Crazy Life Crazy Thought

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ë| I obey one God; I don·t want to make gods for me.
ë| I love to act different because everyman has the right to live.
ë| —y faults is my ladder.
ë| clways think and act fairly, it may be inverse, but you will remember for
ë| I don·t know what love is, but I have respect, care for my beloved.
ë| If you fall in love, you must have respect for your beloved throughout your
ë| I controlled all things in my life, but cannot control feelings of love.
ë| @ne·s can control tongue, facial but cannot his/her eyes expressions.
ë| Oyes are the index of heart and mind.
ë| 2he real joy in the world is to give happiness to other.
ë| 2he silent people are real genius every where they would be creative.
ë| In tense situation your best friend would be useless for you.
ë| —y standard for male is me, for female is my sister.
ë| àomplex situation needs simplest thinking.
ë| 2he most difficult thing in life is taking decision.
ë| m  fairness is impossible in decision making.
ë| Interesting fact, Superior people think inferior, while inferior people think
ë| I don·t know who is superior and who is inferior, but I think the superior
thinking people are the superior people.
ë| 2he broad plan must be in your mind, your subordinates must know only it
small part.
ë|  on·t involve ladies in your decision, coz 99 is naturally emotional and
decision doesn·t need emotion.
ë| If emotion was a positive component of decision, Pakistan could be the top
ë| Ôadies cannot do management without at home, otherwise all the system will
be collapsed

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ë| 2he country in which you are living is the driving force which directs you in
purposeful manner.
ë| If you are doing for your country, you are asset, if not then useless.
ë| 2he important the objectives, the secret would be the plan.
ë| If you are a lair, you are defining yourself that I am a toy to play with.
ë| ou must be a different person if not then you have no right to live.
ë| üho says back benchers are kings, I was back bencher and I always bypass
the front ones.
ë| If people criticize you or surprise because of your intention, you have a
creative mind.
ë| If you getting tension for long hours, you have responsible manner.
ë| Ôife is not measure in years or days; it is measure through your
ë| I was thinking that nothing is impossible in the world, in age of 25; I am
thinking that I was a liar.
ë| Ôisten every one, mostly people which criticize you, they are the real
contributor to your decision.
ë| ühen you designed the plan, then think negatively, it will complete your
ë| In organizational perspective, the Human Resource —anager is the main
contributor to your organization, he must be your loyal person otherwise you
will not find the real fault.
ë| Hard work, determination, IQ play important role in your success while fate
play most important role in previous three.
ë| If you are following other, you are denying your existence
ë| Ausiness is not a life, it is a part of life
ë| üar is easier than love, in war you would win or die but in love you couldn·t
live nor die
ë| 2o win a war need mind and heart while in love both will inverse to each
ë| In war you would win if your position is not disclosed, while in love you will
be defeated when your position would not clear

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