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A decision Your principles A situation
Postpone or put off Follow or stick to Evaluate or assess
Reach or arrive at Go against o betray Explore or look into


Hypothetical past conditional (third conditional)
If + past perfect would/might/could +
If + past perfect continuous have + past participle

Para hablar sobre una situacin hipottica y el resultado en el pasado. La situacin no
puede ser cambiada
If Leon had known about the problem, he would have helped.
If you hadnt overslept, we wouldnt have been late
For a longer action use the past perfect continuous
If I hadnt been sitting there, we wouldnt have met.

Mixed conditional
If + past perfect would/might/could + infinitive

Para hablar de una condicion hipottica en el pasado con un resultado en el presente
If she hadnt missed her plane, shed be in Mexico now.
If Id been successful in the exam, I might have a better job now.


Generosity: generosidad
Aggression: agresion
Equality: equidad
Control and Power: control y poder (habilidad de hacer que alguien haga algo)
Fairness and Justice: justicia (ser razonable y justo)
Greed: codicia


Despues de dejar hacer algo a alguien
Most people let their partner to have a share of the money.

Despues de modal verbs
Some players would to keep everything.

Despues de had better, would rather.
My opinion is that deep down most human beings would rather to cooperate and avoid

Use infinitive + to
Despues de estos verbos: afford, agree, arrange, decide, expect, hope, intend, learn,
manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, want.
We hope to star the meeting at 9.
They promised to be here early.

Despues de estos verbos con objeto: ask, advise, expect, help, invite, persuade, remind,
require, teach, want.
Will want me to go to the party with him.

Despues de semi- fixed frases: be good/lucky/happy/necessary/the first, have the
chance/opportunity/time, somewhere/something/nowhere/nothing.
She was lucky to get the job.
Theres nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Para expresar un proposito:
Im going there to see Tom.

-ing form
Despues de preposiciones: look forward to, be used to, be accustomed to, be keen on,
instead of
Im not used to getting up early. Im looking forward to sleeping late this weekend.

Despues de estos verbos: avoid, come, consider, discuss, deny, enjoy, go, hate, involve,
keep, like, love, mind, miss, practice, suggest.
Dave came fishing with me.
I keep getting headaches.

Despues de ciertas frases: cant bear/stand, its not worth, its no use, have trouble.
Were having trouble finding a hotel.

Supportive: dar ayuda
Unhelpful: inutil, no ayuda
Diplomatic: bueno para tartar con las personas sin molestarlas
Tactful: cuidado de no decir ni hacer nada que pueda molestar a alguien
Sensitive: sensible (capaz de entender lo que las personas sienten)
Sensible: capacidad de mostrar buenas decisions y hacer cosas sin causara problema
Confrontational: confrontacional (pelea o argumento)
Collaborative: colaborativo
Aggressive: enojado y violento hacia otra persona
Assertive: alguien que es asertivo, se comporta con confianza y no tiene miedo
Direct: directo
Focused: enfocado (prestart mucha atencion a una cosa en particular)


Preparing the listener
Theres something Ive been meaning to talk to you about
Id like to talk to you about

Giving the message
I hope you dont take this the wrong way, but
I dont want you to get the wrong idea, but
Its just that, (you know you borrowed/ you said youd etc)

Suggest a solution
I have a suggestion/an idea.
Id feel better if

Getting the other persons point of view
Do you see where Im coming from?
How does that sound?
How would you feel about that?
Do you know what I mean?

Unit 9


Kidnapping: secuestro
Hacking: hackear
Stalking: acosar
Vandalism: vandalismo
Identify theft: robo de identidad
Bribery: soborno
Counterfeiting: falsificacion
Mugging: asalto
Arson: incendio provocado
Shoplifting: Hurtar


+ infinitive with to + -ing form
Remember Para cosas que planeas, quieres o Tener un recuerdo de una accion
forget tienes la responsabilidad de hacer anterior
He remembered to turn off the Ill never forget visiting Paris
Try Intentar hacer algo dificil Experimentar para ver si algo
Angus tried to change his ticket funciona
but it was impossible Try clicking on OK in the box
Stop Detener una accion para hacer Terminar una accion o actividad
otra My father stopped driving when he
We stopped to have some lunch vas eighty
Go on Para cambiar de actividad Continuar
She started by defining obesity and Joe went on working although he
went on to talk about its cases wasnt well.
Regret Disculpar por algo que estas Disculpar por algo que hiciste antes
apunto de decir We regretted going to the party.
BA regrets to announce a delay


Pretend to be, posing as: Actua como si fueras otra persona
Fool, deceive: Engaar a alguien
Distract, divert your attention: Hacer que alguien no se de cuenta de algo
Snatch, grab: Tomar algo rpidamente
Taken in, fall for: Creer un truco
Switched, swap: Intercambiar una cosa por otra


Usar modal verb + have + past participle para hacer deducciones o suposiciones sobre
acciones o estados pasados.
You could have left it in the caf

Usar modal verb + have + been + -ing form para hacer deducciones sobre acciones o
estados continuos (presentes)
She must have been feeling ill

Usar modal verb + have + been + past participle para deducciones usando el pasivo
It cant have been stolen form your bag.

Must have Estas muy seguro que algo I must have deleted the
es cierto email.
Might/Could/May have Crees que es posible que The plane could have been
algo sea cierto delayed by the weather.
Couldnt/Cant have Estas muy seguro que algo It cant have been the
no es cierto waitress.


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