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Under consideration for publication in J.

Functional Programming 1

Composing Fractals

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
OGI School of Science & Engineering at OHSU
20000 NW Walker Road, Beaverton, OR 97006, USA


This paper describes a simple but flexible family of Haskell programs for drawing pictures
of fractals such as Mandelbrot and Julia sets. Its main goal is to showcase the elegance of
a compositional approach to program construction, and the benefits of a clean separation
between different aspects of program behavior. Aimed at readers with relatively little
experience of functional programming, the paper can be used as a tutorial on functional
programming, as an overview of the Mandelbrot set, or as a motivating example for studies
in computability.

1 Introduction

The Mandelbrot set is probably one of the best known examples of a fractal. From
a mathematical perspective, its definition seems elementary and straightforward.
But attempts to visualize itincluding those of Benoit Mandelbrot who, in the
late-1970s (Mandelbrot, 1975; Mandelbrot, 1988), was the first to apply computer
imaging to the taskreveal an amazingly intricate and attractive structure.

This paper describes some simple but flexible programs, written in Haskell (Peyton
Jones, 2003), that generate pictures of the Mandelbrot set. Thanks to their elegant,
compositional construction, we will see that different aspects of behavior are cleanly
separated as independent concerns. For example, the picture in Figure 1 shows one
view of the Mandelbrot set produced by the program in this paper, using nothing
more than standard characters on a printed page to produce a pleasing image. With
a few minor changes, the same basic program can be used to explore a different
portion of the Mandelbrot set, to visualize a different type of fractal, or to render
the resulting image using colored pixels on a graphical display.

Another interesting observation about the programs in this paper is that there are
no recursive definitions of any kind. Instead, the code uses higher-order functions
from the standard Haskell prelude to capture common patterns of computation,
particularly in the case of list processing. This property was noticed only after all
2 M. P. Jones

Fig. 1. A picture of the Mandelbrot Set

of the code had been written, and was never an explicit design goal. As such, it
highlights the role that higher-order functions play in supporting a natural, high-
level, and compositional approach to program construction.

In the interests of brevity, some familiarity with Haskell is assumed; newcomers

may find it helpful to read this paper in conjunction with one of the available
introductory textbooks (Bird, 1998; Thompson, 1999; Hudak, 2000).

2 What is the Mandelbrot Set?

At the simplest level, the Mandelbrot set is just a collection of points, each of which
is a pair of floating point numbers.
type Point = (Float, Float)
There are two steps in the procedure for determining whether a given point p is a
member of the Mandelbrot set (or not). In the first step, we use the coordinates of
p to construct a sequence of points, mandelbrot p. In the second step, we examine
the points in this sequence and, if they are all fairly close to the origin, then we
conclude that p is a member of the Mandelbrot set. But if the points get further
Composing Fractals 3

and further from the origin, then we can be sure that p is not a member of the
Mandelbrot set. (The technical details will be made more precise later in the paper.)

The following functionwhose simple definition stands in striking contrast to the

complexity of our fractal imagesis the key to the whole process:1
next :: Point Point Point
next (u, v ) (x , y) = (x x y y + u, 2 x y + v )
If we pick a point p and another point z , then we can apply next p repeatedly to
z to generate the following infinite sequence:
[z , next p z , next p (next p z ), next p (next p (next p z )), . . .
Building such sequences is a perfect application for the iterate function in the
Haskell standard prelude, which relies on lazy evaluation to allow the construction
of infinite lists. For the Mandelbrot set, we pick z to be the origin, (0, 0), and we
construct the sequence corresponding to a point p using the following definition:
mandelbrot :: Point [Point]
mandelbrot p = iterate (next p) (0, 0)
For example, if we pick p as the origin, then all of the points are the same:
mandelbrot (0, 0)
= [(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0), . . .
If we start with larger coordinate values, then the numbers can grow rapidly:
mandelbrot (0.5, 0)
= [(0.5, 0), (0.75, 0), (1.0625, 0), (1.62891, 0), (3.15334, 0), . . .
There are also cases where the trend is not so clear. For example, at first glance,
the first coordinates in the following sequence seem to be increasing slowly, but
steadily, at each step:
mandelbrot (0.1, 0)
= [(0.1, 0), (0.11, 0), (0.1121, 0), (0.112566, 0), (0.112671, 0), . . .
However, if we look further down the sequence, for example, at the 100th point,
which is (0.112702, 0.0), then we see that it is still quite close to the initial points.
And, if we look even further, at the 200th point, then we see that the value is un-
changed at (0.112702, 0.0). Wary of the problems that can be caused by rounding
and truncation, the wise reader will always approach examples involving floating
point calculations with great care. However, in this case, a quick calculation con-
firms that (0.112702 0.112702) + 0.1 = 0.112702, at least to the accuracy shown.
It now follows that all elements in mandelbrot (0.1, 0) from the 100th onwards (and
possibly some before) are in fact equal. (Switching from Float to a double precision

1 Readers with a mathematical background may prefer to think of the Mandelbrot set as a set of
complex numbers, with values z = x + iy corresponding to the points (x , y) used here. In that
setting, the next function has an even simpler definition as next p z = z 2 + p, where p = u + iv .
4 M. P. Jones

floating point number type like Double will not prevent these problems, although it
would delay their appearance.) From these calculations, we can deduce that (0, 0)
and (0.1, 0) are members of the Mandelbrot set, while (0.5, 0) is not.

3 The Need for Approximation

Our next task is to code up the test on mandelbrot p sequences so that we can
determine whether the corresponding points p are members of the Mandelbrot set.
For reasons that we describe below, it is technically impossible to write a program to
carry out the necessary tests with complete accuracy. Fortunately, for the purposes
of visualization, we do not need complete accuracy; a reasonable approximation will
do. In fact, if our main objective is to produce attractive images, then there are
significant advantages in using approximations because of the way that they allow
us to use a range of different characters or colors in the pictures that we produce.

First, we need to be more precise about what is meant by saying that a point (u, v )
is fairly close to the origin. In fact, we will say that this holds if, and only if, the
point is within a distance of 10 from the origin. (The choice of the constant 10 here
is somewhat arbitrary; different values will have an effect on the coloring of our
images, but not ontheir basic form.) Using Pythagoras theorem, this is equivalent
to requiring that u 2 + v 2 < 10. Squaring both sides to avoid the square root, we
can capture this condition in the definition of a predicate:

fairlyClose :: Point Bool

fairlyClose (u, v ) = (u u + v v ) < 100
Now we can return to the task of deciding whether a given point p is a member
of the Mandelbrot set. To do this, we need to check that all of the points in the
corresponding sequence are close to the origin. The test can be expressed very
succinctly in Haskell using the prelude function all :

inMandelbrotSet :: Point Bool

inMandelbrotSet p = all fairlyClose (mandelbrot p)
This function checks each element of the sequence mandelbrot p in turn. If it en-
counters a point that does not satisfy the fairlyClose predicate, then it terminates
with result False, and we can conclude that p is not a member of the Mandelbrot
set. However, this computation could be quite expensive: we might have to look at
many different values from the sequence before finding one for which the test fails.
Worse still, until we have found such a point, we cannot be sure that our program
will ever find one. Perhaps the very next point will be the one that we are looking
for? Or perhaps, as yet unknown to the program, p is actually a member of the
Mandelbrot set, and we will never find a point for which the test fails. Instead of
returning a definite True or False, the inMandelbrotSet function will either return
False, possibly after a long delay, or it will go into an infinite loop. What we have
Composing Fractals 5

observed here, informally, is that our simple test for determining membership in
the Mandelbrot set is not, in more formal terminology, a computable function.

One way to sidestep this problem is to restrict attention to some fixed number of
points at the beginning of each mandelbrot p sequence; if all of those points are
close to the origin, then chances are good that p is a member of the Mandelbrot
set (or at least close to it). We can capture this idea with a simple modification of
inMandelbrotSet, using take to select just the first n elements in each sequence:

approxTest :: Int Point Bool

approxTest n p = all fairlyClose (take n (mandelbrot p))

Of course, in some cases, approxTest will give a wrong answer. If the first n points
are all close to the origin, then approxTest will return True, even if the very next
point would have caused the test to fail. But, by increasing the value of n, we can
make the test as accurate as we like and still be sure that the test will always
produce either a True or False result after a limited amount of computation.

For the purposes of drawing a picture, a simple Boolean result gives only one
bit of information for each point p that is being considered as a candidate for
membership in the Mandelbrot set. With the rich palette of colors or characters
that are available on typical output devices, it seems a shame to restrict ourselves
to monochrome images! With that in mind, and to avoid prematurely committing
the code to a particular output method, let us suppose that we have a non-empty,
finite list, palette, that contains values representing each of the different colors
that we might like to use in our fractal images. Instead of trying to determine
whether all of the points in a sequence are fairlyClose to the origin, we will only
count how many initial points meet this criterion, up to a finite limit (the length
of the palette). If the first point in a sequence fails the test, then we will display
it using the first entry in the palette; if the test fails when it reaches the second
point, then we assign the second color from the palette; and so on. The following
definition of chooseColor shows how this process can be described using function
composition to build a simple pipeline (!! is the list indexing operator):

chooseColor :: [color ] [Point] color

chooseColor palette = (palette !!) . length . take n . takeWhile fairlyClose
where n = length palette 1

Notice that this definition is polymorphic: the identifier color appearing in the type
is a type variable, so it can be instantiated to different types in different settings. We
will benefit from this flexibility later by using palettes made from a list of characters
for images like the one in Figure 1, and palettes containing RGB color values for
images to be plotted using high-resolution graphics primitives.
6 M. P. Jones

4 From Points to Pictures

Now we turn our attention from individual points to the construction of complete
images. At a high level, and following Pan (Elliott, 2003), an image is just a mapping
that assigns a color value to each point:

type Image color = Point color

Note here again that color is a type variable, which allows us to accommodate
different types of drawing mechanisms and palettes. Indeed, the Mandelbrot set
can be thought of as a value of type Image Bool , mapping points that are in the set
to True and points outside it to False. This, of course, is precisely what we tried
to do with the inMandelbrotSet function in the last section.

To obtain a more colorful image, we can combine a fractal sequence generator (such
as mandelbrot) with a suitable palette using the chooseColor function:

fracImage :: (Point [Point]) [color ] Image color

fracImage fractal palette = chooseColor palette . fractal

This gives a function that specifies a color for every point value. On devices like a
monitor or printer, however, images are produced by specifying colors only for the
points on a bounded, evenly-spaced, rectangular grid of rows and columns. We will
represent grids like these as lists of lists:

type Grid a = [[a]]

For example, a picture with r rows and c columns can be described by a list of
length r , with one entry for each row, each of which is a list of length c. The values
in each position will depend on the kind of picture that we are trying to produce: for
example, they might be characters or pixel colors. In fact, it is also useful to work
with grids containing points and with grids containing sequences, which further
motivates the decision to make Grid a parameterized type.

Next we consider the task of constructing these grids. To start with, each of our
pictures covers a range of point values, which can be described by the coordinates
(xmin , ymin ) of the point at the bottom left corner, and the coordinates (xmax , ymax )
of the point at the top right. Of course, there are limits on the number of rows and
columns that we can display on the screen at any one time, so we cannot expect
to deal with all of the points in this region. Instead, we will choose an evenly
spaced grid of points that covers the range with the appropriate number of rows
and columns:
Composing Fractals 7

y 6 (xmax , ymax )
p p p p p p p p p p pq
p p p p p p p p p p p6
p p p p p p p p p p p
p p p p p p p p p p p r
p p p p p p p p p p p
p p p p p p p p p p p
qpp p p p p p p p p p?
(xmin , ymin ) c

Each grid is determined by four parameters: the number of columns c, the number of
rows r , the point (xmin , ymin ) at the bottom left corner, and the point (xmax , ymax )
at the top right. These can be modified to vary the detail in the final picture. For
example, the simple grid above has just 7 rows and 11 columns, while the picture
in Figure 1 has 37 rows and 79 columns. For a given choice of parameters, we can
describe the construction of an appropriate grid of points using a function:
grid :: Int Int Point Point Grid Point
grid c r (xmin , ymin ) (xmax , ymax )
= [[(x , y) | x for c xmin xmax ] | y for r ymin ymax ]
In constructing this grid, we need to pick c evenly spaced values for x in the range
xmin to xmax , and r evenly spaced values for y in the range ymin to ymax . These two
calculations are carried out in essentially the same way, so we define an auxiliary
function to take care of this:
for :: Int Float Float [Float]
for n min max = take n [min, min + delta ..]
where delta = (max min)/fromIntegral (n 1)
The only slight subtlety here is the use of fromIntegral to convert the integer (n 1)
so that it can be used in floating point arithmetic.

Given a grid point, we can sample the image at each position to obtain a corre-
sponding grid of colors that is ready for display. This sampling process is easy to
describe using nested calls to map to iterate over the list of lists in the input grid:
sample :: Grid Point Image color Grid color
sample points image = map (map image) points
We now have all of the pieces that we need to draw pictures of fractals. In each case,
we use a fractal function (such as mandelbrot) and a suitable palette to build an
image; we sample the image on a given grid of points; and we render the resulting
grid of colors. We can capture this pattern very easily with a higher-order function:
draw points fractal palette render
= render (sample points (fracImage fractal palette))

To a large degree, each of the parameters here can be varied independently of

8 M. P. Jones

the others. Of course, the type of colors that we include in our palette must be
compatible with the function that will be used to render the final image. This is
captured naturally by a shared type variable, color , in the type of draw :
draw :: Grid Point
(Point [Point])
[color ]
(Grid color image)
Note that draw is also polymorphic in the type of image produced (i.e., image
is a type variable, not a specific type). In specific applications, image might be
instantiated to a type of values representing images, or to the type of an IO action
that will draw the result, write it to a file, or perhaps even post it on the web!

4.1 Character-based Pictures of the Mandelbrot Set

It is possible to produce quite attractive pictures of the Mandelbrot set using only
simple character output. The first step is to define a palette of characters.
charPalette :: [Char ]
charPalette = ,.\"~:;o-!|?/<>X+={^O#%&@8*$
In choosing a value here for charPalette, we have made a modest attempt to select
characters in a rough progression from light (starting with several spaces) to dark.

Next, we must define the process for rendering a character image: we use unlines
to append newlines and concatenate the strings in each row of a Grid Char , and
then putStr to display the result:
charRender :: Grid Char IO ()
charRender = putStr . unlines
For example, we can generate Figure 1 using the following:
figure1 = draw points mandelbrot charPalette charRender
where points = grid 79 37 (2.25, 1.5) (0.75, 1.5)
From this starting point, interested readers can begin to explore the Mandelbrot
set on their own by varying parameters and generating new images. For example,
some images might be enhanced by the use of a different palette; the first two
parameters of grid could be changed to accommodate a different display or page
size; and the last two parameters of grid could be changed to focus more closely on
particular sections of the Mandelbrot set2 . We will not explore these possibilities

2 For example, the regions specified by each of the following pairs of points are worth
a closer look: ((1.15), 0.19) ((0.75), 0.39), ((0.19920), 1.01480) ((0.12954), 1.06707),
((0.95), 0.23333) ((0.88333), 0.3), and ((0.713), 0.49216) ((0.4082), 0.71429)!
Composing Fractals 9

further in this paper, and instead move on to show how different types of fractals,
and different methods of rendering can be accommodated by other simple changes.

4.2 Pictures of Julia Sets

Mandelbrots study of the set that now carries his name was prompted by work
that had been done much earlier (and without the aid of a computer) by the French
mathematician Gaston Julia (Julia, 1918). Indeed, Mandelbrots work revived an
interest in Julias work that had been somewhat overlooked, even though it had
been awarded the Grand Prix de lAcademie des Sciences at the time it was first
published. Today, Julias name is associated with a collection of fractals known as
Julia Sets, and, in this section, we will show how the framework presented in earlier
sections can be used to draw pictures of Julia Sets like the one shown in Figure 2.
In fact, Julia sets are constructed with the same basic machinery that we used to


Fig. 2. The Julia set for (0.32,0.043)

investigate the Mandelbrot set. However, instead of fixing the starting point of each
sequence that we produce to the origin and varying the first parameter to nextas
we did for the Mandelbrot Setwe construct sequences for Julia sets by fixing the
first parameter, and varying the starting point. This gives us a different way to
10 M. P. Jones

produce sequences from points, and hence to produce some new fractal images.
julia :: Point Point [Point]
julia c = iterate (next c)
For example, here is the code to produce the picture shown in Figure 2:
figure2 = draw points (julia (0.32, 0.043)) charPalette charRender
where points = grid 79 37 (1.5, 1.5) (1.5, 1.5)
Again, we encourage the interested reader to probe more deeply into the structure
of Julia sets by playing with different parameter settings. Of course, it is possible
to experiment as before with different palettes and with different parameters for
grid . For Julia Sets, however, there is an additional degree of freedom that can be
explored by varying the choice of point that is passed as the first parameter to julia.

4.3 Using Colors and High-resolution Graphics

Another way to render fractal images is to display them using high-resolution graph-
ics, with one colored pixel for each point in the input grid. We can modify our code
to draw images like this given only a few simple primitives: a palette of colors; a
way to create a canvas for drawing; and a way to set the color of individual pixels.
rgbPalette :: [RGB ]
graphicsWindow :: Int Int IO Window
setPixel :: Window Int Int RGB IO ()
It is easy to implement these functions using the facilities provided by the Hugs
graphics library (Reid, 2001). The types above reflect this heritage in their use of the
RGB type for colors and the Window type for a graphics window. Further details
of our implementation, however, are not particularly interesting and hence will not
be shown here. It should be quite simple to reimplement the same functionality
using other graphical toolkits or libraries.

With these pieces in hand, we can define a simple rendering function for grids of
RGB values. Apart from drawing the image, much of the following code has to do
with creating a window, waiting for the user to hit a key when they have seen the
result, and then closing the window:
rgbRender :: Grid RGB IO ()
rgbRender g = do w graphicsWindow (length (head g)) (length g)
sequence [setPixel w x y c | (row , y) zip g [0..],
(c, x ) zip row [0..]]
getKey w
closeWindow w
Graphical versions of the Mandelbrot and Julia Set images that we saw in previous
Figures are shown in Figure 3. Apart from the change of palette and renderer, these
Composing Fractals 11

Fig. 3. Graphical Displays of Mandelbrot and Julia Sets

images use the same parameters as in the original figures but with a finer resolution
grid of 240 by 160 pixels.

figure3left = draw points mandelbrot rgbPalette rgbRender

where points = grid 240 160 (2.25, 1.5) (0.75, 1.5)

figure3right = draw points (julia (0.32, 0.043)) rgbPalette rgbRender

where points = grid 240 160 (1.5, 1.5) (1.5, 1.5)

Once again, there are plenty of opportunities for an interested reader to experiment
with other choices of parameters!

5 Closing Thoughts

The programs described in this paper demonstrate how functional languages, like
Haskell, can support an appealing, high-level approach to program construction that
lets independent aspects of program behavior be expressed in independent sections
of program text. We have shown that the resulting code is easy to adapt and modify
so that it can be used in a variety of different settings. Of course, it is possible
to program in a compositional manner in other languages, but the style seems
particularly natural in a functional language, where features like polymorphism,
higher-order functions, laziness, and lightweight syntax can each contribute, quietly,
to elegant and flexible programming solutions.

Several authors have demonstrated the role that functional programming languages
can play in graphics, particularly in describing images like fractals that have a rich
mathematical structure (Henderson, 1982; Hudak, 2000; Elliott, 2003). For those
readers with an interest in learning more about the mathematics of fractalsor
even just in taking a look at many beautiful fractal imageswe recommend the
book by Peitgen and Richter (1988). There are, of course, several other books, and
numerous web sites with further information and images.
12 M. P. Jones


Thanks to Ralf Hinze, Levent Erkok, Melanie Jones, Philip Quitslund, Tom Harke,
and five anonymous referees whose comments helped to improve the content and
presentation in this paper.


Bird, R. (1998) Introduction to Functional Programming (2nd Edition). Prentice Hall

Elliott, C. (2003) Functional images. Gibbons, J. and de Moor, O. (eds), The Fun of
Programming. Palgrave Macmillan.
Henderson, P. (1982) Functional geometry. Proceedings of the 1982 ACM symposium on
LISP and functional programming pp. 179187.
Hudak, P. (2000) The Haskell School of Expression: Learning Functional Programming
through Multimedia. Cambridge University Press.
Julia, G. (1918) Memoire sur literation des fonctions rationnelles. Journal de Math. Pure
et Appl. 8:47245.
Mandelbrot, B. B. (1975) Les objets fractals: forme, hasard et dimension. Flammarion.
Mandelbrot, B. B. (1988) The Fractal Geometry of Nature. W.H. Freeman & Co.
Peitgen, H.-O. and Richter, P. H. (1988) The Beauty of Fractals: Images of Complex
Dynamical Systems. Springer Verlag.
Peyton Jones, S. (ed). (2003) Haskell 98 Language and Libraries: The Revised Report.
Cambridge University Press. See also
Reid, A. (2001) The Hugs Graphics Library (Version 2.0). available from
Thompson, S. (1999) Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming (2nd Edition).

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