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Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling


In the most of the drilling operations it is obvious that a considerable amount of money is spent
for drilling related problems; including stuck pipe, lost circulation, and excessive mud cost. In
order to decrease the percentage of non-productive time (NPT) caused by these kind of problems,
the aim is to control annular frictional pressure losses especially in the fields where pore pressure
and fracture pressure gradient is too close which is called narrow drilling window. If we can solve
these problems, the budget spent for drilling the wells will fall, therefore enabling the industry to
be able to drill wells that were previously uneconomical. Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is new
technology that allows us to overcome these kinds of drilling problems by controlling the annular
frictional pressure losses. Underbalanced Drilling (UBD) is another drilling technique in which,
unlike the conventional drilling practice, the hydrostatic pressure (Ph) is kept lower than the
formation pressure (Pf) which in turn provides many advantages in areas where conventional
drilling practices are hard to apply. Though it started as early as the 1920s, its applications are still
relatively unknown in the Indian Oil and Gas sector. As the industry remains relatively unaware
of the full spectrum of benefits, this thesis involves the techniques used in Managed Pressure
Drilling and Underbalanced Drilling with an emphasis upon revealing several of its lesser known
and therefore less appreciated applications.

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

1. Introduction to Managed Pressure Drilling

1.1 Introduction
World energy demand is increasing continuously to meet the need of energy of the developing
countries. Increase in the energy consumption rates forces the scientists and engineers to discover
another ways of gathering energy or better ways to recover the sources that we have been already
using for years.
Most of the worlds remaining prospects for hydrocarbon resources will be more challenging to
drill than those enjoyed in the past. In fact, many would argue that the easy ones have already been
drilled. And with oil prices where they are today, drilling safely and cost effectively while
producing a good well in the process could not be more important.
Considering all these, MPD should now be regarded as a technology that may provide a noteworthy
increase in cost-effective drill-ability by reducing excessive drilling-related costs typically related
with conventional offshore drilling, if most of the worlds remaining vision for oil and gas being
economically un-drillable with conventional wisdom casing set points and fluids programs are
taken into account.
Since the cost of NPT (Non-Productive Time) has much more economic impact upon offshore
drilling and due to offshore operators portfolios having higher percentages of otherwise non-
drillable prospects than those onshore, offshore is the environment where the technology has
potential to have greatest overall benefit to the industry as a whole.
In addition, as the predominant strengths of MPD are; reducing drilling-related non-productive
time and enabling drilling prospects that are technically and/or economically un-drillable with
conventional methods, it is inevitable to utilize from the advantages that MPD presents in several
conditions and environments.
The abnormally risk-adverse mindset of many drilling decision makers has contributed to the
industry being seen by other industries as laggards in accepting new technology. Relative to the
basic hydraulics applied to drilling a well, this is particularly the case. For instance, drilling with
weighted mud, open-to atmosphere annulus returns, and relying upon gravity flow away from
under the rig floor was developed over a century ago and remains status quo "conventional-
wisdom" in the way we look at the hydraulics of drilling.
To date and as one may expect, operators who have practiced MPD for their first time, onshore
and offshore, the applications have mostly been on the most challenging and/or otherwise un-
drillable prospects, i.e., where conventionally drilled offset wells failed or grossly exceeded their
budgets. Beyond these proven strengths of MPD's root concepts, this body of work will strive to
address applications that have yet to be fully recognized, appreciated, and practiced. And, in doing
so, will further the vision that MPD is the way most wells should be drilled today and will likely
have to be drilled at some point in the future due to depletion, overburden and water depths.
Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

1.2 Basic Definitions

Formation Pore Pressure
The formation fluid pressure, or pore pressure, is the pressure exerted by the fluids within the
formations being drilled.

Overburden Pressure
Overburden pressure is the pressure at any point in the formation exerted by the total weight of the
overlying sediments. If we talk about offshore fields, this definition needs a slight modification.
The pressure exerted by the weight of the rocks and contained fluids above the zone of interest is
called the overburden pressure.

Fracture Pressure
Fracture Pressure is the stress which must be overcome for hydraulic fracturing to occur. This
stress is known as the minimum lateral stress. Fracture pressure (FP), which is the upper boundary
of drilling window, is known as the secondary control variable while designing the hydraulics of
the well. Moreover, estimation of FP onsite is possible with a commonly used way called Leak off
Test (LOT).

Collapse Pressure
Collapse pressure represents the minimum mud weight required to maintain a gun barrel hole and
keep the formation intact before potential collapse. The formation collapse pressure should not
be ignored.

Conventional Drilling
In the conventional drilling circulation flow path, drilling fluid exits the top of the wellbore open
to the atmosphere via a bell nipple, then thorough a flow line to mud-gas separation and solids
control equipment, an open vessel approach. Drilling in an open vessel presents difficulties during
operations that frustrate every drilling engineer. Annular pressure management is primarily
controlled by mud density and mud pump flow rates. In the static condition bottomhole pressure
(BHP) is a function of hydrostatic columns pressure. In dynamic condition, when the mud pumps
are circulating the hole, BHP is a function of hydrostatic mud pressure and annular friction pressure
(AFP) as shown in Fig. 1.

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

Figure 1. Static and Dynamic Bottomhole Pressure Profile

On land and in some shallow water environments, a comfortable drilling window often exists
between the pore pressure and fracture pressure gradient profiles, which the hole can be drilled
safely and efficiently. It can be seen in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. Example of Wide Pressure Window

As it is illustrated in Figure 2, from a hydraulic standpoint, the objective is to drill within the
pressure window bounded by the pore pressure on the left and the fracture gradient on the right.

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

Figure 3. Conventional Drilling BHP Variations

Fig. 3 is an illustration of how bottomhole pressure changes depending on whether the system is
static or dynamic. In conventional drilling, mud is designed to act statically overbalance or slightly
above balance in order to prevent any influx, when the pumps are turned off to make connection
or any failure due to the rig equipment.

Drilling Window
Drilling Window is defined as the difference between the maximum pore pressure and the
minimum effective fracture pressure. It is used while drilling and can be determined for any
point within an open-hole interval.

1.3 The Reason for Narrow Drilling Window

Typically in deepwater prospects, pore pressures are abnormally high at relatively shallow depths
below the sea floor due to rapid sedimentation and lack of compaction. On the other hand, the
fracture pressures are typically low because of less overburden owing to large column of water
instead of denser sediments. This results in a narrow window between the pore pressure and the
fracture pressure as illustrated by Fig. 4. However, deepwater prospects are generally more
rewarding in terms of the size of the field, rate of production and the net reserve in comparison to

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

shallow water prospects. Due to the limitations of the narrow drilling window, conventional
methods are leaving its place to the emerging technologies.

Figure 4. Narrow Drilling Window

From an offshore prospective, MPD was and still is driven by the very narrow margins between
formation pore pressure and formation fracture pressure downhole. Narrow margins are most
pronounced in deep water drilling, where much of the overburden is seawater. In such cases, it is
standard practice to set numerous casing strings at shallow depths to avoid extensive lost
circulation. With the help of the variations of MPD, it is possible to solve such problems by
controlling the bottomhole pressure.
The collapse, pore pressure, fracture pressure and overburden profiles often change in more mature
fields because of production and depletion. The drilling window that was once generous becomes
narrower, making it more challenging to drill within the lines without losing circulation or
inviting influx. In another way, when encountering virgin reservoirs, especially in days past, the
drilling window was fairly wide. The challenges of todays environment include re-entry of
partially depleted reservoirs or deep water applications where water accounts for a large portion
of the overburden.
The formation collapse pressure should not be ignored. In some cases, the collapse pressure is
equal to or greater than pore pressure. Fig. 5 is an example of such a window. Drilling operations
encroaching on the collapse pressure curve are likely to see large splinters of formation popping
off into the wellbore, as opposed to cuttings created by the drill bit. The mandate of productive
drilling operations is to make hole and perform other essential operations contributing to
completing the well, such as running casing, logging, and testing, etc. In an open vessel
environment, drilling operations are often times subjected to repetitive kick-stuck-kick-stuck
scenarios that significantly contribute to non-productive time, an add-on expense too many drilling

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

AFEs (Authorization for Expenditure). This non-productive time is often times protracted,
causing the rig crew to deviate from their routine of making hole. The deviation from routine
drilling operations can expose the rig personnel to unfamiliar circumstances and if not adequately
trained may lead to less than safe practices.

Figure 5. Drilling Window (Collapse Pressure Pore Pressure)

1.4 Why use MPD?

As we can all observe that in conventional drilling, if the pressure exerted on the formation is less
than its pore pressure, influx of reservoir fluids might occur whereas on keeping pressure greater
than the fracture pressure of the reservoir, the reservoir might fracture leading to problems like
lost circulation. While drilling, the total bottomhole pressure can be written as the sum of the
hydrostatic head of the drilling fluid column and the annular frictional losses or the circulation loss
(BHA= Ph + Pcir). However in case of the time when drilling is stopped in order to make
connections, the bottomhole pressure is equal to hydrostatic pressure only (BHA= Ph).
Now suppose a reservoir with a very narrow drilling window where in which one needs to be very
careful in maintaining the annular pressure. In such reservoir if we select a fluid in keeping mind
of the lower fracture pressure, well obviously select a fluid with a lower hydrostatic pressure so
that during circulating conditions the overall bottomhole pressure must not exceed the fracture
pressure. However this would mean that during static time, a lower hydrostatic head could allow
fluid influx from reservoir by failing to balance the formation pore pressure. Similar observations
can be made if we select fluid with a high hydrostatic pressure. These complexities arises in

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

reservoir having narrow drilling window as illustrated in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6, the green curve
represents the bottomhole pressure which is observing a sharp fall at times when circulation is
stopped in order to make connections.

Figure 6. This well is undrillable

MPD can make the previous undrillable well drillable. Two main reasons are:
Constant circulation through connections.
Pressurised fluid system; back pressure is applied at surface to act through entire system.
In Fig. 7, it can be seen that with a simple application of a back pressure, a constant or smooth
bottomhole pressure (within the drilling window) can be maintained which would solve all the
complications arising in conventional drilling and therefore help the driller in reducing the NPT.

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

Figure 7. Drilling with MPD

Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

2. Basics of Managed Pressure Drilling

2.1 History and background of MPD

Managed Pressure Drilling should not only supposed to be a new technology and taking the
advantage of new tools available in the industry but also it is an obvious fact that it utilizes from
the existing knowledge and tools which are previously discovered and used several times in
drilling operations. In order to clarify the evolution of MPD, the history and background behind
the technology are to be understood.
In 1901 wells were drilled underbalanced in the Spindletop Field of S.E. Texas. After a few
decades practicing and understanding the advantages of the underbalanced drilling, the need for
better control of influxes were realized as a result of the difficulties faced while controlling
Rotating heads were described in the 1937 Shaffer Tool Company catalog. In the 1960s, Rotating
Control Devices (RCDs) enabled the practice of drilling with compressible fluids (gas, air, mist,
and foam) to flourish. Now referred to as performance drilling (PD) or simply air drilling, value is
realized primarily in the form of improved penetration rates, longer life of drilling bits, and reduced
overall costs of drilling the prospect.
Many of the ideas on which MPD is predicted were first formally presented in three Abnormal
Pressure Symposiums at Louisiana State University between 1967 and 1972. These symposiums
looked at the origin and extent of abnormal pressures and how to predict pressures and fracture
gradients from available data.
The Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) was effectively used in well control practices develop
in the 1970s. The present technology combines and formalizes new techniques with those
historically used to deal with some of the most common drilling problems, such as well kicks and
lost circulation.
In the 1970s, a major oil company was drilling from kick to kick in offshore Louisiana to
increase drilling rate and avoid lost returns. This was a clear case managed pressure drilling in the
Gulf of Mexico.
At first reluctant, the industry finally accepted of the practice of horizontal drilling in the 70s and
80s. This spurred an exciting and beneficial perspective to drilling technology, however, drilling
horizontally into inclined fractures of high pore pressure hydrocarbons occasionally brought
unpleasant surprises. The fluid column, the primary well control barrier designed to prevent a
blowout, fell downward into the fractures encountered, and a significant number of well control
incidents occurred as a result of high pore pressure hydrocarbons entering the wellbore, then
flowing to the surface.

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Since 2005, over 100 wells have been drilled using MPD techniques by a number of operating
companies. MPD has delivered direct cost and time savings by eliminating the non-productive
time associated with losses and other related well control events. Being able to control wellbore
pressures by using a closed wellbore system and introducing the application of some simple
techniques has allowed previously undrillable wells to be successfully drilled to TD. Operators
plan and budget wells for a certain number of days and then find that in the best case some 20%
time spent on curing losses and kicks is added to their well times. Yet other operators have
encountered losses and well control issues that double or even triple their planned well timings.
Exceeding planned well times not only pushes drilling budgets past acceptable limits, but it also
has a knock on effect on the rig sequence especially if the rig is shared by other operators in the
region. Rigging up MPD equipment has allowed successful drilling of the fractured carbonates on
all of the wells where the equipment was rigged up. Not all of the wells encountered losses, and
on these wells the equipment was rigged up but not used. On the wells that did encounter the loss
/ kick scenarios, MPD enabled all of these wells to be drilled to TD without significant delays.
Managed Pressure Drilling has gained widespread popularity and a great deal of press coverage in
recent years. By applying MPD techniques, it is possible to drill holes that simultaneously expose
formations with pore pressures very close to the fracture pressures of other exposed formations
with minimal formation influx or mud losses. Complex and expensive systems have been designed
and implemented to maintain pressure on the wellbore using hydraulics modeling software,
automated chokes, and continuous surface circulating systems, often working in conjunction with
each other.

2.2 Definition of MPD

The IADC Underbalanced Operations Committee defined MPD as the following:
Managed Pressure Drilling is an adaptive drilling process used to precisely control the annular
pressure profile throughout the wellbore. The objectives are to ascertain the downhole pressure
environment limits and to manage the annular hydraulic pressure profile accordingly.
A range of technologies available at present give us a chance to control maintenance of the
bottomhole pressure from the surface within a range of 3050 psi. One MPD method does not
address all problems. Managed Pressure Drilling is application specific. The drilling engineer will
have his choice of many options that will best address the drilling problems he confronts. MPD
having advantageous role such as leading to increased well control, increased ROP, greater bit life,
less drilling flat time, fewer casing strings, less mud cost and safer applications can be realized by
both offshore and onshore drilling personnel.

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2.3 Categories of MPD

The MPD subcommittee of IADC separates MPD into two categories- "reactive" (the well is
designed for conventional drilling, but equipment is rigged up to quickly react to unexpected
pressure changes) and "proactive" (equipment is rigged up to actively alter the annular pressure
profile, potentially extending or eliminating casing points). The reactive option has been
implemented on potential problem wells for years, but very few proactive applications were seen
until recently, as the need for drilling alternatives increased.

2.3.1 Reactive MPD

Reactive MPD uses MPD methods and/or equipment as contingency to mitigate drilling problems,
as they arise. Typically, engineers plan the well conventionally, and MPD equipment and
procedures are activated during unexpected developments.
One is prepared to practice MPD as a contingency. A conventional-wisdom well construction and
fluid program is planned, but rig is equipped with at least an RCD, choke, and a drillstring float as
a means to more safely and efficiently deal with unexpected downhole pressure environment limits
(e.g., the mud in the hole at the time is not best suited for the drilling window encountered).

2.3.2 Proactive MPD

The drilling program is designed from the beginning with a casing, fluids, and open hole drilling
plan and/or alternate plans that take full advantage of the ability to more precisely manage the
wellbore pressure profile. This category of MPD technology offers the greatest benefit to both
onshore and offshore drilling programs.
Proactive MPD uses MPD methods and/or equipment to control the pressure profile actively
throughout the exposed wellbore. This approach uses the wide range of tools available to-
Better control placement of casing seats with fewer casing strings
Better control mud density requirements and mud costs.
Provide finer pressure control for advanced warning of potential well control incidents.

2.4 Drilling Hazards

The operational drilling problems mostly related with non-productive time include:
Lost Circulation
Stuck Pipe
Wellbore Instability
Well Control Incidents (Kicks and Blowouts)

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Figure 8. Drilling Hazards

Successful hazard management and mitigation begins with a clear understanding of known drilling
hazards and appreciation of those at risk to be encountered. Careful analysis of well data provides
the basis for planning that identifies best practices and technologies based on performance, not
habit. This approach requires listening to the well. Making the correct decisions while drilling is a
matter of recognizing, integrating, and correctly interpreting all the drilling dynamics including
but not limited to weight on bit, revolutions per minute, vibration, downhole pressure, temperature,
hole cleaning, shale shaker cuttings, etc. The downside of this is well understood. Misinterpreting
any of these dynamics has broad ranging repercussions. Interpreting them singularly, outside the
context of the other dynamics, carries the danger of actually contributing to instability and inducing
further hazards.

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3. Managed Pressure Drilling Techniques

3.1 Different Techniques

There are four key variations of MPD. Each is addressed in the context of the drilling hazards to
which it has proved applicable. Occasionally, combinations of variations are practiced on the same
challenging prospect. Combining several variations on the same prospect is expected to become
more frequent as the technology becomes more status quo in the minds of drilling decision makers
and as prospects become increasingly more difficult to drill. The four key variations of MPD with
sub-categories according to their application areas and different strengths they have are listed as
Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP)
Friction Management
Continuous circulation method

Mud Cap Drilling (MCD)

Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling (PMCD)
Floating Mud Cap Drilling (FMCD)
Controlled Mud Cap Drilling (CMCD)

Dual Gradient Drilling (DGD)

Annulus Injection Method
Subsea Mudlift Drilling

Return Flow Control (RFC) or HSE Method

Although there are lots of emergent combinations, the ones added to the list are expected to be
used in near future along with the commonly used ones.

3.1.1 Constant Bottom-Hole Pressure (CBHP)

Many drilling and wellbore stability related issues stem from the significant fluctuations in
bottomhole pressure that are inherent to conventional drilling practices. These fluctuations in
bottomhole pressure are root causes of a litany of excessive costs to a conventional land-drilling
program. Such pressure spikes are caused by stopping and starting of circulation for drillstring
connections in jointed-pipe operations. Specifically, they result from a change in equivalent

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circulating density (ECD) or annulus friction pressure (AFP), which occurs when the pumps are
turned on and off. The AFP additive to bottomhole pressure is present when circulating and absent
when not circulating.
Constant Bottom Hole Pressure (CBHP) is the term generally used to describe actions taken to
correct or reduce the effect of circulating friction loss or equivalent circulating density (ECD) in
an effort to stay within the limits imposed by the pore pressure and fracture pressure. In order to
reduce the effect of AFL or ECD, the need for backpressure (BP) is to be understood.

Figure 9. The usage of Back Pressure in CBHP method

In this variation, the objective is to walk the pore pressure line with a nearer-balanced-than-
conventional wisdom fluids program as a means of overcoming kick-loss issues associated with
narrow margins between formation pore pressure and fracture gradient. When drilling ahead,
surface annulus pressure is near zero. During shut-in for jointed pipe connections, a few hundred
psi backpressure is required. Using of backpressure shows the industry the capability to use a less
dense mud.
Fig. 9 is a simple illustration of how ECD or AFL can be compensated. Theoretically,
compensation of decreasing amount of AFL with the same amount of increasing BP is possible
while stopping circulation which allows the control of BHP.

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Figure 10. CBHP - BP usage both in connection and drilling

This method is distinctively applicable to drilling in narrow or relatively unknown margins

between the pore and fracture gradients. Whether the rigs mud pumps are on or off, the objective
is to maintain a constant EMW. Typically, a lighter-than-conventional-wisdom fluids program is
implemented, nearer balanced, perhaps even hydrostatically underbalanced. When shut in to make
jointed pipe connections, surface backpressure (BP) contributes to the Hydrostatic head pressure
to maintain a desired degree of overbalance, preventing an influx of reservoir fluids.

MPD replaces the pressure exerted by static mud weight with dynamic friction pressure to maintain
control of the well without losing returns. The objective of the technique is to maintain wellbore
pressure between the pore pressures of the highest pressured formation and the fracture pressure
of the weakest. This is usually done by drilling with a mud weight whose hydrostatic gradient is

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less than what is required to balance the highest pore pressure, with the difference made up using
dynamic friction while circulating. That sounds quite simple but has been made extremely
The first issue that must be addressed is how to go from static balance to dynamic (circulating)
balance without either losing returns or taking a kick. This can be done by gradually reducing
pump speed while simultaneously closing a surface choke to increase surface annular pressure
until the rig pumps are completely stopped and surface pressure on the annulus is such that the
formation sees the exact same pressure it saw from ECD while circulating. It has to be taken
into consideration that the bottomhole pressure is constant at only one point in the annulus.

Figure 11. Back Pressure/Pump Speed Curve for Connection

A range of methods have been utilized from to keep bottomhole pressure constant during this
transition from dynamic to static (or from static to dynamic). Hydraulics models have been used
to calculate a casing pressure schedule to follow while decreasing the pump rate. Computer
controlled chokes have been developed that can be employed to automate following the required
pressure schedule. Circulating loops have been constructed with dedicated pumps to maintain
continuous surface circulation through a choke in an attempt to make it easier to precisely control
annular surface pressure. In certain cases a conventional rig pump has been utilized as the
dedicated pump giving the added benefit of pump redundancy. Equipment has been developed to

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maintain continuous circulation through the drill string during connections thus eliminating the
transition by eliminating the static situation altogether. With these methods the well is typically
never completely shut in, as any required surface pressure is imposed through a partially closed
choke. In addition to surface equipment, during drilling, influx is avoided with the increase in
annular friction pressure from pumping. During connections, drillers control influx by imposing
back pressure or by trapping pressure in the wellbore. At the least, a non-return valve (NRV),
placed inside the drill string, stops mud flowing up the drillpipe to the surface.
Advantages of this variation of MPD include:
Less drilling non-productive time
Enhanced control of the well
More precise wellbore pressure management
Increased rate of penetration
Less invasive mud and cuttings damage to well productivity
Deeper casing set points
Fewer mud density changes to total depth objective
Increased recoverable assets
In an attempt to ensure that any influx can be detected early, a flow meter is often installed as an
integral part of the choke manifold in critical CBHP operations. The rig up for a CBHP set-up is
shown in Fig. 12.

Figure 12. Rig up for CBHP applications

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Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Friction Management

Friction management techniques are used in HPHT or in Extended Reach wells, where the annular
pressure is maintained to keep the bottomhole pressure as constant as possible. In HPHT wells,
this is done by maintaining some kind of annular circulation through the use of a concentric casing
string. In ERD wells, the annular pressure loss often needs to be reduced to achieve the required
length and reach of the well. This can now be achieved through the use of an annular pump. The
pump is placed in the cased section of the well and pumps annular fluid back to surface thus
reducing the annular friction pressures. These friction management techniques are considered part
of the CBHP variation. Continuous Circulation Systems

Considered under the CBHP variation as well, Continuous Circulation Systems technique keeps
the ECD constant by not interrupting circulation during drilling operations. The method is used on
wells where the annular friction pressure needs to be constant and/or to prevent cuttings settling in
extended reach horizontal sections of the wellbore. The circulation can be maintained during
connections or other interruptions to drilling progress by using a special circulating BOP system
or via continuous circulating subs being added to the drill string.

Figure 13. Continuous Circulation System used under CBHP

Fig. 13 is an illustration of controlling the BHP without interrupting the circulation by using the
advantages of Continuous Circulation Systems. Some slight fluctuations are seen while making
up connections. BHP maintained nearly constant by keeping the ECD constant in the same way.

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3.1.2 Mud Cap Drilling (MCD) Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling (PMCD)

A technique to safely drill with total loss returns, PMCD refers to drilling without returns the
surface and with a full annular fluid column maintained above a formation that is taking injected
fluid and drilled cuttings. The annular fluid column requires an impressed and observable surface
pressure to balance the downhole pressure.
This method also addresses lost circulation issues, but by using two drilling fluids. A heavy,
viscous mud is pumped down the backside in the annular space to some height. This mud cap
serves as an annular barrier, while the driller uses a lighter, less damaging and less expensive fluid
to drill into the weak zone.

Figure 14. Pressurized Mud Cap Method

The Fig. 14 is an illustration of PMCD method. The driller pumps the lightweight scavenger fluid
down the drillpipe. After circulating around the bit, the fluid and cuttings are injected into a weak
zone uphole below the last casing shoe. The heavy, viscous mud remains in the annulus as a mud
cap above the weak zone. The driller can apply optional backpressure if needed to maintain annular
pressure control. The lighter drilling fluid improves ROP because of increased hydraulic

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horsepower and less chip hold down. It is to be noted that the annular fluid has less density but
high viscosity.

Figure 15. Illustration of how PMCD works

In zones with a proven ability to readily accept mud and cuttings, and where offset wells have
indicated depleted pressure; a cap of heavy mud is pumped down the backside, into the annulus,
where it remains stationary providing the hydrostatic column to control formation fluids.
Meanwhile, drilling blind with no returns continues with a lighter than conventional drilling
fluid. This inexpensive fluid and the cuttings are single-passed into the loss zone.
Considering the restrictions to use PMCD, total losses must be experienced. The losses must be
large enough to take all of the fluids pumped down the drillstring and all of the cuttings generated
during the drilling process to use this technique. If circulation, even partial circulation, was to be
established, the mud cap would be circulated out of the well. If circulation is possible, a well cannot
use the PMCD method, and the CBHP method will have to be used.
PMCD may be practiced in some situations where a total loss scenario is not encountered, but
where total losses can be induced by increasing the wellbore pressure profile. Ultimately, this
variation is expected to be used in deep water where heavily depleted old pay zones must be drilled
to reach deeper pay zones of virgin pressure. It may allow safe drilling of these zones where the
depleted zone above the target has rock characteristics that are capable of receiving the sacrificial
fluid and drilled cuttings. The mud cap plus backpressure forces the returns into the zone of least
resistance, the depleted zone above.

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When the drill pipe is tripped out of the hole a weighted mud slug can either be pumped as a pill
to balance the bottomhole pressure to compensate for the loss of backpressure when the
bottomhole assembly is out of the hole. Since returns are not normally seen at the surface, the
volume of mud required to kill the well sufficiently will be predicated in large part to the gauge of
the hole and the proximity of the fractures or wormholes.

Figure 16. Rig up for Pressurized Mud Cap Drilling Operations

For PMCD operations, a flow spool must be installed below the RCD to allow fluid to be pumped
into the annulus. The rig up for this set up is shown in Fig. 16-17. The manifold on the left hand
side of the RCD is the bleed off manifold that is used to be able to keep the well full from the trip
tank. It also allows any pressure to bled off from the stack should this be required when changing
RCD packers.

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Figure 17. Photo of Flow Spool used in PMCD Floating Mud Cap Drilling (FMCD)

Floating mud cap drilling (FMCD) is considered as a sub category of the PMCD technique. FMCD
operations are used if the annular fluid cannot be designed to provide surface pressure in the
annulus, in which case the mud cap is called floating. In an FMCD operation, sacrificial fluid
(normally water) is pumped down the drillpipe, as in PMCD.
Surface fluctuations are used to estimate three downhole conditions by taking floating mud cap as
the start point, the pressures throughout the wellbore are stable. Once drilling begins again and the
hole becomes deeper, assuming that the reservoir pressure will increase with depth, the high
density annular mud cap loses its ability to contain the bottomhole pressure by itself. Over time
and distance an annular pressure differential between 200 300 psi; well below the pressure ratings
for RCD tools, is not unremarkable. As the annular pressure becomes higher, the mud cap fluid
density is often increased to keep the annular pressure within comfortable limits. Surface pressure
fluctuations are used to monitor 3 downhole conditions:
Gas migration to the annulus
Produced fluid is injected back into the formation at a prescribed rate and volume
Pore pressure increase
Annular hydrostatic fluid density is increased to maintain the surface pressure within a
comfortable range

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Fracture plugging
Should the cuttings plug off the fractures, pressurized mud cap may have to be suspended
in favor of conventional drilling operations.
It should be stressed, considering difficulties while monitoring mud level in the annulus that the
pressure of the reservoir can be below hydrostatic so that the annulus cannot be kept full of fluid.
The annulus fluid level will drop down to a balance point in the well. The top of the fluid in the
well may be too deep to monitor and this will make it very difficult to monitor any influx or gas
migration. The FMCD method is in effect drilling blind and there is only limited annular pressure
Floating Mud Cap Drilling differs from the PMCD as the name Floating is an explanation of
dynamically balanced condition. Since there are two opposite ways of spoiling the balanced
system, the balance can be maintained either increasing or decreasing the pressure of the mud cap.
The first one can be maintained by increasing the density of mud cap or applying back pressure.
The second can be managed by decreasing the density of mud cap or using a downhole pressure-
boost tool (in case of surface equipment limitations) to increase ECD. Controlled Mud Cap Drilling (CMCD)

The Controlled Mud Cap Drilling (CMCD) method is officially called Pressurized Mud Cap
Drilling (PMCD). Although there are some important differences between them, comparing the
equipment mostly designed for offshore purposes and applicable without losses in CMCD, IADC
and SPE have both adopted this label for this variation of MPD.
Another method, besides Subsea Mudlift Drill (SMD), that uses pumps below sea level to bring
the returns to the surface is the Low Riser Return and Mud-Lift System (LRRS). There are
similarities between LRRS and SMD, but there are also major differences. The principle behind
LRRS is to use a smaller high pressures riser combined with surface and subsea BOPs. A mud cap
situation is created, where the mud level in the riser can be adjusted with the pump, by connecting
a subsea pump to the riser below sea level and taking returns from the lower parts of the riser.
The subsea BOP will contain a ram configuration with pipe and shear rams for safe disconnect and
reconnect of the riser. The surface BOP will contain a Rotating Control Device (RCD) and an
annular BOP. At a predetermined depth between surface and sea bed, a specially designed
instrumented riser joint is placed so that the return fluids can be drawn from the main drilling riser
into a separate return line where a submerged drilling fluid pump (mud lift) system is located at
approximately the same depth as the outlet from the drilling riser. The low riser return (LRR) joint
also contains high pressure valves to isolate the pump system from the drilling riser, in addition to
pressure sensors at different intervals to accurately determine the mud level inside the drilling riser.
In the mud lift return system running back to the drilling unit there is a separate line parallel to the
return line which is coupled to the mud suction line running from the drilling riser to the subsea
mud lift pumps, for filling and fluid level control within the drilling riser. The actual drilling fluid
level will be actively controlled within the riser (controlled mud cap) by the subsea pump system.

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Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

Conventional pressure control involves adjusting the mud weight of the system to increase the
hydrostatic pressure in the well, as well as controlling the friction pressures. The Deep Ocean Riser
System with a Low Riser Return System (DORS w/ LRRS) is able to adjust the mud level in the
high-pressure riser, thus adjusting the bottomhole pressure accordingly. This new mud level
control system is an advance form of the one discussed in the FMCD method. One of the
differences is that the mud cap is pressurized instead of floating. This is why IADC refer this
method as a PMCD. The other difference is being able to use air or gas in the riser while controlling
BHP, in addition to PMCD which uses only mud in riser.

3.1.3 Dual Gradient Drilling (DGD)

Through managing ECD in deepwater marine drilling, Dual Gradient Drilling (DG) is the general
term for a number of different approaches to control the up-hole annular pressure. DG has been
utilized successfully in primarily offshore applications, where water provides a significant portion
of the overburden. Since this liquid overburden is less dense that the typical formation overburden,
the drilling window is small because the margin between pore pressure and fracture pressure is
narrow. Because of the weak formation strength, deepwater conventional drilling applications
usually require multiple casing strings to avoid severe lost circulation at shallow depths using
single density drilling fluids. In order to reduce the effect of deep water overburden, drilling system
should be balanced by reducing mud density in the upper parts of marine riser or filling the marine
riser with sea water or dividing the system at the sea bed into two parts.
The intent of the dual-gradient variation is to mimic the saltwater overburden with a lighter-density
fluid. Through injecting less dense media, such as inert gas, plastic pellets or glass beads, into the
drilling fluid within the marine riser, drillers can accomplish bottomhole pressure adjustment.
Another method is to fill the marine riser with salt water, while diverting and pumping the mud
and cuttings from the seabed floor to the surface. In this case, the drilling riser may be filled with
seawater to prevent collapse. The intent is not to reduce the EMW or effective BHP to a point less
than formation pore pressure. Instead, the intent is most often to avoid gross overbalance and not
exceed the fracture gradient.

Figure 18. Dual Gradient Method Pressure Profile

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Fig. 18 is an illustration of comparison of pressure profiles between dual gradient method and the
conventional method. Especially in deep water where fracture pressure is one of the limitation, by
changing the system from conventional to dual gradient, the risk of fracturing the weak zones is
reduced in dynamic condition.
Both of these methods alter the fluid density near the mud line. Two different fluids produce the
overall hydrostatic pressure in the wellbore, which avoids exceeding the fracture gradient and
breaking down the formation. This saves drilling operations from spending NPT addressing lost
circulation issues and associated costs. This form of MPD can be practiced with or without a subsea
RCD, although there are advantages of having the subsea RCD. In the case of gas injection into
the riser, a surface RCD must be run. Injecting Less Dense Media Method

As the Dual Density Drilling is a technique commonly used in deep water offshore, one of the
common methods used in the industry is aerating the mud. In order to protect shallow
unconsolidated sands, the fluid in the annulus from the sea floor to the pitcher nipple is aerated to
reduce the hydrostatic, allowing higher mud weights to control deeper pressures without lost
circulation at shallow depths. Land rigs rarely face this sort of problem, but occasionally there is
a case where a shallow weak formation may be protected by aerating the mud above it while using
weighted mud below.
Another method used in DG to reduce the hydrostatic is Nitrogen Injection. A predetermined
quantity of nitrogen is injected at some predetermined depth into the casing or marine riser. The
mud gradient is determined by gas, mud, and cuttings from the injection point to the surface. Below
the injection point, only mud and cuttings determine the gradient; thus the term dual-gradient. This
technique is helpful as a means of adjusting the effective bottomhole pressure without having to
change base fluid density and with fewer interruptions to drilling ahead, usually to avoid lost
circulation in a thief zone or to minimize differential sticking of the drillstring. Nitrogen may be
injected by concentric casing, concentric riser, and parasite line or, on fourth or fifth- generation
deepwater rigs, by way of the rigs existing booster pump and line. In order for this system to
work, the pressures must be carefully managed with attention to the circulating pressure at the shoe
as well as at TD. In some cases, a rotating head is used to impart additional pressure on the system
to prevent flow and this, used in conjunction with injected air (or nitrogen), allows for a very
precise control over what the formation actually sees.
In an effort to reduce the amount of nitrogen required to lower the mud pressure gradient in the
riser, a concentric riser system is considered the most economical. In this system a casing string is
placed inside the riser with a rotating BOP at the top of the riser to control the returning flow. The
mud is held in the annulus between the casing string and the riser, and nitrogen is injected at the
bottom of the riser into the annulus. Buoyancy causes the nitrogen to flow up the annulus which
reduces the density and pressure gradient of the drilling fluid as a result of nitrogens liquid holdup
properties. The injection of nitrogen can reduce the weight of a 16.2 ppg mud to 6.9 ppg. This is

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can be applied when the second gradient is desired to be even lower than that of seawater, which
has a typical pressure gradient of 8.55 ppg.
The most noteworthy characteristic about this method of using nitrogen injection to create two
gradients is that the formation is not underbalanced, as one might initially conclude. The cased
hole is underbalanced to a depth, but below the casing, in the open hole, the wellbore is actually
overbalanced, which prevent an influx of fluids from the formation into the wellbore. One serious
concern with this method of creating a dual density system is the uncertainty as to whether or not
well control and kick recognition will be more difficult. In this case, the system is very dynamic
and well control and kick detection are definitely more complex, however, not necessarily unsafe. Subsea Mudlift Drilling (SMD)

Another method of creating a dual gradient system is to begin by drilling the upper portions of the
well without a riser and by simply returning the drilling mud to the sea floor. In this setup the
pressure inside the wellbore at the seafloor is the same as the pressure at the sea floor. In other
words the pressure gradient from the ocean surface to the sea floor is that of the seawater pressure
gradient. Then, inside the wellbore a heavier than typical mud is used to maintain proper pressures
while drilling.
Once the initial spudding has taken place and the structural pipe has been set, the subsea BOP
stack is installed with some variation on a typical system. The mud returns are moved, from the
wellhead by a rotating diverter, to a subsea pump which returns the mud to the rig floor through a
6 ID return line. Drilling continues with this setup and the remaining casing strings are set using
this dual gradient system where mud returns, to the rig, through a separate line.
Another system creating DG which has been proven in field tests is the Subsea Mudlift Drilling
(SMD) system. This system achieves dual-gradients through the use of pumps at the seafloor which
circulate the fluids and cuttings back to the surface through a small diameter return line (RL). By
letting the inlet pressure of the subsea pumps equal the hydrostatic pressure of seawater at the
mudline, a heavier mud can be circulated downhole to stay in the window between pore and
fracture pressure for a greater depth interval compared to conventional riser drilling.

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Figure 19. Subsea Mudlift Drilling (SMD) DG system

3.1.4 Return Flow Control (RFC) / HSE Method

For the reason that we are tooling up to securely and more efficiently react to any downhole
surprises, RFC can be regarded as a crucial part of the MPD definition in spite of the fact that
technique does not control any annular pressure. We also positively divert annulus returns away
from the rig floor, to prevent any gas, including and especially H2S from spilling onto the rig floor.
It is used as a safety measure. If an influx is taken whilst drilling the well, or trip gas or connection
gas spills onto the rig floor, the flow line to the shakers is closed and flow is immediately diverted
to the rig choke manifold, where the influx is safely controlled and circulated out of the hole. The
use of the rotating control device (RCD) avoids the need for the closing of the BOP minimizes the
potential for hydrocarbon release onto the drill floor, and it allows pipe movement whilst
circulating out an influx or dealing with gas cut mud.

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Figure 20. MPD rig up for Return Flow Control

For RFC operations, two hydraulic valves, a conventional flow line to the shakers and a flow line
to the rig choke manifold are installed. This allows any influx to be handled by the rig choke
manifold and in normal operations the conventional flow line is used to circulate fluids.
The objective is to drill with a closed annulus return system for HSE reasons only. For example, a
conventional production platform drilling operation with an open-to-atmosphere system may allow
explosive vapors to escape from drilled cuttings and trigger atmospheric monitors and/or

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automatically shut down production elsewhere on the platform. Other applications of this variation
include toxicological ramifications of drilling with fluids emitting harmful vapors onto the rig
floor, as a precaution wherever there is a risk of a shallow-gas hazards, and when drilling in
populated areas. Typically only an RCD is added to the drilling operation to accomplish this

3.2 Applications of MPD

Severe Drilling Fluid loss- Fractured or Vugular Formations

Kick control (Influx control)
Differential Sticking reduction
Tight Pore Pressure- Fracture Pressure Windows
HPHT (Ballooning / Breathing formation)
Drilling Unknown Pore Pressure Zones
Unstable Wellbore (Wellbore Instability)
ERD (Extended Reach Drilling)
Low ROP problem solved
High H2S Levels control
High ECD (Equivalent Circulating Density)
Depleted Reservoir Drilling

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4. Managed Pressure Drilling Tools

Discovering or improving innovative ideas is the primary deal; however, these ideas can only come
true only if the equipment that enable the concept are used. That is the reason why MPD is defined
as a tooled up technique. A closed and pressurizable circulating mud system in its most basic
configuration includes a rotating control device (RCD), dedicated drilling choke, and drillstring
non-return valves [e.g., floats]. The RCD is the key enabling tool for a closed loop circulating
fluids system, and the technologies based upon that concept have evolved in harmony with the
evolution of its numerous onshore and offshore designs.

4.1 Key Tools of MPD

4.1.1 Rotating Control Device (RCD)

According to API Specification 16RCD, an RCD is a drill through device with a rotating seal that
contacts and seals against the drill string (drill pipe, casing, kelly etc.) for the purpose of controlling
the pressure or fluid flow to surface. An RCD is an excellent supplemental safety device and
adjunct to the BOP stack above the annular preventer. Used alone, it is at best a highly effective
reactionary tool, which can be used to safely mitigate hydrocarbons escaping from the wellbore to
the rig floor. The reactive usage of RCD is one of the strengths of MPD which enables the control
of the flow more safely.
The location for the RCD is most typically atop the annular preventer as shown in Fig. 21. The
RCD is not intended to replace the Blowout Preventer stack as a primary well control device, but
only as a supplement to the BOP stack to give it more range and flexibility. The size and design
of the Rotating Control Device for a specific drilling operation is application driven, including:
Rig substructure geometry
Seal elements
Pressure rating
Flange connections
Operator preference

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Figure 21. Typical Alignment of RCD

API Specification 16RCD describes manufacturing and testing specification for these devices.
Rotating Control Devices for land, jack-up, and barge drilling operations can have 2,500 psi
capability for rotating and stripping, and is rated at 5,000 psi in the static mode. With light density
annular fluids, the RCD can routinely maintain pressure differentials in excess of 1,000 psi. Most
operations are performed within a lower pressure differential range between 200 300 psi. Its
competence of working with higher differential pressures allows the use of less dense fluid that
facilitates improving the drilling performance. Indeed, MPD performance is directly proportional
with the RCD pressure ratings.
On the basis of internal sealing elements used, RCDs can be broadly classified into three different
Passive RCD
Active RCD
Hybrid RCD

32 | P a g e
Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Passive RCD

In this type of RCD, a passive sealing elements can be fabricated with a desired stretch-fit. Higher
pressure capable models have redundant stripper rubbers on a common inner race of the earing
assembly. The wellbore pressure in the annulus acts on the cone shaped stripper rubber sealing
elements with vector forces that augment a closing force of the stripper rubber sealing elements
around the tubular. It requires no external-to-tool source of energy to function. Fig. 22 illustrates
the typical arrangement of seal in a passive RCD.

Figure 22. Typical Surface Stack illustrating a Passive Rotating Control Device

33 | P a g e
Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Active RCD

Unlike a stripper rubber sealing element, an active sealing element in an active RCD typically
requires a remote-to-the-tool source of hydraulic or other energy to open or close the sealing
element around the outside diameter of the tubular. An active sealing element can be deactivated
to reduce or eliminate the sealing forces of the sealing element with the tubular. The design
typically requires dedicated technicians In addition, its electromechanical- hydraulic circuits and
piping tend to be trouble prone on drilling locations, and the inflated element does not handle
stripping out under pressure very well. See Fig. 23

Figure 23. Typical Surface Stack illustrating an Active Rotating Control Devices

34 | P a g e
Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Hybrid System RCD

A hybrid system in the context of this specification is a RCD that combines a passive type packer
element with a packer element that requires an external hydraulic pressure source to provide the
closure force required to maintain a seal against wellbore pressures. Both elements must
independently maintain a seal against wellbore pressures up to the full rated static pressure of the
RCD. Each element in the hybrid design must be tested to this specification independently. The
design failed commercially as it failed to meet the minimum design criteria under API 16RCD.

Figure 24. Typical Surface Stack illustrating a Hybrid Rotating Control Device

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Safety measurements
A tubular typically comprises sections with varying outer surface diameters. RCD passive
and active sealing elements must seal around all of the rough and irregular surfaces of the
components of the tubular, such as hardening surfaces, drill pipe, tool joints and drill
The continuous movement of the tubular through the sealing element while the sealing
element is under pressure causes wear of the interior sealing surface of the sealing element.
Hence proper monitoring of the sealing element must be done
When drilling with a drill annular sealing element RCD, the lower of the two sealing
element is typically exposed to majority of the pressurized fluid and cuttings returning from
the wellbore, which communicate with the lower surface of the sealing element body. The
upper sealing element is exposed to the fluid that is not blocked by the lower sealing
element. When the lower sealing element blocks all of the pressurized fluid, the lower
sealing element is exposed to a significant pressure differential across its body since its
upper surface is essentially at atmospheric pressure when used on land or atop a riser. Care
must be taken that this differential pressure doesnt exceeds the rated pressure of the RCD.
The highest demand on the RCD sealing element occurs when tripping the tubular out of
the wellbore under high pressure.

4.1.2 Non-return Valves (NRV)

The non-return valve, or one-way valve in the drillpipe, was originally called a float. That term is
still in use in older literature and some of the equipment description catalogs. Within last several
years, the term non-return valve or NRV has replaced float as a primary descriptor of the drillpipe
one-way valve.
The drillpipe non-return valve (NRV) is essential to any MPD operations. MPD operations often
require annulus back pressure. Looking at the U-tube principle so commonly discussed in well
control activities, it is evident that any positive unbalance in the annulus forces drilling fluid back
up the drillpipe. The drilling fluid may carry cuttings that plug the motor or MWD or, in the worst
case, blow out the drillpipe. That is the reason why NRV is a key in MPD applications, since most
of the time some amount of back pressure is applied to compensate the annular friction losses.
There are various types of NRV based on principles and applications-
Basic Piston Type Float
Hydrostatic Control Valve (HCV)
Inside BOP (Pump-Down Check Valve)
Wireline Retrievable Non-return Valve (WR-NRV)

36 | P a g e
Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Basic Piston Type Float

The primary line of defense against backflow problems has been the type-G Baker float, also called
piston float. The piston NRV has a simple piston driven closed by a spring that looks a bit like an
engine valve system. Drilling fluid pressure forces the valve open against the spring when
circulating; and when the pump is turned off, the spring and any well bore pressure force the valve
closed. This type of NRV has proven very reliable and rugged. Failures of this valve have been
rare and generally the result of no maintenance or very high-volume pumping of an abrasive fluid.
The valve is housed in a special sub above the bit, and it is common and prudent for critical wells
to use dual NRVs. Housing of the valve was also named as float bit sub in the older literature.
The primary two problems with the type-G float are that it blocks the drillpipe for wireline and the
use of the float blocks back pressure or shut-in drillpipe pressure from a well kick. As long as the
NRV is located just above the bit, it limits the need to pass a wireline. The shut-in pressure problem
is overcome by slowly increasing the pump pressure until it levels out, indicating that the valve is
open and the pressure is equivalent of shut-in pressure.

Figure 25. The Baker Model G type NRV

37 | P a g e
Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Hydrostatic Control Valve (HCV)

The hydrostatic control valve (HCV) is a subsea version of the bit float valve used in dual gradient
drilling. It is used to hold up a column of drilling fluid in the drillpipe to avoid the U-tube effect
when the pump is turned off. This would be the equivalent of pressure of a full column of mud in
the riser minus the pressure of an equivalent column of seawater, regardless of the depth of the
hole. The HCV does not restrict the use of an NRV at the bit to prevent backflow and plugging.
The HCV is a longer tool than the type-G float, to accommodate the spring calibrated to hold the
piston closed against the equivalent pressure of a full column of drilling fluid in the riser. In brief,
HCV is a reverse control valve adjusting mud level in the riser to eliminate the pressure difference
due to sea water column.

Figure 26. Hydrostatic Control Valve (HCV)

Fig. 26 is an illustration that displays HCV is made up of three body components; bottom body,
middle body with closing spring and top body with flow nozzle. Inside BOP (Pump-Down Check Valve)

The inside BOP is an older tool, from the generation of the piston float. The inside BOP is designed
as a pump-down tool seated in a sub above the bottomhole assembly and acting as a check valve
against upward flow. The original use of the inside BOP was during a period when there were
objections to running an NRV at the bit because of the chance of increasing lost circulation. It is
now used as a backup to the bit float. On the other hand, a special release tool allows the valve to
be held open to permit stabbing into position against a backflow of fluid. This optional release tool

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can be installed on the float valve and the entire assembly kept ready on the rig floor for quick
installation at the first signs of serious backflow when drill pipe is pulled from the well.

Figure 27. Pump-Down Check Valve (IBOP) Wireline Retrievable Non-return Valve (WR-NRV)

Wireline Retrievable Non-return Valve is a newly introduced NRV type which is placed in the
drillstring; this flapper-style drill-float valve prevents pressure from entering the string above it.
The high pressure valve enhances safety by allowing pressure above the valve in the drillstring to
be bleed off when making and breaking connections. Efficiency is improved and risk is reduced
because, unlike a fixed-float valve, the WR-NRV can be changed out or removed on wireline,
eliminating the need to trip the pipe. That is the primary advantage of the WR-NRV when
comparing fixed-float valves.

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Figure 28. Wireline Retrievable Non-Return Valve

4.1.3 Choke Manifold

Choke Manifold System is one of the key tools of enabling MPD applications. A choke must be
installed in the return flow line to allow back pressure to be applied during the drilling process. If
a choke is used and surface pressure is to be applied during connections, then the ability to energize
the choke by pumping across the wellhead may also have to be incorporated. Whenever possible,
a separate MPD choke manifold should be used as this will ensure that secondary well control
equipment is not used for routine drilling operations. This is the reason why using a dedicated
choke manifold is a must considering the primary usage of a choke manifold in well control
operations. There are three choke options in the applications of MPD; manual choke, semi-
automatic choke and PC controlled automatic choke.

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Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling Manual Choke

As the name suggests, the manual choke system can be operated by manual control of the choke
position, moreover, supported with monitoring of flow in and out, remote transmission of data and
remote visualization using website, as long as an internet connection at the well site is provided.
Although downhole pressures can be controlled with the usage of manual choke system, the
utilization of automated choke systems are more preferable to eliminate human related mistakes
while using the system in critical applications of MPD- where narrow window situations are
possibly confronted. Semi-Automatic Choke

In addition to the manual choke features, semi-automatic chokes are capable of automatic surface
back pressure set point control. Advantages of using a semi-automatic choke are as follows-
maintaining stable BHP during connections
instantaneous change in BHP compared to increasing mud weight, improving kick
continuing drilling through High Pressure Low Volume (HPLV) nuisance gas zones
optimizing mud weight for ROP
reducing effect of gas-cut mud on lightening fluid column in well
The system is designed with sliding shuttle within the choke connected to a dynamic trim sleeve.
The shuttle assembly slides back and forth into a static trim sleeve to form a circular orifice to
control the flow from casing. The hydraulic control pressure (set point) applied to the back side of
the shuttle is adjusted by the set point regulator and measured in the hydraulic set point gauge.
Casing pressure is applied to the front side of the shuttle.
Fig. 29 is an illustration of operational schematics of semi-automated choke valve both in fully
open and fully closed position. Position of the static trim, dynamic trim and shuttle is shown in the
figure for better understanding and visualizing the inside of the choke valve. According to the
position of the dynamic trim, application of set point pressure can be seen.

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Figure 29. Operation Principle of Semi Auto Choke Automatic Choke

PC controlled choke system is an advance form of other choke systems. The choke has capability
of automatic control of any pressure variable desired such as BHP, stand pipe pressure (SPP),
surface back pressure (SBP). PC controlled chokes are commonly used in CBHP applications to
control BHP while making up new connections in order to prevent pressure related drilling hazards
up to a point. The concept is applying back pressure by closing the choke manifold to compensate
reduction of AFP while gradually decreasing the pump rate.
The automated choke manifold which includes mass flow meter, precision quartz pressure sensors,
Hydraulic Power Unit (HPU), and Intelligent Control Unit (ICU), is an advanced version of the
semi-automatic choke. The manifold has two drilling chokes, so that one can be used at all times
with the second one to be used as contingency. The mass flow meter is installed at the manifold,
just downstream the chokes. The Intelligent Control Unit (ICU) is the brains of the Automatic
Choke system. All data is acquired and directed to it, and the operation is monitored and controlled
from this unit. All the critical controls, algorithms and data acquisition are installed at the manifold,
to avoid any potential problem with communication and to increase the reliability of the system.

4.1.4 Coriolis Flowmeter

Coriolis Flowmeter is one of the important tools in MPD applications since measurements provide
a supplementary data while using with automated pressure control systems. Measuring principle
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is based on control generation of Coriolis forces. It has specifically designed meter body, so only
fluid properties influence measurement intrusive type meter. Measurements have accuracy of the
order of 0.15 % of reading. Change in fluid properties has minimum impact on (taken care of)
measurement. Mass flow and density measurements are possible. Proper installation of meter
avoids the gas/solid accumulation and it is ideal for slurry flow measurements. Coriolis force is
not affected by external forces (noises). Risk of erosion, during high flow rates especially with
solids, should not be disregarded.
When a hose filled with water swings, it does not twists. However, when a water flow is turned
on, the water is forced through the hose and as a result, the hose twists. The hose twists as a result
of changing angular velocity in the curved hose. This is Coriolis Effect in action.
The meter operates on this principle in order to deliver the most accurate measuring results. For
practical exploitation of this principle, it is necessary for two measuring tools to perform
oscillations on a small section of circular path. This is achieved by exciting the measuring tube
with electromagnetic exciter in its first resonance frequency. When no mass is flowing, the tube
oscillates symmetrically but when a mass flows through the tubes, the tubes deforms
proportionally to the mass flow rate. This deformation is registered by two sensors and forms the
basis of measuring result. A phase shift occurs between the first and second sensor. The mass flow
rate is derived from this phase difference. Should further the density of the media need to be
determined, it is simply computed by evaluation of the oscillating frequency of the measuring tube
as shown in Fig. 30.

Figure 30. Working Scheme of Coriolis Flowmeter

4.1.5 Multiphase Separation System

The use of the separators is a need especially in DG MPD applications where the separation of
gas is an obvious issue or can be used in case of any influx to condition the mud. There are

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different separator designs consistent with their purpose. Vertical separators are the optimum
design for separating gas from liquid, and horizontal separators are the optimum design for the
separation of liquids of various densities. A dual purpose separator for the separation of
formation fluids consists of an underbalanced drilling separator and a MPD separator. The dual
purpose process reduces the separation costs of the current four phase (oil, gas, water and solids)
horizontal UBD separator. Multiphase separation systems offer advantages for some offshore
MPD applications.
A Mud Gas Separator (MGS) can be also be used specifically when a gas detection occurs. Gas
is vented up to highest point on rig at tip of derrick. Fluid continues to Shakers where solids are
removed. Everything thereafter is the same as conventional drilling. See Fig. 31

Figure 31. Mud Gas separator

4.2 Other Tools of MPD

In addition to the key tools of MPD, some applications of the MPD require additional or
supplementary equipment which makes different variations of control possible.

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4.2.1 Downhole Deployment Valve (DDV)

Downhole Deployment Valve (DDV) is a downhole valve which allows tripping without killing
the well. The tool has different names in the industry although the purpose of the downhole valve
is nearly the same. The other names of the valve are Downhole Isolation Valve (DIV), Casing
Isolation Valve (CIV) and Quick Trip Valve (QTV).
The CIV offers the most positive solution to the MPD problem of trips. With a casing isolation
valve, the pipe is stripped up into the casing until the bit is above the valve. The CIV is then closed,
trapping any pressure below it, which allows the trip to continue in a normal mode without
stripping or killing the well. The wellbore pressure below the CIV comes to equilibrium with the
reservoir pressure. So, in a high pressure well, the valve needs to be set as deep as practical. This
also has the advantage of limiting stripping distance up to the valve level.
Fig. 32 is an illustration of the usage of DDV in MPD applications. Since DDV is a kind of
downhole isolation tool, it is opened and closed by equalizing the pressures below and above the
tool. Going back in the hole, the pipe or tubing is run in to just above the valve. The rams are
closed and the upper well bore is pressurized up to equal to the annulus below DDV valve and
fluid pumps through the valve. At this point hydraulic pressure is applied to the open line, driving
down the protective seal mandrel and opening the valve. It is important to note that the tool is not
pressure equalized, but the DDV tool is a power-open, power-closed device. The pressures must
be equalized before opening. Therefore, power-open feature of the device prevents the risk of
sudden expanding of pressurized gas below the DDV.

Figure 32. Tripping with Downhole Deployment Valve (DDV)

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4.2.2 ECD Reduction Tool (ECD-RT)

ECD Reduction Tool (ECD-RT) is one of the downhole tools that enable the applications of
MPD. Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) can be altered by modifying the annular pressure
profile directly. Using a single density drilling fluid, a downhole motor can be used to add
energy that creates an abrupt change in the annular pressure profile. Reduction of the ECD acts
as if drilling with the hydrostatic head of mud column, which allows no need of back pressure
when the system is static. In brief, BHP is equal in both static and dynamic conditions.
The ECD reduction tool is expected to have application in deepwater drilling (where drillers are
historically forced to run several casing strings to reach target depth, therefore progressively
reducing the hole size) and extended-reach wells (where the length of the well increases
frictional pressure loss, thereby increasing ECD and causing fracturing and/or mud loss).

Figure 33. Flow path and Components of ECD RT

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A newly emerging variation of MPD is through the use of a drilling fluid- powered pump in the
drillstring and within the casing that adds energy to the annulus fluid returns. Diminishing or
eliminating the impact of the friction pressures on the BHP, by using an ECD reduction tool, has
the effect of creating an important change in differential pressure at the point of the pump.

Figure 34. Downhole Pump usage in MPD

Fig. 34 is an illustration of the usage of downhole pumps while controlling the downhole
pressure profile. The pump can be used to eliminate the narrow drilling window in the sections
where the upper pressure boundary is fracture gradient of the previously drilled section and the
lower pressure boundary is pore pressure of formation to be drilled or already being drilled.
Ideally, the reduction of the pressure at the pump is equal to the annular frictional losses so the
BHP is to be maintained to be constant.

4.2.3 IADC MPD Selection tool

With the modern technological and smart environment, the reliability on software in drilling in oil
and gas industry has been continuously increasing. These software uses mathematical modelling
of various oil and gas data to provide us with the best solution to oil and gas problems. With respect
to this, the IADC MPD selection tool is an important software which directly provides the drilling
engineer with the best variation of MPD operations for the given set of challenges and drilling
Fig. 35 depicts the use of this software. Under well description Input and Output tab, the driller is
required to fill various drilling parameters that he is going to consider while opting for MPD
operations. The considerations include the location of well to be drilled, the rig type to be used and
pressure profile considerations. Under drilling fluid considerations, the driller gets handful of
options regarding the mud base and its phase. Then most important thing that the tool considers is
the list of goals/ objectives under which the driller is required to provide the list of goals he

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Managed Pressure Drilling/ Underbalanced Drilling

needs to achieve as well as weightage of those objectives while drilling. Suppose the first and
primary goal of the driller is higher rate of penetration, then all he needs to do is select the increase
ROP in 1st Goal and provide it with a ten rating weightage. The other objectives can be selected
in successive options and weightage can be provided subsequently. After providing the tool with
adequate inputs, the tool provides various MPD operation variations and their feasibility in each
of the provided parameters. The overall best application of a particular MPD operation variation
for the given set of goals and parameters is shown under Relative Technology Rating with the
best method applicable getting a full green rating.

Figure 35. IADC MPD Selection Tool

The driller, however, must not always rely on software and should combine his knowledge and
experience with the tool results to carry out as best MPD application as possible.

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4.3 MPD Flow path

Figure 36. Flow-path MPD

4.4 MPD applications

With respect to professional judgment and absolutes, Managed Pressure Drilling operations are
application dependent. A successful Managed Pressure Drilling operation requires a certain
minimum amount of equipment, technology, and know-how. Managed Pressure Drilling is not
unlike a lot of other projects. Not only do you have to have tools, you have to have the correct
tools and use them in an appropriate manner. Having a Rotating Control Device installed above
the Annular Preventer does not constitute a MPD operation, unless that device is augmented with
a drilling choke manifold (separate from the rig choke manifold), Non-return Valves (NRV) in the
drill string, and a what-to-do-if or troubleshooting guideline for those operating the equipment.
On the other hand, drilling a well is not only a technical concept but also an economical issue.
Therefore, feasibility of a drilling process should be determined. Most of the remaining
hydrocarbon reserves which are invaluable to drill are lying in the deeper parts of the sea. That is
the reason for offshore projects or deep water projects require more budget than the land projects.
However, it is very hard to mitigate drilling hazards in deep water applications which force the
companies to develop their existing techniques and tools. Nowadays, MPD is one of the evolving
technologies in the drilling industry, promising to overcome the challenges of deep water
environment. Among the most pronounced applications, which are more challenging, are depleted
reservoirs, methane hydrates, high pressure high temperature and extended reach wells.

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5. Underbalanced Drilling

Underbalanced drilling is defined as drilling operations where the drilling fluid pressure in the
borehole (Ph) is less than the pore pressure in the formation rock in the open-hole section (Pf). By
using light drilling fluids, the driller intentionally keeps the borehole pressure balancing the
formation pore fluid pressure. The light fluids used in UBD are usually air, gas, foam and aerated
water. However un-aerated oil, water and even weighted mud can be used for UBD in areas where
pore pressure gradients are higher than hydrostatic gradient of water.
Deep petroleum and natural gas wells were drilled using portable air compressors in the
The more popular use of air as drilling fluid began in the early 1950s.
By the late 1970s the air and gas technology was being used on about 10% of the deep
wells drilled and completed.
Aerated drilling fluids have been used to drill bore holes since the 1930s.
Stable foam systems first used in production workover operations in the early 1970s
It is important to note that while drilling, formation fluids are deliberately allowed to enter into the
wellbore. Typical reasons for using UBD for a project are generally faster rate of penetration
(ROP), and/or reduced formation damage or wellbore skin. The basic principle of UBD is to keep
the Wellbore Pressure below the formation pore pressure and deliberately invite influx.

5.1 UBD v/s MPD

UBD Conventional Drilling

By definition it is clear that the bottomhole The bottomhole pressure is strictly kept higher than
pressure is kept lower than the formation pressure. the formation pressure.
Skin, defined as change in formation due to drilling Skin is formed in conventional team.
practices, is not formed.
Gas/ two phase/ continuous phase drilling mud is Single phase drilling mud is used.
Production of hydrocarbons is simultaneously Production of hydrocarbons is done only after well
carried out with drilling completion
It is practiced under closed pressurized system. Here the returning mud is open to atmosphere.

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Fig. 37 depicts the clear differences between Underbalanced drilling and conventional drilling.

Figure 37. UBD v/s Conventional drilling

5.2 Types of UBD operation

5.2.1 Air Drilling

Air drilling-also known as pneumatic percussion drilling- is an underbalanced drilling technique
in which gases, usually compressed air or nitrogen, are used to cool the drill bit and lift the cuttings
in the wellbore in place of conventionally used liquids. Dust Drilling
Dust drilling is another term for air drilling; compressed air is the sole circulating medium. Because
no fluid is injected, the annular returns are dust. Dust drilling provides an ideal environment for
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use with air hammers, is the least expensive type of air drilling, requires no fluid system for
cleanup, provides maximum penetration rates, and extends drill bit life. However, dust drilling
cannot effectively handle wellbore fluid influxes, those influxes will wet cuttings and result in mud
rings in the annulus, and there is a risk of a down-hole fire if mud rings are not eliminated.
Switching to mist or foam drilling would allow continued air drilling in the presence of water.
Benefits of air dust drilling are-
Increased Rate of Penetration
Reduced Formation Damage
Improved Bit Performance
Lost Circulation Control
Continuous Drill Stem Test Mist Drilling

Mist drilling is air drilling with liquids, generally water, soap, and chemical inhibitors. The water
and soap mixture is added to the air stream at the drilling surface at a controlled rate to improve
annular hole cleaning. Many different mediums can be used for mist drilling (water, surfactants,
etc.). In this type of drilling, the fluid carries the cuttings to the surface as a mist or more normally
in a modified two phase flow. The annular pressure increases in mist drilling, so the rate of
penetration will usually be lower than in dust drilling. In mist drilling, the rate of penetration is
higher than in conventional mud drilling, drilling can proceed while producing fluids, hold
cleaning capacity improves, risk of downhole fires decreases, and no nitrogen is needed. But the
penetration rate is still slower than in dust drilling and water influx makes misting uneconomical.
If large liquid influxes are encountered, foam or aerated mud drilling are more viable options.

5.2.2 Foam drilling

In foam drilling, water, surfactants, and air are combined to create a stiff foam. The foam is then
circulated as a drilling fluid. The cuttings carrying capacity is 6-7 times greater than dust drilling,
and the required annular velocity for optimum hole cleaning is significantly lower. The lower air
volume equals less air equipment is required than in dust or mist drilling. Holding back pressure
on the annulus can reduce water influx and/or maintain hole wall stability.
Benefits of foam drilling are-
Faster Penetration rate
Low Air requirements
Low fluid requirements
Low Hydrostatic head
No damage to formation
Continuous Drill Stem test

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Best for large holes

But foam drilling has its drawbacks: surface requirements, or pits, for foam can become a problem;
large pits must be built to contain foam and allow time for the foam to settle; the cost of chemicals
to break down foam can be high; a large influx of fluids can break down the foam, reducing hole

Figure 38. Better hole cleaning with foam drilling

5.2.3 Aerated Drilling

Air or Nitrogen is added to the liquid phase of the drilling fluid, lowering the effective mud weight,
in aerated drilling. The air or nitrogen is injected directly into the standpipe, using parasite string,
or using concentric casing strings. Corrosion inhibitors are highly recommended in this method.
Nitrogen must be used with oil based mud or when working with a closed loop system (closed
separator), and it is highly recommended when oil or condensate influx is expected. Aerated
drilling can be used with most types of drilling fluids, allows for the adjustment of bottomhole
pressures by changing the gas injection rates, and increases penetration rates by lowering the
annular pressure on the formation.

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There are three methods by which Aerated drilling can be carried out-
Drillpipe injection method
As the name suggests, the aerated fluid is injected into the wellbore using drillpipe. The injected
gas and liquid stream get mixed in the passage downhole. No special downhole equipment is
required in the well in order to carry out Drillpipe injection. However, its major drawback is that
drilling needs to be stopped while making connection. Fig. 39 describes Drillpipe injection

Figure 39. Drillpipe injection method

Annular injection
Annular injection is somewhat similar to drillpipe injection method. Here, a gas stream is injected
via annulus that mixes in the passage downhole. A significant advantage offered by this method is
that, unlike drillpipe injection, injection can be continued even during the time of circulation.

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Figure 40. Annular injection

Parasite string injection

In parasite injection, a small injection string runs simultaneously with the intermediate casing.
Using that injection string, gas is injected into the wellbore as shown in Fig. 41. The injected gas
does not affects the bit hydraulics making it efficient to be used. It also doesnt affects the MWD
system giving this method a fair advantage.

Figure 41. Parasite String injection

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Aerated drilling was initially designed as a technique to lighten mud to reduce lost circulation.
However its application in controlling bottomhole pressure has made it popular when it comes to
underbalanced drilling technology. As an underbalanced fluid, it is easiest to control in small

Figure 42. IADC UBD fluid classification

Fig. 42 shows different classification of UBD fluids provided by IADC (International Association
of Drilling Contractors).

5.3 Underbalance drilling operation tools and procedures

Since underbalanced operations are risky because of keeping the bottomhole pressure lower than
the formation pressure, several considerations are required while designing an underbalanced
drilling project. A kick is intentionally observed in UBD process and hence must be treated using
proper set of tools and trained personnel. The requirement of wellbore seal and backpressure
becomes paramount in UBD operations. Another consideration that must be taken is protecting the
wellbore from cave-in. While performing aerated drilling using nitrogen, Nitrogen generator
equipment must be properly installed. Every aspect of UBD operation is discussed under this
section following the guidelines provided in API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 92U.

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5.3.1 Well Planning

A UBD project is a complex combination of simultaneous drilling and production operations. The
purpose of this section is to outline the planning and review practices that should be conducted to
ensure the technical and safety integrity of the project.
Prior to proceeding with a UBO project, decisions will likely be made as to whether CT or drill
pipe will be used as the drill string for the project, whether lift gas will be required, and will any
required gas injection be via concentric casing and/or down the drill string. Fluid types (lift gas
and drilling fluid) will be evaluated and selected. Casing design will be assessed against
requirement for maximum potential shut in pressures and effect of casing wear on this design
Flow modelling should be done to determine technical feasibility and establish the operating
envelope. UBD flow modeling is an integral element in the preliminary engineering and circulating
system design stages for any UBD project. Flow modeling should be done at both the top of the
UBD section and at total depth (TD) of the section (assuming no reservoir inflow) to determine:
whether a stable underbalanced or near-balanced condition can be achieved
whether adequate annular velocities for hole cleaning can be achieved in an underbalanced
circulating system
whether the operating performance of the downhole motor or turbine is negatively affected
by the underbalanced circulating conditions

5.3.2 Well Control

The primary control objective of wells drilled overbalanced is to avoid formation influx. This goal
is accomplished through surface management of drilling fluid densities. Hydrostatic fluid pressure
is, therefore, the primary flow control barrier. BOPs and drill string float valves are installed, but
should only be utilized if the primary control barrier fails.
In wells drilled underbalanced, the primary control objective is to maintain open hole wellbore
pressures within the operating pressure envelope while safely processing formation influx in the
return flow stream. Primary pressure control is jointly maintained by fluid density and surface back
pressure exerted by the return flow processing equipment and drill string NRVs. BOPs shall be
installed and utilized as secondary well control devices only if the primary control barriers fail.
The well control and well kill procedures shall be established prior to the start of the UB operations.
In the event the well control event escalates to the point where it is necessary to kill the well, two
methods are advised:
if the problem is a surface equipment problem then a bullhead kill is advised
if the problem is subsurface related then the drillers method can be used to increase BHP

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5.3.3 Estimating Reservoir Pore Pressure an Example Method

If multiphase fluids are produced while drilling, underbalanced BHP cannot be estimated using
conventional well control method of shutting in the well and measuring drill pipe and casing
pressures. Estimation of reservoir pore pressure shall be performed at the earliest possible time
upon entering the reservoir and at regular intervals thereafter. As shown graphically in Fig. 43,
steady state flow measurements can be used to estimate BHP dynamically.

Figure 43. Bottomhole Pressure (BHP) Estimate Chart

Reservoir Bore Pressure= P1+ x R1
P1 is flowing BHP at Rate 1 (R1);
P2 is flowing BHP at Rate 2 (R2);
Rate1 is Production Rate 1;
Rate 2 is Production Rate 2.
In applying the above method to estimate reservoir pore pressure some caution should be
Typically, downhole pressure measurements are made close to the bit. In lengthy horizontal
wellbores, there can be a significant difference in bottomhole circulating pressure at the bit (toe)

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and at the point of entry into the reservoir (heel). Any change in vertical depth along the exposed
wellbore will also have an effect on the perceived reservoir pressure.
The method described above should be modified for horizontal wellbores by calculating a mid-
point pressure between the bit and the heel of the well. Estimating the pressure drop across the
horizontal wellbore and selecting the midpoint can accomplish this.

5.3.4 Return Flow Process Control System Requirements

This section describes the return flow process control equipment exposed to solids-contaminated
hydrocarbon effluent flow and erosional velocities during UBD operations. In selection and design
of UBD flow-control equipment it is necessary to accept the fact that equipment can fail during
the operation. Experience has shown that the RCD and the UBD choke are components of the
system most likely to fail due to operational wear and tear. Therefore, planned monitoring,
preventative maintenance and some redundancy is necessary to prevent failure.
Although the return flow processing system, including the RCD, fulfills primary well control
functionality in a UBD operation, the RCD is not a BOP. However, it is the first line of defense
between the well effluent and the onsite personnel. This is a key distinction in a sour UBD
Return flow process control equipment requirements and configurations are based on the
characteristics of each well, such as depth, hole size, anticipated volume of produced fluid, amount
of solids anticipated, the nature of the reservoir fluids to be encountered (sour gas and/or oil),
maximum pressures, the method of pipe rotation (top drive or rotary table) and the type of drilling
fluid system. UBD requires a flow-control system which-
permits drilling to proceed while controlling annular pressure
allows connections to be made either with the well flowing or shut-in
allows tripping of the drill string under pressure to change bits or BHAs
Short-term near-wellbore flush production can result in a flow rate that can significantly exceed
expected rates. If the well to be drilled is in an area with little production experience, or is a
significant step-out location, the fluids handling system should be designed and selected to provide
for adequate capacity.
The failure potential is not the same for all components of the UBD operation. On the high-pressure
side of the UBD choke manifold, the RCD is exposed to wear and tear from drill pipe movement
during the operation and from potential misalignment between the derrick and the BOP stack. In
addition, the RCD and the BOP stack is highly stressed, and therefore prone to sulfide stress
corrosion cracking (SSCC) in a sour environment. Conversely, the equipment downstream of the
choke manifold operates at lower pressure and therefore a lower risk of SSCC, but a potentially
much greater risk of failure due to erosion. The consequences of an equipment failure also vary
depending upon the particular service. The failure of the BOP stack components, e.g. is considered
more serious than the failure of a manifold or degasser component since the ability to contain

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hydrocarbon effluent within the wellbore would be lost in the former situation. The resulting
combination of high risk and consequence of failure of components, such as the RCD and BOP
stack, warrants the highest degree of material control relative to other drilling equipment.

5.3.5 Drill String

Integrity of the drill string means that there is pressure isolation between circulated fluids inside
the drill string and wellbore fluids or the atmosphere outside the drill string, except where
otherwise designed. This requires pressure integrity of all components from the swivel to the drill
bit during rotary drive applications, from the top drive unit to the drill bit during top drive
applications, and from the rotary joint on the CT reel to the drill bit during CT drilling applications.
Rotary hose discussions in this section relates to the subject of component pressure integrity.
Many operating companies, service companies and rig contractors have implemented policies that
prohibit the pumping of energized (gasified) fluids through rubber hoses. The rotary (kelly) hose
is made of rubber and in most cases is subject to such a policy. There is sound reasoning and an
HSE case for concern about pumping a high pressure gasified fluid through a kelly hose and UBD
project teams should comply with these policies. However, many UBD operations, both onshore
and offshore, have been conducted where gas (air, nitrogen or natural gas) was a component of the
fluid injected down the drill pipe. Careful attention to the hazards associated with this type of
operation, proper planning and application of sound risk management techniques have allowed
safe conduct of these operations without incident.
In a jointed pipe UBD project, the drill pipe is a critical component of the flow control system.
The quality and condition of the pipe (internal and external as well as the tool joints) is key to not
only achieving the underbalanced well objectives but it can negatively impact the primary well
control equipment, principally the RCD and the NRV.
To facilitate installation of NRVs in the drill string, a special NRV sub should be installed in the
BHA. Depending on the BHA design, the NRV subs should be installed directly above the bit or
as close to the motor as possible. Two NRVs should be installed or assembled in tandem in the
NRV sub.

5.3.6 Circulating Media

Circulating media system design forms an integral part of the planning and programming for UBD
projects. The circulating media includes both injected and produced fluids as well as their
Hydrocarbons, when mixed with oxygen, may result in an explosive condition. In a closed
circulation system where no oxygen is contained in the circulating stream, explosive conditions
are usually not a concern. However, oxygen may be introduced into the circulating stream at
various points such as at the gas injection equipment. As the percentage of oxygen within the

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circulating stream increases, the susceptibility of the mixture to ignition increases. The presence
of H2S may reduce the oxygen levels required to create a potentially explosive condition.
Explosive limits shall be established for all circulating media systems, which have the potential to
introduce oxygen into the circulating stream. If explosive limits are not clearly defined, systems,
which have the potential to introduce oxygen to the circulating stream shall not be used. Explosive
limits shall be documented and posted next to the oxygen monitoring system for all circulating
streams, which contain oxygen. Procedures shall be put in place to ensure that these limits are
never exceeded while conducting UBD operations.
Gas Hydrates are another important issue that is needed to be tackled. Hydrate plugs have an ice-
like crystalline structure made up of water and hydrocarbon gases. Due to the chemical
composition of this material, its freezing point is above the normal freezing point of fresh water.
Plugs can form when a gas/water mixture experiences a pressure drop, which causes a localized
cooling effect. A solid structure may start building up and, if not controlled, can completely block
the flow path. Pressure drops may occur at various locations within a circulating system, such as
inside tubulars, across choke manifolds, across flow path diameter changes, etc. When exposed to
the appropriate pressure and temperature conditions, hydrates can form in a gas well, or a high gas
content oil well, as it is being drilled underbalanced. Hydrates limit the ability to produce fluids,
inject fluids and ultimately control the well safely. If hydrate-forming conditions are possible and
unless it can be proven that hydrates cannot be formed in the gas stream expected to flow from the
well while drilling underbalanced, the drilling fluid should be changed or measures shall be taken
to prevent hydrate formation. These measures should include, but are not limited to, the use of
surface line heaters and the injection of fluids to appropriately control the freezing point of the
circulated/produced fluid stream.
The flow properties and characteristics of multiphase circulating streams are typically more
complex than for single phase circulating streams. To ensure adequate hole cleaning while drilling
with a multiphase system, a thorough understanding of cuttings transport under these conditions
is necessary. Inadequate hole cleaning could result in the circulation returns path becoming
packed-off, limiting the ability to circulate and thereby resulting in a potential loss of well control.
The inability to circulate due to cuttings pack-off can result in a stuck drill string. A multiphase
flow simulation of the returning flow stream should be performed to ensure adequate hole cleaning
through proper design and implementation of the underbalanced circulation system.
Surface separation of oil, water, gases, and solids contained in the circulating media is necessary
during a UBD operation. Inadequate separation may result in a variety of problems including
variability in circulating fluid properties which may result in flow modeling inaccuracies, loss of
accurate injection/production volume measurements, and fluid carryover to the flare stack.
Formation of emulsions may be a concern with specific circulating media/produced fluid
combinations. This may result in pumping difficulties, which in extreme cases could result in
plugged suction lines. Fluid density control may also be compromised when emulsions form.
Operational practices such as the use of de-emulsifiers, line heaters, constant removal of emulsified
fluids, etc., should be considered where emulsion formation is anticipated. If de-emulsifiers or
other chemicals are introduced into the system, consideration shall be given to changes in fluid

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properties and flammability limits. In applications where there is a significant risk of developing
emulsion problems, lab testing should be conducted to determine the best combination of
chemicals and heat required to break the emulsion.
The use of viscosified water-based, and or hydrocarbon-based fluids (emulsified or mixed with
brine) in UBD operations may result in gas entrainment. Gas entrainment may result in vapor
locking of fluid pumps and lack of fluid density control, as well as re-circulation of produced
gases. Where the circulating system is open to the atmosphere (e.g. open storage tanks, drill pipe
on connections), entrained gas may break out causing hazards to workers. These areas should be
monitored and have controlled access and ventilation systems. Operations should be stopped and
the area ventilated if worker exposure limits are exceeded.
The compatibility of the circulating media, both injected and produced, with other components of
the circulating system, should be reviewed to address the potential for formation damage, corrosion
and degradation of the circulating system components, both at surface and downhole. The presence
of acidic gases (H2S, CO2), acidic fluids, oxygen and electrolytes in the circulating system can
result in corrosive conditions and incompatibility with reservoir fluids. Corrosion of metals or
degradation of rubber and elastomer components and seals can lead to failure of equipment, which
could result in safety and/or environmental concerns.
Operational and/or safety considerations may require the killing of a well that is being drilled
underbalanced. According to API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 92U, a minimum quantity of
1.5 hole volumes of kill fluid should be available at all times for immediate circulation into the
wellbore. The kill fluid should provide for a minimum 220-psi (1517-kPa) overbalance when fully
circulated. Degradation of the kill fluid (e.g. gel strength if weighting material is required), lost
circulation properties and the effects of winter operations should be taken into account when
managing the kill fluid system. Two pump units should be installed on site to ensure continuous
deliverability of the kill fluid if required. Pump units should be sized assuming worst-case
conditions for the zone(s) to be drilled through so that required rates and pressures can be provided
to kill the well. Corrosion indicators (rings, coupons, or suitable alternatives) should be installed
at appropriate/practical circulating stream locations (surface piping, drill pipe, BHA, etc.) to
measure corrosion rates if operating under potentially corrosive conditions. Corrosion indicators
should be regularly inspected to establish corrosion rates. Nitrogen supplied from membrane
generation units may introduce oxygen contamination into the wellbore, which can cause general
corrosion problems. The oxygen content of any injection stream shall be monitored to mitigate the
risk of corrosion to downhole equipment and to ensure that explosive limits are never reached
during UBD operations. Continuous readout monitors are required and their calibration reports
should be available on site.
Since, fluid production and drilling occurs simultaneously in UBD, proper handling, storing and
trucking of these fluids are highly required. Operators shall have site-specific plans in place for
collection, transportation and disposal of hazardous fluids and/or gases. In a UBD operation
utilizing crude oil as the drilling fluid, circulated liquids should be contained in a closed circulation
system. In a sour UBD operation, all circulated liquids shall be contained in a closed circulation

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system unless H2S levels can be reduced to meet occupational exposure limits (OELs), which
would then allow the use of open tanks.
Sufficient storage capacity should be available to temporarily store produced fluids during drilling
operations. Flush production is to be considered in determining storage requirements.
Alternatively, provisions for fluid injection or offsite fluids transport should be in place if onsite
facilities do not have the capacity to handle the necessary volumes. Consideration should be given
to providing additional storage capacity in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as
inclement weather conditions, which may compromise proper fluid handling abilities. In a sour
UBD operation, sour fluid volumes stored on the wellsite should be minimized for added safety of
onsite personnel.
Waste management plans for discarded liquids and drilled solids should be developed prior to
commencement of UBD operations. This plan should consider the volume of solids that will be
generated and their residual oil, chloride and H2S content (if applicable).

5.3.7 Well Integrity

Casing, cement and the wellhead are considered both primary and secondary well control barrier
elements during drilling operations. Therefore, wellbore integrity refers to both the ability and the
reliability of the open-hole, casing, cement, and the wellhead to contain the wellbore fluids. Loss
of containment during UBD can be caused by a failure of the casing, the cement or the wellhead
(includes the BOP and RCD). The integrity of the exposed formations in the open hole reservoir
section relates more to wellbore stability issues rather than a loss of containment.

5.4 UBD flow-path

Figure 44. Closed loop circulating system (for UBD)

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5.5 Advantages of UBD

Increased penetration rate

UBD avoids overbalanced pressure to the rock below the drill bit. Removing this confining
pressure makes the rock easier for the bit teeth to cut and frees the generated cuttings from the
bottom of the hole. This helps bottom hole cleaning and increases the penetration rates (ROP). The
ROP can be increased as much as ten times over that for mud drilling in equivalent formation. An
ROP as high as 120 ft. /hr. can easily be achieved in air and gas drilling.

Minimized Lost Circulation

Lost circulation occurs due to flow of drilling fluids forced by hydrostatic head in to the formation
with natural fractures or having very high permeability. The overbalanced pressure can create
fractures in depleted petroleum reservoirs and can cause lost circulation problem. Underbalanced
drilling is the means of minimizing lost circulation problem in drilling naturally fractured
formation and pressure depleted reservoirs.

Prolonged Bit Life

Longer bit life is observed in underbalanced drilling than overbalanced drilling. Rock compressive
strength increases due to overbalanced pressure from the drilling fluid. The pressure confinement
imposed on the rock by the overbalanced pressure from the wellbore fluid during overbalanced
drilling does not exist during underbalanced drilling. Therefore the rock can be fragmented by bit
teeth easier in underbalanced drilling than overbalanced drilling. The pressure confinement
generated cuttings become entrained more easily in the drilling fluid, which minimizes the re-
grinding actions to the cuttings by the bit teeth.

Minimized Differential Sticking

Pressure differential is associated with mud cake formed against permeable zones during
overbalanced drilling. Pipe sticking occur when the tool in the hole cannot be pulled out without
exceeding the working load of the equipment or string. There is no filter cake during underbalanced
drilling. Therefore the pipe sticking is not there.

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Improved Formation Evaluation

UBD provides a means to detect hydrocarbon zone by directly observing return fluid. Theses
productive zones can be bypassed during drilling by using OBD. Fast return of drilling fluids along
with cuttings and reservoir fluids, hydrocarbon pay-zones can be identified more accurately in
depth during UBD. The reduction or elimination of drilling fluid invasion into formation also
improves the interpretation of open-hole logs and pressure transient tests.

Reduced Formation Damage

Formation damage can occur when drilling fluids enter the permeable zone during OBD. Drilling
fluid invasion can change rock wettability and relative permeability and can plug rock pores. Pore
plugging can be caused by the guest particles from the drilling fluids, the host materials mobilized
by the invading fluid or the host minerals after swelling. These changes reduce effective
permeability of the desired fluid in the reservoir. UBD minimizes formation damage during
drilling. It also reduces stimulation requirements and saves the cost of well stimulation treatments.

Earlier Oil Production

With suitable surface equipment available, oil can be collected as soon as a productive zone is
opened during UBD. While drilling ahead to penetrate more zones, the produced oil is
accumulated. It is possible for UBD wells to be paid for by the oil produced during drilling stage.

Environmental Benefits
Air and gas drilling eliminates potential pollution of drilling mud to environments during and after
drilling. Chemicals used in mist and foam drilling are normally benign, biodegradable surfactants
that do not pose significant environmental concerns. Formation fluids produced during UBD need
to be handled with closed surface systems to minimize the potential for environmental

5.6 Limitations of Underbalanced Drilling

Well Bore Stability Problems

Due to lower well bore pressure in UBD, the wellbore stability is less as compared to OBD. The
lower well bore pressure also increases tendency of tight holes due to yielding of some formations.
Large shale fragments are observed in UBD which are due to cave in or sloughing shale in well
bore wall. This type of problem occur in water sensitive clay formations. Change in shale water

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content due to water adsorption or dehydration induces additional rock stresses near the well bore
which can cause destabilizing in well bore. Sudden sloughing can cause sticking of drill string in
bore hole. Use of high volume dry air and gas in UBD can also result in well bore washout due to
erosion against soft rock intervals. Well bore instability puts a limit on the applicable well bore
pressure for UBD.

Liquid Influx Problem

Liquid influx includes water inflow and oil production. Water inflow can cause mud ring problems
during air/ gas drilling. Mud rings can grow to the point where the drill string is trapped. Excess
water inflow significantly increases flowing bottomhole pressure and reduces gas velocity,
resulting lower carrying capacity of air/ gas which in turn can cause stuck pipe, if not monitored
closely. The water inflow problem often requires that mist or foam used to continue drilling. The
disposal cost of the water is additional problem. The other compo0nent of liquid influx in oil influx
(oil production). Oil production during drilling requires the surface equipment able to handle the
produced oil at the production rate. If the oil [production rate is too high to handle, the drilling
technology should be switched over to overbalanced drilling.

Directional Drilling Problems

UBD can be carried out using liquid (oil and water) where reservoir pressures are not so low. Most
UBD operations use aerated fluids that are highly compressible. Conventional tools used in
directional drilling work only for incompressible fluids. Mud pulse telemetry measurement tools
(MWD) tools cannot operate with compressible fluids used in UBD. This is because that the
pressure pulses generated by MWD tools do not propagate through compressible fluid to the
surface with detectable amplitude. Electromagnetic MWD tools are required for drilling
directional wells with compressible fluids. Conventional down hole motors used in directional
wells operate on incompressible fluids. Their pe4rformance also deteriorate while using with
compressible fluids.

Safety Issues
Downhole fires and explosions occur under certain conditions during air drilling and their
consequences are severe. The bottomhole assembly can melt or burn away. Down hole fire can be
avoided by using inflammable gas such as nitrogen and natural gas. Switching from one gas to
other gas is not easy so the downhole fire can be minimized by using mist or foam drilling with
sacrificed penetration rate.
Vibration and noise also issues of safety in air / gas drilling. Vibration can cause drill string failure
and personnel injury. The high noise level is detrimental to human health. These problems can be
minimized by using mist or foam drilling with low penetration rate.

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Economic Considerations
Cost of excessive water and hydrocarbon handling versus gains in penetration rate and well
productivity is measure economic issues increasing cost of well operations Environmental
restrictions make the disposal of produced water expensive. The savings from increased
penetration rate due to underbalanced drilling may not compensate the cost of liquid handling.
Also, a larger site is required to carry the UBD operations as compared to conventional ones. This
large requirement of site area is because of setting up of surface facilities and nitrogen generation
units while carrying out drilling operations. The gain in well productivity due to UBD may not
justify the drilling cost. The requirement of hydraulic fracturing, local equipment availability and
local logistics are important economic issues for planning UBD projects.

5.7 Where to use UBD?

We have now seen the advantages and the disadvantages of UBD applications. Hence, it becomes
necessary to state the conditions where UBD can be implemented successfully.
Highly Fractured Reservoirs
Highly fractured reservoirs are sensitives to lost circulations and can ultimately lead to a kick and
if the kick is not treated well, a potential blowout may arise. Even the overbalanced drilling can
lead to formation damage and hence to avoid all such fatal scenarios, underbalanced drilling can
be used.
Depleted or Mature Reservoirs
The main issue with the depleted reservoir is the narrow pressure window. UBD can be used in
such depleted reservoirs where a multi-phase circulating fluid is necessary to achieve required
Bottom Hole Circulating Pressure (BHCP) - underbalanced or with minimal overbalance.
However, it must be noted that UBD operations must be strictly carried out only and only if it is
economically feasible.

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5.8 UBD v/s MPD


The bottomhole pressure is kept lesser than The bottomhole pressure is kept greater than
formation pressure of the reservoir. formation pressure of the reservoir.
The drilling fluid used is lighter than the fluids The drilling fluid used is lighter than the fluids
used in MPD. used in conventional drilling.
Gas/Two phase/ Continuous fluid systems are Single Phase mud system is used.
Formation fluid flow into the wellbore. Continuous Mud filtrate flow into the formation.
kick is intentionally observed. Kick is prohibited.
Avoids formation damage. Cant avoid Formation damage.

Enhance reservoir productivity. Resolve drilling related problems.

Four phase separator is required due to the Conventional MGS is used.

production of oil, water, gas and sand.
Gas/Nitrogen compression unit required. No compression unit required.

More Site area used. Less site area used.

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6. BP case study: MPD application supports HPHT


Following successful implementation of managed pressure drilling (MPD) in high-pressure,

high-temperature (HPHT) wells drilled from jackups in the Eastern Mediterranean, BP Egypt in
2009 embarked on a plan to incorporate MPD into the drilling of a deepwater exploration HPHT
well in the West Nile Delta using a semisubmersible rig. The MPD techniques and experience
developed on jackup HPHT drilling operations were successfully transferred across to the
floating rig operation.

6.1 Introduction
BP Egypt drilled its first HPHT well in the Nile Delta in 2003. Following this success, it has
continued HPHT exploration and appraisal drilling in the area, covering both the shallower water
of the East Nile Delta, where a jackup with 15,000-psi well control equipment was used, and the
deeper water of the West Nile Delta, where semisubmersibles are required.
The deeper formations of the Nile Delta exhibit all the classic characteristics of HPHT drilling
environment. Pore pressure-fracture gradient (PP-FG) window is typically less than 0.3 ppg
equivalent mud weight (EMW) in the deep reservoir sections, and dealing with losses and gains
has historically been a significant source of nonproductive time (NPT). In several cases, such NPT
has led to a cessation of exploration wells drilled in the Delta prior to reaching target depth.
Further, the Nile Delta exhibits significant pore-pressure ramps and regressions. This, combined
with a complex geological basin for pore pressure prediction, can result in a challenging downhole
0In 2007, BP used a rotating head and a simple manual choke on a jackup with 15,000-psi BOP to
drill a deep HPHT exploration well. This enabled constant bottomhole pressure (BHP) control to
be achieved and was considered successful. This well is believed to have been the deepest well
drilled in the Mediterranean at the time, encountering pressures and temperatures in the upper
range of the conventional HPHT envelope.
The use of MPD on this well and three subsequent HPHT wells drilled from the same jackup was
successful. The drilling team steadily increased its understanding of the various techniques
available and built up experience with the system.
In 2009, planning started on a deepwater exploration HPHT well called WMDW-7, located in the
West Nile Delta, approximately 110 km offshore from Alexandria. The well was planned to
penetrate the deeper Oligocene formations in the West Nile Delta for the first time, going
approximately 1,200 meters deeper than any other wells previously drilled by BP. Based on the
success achieved in the shallower-water exploration program, it was decided that MPD would be

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a key enabler in order to meet the objectives of WMDW-7. The team started to investigate the
most suitable way of installing a rotating head on the semi with 15,000-psi BOP that would drill
the well.
WMDW-7 was spud in 2010 in 1,107-meter water depth. To the best of the authors knowledge,
this was among the deepest-water applications of MPD from a semisubmersible at the time. BHP
and temperature were predicted to be 17,000 psi and 170C, respectively. The well reached its
target objectives in March 2011. MPD was employed once the 13 5/8-in. casing was run and used
continuously to drill 2,500 meters beyond this point to final well TD at 6,350 meters.

6.2 MPD in Nile Delta

The successful implementation of MPD in the HPHT jackup wells in the eastern side of the
Mediterranean had established a track record for the technology that was to be transferred to the
deepwater region to drill the first Oligocene penetration there, the WMDW-7 well.
Four HPHT wells were drilled with MPD using a 15,000-psi jackup rig in the Eastern
Mediterranean. The constant BHP technique was specifically adapted to the drilling of exploration
wells to:
Enable use of connections and pump-off events to get a gas signature a very useful pore-
pressure detection method;
Enhance well control awareness and flow-checking procedures; and
Optimize tripping procedures.

6.3 Implementation on semi-submersible

Implementation of MPD on the semi created several challenges that needed to be addressed; these
resulted from the floating drilling configuration, with the BOP on the seabed and a heave-
compensated riser connecting the rig to the BOP through the water column.

6.3.1 Incorporating the RCD into the riser string

The RCD had to be installed in the riser string above the water line and needed to be in the fixed
part of the riser; hence, the riser telescoping joint (TJ) would have to be above it. The spaceout
was carefully considered in light of the rigs operating air gap, rig motion characteristics and
required heave compensation, required crossovers to connect the RCD to the riser components,
and running considerations. The available space meant that the rigs original TJ was not usable.
Therefore, another smaller mini telescoping joint needed to be built, in addition to the RCD
crossovers. All new components had to have the necessary tensile rating to run the riser and BOP

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and sufficient inner diameters to run all downhole tools, such as wellhead wear sleeves, BOP test
plugs and the RCD bearing itself.

6.3.2 Maintaining suitable heave compensation for the rig

The rig motion characteristics and heave history in the region were reviewed to identify the
required heave compensation above the RCD. This was then translated into the specification for
the mini-TJ required stroke length.

6.3.3 Using the marine riser as a pressure containment vessel

The location of the pressurized closed-loop circulation system at the top of the riser meant that the
marine riser would become part of the pressure containment system. The pressure ratings for every
component of the marine riser string were studied and operating limits were identified in terms of
maximum allowable mud weight versus maximum allowable surface pressure, and tensioner
system capability. The operating limits were then used to define the operation of a pressure relief
line in the MPD surface system that would protect the riser in case of overpressure.

6.3.4 Surface System layout

The placement of the MPD system components and the routing of the flow lines between the
various system components was designed around the layout of the rig to optimize the working
environment of the MPD operators, to apply minimum hydrostatic backpressure on the well due
to vertical drilling fluid flow, and to minimize the impact that the MPD system would have on the
operation of other aspects of the rig. A HAZOP of the system was carried out with a
multidisciplinary team as part of the planning process before finalizing the layout of surface lines
and equipment.
The interface points between the MPD system and the rig circulation system were chosen to
minimize any additional hydrostatic head on the well. Control panels of the various system
components were strategically placed in proximity to the worker stations, particularly for
frequently accessed or critical controls. The system layout was reviewed and modified where
necessary to avoid introducing new hazardous conditions, such as low overheads, trip hazards,
impeding access to life-saving equipment or escape routes.
Walkways were built above certain parts of the system, and stairs and handrails were added to
increase worker safety.

6.4 Operational Experience

Extensive time was spent in cased hole from the 13 5/8-in. casing forward, conducting
fingerprinting tests to familiarize the team with the specifics of the MPD operation. These tests

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included training the choke operator and driller on how to make controlled bottomhole pressure
connections, how to trip the drill pipe in and out of the well with the application of surface pressure
to reduce swab and surge effects, and how to handle suspected gas returns through the MPD
system. Flow rates were measured using a high-accuracy Coriolis flow meter that allowed precise
comparison of flow-in and flow-out to identify losses or gains.
Ballooning effects were significantly reduced as the near constant bottomhole pressure profile
prevented formation stress cycling and the resulting initiation of loss/gain cycles with the
fluctuation of bottomhole pressure. This translated into more efficient drilling where the frequency
of required flow checks to monitor flow back from the well was minimized.
When the RCD bearing was installed, the drillers were instructed to monitor for any pressure
buildup (PBU) with the choke closed, instead of the conventional technique of conducting a visual
flow check. This technique minimized the volume of any influx into the well and reduced the
potential impact of any associated well control circulations required. These PBU flow checks
were implemented with greater confidence about the results compared with conventional flow
When necessary, weighted pills were circulated into the well to provide additional hydrostatic head
prior to removing the RCD bearing. These pills were either placed deep in the well via the drill
string prior to pulling out of hole or placed into the marine riser via the riser boost line. The effect
of temperature on the mud density over time was modeled prior to each trip off bottom to maintain
the required hydrostatic head when pipe was tripped or casing was run. Any unplanned increase
in mud density could lead to losses due to the very small margin between fracture gradient and
pore pressure in the well.
Well control awareness and the impact that MPD may have on established procedures was
extensively discussed in training sessions and on a daily basis onboard. The rig BOP remained the
primary means of securing the well in the event that any potential influx was suspected.
Responsibility for closing in the well remained with the driller and was separate from all aspects
of the MPD operation. The presence of the Coriolis flow meter enhanced the kick detection
equipment onboard the rig and was an additional benefit obtained from the MPD operation.

6.5 Conclusions
MPD equipment was installed and operated on the semisubmersible rig. Techniques and
procedures were transferred over to the operation from an earlier jackup campaign and adapted to
meet the special needs of deepwater. Implementation of constant BHP enabled the deeper sections
of the well to be drilled with minimal problems otherwise experienced when drilling in the narrow
PP-FG environment of the Nile Delta. The well was drilled successfully to the Oligocene targets,
and all data acquisition objectives were achieved.

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7. UBD application in Heera and Bombay High fields

ONGC has become the first E&P Company in India to execute Under Balance Drilling. Drilling
Services, Mumbai region has implemented Under-Balanced Drilling (UBD) pilot project in the
Heera and Mumbai High fields.
Heera, the second largest oil field in the Western Offshore Basin, was discovered in 1970 and put
on production in 1984. The entire sedimentary succession if from Panna, Bassein, Mukta, Alibaug,
Bandra and Chinchini formations from bottom to top order. The hydrocarbon bearing pays- oil &
gas are developed in Basement, Panna, Bassein, Mukta and Heera formation and Bandra has free
gas. The estimated oil in place is about 320MMT, out of which 20% has been produced in last
thirty years. The main producing layer is Bassein formation whose formation pressure is around
1200 psi.
Drilling was initiated using base oil which was replaced by produced fluid as the drilling
proceeded. Average ECD of 4.1 MWE was achieved during drilling of first well and which was
further reduced to 3.9 MWE in second well. Lower completion was run and packer was set in
flowing conditions in both wells.

7.1 Project planning

Designing under balanced drilling process in which produced fluid was to be stored and circulated
for drilling that also on an offshore rig was a colossal task. Each project activity was planned and
executed with exhaustive deliberations. With full support from each of the many stake holders,
project was designed and built to the execution stage.
A Hazard Identification (HAZID) analysis for identification of Hazards was carried out through
independent facilitator and all the observations of the HAZID were closed. Subsequently during
Hazard Operability (HAZOP) analysis, Process Flow Diagrams (PFD), Process & Instrumentation
Diagrams (P&ID), Valve Numbering Diagrams (VND) and detailed procedures were discussed
and finalized.

7.2 Project Execution

UBD was planned in three development wells of Heera field for 6 drain hole section. These wells
were drilled up to landing point of drain hole with normal drilling. Three casings and 7 liner were
lowered in these wells up to landing point in Bassein formation. Heavy mud loss was encountered
during drilling of Bandra lime stone in 12-1/4 hole section in first well. In subsequent wells mud
loss problem was successfully handled through suitable stop loss pills and drilling practices. These
wells are horizontal, inclined wells. 6 Drain hole was drilled horizontally using under balanced
drilling technology.

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Under Balance Drilling phase in first well HK#2H was started on 6thApril 2016. Drilling was
initiated with 100 psi of under balance by injecting Nitrogen in concentric annulus of 9-5/8 x 7
tie back casing while pumping base oil as drilling fluid.
Prior to starting drilling of drain hole, 7 liner casing was tied back up to surface. Parasite string
injection method of under balanced drilling was used in the well to create underbalance. Nitrogen
will be injected on the 9-5/8 casing annulus and base oil is to be circulated as drilling fluid through
string. This method helps in getting formation and reservoir information. RSS and LWD were used
to drill 6 drain hole. The average length of 6 drain holes is 150mts to 300 mts. After completion
of drilling FIV was placed in 7 liner to isolate drain hole portion prior to lowering upper
completion string.
With the experience gained from first well and based on lessons learnt, equipment rig up on second
well HK#9H was completed in 5.5 days. Well started producing crude while drilling 6 drain hole
in under balanced condition. In flow test well produced crude at average rate of 1683 bopd. Drilling
was terminated by real time analysis of reservoir fluid along with LWD logs. All these wells were
drilled in batches to save rig time.

7.3 Highlights
Real time monitoring of reservoir behavior while placing the well improved decision
Well HK#9H has produced well fluid while drilling 6 drain hole.
A complete package of RSS-LWD was run in UBD conditions.
Lower completion ERD packer set in Under Balance condition.
During drilling with UBD technology about 4699 bbl. of crude exported to platform.

Figure 45. UBD - Producing Hydrocarbons While Drilling

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Managed Pressure Drilling is an evolving concept which is supported with unique techniques and
specialized devices. The combination of these techniques and devices lead MPD to be an
invaluable technology which has capability of mitigating drilling hazards, improving drilling
performance and increasing production rates in the same project and simultaneously. In addition,
MPD is an advance form of drilling supported with other technologies and proactive planning
which leads MPD not only to drill challenging but also undrillable wells.
Since Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is still evolving to adapt its strengths to deal with
challenges, the process requires an extra effort to find out the missing parts of the concept. Once,
the missing parts of different variations in a range of applications are revealed, the next step is to
minimize the effect of gaps with the adaptation of available technology to MPD and/or discovering
a new technology to lead to the usage of MPD. One of the major technology gaps on the way of
adapting MPD should be clarified in order to speed the adaption process of MPD up to deep water
One of them is the need for back pressure compensation in case of emergency disconnect due to
unexpected events. In conventional drilling applications it was not a problem because of the
statically over-balanced mud; however, in MPD applications the back pressure attributable to
statically underbalanced mud should be compensated in order to eliminate wellbore stability
problems. The concept of emergency activated back pressure pumps should be introduced to the
industry. As a result, additional study about the concept should be made to adapt MPD to floating
drilling applications.

UBD, though introduced as early as 1900s, still remains a challenging method due to economic
considerations and higher complex operations in comparison to conventional drilling. However,
UBD has started to gain popularity in USA, Canada, Europe and other parts of the world. Even in
India, the first UBD project started in Mumbai region in the year 2016 giving a go signal for
upcoming future UBD projects.
UBD can find larger applications in depleted and highly fractured reservoirs. If implemented
properly UBD can prove to be highly advantageous as compared to conventional methods.

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1. Hannegan, D., Offshore Drilling Hazard Mitigation: Controlled Pressure Drilling
Redefines What Is Drillable, Drilling Contractor Journal, January/February 2009.
2. Rehm, B., Schubert, J., Haghshenas, A., Paknejad, A.S., Hughes, J., Managed Pressure
Drilling, Gulf Drilling Series, Houston, Texas, 2008
3. Malloy, K.P., McDonald, P., A Probabilistic Approach to Risk Assessment of Managed
Pressure Drilling in Offshore Applications, Joint Industry Project DEA 155, Technology
Assessment and Research Study 582 Contract 0106CT39728 Final Report, 31 October,
Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2011.
5. API Specification 16RD, Specification for Drill through Equipment Rotating Control
6. API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 92, First Edition- NOVEMBER 2008; Reaffirmed
APRIL 2013
7. Saponja, J. 1995. Underbalanced Drilling Engineering and Well Planning. Presented at the
International Underbalanced Drilling Conference and Exhibition, The Hague, The
Netherlands, 2-4 October.
8. White, Jeff. 2014. ' 'Air Drilling Improves Efficiencies, Cost' '. The American Oil & Gas
Reporter 57 5.
9. Malloy, Kenneth P. 2007. Taking another look at the risk profile for air drilling in presence
of hydrocarbons. Drilling Contractor March/April:
10. SPE/IADC 156912, Utilizing MPD to Drill HPHT Deepwater Exploration Well,
presented at the SPE/IADC Managed Pressure Drilling and Underbalanced Operations
Conference, 20-21 March 2012, Milan, Italy.
11. Mumbai implements Under-Balanced Drilling first-time in India- ONGC website report;
12th May, 2016.

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