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ORNAMENTS. The letters (A) etc. in the text refer to the corresponding letters on this page, which indicate the proper rendering in each case. The plain shake,* Shake with turn, with lower prefix, with lower prefix and turn, a“ a “wn Ow om A Commencing with the with upper prefix, with upper prefix main note_when pre. or by a note one and turn, ceded by a break, degree above the main note, ome Cob a on on the first note ‘The Schneller, sometimes or by a leap, ona tied note, of a melody. called Upper Mordent. nee ~ w a” The Prall-triller,indicated by the same sign us the Schneller; the context must decide which Mordent in an is intended: The Mordent Prolonged Mordent, Tied Mordent inner part. ay ” oo” a N The Turn Combined Schneller Combined acciaccatura The Nachschlag. over anote, between two notes, and turn, ané arpeggio. (After-beat ) x. U % The number of repercussions in shakes is not limited to those in the above examples, but may be increased at discretion. ‘Augener's Edition sa528

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