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1st Sessional (September-2017) BBA 3rd year, Semester Vth
Subject Name : Cyber security Subject Code:BBAN-506 1st Sessional (September-2017)
Time: 3 hours M.Marks:80 Subject Name : Cyber security Subject Code: BBAN-506
General instruction: 1: Q1(Section-A) is compulsory. Time: 3 hours M.Marks:80
2: Attempt any four questions from Section- B General instruction: 1: Q1(Section-A) is compulsory.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: Attempt any four questions from Section- B
Section- A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Q1. 1explain the meaning of the following: ( 4*4=16Marks) Section- A
(a) Information society Q1. 1explain the meaning of the following: ( 4*4=16Marks)
(b) Knowledge society (a) Information society
(c) Cyber Security (b) Knowledge society
(d) Environment of cyber space (c) Cyber Security
Section- B (d) Environment of cyber space
Q2 (a) Write a short note on aim and origin of information society. Also Section- B
define the characteristics of information society (8Marks) Q2 (a) Write a short note on aim and origin of information society. Also
Q2 (b)What are the advantage and disadvantage of cyber security. (8Marks) define the characteristics of information society (8Marks)
Q2 (b)What are the advantage and disadvantage of cyber security. (8Marks)
Q.3write a short note on the following (8*2=16 Marks)
Q.3write a short note on the following (8*2=16 Marks)
a)Global Information Infrastructure.
b)Internet as a global infrastructure a)Global Information Infrastructure.
b)Internet as a global infrastructure
Q.4(a) clarify the concept of knowledge society and explain in brief its
main characteristics. (8Marks) Q.4(a) clarify the concept of knowledge society and explain in brief its
main characteristics. (8Marks)
Q4(b) Define the digital Economy ?what are the basic characteristics and
components of the digital Economy. (8Marks) Q4(b) Define the digital Economy ?what are the basic characteristics and
components of the digital Economy. (8Marks)
.Q5(a) Write a short note on challenges and threats of digital economy. (8Marks)
.Q5(a) Write a short note on challenges and threats of digital economy. (8Marks)
Q.5(b)Define cyber terrorism. Describe the factors contributing to the
existence of cyber terrorism. (8Marks) Q5(b)Define cyber terrorism. Describe the factors contributing to the
existence of cyber terrorism. (8Marks)
Q.6 How the terrorists misuse the information technology for their cyber
terrorism acts? Also bring out some economic consequences of cyber terrorism. Q.6 How the terrorists misuse the information technology for their cyber
(16 Marks) terrorism acts? Also bring out some economic consequences of cyber terrorism.
(16 Marks)

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