Chapter 8 Review Edited

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ENVL 4500- NW Field Experience Prep

Angelique Wanek
Professor Tait
Chapter 8: Hypotheses From Ecuador
Due to the fact that this book has highlighted four different time periods of Ecuador's
past- Origins (1978 to 1987), Neoliberal Boom(1987-2000), Organizational bust (2000-
2006) and the Citizen's Revolution( 2006-2015) one can assume that Ecuador is an
important interest of study. Why? Ecuador is a microcosm of most LAC nations (Lewis,
2016, p.195). Meaning it is representative of most developing LAC nations. Having a
complex past with a medium-high poverty rate and being politically as well as
international influences are all common factors that plague developing nations.
Next, it can be said that most of these issues that nations struggle with have a
deeper interrelationship with each other. For instance, when a weak state is present
transnational funders take control. This was evident in the case study of the Neoliberal
Boom period (1987-2000), where transnational funders (eco-imperialist) had all the
power (Lewis, 2016, p.197-198). Scnailberg would classify this time period as
managed scarcity (Lewis, 2016, p.196).
Another situation that is related to intermixed issues is the relationship between
the strength of Ecuador's state and it's environmental movement. For a majority of
Ecuador's Lewis observed that the stronger a state is the more laws it can pass and
uphold. The issues with this, however, is depending on the state's transnational
influences this could either harm or benefit Ecuador's environmental movement (Lewis,
2016,p. 201). Typically seen throughout this book, is when one force such as the state
or transnational funders has all the power, nothing good gets accomplished in the
movement. However, if there is an equal presence of these two actors at play, Ecuador
could potentially develop sustainably.

To summarize, as the TOP theory states, there are numbers forces and actors at
a place that influence Ecuador's future development. The economic, political and
strength of the state all factors into which of these actors' stands in charge. The
presence of international organizations also has an effect on Ecuador's Environmental
Movement. The economic/social state in which Ecuador is in determines is natural
resources should be extracted from its lands. In order for Ecuador to have a potentially
sustainable future, it would need to have a strong political leader in charge, an
intermediate state as well as a steady income from resources and some outside
funding. If this can be attained a sustainable future is possible for Ecuador and its
biodiversity can be preserved for years to come. If this can not be accomplished,
Ecuador will continue to be resource dependant and its current habits will be its future

Lewis, Tammy. L. (2016) Ecuador's Environmental Revolutions: Ecoimperialists,
Ecodependents, and Ecoresisters. MIT Press, 2016.

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