stop:
Permits the user to search for a particular This menu will only become visible AFTER a
timestamp. Play has begun.
Move to First: Move to Next:
Jumps to the first timestamp in both window Moves to next timestamp in playable data
views. view.
Move to Previous: Move to last:
Moves and highlights timestamp data in the Move to last timestamp in playable data view.
previous time slot for both window views.
Pause: Speed:
Pauses the play. Controls the speed of play.
Play the playable data view.
Note: if the item is in the play mode, this item
becomes Stop.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Overview
Data Displays

Data Displays

After your data has been added to a project, it can be viewed (depending on the metric) as
a Scatter, Histogram, or Grid. This section describes the types of displays available.


Data Display views 6-54

View Display Legend 6-55
Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics 6-59
Scatter Plot 6-61
Procedure 6-6: Create a Scatter Plot graphic 6-66
Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric 6-68
Procedure 6-8: Display data using a map view 6-71
X-Y Scatter Plot 6-73
Procedure 6-9: Choosing metrics to compare in an X-Y scatter plot 6-74
Histogram 6-75
Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric 6-77
Procedure 6-11: Show Multiple Metrics in a View 6-80
Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display 6-82

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-53
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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Data Display views
Data Displays

Data Display views

The default view for the data is indicated by the icon that is to the left of the metric name.
Example :
Scatter plot is the default view for LTE Events in ALL Events: LTE PS Orig. Success, and
the Histogram is the default view for LTE Statistics: E-RAB Failure Rate.
Right mouse click on the metric type, the various view types that are available for the
selected metric are displayed.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display View Display Legend
Data Displays

View Display Legend

Each view is accompanied by a legend. The legend shows thematic for the view.
To open the legend (unhide), click on the Legend icon.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Set Window position

A drop down options list allows the user to change the display of the legend.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display View Display Legend
Data Displays

Figure 6-25 Legend Set window position

Table 6-5 Legend set window position

Floating: Auto-Hide:
This item allows the user to freely move the Allows the legend to hide when not in use.
legend around the screen.
Dockable: Dock to:
Allows the user to dock the legend to a Allows the user to Dock the legend on the
particular place on the screen. Click dockable Left, Right, Top or Bottom of the screen.
then go back into the menu and choose the
Dock to menu item to choose
MDI Child:
This will not function until a later release.

View legend
The Legend Help can be accessed by clicking within the open legend. It is advisable to
that you unhide the legend to accomplish this.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display View Display Legend
Data Displays

Table 6-6 Legend mini tool bar

This Study: Split into separate series:

When this mode is used, the tool bar will Splits into separate series based on parameter
function for each individual study. values.
Note: this option only works in This Study
mode. This item will be disabled if All Studies
mode is chosen.
All Studies: Edit Theme for StudyX:
When this mode is chosen, the item turns to If more than one study is open, user may edit
All Studies caption and automatically the theme for the individual studies.
changes the tool bar mode to perform action For details see on Themes, see: Project
for all studies for this metric and project. Options (p. 8-33)
Bin Size: Edit Theme for ALL Studies:
Bin size can be made larger or smaller. User can change the theme for all studies at
Only shows if data is binned metrics once.
(temporal, spatial) For details on Themes see: Project Options
Temporal - units are in seconds (p. 8-33)
Spatial- units are in meters.

Show Data Labels: Close Layer:

Shows or hides the data labels on the graph. Closes the layer associated with this tool bar.

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Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display View Display Legend
Data Displays
Table 6-6 Legend mini tool bar (continued)

Show Hide Layer:

Shows or hides the layer associated with this
tool bar but, does not close it.

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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics
Data Displays

Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics

Once the data has been selected and filtered, it can be displayed using charts and/or
graphics in one of the following display types:

With a project open and in the Metric Explore:

1 Right mouse click on the default display type of the item you wish to display in chart or
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).


2 Choose the chart or graphic type: in this example histogram has been used.

3 Once the display type is chosen, the data display screen is transformed into a graphic

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-59
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics
Data Displays
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 6-26 Example: histogram or E-RAB Failure Rate.


6-60 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Scatter Plot
Data Displays

Scatter Plot
There are various views of Scatter plots. They can be simple or very complex.

Scatter plot data set tool kit

Table 6-7 Scatter Plot data set tool kit explanation.

Synchronization: Select Data Set:

See Synchronize Message Flow (p. 6-48) See Data View-> Select Rows: Highlighting
Data Points (p. 6-62) and Highlighting
Multiple Regions (p. 6-63).

Export: Select Data Set:

See Message Exports (p. 6-38). Use the control button to add selected points to
an existing set.

Panning tool: Zoom In & Out:.

Allows the user to move the information to a See Zoom in and zoom out (p. 6-61).
better view.

Zoom in and zoom out

See the following separate sections for zoom in and zoom out.
Zoom in
1. Click on the Zoom tool
2. Left mouse click on the starting point in the scatter plot.
3. While holding down the mouse button, drag to the end point and release the mouse.
Note: Keyboard Shortcut: Hold down the Z key and then left mouse click and drag
(same as step 2).
4. Left mouse - double click: Double click on the point to zoom in.
To continue the zoom, use the mouse wheel in the upward motion.
Example of the left mouse click and drag.
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-61
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Scatter Plot
Data Displays
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being

Zoom out
Once a zoom on the scatter plot has taken place, the Zoom Out tool will appear.
Right Mouse - Double Click: Double click on the point to zoom out.
Mouse Wheel: Spin the mouse wheel down.

Data View-> Select Rows: Highlighting Data Points

Note: Synchronization is not supported for spatial metrics views.
1. Click on the Data Set tool
2. Left Mouse Click on the starting point (A) in the chart. While holding the mouse
button down, drag to the end point (B) and then release the mouse.
3. Once completed, the rows associated with the area highlighted in the scatter plot will
be highlighted in the data view
Keyboard Shortcut: Hold down the Shift key + left mouse click and drag (same as
step 2).

6-62 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Scatter Plot
Data Displays
Left mouse button click and drag.

Highlighting Multiple Regions

1. Click on the Data Set Tool .
2. Left mouse click on the starting point (C) in the chart. While holding the mouse button
down, drag to the end point (D) and release the mouse.
Result: Once completed, the rows associated with the area highlighted in the scatter
plot are highlighted in the data view.
Keyboard Shortcut: Hold down the Ctrl key + left mouse click and drag (same as
step 2).
Selecting Multiple Regions

Deselecting Regions
1. Click on the Data Set tool
2. Hold down the Shift key + left mouse click on a single point (do not drag).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-63
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Scatter Plot
Data Displays
Full scatter plot view with grid data.

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9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Scatter Plot
Data Displays
Simple Scatter plot
The following is an example of a Simple Scatter Plot view using the
E-RAB Failure Rate).

1. Metric: 4. Legend:
Name of the metric being charted. View Display Legend (p. 6-55).
2. Metrics (Default view): 5. View:
Reports and Delta Metric. Scatter plot view.
3. Filtering Selection area:
Metric Explorer Filter.

To close the active chart, either click the x on the far upper right, or right-click on the tab
E-RAB Failure Rate and select Close.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-65
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-6: Create a Scatter Plot graphic
Data Displays

Procedure 6-6: Create a Scatter Plot graphic

Scatter plots are plotted depending on these various scenarios:
If any spatial metrics are in the grid, the scatter plot will not include the spatial metric
If all the metrics in the grid are spatial metrics, the scatter from grid' button will be
If any row is selected (highlighted in blue), the scatter plot will be plotted only for the
data in the highlighted rows.
If filter is applied on the grid, the scatter plot will be plotted only for the filtered-out
rows in the grid.
If the data plotted in the scatter is a subset of the complete metric data (due to
selection or filtering), the background color of the scatter will be in light pink, and
Filtering options will not be provided (in the scatter). Bin Resizing is also not


1 Open a metrics file.


2 If all data is not required/wanted, highlight the lines to be used in the scatter plot.

3 Click on the scatter plot icon .

6-66 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-6: Create a Scatter Plot graphic
Data Displays
Result: The scatter plot is displayed.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-67
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric
Data Displays

Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric

A parameterized metric can be split into multiple series based on the parameter and then
plotted in a scatter plot or histogram.
To view a multi series scatter plot:

1 In the Metric Explorer, open a parameterized metric as a scatter. See Procedure 6-10:
Histogram: Parameterized Metric (p. 6-77).

2 Open the Legend and hover over series to view the mini tool bar. See Table 6-6, Legend
mini tool bar (p. 6-57).

Figure 6-27 Scatter Plot pre split.


3 Click on the Splitter button (see arrow in graphic) to split the series based on the
parameter values.
Note: To merge the split series back to a single series, click the Splitter button again.

6-68 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric
Data Displays

Figure 6-28 Scatter Plot post split

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being


Figure 6-29 PM-scatter-plot


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-69
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-7: Scatter Plot: Parameterized Metric
Data Displays
Histogram split 2:
Right click on a parameterized metrics in the metric tree. A Parameterized menu item is
submenu items
Note: Only if the metric can be plotted in these views
On selecting any of the submenu item; example, Histogram,
a pop up window is displayed displaying all the parameters which are available for the
Select one or more parameters displayed and click on the OK button.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being

The view will be generated for the metric corresponding to the parameters selected
Note: To merge the split series back to a single series, click the Splitter button again.

6-70 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-8: Display data using a map view
Data Displays

Procedure 6-8: Display data using a map view

Once the data has been selected and filtered, it can be displayed using a map view.

With a project open and in the Metric Explore:

1 Right mouse click on the default display type of the item you wish to display in a chart or
graphic view.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-71
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-8: Display data using a map view
Data Displays

2 Choose the map option.


3 Once the display type is chosen, the data display screen is transformed into a map view.
Example: map view of .QoS Accepted Garanteed Bitrate Download (Spatial)


6-72 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display X-Y Scatter Plot
Data Displays

X-Y Scatter Plot

Ways to open an X-Y Scatter Plot
There are two ways to open an X-Y Scatter Plot:
From the menu: Menu-> Tools-> X-Y Scatter Plot.

From a Metric in the Metric Explorer, right mouse click on any Binned metric and
select X-Y Scatter Plot.

After plotting a Binned metric as a scatter plot, click on the X-Y scatter Plot button on the
tool bar

X-Y Scatter Plot Tool bar

For information on the Metric Scatter Plot tool bar, see: Metric scatter plot tool bar
(p. 5-14)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-73
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-9: Choosing metrics to compare in an X-Y
Data Displays scatter plot

Procedure 6-9: Choosing metrics to compare in an X-Y scatter

Choosing the correct X-Y metric to compare in an X-Y scatter plot.


1 Follow the steps to open the X-Y scatter plot (Ways to open an X-Y Scatter Plot
(p. 6-73))

2 Once this dialog appears, select a metric from the Metric X window and a different metric
from the Metric Y window.


3 To plot the metrics without saving as a template, click the OK button

To save the X-Y Scatter Plot as a template, enter a name for the template in the
Template Name section and then click the Save Template button.
To switch the X & Y axis click the button:

6-74 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Histogram
Data Displays

Histogram tool bar
For information on the Metric histogram tool bar, see: Metric Histogram tool bar
(p. 5-14)

Merged Histogram

Figure 6-30 Merged histogram

Figure 6-31 Un-merged histogram

Histogram curves
These functions are implemented for each metric Histogram view and can be enabled in
the Histogram view via Curves button

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-75
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Histogram
Data Displays

Cumulative distribution function(CDF): Sample Count: Provides the sample count

Provides the probability that a metric will be across the Y-Axis on the right side.
less than a value on the histogram (bar).
Complementary Bars: Shows the histogram bars.
cumulative distribution function (CCDF):
A method used to characterize the peak power
statistics of a digitally modulated signal.
Probability density function (PDF):
Describes the relative chance for this random
variable to occur at a given point in the
observation space.

Figure 6-32 Histogram with curves

6-76 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric
Data Displays

Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric

Introduction: Histogram split 1
A parameterized metric can be split into multiple series based on the parameter and
plotted in a Histogram.
To view a multi series histogram:

1 In the Metric Explorer, open a parameterized metric as a histogram. See Data Displays
(p. 6-53).
Histogram before applying series split.


2 Click on the Splitter button (highlighted in red) to split the series based on the parameter

Histogram after applying series split.

Note: To merge the split series back to a single series, click the Splitter button again.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-77
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric
Data Displays
Histogram split 2:
Right click on a parameterized metrics in the metric tree. A Parameterized menu item is
Submenu items
Note: Only if the metric can be plotted in these views
On selecting any of the submenu item. (Example: Histogram).
a pop up window is displayed listing all of the parameters which are available for the

Select one or more parameters displayed and click on the OK button.

6-78 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-10: Histogram: Parameterized Metric
Data Displays

The view will be generated for the metric corresponding to the parameters selected
Note: To merge the split series back to a single series, click the Splitter button again.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-79
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-11: Show Multiple Metrics in a View
Data Displays

Procedure 6-11: Show Multiple Metrics in a View

Once a view (Scatter, Histogram, Grid) has been created, multiple metrics can be added to
that view by dragging the additional metric(s) onto the view.
Note: The following conditions must exist:
The display types being merged into one view must be the same. For example, a
histogram can not be added to an existing scatter plot.
When adding multiple metrics to a Grid: .
data with matching time stamp will be on the same row.
data with the time stamps or different coordinates will be inserted into a new
metrics belonging to different studies will be displayed in different rows.

Within the Metric Explorer:

1 Using Procedure 6-5: Display data using charts and graphics (p. 6-59), create 2 separate

6-80 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-11: Show Multiple Metrics in a View
Data Displays
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).


2 From the Windows menu, choose a view (New Horizontal or New Vertical Tab Group)
OR right click in the message tab bar (where the #1 and #2 are located in the graphic
Result: The graphics are stacked above/below or side-by-side for a better comparison
Note: To delete the metric, click on the X in the corner as shown in the graphic (#3).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-81
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display
Data Displays

Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display

Once a display (Scatter, Histogram, Grid) has been created, multiple metrics can be added
to that view by dragging the additional metric(s) onto the display.

1 Note: The following conditions must exist:

The display types being merged into one view must be the same. For example, a
histogram can not be added to an scatter plot.
When adding multiple metrics to a Grid: .
data with matching time stamp will be on the same row.
data with the time stamps or different coordinates will be inserted into a new
metrics belonging to different studies will be displayed in different rows.
Within the Metric Explorer view, and with graphics created (See Procedure 6-5: Display
data using charts and graphics (p. 6-59)). Create a view by double clicking on a metric.
In this scatter example the metric displayed is: Target (CT) dB (Temporal) Scatter.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

6-82 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display
Data Displays

2 Choose the 2nd metric. Left mouse click on the metric and drag it into the data view
In this example, S1 Connection Establishment Success metric data is being added Metric
is being added to E-RAB Failure Rate Scatter.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).


3 The two graphics are merged in a comparison view.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-83
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display
Data Displays
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).


6-84 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 6-85
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Issue 1 September 2012
Journals, Message Flow, Message Views, and Data Display Procedure 6-12: Show Multiple Metrics in a display


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Issue 1 September 2012
7 Map View

Mapping is currently available for LTE and W-CDMA only.
The position of the UE is included in some W-CDMA call traces. WTA supports mapping
metrics derived from these call traces. Both CTb and CTg traces may include the UE
W-CDMA Functionalites:
A UE Positioning event is created to record the UE coordinates in (latitude, longitude)
on to a map.
The UE positioning event has added capabilities for correlating UE attributes like
timestamp, Cell ID and metrics to the UE position.
LTE Functionalites:
Cell information is displayed via the map geographic files.


Map Menu 7-2

Map Application Programing Interfaces (APIs) 7-14
Map set-up 7-14
Show/Hide Cells on map 7-24
Map of Cells and Search 7-26
Zone filters 7-27
Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters 7-28
Cell Based Analysis 7-32
Map of Cells and Search Cells 7-36

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu


Map Menu
File menu Cell Info
Cell Info enables the user to display cell sites on a map. Metrics are able to use this

7-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

New File

New: Advanced Search::

Creates a New Network element network. Enables searching of network Elements based
on its attributes. See: Advanced search: Cell
Info View and Sort (p. 7-7)

Delete: Save:
Deletes the selected Network element. Saves the changes made and closes the screen.

Export: Cancel:
Exports the Network elements as XML or Discards the changes made and closes the
Excel file. screen.

Edit file
Edits a Cell info file by manually entering cell information.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu


Import Into
This item imports information that is currently being used by the project. This does not
edit or change the file that was imported.
When this option is selected, the user is presented with a dialog box which is used to pick
the file(s) to be imported . Once the cell info has been loaded, it can be viewed on a map.
See: Add Cell to Map (p. 7-24).

7-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu


File types for importing:

LCAT files
LCAT files will be automatically imported. This is the default setting
XCM/XML files
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-5
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

If an .xcm or .xml file is chosen, a dialog prompting the user for information is

Left Pane: OK:

Displays the file names that have been button will save the changes before closing.
Don't ask me this again: Cancel:
Checking this item will not open this button will undo all the changes before
window next time importing is done. closing.
Right Pane:
Shows the network properties of the selected
file (Customer, Region, Market, Contact,
OmcuNumber, SbnNumber, PLMN). This
information can be changed or left with the
default values.

Export from
Export the cell information from the current project.
Cell information can be exported in an .XML or Excel file format.

7-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

Edit for
Edit New Cell Info: To edit cell information that is currently being used by the project.
This does not edit or change the file that was imported.
The Edit/New Cell Info: This dialog enables the user to edit cells on a network.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Advanced Search:
Enables searching of network Elements based
on its attributes. See: Advanced search: Cell
Info View and Sort (p. 7-7)
Edits a new network element in the
corresponding technology selected.

Delete: Save:
Deletes the selected Network element. Saves the changes made and closes the screen.

Export: Cancel:
Exports the Network elements as XML or Discards the changes made and closes the
Excel file. screen.

Advanced search: Cell Info View and Sort

To view and sort cells:
1. To find cells: navigate to File-> Cell Info-> Edit
2. The Edit dialog box will appear. See Edit for (p. 7-7)
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-7
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

3. Top Level network element Item: Provides a list of network elements.
4. Column level sorting Item: Each column can be sorted by the values in that cell.

7-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

Map and cell menu

Note: Mapping is only available for W-CDMA and LTE.

Table 7-1 Map tool bar

Map tool bar items (#1 thru 3 and 12 thru 27)

1 18
Select Layers Append
Select the layer that are to be visible on the Appends selected points (ctrl) to the current
map selection.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-9
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

Table 7-1 Map tool bar (continued)

Map tool bar items (#1 thru 3 and 12 thru 27)

2 19
Move Layers: Distance:
Allows moving of layers in a map. Measures the distance between multiple points.
To set a point, Left+Mouse Click. To clear,
click on the Return to Panningbutton.

3 20
Layer: Zoom In:
Select tab layers that are visible on the map Zoom into the map. Certain maps, such as Bing
or Google, can only zoom to preset levels.
Shape based maps can zoom between the
preset levels.

11 21
Home: Zoom Out:
Returns the map back to the original position. Zoom out of the map. Certain maps, such as
Bing or Google, can only zoom to preset
levels. Shape based maps can zoom between
the preset levels.
12 22
Export: Histogram:
Export map Plot histogram from Map.
13 23
Synchronize: Scatter Plot:
Synchronizing of 2 or more map views Plot Scatter from Map.
14 24
Grid: Save current display:
graticule lines (grid) Current Map display settings are saved and
these settings will overwrite any existing
settings with the current settings.

7-10 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

Table 7-1 Map tool bar (continued)

Map tool bar items (#1 thru 3 and 12 thru 27)

15 25
Panning: Apply saved settings:
Return to panning Apply saved map display settings to the current
map. This option will not be enabled until user
has saved settings before.
16 26
Point selection: Filter:
Select a single point in Map. Select of a single Metric based filtering added to the current
point will be in Red color. Synchronization Metric Map view.
will not be applicable for single point
Data selector:
Select a set of Data (Shift)

Note: W-CDMA can map metrics and cell location from Call trace and cell info files
LTE can only map cell location from an imported cell info file.

Table 7-2 Cell tool bar

Cell tool bar menu items

4 8
Cell Display Information: Spiderline:
Toggles display of Cell information on Map. Displays Spiderline.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-11
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

Table 7-2 Cell tool bar (continued)

Cell tool bar menu items

5 9
Cell Filter: Label Toggles:
Filter the cells based on the criteria to be Allows the user to toggles labels on or off for
specified by user as below. cell.

6 10
Cell based Analysis: Cell Radius:
See: Cell Based Analysis (p. 7-32) User is able to change the cell radius based
upon miles.
Neighbor Frequency:
See: Cell Based Analysis (p. 7-32)

Cell menu

7-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Menu

Note: W-CDMA can map metrics and cell location from Call trace and cell info files
LTE can only map cell location from an imported cell info file.

Table 7-3 Cell tool bar

Cell tool bar menu items

1 5
Cell Display Information: Spiderline:
Toggles display of Cell information on Map. Displays Spiderline.
2 6
Cell Filter: Label Toggles:
Filter the cells based on the criteria to be Allows the user to toggles labels on or off for
specified by user as below. cell.

3 7
Cell based Analysis: Cell Radius:
See: Cell Based Analysis (p. 7-32) User is able to change the cell radius based
upon miles.
Neighbor Frequency:
See: Cell Based Analysis (p. 7-32)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-13
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map Application Programing Interfaces (APIs)


Map Application Programing Interfaces (APIs)

WTA supports the use of Tiger maps, Google maps, and BING maps.
The first time Map is chosen the user will be prompted to download map files. These files
will be stored: C:\Documents and Settings\MyMachine\Application Data\Alcatel-
Acquiring maps:
Tiger Maps: Tiger maps are downloaded from the RSP site.
Download is free.
BING Maps API URL: ( ).
Microsoft BING Maps account ID.
Microsoft BING Maps password.
Google Maps API URL: (
Google Maps License Key.

Map set-up
From the main menu, navigate to Tools->Options->Application->Map.

7-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Cell Display in Cell info window

Displays Cell ID or Cell Name. Default: Cell ID.
Cell Face Colors
Each face/Cell can have its own color. .

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-15
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up

A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Click on the Drop down box to show available colors or click the More Colors... button
to create a unique color

7-16 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Cell Label Text

Labels for Cell and Sectors.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-17
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Individual choices for Cell Label Text and Sector Label Text exist in the drop-down
Default SpiderLine maxCoChannel Distance(miles)
This item defaults to 10 miles. This is user changeable.
Display CellInfo
If true, cell information will be displayed on the map by default. See Add Cell to Map
(p. 7-24). See: Show/Hide Cells on map (p. 7-24)
Google Maps Client ID
Received from the Google Mapping website.
Google Maps License Key
Received from the Google Mapping website.

7-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up

Image Background

This item allows the user to import an image to be used in the map view. A reference
point must be given on the image for WTA to then derive the other coordinates of the
image to correlate the other data.
Map Type
This is the type of street maps being used behind the data on the map. The user must
provide a Google maps application key or a Microsoft BING maps account ID and
password to use those map types. See: Map Application Programing Interfaces (APIs)
(p. 7-14). None may also be selected to prevent maps from loading.
Show Graticule
This allows the grid to be shown on the map view. Default: True. The grid can also be
turned on or off by clicking on the grid icon
Street Atlas Files collection
Allows user to add/delete Street Atlas files and set the style.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-19
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Tab Files Collection

Allows the user to create, select and control how tab files are displayed on the map.
Note: Only WGS84 formatted TAB files are supported.
Maps can be created by using Tab files.
Tab files
Add button: Opens the select file dialog for the tab files.

Remove button: Removes a file(s) from the selection

7-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up

Down button. Moves the selected tab file down.
Select All button: Selects all the tab files
Click the Options... button to change the style of the maps.

Line Style: If the tab file contains lines, this drop down box will control the rendering
of the lines.
Point Style: If the tab file contains points, this drop down box will control the
rendering of those lines.
Area Style: Controls the color/area lines of the map.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-21
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Text Styles: Controls the type and style of text on the map (graphic below. shows
country labels).

7-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Tile Cache Size (MB)

This is the maximum amount of disk space to use for the map tile cache in megabytes of
disk space. It is utilized for caching map tiles to speed up the display of street layers in
Map views. (Does not apply for map file type of none.)
Use Tile Cache for Maps
Default: True. Use this setting to improve performance of the map by caching the street
displays as pictures in the local drive. The size of the cache is controlled by the
Tile Cache Size setting (does not apply to map type of none).
Visible Layers
List of shape based street maps enabled and visible by default on the map (Tiger Data

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-23
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map set-up


Technology type Cell Neighbor Distance Threshold (miles)

This gives the threshold in miles for Neighbor Analysis.
Technology type Cell Number of Neighbors Threshold
This gives the threshold for Neighbor Analysis.
Zoom Home On Add Metric
Controls whether the map will zoom to the home position every time a new metric is
added to the map. Default True

Show/Hide Cells on map

Add Cell to Map
When a map is added to the Metric cells can also be shown or hidden. Click the button
located on the Menu Bar to show or hide cells.
Below is an example of cells being shown on a map. For clarification, the use of the word
cell is being used to represent the equipment that generates radio frequencies (RF).
Radiator represents the side of the cell where the RF generates (Red, Green, Blue). It is
possible to change the user settings such as cell colors, cell Label text and others for
Maps in Tools->options->Application->Mapping. See: Map set-up (p. 7-14)

7-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Show/Hide Cells on map

Map example:


Technology Equipment Radiator

W-CDMA NodeB Cell
LTE eNodeB Cell
CDMA cell sector (face)
EV-DO cell sector (face)

The cells are displayed as co-centric circles, with transparent region within it.
EV-DO cell

Cell Color Cell outer Ring

Blue Black

LTE cell

Cell Color Cell outer Ring

Red Magenta: Growth
Dark Red: Everything else

CDMA cell

Cell Color Cell outer Ring

Bright orange Black

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-25
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Show/Hide Cells on map

W-CDMA cell

Cell Color Cell outer Ring

Dark Green 1. Orange: Growth
2. Gold: Toy
3. Red: Multi Band
4. Dark Blue: 1900 MHz 5
5. Black: Everything else

Map of Cells and Search

Map of cells
This process requires a successful load of the Cell Info (See: File menu Cell Info
(p. 7-2)).
To search Cell/s in map view navigate to the menu item: View->Map of Cells for Project
A window similar to the following is displayed.

7-26 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Zone filters


Zone filters
Zone Filters
Map Zone Filters gives the user the ability to filter map data and to perform data analysis.
Note: The text file generated from Street Atlas Map Software of the targeted area
must be available.
Target Zone filter generated by user from Street Atlas Map Software.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-27
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters


Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters

Under the Tools->Option the user may load the zone filter file(s) that will be used in the

1 Navigate to the Tools/options menu.


2 Navigate to the Filtering/ZoneFilterDefinitions.


3 Click on the New button to create a new filter.

Result: a window similar to the following is displayed:

7-28 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters


4 Input the zone filter text files.

Note: There could be multiple zone filter files loaded. The use of Boolean Expression
may be use to manipulate the targeted zone areas.
Example Boolean Expression:
A OR B Also, ( A || B ) / ( A | B )
A AND B Also, ( A && B )
A AND NOT B Also, ( A && !B )
NOT A Also, ( !A)
Sample multiple zone filters and Boolean Expression used.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-29
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Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters


5 Once the Zone Filter files and data files have been loaded, proceed with data analysis.
Note: When Zone Filter is selected, Message views will be closed.
Note: Zone Filter applies not only to maps, but to any metric view, message views,
reports, and statistics.
Map Metric with Zone Filter Off.

7-30 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Procedure 7-1: To create zone filters

Map Metric with the Zone Filter On.


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-31
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Cell Based Analysis


Cell Based Analysis

Cell based analysis options
Access the Cell based analysis by clicking on the within the map menu.
Cell Based Analysis may be based on options Normal, Neighbor List, Neighbor Distance,
Reciprocity, Number of Neighbors, Potential Overshoot Cells, Co-PCI Neighbors, and
Co-PCI Cells.
Display Neighboring cells information. This permits Neighbor Analysis based on
Neighbor distance, Number of Neighbors and Reciprocity.

Normal option : :
This option is used to display the cells map initially or when user wants to move out
of the current map options and display only the map of cells.
When a click is made on a cell, the cell will turn yellow and the neighbors become
Neighbor List :
When user selects a cell
the chosen cell will turn yellow
The neighbors will be green.
Neighbor Distance :
To visually identify neighbors far away from the source cell, when user selects a cell.
that cell will turn yellow
the neighbors whose distance is equal or greater than the threshold will be in red.
Neighbors whose distance is from 2/3 of threshold to threshold will be in orange.
The other neighbors will be green.

7-32 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Cell Based Analysis

Reciprocity option :
To identify neighbors which do not satisfy reciprocity rule, when user select a cell.
that cell will turn yellow
the neighbors whose reciprocity value is Missing will be in red.
the other neighbors in the neighbor list will be in green.
Number of Neighbors option :
To identify source cells whose number of neighbors are close to or at the maximum
number of neighbors.
all cells who has number of neighbors equal or greater than the threshold will be
in red.
cells having number of neighbors starts from 2/3 of the threshold to threshold will
be in orange.
The rest of the cells will be in green.
[Tech] Potential Overshoot Cells option :
Based on the distance between the source cells and their neighbors, list of cells that
have over 50% of its neighbors are tier 3 neighbors and/or it is a tier 3 neighbor over
40% of time.
2 sub options: Cells with potential overshoot problems and potential overshoot cell
Cells with potential overshoot problems: List of cell with potential overshoot
Potential Overshoot Cells neighbors: Display the neighbors of the cell with
potential overshoot issue. When user selects a cell as the source cell, the tier 3
neighbors are in red, while other neighbors are in either green or orange
depending on if they are intra or inter-frequency neighbors.
Co-PCI issue with in the neighbor list :
These are identified in two scenarios.
Case 1: if any of the Neighbor list Cell having same PCI value with the Source
then Source will be marked in Yellow.
Case 2: If any Neighbor PCI value matching with other Neighbor PCI value then
the Source will be marked in Yellow.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-33
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Cell Based Analysis


Note: When the user selects any of the cell marked in Yellow:
All the Neighboring Cells will be highlighted with Green.
Co-PCI cells in Red.
The Highlight Co-PCI Neighbors Tool Bar will be checked.
Once the User analysis is finished or if the user wants to see it again all the
Co-PCI issues cells with in the Neighbor List then uncheck the
Highlight Co-PCI Cells with in Neighbor list option.
Note: NL analysis will be unchecked if the select the Co-PCI cell info is selected and
vice versa.

Legend display
Note: For Threshold option settings see Tools -> Options.
Information for legends below are based upon the following graphic:

Normal Legend

7-34 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Cell Based Analysis


Legend display for Neighbor Distance:

Legend display for Number of Neighbors:

Legend display for reciprocity

For [Tech] Co-PCI Cells information option: Display all cells in the market having same
PCI . Allows to select PCI values from pull down menu based on data loaded and PCI
values in cell data sample. When user selects particular PCI value from the available list
then all the cells with that PCI value will be listed in red color.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-35
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Cell Based Analysis


Map of Cells and Search Cells

Map of cells
This process requires a successful load of the Cell Info (See: File menu Cell Info
(p. 7-2)).
To search Cell/s in map view navigate to the menu item: View->Map of Cells for Project

7-36 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map of Cells and Search Cells

Search Cells
Search and highlight the cell(s).

Table 7-4 Search icons

Search: Highlight the selected cell in the map:

Search the cell info based on the criteria/s Highlight a selected cell in the map with a pin.

Clear Search Results: Clears the highlight displayed in the map view:
Clear existing search criteria(s). Clears all the highlight (with a pin) in the map

Highlights all the selected cells in the map view:

Highlights all the selected cells in the map
view shown with pin(s).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 7-37
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Issue 1 September 2012
Map View Map of Cells and Search Cells


7-38 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
8 Tools

The tools section of the software allows the user to set up default/custom settings to make
navigation through the software more user friendly. The user will also be able to compress
files by using the SZip software.


Launch SZip 8-3

SZip file menu 8-3
One Shot Decoder 8-11
Procedure 8-1: Decoding Hexa String 8-12
X-Y Scatter Plot 8-14
Using X-Y Scatter Plots 8-14
X-Y Scatter Plot Template 8-15
X-Y Scatter Plot Template 8-15
Clear Cached Metrics 8-16
Clear Cached Metrics 8-16
Open Map Cache 8-17
Open Map Cache 8-17
Info 8-19
Metric, message, and event information 8-19
Options 8-22
Options menu items 8-22
Applications Options 8-25

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview


Project Options 8-33

Technology Options 8-41

8-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview
Launch SZip

Launch SZip

SZip is an application that is used to compress files and open compressed files in the zip
or .szip format. An SZip file is different from a standard zip file in that it can be processed
by 9958 WTA more quickly.
NOTE: WinZip can read .szip files.


SZip file menu 8-3

SZip file menu

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip
SZip files

Figure 8-1 SZip File menu

Table 8-1 SZIP Menu Structure

New: Save As:

Create a new SZip file. Save the current session as an SZip file.
Open: Add Files:
Open an existing SZip or Zip file. Add files to the szip file with the option of
adding the path information.
Close: Exit:
Close the current file. Exit the application.
Save: Save the current SZip file.

To create a new .szip file:
1. Select File-> New from the main menu.

8-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip

2. From the main menu select File-> Add Files...

3. From the Select Files Dialog, select the file(s) to be added to the .szip file

4. Once the file(s) are selected, the option to add to file path is presented. See: Adding
path info (p. 8-10).

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-5
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip

Below is an example of files entered with the path information.

5. Save this file.

To open a zipped file:
1. Within the SZip window, select File->Open.
Result: A Select archive to open window is displayed.
2. Navigate to an .SZip or .Zip file that you want to open.
3. Highlight the file and click on open or double click on the file.
4. A window opens showing the files in the archive.
5. Check each file individually or Select All.
6. Selection is only used when deleting archive members.

To save the file:
1. Within the SZip window, Create a new file by following New (p. 8-4) procedure.
2. From this file click on File->Save.
8-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip
Result: A Save file window is displayed.
3. Give the file a name.
4. Click Save.

Save As
To save an existing file under a new name:
1. Within the SZip window, Open an .SZIP (or .zip) file.
2. Click on File->Save As.
Result: A Save As window is displayed.
3. Rename the file.
4. Click Save.

Open/save and existing zip file

1. Open a project or drag an existing zip file into a project.
2. Save the file as a .zip.

Add Files
To add files to a SZip file:
1. Select File-> New from the main menu.

2. From the main menu select File->Add Files...

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-7
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip

3. From the Select Files Dialog, select the file(s) to be added to the .szip file.

4. Once the file(s) are selected, the option to add to file path is presented. See: Adding
path info (p. 8-10).
Below is an example of files entered with the path information.

5. Click on Save or Save As this file.

8-8 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip
Drag Into project
The second method for adding files to SZip application is to drag the files from Windows
Explorer to SZip.
Adding files to an SZip file
Files can be added to a SZip application by dragging the files from Windows Explorer to
a new or existing SZip.

Path information
The path information is not added when the files are dragged from the Windows Explorer
to SZip. To include the file path, hold down the Shift key while dragging.

Figure 8-2 SZip file without path information

Figure 8-3 SZip file with path information

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-9
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools SZip file menu
Launch SZip
Adding path info
When adding files to a .szip file, the option to include the path is presented in a dialog
box. When dragging files to from Windows Explorer, this can be activated by holding the
Shift Key down while dragging the files to the .szip file Drag Into project (p. 8-9).
Default path
By default, the current path is provided.

Editing the path

The path can be edited by overwriting the path, or selecting the path, or subset of the
current path, from the drop down box.

8-10 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview
One Shot Decoder

One Shot Decoder

This facility, integrated in the tool but not linked to any work space, decodes in detail
some ASN1 messages, NAS, etc.


Procedure 8-1: Decoding Hexa String 8-12

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-11
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Procedure 8-1: Decoding Hexa String
One Shot Decoder

Procedure 8-1: Decoding Hexa String

Almost all Hexa String is decoded as it is imported/downloaded to the WTA software.
Periodically, this does not take place. The One Shot Decoder allows this information to be
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).


1 Copy and paste the Hexa String data to be decoded in to the

Enter Hexa String to Decode: (#1).

2 Choose the Channel Type (#2) to be used and click on Decode.


3 Click on Decode. #3

8-12 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Procedure 8-1: Decoding Hexa String
One Shot Decoder
Result: Decoded message is displayed in the bottom panel.

Figure 8-4 One Shot Hex Decoder


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-13
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview


X-Y Scatter Plot

This is used to create an X-Y Scatter Plot to compare one metric's values against another
metric's values.


Using X-Y Scatter Plots 8-14

Using X-Y Scatter Plots

This is a tool for creating an X-Y Scatter Plot. Refer to X-Y Scatter Plot (p. 6-73)

8-14 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview
X-Y Scatter Plot Template

X-Y Scatter Plot Template

This is used to create X-Y Scatter Plot Templates for future use.


X-Y Scatter Plot Template 8-15

X-Y Scatter Plot Template

This is a tool for creating an X-Y Scatter Plot Template. Refer to X-Y Scatter Plot
(p. 6-73)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-15
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview
Clear Cached Metrics

Clear Cached Metrics

Cache files become quite large and should be cleared


Clear Cached Metrics 8-16

Clear Cached Metrics

Clear Cached Metrics
Clear Cached Metrics tools option clears cached metrics for the project. It is useful to
clear any metric cached data for projects. This will also make the project size smaller.
A window similar to the following displays.

8-16 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview
Open Map Cache

Open Map Cache

Cache files become quite large. The users the ability to manage (delete) these files.


Open Map Cache 8-17

Open Map Cache

Open Map Cache
Open Map Cache opens Windows Explorer at the location where maps are stored. These
files can become very large, Open Map Cache provides the users the ability to manage
(delete) these files. If a particular map file is deleted, it will be downloaded from the
server the next time it is needed.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-17
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Open Map Cache


8-18 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview


Info area Generates Known Message Lists and Known Metrics Lists that can be saved.


Metric, message, and event information 8-19

Metric, message, and event information

The Info Tab exports the metric and message information to an xls file.
A window similar to the following displays.

Figure 8-5 Tools->info

To export the information:

1. By selecting either Generate Known Metric List, Generate Known Message List or
Generate Known Event List, an xls file will be generated and stored in the directory
that is chosen by the user.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-19
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Metric, message, and event information

Result: A save file window is displayed and an xls format file is created.
2. Navigate to the directory for the files to be save.
3. Name the file.
4. Save the file.
9958 WTA Known Metric List.xls sheets
The following shows the sheets (tabs) per xls file and a brief description of the sheet
Summary: Unique List of Known messages.
Binless: One row per metric regardless of how that metric may be binned.
Binning: One row per metric per binning type (unbinned counts as a binning type).
Base Metrics: Shows which metrics are derived from other metrics.
Messages: One row per metric per message used to calculate the metric.
Parser Name: One row per data collection platform
9958 WTA Known Message List.xls sheets
The following shows the sheets (tabs) per xls file and a brief description of the sheet
Summary: Unique List of Known messages.
Message: One row per message.
Metric: One row per metric per message used to calculate the metric.
Statistics: One row per statistics per set of messages.
Reports: One row per report type.

8-20 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Metric, message, and event information
9958 WTA Known Event List.xls sheet
The following shows the sheets (tabs) per xls file and a brief description of the sheet
Summary: Unique List of Known Events per technology
Event: One row per event.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-21
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Overview


The user has the ability to set the options for 9958 WTA.


Options menu items 8-22

Applications Options 8-25
Project Options 8-33
Technology Options 8-41

Options menu items

Menu items
Application Settings: Default: Application see Applications Options (p. 8-25).
Project Settings: Project see Project Options (p. 8-33).
Note: To reset all the options to default settings, either click on Reset (see Reset
(p. 8-25)) or go to the 9958 WTA tool installed path and delete the user.config file.
Deleting the user.config will result in losing all setting related values including
custom themes changes, bookmarks, etc.

Opened Projects
If projects are opened, a list of projects will be shown. Some options can be changed for
each project.

8-22 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Options menu items

Figure 8-6 Tools->Options

9958 WTA Default Settings

1. Default Application Settings. See: Applications Options (p. 8-25)
2. Default Project Settings. See: Project Options (p. 8-33)
3. Technologies. See: Technology Options (p. 8-41)

Navigation to Options
The Tool->Options Dialog is used to view and set 9958 WTA parameters.
WTA Default Settings
1. Default Application Settings.
2. Default Project Settings.
3. Default Technology Settings.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-23
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Options menu items

Figure 8-7 Tools-> options

Figure 8-8 Expanded Options-Applications menu categorized

sort data
The data can be sorted by Category, Alphabetical or by property pages. (see red box in
graphic Figure 8-8, Expanded Options-Applications menu categorized (p. 8-24))

8-24 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Options menu items
The Reset button is to be used to return the settings to the software defaults.
1. Select any item in the Tree View.
2. Click Reset
Result: The information under this item has been set to the original software defaults.
Note: Highlighting any item on Parent node in Tree View, such as Technologies, and
clicking Reset will reset the values for ALL child nodes under the selected parent
node. All user changes for these options will be lost.
Note: To reset all the options to default settings, either click on Reset or go to the
9958 WTA tool installed path and delete the user.config file. Deleting the user.config
will result in losing all setting related values including custom themes changes,
bookmarks, etc.

Applications Options
Application overview
Settings are applicable to all Projects.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-25
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Applications Options

The following information is an overview of the Application Options.

Auto Open on Load
The default for this is None. If CallEvent is selected, When a new file is read in WTA, -
the Call Events view (from Statistics Explorer located under Call Statistics group) is
automatically opened by default.
Events are not displayed within the Message Flow and Message Explore views from the
call trace Activation. Events are computed and saved in the archived Call Trace data files.
They are read in a Project from a local/remote server.
The default binning size at the project and group level can be adjusted for both Temporal
and Spatial binning.
To change the setting: double click on the header Uses project settings or
Uses group settings to show the bin size options.

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Tools Applications Options
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Call Trace Activation

CT Expiration Reminder (in minutes). (Default: 5): Setting for Call Trace Expiration
Reminder (not applicable for MME).
Display Message Flow (Default: True): When True, Message Flow is shown when
Call trace is initiated and updated trace log files are available.
Display Message View (Default: True): When True, Message View is shown when
Call trace is initiated and updated trace log files are available.
Polling interval (in seconds, default 60 sec): Settings for default polling interval to
pull back call trace activation status.
Show MME Network Element (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Show OMP Network Element: (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Show PGW Network Element: (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Show SAM Network Element: (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Show SCMS Network Element: (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Show SGW Network Element: (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Show WMS Network Element: (Default: True). Change to False to hide the NE.
Stop Call Trace interval (in hours, default 1): Default time to stop call trace

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-27
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Tools Applications Options
Cell Info Files
Automatifcally add 'cell Info Files' on project creation: Default: False
Cell Info Files:
The collection behind this item allows the user to Add Cell Info files or Remove them.
Prompt for Network Info: (Default: True)
Correlated Info
Related to the display of Correlated Info in the Grid View.
Display Correlated Info in CSV Format: (Default: False). If true, correlated metric
information is exported to the Csv format along with the other information when right
clicked on a metric.
Display Correlated Info in Grid View (Default False). Operates in a similar fashion
for metrics opened in a grid view. This one however defaults to false, since better
looking results can be achieved by simply dragging the correlated metric(s) onto the
grid rather than displaying them as correlated information. Also, the initial display of
the grid will be faster.
Display Correlated Info in Map View: (Default: True). When true at the time a metric
is opened in a map view, the metric data points in the map have tool tips to display
correlated information from other metrics, but only if the metric is a non-spatially
binned metric and correlated metrics have been defined for it. Setting it true slows the
display down.
Display Correlated Info in ScatterView (Default True). When true, correlated metric
information is shown in the Metric Scatter View along with the primary metric value.
Export Images
The following settings apply:
Legend Images Export for Map (default: True): When true, map legend images will
be exported.
Legend Images Export for Scatter (default: True): When true, scatter legend images
will be exported.
The following settings apply:
Automatically Select All Zip Files Members (default: False): When true, all member
files within a zip archive are automatically selected, bypassing the Select Zip
Members dialog.
Cell Data File Path: default path for cell data.
This item can be changed to your preference.
Default Data File Path: default path for data files.
This item can be changed to your preference.
Default Project File Path: default path for projects.
8-28 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Applications Options
Preferences for this item may be changed.
The following settings apply:
Default Keep Percentage for Spatial binning: Numeric value for default
Keep Percentagefor spatial binning.
Default Keep Percentage for Temporal binning: Numeric value for default
Keep Percentage for temporal binning.
Filter First Or Keep First see Non Grid Filtering
Logical Operator Across Filters: Used between the filters selected. When And, filters
will be 'Anded', when OR, the filter will be based on 'ORing'.
Zone Filtering: a text file location for selective map areas to be used for data analysis.
The following settings apply:
Always Show NE Columns: (Default False)
Always show NE columns in Message Explorer. By default, These columns only
appear when call trace data is loaded. Setting this option to true will always show NE
columns regardless of what type of data is loaded.
Custom Images: Additional images to use as flags. Add custom 16x16 pixel images
for flags
Display year in formatted timestamps. Default value is False. Also, the control panel
regional settings for the short date format must include the year for it to show up in
9958 WTA.
NOTE: This only affects new views.
Event Coloring: See Formatting: Event/Message Coloring (p. 8-32).
Message Coloring: See Formatting: Event/Message Coloring (p. 8-32).
Message Flow Endpoint Spacing: Default spacing between Message Flow Endpoints
is 250 Pixels.
Message Flow Maximum Endpoint Width: The maximum width of an Endpoint in
the Message Flow view is 200 Pixels.
Message Flow Minimum Endpoint Width: The minimum width of an Endpoint in the
Message Flow view is 50 Pixels.
The following settings apply:
Event ID Groups (Collection): see Creating Groups (p. 8-30).
Message ID Groups (Collection): see Message Explorer (p. 5-66).
Metric ID Groups (Collection): see Creating Groups (p. 8-30)
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-29
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Tools Applications Options
Creating Groups
Groups can be created in Events, Messages and Metrics. Affects such as formatting can
then be applied across the group.
There are two ways to locate the Group menu:
From the main menu bar:
1. Click on Tools/Options.
2. From the Application menu, find the Group Dialog section.
From the group filter menu:
1. Click on the item within the menu.
Depending on the purpose of the grouping, choose one of the following:
Event Groups
Message Groups
Metric Groups
2. Click on the Edit (ellipsis....) button.
See: Map set-up (p. 7-14)
Scatter Highlight Time range in Milliseconds (default 2000):
Time range to highlight the data in scatter plot play feature.
Synchronization time Range in Milliseconds: (default 5000)
Synchronization time range between two views for highlight in play feature.
SA CLI Settings (Satellite Agent Command Line Interface)
After 9958 WTA connects to the Network Element using SSH (see below), SA CLI is
used to list and download the files.
CLI Install Location in 9471 MME: /storage/realty (LTE)
CLI Install Location In PGW: /home/rsp (LTE)
CLI Install Location In 5620 SAM: /home/rsp (LTE)
CLI Install Location In SGW /home/rsp (LTE)
CLI Install Location in SCMS: SA Installation folder for SCMS (W-CDMA)
CLI Install Location in 9353 WMS: SA Installation folder for WMS (W-CDMA)
CLI Install Location in 9256 OMP: SA Installation folder for OMP (CDMA/EV-DO)
Data file Location In 9471 MME: /export/home/lss/logs (LTE)
Data file Location In PGW: /opt/5620sam/calltrace (LTE)
Data file Location In 5620 SAM: /opt/5620sam/calltrace (LTE)

8-30 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Applications Options
Data file Location In SGW: /opt/5620sam/calltrace (LTE)
Data file Location in SCMS: Call Trace Log file location for SCMS (W-CDMA)
Data file Location in 9353 WMS: Call Trace Log file location for WMS (W-CDMA)
Data file Location in 9256 OMP: Call Trace Log file location for OMP
SSH Defaults (Secured Shell)
User name for 9471 MME: Specifies the default user name to be used when
connecting to a 9471 MME using SSH (lss). (LTE)
User Name for PGW: Specifies the default user name to be used when connecting to a
PGW using SSH (rsp) (LTE)
User Name for 5620 SAM: Specifies the default user name to be used when
connecting to a 5620 SAM using SSH (rsp). (LTE)
User Name for SCMS: Specifies the default user name to be used when connecting to
a SCMS using SSH (ossuser) (W-CDMA)
User Name for SGW: Specifies the default user name to be used when connecting to a
SGW using SSH (rsp). (LTE)
User Name for 9353 WMS: Specifies the default user name to be used when
connecting to a 9353 WMS using SSH (oamops) (W-CDMA)
User Name for 9256 OMP: Specifies the default user name to be used when
connecting to a 9256 OMP using SSH (oamops) (CDMA/EV-DO)
Theme Symbols
Default Symbol for non-Spacial Metrics: FilledCircle
Default Symbol for Spatial metrics: Fill
Default Symbol for non-Spatial Metrics: Default: filledcircle
Default Symbol for Spatial Metrics: default: Fill
UI Messages
Show Parser Warning Messages (Default: True). When false, any warnings generated
during input parsing are not displayed.
View State
Reload Views: True
Save View State: True

Setting information in formatting:
Always Show NE Columns:
Default is False
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-31
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Tools Applications Options
Display year in formatted timestamps
Default is False
Event/Message Coloring
From the Formatting section (see Figure 8-7, Tools-> options (p. 8-24)), the foreground
and background of messages and events can be colored.
Changing the Event or Message Color
1. Select the event or message to change.
2. Click on the Foreground Color drop down to pick a foreground color.
3. Click on the Background Color drop down to pick a background color.
4. Check the box to turn on the foreground and background colors.
5. Uncheck the box to turn off custom colors and use the default colors.
NOTE: Changing the color only affects the active ID, even though multiple ID's have
been selected.

Figure 8-9 Changing the color of the active event or message.

Check/Unchecking Event or Message ID's

1. A list of events or messages is presented in the graphic below. Click on the (+) sign to
expand the tree.
2. Checking a box turns on the custom coloring for that ID.
3. Unchecking an id turns off custom coloring. The ID will use the default settings.
8-32 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Applications Options
NOTE: Changing the color only affects the active id, even though multiple ID's have
been selected.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being

Project Options

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-33
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Tools Project Options

Figure 8-10 Project Options menu

The following settings apply:

Spatial Bin Size (Meters) (Default: 25): The size (in meters) of each spatial bin.
Temporal Bin Size (Milliseconds) (Default: 2000): The size (milliseconds) of
each temporal bin
Cycle Map Metric Symbols (Default: True): If adding multiple metrics to a single
map, this overrides the theme and cycles the symbols.
Cycle Spatial Bin Map Metric Symbols (Default: Symbol): If adding multiple
metrics to a single map, this overrides the theme and cycles the symbols for
spacially binned metrics.
Offset per Metric Layer
X: Default 10
Y: Default 10
Scatter Plot:
Cycle Scatter Metric Symbols: (Default: True): When adding multiple metrics to
a single scatter plot, override the theme and cycle the symbols.
Scatter Connection Type: (Default: Line)
8-34 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Project Options
Option to define the line linking all data points in the scatter plot
Other options are: None or Spline
Speed Range
Speed Ranges
Defines the Speed Ranges for Throughput KPIs for Etisalat and LA3 Reports.
Options available:

Studies and Journals

Combine By Trace Recording Session ID (Default: False): Combines call trace
data based on Recording Session ID. Changing this item can impact data already
in a project.
Combine By Trace Session ID (Default: True): Combine call trace data based on
Session ID. Changing can impact data already in a project.
Maximum Intra-Study Gap (Default: 01:00:00): The maximum gap in time
(Hours:Minutes:Seconds) between input data that can be automatically considered
part of the same study.
Maximum Sync Time Window (Default: 20 seconds): Offset value for time
syncing. Synchronization is done using the L3 messages, as the UE and CT
messages may not have the same clock reference producing different time stamps.
The time synchronization algorithm will search within a window of +/- this
amount of time for a given message in a different journal.
Merge All Studies In Project (Default: False): This is a Boolean property; Default
value is false. When true, merges all journals in a project into one study. While
creating studies other settings such as gap, split, combine, mobile equivalency, etc.
will not be considered).
WCDMA CT Time Zone (Default: UTC): This option defines the way to interpret
and display Message Time stamps from UTC time to local time. This option
applies to W-CDMA CT and Small Cell CT only.
Edit Project Themes

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-35
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Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Project Options
The Edit Themes dialog controls the symbols, symbol size and symbol color of
metrics and events. The template (item 0) defines the number of buckets and the
symbol properties for each bucket (items 3-5). The metric defines the range for the
buckets and the label name.
A window similar to the following displays (depending on the technology being used).

Figure 8-11 Theme Editor

Technology and Metric Theme Explorer:

The Technology and Metric Explorer provides the list of events and metrics in the
selected technology. The event or metric in the Explorer can be modified in the theme
editor. See section A in Figure 8-11, Theme Editor (p. 8-36).

8-36 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Project Options

Table 8-2 Technology and Metric Theme Explorer menu explanation

Copy: Import:
Copies the current theme of the selected Imports a theme definition from a theme
metric. This theme may then be pasted within which has been exported.
another metric (Ctrl+C). Note: Multiple themes can not be imported at
the same time.
Paste metric: Export:
Pastes a copied theme from one metric to the Exports the current theme to a file which can
currently selected metric (Ctrl+V). be imported later.
Note: Multiple themes can not be exported at
the same time.
Paste metric and all variants: Save:
Pastes a copied theme from one metric to the Save the changes made to all the themes.
selected metric This paste includes all of the
copied theme's variants Unbinned, Temporal
and Spatial, if exists. (Ctrl+Shift+V).
Reset to Factory: Cancel:
Resets the theme(s) of the selected metric(s) to Cancels the changes made to the themes.
the factory default theme.
Resent to Factory menu:
The menu allows the user to choose the
themes for selected metric, selected metric
group, selected technology or for all themes to
be reset.

Theme type: Normal

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-37
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Tools Project Options

Figure 8-12 Theme menu bar

Table 8-3 Theme menu icon definition

Theme Type: Size:

Applies the size selected to all the Theme

Normal theme allows the definition of
multiple ranges with user defined range
Distinct Values
Distinct values theme allows the
definition of different symbols and or
colors for each different value.
Fixed Range Counts
Fixed Range count theme auto-calculates
the range size of a user definable number
of ranges. Each bucket has the same size.
Equal Distribution
Equal Distribution theme auto-calculate
the range sizes of a user-definable number
of ranges. so that each bucket has the
same number of values.
Note: The menu may change based upon the
theme type chosen.
Add: Select color: (click on the Color Range label)

Sets the color range for all theme entries

Remove All: Transparency level:
Removes all the Theme entries Applies the selected transparency level to all
the Theme entries.

8-38 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Tools Project Options
Table 8-3 Theme menu icon definition (continued)

Validate: Insert:
Validates the entries for any error Insert a Theme range at that location.
Set Same Value for All: Delete:
Set same Symbol, Symbol Size, or Color Delete the Theme Range.
Range values for all Theme Ranges.
Applies the selected symbol for all Theme
Ranges from pull down menu and allows user
to select font or set default. (Introduction
(p. 8-41))

Adding a Label for a theme bucket

Labels can be added for each bucket. If a label is missing, then the symbol will show.
Note: Once the user modifies a metric or event theme, the modified metric or event
are shown by a icon indicating human touch i.e. user modification on it as shown in
figure below indicated by B.

Copying and pasting themes:

Once a theme has been edited, the user is able to click the right mouse button for theme
context menu. The user may copy theme, paste theme, or paste theme for all variants.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-39
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Tools Project Options

For User Imported Metrics, the theme can be set by right clicking on the Metric in Metric

Choose Character
The Character grid can be used to assign special character to a sym

8-40 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Project Options

Technology Options
Technology specific options.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-41
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Tools Technology Options

ATT Scanner Carrier

Set the EARFCN of the driven cluster. Default: 5780
Duplicate Encapsulated NAS Threshold (in msec)
This threshold is to filter same encapsulated NAS message transmitted thru UE->eNB
and 3NB-> 9471 MME, PGW, or SGW
RRC Connection Request Threshold (in msec)
Once the Statistics Filtering is enabled from the Options, this RRC Connection
Request Threshold is used to filter out duplicate requests. Default: 500
Scanner Data connection
Correction Factor
Correction Factor used for difference of RSCP and RSRP with bandwidth/band offset
and correction factor. Default: 17.8
Scanner Metrics Data Filter
Filter Scanner data on Configuration Cells
Filter Scanner data based on snapshot or cells data. Default: False.

8-42 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Tools Technology Options

Cell Specific Indicators

Cells UL RSSI Minimum Used (Default -106.1d): UlRssiMinimu is the minimum
value used for calculations. If the value is 0 then the Minimum will be the minimum
found in the data.
Cells UL RSSI Threshold 3dB (Default 10): the threshold percentage (less than or
equal to) of samples for which the delta (between its value and min used) is >= 3 dB
before a warning is generated.
Cells UL RSSI Threshold 6dB (Default 10): the threshold percentage (less than or
equal to) of samples for which the delta (between its value and min used) is >= 6 dB
before a warning is generated.
Cells UL RSSI Threshold Average (Default 25): the threshold for when a warning is
generated (Greater than or Equal).
Cells UL RSSI Threshold Delta (Default 1): the minimum delta for generating an
warning (aVG Delta >= UlRssiThresholdDelta).
Period time to calculate the Cest UL Rssi (Default 100): Period time to calculate the
Cest UL Rssi (ms).
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA 8-43
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Tools Technology Options
Data Channel Id (Default 5): Id of the Data Channel
Transport Channel Bits (Default 336): Number of Transport Channel Bits
Voice Channel Id (Default 1): Id of the Voice Channel
Coverage Overlap Analyzer
Co-Pilot Conflict Estimation Range (default 5): Co-Pilot Conflict Estimation Range in
dB. This is the maximum allowed co-pilots gain of estimated range for the co-pilot
Minimum Ec/Io for Pilot consideration Threshold: Minimum Ec/Io for Pilot
consideration Threshold in dB. This is the minimum allowed Ec/Io threshold for COA
Reporting range of Best Pilot (default 7): Reporting range of Best pilot in dB. This is
the range of allowed Ec/Io values from minimum Ec/Io threshold.
Default Cell EIRP (Default 48): Default Cell EIRP in dBm.
In Line Attenuation (Default 0): In Line Attenuation for PathLoss.
TCP Setup
MTU (Default 1500): typical packet size in bytes.
TCP Header (Default 40): typical packet size in bytes.
BCCH power above Threshold (Default -105.0d): BCCH power Threshold in dBm.
Equivalent Call length CS (Default 60): Equivalent Call length CS.
Equivalent Call length PS (Default 60): Equivalent Call length PS.
Pilot EcIo Threshold (Default -25dB): Pilot EcIo Threshold in dB
Reporting Range (Default 5dB): Reporting Range in dB
Scanner Absolute Dominant Pilot Ec Threshold (Default -100dB): Scanner Absolute
Dominant Pilot Ec Threshold in dBm
Scanner Absolute Dominant Pilot Ec/Io Threshold (Default -15dB): Scanner Absolute
Dominant Pilot Ec/Io Threshold in dB
Scanner Active Set Size (Default 3dB): Scanner Active Set Size
Scanner NL Duration (Default 6dB): Scanner NL Duration
Scanner NL Interference Range (Default 6dB): Scanner NL Interference Range
Scanner NL Threshold (Default -11dB): Scanner NL Threshold
Scanner Pilot Ec/Io Threshold (Default -28dB): Scanner Pilot Ec/Io Threshold in dB
Scanner Reporting Range (Default 5dB): Scanner Reporting Range in dB

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Tools Technology Options


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Tools Technology Options


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A: Abbreviations/Acronym List

This lists Acronyms commonly used within this document.

CLI Command Line Interface

CT Call Trace
Ctrl control key
eNB eNodeB
EV-DO Evolution - Data Only (3G1X Wireless)
FB Filter By
IMSI International Mobile Station Identifier
IRAT Inter Radio Access Technology
Kb Keep by
IPC lu Protocol Converter
LTE Long Term Evolution
9471 MME Mobility Management Entity
MS Microsoft
NAS Non-Access Stratum
NB Node B
NE Network Element
OMP Operations and Management Platform
OS Operating System
PGW Packet Data Network Gateway
PM Parameterized Metric

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA A-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Abbreviations/Acronym List Abbreviations/Acronym


RNC 9370 Radio Network Controller

RRC Radio Resource Control
SA Satellite Agent
SAM 5620 Service Aware Manager
SCGW Small Cell Gateway
SCMS Small Cell Management System
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol
SGW Servicing Gateway
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
SSH Secure Shell
UDI User Defined Items
UDR User Defined Reports
UE User Equipment
W-CDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
WMS Wireless Management System
WTA Wireless Trace Analyzer

A-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Appendix B: Network Diagrams
and Supported Interfaces

LTE network

Table B-1 LTE interfaces Network Elements and Protocol

Interface Network Elements Protocol

Uu UE - eNodeB RRC
S1-MME eNodeB-MME S1AP and NAS
S1-U (future) SGW - eNodeB GTP-U
S6a MME - HSS Diameter
S8 (future) Small cell - SCGW RANAP, RUA, or HNBAP
X2 eNodeB - eNodeB X2AP

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA B-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces LTE

Table B-1 LTE interfaces Network Elements and Protocol (continued)

Interface Network Elements Protocol

Gx PGW PCRF Diameter
Ga (future) not shown in the SGW 8615 IeCCF (offline GTP/UDP
diagram charging)
PGW 8615 IeCCF (offline
Gn (future) MME SGSN
Gy (future) not shown in the PGW 8620 SurePay (online Diameter/SCTP
diagram charging)
Rf (future) not shown in the SGW 8615 IeCCF (offline Diameter/SCTP
diagram charging)
PGW 8615 IeCCF (offline

W-CDMA Network

B-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces W-CDMA


Table B-2 W-CDMA interfaces Network Elements and Protocol

Interface Network Elements Protocol

Iu-Cs RNC - Circuit Switch RANAP
SCGW Circuit Switch RANAP
IPC Circuit Switch RANAP/ALCAP
Iu-Ps RNC - Packet Switch RANAP
SCGW Packet Switch RANAP
UE - Small Cells RRC

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA B-3
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Issue 1 September 2012
Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces CDMA


CDMA Network

Table B-3 CDMA interfaces Network Elements and Protocol

Interface Network Elements Protocol

CDN-DCS CDN, DCS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
CDN-CS CDN, CS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
IS41 IS41 Network TCAP

EV-DO Network

B-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces EV-DO


Table B-4 EV-DO interfaces Network Elements and Protocol

Interface Network Elements Protocol

A13 RNC A13
OHM-OHM OHM Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
OHM-SFM OHM, SFM Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
OHM-HCS OHM, HCS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary
SFM-HCS SFM, HCS Alcatel-Lucent Proprietary

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA B-5
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Network Diagrams and Supported Interfaces EV-DO


B-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
Appendix C: History of Revision

This appendix describes the history of revisions to the 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer
(WTA) Installation and User Guide


Updates per 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Release C-1

Updates per 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Release

This section of the document lists past reasons for the reissuing this document.
Note: Some items listed in the Reason for Reissue column may no longer be found
within the document as stated in the Change Information column. The information may
have been eliminated or edited as the document has evolved.

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA C-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
History of Revision Updates per 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Release

The following tables list the reason for reissue for each release of the LTE document:

Table C-1 WTA 7.0, Issue 1

Release information: LE 4.0

LA 4.0: eNB
LM 4.0: 9471 MME
GWR3.0.5: 7750 SR-SGW (S5, S11,
Rf (Gxc) Interfaces only)
GWR3.0.5: 7750 SR-PGW (S5, Gx
Interfaces only)

Reason for revision Change information

Edits: Legend information has been changed. See:
View Display Legend (p. 6-55)
Additions: New message filter: See: Filter messages By
Message Details (p. 6-20)
Windows Menu: New item Close all tabs. Plus
the ability to close individual tabs. See:
Window - 6 (LTE) or 5 (W-CDMA\CDMA\
EV-DO) (p. 2-33).
Mapping Capabilities are now available See:
Chapter 7, Map View.
Data from the Packet Data Network Gateway
(PGW) and Serving Gateway (SGW) Network
elements is fully implemented. this
information is throughout this document.
Much of the detailed information can be found
in the Connect to remote Network Elements
(p. 3-12)

C-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
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Issue 1 September 2012
History of Revision Updates per 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Release


Table C-2 WTA 6.0, Issue 1

Release information: LE 3.0

LA 3.0: eNB
LM 3.0: 9471 MME
GWR3.1: 7750 SR-SGW (S5 and S11
Interfaces only. Only IMSI is
supported for call trace initiation on
GWR3.1: 7750 SR-PGW (S5
Interface only. Only IMSI is supported
for call trace initiation on GW)

Reason for revision Change information

New document # Note the new document number. Previous
release document #: 418111020. This
release: revised to 418112001.
Additions: Procedure 3-1: Call Trace initiation (LTE)
(p. 3-13)
Call Trace support for SAM. See: Call Trace
(p. 3-9)Chapter 3, Data Collection
9958 WTA 32 and 64-bit system software on
a Citrix server and/or Optional IMSI Masking
(p. 1-31)
S&GW debug call trace (limited
post-processing only). See: Section edited at a
later date (no link).
New main menu item for Play. See: Play - 5
(p. 2-32) and Play (p. 6-49)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA C-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012
History of Revision Updates per 9958 Wireless Trace Analyzer (WTA) Release

The following tables list the reason for reissue for each release of the W-CDMA

Table C-3 WTA 7.0, Issue 1

Release information UA 7.1 and 8.1

UA 7.1
UA 8.1
UA 7.1
UA 8.1

Reason for revision Change information

Edits: Legend information has been changed. See:
View Display Legend (p. 6-55).
Additions: New message filter: See: Filter messages By
Message Details (p. 6-20).
Windows Menu: New item Close all tabs. Plus
the ability to close individual tabs. See:
Window - 6 (LTE) or 5 (W-CDMA\CDMA\
EV-DO) (p. 2-33).
Mapping Capabilities are now available See:
Chapter 7, Map View

Table C-4 WTA 6.1, Issue 1

Release Information UA 7.1

RNC: 7.1
NodeB: 7.1

Reason for revision Change information

First release of this document NEW

C-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012


B Binning
Binning is a method of aggregating data over a discrete data set. Example: Think of binning as the
process of placing data into buckets and then aggregating them (ie:: total, min, max, sum, power
sum). Data is presented in one of three types: Unbinned, Temporally Binned, and Spatially Binned
data. Unbinned is looking at the data as un-aggregated, i.e. all the data presented as individual
points of data without any aggregation. Temporally Binned is looking at aggregated data that is
measured over some period of time. Spatially Binned is looking at aggregated data that is
collected over a square area of geographic space.
Data is presented in one of three types:
Unbinned looks at the data as un-aggregated; i.e.: all the data presented as individual points of
data without any aggregation.
Temporally Binned
Temporally Binned looks at aggregated data that is measured over some period of time.
Spatially Binned
Spatially Binned looks at aggregated data that is collected over a square area of geographic

C Composite Journal
Collection of journals from the same parser and the same Network Element


E eNodeB (eNB)
Mobile/UE cell site for LTE.

An action that takes place during a call that typically can be qualified as a positive or a negative.
For example, Call Setup Failure vs Call Setup Success and Handoff Success vs Handoff Failure.
The idea with an Event is that we would want to be able to quantify the number of occurrences
and flag when and where there Events occur.

Event Group
A set of Events that describe a certain state of a call. For Example, a Handoff Event Group that
may consist of the following: Handoff Success, HO Command, HO Success, HO Failure,

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA GL-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012

Inter-RAT Command, Inter-RAT HO Success, Inter-RAT HO Failure. (Inter-RAT = Inter Radio
Technology like LTE to CDMA)


F Filter
See: Procedure 3-7: Filter data downloaded from the Network Element (LTE) (p. 3-46)

H Histogram
A graphical display of tabulated frequencies, shown as bars. It shows what proportion of cases fall
into each of several categories: it is a form of data binning. The categories are usually specified as
non-overlapping intervals of some variable. The categories (bars) must be adjacent. The intervals
(or bands, or bins) are generally of the same size.

Predominant color. Red, blue, and green are the primary hues that, in varying proportions,
produce all the colors we see. Variations on these primary colors plus black are the basis for four
color process printing that is able to duplicate all the colors of an image with only three colors of


I Inter Radio Access Technology


International Mobile Subscription Identifier


Iu Protocol Converter
IPC: The WTA is used to analyze Small Cell, SCGW, and IPC call trace data. Small cell, SCGW,
and IPC call trace data is stored on the SCMS, and can then be downloaded to the WTA.


J Journal
Journals are a collection of messages for a particular device. See: Journals (p. 6-3)


L Legend
Used for formatting views. See View Display Legend (p. 6-55)

Long Term Evolution (LTE)

4th generation wireless technology.

GL-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012


M Message
A Message is a time stamped piece of data that is created by the file generator that is based on
user equipment, Network Elements and scanners. See: Data Flow (p. 3-2)

Message Explorer
A grid view of messages. The top grid is the Summary data. The bottom grid is the Detail data..
See: Message Explorer (p. 5-66)

Message Group
A grouping of message types.

Metrics are calculated values based upon the input data.

Metric Calculator
see: Figure 3-4, Data flow example (Metric Filtering) (p. 3-5)

Metric Explorer
A tree view of the metrics which are organized into related sets.. See: Message Explorer
(p. 5-66)

Metric Group
The grouping of metrics for data analysis and review.

Mobility Management Entity. Collected call trace data is stored on the MME, SAM, SGW, or
PGW and is downloaded to the WTA

Handset or Radio.


Call Trace data from the CDMA RAN (CDMA) or EV-DO RAN (EV-DO) call trace data is stored
on the 9256 OMP and can then be downloaded to the WTA.


P Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW)

Packet Gateway in LTE providing UE IP address allocation, anchor point for bearer traffic,
per-user based packet filtering, and connectivity to the wider packet data network.

See: Metric Parameters (p. 3-4).

A collection of studies.
Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA GL-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012

Project Explorer
The Project Explorer is used to manage projects and studies associated to them. See: Using
Project Explorer (p. 5-22)


R Radio Network Controller

In W-CDMA, the RNC provides radio resource management and mobility management.

Radio Network Controller


Report Explorer
Create and edit reports. See Report Explorer (LTE and W-CDMA) (p. 5-28)


S Saturation
Color intensity. The saturation of a color is determined by a combination of light intensity and
how much it is distributed across the spectrum of different wavelengths. The purest color is
achieved by using just one wavelength at a high intensity, such as in laser light. If the intensity
drops, so does the saturation. To desaturate a color in a subtractive system (such as watercolor),
you can add white, black, gray, or the hue's complement.

Scatter Plot
Data that is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining
the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on
the vertical axis.

Small Cell Gateway The WTA is used to analyze Small Cell, SCGW, and IPC call trace data.
Small cell, SCGW, and IPC call trace data is stored on the SCMS, and can then be downloaded to
the WTA.

Serving Gateway (SGW)

Serving Gateway in LTE providing mobility anchor for inter-eNB and inter-3GPP handovers.
Provides lawful interception, packet buffering, packet routing, and packet forwarding features.

Small Cell Management System

Small Cell Management System (SCMS) provides the capability to activate/deactivate the tracing
of a specific call/subscriber on all NEs of the Small Cells network.

Represents a person driving a vehicle whose UE is taking measurements

SZip is an application that is used to compress files and open compressed files in the zip or .szip
(Seekable Zip) format. A SZip file is different from a standard zip file in that it compresses the
data in a way that is faster for processing.
GL-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012


T Temporally Binned
Aggregating data that is binned based on time.

A single spatial distribution or pattern used for mapping and plotting metrics.

Theme Template
A standardized theme that is pre-formatted example on which to base other themes.


U User Equipment (UE)

Mobile/UE (Mobile/UE specific, or Mobile/UE neutral)
GPS Receiver

V View
Views can be of the following type: Scatter, Grid, Map.


W Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

Air interface standard found in 3G mobile telecommunications networks.

Wireless Management System

Call Trace data from NodeB and 9370 RNC call trace data is stored on the WMS and can then be
downloaded to the WTA.


X X-Y Scatter Plot

Compares one metrics values against another metrics values. See X-Y Scatter Plot (p. 6-73)

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA GL-5
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012


GL-6 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012

B Bookmarks, 6-31 Project Explorer, 5-22 Histogram, 6-77

Create, 6-34 Report Explorer, 5-28 .............................................................

Remove in message view, 6-36 Statistics Explorer, 5-3 I Info, 8-19

............................................................. ............................................................. Info Window, 5-63
C Call Trace, 2-30, 3-13 F Filter Installation, 1-1, 1-16, 1-32
Call trace data collection, 2-5 Time Based Filtering, 6-27 .............................................................

Change Message Flow view, 6-45 Filtering J Journals, 6-3, 6-6

Clear Cached Metrics, 8-16 Nongrid Filtering, 6-26 Journal Selector, 6-4
............................................................. Filters, 6-12 .............................................................

D Data by Call ID, 6-19, 6-19

M Manage Files, 3-6
Collection, 3-1 By Message Group, 6-16
Filter, 3-46
Displays, 6-53 by Mobile, 6-17
Local Host, 3-7
Download, 3-49 by Network Element, 6-17
Remote Network, 3-33
Flow, 3-2 Keep vs. Filter, 6-29
Sorting, 6-21 Manage Files, 3-46
Cell Based Analysis, 7-32
Data Displays Metric Based Filtering, 6-28
Cell Info, 7-2
Charts and graphics, 6-59 Set, 6-25
Legend display, 7-34
Legend, 6-55 Text Filters, 6-23
Map and cell menu, 7-9
Map view, 6-71 Find Dialog, 6-9
Map Application Programing
............................................................. ............................................................. Interfaces (APIs), 7-14

G Glossary, GL-1 Map of cells, 7-36

E Explorer
Grid Filters, 6-21 Map set-up, options, 7-14
Info Window, 5-63
............................................................. Search Cells, 7-37
Info Window with Message
View, 5-65 Show/Hide cells on map, 7-24
H Hardware and software
Metric Explorer, 5-11 requirements, 1-3, 1-3, 1-3 Zone filters, 7-27

Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA IN-1
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012

Map View, 7-1 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0, To create, 4-13
1-4, 1-6
Menu to go to an open project, 4-10
Also see: Installation
Call Trace, 2-31 To open a project, 4-11
Current version, 1-5
File, 2-24 Projects and studies, 4-1
Filter, 6-12 .............................................................
O One Shot Decoder, 8-11
Help, 2-39 R Remote Data Elements, 3-12
Decoding Hexa String, 8-12
Journal selector, 6-8 Remote Network Element
Operating systems, 1-7, 1-15, 1-31
Local Host panel, 3-8 HTTP, 3-42
MS Windows Server 2003,
Message Flow, 6-41 1-14 SFTP, 3-39
Options, 8-22 MS Windows Vista, 1-8 SSH, 3-34
Play, 2-32 MS Windows Vista, 1-9 Reports
SZip, 8-4 MS Windows XP, 1-10 Build a report, 5-43
Tools, 2-31 MSWindows Server 2003, Common, 5-31
UDR, 5-37 1-13
Reports (UDR), 5-52
View menu, 2-26 MSWindows XP, 1-11, 1-12 Statistics Items (UDR), 5-55
Window, 2-33 Options, 8-22 Technology, 5-36
with Mapping, 2-28 Applications Options, 8-25 Time Differences Items
Menus Formatting, 8-31 (UDR), 5-57

Main software menu, 2-22 Project, 8-33 Types, 5-30

Message Explorer, 5-66 Technology, 8-41 User Defined, 5-36

Message Exports, 6-38 ............................................................. .............................................................

Message Flow, 6-40 P Play, 6-49 S Scatter Plot, 6-61

Message Groups Project Simple, 6-65

Create, 6-14 create via Local Host, 4-4 X-Y Scatter Plot, 6-73
Select Message Group, 6-14 derived project, 4-8 Software installation, I-1
Message view, 6-38 Projects, 4-3 Software overview, 2-2
Select color, 6-10 Add data, 3-51 Start Time Difference, 5-71
Metric Creating projects in Manage Studies, 4-22
Files, 4-3
Histogram tool bar, 5-14 Change a study name, 4-25
Drag and drop to add data,
Scatter Plot tool bar, 5-14 Load a study, 4-22
Metric and message information, Synchronize Message Flow, 6-48
8-19 Project lists, 2-25
SZip, 8-3
refresh, 3-53
File menu, 8-3
To add call trace data to a
project, 4-15
IN-2 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012


T Timeline, 5-72

Tools, 8-1
Info, 8-19
Metric and message
information, 8-19
One Shot Decoder, 8-11
Options, 8-22
SZip, 8-3
X-Y Scatter Plot, 8-14
X-Y Scatter Plot Template,

U User Defined Reports

Count Report (UDR), 5-47

Raw Data Detail (UDI), 5-49
Report (UDR), 5-52
Statistic (UDR), 5-55
Time Differences, 5-57
User Guide, II-1

W Window View, 2-20

Opening window, 2-20

WTA Functions and capabilities,

X X-Y Scatter Plot, 8-14

X-Y Scatter Plot Template,


Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA IN-3
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012


IN-4 Alcatel-Lucent 9958 WTA
9YZ-05204-0001-PCZZA Release 8.1.0
Issue 1 September 2012

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