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1. Differentiate the text and the Non-text.

Text is content of any passages read and written by language people produce to
covers of writing form.
Public articles
Public lecture, etc

Non-text is language people produce what they say and listen to, in the course of
daily life. It covers of speaking, and it may be language in action.
Telephone talk

2. Elaborate the meaning of Context.

Context is the part of the text contains background, environment, setting, framework
or surroundings of events or occurrences.
(The circumstances forming a background of an event, idea, or statement).
Example :

Lorged of the Flies (by William Golding)

While stranded on a deserted island, a group of boys believe there is a dangerous creature
lurking in the underbrush; Simon is the first to identify this menace, suggesting to the boys
that maybe, he said hesitantly, maybe there is a beast.

This excerpt provides an excellent example of context, as it narrates an incident involving a

group of young men on a deserted island. Context describes why they were afraid, giving a
clear picture of the situation and setting.

3. Example of Cohesion and Coherence in a text

Example of a Coherent text that is not Cohesive:
Summer was over. The boy went to school. The building: Peter had a very liked it.
At the other class members became easy targets of the law makers sons gun.
At 8:15 the massacre began. Seven children would not go home. The last words of the
Juvenile perpetrator: I hate Mondays.

Example of a Cohesive text that is not coherent:

You may not fully understand the reason underlying the incident. So let me try to
explain. Namely, it may help your understanding to know that Peter had not been
happy about the oranges after all.
Nor was the other Peter ever again able to fly after the aforementioned fruity
explanation. Then, weeks later, he realized that it was because my fruits and wings

rationale is lacking in substance. If that is all, you may find it hard to get the point of
what Im driving at.
Nevertheless, I think it was worth trying to explain.

So, we find out that:

Is the glue that sticks a sentence to another in a paragraph or a paragraph to another
in a text.

Means that the text is easy to read and understand because the text follows a certain
kind of logical order and the organization of ideas is systematical and logical.


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