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ARIA. Madamina. (Pretty Lady) “Don Giovanni.’ Mozart. Allegro, Ma- da mi - nal Il ca-ta - lo-god Previy ta + dy, Heres list Twould questo, del-le bel - le, chegmdjipadron mi - 0 un cata - 1o-goe- show you, Of the fair ones my mas-ter has court-ed, — Hereyoull find them all Bus, cheho fatto} - 0, ean en - ge du - yy as-sort - ed, dn my writ - ing, will please leg - ge willt please a seicen - toe qua - ran - ta; ~y, six hun - dred and for - ty, - + ~9- = Epa? ; in AL ~ magna due cen - toe trait? u - na, > France is down for five hun-dred and twen - ty, Bn P Sf oO fal cen to in Francia, inTurchiano-vant’ u - na; ma, in I --spa-gua, Ow - ly two hundred the Rhine-land sup-plied him, But mark the cli-max, a a 2 St m= main I - spa-gna son gia mille_e tre! mil-le etre! Spainhas al-read-y one thou-sand and three, thou-sand and three, — ——_ ae ee ee + tp S —— — z—> z == Se —= mil-le etre! ‘Vhan fra ques-te con-ta - di-ne, thou-sand and three! Here are Count-ess-es in plen-ty. ca-me-rie - re, cit-ta-di- ne. Vhancon-tes - se, ba - ro-nes- se, Wait-inge maids nineteen or troen-ly. Rus-tic beau-ties Marchioness-es, marche sa - ne, prin-ci- pes-se, e vhandon - ne do gni_ grado, do gni for - ma, dognie- Evry grade his pow'r con-fesses, Here are courtly dames and maid-ens, Young and handsome,old and th; do - gni for-ma, do - gnie - ta, plain, Young and —hand-some, old and plain. Here is sei cen=tog qua - ran-ta, Six hun- dred and for- ty, magna due cen- toe trent” una, down for Five hundred and treen-ty, Fran = cain Turechia vant’ w= nayma, ma, main T - spagnat hun - dred the Rhine - Ssup-plied him, But, but Spain is the cli-max! main I~ spa-gna son gia mil-lee tre, mil-le etre, Here are al - read-y one thou-sand and three, thou-sand and three, mil- le e tre! Vhan fraques-te con-ta - di- ne, ca- me-rie - re, cit - ta- thou-sand and three, Here are count - esses in| plenty, Wait-ing maids nineteen or di - newhancontes - se,ba ~ 10 ~ nes-semarche-sa - ne,prin-ci- pes-se,e vhan don ~ ne db - gn troen-ty, Rustic bean-tes, Marchio nesses, Bosry gradehis porccon-fesses, Hereare courtiydames and gra-do,@o- gui for- ma, dognie-tal» do maid ens,Youngand hand-some, old and plain, Young Ja gran- de e- and haugh- ty, she ae _— St la gran and haugh sto- - : - : + sa. La pie - ci = na, Ja pie - arms. him. If shes tiny, Vf shes we ta r pie - ci- ma, la pie na, la pie-ci- na, la pie - shes i= ny, ver-y fi ny, ver-y ti- ny, Hi -ny, ci-na, la pic-ci-na, la pic-ci- na, la pic - ci- na, o-gnor ver - 20 - sa &o-guor ver ti- wy, If shed ti-ny,ver-y li-wy, -ny, ti-ny, Noles she charms him, no less. she s Grn -he te zo + sa, ecgnor vez - 20 - sa, del = le con- qui-sta charms him, no less she charms him. Ripe du ~ en - gages, —_—— -_—T Pr. pel pia = cer di por Igin li - sta sua pas-sion pre-do - mi- That their names may grace these pa - ges, But what most he's bent on ~~ — wat P @ Ia gio vin prin -ci-pian-te; non si Bs youth the sweet be ginning, Poor or pic- - - ca se sia ric- - -ca,se sia brut- - tase sia wealth - - y, wan or health. - ~ y, State - ly dame or mod - est eo =e C= bel - -la,se sia ric - ca,brut - ta, se sia bel - la, beau - = by, State - ly dame, or youth-ful, mod-est beau ty, —~, 1 .—_——_>~ —~

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