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Photography Newsletter V o l ume 1 , Is s ue 1

O c t ober 30, 2017


Senior Portraits 2
The Start of Something New
Tips for Portraits 2

Older Students 2
As my love for photog- second guess what I
Dance 3
raphy began to grow, I was going until I found
never expected to have myself in love with the Sport Photography 3
such positive support happiness people ac-
from the people around quired from getting The Community 3
me. Whether it was my their picture taken.
Balance 4
mother who was obli- Looking through pic-
gated to support me, o tures that night, I was
friends that wanted me at awe at the smiles
to take their senior pic- and excitement
tures. throughout the crowd.
It all started when I Posting those pictures
needed more points in on,
order to pass Journal- people immediately
ism. I decided to take saved and posted them The Corona del Sol Aztecs celebrate the
pictures at the football with my username first touchdown of the football season.

game, thinking the tagged on their twitters

Photo by Dion Deguzman S P E C I A L P O I N TS O F
crowd never gets pic- and Instagrams. I N T E R ES T:
part of
tures taken of them, so After the first football The journey to becoming a
why not me? I walked This was the start of photographer
game I got bookings something new. I have
onto the football field, left and right. I didnt
my camera bag in found a passion, some- Different types of photo shoots
even have any sort of thing I love. I never felt
hand, nervous due to business getting ran. Tips and tricks for all pho-
my lack of experience satisfied with what I toshoots and running a photog-
Yet, here I was finding produce, but I learned raphy business
on the job. myself booked for sen- that the most important Experience throughout the
Shouts of people ask- ior portraits, dance aspect is to capture true year
ing me to take their shows, sports games. happiness.
pictures, I began to Things I never was a

Social Media and its Importance

Social media plays a substantial amount of it be a senior, a mater-
gigantic role in photog- people following me nal mother, or a guy
raphy. The more you on Twitter, Instagram, who wants pictures of
network yourself on and Facebook. his new truck. Be open
your social media, he Make sure you are not to taking pictures of
My Instagam followers grew by
more exposure you are only networking to things you never ex- 200 when I began to consistently
getting. your friends, but also pected yourself to. An- post pictures of photoshoots I
This is where my busi- strangers. Everyone ything is worth taking a was currently working on. Photo
ness thrived as I had a needs photos, whether picture of. by Dion Deguzman
P age 2 V o l ume 1 , Is s ue 1

Senior Portraits
Getting booked for senior portraits, ry photoshoot you take. Whether it model is a
I did not really know what I was be new poses, better ways to cap- shy person
getting myself into. What lens was ture the moment, or new photo who doesnt
the correct lens, where are nice spots. And with all this knowledge really like
spots to take pictures, how to I plan no editing and ways to properly use pictures.
senior photos? These questions your camera, you can start bumping But, you
were constantly running through my up the prices. can feel the
head the entire school day. Secondly, senior portraits are some- atmosphere
The number one skill I believe you thing that stick with a person their when you
need with this type of photography entire life. They are depending on and your
is patience. The questions that were you to somewhat capture the entire model are
running through my head, I realized year in two or three outfits. It can on the ig
can only be answered with experi- seem like a difficult task but you track. Feel
ence. Start your prices off low be- have to focus on the positives in out the situ-
cause you dont really know how every photo shoot. ation and Emily Linares took her
they will turn out. Yet, once you go make sure senior photos at Joes
Also, if something does not feel you both Farm grill in Gilbert. Photo
deeper and deeper into the scene, natural, do not take picture of it. by Dion Deguzman
you learn something new from eve- are happy.
This can be hard, especially if your

Tips for Senior Portraits

I began taking pictures with a stand- Many people dont understand how You know a good photographer
ard zoom lens, which did not make the concept of Golden Hour works, versus a bad one if you dont see
my pictures blur out right in the yet this is what I find most helpful. them constantly adjusting settings
background. The problem was my You are either taking pictures as the on their camera. To amateur pho-
lens. Fixed lenses may not have a sun is rising in the AM or the hour tographers with limited camera ex-
zoom control, but they work won- the sun is setting in the PM. The perience things like shutter speed, f
ders when it comes to blurring out reason for this is that the light is stop and ISO may seem confusing,
the background. The blur is the more soft, hence making it easier to but once you get the hang of it, it
most important as it pus our subject take photos looking into the light. woks wonders. Learning this lets
in focus. I recommend a fixed 50 or Golden hour also gives a subtle you take full control of your pic-
85 mm. warm glow to any picture you take. tures.

Working With Older Models

Working with pictures of my best friends senior is way more important than high
models that are sister at the University of Arizona. school. Patrice was heading into
older than you This time was prime senior season grad school and wanted her pictures
is a very hard at UofA. Photographers everywhere to be memorable. Luckily they
task. Now Im who knew exactly where to go, at were. Even with this age difference
not talking like what times to get the best shots. there was no lack of energy or
a twenty year This was first time ever on campus youth as I expected. Even if she
gap, I am talk- and I knew nothing of the place. may have been twenty-one there
ing about a And along with that, I am taking was still vibrancy and this care free
couple years. pictures of a girl is who very well smile from her.
Think about it, known in the community, while The goal with working with older
Senior Patrice Moritz as a seventeen
also being in charge of taking pic- people is not be afraid to take con-
poses at the UofA old year old I was
main. Photo by Dion on a college
tures for her college graduation. trol of a photo shoot even if the
This to me was a challenge, college person may be older than you.
Deguzman campus taking
P hot o gra ph y New sle tter P age 3

Lets Dance
One thing I never expected myself found myself at the first dance show so it became
to fall in love with is dance. Until of the three. Lost is a word you can a game of
the second football game where I say I was feeling that first night. I trust.
got the complaint that I was taking did not know what to do, where to That is what
pictures of the crowd, but not of the stand, what settings I am supposed I realized
cheer and pom teams. to put my camera in. from dance
As I found this to be correct I also I spent that first dance show franti- shows is that
put more pressure on myself to con- cally taking pictures, total forgetting I takes more
stantly be running around the foot- about my setting to just look at a trust from
ball field to capture moments that memory card filled with black pho- myself to not
only happen once in the two hours I tos as I wasnt allowing enough create flaws
am at the game. Yet as I began to light into the frame. Yet, I didnt Freshman Mackenzie
in the cam-
take pictures of them, I realized give up from there. Stratton makes her era. I learned
they were the most photogenic peo- I had time to redeem myself from Company debut. Photo my bounda-
ple at the game, with constant my previous mishaps. The second by Dion Deguzman ries with
smiles and energy. night was much better than the first, settings and
Posting those pictures made me I realized that unlike portraits, the where I
think. Should I try and take pictures one thing you dont have is time. should be looking at at all times.
at the dance show? Asking my advi- There was no telling them, wait Now I find myself head photogra-
sor she thought it was a great idea. I hold, I need to change my settings, pher for the Corona del Sol Dance
Program for the next two years.

How do I sport?
Sports. Well lets just say I did not yon University. This was a new ence my work.
know much, and I still dont know playing field that I was not comfort- I took pictures like I would a dance
much at all to be honest. I already able in. show, except instead of a stage I
had a hard time understanding Surrounded by newspaper photogra- was on a court. Constantly running
watching sports, nonetheless trying phers from The Wrangler and the along the outlines, deflecting not
to take photos of it. Arizona Republic, I felt stupid for only the wild passes but also the
I was asked to take pictures on be- being there. But after warm ups I coaches and players on the bench.
half of Corona del Sol newspaper at realized that the one key to making Coming home that night, looking
the 6A state final basketball match sure these photos would be present- through my frames, they were not
between the Corona del Sol Aztecs able was that I had to be confident my best work, but I learned the true
and the Basha Bears at Grand Can- in my skills and not let others influ- lesson of confidence that night.

The Photography Community

Becoming a photographer not only Lightroom. of me
comes with its perks of getting One of my closests friends Hunter reaching
good photos for social media, but I Gillman is an amazing photogra- out to him
also comes with the amazing people pher who currently works with Ur- to ask for
that you come across. ban Outfitters and is living the help. Me
As a photographer you realize that dream. He became a very close liking
everyone that is basically doing the friend when I needed help with what he
same job you are has their own some style preferences on photos. I does asks
unique way of doing it. The rela- remember this being the time where questions
tionships I have made with other seniors were everywhere needing that I nev- Photo by Hunter Gillman
photographers not only lets me photos and the competition got to er knew.
make more friends, get more mod- peoples heads. But not with him. Never be
els, but it also gives me the oppor- embarrassed to reach out to more
What is amazing about him is that popular photographers, because
tunity to learn more about the amaz- he was based in Utah. And this took
ingness which is Photoshop and in the end they are here to help you.
one quick direct message on Twitter
Dion D. Photography is a business that was created and is ran with pas-
Dion D Photography
sion and curiosity. If you are looking to get pictures that are unique, vi-

3456 W Seseame Street brant, youthful and modern I am the prson to come to. I focus on natural
Las Vegas, Nevada 12345
Phone: 678-999-8212
Fax: 678-999-8213
beauty with little enhancements of photos, bringing you light, airy and

pictures that are true to you and your story. Follow me on social media

@dioffff and for bookings please feel free to email me at
Dion D. Photography
@dioffff Photographer, Student, Employee: Balance
It as very much of a that understand you are a tography, work and
Twitter and Instagram daunting task when I was student first before you school is a schedule that
asked to keep taking pic- are their employee. For is updated frequently to
tures while also having a instance, H&M is a great show my days where I
job and school. I current- place where they under- am free. When you find a
ly work as an H&M Sales stand your work load for job that can show you
Advisor while also being school and for the job. your schedule for the next
a student at Arizona State They work around my three weeks, as a photog-
University. There was I school schedule while rapher, take it. This
think a way to prioritize also giving me an ample means that you can plan
my needs. amount of time during all your photoshoots ac-
School always comes my job to be able to work cording to your work ad
first. Once I finish school, on other homework or school schedules for the
the degree I have will study while I am on next weeks..
Diondphotography make more money than Know when to book
the photography job and Find that job that will shoots and the estimated retail job combined. Nev- work with you and has a time it will take you to
er let yourself get off great management team. edit and distribute those
track for school. The only way I find my- photos in relation to time
Yet, you can find jobs self able to handle pho- at work and at school.

H&M welcoming letter to new Laticia Munoz throws glitter in the

air in excitement for graduation. Never a wrong time to take a
employees. Photo by Dion
Photo by Dion Deguzman picture, bathroom selfies still
exist. Photo by Dion Deguzman

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