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l the

e am, is, are, be

y was, were, been
a at, to
d of, from
& and
u a, an
i in
k that, those
h have, has
j I, me
t it
f for
n not, no
o on
m with
s he, him
z as, than
v you
q do
c this, these
b but
by by
g they, them
w we, us
di say
sh she, her
shi her (possessive)
r will
ji my
al all
yr would
kp there
gi their
qm what
ix out
x if
ab about
qr who
ob get, obtain
qz when
ma make
p can, be able to
idi like, similar
te time
jus just
sa know
ne take
erz people
ia into
an year
gu good, well
yp could
vu see
ot other
nux then
nu now
ser look, search
sol only, alone
ko come
ov over
pu think
ai also
ba back
po after
us use
qd how
ra work
1. first
eb even
nov new
des want, wish, desire
zi because
da give
de day
my most
q- what/which
c- this
u- some
j- every
n- no
jj- any
k- that
-p place
-m thing
-d way
-k kind
-y reason
-z time
-r one, person
-t amount
Suffix: -z plural
Suffix: -x, -o opposite
Suffix: -i association, possessive pronoun
Prefix: me- comparative
Prefix: my- superlative
Prefix: y- past tense
Prefix: u- continuous

Dutton Dictionary:

# Speedwords-English dictionary.

# Transcribed by Richard Kennaway from the "Dutton Speedwords

# by R.J.G. Dutton, published by Dutton Rapid Writing Systems Ltd, 4th
# edition, 1951. Additional information from "Teach Yourself Dutton
# Speedwords" by R.J.G. Dutton, published by Teach Yourself Books, revised
# edition, 1971.

# Blank lines and lines beginining with a # are comments.

# Every other line contains a speedword or affix, and its English definition,
# separated by a tab.

# A hyphen in a speedword separates the components. The hyphen is not

# of the speedword as customarily written, but is included here for the
# convenience of computer programs.

# A part of a speedword in parentheses may be omitted for speed.

# Where a part of a speedword is enclosed in curly brackets, the bracketed

# section may be included or omitted, giving two different legal speedwords,
# sometimes with slightly different meanings. For example, "axe" and
# both mean "petition"; the latter specifically means a physical object,
# whereas the former is a verb or abstract noun.

# Where a speedword is a contraction of a longer form, the derivation is

# indicated in square brackets, e.g. az[al oz].

# Synonymous English definitions are separated by commas and no spaces.

# A parenthesized part of an English definition is for disambiguation,

# to explain which of several meanings of the defining word is intended.
# Several classes of words are regularly formed by prefixes and suffixes,
# and are therefore for the most part omitted from the dictionary. These are:
# plurals (-z)
# comparatives (me-)
# superlatives (my-)
# past tenses (y-)
# present participles (u-)
# past participles (-d)
# negatives formed by the English affixes in-, un-, and -less (-n)
# possibilities formed by the English suffixes -able, and -ible (-b)
# Thus the speedword for "incredible" is "krenb".

# Dutton's original text does not repeat each root word explicitly for each
# of its compounds. I have chosen to do so for clarity. In addition, I
# have sometimes given extra parenthesized English explanations where a
# definition appeared obscure on its own (e.g. tur-fi-v bow(knot)).
# Misprints were corrected where noted; I may have introduced new
# of my own.


u- present participle,present continuous

y- past tense
me- comparative
my- superlative


-a unfavourable
-b possibility,-ible,-able
-c collection
-d passive voice,past participle
-e augmentative
-f causative
-g general (an idea having a general relationship to the root)
-i association (after speedwords ending in a consonant)
-k quality
-l special (an idea having a special relationship to the root)
-m thing
-n negative,-less,in-,un-
-o contrary (after speedwords ending in a consonant)
-p place
-r person
-s complement (an idea having a complementary relationship to the root)
-t diminutive
-u favourable
-v association (after speedwords ending in a vowel)
-x contrary (after speedwords ending in a vowel)
-y causative
-z plural
-st professional


& and
&-e etcetera

a at,to
a-c-u thereto
a-o away

ab about,concerning,re,regarding
ab-e concern(n.)
ab-i infer,relate

ac buy,purchase
ac-o sale,sell
ac-o-e wholesale
ac-o-p market
ac-o-r salesman,vendor
ac-o-t retail
ac-r customer

ad add,-ition
ad-e sum
a(d)-i also,besides,further,moreover,plus,too
ad-l extra,supplement
ad-o deduct,subtract
ad-o-l discount
ad-op-o auxiliary
ad-pa bonus
ad-s accrue,accumulate

af business,trade
af-e commerce
af-er merchant
af-in-r broker
af-m commodity,goods,merchandise
af-nut grocery
af-r dealer,business
af-ryl banking
af-t affair
af-vik-r factor(business)

ag field
ag-fru orchard
ag-u garden
ag-u-e park

ak attack,aggression
ak-e charge
ak-i offence
ak-o defend,guard,protect
ak-o-aq-l umbrella
ak-o-e counter,counterattack
ak-o-lum shade
ak-o-r guardian
ak-o-v shelter(v.)
ak-o-v-p shelter(n.)
ak-sud raid

al all,whole
al-be already
al-e entirely,gross,total
al-ge altogether
al-i at all
al-kon unanimous
ak-o none
al-t summary

alk alcohol
alk-a methylated spirit
alk-e spirit
alk-l beer
alk-u wine

am affection,love
am-b amiable
am-da charity
am-dem patriotic
am-d-r sweetheart
am-e adore,worship
am-e-v reverence
am-fa enthuse
am-i lovely
am-k affectionate,fond,loving
am-lud flirt
am-o hate
am-o-a malice,spite
am-t like
am-t-o dislike

amu amuse
amu-e comic,fun
amu-s gay,jolly,merry
amu-t entertain
amu-v humour,wit
amu-x annoy
amu-x-a bore,tedious
amu-x-e provoke
amu-x-k tiresome

an annum,year
an-k annual,-ly

ang angle,corner
ang-arm elbow
ang-e fork(in road)
ang-e-m fork(utensil)
ang-i slope
ang-i-e steep
ang-i-f tip,tilt
ang-kol shoulder
ang-leg kee
ang-ped ankle

ap open
ap-l door
ap-m gate
ap-o close,shut
ap-p opening

aq water
aq-a fog
aq-e steam
aq-gas soda-water
aq-i wet
aq-i-c cloud
aq-i-t damp
aq-i-ter mud
aq-i-x dry
aq-l rain
aq-min mineral water

ar friend
ar-l cordial
ar-k friendship
ar-o enemy
ar-za chum,pal

are area,district,region
are-do camp
are-l county

arg argue,discus
arg-a controversy
arg-e debate
arg-i discuss
arg-op dispute
arg-t quibble
arg-u confer

arm arm
arm-i sleeve

art art
art-i artificial
art-i-f illustrate
art-l picture
art-l-y draw,-ing
art-l-y-t sketch
art-ry-st architect

as ascend,rise
as-e climb
as-i mount
as-o{-a} descend,drop,fall
as-o-c shower
as-o-f lower
as-o-t dip
as-o-v sink
as-o-v-bri-l sunset
as-y elevate,lift,raise
at anticipate,expect
at-e assume
at-e-be{-a} presume
at-i (a)wait
at-n unexpected
at-o surprise
at-o-e astonish
at-s fulfil
at-s-o disappoint
at-u hope
at-u-e aspire
at-u-x despair

au hear
au-c audience
au-m ear
au-p auditorium
au-v listen
au-x deaf

aut authority,official
aut-af-r consul
aut-fa commision
aut-i court
aut-l{-r} office,-r
aut-r official(person)
aut-uk-e executive
aut-urb municipal
aut-urb-e corporation
aut-y authorize

av fly
av-i bird
av-i-aq duck
av-i-aq-e goose
av-i-e-nur turkey
av-i-s hen
av-i-t chicken
av-i-v poultry
av-m aeroplane
av-p aerodrome

ax ask,enquire,inquire
ax-a demand
ax{-a}-nes requisition
ax-cer ascertain
ax-e appeal,beg,pray,solicit
ax-e{-m} petition
ax-e-t plea
ax-i apply
ax-il-u canvass
ax-l request
ax-o answer,reply,respond
ax-u invite

az[al oz] always,ever

az-e eternity,forever,perpetual
az-o never

b but

ba back,behind,rear
ba-go backwards
ba-leg calf
ba-p background
ba-ped heel

bar check,obstruct
bar-e block
bar-e-e blockade
bar-i resist
bar-m obstacle
bar-t handicap,hinder,impede
bar-t-i embarrass

be before(time),former,previous,prior
be-k preliminary
be-mi a.m.,forenoon,morning
be-v till,until
be-v-nu hereto,-fore,hitherto

bed layer,sheet,stratum
bed-in sandwich
bed-jut shelf
bed-t panel

bel beauty,beautiful
bel-e gorgeous
bel-o ugly
bel-t pretty
bel-u grace,-ful
ber bear,carry
ber-a burden
ber-i wear
ber-i-f clothing
ber-m freight,lading,load
ber-m-ve carload
ber-r porter
ber-s ride
ber-s-r passenger
ber-y{-m} load

bi life,live
bi-e lively
bi-k vital
bi-m creature(animal)
bi-r creature(person)
bi-s sex
bi-u welfare
bi-v exist
bi-x die,death
bi-x-k fatal,mortal
bi-x-y kill
bi-x-y-a murder

bib drink
bib-bru cocoa
bib-e coffee
bib-l tea
bib-m cup
bib-mel-o-g vinegar
bib-t lap
bib-u milk
bib-u-e cream
bib-u-fir cheese
bib-vig cordial(drink)

bid bid,command,order,tell
bid-e dictate(order)
bid-i instruction,-s
bid-r commander,master
bid-ri dictate(for transcription)
bid-s comply,obey
bid-s-c staff
bid-s-r servant

bil account,bill
bil-e statement(of account)

bit bit,piece
bit-a scrap
bit-e block

ble corn,grain
ble-bru rye
ble-g wheat
ble-wy rice
ble-zo oats

blu blue
blu-rud purple

bo tree
bo-alk-u vine
bo-c wood
bo-c-e forest
bo-nor pine
bo-s wood
bo-s-e timber
bo-s-i board
bo-s-mel maple
bo-s-odo cedar
bo-t plant
bo-t-a weed
bo-v branch

bod body,trunk
bod-i coat
bod-i-e overcoat
bod-i-ov-o waistcoat
bod-k physical

bol ballgame
bol-cav golf
bol-fi tennis
bol-fir-m basket-ball
bol-g football
bol-nyn baseball

bor border,edge
bor-i margin
bor-l lip
bor-ter beach,coast,shore
bra brave,courage
bra-e bold,dare
bra-f encourage
bra-f-o discourage
bra-r hero
bra-x apprehension,dread,fear,fright
bra-x-a horror
bra-x-a-k horrible
bra-x-e terror
bra-x-e-k terrible
bra-x-i nervous
bra-x-t afraid
bra-x-y{-m} alarm,scare

bri shine
bri-e bright,brilliant
bri-g star
bri-he glow
bri-k splendid
bri-k-e glorious
bri-l sun
bri-x dull

bru brown
bru-f tan

bu book
bu-bil ledger
bu-cel bible
bu-et booklet
bu-et-i pamphlet
bu-mot dictionary
bu-stu text-book
bu-v magazine

by by
by-c hereby
by-cu thereby
by-qu whereby

c this,these
c-d(e) to-day
c-d(e)-x to-night
c-u{-z} that,those
c{-z} these
ca room
ca-dor bedroom
ca-e hall
ca-l chamber
ca-pur-i-e bathroom
ca-t cabin,closet
ca-ter cellar
ca-u apartment
ca-u-g parlour
ca-ve coupe'

cav hollow
cav-a grave
cav-i hole

ce receive
ce-b receivable
ce-e entertain
ce-e-r host,-ess
ce-sek heir

cel heaven
cel-i divine
cel-o hell
cel-o-r devil
cel-r angel

cen hundred
cen-an century

cer certain,positive,sure
cer-n uncertain
cer-u guarantee,warrant
cer-u-m security(pledge)
cer-y assure,certify,ensure
cer-y-m certificate

ci decide
ci-c committee
ci-d-n undecided
ci-e determine,resolve
ci-jur sentence(decision)
ci-kup convict
ci-vib hesitate
cir circle,ring
cir-i arc
cir-i-e arch
cir-l circular
cir-m wheel
cir-m-ruk-o pulley
cir-m-s tyre
cir-p{-amu} circus

co collect,collection
co-a mob
co-e crowd
co-g compile(collect)
co-l package,parcel
co-mot vocabulary
co-reg board(committee)
co-ut compound(multiple)

con cone

d from,of
d-c-u thereof

D1 Sunday

D2 Monday

D3 Tuesday

D4 Wednesday

D5 Thursday

D6 Friday

D7 Saturday

da give
da-a sacrifice
da-e generous
da-e-x mean
da-g distribute
da-ga devote
da-l render
da-l-ga surrender
da-m donation,gift,present
da-m-u prize,reward
da-t contribute
da-u allow,confer,grant
da-u-stu scholarship
da-v delivery

de day
de-an anniversary
de-be yesterday
de-gen birthday
de-ik daily
de-l date
de-po to-morrow
de-x night
de-x-i evening
de-x-u good-night

deb debt,owe
deb-d indebted,liability
deb-i ought,should
deb-ik obligation,responsibility
deb-y{-d} oblige,-d

def define,distinguish
def-e definite
def-n indefinite,vague
def-o confuse
def-u distinct

dek right(hand)
dek-o left,-hand

dem nation,people
dem-e empire
dem-e-t colony
dem-in international
dem-rex-n republic

des desire,want,wish
des{-a}-sa curious
des-bib thirst
des-e eager
des-i appetite
des-ky hunger
des-suk ambition
di say,state
di-a allege
di-be introduce
di-cer-y vouch
di-dra recite
di-e affirm,assert,declare
di-e-e swear
di-el telephone
di-el-t microphone
di-e-pru testify
di-e-v profess
di-fe-x apology
di-ju comment
di-kup accuse
di-no remark
di-nob-o scandal
di-od directions,instructions
di-op protest
di-t mention
di-t-i allude

dig finger
dig-i finger-nail
dig-s toe

dik fat,thick
dik-o lean,thin
dik-o-t slight
dik-o-u fine

dio God
a-dio goodbye

dip deep
dip-e profound

dir direction
dir-a towards
dir-i incline,tend
dir-y conduct,guide

dis disc
dis-ge button
dis-l plate
dis-l-e dish
dis-nob medal
dis-num counter
dis-u record

do dwell,live,reside
do-c population
do-dut lodge
do-dut-r guest
do-g hotel
do-in-r citizen
do-l home
do-l-k domestic
do-p address,quarters
do-t visit
do-t-t call
do-ve garage

dok document
dok-cer policy
dok-l bond
dok-las licence

don excuse,pardon
don-e forgive
don-o punish

dor sleep
dor-k asleep
dor-m bed
dor-o awake
dor-o-f arouse,(a)wake(n)
dor-p dormitory
dor-t nap

dos two,2
dos-i second
dos-i-k secondary
dos-k double,twice
dos-l couple
dos-u pair
dos-u-gen twins

dra act,drama,play(n.)
dra-muz opera
dra-p theatre

du continue,keep,last
du-bi survive
du-e endure
du-fir persist
du-ga permanent
du-k continual
du-mau throat
du-t awhile,temporary
du-v still,yet
du-x cease,stop
du-x-pe adjourn,suspend
du-x-t pause

dy since

e am,are,is,be
e-v become,get
e-v-u union
e-v-u-e corporation
e-v-u-re reunion

eb even

ed conclude,end,finish
ed-e final
ed-i expire
ed-o begin,commence,initial,institute,start
ed-o-f initiate
ed-u-id-o compromise
{ed-o-}as arise(come into existence)

ef capable,competent,efficient
ef-e skill
ef-e-e{-r} expert
ef-k talent
ef-l technique,-cal
ef-lud athletic,-s
ef-lud-r athlete
ef-o incapable
ef-o-t awkward
ef-su-e champion
ef-o clever,smart

eg equal
eg-i balance,even
eg-i-f compensate
eg-i-n odd
eg-i-v offset

eis ice
eis-as-o hail
eis-y freeze
eis-y-m refrigerator

ek church
ek-st pastor
ek-t chapel

el electric,-ity
el-kem-y galvanise

ele element

em emotion
em-e passion
em-n sober
em-sen sentient
em-tru thrill
em-y excite

en attend to,attention,mind
en-a trouble,worry
en-a-t bother
en-ca-r chambermaid
en-e care,-ful,pains
en-e-a anxious
en-e-a-v fuss
en-mo careless
en-e-u caution,discretion,prudence
en-i serve
en-ky-r{-s} waiter,-ress
en-l{-r} nurse
en-o neglect
en-sol concentrate
en-u miister

eng narrow
eng-o broad,wide

ent enter
ent-a invade
ent-o emerge,exit,issue
ent-op exit
ent-o-ri edition
ent-ry-p porch

ep location,place,position,put,set
ep-a mislay,misplace
ep-e instal
ep-e-e settle
ep-ge{-u} compose
ep-i apply(physical)
ep-ku-d enclosure
ep-l local
ep-o remove
ep-ov-o bury
ep-ry-f site
ep-u deposit
ep-ur replace

er person
er-c company
er-ci referee,umpire
er-e{-u} party
er-e-a gang
er-e-e league
er-i one,you,they(impersonal)
er-k personal,-ity
er-z people
er-z-u folk

ern earnest
ern-a severe
ern-e serious,solemn

es assess,estimate,reckon
es-be forecast
es-e calculate
es-ge compare
es-ge-s comparatively
es-u approve

est appreciate,esteem
est-a envy,jealous
est-e admire
est-o contempt,despise
est-u respect

et little,small
et-e minute,tiny
et-u plaything,toy
et-ur doll

f for

F[femu] Madam

fa act,commit,deed,do,make
fa-be anticipate
fa-e active,busy
fa-g function
fa-ge cooperate
fa-k practical,-ly
fa-m agent
fa-n refrain
fa-o affect
fa-pol courteous
fa-r-c crew,team
fa-u benefit,treat
fa-ut-t-e elaborate
fa-v tgreat
fa-x cancel

fab fabric,material
fab-ak-o serviette
fab-ak-o-v napkin
fab-dik rug
fab-do tent
fab-e textile,weave
fab-han handkerchief
fab-i cloth
fab-i-t-a rag
fab-li towel
fab-ov-o mat
fab-pen curtain
fab-sig flag
fab-ven sail

fas easy,facile
fas-o difficult
fas-o-a hardship
fas-o-l problem,puzzle
fas-o-t awkward
fas-y facilitate
fat fat
fat-o lean
fat-u butter

fe cheerfulness,glad,happy,pleased
fe-e delight,glee,joy
fe-f cheer up
fe-l laugh
fe-l-o cry,weep
fe-l-s joke
fe-l-t smile
fe-n unhappy
fe-s enjoy
fe-s-e rejoice
fe-s-e-x mourn
fe-v bless
fe-x sad,sorry
fe-x-a tragic
fe-x-e grief,misery
fe-x-e-r wretch
fe-x-e-t melancholy
fe-x-t regret

fem woman
fem-i female
fem-mar wife
fem-mar-a widow
fem-oz-mar bride
f(em)-t girl
fem-t-e Miss
fem-u lady,Madam

fet celebration,feast,festival
fet-bi-re Easter
fet-e carnival
fet-l Christmas

feu burn,combustion,fire
feu-f ignite,light
feu-m fuel
feu-s smoke

fi filament,thread
fi-c brush
fi-dik rope
fi-e cord
fi-e-e cable
fi-g string
fi-gro straw
fi-jut-i-c tooth-brush
fi-ku net
fi-met wire
fi-orn lace
fi-pur mop
fi-sla whip
fi-v band,belt
fi-v-les bandage
fi-v-orn sash
fi-v-u ribbon

fid faithful,loyal
fid-o false

fil son
fil-fra nephew(through brother)
fil-s daughter
fil-s-fra niece(through brother)
fil-sis nephew(through sister)
fil-s-sis niece(through sister)

f(i)n find
f(i)n-ep locate

fir firm
fir-e stiff
fir-ge-f consolidate
fir-i confirm,endorse
fir-o flexible

fis fish

fix fix,secure
fix-e tight
fix-fi sew,stitch
fix-ge{-m} bind,-ing
fix-i adhere,stick
fix-l lock
fix-l-s key
fix-l-y bolt
fix-m fixture
fix-o loose
fix-t clip
fix-y fasten

fla inflame,inflammation
fla-g fever
fla-mel-o-g rheumatism
fla-spi pneumonia

fle flesh
fle-e muscle
fle-v-ly sausage{misprinted in dictionary as flely}
fle-v meat

flo flower,bloom
flo-rud-i rose
flo-t blossom

flu current,flow
flu-e pour
flu-eng creek
flu-g river
flu-g-t stream
flu-pe tide
flu-s ebb

fo before(place),fore,front
fo-bod chest
fo-e ahead
fo-s confront,face,opposite
fo-v advance,forward,-s,proceed,progress
fo-v-i forth
fo-v-y promote

fol leaf
fol-u tobacco
fol-u-l cigar
fol-u-t cigarette

fon origin,source
fon-k original
fon-r author,originator
fon-re resource
fon-s derive
fon-sal spring(water)
fon-u principle
fon-u-g theory
fon-y create,invent
for form,shape
for-e figure
for-i formal
for-id-i uniform
for-l form(written)
for-t frame
for-u handsome

fot photogrph
fot-e cinematograph
fot-i film

fra brother
fra-k fraternal
fra-v cousin

fru fruit
fru-alk-u grape
fru-e nut
fru-g apple
fru-gar-g jam
fru-gel lemon
fru-gel-e orange
fru-gla plum
fru-mel peach
fru-oil olive
fru-sau tomato

fu few

ful fill,full
ful-o blank,empty,vacant
ful-o-e exhaust
ful-o-f vacate
ful-o-v evacuate

fun five,5

fur furnish,provide,supply
fur-cel providence
fur-e{-c} equip,-ment,outfit
fur-g furniture
fur-i accomodate
fur-u afford
fy cause,make,reason,render
fy-a compel,enforce,insist
fy-e{s} produce,-t
fy-e-x consume
fy-fa-e stimulate
fy-s consequence,effect,hence,result,therefore
fy-s-k effective
fy-v incur
fy-x prevent

g them,they
g-i their,-s

ga complete,quite
ga-e absolutely,utterly
ga-g accomplish,achieve
ga-l mature,ripe
ga-l-o raw
ga-n hardly,scarcely
ga-u perfect
ga-u-v exquisite

gar keep,retain
gar-c stock,store(of things)
gar-e conserve
gar-i economy
gar-l preserve
gar-pam-l treasury
gar-pam-r treasurer
gar-n dispose
gar-n-a waste
gar-o expend,spend
gar-p store(place)
gar-u reserve,save
gar-u-c savings

gas gas

ge connect,join,together
ge-a tie
ge-c group
ge-cirm gear
ge-dem federate
ge-f gather,-ing
ge-f-gro harvest
ge-fi tie
ge-fi-e knit
ge-g club
ge-in communicate
ge-lat collateral
ge-m link
ge-met chain
ge-muz concert
ge-op-o ally,-iance
ge-reg trust
ge-s affiliate
ge-sla-m nail
ge-t attach
ge-u combine
ge-v associate,join
ge-v-e association
ge-x{-y} apart,disconnect,individual,separate
ge-x-fi{-m} comb

gel yellow
gel-e orange

gen borth,generate,yield
gen-c stock
gen-d born
gen-i conceive
gen-r parent
gen-s offspring

gla smooth
gla-f plane
gla-v fine
gla-x rouch
gla-x-a coarse

gm gram

go go
go-aq swim
go-by pass
go-cir circulate
go-e run
go-g walk
go-g-a lame
go-g-e hike,tramp
go-g-ord march
go-kru transit
go-p destination
go-pen float
go-sud dash,bolt
go-t pace,step
go-v depart
go-v-l escape
go-v-u farewell
go-v-y dismiss,quit
go-we errand

gom (india)rubber

gra gratitude,thank,-s
gra-da thanksgiving
gra-k grateful

gre degree,grade,stage
gre-bi estate
gre-c scale
gre-e awfully,tremendously
gre-g stair,step
gre-he temperature
gre-he-m thermometer
gre-k gradual
gre-l degree,diploma
gre-l-r graduate
gre-ot-i phase
gre-sit station,status
gre-t rather,somewhat

gro grow
gro-c crop,-s
gro-p farm
gro-t bud
gro-v develop,cultivate
gro-v-l culture

gu good
gu-l good(moral)
gu-t nice
gu-v kind
gu-x bad
gu-x-a evil
gu-x-a-e vice
gu-x-e awful
gu-x-t naughty
gus flavour,taste
gus-u tasty
gus-u-c salad

h has,have
hu having
hy had

ha have,own,possess
ha-c estate
ha-er owner,possessor
ha-m possession,property
ha-p-r landlord
ha-s belong
ha-s-m asset,-s,means
ha-s-r member
ha-s-t pertain
ha-x lack,miss
ha-x-nur starve
ha-x-ra unemployed

hab common,custom,habit,normal,ordinary,use,usual
hab-a common
hab-a-e vulgar
hab-i prevail
hab-n funny,odd,strange,unusual
hab-n-i queer
hab-o rare
hab-o-e extraordinary
hab-u moral
hab-y accustom

han hand
han-b handy
han-i glove
han-k manual
han-u-s handle

har hair
har-e fur

haz chance,hazard,luck
haz-a alas!,unfortunate,unlucky,misfortune
haz-e risk
haz-i guess
haz-l lots
haz-o fate
haz-pa bet
haz-u fortunate,lucky
haz-u-k adventure

he heat,hot
he-f-m stove
he-t warm
he-x cold
he-x-a chilly
he-x-t cool

hem half

hi conceal,hide
hi-e mystery
hi-l secret
hi-v{-m} screen
hi-x disclose,reveal

ho high,tall
ho-c heap,pile
ho-l hill
ho-l-e mountain
ho-x low

hom honest,sincere
hon-o deceive
hon-o-fa trick
hon-o-t pretend
hon-o-v bluff
hon-u frank

hor hour,o'clock

hu(m) humble
hu(m)-a ashamed,shame
hu(m)-v modest
hu(m)-x proud
hu(m)-x-a vai

i in,within
i-a into
i-c-u thereto
i-e inside,internal,interior
i-e-f insert,introduce
i-ep invest
i-qu wherein
i-x out
i-x-e exterior,external,outside
i-x-e-v outdoor,-s
i-x-ko outcome

ib possible
ib-o impossible
ib-op lest
ib-u likely,probable

id identical,same
id-i alike,like,similar
id-i-e image
id-i-f model(v.)
id-i-n unloike
id-i-u act(stage)
id-i-u-s role
id-o different
id-o-e diverse,variety,various
id-o-l contrast
id-re duplicate
id-y copy,imitate
id-y-s example,model,pattern

if inform,tell
if-a gossip
if-aut bulletin
if-e news
if-e-e press(newspapers)
if-e-g journal,newspaper
if-e-of-i rumour
if-e-r-c press(reporters)
if-i advertise,announce
if-i-l-u propaganda
if-i-m bill,poster
if-i-n communicate
if-kre-u confide
if-l report
if-m message
if-t tip
if-u publish,publicity
if-u-m publication
ig general
ig-e universal
ig-i common

ik property,quality
ik-e enhance,intense
ik-l character
ik-u satisfactory
ik-u-d content
ik-u-f satisfy
ik-u-n unsatisfactory
ik-u-x dissatisfaction
ik-y qualify

il particular,special,especial
il-e specify,specific
il-i peculiar
il-y specialise

ilu influence
ilu-a tempt
ilu-e inspire
ilu-l fascinate
ilu-t affect
ilu-u{-na-x} charm
ilu-v induce,persuade

im idea,imagine,suppose
im-e fancy
im-i fiction
im-l dream
im-o actual,fact,indeed,nett,real
im-o-c data,statistics
im-o-f realise
im-o-u genuine
im-t notion
im-u ideal
im-vu visualise

in among,between
in-e mingle,mix
in-e-k miscellaneous
in-e-v intercourse
in-i attend,present
in-o absent,away
in-o-a missing
in-s about,surround
in-sit intermediate
in-spa interval

ind indicate
ind-e point,point out
ind-l character,symbol
ind-i-c notation
ind-kla brand
ind-m sign
ind-ri mark

int interest
int-i behalf
int-mo indifferent

ip self,selves
ip-i own,proper
ip-i-f adopt
ip-k selfish
ip-ki automatic
ip-men subjective
ip-men-s objective

ir here
ir-a hither
ir-d thence
i(r)-o there
ir-o-d thence
ir-o-i therein
ir-ze herewith

is complement
is-i opposite,over,reverse

isk insect
isk-flo bee
isk-l fly

ist professional
ist-i profession
ist-o amateur
ist-s client

it implement,instrument,tool
it-gen battery
it-gla-f plane
it-i apparatus
it-li spoon
it-lum lamp
it-ol-li-s corkscrew
it-pin-e pick
it-rub file
it-ruk-o plough
it-vu spectacles

ite journey,travel,voyage
ite-e tour
ite-g train
ite-s luggage
ite-t trip

iv association(indef. preposition)

iz[ir ze] herewith

j I,me
j-i mine,my

ja directly,presently,shirtly,soon
ja-e forthwith,immediately,instantly

je each,every,per
je-cen per cent
je-l both
je-p everywhere
je-v respective

jet cast,throw
jet-e fling,pitch
jet-li-e fountain

jm[je om] everything

jr[je er] everybody,eberyone

ju deem,judge
ju-be-a prejudice
ju-c jury
ju-e criticise
ju-if-u censor
ju-k judicious
ju-l opinion,theory
ju-st judge

jun young,youth
jun-c youth
jun-e baby
jun-k youthful
jun-o age,old
jun-r child,kid

jur law,legal
jur-g police
jur-i judicial
jur-o crime
jur-o-r criminal
jur-st attorney,lawyer,solicitor
jur-y legislate

j(u)s fair,just,right
jus-i claim
jus-i-e assert
jus-i-s deserve,merit
jus-k justice
jus-l right,title
jus-l-d entitled
jus-n injustice,unfair,unjust
jus-o wrong
jus-u equity,equitable
jus-y justify

jut jut,project,projection
jut-e prominent
jut-e-u outstanding
jut-i tooth
jut-ist dentist
jut-op bay

k that(conj.)

K[koml] company,firm

ka chief,head
ka-k main,principal
ka-p headquarters
ka-r boss,chief,head,principal
ka-ra-r foreman
ka-sta-p stationmaster
ka-v hat
ka-v-t cap
ka-v-u crown

kal alkaloid

kan sing,song
kan-c choir

ke credit,due
ke-a overdue
ke-f earn
ke-u duty
ke-v duly

kem chemical
kem-i{-g} salt

ken acknowleedge,admit
ken-e confess
ken-o dent,contradict

ki motion,move
ki-a disturb
ki-f stir
ki-fy motive
ki-ot-i switch
ki-t stir
ki-t-u reach
ki-v pass
ki-x quiet,still
ki-x-i stationary
ki-x-u calm

kin kinkindredrelate,relation
kin-c family
kin-e race
kin-r relative,relation

kla class,kind,sort
kla-f assort,classify
kla-l type
kla-luf climate
kla-t species
kla-u classic,classical
ko come
ko-e forthcoming
ko-go traffic
ko-ny access,approach
ko-u welcome
ko-v arrive

kok cook
kok-ap raost
kok-e bake
kok-pla fry
kok-l boil
kok-p kitchen

kol neck
kol-i collar

kom accompany,company
kom-a haunt
kom-ak-o convoy
kom-i{-r} comrade,fellow
kom-i-k fellowship
kom-l company
kom-m companion(animal)
kom-r companion(person)
kom-za mate

kon accord,agree
kon-c set
kon-e{-m} contract
kon-e-ha-m lease
kon-for conform
kon-g convention
kon-i according (to)
kon-in correspond(agree)
kon-k appropriate
kon-l convenient,suit
kon-m agreement
kon-o disagree
kon-o-a quarrel
kon-s match
kon-u harmony

kos world
kos-e universe
kos-o sky

kot cotton
kot-a gingham
kot-i linen

kre believe,belief
kre-b believable
kre-b-n incredible
kre-e conviction
kre-f convince
kre-g creed,doctrine
kre{-g}-sok socialism
kre-n doubt
kre-on-c communism
kre-t-a suspect,suspicion
kre-u confidence,credit,faith,trust
kre-ud-r trustee

kru cross
kru-l swastika
kru-v across

ku contain,enclose,hold,include
ku-d-aq lake
ku-e incorporate
ku-k capacity
ku-l yard
ku-l-y fence
ku-m contents,measure
ku-n except,omit
ku-v involve
ku-x eliminate,exclude

kub cube

kup culpable,fault,guilt
kup-e sin,wicked
kup-o innocent,virtue
kup-i{-r} delinquent

kur curve
kur-bod bow
kur-e coil
kur-ed hook
kur-ge loop
kur-u curl
kur-y bend

kut cut
kut-ge-m scissors
kut-ge-t clip
kut-i section
kut-l knife
kut-l-t penknife

ky eat
ky-do board
ky-f feed
ky-fa bite
ky-fe-t banquet
ky-luf picnic
ky-mi midday meal
ky-p restaurant
ky-p-t cafe
ky-s digest
ky-t lunch
ky-ta supper
ky-ta-x breakfast
ky-u dine
ky-v swallow
ky-x sick(vomit)

l the

L1 January

L2 February

L3 March

L4 April

L5 May

L6 June

L7 July

L8 August

L9 September
L10 October

L11 November

L12 December

la big,great,large,size
la-a gross
la-e huge,immense,tremendous,vast
la-me enlarge
la-u grand,magnificent

las allow,leave,let,permit
las-a licence
las-e countenance
las-ent admit(let in)
las-ite passport
las-ite-v visa
las-m permit
las-o forbid,prohibit
las-sol patent
las-t concede
las-u privilege

lat side
lat-i aside,beside
lat-kol-s tonsil
lat-l wall

le letter
le-c correspondence,mail
le-e epistle
le-t note
le-u favour

leg leg
leg-i hose,stocking
leg-i-t sock

lek lecture
lek-ek sermon
lek-i preach
lek-u oration

len gentle,mild
len-o drastic,violent
len-o-c storm

les damage,harm,hurt,injure
les-a poison
les-d-r victim
les-e wound
les-i niusance
les-i-t mischief
les-o mend,repair
les-o-kru darn
les-o-m remedy
les-s sore
les-t mar,spoil

li liquid
li-bi blood
li-c pool
li-e liquor
li-f melt
li-nur soup
li-og tear,-s
li-ri ink
li-s solid
li-u juice
li-v semi-liquid
li-v-pel jelly

lib deliver,discharge,free,liberate,release
lib-o confine,suppress
lib-o-a-r slave
lib-o-ki{-m} brake
lib-o-t restrain,restrict
lib-s free,liberty,rid
lib-t relieve
lib-u liberal

lim bound,limit,utter
lim-e utmost,uttermost
lim-fix boundary
lim-o infinite
lim-t quality
lim-ter-l frontier

lin language
lo length,long
lo-v along
lo-x brief,short

lob praise
lob{-a} flatter
lob-i commend,compliment
lob-l congratulate
lob-o blame
lob-o-a abuse
lob-o-v complain,grumble

log logic,sense
log-i reason,-able
log-i-x unreasonable
log-o absurd
log-o-a ridiculous

lon lend,loan
lon-hap mortgage
lon-s borrow

lot allot,assign,deal
lot-s lot,participate,share
lot-s-e stock
lot-s-r partner
lot-suk-r jobber
lot-u award

lt litre

lu month
lu-be ult.
lu-nu inst.,-ant
lu-po prox.
lu-v moon

lud game,play
lud-u sport

luf air
luf-e weather
luf-ho ether
luf-i atmosphere
luf-o vacuum
lum illuminate,light
lum-fat candle
lum-i fair,light
lum-i-x dark
lum-o dark,-ness
lum-o-f black-out
lum-o-t gloom
lum-s shade,shadow

lut contest,match
lut-a combat,fight
lut-e tournament
lut-han box,-ing
lut-i contend
lut-i-e struggle
lut-rap race
lut-u compete,-ition

ly long-and-thin
ly-ba tail
ly-e shaft
ly-g stick
ly-g-dik log
ly-g-e pole
ly-g-feu match[Eng-SW gives lyfeu]
ly-g-i rod
ly-g-nav oar,row
ly-l file,line,row
ly-l-bor outline
ly-l-t dash(line)
ly-m cylinder
ly-rev-m crank
ly-ri stroke
ly-sem-e bean
ly-sem-t pea
ly-sev column
ly-shu shell(of gun)
ly-sta post
ly-sut rail
ly-x lump

m with
m-o without
m-o-fy-s vain(useless)
m-o-kre-n undoubtedly
m-o-q unquestionably
M Mr.

Ms Mrs.

ma construct,make,produce
ma-e manufacture
ma-s compose,-ition,consist
ma-s-kon consistent
ma-v constitute
ma-x destroy
ma-x-a ruin,wreck
ma-x-e damn

mar marry
mar-o divorce

mat concrete,material,matter,physical,stuff
mat-o abstract

mau mouth

me greater,increase,more
me-a exaggerate
me-jun junior,younger
me-jun-o elder,senior
me-v major,-ity
me-x decrease,less,reduce
me-x-i minor,-ity
me-x-n nevertheless,notwithstanding,still,yet

mek machine,mechanical
mek-av aircraft
mek-e machinery
mek-i motor
mek-l engine
mek-pes scale,-s
mek-r mechanic
mek-ri typewriter
mek-son gramophone
mek-tir tractor

mel sweet,-ness
mel-bru chocolate
mel-flo honey
mel-g sugar
mel-g-u candy,sweets
mel-o bitter
mel-o-a sour
mel-o-g acid

mem memory,recollect,recall,remember
mem-du-m monument
mem-o forget
mem-y remind

men mental,mind,intellect
men-a folly,foolish,silly
men-aer crank
men-a-r fool
men-a-t stupid
men-e wise
men-e-e genius
men-e-x crazy,mad
men-i spirit
men-sha cute
men-u intelligent,sabe,sensible
men-u-e intellectual
men-u-x insane

mer mother
mer-e grandmother
mer-i aunt
mer-za mama,mummy

mes measure
mes-e dimension
mes-t moderate
mes-tru diameter
mes-u fit

met metal
met-af-m hardware
met-e steel
met-gel brass
met-l iron
met-son bell
met-u gold
met-wy silver

mi midday,noon
mi-x midnight
mid medial,middle
mid-e centre
mid-i medium

mik microbe

mil million

min mineral
min-g coal
min-p mine

mir wonder,wonderful
mir-e marvellous

miu minute(time)
miu-t second(time)

mol soft
mol-o hard
mol-u tender

mot word
mot-e speedword
mot-fa verb
mot-i sentence
mot-i-t phrase

mr metre

m(u)s must,have to

mu great(abs.),much,many
mu-a too(much
mu-e considerable
mu-e-e tremendous
mu-x little(quantity)

muz music
muz-e band,orchestra
muz-sek melody,tune

my most
my-ho supreme
my-ib maximum
my-jun youngest
my-jun-o eldest,oldest
my-x least
my-x-b minimum
my-x-i at least

n no,not
n-i neither,nor
n-ik neutral
n-x (not if)perhaps

na nature,of course
na-a fierce,wild
na-g wild
na-k natural,naturally
na-l essence,-tial
na-x magic

nam call,name
nam-e title
nam-i nominate

nar account,narrate,story,tale
nar-i describe,represent
nar-i-u romance
nar-l history
nar-pas tradition

nat native
nat-o foreign,strange
nat-o-p abroad
nat-r native

nav ship
nav-aq-e steamship
nav-c shipping
nav-i navy
nav-p quay
nav-pes-e-x canoe
nav-t boat

ne take
ne-a steal,theft
ne-e take over
ne-e-a appropriate(take)
ne-vam disarm
ner nerve

nes necessary,necessity,need,require,want
nes-e essential
nes-i sake
nes-n needless,unnecessary

n(o)m nothing

no look (at),note,notice,observe
no-e watch
no-e-t glance
no-f{-m} notify,-ication
no-if{-r} scout
no-l examine,interest
no-m note,notice
no-n overlook,oversight
no-ov overlook
no-u regard,-s
no-x disregard,ignore

nob celebrated,honour,note,repute
nob-e fame,glory
nob-ek glorious
nob-i dignity,stately
nob-o-a disgrace
nob-r lord
nob-u{-r} noble

nor north
nor-o south

nov new
nov-e{-m} novel,-ty
nov-i lately,modern,recent
nov-o old
nov-o-e ancient
nov-u fresh
nov-u-x-a rotten

nr[n er] nobody,no-oe

nu now,present
nu-de now-a-days
nu-k current
nu-v now(conj.)
nu-x then

num count,number,several
num-i figure

nur food
nur-g bread
nur-gu cake
nur-l pudding

ny about,almost,near,nearly,nigh
ny-e against,close,just,next
ny-e-x remote
ny-p neighbourhood,vicinity
ny-r neighbour
ny-v approximate
ny-x distant,far
ny-x-e farther,further
ny-x-i beyond,ultra,past

nyn nine,9

o on
o-c-u thereonve upon
o-ep impose
o-ite-g aboard(train)
o-nav aboard(ship)
o-x off

O sir

ob acquire,get,obtain,procure,secure
ob-i attain
ob-o lose
ob-u gain,profit
ob-ua{-r} profiteer
ob-ur recover

od manner,method,mode,way
od-e policy
od-erk behave,manners
od-i medium,per
od-l style
od-m means
od-nu up-to-date
od-u fashion,mode
od-ul anyhow,anyway,somehow

odo odour,smell
odo-m nose

of offer
of-i suggets
of-i-t hint
of-lut challenge
of-o withhold
of-s accept
of-s-o reject

og eye

oil oil
oil-e petrol

ok accurate,correct,right
ok-a particular
ok-e exact,just,precise,strict
ok-i fitting,proper
ok-n error,incorrect,mistake
ok-o wrong
ok-o-a false
ok-u true,-th,-ly
ok-u-x falsehood,lie

ol receptacle,vessel
ol-aq-a sink
ol-dip-o pan
ol-e tank
ol-fi sack
ol-fir case
ol-fir-n basket
ol-g box
ol-gar jar
ol-g-e chest
ol-g-orn cabinet
ol-i bag
ol-i-gas balloon
ol-ite suitcase
ol-ite-e trunk
ol-kok-e oven
ol-kok-e-e furnace
ol-kur barrel
ol-li bottle
ol-li-pla flask
ol-li-s cork
ol-pot pot
ol-ron basin
ol-ron-e tub
ol-t can
ol-ves pocket

om article,object,thing

on man
on-a fellow
on-c community
on-g mankind
on-g-o private
on-gu popular
on-i male
on-jun youth
on-k human
on-k-u humae
on-mar husband
on-t boy,lad
o(n-u) gentleman,Sir

op against,contrary,oppose
op-i (al)though
op-l mind,object
op-mek-av anti-aircraft
op-o aid,assist,help
op-o-k helpful
op-o-m accessory
op-o-u favour
op-t interfere

or or
or-e either
or-i else,otherwise
or-i-p elsewhere
or-r "he or she"

ord arrange,order
ord-e order(institution)
ord-i regular
ord-i-e routine
ord-i-f regulate
ord-i-g rule
ord-i-x irregular
ord-l file
ord-lin grammar
ord-o disorder
ord-t neat
ord-u adjust
ord-u-v trim
ord-y organise
ord-y-l organisation

org organ
org-ky-s stomach
org-men brain
org-spi lung

orn decorate,ornament
orn-ar dandy
orn-n plain
orn-t embroider

os bone
os-mau jaw
os-u ivory

ost easst
ost-o west

ot other
ot-i alter,change
ot-i-dos alternate
ot-i-kon adapt
ot-i-n constant
ot-i-t modify
ot-i-u amend,reform
ot-i-v exchange
ot-i-v-l mutual

otto eight,8

ov above,over
ov-e upstairs
ov-e-x downstairs
ov-o below,beneath,under
ov-u superior
ov-u-x inferior

oz happen,occasion,occur,time
oz-a accident
oz-a-e disaster
oz-b maybe,perhaps
oz-bi-x funeral
oz-ce reception
oz-e frequent,often
oz-i case,instance
oz-ky meal
oz-l event
oz-l-t icident
oz-l-u function
oz-mar wedding
oz-po-f defer,postpone
oz-por ceremony
oz-sek eventually
oz-sud emergency
oz-t seldom
oz-u opportunity
oz-vot election
oz-y hold

p able,can
p-i may
p-n cannot,unable
p-y enable

pa pay
pa-a fine
pa-b payable
pa-be prepay
pa-f charge
pa-f-sup overcharge
pa-f-u fee
pa-gra gratuity,tip
pa-l cheque,draft
pa-m cash,money
pa-m-c funds
pa-m-i finance,-ial
pa-m-ka principal
pa-m-ko income
pa-m-ko-e revenue
pa-n unpaid
pa-nat-o customs
pa-ra salary,wages
pa-sup premium
pa-sut{-r} patron,-age
pa-u commission
pa-ur repay
pa-us interest
pa-x free,gratis

pad pad
pad-ka pillow
pad-sta-x mattress
pad-u cushion

pap paper
pap-e card
pap-e-e cardboard
pap-e-ku carton
pap-e-pos post-card
pap-kut coupon
pap-nam label
pap-ri stationery
pap-t ticket
pap-tir-i blotting-paper

par part,instalment,portion
par-eng waist

pas ago,past
pas-o future

pat paste
pat-i pastry
pat-i-dos biscuit
pat-i-g pie
pat-jut-i tooth-paste

pe period,while(noun)
pe-a winter
pe-e age
pe-g season
pe-gen generation
pe-h(e) summer
pe-in interim,meantime,meanwhile,pending
pe-jun youth
pe-lim term
pe-ry-u schooling
pe-u spring
pe-u-x automn,fall
pe-v during,while

ped foot
ped-i shoe
ped-i-e boot
ped-i-r cobbler
ped-i-t slipper

pel clear,plain
pel-g glass
pel-g-u window
pel-tru transparent
pel-y explain

pen hang
pen-ed tag
pen-i depend
pen-i-u rely,-iance
pen-i-x independent
pen-vib swing
pen-y suspend

per father
per-e grandfather
per-l uncle
per-za dad(dy),papa

pes weight
pes-e heavy
pes-e-x light
pes-e-x-y alleviate
pes-i emphasis
pes-up-o depress

pin point
pin-g pin

pi(r) soul,spirit
pi(r)-v ghost

pit mercy,pity
pit-l pathetic
pit-o cruel
pl(e) please,-ure
pl(e)-e delicious
pl(e)-k amenity,pleasant
pl(e)-o pain
pl(e)-o-ka headache
pl(e)-o-vib ache
pl(e)-y{-a} gratify,indulge

pla flat,horizontal,level
pla-ber tray
pla-g ground
pla-l floor
pla-m-t tblet
pla-p plain
pla-x upright,vertical
pla-x-y erect

pli fold

po after,-wards
po-c hereafter
po-c-u thereafter
po-mi afternoon

poe poen
poe-s prose

pol polite
pol-a affectation
pol-e refined
pol-o rude
pol-o-a gross
pol-o-e insult
pol-t civil

por important,matter
por-a grave

pos post
pos-i stamp

pot earthenware,pot

pov poor,poverty
pov-o rich
pov-o-e fortune,wealth
pre prepare
pre-d prepared,ready

pri cost,price
pri-a dear,expensive
pri-do rent
pri-ite fare
pri-l premium
pri-pos postage
pri-s cost
pri-u cheap
pri-u-v bargain
pri-v quote,-ation

pro promise
pro-a threaten
pro-e oath,pledge

pru prove
pru-ok verify

pu guess (U.S.A.),think,thought
pu-e wonder
pu-v consider
pu-v-e deliberate
pu-v-no contemplate

pul powder
pul-a dust
pul-ble flour
pul-g sand
pul-sto cement

pur clean
pur-fi sweep
pur-i wash
pur-i-e{-m} bath,-e
pur-i-m soap
pur-im-olm sponge
pur-i-p lavatory
pur-o dirty,soil
pur-o-c garbage
pur-u pure

q do(questioning),question,query
qa how
qa-e however

qar four,4

q(i)d what
q(i)d-e whatever,whatsoever

qe when
qe-e whenever

qi who,-m
qi-e whoever
qi-v whose

qo where
qo-a whither
qo-d whence
qo-e wherever
qo-v whereabouts

qu that(rel.),which

qy why

r shall,will

ra labour,work
ra-e industry
ra-f employ
ra-l operate
ra-lot task
ra-t job
ra-v occupation
ra-vu calling,vocation
ra-x rest
ra-x-a idle,lazy
ra-x-u holiday,leisure,vacation

rad root
rad-i radical

rag anger,rage,temper
rag-e fury
rag-i indignation
rag-u tease

rap fast,quick,rapid,speed
rap-a rush
rap-e express
rap-i expedite,haste,hurry
rap-o slow
rap-u prompt

re again,repeat
re-du resume
re-ef drill,exercise,practice
re-id-y representation
re-nol review,revise
re-nov renew
re-nov-u{-m} refreshment
re-vot quote,-ation

reg control,direct,govern,handle,rule
reg-dem parliament
reg-e government
reg-e-r minister
reg-e-r-c cabinet
reg-ek-r bishop
reg-i conduct
reg-l economic,-s
reg-nob senate
reg-ov superintend,supervise
reg-ri edit
reg-ri-l editorial
reg-ry-g-r housekeeper
reg-s submit,yield
reg-t manage
reg-u democracy

rek direct,straight
rek-n indirect
rek-y-m ruler

rel religion
rel-am Christianity

ren meet,-ing
ren-e assembly,meeting
ren-e-e congress
rep reptile

rev revolve,rotate
rev-e revolution
rev-i roll
rev-u dance

rex king,monarch
rex-i royal
rex-s queen
rex-t prince

ri write
ri-a scribble
ri-are map
ri-bod text
ri-ce receipt
ri-cer endorce
ri-di-e affidavit
ri-e shorthand
ri-el telegram
ri-e-r stenographer
ri-g pen
ri-in correspondence
ri-l secretary
ri-lek essay
ri-mek type,-write
ri-mem memorandum
ri-nam signature
ri-pa subscribe
ri-po postscript
ri-r writer
ri-s read
ri-st clerk
ri-u literary
ri-u-c literature
ri-v print
ri-ze{-m} dispatch

rit rhythm
rit-e swing
rit-l jazz

ro list,schedule
ro-a-x questionnaire
ro-de calendar
ro-e catalogue,inventory
ro-f enrol
ro-l record,register
ro-l-bil book-keeping,accounts
ro-num score
ro-pri tariff
ro-te time-table
ro-v invoice
ro-we programme

ron (a)round,rotund
ron-g ball
ron-g-e globe
ron-l egg

ru remain,rest,stay,stop
ru-e abide
ru-f leave
ru-f-ga{-p} desert

rub friction,rub
rub-a scratch
rub-e grind
rub-eis{-m} skate
rub-gla slide
rub-kut shave
rub-t slip
rub-u stroke

rud red
rud-e scarlet
rud-t pink

ruk crease,ruck,-le,wrinkle
ruk-o furrow,groove
ruk-o-e valley
ruk-o-flu channel
ruk-o-ter ditch

rup break
rup-e burst
rup-e-e explode
rup-i fraction
rup-in interrupt
rup-pa bankrupt
rup-ste-m bomb
rup-sud snap
rup-t crack,split
rup-tir rip

ry building,establishment
ry-ac-o shop,stores
ry-ame temple
ry-at hut,shed
ry-aut court
ry-bib inn
ry-bib-u dairy
ry-ble barn
ry-bu library
ry-du institute
ry-ef-ki gymnasium
ry-f build
ry-fot-e cinema
ry-g house
ry-gar warehouse
ry-ge-g club
ry-g-pla flat
ry-g-rel university
ry-g-rel-st professor
ry-g-t cottage
ry-ho tower
ry-l bank
ry-lau palace
ry-lib-o gaol,jail,prison
ry-ma factory
ry-pap-t booking-office
ry-pos post-office
ry-pur-i laundry
ry-ra works
ry-rub-e mill
ry-ru-e abode
ry-san hospital
ry-sho museum
ry-stu academy
ry-r bureau,office
ry-tes laboratory
ry-u school
ry-u-e college
ry-u-jun kindergarten
ry-var barrack,-s
ry-vik-reg-e embassy
ry-vik-reg-e-t legation

s he,him
s-i his

sa know,-ledge
sa-d-e well-known
sa-d-o unknown
sa-d-y acquaint,introduce
sa-e familiar
sa-i intuition
sa-v apprehend,comprehend,understand
sa-a misunderstand
sa-x ignorance

saf safe,secure
saf-o dangerous,peril
saf-o-t compromise
saf-u rescue,save
saf-u-v salvage
saf-y assure,insure

sak holy,sacred

sal jump,leap,spring
sal-i elastic
sal-i-l spring(metal)
sal-o plunge
sal-t hop

san health
san-i wholesome
san-k sanitary
san-o ill,sicl
san-o-t affection
san-st doctor,physician
san-st-l surgeon
san-st-s patient
san-u fit,sound

sau condiment,sauce
sau-gel mustard

se week
se-dos fortnight
sed sit
sed-e session
sed-reg preside
sed-reg-r chairman,president
sed-l chair
sed-m seat
sed-s lap
sed-y set

sek course,follow,sequence
sek-a chase,pursue
sek-e course,serial,series
sek-fa campaign
sek-i{-e} process,-ion
sek-ind trace
sek-ind-e track,trail
sek-k subsequent
sek-l course(race, etc.)
sek-o precede
sek-o-l precedent
sek-s lead

sem seed

sen feel,sense,-ibility
sen-a disgust
sen-e sensation
sen-i mood
sen-id sympathy
sen-jus conscience
sen-k aware,conscious,sensible
sen-o unconscious
sen-o-t faint
sen-u confort,ease
sen-u-e luxury
sen-u-f console
sen-u-n uncomfortable,uneasy

sep seven,7

ser look(for),search(for),seek
ser-a hunt
ser-e research
ser-i search
ser-o avoid
ser-o-b-n inevitable
ser-sa investigate
ser-u court

sev divide
sev-i department
sev-i-pla storey
sev-o multiply
sev-s dividend
sev-ut analyse

sh her,she
sh-i her(s)

sha sharp
sha-v keen

sho demonstrate,exhibit,show
sho-a expose
sho-e parade,display
sho-fa stunt
sho-fo present
sho-l express,-ion

shu shoot
shu-g artillery
shu-m gun

sig mean,-ing,sense,signify,-icance
sig-l code
sig-o nonsense
sig-y imply
sig-y-s deduce,infer

sil silk
sil-i velvet
sil-ruk crepe
sil-u satin

sip simple
sip-o complex

sis sister
sis-i cousin

sit position,situation
sit-erk attitude
sit-l appoint,-ment
sit-u rank

sla blow,hit,strike
sla-e beat,thrash
sla-ped kick
sla-pla-m bat
sla-sha punch
sla-t knock

so so,such
so-nam so-called
so-v so,thus

sok social,society
sok-y civilise

sol alone,only,single,sole
sol-a desolate,lonely
sol-e isolation,solitary
sol-i solo
sol-t mere,-ly

son sound
son-a noise
son-a-e row
son-e loud
son-i letter,spell
son-i-c alphabet
son-i-num algebra
son-i-ri-v type(print)
son-kos-o thunder
son-l tone
son-met ring
son-o silence
son-sud crack
son-ven whistle

spa space,volume

spe speak,speech,talk
spe-e-a rave
spe-g conversation
spe-m tongue
spe-od pronounce
spe-ren greet
spe-sak-a swear
spe-t whisper
spe-v address
spe-x dumb
spe-za chat

spi breath,-e

sq square

sta stand
sta-f establish,set up
sta-f-du institution
sta-k standard
sta-p station
sta-x lay,lie

ste compass,extend,range,scope
ste-e expand,swell
ste-e-gas-m carburettor
ste-g spread
ste-v stretch
ste-x contract,shrink

sti condition,stipulation
sti-s subject

sto stone
sto-art marble
sto-bri-e diamond
sto-e rock
sto-id-y statue
sto-orn jade
sto-pul concrete
sto-u jewel
sto-u-e gem

stu learn,study
stu-e education
stu-l train
stu-l-reg discipline
stu-m lesson
stu-r scholar,student
stu-s instruct,teach
stu-su{-r} coach
stu-u learn(by heart)

su better,improve
su-e best
su-g medicine
su-g-a drug
su-v advantage
su-v-o disadvantage
su-x worse
su-x-e worst

sub substance

sud sudden
sud-o deliberate

suk succeed,success
suk-du prosper
suk-i beat,overcome,victory,win
suk-i-e conquer
suk-i-u triumph
suk-o fail,reverse
suk-o-v defeat

sup exceed,excess,surplus
sup-ac lumber
sup-o short,-age
sup-o-a defect
sup-u excel,-lent,great,transcend

sur surface
sur-a superficial
sur-up platform

sut maintain,support,sustain
sut-a suffer
sut-a-b-n insupportable,intolerable,unbearable
sut-i bear,endure,undergo
sut-i-u patient,-ce
sut-i-u-n impatient
sut-kru bridge
sut-li float(liquid)
sut-ly-m column
sut-s lean
sut-t tolerate
sy science
sy-ag agriculture
sy-av aviation
sy-dem politics
sy-kem chemistry
sy-mek mechanics
sy-men psychology
sy-mes geometry
sy-num arithmetic
sy-pa-m-i finance
sy-sa philosophy
sy-ter geography
sy-to mathematics

t it
t-i its

ta late
ta-de dusk
ta-v delay
ta-x early
ta-x-de dawn

tab table
tab-af counter
tab-ri desk
tab-t tablet

tat condition,state
tat-alk drunk
tat-e morale
tat-i circumstance
tat-l tone

te time(point of)
te-m clock
te-m-t watch
te-t moment

teg cover
teg-ca ceiling
teg-e shell
teg-i skin
teg-i-e leather
teg-i-son drum
teg-le envelope
teg-m cover,lid
teg-mo bare
teg-o discover
teg-ov-o lining
teg-pad quilt
teg-pli wrap
teg-ry roof
teg-t patch
teg-u tile
teg-wo blanket

ten grasp,hold
ten-a seize
ten-dos braces
ten-e grip
ten-jur apprehend,arrest
ten-l catch
ten-m handle
ten-o resign
ten-o-ga abandon
ten-u embrace
ten-u-e hug

ter earth,land
ter-g earth,soil
ter-ky pasture
ter-l country,land,state
ter-l-e continent
ter-l-rex kingdom
ter-o sea
ter-o-e ocean
ter-o-r seaman,sailor
ter-sol isle,-and
ter-t territory
ter-vu landscape

tes experiment,test
tes-jur trial
tes-k tenttive
tes-ok check
tes-rol-bil audit
tes-s experience

tin colour
tin-y paint
tir draw,pull
tir-a tear
tir-ba retire,withdraw
tir-e haul
tir-e-a drag
tir-i absorb,suck
tir-i-x abstract
tir-i-urg pump
tir-l draught
tir-o push
tir-o-i dig
tir-o-v press
tir-ov-a crush,oppress
tir-ov-e stamp
tir-ov-i impress
tir-ov-i-s seal
tir-pen trail
tir-u appeal,attract

to amount,qnautity
to-deb debit
to-e ample,deal,lot,plenty
to-e-e mass
to-g average,human
to-t spot,trifle
to-t-a blot
to-u adequate,enough,sufficient
to-v proportion,rate
to-v-i ration

top top
top-o base,bottom
top-o-e basis,foundation
top-o-ek fundamental
top-o-ry basement
top-t tip

tra transfer,transport
tra-l translate,interpret
tra-v convey
tra-ze transmit

tri three,3

tru through
tru-a puncture
tru-e thorough
tru-f bore
tru-g throughout
tru-p passage
tru-s plug
tru-sel sparking plug

try attempt,endeavour,try
try-a strain
try-e strenuous
try-v effort

tu touch
tu-c bunch,bundle
tu-e contact
tu-em tickle
tu-l kiss
tu-n miss
tu-pin prick

tub pipe,tube
tub-e main
tub-fir-o hose
tub-o pipe(smoker's)

tuf tough
tuf-o{-u} delicate

tur turn
tur-a upset
tur-bor-i hem
tur-e wind
tur-fi-v bow(knot)
tur-fix-m nut
tur-lat-i divert

ty ten,10

u a,an,one
u-v first
u-v-e prime
u-v-i at first
u-v-o last,latter
u-v-o-e ultimate
u-v-o-v at last
ub favour,-able,well
ub-e fine,smart
ub-l decent
ub-t fair

ud many,numerous

ue being

ui musical instrument
ui-bos wood-wind
ui-fi reed
ui-g piano-forte
ui-l stringed instrument
ui-l-g violin
ui-v wind instrument
ui-v-u organ

uk deal,transact,undertake
uk-aut administer
uk-e enterprise
uk-ga execute
uk-haz venture
uk-i perform
uk-ot negotiate
uk-r contractor
uk-t commission

# ul looks like it analyses as u-l, but is treated as a radical.

ul any,some
ul-r anyone,-body,someone,-body
ul-p anywhere,somewhere
ul-z sometime,-s

um[ul om] anything,something

un negative
un-o positive

uo[u ot] another

up up
up-k upper
up-o down
ur return,revert
ur-don-o revenge
ur-i{-pu} reflect
ur-i-pel-g looking-glass,mirror
ur-y restore
ur-y-bi revive

urb town,urban
urb-aq port
urb-e city
urb-k civic
urb-ka capital
urb-ka-r mayor
urb-o country,rural
urb-o-r peasant
urb-r citizen
urb-t village

urg drive,urge
urg-e sweep
urg-i impel,-ulse
urg-l urgent
urg-spi cough

us use,utilise
us-a abuse
us-b available
us-e{-p} resort
us-i occupy,employ
us-i-v engage
us-n spare
us-pa hire
us-s serve,useful

ut item,unit
ut-av wing
ut-bi heart
ut-bod limb,member
ut-bu page
ut-dok clause
ut-e subject,topic
ut-fa factor
ut-i matter
ut-id-i sample,specimen
ut-l feature,point
ut-mas constituent
ut-men faculty
ut-muz note
ut-nar chapter
ut-poe verse
ut-r individual
ut-re theme
ut-ri paragraph
ut-ry brick
ut-sek-l lap
ut-shu-g battery
ut-t detail
ut-va battle

uz[u oz] once

v you
v-i your,-s

va war
va-m arm,-s
va-m-du-x armistice
va-m-e munitions
va-r soldier
va-r-c army
va-v military
va-v-o civil
va-x peace

vag deviate,wander
vag-a astray
vag-t ramble

val value,worth
val-e precious,valuable
val-n unqorthy
val-o-c rubbish
val-u treasure

van disappear,vanish
van-l dissolve,solve,solution
van-o appear
van-t fade

ve car,vehicle
ve-a cart
ve-ak tank(war)
ve-ber carriage
ve-e coach
ve-ig bus
ve-l automodile,motor-car
ve-l-pa taxi
ve-l-r chauffeur
ve-ped bicycle
ve-ped-e motor-bicycle
ve-pes truck
ve-pes-e waggon

veg vegetable
veg-l potato

ven blow,wind
ven-e-a blizzard

ver green
ver-g grass
ver-g-l hay
ver-g-u lawn

ves (to)dress,garment
ves-aut uniform
ves-c suit
ves-dor pyjamas
ves-fix-o blouse
ves-fo apron
ves-g skirt
ves-g-ov-o petticoat
ves-i dress(fem.)
ves-kol scarf
ves-l costume
ves-leg trousers
ves-lud-e sweater
ves-ov cape
ves-ov-o underwear
ves-ov-o-g shirt
ves-pen gown
ves-st tailor
ves-teg-i vest
ves-z clothes

via road,route,way
via-bi career
via-e highway
via-l street
via-met railway,road
via-t path
via-t-l causeway,pavement
via-tru corridor
via-u avenue

vib oscillate,shake,vibrate
vib-a shock
vib-e rock
vib-l wave,-s
vib-mau chatter
vib-o steady

vig hard,strong,vigour
vig-e-e might
vig-o weak
vig-o-a exhaust
vig-o-e feeble
vig-o-t faint
vig-o-v fatigue,tired,weary

vik instead,substitute
vik-r agent
vik-u{-r} represent,-ative

vis force,power
vis-i energy
vis-o helpless

viz face
viz-e countenance

vie[via-met] rail,-way

vo will,-ing
vo-e determine
vo-l voluntary
vo-n unwillingness
vo-s shall
vo-x decline,refuse

vok cry,voice
vok-e shout,yell
vok-e-a howl
vok-e-u cheer
vok-ge chorus
vok-i call
vok-i-e hail
vok-i-ur recall
vok-k vocal

vot choose,pick,select
vot-b eligible
vot-e vote(for)
vot-e-s elect
vot-i prefer,rather
vot-l ballot
vot-s-r candidate
vot-u favourite

vu see,sight,vision
vu-ax interview
vu-b visible
vu-e behold
vu-fo prospect
vu-g survey
vu-men perceive
vu-p view
vu-pru witness
vu-s appear,aspect,look,seem
vu-s{-p} scene,view
vu-sa recognise
vu-se evident,obvious
vu-sit standpoint
vu-s-k apparent
vu-t glimpse
vu-x blind

vy advise,-ce
vy-a warn
vy-c council
vy-e counsel
vy-l prescribe
vy-s consult
vy-st counsel
vy-u (re)commend

w us,we
wi our,-s

x if,whether
x-i whether

y was,were

we aim,intend,object,mean,purpose
we-e propose
we-l scheme
we-s-m target
we-u system
we-v-e manoevre
we-v{-m} design,plan,project

wo wool

wy white
wy-g snow
wy-in-e grey
wy-v pale
wy-x black

ye yes
ye-v consent

z as,then
z-i because,inasmuch(as),through
z-i-v whereas

za dear,endearment,intimate
za-e darling

ze dispatch,send
ze-d-r envoy
ze-d-r-e ambassador
ze-e radio,wireless
ze-b broadcast,radiate
ze-g-he-m radiator
ze-ind consign,-ment
ze-i-x export
ze-l remit
ze-nav shipment
ze-s bring,fetch,reduce
ze-s-i import
ze-vik{-r} delegate
ze-we mission

yp could
yp-i might

yr should,would

zev[ze-nav] shipment

z-i because

zo animal
zo-a brute
zo-e beast,bull,ox
zo-e-c cattle
zo-e-s cow
zo-e-t calf
zo-e-v beef
zo-f{-id} dog
zo-g pig
zo-g-i pork
zo-g-i-u ham
zo-gro-p ranch
zo-har goat
zo-ra horse
zo-ra-a ass,donkey
zo-wo sheep
zo-wo-v mutton
zo-v rodent
zo-v-g mouse
zo-v-rap hare
zo-v-rap-t rabbit
zo-za cat
zo-za-t kitten

# zu is listed in TYDS, but is not in either half of the Dictionary.

zu condition

zy disease
zy-gro cancer

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