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MY favorite place

My favorite place is the cherry blossom park, there is a place that no

one really comes to. It's very peaceful, the old trees are very big, I
love it when the cherry blossoms fall on the cool ground. Sometimes
when I'm angry or stressed, I come there, The cherry blossom park is
my favorite and secret place! Near it, there is a lake, the water is
always cold, for some reason but I like it very much. I never told
anyone about it, maybe I will sometime.


Locul meu favorit este parcul de flori de cire,e in loc unde nu vine
nimeni. E un loc linitit, copacii btrni sunt foarte mari, iubesc cnd
florile de cire cad pe pmntul rece. Cteodat cnd sunt nervoasa
sau stresata, merg acolo, parcul de flori de cire este locul meu favorit
i secret! Lng el, e un lac ,apa e ntotdeauna rece pentru un
motiv,dar imi place foarte mult. Nu am spus nimnui de el, poate
cndva o voi face
My favorite actress

My favorite actress is Lana Parrilla.

She obviously impressed her actress talent, it is a real treasure. She
knows the job well and always performs it skillfully. I like how she
interprets the role of a wicked witch. She can even play a good woman
in the heart and tender.
Many know her as the Witch-the-Rea, in the Once Upon A Time TV
series. After the backstage and real life, she's absolutely another
She is good, generous, tender, wise, funny, tolerant and
He never neglects his fans and always likes them.
Now I'd like to give you some biographical data.
Lana was born on July 15, 1977 in Brooklin, New York. She is the
daughter of baseball player Sam Parrilla. From an early age she
decided she was an actress, and after leaving school she went to LA to
take acting classes.
Her first step was Grown Ups, where she played only 2 episodes as a
waitress. Then her success came in the Spin City series, starring in 21
episodes. The most successful debut is Once Upon A Time, which
she's already working on 2 years, playing the main role, being the
center of the action. He won 4 different awards and 4 nominations.
I love her and I will always be a devoted fan.

Actrita mea preferata

Actoarea mea preferat este Lana Parrilla.

M-a impresionat evident talentul ei de actri,este o adevrat
comoar.i tie bine meseria i mereu o ndeplinete cu iscusin.mi
place cum interpreteaz rolul unei vrjitoare malefice.Poate s joace
chiar i o femeie bun la suflet i ginga.
Muli o cunosc ca Vrjitoarea- cea-Rea,din serialul TV Once Upon A
Time.Dup culise i n viaa real este absolut alt persoan.
Este bun,generoas,ginga,neleapt,amuzant,tolerant i
Niciodat nu i neglijeaz fanii i le face pe place mereu.
Acum a vreau s v dau i cteva date biografice.
Lana s-a nscut pe 15 iulie 1977 n Brooklin,New York.Este fiica
baseballistului Sam Parrilla.De la o vrst fraged a decis c v-a fi
actri i dup terminarea colii a plecat n L.A pentru a lua cursuri de
Primul ei pas a fost serialul Grown Ups ,n care a jucat doar 2
episoade,ca chelneri.Apoi i-a venit succesul n serialul Spin
City,jucnd n 21 episoade!Cel mai de succes debut este serialul Once
Upon A Time,la care lucreaz deja 2 ani,jucnd rolul principal,fiind
centrul aciunii.A ctigat 4 diferite premii i 4 nominalizri.
O ador i mereu i voi fi un fan devotat.

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