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Huntingtons Disease Alzheimers Disease Lobar Atrophies Lewy Body Dementia Parkinson Disease ALS

Description Progressive,fatal, highly Most common cause of dementia Atrophy is circumscribed 2nd most frequent Progressive Progressive disorder
penetrant, autosomal in older adults (frontal, temporal) pathologic diagnosis neurodegenerative in which there is loss
dominant disorder established disease of UMN in the
characterized by motor, Progresive deficits of memory, FTD: behavioral symptoms cerebral cortex and
behavioral and cognitive visuospatial orientation, predominate early in FTD LBD LMN in the spinal
dysfunction judgement, personality and compared to AD - Diffuse involvement cord and brain stem
language of cortical neurons
wth LB inclusions
and by an absence
of tangles an

Defect Short Arm of Chromosome 4 Reduction of choline Picks disease

Long repeat of CAG acetyltransferase and -
acetylcholine in the hippocampus
nd neocortex
Symptoms Dominant Inheritance - Onset of mental changes is Picks Disease 2/3 symptoms Hypo-bradykinesia Atrophic weakness of
Choreoathetosis insidious Parkinsonian features Resting tremor han, forearms
Dementia - Gradual development of First Dementia (fluctuation Postural instability Spasticity of arms,
forgetfulness (remote 1. Talkative in behavior and Rigidity legs
(Personality Disorder, memories are preserved and 2. Lighthearted cognition) Hyperreflexia (Neck,
Dementia, Movement Disorder) recent ones are lost) 3. Cheerful o axious Frequency tendency to Clin features: pharnx, larynx, trunk,
- Simplest geometric forms and 4. Constantly on th episodic delirium Expersionless face legs)
Dysarthria, gait disturbance patterns cant be copied (pt move (recurrent Poverty and slowness of
and oculomotor abnormalities forgets how to use common 5. Occupied w/ trifles hallucination) voluntary movement
objects and tools while 6. Attentive to every REM sleep disorder Resting tremor (pill
retaining the necessary motor passing ncident rolling)
power and coordination of Stooped posture
these activities Second Axial instability
1. Taciturn Rigidity
Early Stage: benign forgetfulness 2. Inert Festinating gait
Middle Stage: unable to work, 3. Emotionally dull
easily lost and confused, Apraxia 4. Lacking in initiative
and impulse
Late stage: Loss of judgement and
reasoning, delusions, Capgras FTD
syndrome - Behavioral symptoms
predominate early

Pathogenesis Increase in polyglutamate Loss of cells in the basal forebrain PICK DISEASE Presence of Lewy PD is marked by Loss of neurons
repeatsin the coding sequence nuclei (Meynert) Bodies and Neuritis prominent hypokinetic results in denervation
oof huntingtin gene Accumulation of AB and tau Progressive degenerative throughout the movement disorder that of mules, producing
proteins (excessiveproduction disorder characterized by specific brainstem is caused by loss of weakness that
Degeneration of striatal and defective removal) selectie involvement of nuclei, substancia dopaminergicneurons becomes profoundas
neurons anterior frontal and nigra, amygdala, from substantia nigra disease proesses
Leading to loss of GABA AB peptides: plaques in temporal neocortex and cingulate nucleus, and
(uncontrolled movement) neutrophils intraneural cycoplastmc neocortex
Tangles: aggregates of inclusion (Pick bodies) with
microtubule tau conspicuous sparing of
posteror 2/3 of superior
temporal gyrus and rare
involvement of parietal
oroccipital lobe

- Tau containing
- TDP43-containing
Diagnosis Genetic Testing Pick Bodies: agyrophilic, Lewy bodies
CT: Cerebral Atrophyof Caudate staining positivey with - Intraneuronal
Normal Dopamine Bielschowsky silve method cytoplasmic
(Tau) inclusions that
stain with PAS and
FTD: FTLD-tau, FTLD-TDP ubiquitin as well as
- Straight
neurofilamens 7-
20 nm long with

Idiopathic PD
- Substantia nigra

Diffuse Lewy Body

- Basal forebrain
Treatment Ballismus and Choreoathetosis: No evidence of salutary ffect L-Dopa and L-dopa
Benzodiazepines - Cerebral vasodilators, Modifying Drugs
stimulants, L-dopa, Vit B, - With
Parkinsonian symptoms: C, E decarboxylase
Carbidopa, Levodopa - Oral physostigmne inhibitor
Pramipexole, Ropinorole - Choline, lecithin - COMT inhibitors
Bromocriptine - Cholinergic precursor
Major Depressive Disorder: Dopamine Agonists
SSRI Modest effect Anticholinergic Agents
- Acetylcholinesterase Surgical measures

Approved effect in late-stage

- NMDA glutaminergic
antagonist (Memantine)

Genetics Autosomal Dominant

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