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Oct 31, 2017

Dr. Sohail Farooq Zaki

Academic Program developer

Respected sir,
Subject: To request for allowing monthly stipend.

It is submitted that my course work has been completed. My total number of credit hours earned are 26 as
per schedule. I secured total CGPA 3.04/4.0. This makes me eligible for entitlement of monthly stipend
which earlier was freeze due to absence in final papers. I have cleared all course work papers and sought
minimum criteria of CGPA 3.0/4.0 for reinstatement of stipend. My courses and their respective grades
along with total calculated CGPA is tabulated below. I request you sir to kindly reinstate my monthly
stipend so that I carry forward my thesis work diligently. I shall be thankful for this kind act.

Yours Obedient
Shahimulk khattak

Credit Subject Grade Hours

1 Material properties C+ 3
2 Materials for Energy storage and Conversion C+ 3
3 Management of Technology and Innovation B+ 3
4 Energy Survey B 3
5 Electrochemistry A- 3
6 Research Methodology B+ 2
7 Electrical and Optical Properties of Materials B+ 3
8 Thin films C+ 3
9 Advance concepts in Energy storage and conversion A 3

Total Credit
Hours 26

Total CGPA 3.04/4.0

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