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Me|unarodni dan za{tite informacija

1830.g. Turski sultan Mahmud drugi potvrdio je hati{erifom samostalnost Srbije
1864.g. ro|en Vinston ^er~il
1939.g. izbio Sovjetsko - finski rat
1940.g. roen Jovan Radovanovi, srpski muzi~ar, komi~ar i glumac, lan legendarnog sastava "7.mladih"
1942.g. amerikanci i Japanci vodili pomorsku bitku kod rta Tasafanroga, na sev.obali Gvadalkanala
1944.g. oslobo|en Novi Pazar
1958.g. osnovan fudbalski klub "Rad" u Beogradu
1991.g. u finalu prvog svetskog prvenstva za `ene fudbalerke sad pobedile Norve{ku sa 2:1
2008.g. dr`ani prvi parlamentarni izbori u Rumuniji, otkako je zemqa u{lau Evropsku uniju
2009.g. u Beogradu umro srpski pisac Milorad Pavi} (Hazarski re~nik, pPredeo slikan ~ajem,...)
2009.g. iranske vlasti zatvorile 4 britanca koji su jahtom u{li u iranske teritorijalne vode
2009.g. savet ministara EU ukinuo vize za gra|ane Srbije. Mogu}e je putovati najvi{e 90 dana, sa pauzom od 90 dana
2013.g. u saobra}ajnoj nesre}i poginuo Pol Voker, ameri~ki glumac, koji je igrao u seriji filmova "Paklene ulice"
2016.g. u po`aru u de~jem domu u turskoj, stradalo 12 osoba, od ~ega 11 devoj~ica

1508. - , , ,
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1667. - , .
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1694. - , . ,
180 .

1718. - , . 1697.

1830. - , , .
" " , 1812.
1835. - , , . "
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1838. - , .

1853. - .

1872. - . 0:0 .

1874. - , 1953, 1940.

1945. 1951. 1955. 1900, 1905. 1921. , , ,
, , , 1924. 1929. .
. 1933. ,
1940. . 1943.
" " . 1945, 1951.
. : " ", " ", " ", " ", ",
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1900. - , .
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1939. - , 1919.
- . 1916, 1917.
. 1918.
. 1919. , 1919, ,
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1955. - , , , ,
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1957. - , . , .
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1957. - , 20. .

1975. - .

1977. - , " " . ,

. , 1928.
. . 1965, - "". "",
1929, 1962, , .
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1989. - .

1996. - . ,
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1996. - 150.000 "" .

1996. - .

2000. - , .

2001. - .

2001. - ,
2004. - eje Jeej ao oeoo e a ao ooa oe aa je ao a a o e j.

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1830. - Turski sultan Mahmud II potvrdio je hatierifom autonomiju Srbije, garantovao slobodu trgovine, pravo zidanja crkava i manastira i ukidanje spahiluka. Turci su takoe morali da Srbima
prodaju imanja po "pravednoj ceni" i napuste Beograd, a sultan je priznao srpskog kneza i granice Srbije od 1812.

1835. - Roen je Semjuel Langhorn Klemens, ameriki humorist koji je pisao pod pseudonimom Mark Tven. Bio je oficir rene plovidbe na Misisipiju sve do izbijanja graanskog rata (1861-1865), a
potom novinar i predava. Njegovo knjievno delo je obimno, ali nejednako, no najbolje tvorevine su mu one koje opisuju ivot na reci Misisipi i njenim obalama: "Doivljaji Toma Sojera", "ivot na
Misisipiju", "Doivljaji Haklberi Fina". Njegov humor, naroito u poznijim delima, nije uvek veseo: "Tajni izvor humora nije radost, ve tuga" - pisao je. Ispod povrine njegovih humoristikih pria
nalazi se zbilja, snana tenja za jednakou i drutvenom pravdom, vera u ljudske vrednosti i osuda tiranije povlaenih. Umro je 1910. godine.

1872. - U Glazgovu je odigrana prva meunarodna utakmica na kojoj su intonirane himne Engleske i kotske.

1874. - Roen je ser Vinston eril, britanski politiar, dravnik i pisac. Po dolasku Hitlera (1933) na vlast u Nemakoj, eril opominje Englesku i poziva je da se to pre i to jae naorua. Po
objavi rata Nemakoj (3. septembra 1939.), ulazi u emberlenovu vladu kao prvi lord Admiraliteta, predsednik i voa Konzervativne stranke posle saveznikog sloma u Norvekoj. Za vreme rata bio
je u najtenjoj vezi sa Ruzveltom i saraivao je sa Staljinom (konfrencija u Teheranu, na Jalti u Potsdamu). U skladu sa svojim gleditem da rat vode dravnici i politiari, a ne vojnici, bio je tvorac
mnogih strategijskih poduhvata saveznika u Drugom svetskom ratu. Na parlamentarnim izborima 1945. laburisti su pobedili i preuzeli vlast, ali u oktobru 1951. Konzervativna stranka dobija veinu i
eril ponovo postaje predsednik vlade. Aprila 1955. povlai se i ustupa to mesto i vostvo stranke svom najbliem saradniku A. Idnu. Napisao je vie dela: "Moje afriko putovanje", "Istorija
svetskog rata", "Memoari iz Drugog svetskog rata", "Lord Randolf eril"... Dobio je Nobelovu nagradu za knjievnost 1953. godine. Umro je 1965. godine.

1955. - Umro je srpski kompozitor Josip Slavenski, profesor Muzike akademije u Beogradu, koji je, teei oblikovanju nacionalnog izraza, spojio muziki folklor pojedinih balkanskih naroda s
modernom evropskom muzikom tehnikom. Dela: "Balkanofinija" za orkestar, "Simfonija Orijenta" za hor i orkestar, "Pesme moje majke" za glas i gudaki kvartet, etiri gudaka kvarteta, violinski
koncert, horovi, sonata za violinu i klavir.

1957. - Umro je srpski slikar Paja Jovanovi, predstavnik akademskog realizma, prvi srpski slikar koji je stekao evropsku reputaciju. Najvei deo ivota proveo je u Beu, gde je i umro. Izuzetno je
vladao slikarskim zanatom i inspirisao se srpskom istorijom. Naslikao je velike ikonostase u Sabornoj crkvi u Novom Sadu i u crkvi u Dolovu i portretisao vie vladara i crkvenih dostojanstvenika.
Radio je i istorijske i folklorne kompozicije, meu kojima se posebno istiu "Seoba Srba", "Proglaenje Duanovog zakonika", "Takovski ustanak", "Maevanje", "Kienje neveste".

1977. - Umro je srpski pisac Milo Crnjanski, moda najvei "maioniar rei" u naoj knjievnosti. U Beu i Parizu studirao je istoriju umetnosti i filozofiju, a diplomirao je na Filozofskom fakultetu
u Beogradu. Radio je kao profesor i novinar, a od 1928. bio je u diplomatskoj slubi u kojoj ga je u Rimu zatekao Drugi svetski rat. Iz Rima je kasnije otiao u London. Vratio se u Beograd 1965,
posle ega je objavio poslednje delo "Embahade". U romanu "Seobe", iji je prvi deo napisao 1929. a drugi 1962, uspeo je da poetizuje istorijsku viziju inspirisanu traginim rasejanjem Srba, a da je
pri tom ne lii injenine osnove. Roman je velika istorijska freska i poema o lutanju i bespuu. Ostala dela: romani "Dnevnik o arnojeviu", "Kap panske krvi", "Kod Hiperborejca", "Roman o
Londonu", pesme "Lirika Itake", "Lament nad Beogradom", novela "Pria o mukom", drame "Maska", "Konak", "Nikola Tesla", putopisi "Ljubav u Toskani", "Knjiga o Nemakoj", "Naa nebesa",
"Nae plae na Jadranu".
1996. - U Beogradu je demonstriralo oko 150.000 ljudi, protestujui zbog ponitenja izborne pobede opozi

2005 First human face transplant is performed in France 1997 "Eugene Onegin," closes at Martin Beck Theater New York City 1997 86th Davis Cup: Sweden sweeps U.S. in Gothenburg (5-0)
1994 Beatles' 1st album in 25 years, Live at BBC, is released in Britain 1994 Cruiser Achille Lauro destroyed by fire at Somalia, 4 die 1994 Man Mohan Adhikary sworn in as 1st communist premier
of Nepal 1993 NFL announces 30th franchise - Jacksonville Jaguars 1993 President Clinton signs Brady Gun Control Bill 1992 David Boon's 14th Test Cricket century, 111 vs. WI at Brisbane 1992
Intercity-train derailed at Village chief, 5 die 1991 1st world championship of women's soccer, U.S. defeats Norway 2-1 1991 93 cars and 11 truck accident near San Francisco during a dust storm, 17
die 1991 Rob Pilatus, 27, of Milli-Vanilli attempts suicide 1991 San Diego State's Marshall Faulk is 1st freshman to capture national rushing and scoring titles 1990 Actor Burt Lancaster suffers a
stroke 1990 Bush proposes U.S. - Iraq meeting to avoid war 1988 Cyclone lashes Bangladesh, Eastern India; 317 killed 1988 France performs nuclear test at Fangataufa Island 1988 New York City
furrier sues Mike Tyson for $92,000 for non payment of purchase 1988 Soviets stop jamming Radio Liberty; 1st time in 38 yrs 1988 U.N. General Assembly (151-2) censures U.S. for refusing PLO's
Arafat visa 1987 Afghanistan Constitution adopted 1986 "Flamenco Puro" closes at Mark Hellinger Theater New York City after 40 performances 1986 74th CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Tiger-Cats
defeats Edmonton Eskimos, 39-15 1986 Ivan Lendl is 1st tennis player to earn over $10 million, lifetime 1983 6th Emmy Sports Award presentation 1983 Police free kidnapped beer magnate Alfred
Heineken in Amsterdam 1983 Radio Shack announces Tandy Model 2000 computer (80186 chip) 1983 Raul Alfonsin wins Argentine presidential election 1983 Sam Shepards "Fool for love,"
premieres in New York City 1983 Denver Nugget coach Doug Moe, hoplessly behind, advise team to let Blazers break their scoring record 1982 STS-6 vehicle moves to launch pad 1982 U.S.
submarine Thomas Edison collides with U.S. Navy destroyer in So China Sea 1982 U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test 1981 New York Yankee Dave Righetti wins AL Rookie of Year Award 1981 South
Africa anti apartheid advocate Bulelani Ngcuka arrested 1981 Yankees Dave Righetti wins AL Rookie of Year 1980 "Banjo Dancing" closes at Century Theater New York City after 38 performances
1980 "Perfectly Frank" opens at Helen Hayes Theater New York City for 16 performances 1980 "West Side Story" closes at Minskoff Theater New York City after 341 performances 1980 Uruguay's
new constitution rejected by referendum 1979 Ted Koppel becomes anchor of nightly news on Iranian Hostages (ABC) 1979 U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test at Semipalitinsk, Eastern Kazakhstan
U.S.S.R. 1978 France performs nuclear test 1976 42nd Heisman Trophy Award: Tony Dorsett, Pittsburgh (RB) 1975 Dahomey becomes Benin 1974 "Good Evening" closes at Plymouth Theater New
York City after 438 performances 1974 "Mack and Mabel" closes at Majestic Theater New York City after 66 performances 1974 20th time Islanders shut-out (3-0 vs Canucks) 1974 Miss Teenage
America Pageant 1974 Most complete early man skeleton found (Johanson and Gray in Ethiopia) 1973 M T Ghani scores 104 on FC debut for Commerce Bank (Pak) age 44 1972 BBC bans Wings
"Hi, Hi, Hi" 1972 Illegal fireworks factory explodes killing 15 (Rome Italy) 1971 TV movie "Brian's Song," airs for 1st time on ABC-TV 1970 George Harrison releases his triple album set "All
Things Must Pass" 1969 57th CFL Grey Cup: Ottawa Rough Riders defeats Saskatchewan, 29-11 1969 U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test at Semipalitinsk, Eastern Kazakhstan U.S.S.R. 1968 56th CFL
Grey Cup: Ottawa Rough Riders defeat Calgary Stampeder, 24-21 1967 Democratic People's republic of Yemen gains independence 1967 Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower announce their
engagement 1967 Kuria Muria Islands ceded by Britain to Oman 1967 People's Democratic Republic of Yemen declares independence from U.K. 1967 People's Rep of South Yemen (Aden) gains
independence from Britain 1967 Senator Eugene McCarthy begins run for U.S. presidency 1966 Barbados gains independence from Britain (National Day) 1966 Radio time signal WWV moves from
Greenbelt, Maryland 1964 U.S.S.R. launches Zond 2 towards Mars; no data returned 1963 51st CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Tiger-Cats defeats BC Lions, 21-10 1963 Martin Walser's "oberlebensgross
Herr Krott," premieres in Stuttgart 1962 U Thant of Burma elected 3rd Secretary-General of United Nations unanimously 1961 Billy Williams of the Cubs is voted NL Rookie of Year 1961 U.S.S.R.
vetoes Kuwaits application for United Nations membership 1960 French Senate condemns building own nuclear weapons 1960 Tad Mosels "All the Way Home," premieres in New York City 1959
Joe Foss named 1st commissioner of AFL 1958 1st guided missile destroyer launched, Dewey, Bath, Me 1958 WKBW TV channel 7 in Buffalo, New York (ABC) begins broadcasting 1957 "Happy
Hunting" closes at Majestic Theater New York City after 413 performances 1957 45th CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Tiger-Cats defeats Winn Blue Bombers, 32-7 1957 Assassination attempt on
Indonesian president Sukarno, kills 8 1956 1st use of videotape on TV (Douglas Edwards and the News) 1956 Floyd Patterson KOs Archie Moore in 5 for heavyweight boxing title 1955 "Pipe
Dream" opens at Shubert Theater New York City for 245 performances 1955 Argentine government disbands Peronistic party 1954 1st meteorite known to strike a woman (Liz Hodges-Sylacauga
Ala) 1954 20th Heisman Trophy Award: Alan Ameche, Wisconsin (FB) 1954 John Strodom succeeds Malan as premier of South Africa 1953 French parachutist under Col De Castries attacks Dien
Bien Phu 1952 Jackie Robinson charges New York Yankees with racism 1950 U.S. President Truman threatens China with atom bomb 1949 Chinese Communists captured Chungking 1949 KOTV
TV channel 6 in Tulsa, OK (CBS) begins broadcasting 1948 Player-manager Lou Boudreau is selected AL MVP 1948 Soviets set up a separate municipal government in East Berlin 1947 Arab
terrorist campaign opens in Palestine 1947 Day after United Nations decree for Israel, Jewish settlements attacked 1946 Bradman scores 187 in 1st Test Cricket vs. England at the Gabba 1945 33rd
CFL Grey Cup: Toronto Argonauts defeats Winn Blue Bombers, 35-0 1944 Biggest and last British Battleship HMS Vanguard runs aground 1942 109 U boats sunk this month (729,000 ton) 1942
30th CFL Grey Cup: Toronto Hurricanes defeats Winnipeg Bombers, 8-5 1942 Bill Terry resigns as supervisor of New York Giants minor league system 1942 German scout ship Altmark explode and
sinks off Yokohama 1941 101 year old Nyack-Tarrytown (NY) ferry makes it's last run 1941 13 U boats sunk this month (62,000 ton) 1941 Japanese Emperor Hirohito consults with admirals Shimada
and Nagano 1940 32 U boats sunk this month (147,000 ton) 1940 Lucille Ball weds Desi Arnaz 1939 21 U boats sunk this month (52,000 ton) 1939 Paul Osborn's "Mornings at 7," premieres in New
York City 1939 U.S.S.R. invades Finland, bombs Helsinki 1938 Fascist coup in Romania, fails 1938 Germany bans Jews being lawyers 1937 3rd Heisman Trophy Award: Clint Frank, Yale (HB) 1936
London's Crystal Palace (built 1851), destroyed by fire 1933 CCC Camps are established in Cleveland Park District 1931 Crystal Palace in Hyde Park London destroyed by fire 1931 His Master's
Voice and Columbia Records merge into EMI 1929 17th CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Tigers defeats Regina Roughriders, 14-3 1928 Test Cricket debut of Don Bradman, who scored 18 and 1 vs England
1924 1st photo facsimile transmitted across Atlantic by radio (London-NYC) 1924 Last French/Belgian troops leave Ruhrgebied 1923 Dutch Catholic minority government of Wilhelm Marx forms
1922 1st speed test of 1st genuine Japanese aircraft carrier Hosho 1922 Hitler speaks to 50,000 national-socialists in Munich 1915 St. John Ervine's "John Ferguson," premieres in Dublin 1912 4th
CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Alerts defeats Toronto Argonauts, 11-4 1907 Pike Place Market dedicated in Seattle 1900 A German engineer patents front-wheel drive for automobiles 1891 Pope Leo
XIII's encyclical "Rerum novarum" published 1887 1st indoor softball game (Chicago) 1886 1st commercially successful AC electric power plant opens, Buffalo 1885 Opera "El Cid" premieres
(Paris) 1872 1st International soccer game, Scotland-England 0-0 (Glasgow) 1866 Work begins on 1st U.S. underwater highway tunnel, Chicago 1864 Battle of Franklin, Tennessee: Confederate
attack fails, 7,700 casualities 1864 Battle of Honey Hill South Carolina (Broad River) 96 dead/665 wounded 1863 Confederate troops vacate Fort Esperanza, Texas 1861 Harper's Weekly publishes
EE Beers' "All quiet along the Potomac" 1838 Mexico declares war on France 1813 Prince Willem Frederik returns to Netherlands 1804 Impeachment trial of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase
begins 1803 Spain cedes her claims to Louisiana Territory to France 1787 Spanish governor leaves Philippines 1782 Britain signs agreement recognizing U.S. independence 1776 Captain Cook
begins 3rd and last trip to Pacific (South Sea) 1753 Benjamin Franklin receives Godfrey Copley-Penny 1747 Dutch State of Zealand declare governorship hereditary for women 1735 States of
Holland forbid Free Masonry 1731 Beijing hit by Earthquake; about 100,000 die 1700 King Charles XII of Sweden defeats Russia at Narva 1700 Turkey declares war on Russia 1700
Utrecht/Overijssel/Buren/Leerdam/IJsselstein go on Gregoria calendar 1678 Roman Catholics banned from English parliament 1648 English army captures King Charles I 1630 16,000 inhabitants of
Venice died this month of plague 1554 England reconciles with Pope Julius III 1523 Amsterdam bans assembly of heretics 1406 Angelo Correr elected Pope Gregory XII 1215 Pope Innocent III
closes 4th council of Lateranen 722 Pope Gregory II names Boniface as missionary bishop 306 St. Marcellus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1982 Elisha Cuthbert, Canadian Actress 1978 Clay Aiken, American Musician 1978 Gael Garcia Bernal, Mexican Actor 1976 Shaneika Lightbourne, Miss Universe-Turks and Caicos 1996 1975
Mindy McCready, country/western singer 1974 Luther Broughton, HB for the Philadelphia Eagles 1974 Marcellus Wiley, defensive end for the Buffalo Bills 1973 Jay Hamilton, CFL running back for
the Edmonton Eskimos 1973 Ty Howard, cornerback for the Arizona Cardinals 1972 Adeline Ong, Miss Universe-Malaysia 1996 1972 Spence Fischer, WLAF quarterback for the Scotland Claymores
1971 Bryan Proby, NFL/WLAF defensive tackle, Kansas City Chiefs, Scottish Claymores 1971 Heath Te-Ihi-O-Te-Rangy Davis, cricket bowler, New Zealand open vs. England 1994 1971 Ivan
Rodriguez, Vega Baja Puerto Rico, catcher for the Texas Rangers 1971 John Anderson, WLAF safety for the Rhein Fire 1971 Ray Durham, Charlotte, North Carolina, infielder, Chicago White Sox
1970 Corrina Kennedy, Saskatoon Saskatchawan, kayaker 1996 Olympics 1970 Des'ree, rhythm and blues singer 1970 James Brown, tackle for the Miami Dolphins 1970 John DeWitt, WLAF
defensive end for the Scottish Claymores 1970 Mario Bailey, WLAF receiver for the Frankfurt Galaxy 1970 Natalie Williams, born in Long Beach, California, volleyball outside hitter 1996 Olympics
1970 Ricky Powers, WLAF running back for the Rhein Fire 1970 Robert Griffith, NFL strong safety for the Minnesota Vikings 1970 Yayuk Basuki, Yogyakarta Indonesia, tennis star, 1996 Hobart
doubles 1969 Carrie Jean Yazel, Huntington Beach California, playmate, May, 1991 1969 Larry Brown, NFL cornerback, Dallas Cowboys, Oakland Raiders 1969 Mark Lewis, Hamilton, Ohio,
infielder for the Detroit Tigers 1967 Gary Jones, NFL safety for the New York Jets 1967 Margaret Platt, New York City, New York, golfer, 1995 Healthsouth-9th 1966 Phillipe Bozon, hockey
forward, Team France 1998 1965 Ben Stiller, New York City, actor, Ben Stiller Show, Next of Kin, Cable Guy 1965 Mike Zandofsky, NFL guard, Atlanta Falcons, Philadelphia Eagles 1964 David
Wood, NBA forward, Dallas Mavericks 1962 Bo Jackson, baseball/football player, Kansas City Royals, Los Angeles Raiders 1961 Innocent Egbunike, Nigeria, 4x400m runner 1984 Olympics bronze
1960 Bob Tewksbury, Concord, New Hampshire, pitcher for the San Diego Padres 1960 Dan Rashovich, CFL linebacker for the Saskatchewan Roughriders 1960 Danny Briggs, Abilene, Texas, Nike
golfer, 1986 Tallahassee Open-6th 1960 Gary Lineker, English soccer player, World Cup 1986 1959 Sylvia Hanika, Munich West Germany, tennis player, Avon-1982 1955 Andy Gray, English soccer
player 1955 Billy Idol, William Broad, rocker, White Wedding 1955 Brad Fabel, born in Louisville, Kentucky, Nike golfer, 1994 NIKE Gateway Classic 1955 Kevin Conroy, Westport CT, actor, Tour
of Duty, Another World 1955 Richard Burr, American Politician 1954 George McArdle, rock bassist, Little River Band Melbourne 1954 June Pointer, singer, Pointer Sisters-I'm So excited 1954
Lawrence Summers, American Economist 1953 Mike Espy, born in Yazoo City, Mississippi, Representative-D-Mississippi 1987 - 1993 1953 Shuggie Otis, born in Los Angeles, California, Johnny
Alexander Veliotes, singer, songwriter, rhythm and blues genres, known for hit 'Strawberry Letter 23' 1952 Mandy Patinkin, born in Chicago, Illinois, actor/singer, Yentl, Alien Nation 1950 Greg
Gordon, rock vocalist, Boys Band 1950 Kathryn Witt, born in Miami, Florida, actress, Lenny, Pam-Flying High 1950 Margaret Whitton, born in Baltimore, Maryland, actress, Good and Evil, Major
League 1950 Paul Westphal, NBA guard, Boston Celtics, Phoenix Suns 1949 Arthur Lee Washington, Jr., Neptune, New Jersey, murderer, FBI Most Wanted 1947 David Mamet, Chicago,
playwright/dir, Speed the Plow, House of Games 1946 Ken Wadsworth, cricket keeper, New Zealand dashing batsman 1946 Barbara Cubin, American Politician 1945 Michael Joyce, stage manager
1945 Radu Lupu, Galati Romania, pianist, Enesco 1st prize-1967 1945 Roger Glover, British hard rock bassist, Episode
Six-Deep Purple 1944 Dian Parkinson, Dianna Lynn Batts, Camp LeJune, North Carolina, Miss USA, 1965 1944 Luther T Ingram, U.S. singer and songwriter, I'll Be Your Shelter 1944 Rob Grill,
born in Los Angeles, California, rock bassist/vocalist, Grass Roots 1943 J[ames] J[ay] Barnes, U.S. gospel/singer, Please Let Me In 1943 Jerry Hunt, born Waco, Texas, composer, used live
electronics to create new works, employed ritualistic performance techniques 1943 Leo Lyons, Standbridge Beds, rock bassist, Ten Years After 1943 M A M "Thos" Woltgens, Mayor, Kerkrade,
Netherlands 1943 Oscar Harris, Surinames/Dutch singer, Try a Little Love 1943 Terrence Malick, actress, Gail-Baywatch 1943 Thijs Woltgens, Dutch MP, PvdA 1943 Jim Mitchell, American
Director 1940 Glenn English, born in Cordell, Oklahoma, Representative-D-Oklahoma 1975 - 1994 1939 Walter Weller, Vienna Austria, conductor, Vienna Tonkustler Orchestra 1937 Jimmy
Bowen, born in Santa Rita, New Mexico, record producer, pop music performer, famous for 'I'm Stickin' With You', produced chart hits for Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr. 1937 Paul
Stookey, Balt, singer, Peter, Paul and Mary-Wedding Song 1937 Richard Threlkeld, newscaster, ABC-TV 1937 Ridley Scott, director, Alien, Blade Runner 1936 Abbie Hoffman, aka Free,
Yippie/activist/author, Steal this Book 1936 Michael Jinks, child care pioneer 1933 Linwood C Ivey, North Carolina, Mayor-Garysburg NC 1932 David Lincoln Lightbown, politician 1931 Bill
Walsh, NFL coach for the San Francisco 49ers/sportscaster 1931 Gunther Herbig, Usti-nad-Labem Czechoslovakia, conductor, East Berlin Orchestra 1931 Jack Ging, Alva, Oklahoma, actor, 11th
Hour, Ripcord, Tales of Wells Fargo 1931 Jack Sheldon, born in Jacksonville, Florida, actor, Run Buddy Run, Merv Griffin 1930 G[eorge] Gordon Liddy, head CIA/ate a rat/Watergate felon/radio
host 1930 James Felton Boyd, Rocky Mount, North Carolina, light HW boxer 1956 Olympics gold 1930 William H Dana, born in Pasadena, California, test pilot, X-15 1929 Dick Clark, Mount
Vernon, New York, TV Host, American Bandstand 1929 Joan Ganz Cooney, born in Phoenix, Arizona, TV executive, Children's TV Workshop 1929 G. Gordon Liddy, American Entertainer 1928
Chic Hecht, born in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Senator-R-Nevada 1983 - 1989 1927 Robert Guillaume, Williams, born in St. Louis, Missouri, actor, Benson, Soap 1926 Richard Crenna, LA Cal,
actor, Rambo, Summer Rental, Sand Pebbles 1925 Maxwell Street Jimmy Charles Davis Thomas, blues musician 1924 Allan Sherman, parody singer and songwriter, Hello Muddah, Hello Fardah
1924 Klaus Huber, born in Bern, Switzerland, composer, wrote music for chamber ensembles orchestra, choirs, soloists, politically conscious composer, received Ernst von Siemens Music Prize, 2009
1924 Shirley Chisholm, born in Brooklyn, New York, Representative-D-New York 1969 - 1983 1922 Robert Evett, composer 1920 Virginia Mayo, born in St. Louis, Missouri, actress, Out of the
Blue, White Heat 1919 Anne S Wadman, Frisian literary, Fioele and faem, Smearlappen 1919 Jan Elburg, Joannes G, Dutch poet, Through the Night 1918 Efren Zimbalist, Jr., New York City, actor,
77 Sunset Strip, FBI, Scruples 1916 Michael Gwynn, Bath England, actor, Village of Damned, Question 7 1915 Angier Biddle Duke, New York City, U.S. Ambassador, Spain 1915 Henry Taube,
chemist, Nobel 1983 1915 Walter Brown "Brownie" McGhee, blues singer/guitarist 1914 Brownie McGhee, born in Knoxville, Tennessee, blues guitarist 1913 John K M McCaffery, Moscow Idaho,
TV host, One Minute Please 1912 Constant Stotijn, Dutch oboist, Residence Orchestra 1912 Gordon Parks, Ft. Scott, Kansas, film director/author, Learning Tree 1907 Gyorgy Ranki, composer 1907
Jacques Barzun, France, author, The House of Interlect 1906 Marina, princess of Greece/Denmark/husband of English prince George 1904 Clyfford Still, U.S., abstract painter 1904 Philip Burton,
teacher/writer/dramatist 1904 Philip H Burton, Welsh director/acting teacher, Richard Burton 1903 Germaine Emilie Madame Gres Krebs, haute Couturist 1900 Korneel Goossens, Flemish
literature/art historian 1899 Hans Krasa, Czechoslovakian opera composer, Brundibar 1898 Roy "Link" Lyman, NFL tackle for the Chicago Bears 1898 Millicent Carey McIntosh, American Educator
1897 Andreas Nezertis, composer 1897 Quinto Maganini, composer 1895 Johann Nepomuk David, composer 1890 John Tasker Howard, composer 1890 Oege Bakker, Dutch economist 1889 Edgar D
Adrian, English physiologist, Nobel 1932 1885 Albrecht, von, Kesselring, German Field Marshal, Poland/Netherland 1884 Anders J Ture Rangstrom, Stockholm Swed, composer/critic, Kronbruden
1874 Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister, 1940 - 1945, 1951 - 1955, Nobel 1953 1874 Lucy Maud Montgomery, Canadian Educator 1870 Cecil Forsyth, composer 1868 Ernest Newman,
English Critic 1863 Andres Bonifacio, leader of 1896 Philippine revolt against Spain 1863 Gellio Benevenuto Coronaro, composer 1861 French Gailliard, Belgian painter, Zeustempel in Athens 1861
Ludwig Thuille, composer 1859 Sergey Mikhaylovich Lyapunov, composer 1857 Robert Abel, cricketer, The Guv'nor Surrey and England batsman 1855 Marie WF Treub, Dutch economist/minister
of Agriculture/Finance 1847 August Friedrich Martin Klughardt, composer 1843 Jozsef Kiss, Hungarian literary, Zsido Dalok 1835 Mark Twain, Samuel L Clemens, author, Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry
Finn 1828 Jedediah Hotchkiss, Engineer Confederate Army 1827 Constantine P Pobedonostsev, Russian reactionary lawyer/senator 1827 Ernest H Baillon, French botanist, History of Plants 1826
George Washington Deitzler, Brigadier General Union volunteers 1821 Gustavus Woodson Smith, Secretary War, Confederacy 1817 Theodor Mommsen, Germ, historian/author, Imperial Lives,
Nobel 1902 1813 Charles-Valentin Alkan, composer 1813 Hermann Kurz, German author and poet 1813 Louise Ackermann-Choquet, French author, Pensees 1810 Oliver Fisher Winchester, rifle
maker, Winchester 1809 Thomas Molleson Mudie, composer 1796 Johann Carl Gottfried Loewe, composer 1793 Johann Lukas Schonlein, helped establish scientific medicine 1764 Franz Xaver Gerl,
composer 1753 Johann Baptist Schenk, composer 1726 Jacques Aliamet, French etcher/engraver 1699 Christian VI, king of Denmark/Norway 1693 Christoph Forster, composer 1667 Jonathan Swift,
England, satirist, Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal 1645 Andreas Werkmeister, composer 1634 Andres de Sola, composer 1622 Thomas of Apshoven, Flemish painter, baptized 1593 Johann
Dilliger, composer 1554 Philip Sidney, England, poet/statesman/soldier, Arcadia 1508 Andrea Palladio, Andrea di Pietro della Gondola, architect 1485 Veronica Gambara, Italian poet 1466 Andrea
Doria, Genoese statesman/admiral 1427 Kazimierz IV, king of Poland, 1447-92 1373 Ferdinand I, the Righteous, king of Aragon/Sicily 1340 John duke of Berry, captain of Paris/art collector 538 St.
Gregory of Tours, chronicler/bishop
2004 Pierre Berton, journalist/historian, Klondike Fever, dies at 84 2003 Gertrude Ederle, swimming celebrity/teacher, first woman, and fifth person, to swim the English Channel, dies at 97 2003
Abel Ehrlich, composer, won the Israel Prize for Music and the Prime Minister's Prize for Israeli Composers 2000 Chris Rebello, high school football coach/child actor, Jaws, dies at 37 1998
Margaret Walker, American Poet 1997 Clare Lucy Madeleine Evans, historian, dies at 37 1997 Ron Gulliford, educationalist, dies at 76 1997 Kathy Acker, writer, Bodies of Work: Essays, dies at 54
1996 Dan Flavin, minimalist sculptor, dies at 63 1996 Koji Kobayashi, industrialist, dies at 89 1996 Paul Derrick, co-operator/Christian socialist, dies at 80 1996 Tiny Tim, Herbert Khaury, entertainer
'Tip Toe', dies at 71 1995 Hopper Levett, Kent cricket wicketkeeper (1930-47, Test 1934), dies 1995 June Rosemary Fisher, teacher/trade unionist, dies at 66 1995 William Roerick, actor (Guiding
Light), dies in car crash at 83 1994 Connie Conrad Henry Kirnon Kay, jazz Drummer, dies at 67 1994 Guy Debord, born in Paris, France, filmmaker, hypergraphist, theorist, founding member of
Lettrist International, Situationist International, dies at 63 1994 Irwin Kostal, U.S. arranger/conductor (Sound of Music), dies at 83 1994 Lionel Stander, U.S. blacklisted actor (Hart to Hart), dies at 86
1993 Bob Wolf, agent (New Kids on the Block, Larry Bird), dies 1992 Jorge Donn, dancer, dies after long illness at 45 1990 Horst Bienek, German author, dies 1990 Norman Cousins, editor
(Saturday Review), dies at 75 1989 Alfred Herrhausen, German CEO (Deutsche Bank), murdered at 59 1987 Arthur H Dean, lawyer/advisor to FDR, dies at 89 1987 James Baldwin, writer (Go Tell it
on the Mountain), dies at 63 1987 Simon Carmiggelt, journalist/literary (Kronkel), dies at 74 1983 George Headley, cricket (10 tons in 22 Tests, 1st black WI captain), dies 1981 Robert H Harris,
actor (Jake-Goldbergs), dies at 72 1979 Joyce Grenfell (Adventure for Two), actress, dies at 69 1979 Zeppo Marx, Herbert, U.S. comic (Marx Brothers), dies at 78 1976 Fritz Rasp, actor (Diary of a
Lost Girl), dies at 85 1973 Bruce Yarnell, Los Angeles California, actor (Outlaws), dies at 35 1972 Hans-Erich Apostel, Austrian composer (Kubiniana, Requiem), dies at 71 1972 Neil H McElroy,
soap manufacturer/minister of Defense (1957-59), dies 1972 Valentin Ruiz Azner, composer, dies at 70 1967 Patrick Kavanagh, Irish screenwriterr (Great Hunger), dies 1964 Don Redman, orchestra
leader (Sugar Hill Times), dies at 64 1961 Stanislaw Kazuro, composer, dies at 80 1955 Josip Slavenski, composer, dies at 59 1954 Wilhelm Furtwangler, German conductor/composer, dies at 68
1953 Francis Picabia, French Artist 1948 Franco Vittadini, composer, dies at 64 1947 Earnest Lubitsch, actor and director (Anna Boleyn, Ninotchka), dies 1944 Max Halbe, born in Guttland, now
Kozliny, Germany, writer, dramatist, Naturalist movement literary style, works include 'Jugend', dies in Neuotting, Bavaria, at age 79 1940 Fritz Volbach, German musicologist/conductor/composer,
dies at 78 1939 Bela Kun, Balazs Kolozsvary, Hungarian revolutionary, dies at 53 1938 Corneliu Codreanu, Romania fascist/putschist (Iron Guard), dies 1935 Fernando A N Pessoa, Portuguese poet
(Book of Disquiet), dies at 47 1935 Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese Author 1931 John Hyatt Brewer, composer, dies at 75 1931 Marc-Jean-Baptiste Delmas, composer, dies at 46 1930 Mother Jones,
American Activist 1909 Innokenti F Annenski, Russian poet/translator, dies at 53 1904 Aldine Sillman Kieffer, composer, dies at 64 1901 Edward J Eyre, British explorer/governor (Jamaica), dies at
86 1900 Oscar Wilde, Irish author, dies in Paris at 46 1897 Abraham C Wertheim, Dutch banker/MP (Lib), dies at 64 1894 Joseph E. Brown, American Politician 1893 Jacobus J Backer, German sea
historian, dies at 68 1864 Hiram Bronson Granbury, Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle at 33 1864 Otto French Strahl, U.S. Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle at 33 1864 Patrick
Ronayne Cleburne, Confederate Brigadier-General, dies in battle at 33 1846 Friedrich List, German Economist 1841 Charles Louis W J van Keverberg, Dutch government official, dies at 73 1830
Pius VIII, Francesco S Castiglioni, Italian Pope 1829 - 1830, dies at 69 1824 Johann Georg Christoph Schetky, composer, dies at 87 1813 Friedrich August Baumbach, composer, dies at 60 1798
Friedrich Fleischmann, composer, dies at 32 1792 Ernst William Wolf, composer, dies at 57 1777 Jean-Marie Leclair, composer, dies at 74 1764 Dieudonne Raick, composer, dies at 61 1760
Friederike C Neuber, German actress/author (Schaferfest), dies at 63 1718 Charles XII, king of Sweden (1697-1718), killed in battle at 36 1703 Nicolas de Grigny, composer, dies at 31 1700 Artus II
Quellinus [Quellien/"the Young], Flemish sculptor, dies at 75 1694 Marcello Malpighi, father of microscopic anatomy, dies 1679 Pieter van Schooten, Dutch mathematician/fort architect, dies at 45
1678 Andries de Graeff, mayor of Amsterdam (1657..71), dies at 67 1654 John Selden, English Statesman 1646 John C Lichthart, Admiral (Cape Augustine), dies at about 45 1631 Rabbi Samuel
Eliezer ben Judah ha-levi Edels, dies 1528 Great Wierd, Dutch Gelderland army commander, beheaded 1519 Michael Wolgemut, German painter (Weltchronik), dies at about 85 1016 Edmund II,
Ironsides, King of Saxons (1016), dies at 27
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