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Lampiran III


A. Deskriptif

1. Umur Ibu

Klp_Umur * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Klp_Umur 15-19 tahun Count 8 4 12
% within Kat_Responden 22.2% 11.1% 16.7%
20-24 tahun Count 3 5 8
% within Kat_Responden 8.3% 13.9% 11.1%
25-29 tahun Count 15 22 37
% within Kat_Responden 41.7% 61.1% 51.4%
30-34 tahun Count 1 4 5
% within Kat_Responden 2.8% 11.1% 6.9%
35-39 tahun Count 7 1 8
% within Kat_Responden 19.4% 2.8% 11.1%
>40 tahun Count 2 0 2
% within Kat_Responden 5.6% .0% 2.8%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%


Umur_Kasus Umur_Kontrol
N Valid 36 36
Missing 0 0
Mean 27.42 26.44
Median 26.50 27.00
Mode 19 27a
Minimum 18 17
Maximum 41 37
a. Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown
2. Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu

Didik_Ibu * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Didik_Ibu Tidak Sekolah Count 2 0 2
% within Kat_Responden 5.6% .0% 2.8%
Tidak Tamat SD Count 4 1 5
% within Kat_Responden 11.1% 2.8% 6.9%
Tamat SD Count 7 4 11
% within Kat_Responden 19.4% 11.1% 15.3%
Tamat SLTP Count 13 7 20
% within Kat_Responden 36.1% 19.4% 27.8%
Tamat SMA Count 5 16 21
% within Kat_Responden 13.9% 44.4% 29.2%
Tamat Akademi/PT Count 5 8 13
% within Kat_Responden 13.9% 22.2% 18.1%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

3. Jenis Pekerjaan Ibu

Kerja_Ibu * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Kerja_Ibu IRT Count 32 28 60
% within Kat_Responden 88.9% 77.8% 83.3%
Honorer Count 2 6 8
% within Kat_Responden 5.6% 16.7% 11.1%
PNS Count 2 2 4
% within Kat_Responden 5.6% 5.6% 5.6%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
4. Jenis Kelamin Balita

JK_Balita * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

JK_Balita Laki-laki Count 17 19 36
% within Kat_Responden 47.2% 52.8% 50.0%
Perempuan Count 19 17 36
% within Kat_Responden 52.8% 47.2% 50.0%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

5. Jenis Kematian

Jenis_Kematian * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Total
Jenis_Kematian Neonatal Dini Count 11 11
% within Kat_Responden 30.6% 30.6%
Neonatal Count 8 8
% within Kat_Responden 22.2% 22.2%
Bayi Count 13 13
% within Kat_Responden 36.1% 36.1%
Balita Count 4 4
% within Kat_Responden 11.1% 11.1%
Total Count 36 36
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0%
B. Bivariabel

1. Umur Ibu



Kasus Kontrol Total

Umur_Kat Risiko Tinggi Count 17 5 22
% within Kat_Responden 47.2% 13.9% 30.6%
Risiko Rendah Count 19 31 50
% within Kat_Responden 52.8% 86.1% 69.4%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.425a 1 .002
Continuity Correctionb 7.920 1 .005
Likelihood Ratio 9.825 1 .002
Fisher's Exact Test .004 .002
Linear-by-Linear Association 9.295 1 .002
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Umur_Kat
(Risiko Tinggi / Risiko 5.547 1.758 17.503
For cohort Kat_Responden =
2.033 1.336 3.096
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.367 .165 .816
N of Valid Cases 72
Klp_Umur_Poli * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Klp_Umur_Poli >35 Tahun Count 9 1 10
% within Kat_Responden 32.1% 3.1% 16.7%
20-35 Tahun Count 19 31 50
% within Kat_Responden 67.9% 96.9% 83.3%
Total Count 28 32 60
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.054a 1 .003
Continuity Correctionb 7.085 1 .008
Likelihood Ratio 10.003 1 .002
Fisher's Exact Test .004 .003
Linear-by-Linear Association 8.903 1 .003
N of Valid Casesb 60
a. 1 cells (25.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.67.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Klp_Umur_Poli (>35 Tahun / 14.684 1.722 125.239
20-35 Tahun)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
2.368 1.572 3.568
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.161 .025 1.049
N of Valid Cases 60
Klp_Umur_Poli * Kat_Responden Crosstabulation


Kasus Kontrol Total

Klp_Umur_Poli <20 tahun Count 8 4 12
% within Kat_Responden 29.6% 11.4% 19.4%
20-35 Tahun Count 19 31 50
% within Kat_Responden 70.4% 88.6% 80.6%
Total Count 27 35 62
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 3.235a 1 .072
Continuity Correctionb 2.174 1 .140
Likelihood Ratio 3.232 1 .072
Fisher's Exact Test .106 .071
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.183 1 .074
N of Valid Casesb 62
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.23.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Klp_Umur_Poli (<20 tahun / 3.263 .864 12.328
20-35 Tahun)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.754 1.028 2.993
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.538 .235 1.232
N of Valid Cases 62
2. Tingkat Pendidikan Ibu



Kasus Kontrol Total

Didik_Ibu_Kat Pendidikan Rendah Count 26 12 38
% within Kat_Responden 72.2% 33.3% 52.8%
Pendidikan Tinggi Count 10 24 34
% within Kat_Responden 27.8% 66.7% 47.2%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 10.923a 1 .001
Continuity Correctionb 9.418 1 .002
Likelihood Ratio 11.221 1 .001
Fisher's Exact Test .002 .001
Linear-by-Linear Association 10.771 1 .001
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Didik_Ibu_Kat
(Pendidikan Rendah / 5.200 1.901 14.220
Pendidikan Tinggi)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
2.326 1.324 4.088
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.447 .267 .749
N of Valid Cases 72
3. Tingkat Pendapatan Keluarga



Kasus Kontrol Total

Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat Rendah Count 22 9 31
% within Kat_Responden 61.1% 25.0% 43.1%
Tinggi Count 14 27 41
% within Kat_Responden 38.9% 75.0% 56.9%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 9.574a 1 .002
Continuity Correctionb 8.157 1 .004
Likelihood Ratio 9.818 1 .002
Fisher's Exact Test .004 .002
Linear-by-Linear Association 9.441 1 .002
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 15.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat 4.714 1.719 12.931
(Rendah / Tinggi)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
2.078 1.285 3.362
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.441 .244 .798
N of Valid Cases 72
4. Paritas



Kasus Kontrol Total

Paritas_Kat Risiko Tinggi Count 9 7 16
% within Kat_Responden 25.0% 19.4% 22.2%
Risiko Rendah Count 27 29 56
% within Kat_Responden 75.0% 80.6% 77.8%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square .321a 1 .571
Continuity Correctionb .080 1 .777
Likelihood Ratio .322 1 .570
Fisher's Exact Test .778 .389
Linear-by-Linear Association .317 1 .573
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Paritas_Kat
(Risiko Tinggi / Risiko 1.381 .451 4.225
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.167 .700 1.943
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.845 .459 1.555
N of Valid Cases 72
5. Kepemilikan Jamban Keluarga



Kasus Kontrol Total

Kep_Jamban_Krlg Tidak Mempunyai Count 12 6 18
% within Kat_Responden 33.3% 16.7% 25.0%
Mempunyai Count 24 30 54
% within Kat_Responden 66.7% 83.3% 75.0%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 2.667a 1 .102
Continuity Correctionb 1.852 1 .174
Likelihood Ratio 2.707 1 .100
Fisher's Exact Test .173 .086
Linear-by-Linear Association 2.630 1 .105
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 9.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Kep_Jamban_Krlg (Tidak 2.500 .818 7.642
Mempunyai / Mempunyai)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.500 .964 2.334
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.600 .299 1.203
N of Valid Cases 72
6. Kualitas Sumber Air Utama Keluarga



Kasus Kontrol Total

Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat Tidak Memenuhi syarat Count 10 3 13
% within Kat_Responden 27.8% 8.3% 18.1%
Memenuhi syarat Count 26 33 59
% within Kat_Responden 72.2% 91.7% 81.9%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 4.600a 1 .032
Continuity Correctionb 3.379 1 .066
Likelihood Ratio 4.809 1 .028
Fisher's Exact Test .063 .032
Linear-by-Linear Association 4.536 1 .033
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
4.231 1.055 16.966
(Tidak Memenuhi syarat /
Memenuhi syarat)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.746 1.154 2.640
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.413 .149 1.142
N of Valid Cases 72
7. Jarak ke Sumber Air Utama Keluarga



Kasus Kontrol Total

Jarak_Air_Utama Jauh Count 25 13 38
% within Kat_Responden 69.4% 36.1% 52.8%
Dekat Count 11 23 34
% within Kat_Responden 30.6% 63.9% 47.2%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.025a 1 .005
Continuity Correctionb 6.743 1 .009
Likelihood Ratio 8.183 1 .004
Fisher's Exact Test .009 .004
Linear-by-Linear Association 7.913 1 .005
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Jarak_Air_Utama (Jauh / 4.021 1.505 10.741
For cohort Kat_Responden =
2.033 1.188 3.480
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.506 .307 .832
N of Valid Cases 72
8. Jenis Bahan Bakar Memasak Keluarga



Kasus Kontrol Total

Jenis_Bahan_Bakar_Memas Biomas Count 6 3 9
% within Kat_Responden 16.7% 8.3% 12.5%
Non-Biomas Count 30 33 63
% within Kat_Responden 83.3% 91.7% 87.5%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.143a 1 .285
Continuity Correctionb .508 1 .476
Likelihood Ratio 1.162 1 .281
Fisher's Exact Test .478 .239
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.127 1 .288
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 4.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Jenis_Bahan_Bakar_Memas 2.200 .505 9.582
ak (Biomas / Non-Biomas)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.400 .824 2.378
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.636 .245 1.651
N of Valid Cases 72
9. Jarak ke Fasilitas Kesehatan



Kasus Kontrol Total

Jarak_Faskes_Kat Jauh Count 16 11 27
% within Kat_Responden 44.4% 30.6% 37.5%
Dekat Count 20 25 45
% within Kat_Responden 55.6% 69.4% 62.5%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.481a 1 .224
Continuity Correctionb .948 1 .330
Likelihood Ratio 1.488 1 .223
Fisher's Exact Test .330 .165
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.461 1 .227
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 13.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Jarak_Faskes_Kat (Jauh / 1.818 .691 4.782
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.333 .848 2.096
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.733 .434 1.239
N of Valid Cases 72
10. Penolong Persalinan



Kasus Kontrol Total

Penolong_Persalinan Tidak Memenuhi Syarat Count 11 6 17
% within Kat_Responden 30.6% 16.7% 23.6%
Memenuhi Syarat Count 25 30 55
% within Kat_Responden 69.4% 83.3% 76.4%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.925a 1 .165
Continuity Correctionb 1.232 1 .267
Likelihood Ratio 1.948 1 .163
Fisher's Exact Test .267 .133
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.898 1 .168
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Penolong_Persalinan (Tidak
2.200 .712 6.793
Memenuhi Syarat /
Memenuhi Syarat)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.424 .903 2.244
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.647 .325 1.287
N of Valid Cases 72
11. BBLR



Kasus Kontrol Total

Berat_Lahir_Kat BBLR Count 12 4 16
% within Kat_Responden 33.3% 11.1% 22.2%
Normal Count 24 32 56
% within Kat_Responden 66.7% 88.9% 77.8%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.143a 1 .023
Continuity Correctionb 3.938 1 .047
Likelihood Ratio 5.333 1 .021
Fisher's Exact Test .045 .023
Linear-by-Linear Association 5.071 1 .024
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Berat_Lahir_Kat (BBLR / 4.000 1.147 13.951
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.750 1.157 2.648
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.438 .182 1.053
N of Valid Cases 72
12. Kejadian Asfiksia



Kasus Kontrol Total

Kej_Asfiksia Asfiksia Count 12 5 17
% within Kat_Responden 33.3% 13.9% 23.6%
Tidak Asfiksia Count 24 31 55
% within Kat_Responden 66.7% 86.1% 76.4%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 3.773a 1 .052
Continuity Correctionb 2.772 1 .096
Likelihood Ratio 3.863 1 .049
Fisher's Exact Test .094 .047
Linear-by-Linear Association 3.721 1 .054
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kej_Asfiksia
3.100 .961 10.003
(Asfiksia / Tidak Asfiksia)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.618 1.053 2.485
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.522 .241 1.130
N of Valid Cases 72
13. Kejadian Diare



Kasus Kontrol Total

Kej_Diare Diare Count 10 2 12
% within Kat_Responden 27.8% 5.6% 16.7%
Tidak Diare Count 26 34 60
% within Kat_Responden 72.2% 94.4% 83.3%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 6.400a 1 .011
Continuity Correctionb 4.900 1 .027
Likelihood Ratio 6.892 1 .009
Fisher's Exact Test .024 .012
Linear-by-Linear Association 6.311 1 .012
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 6.00.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for Kej_Diare
6.538 1.318 32.442
(Diare / Tidak Diare)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.923 1.309 2.824
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.294 .081 1.062
N of Valid Cases 72
14. Kejadian Pneumonia



Kasus Kontrol Total

Kej_Pneumonia Pneumonia Count 5 2 7
% within Kat_Responden 13.9% 5.6% 9.7%
Tidak Pneumonia Count 31 34 65
% within Kat_Responden 86.1% 94.4% 90.3%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.424a 1 .233
Continuity Correctionb .633 1 .426
Likelihood Ratio 1.467 1 .226
Fisher's Exact Test .429 .214
Linear-by-Linear Association 1.404 1 .236
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 3.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Kej_Pneumonia (Pneumonia 2.742 .496 15.168
/ Tidak Pneumonia)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
1.498 .879 2.553
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.546 .165 1.803
N of Valid Cases 72
15. Status Imunisasi



Kasus Kontrol Total

Status_Imunisasi Tidak Imunisasi Count 23 4 27
% within Kat_Responden 63.9% 11.1% 37.5%
Imunisasi Count 13 32 45
% within Kat_Responden 36.1% 88.9% 62.5%
Total Count 36 36 72
% within Kat_Responden 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Asymp. Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 21.393a 1 .000
Continuity Correctionb 19.200 1 .000
Likelihood Ratio 23.057 1 .000
Fisher's Exact Test .000 .000
Linear-by-Linear Association 21.095 1 .000
N of Valid Casesb 72
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 13.50.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Risk Estimate

95% Confidence Interval

Value Lower Upper

Odds Ratio for
Status_Imunisasi (Tidak 14.154 4.087 49.015
Imunisasi / Imunisasi)
For cohort Kat_Responden =
2.949 1.816 4.788
For cohort Kat_Responden =
.208 .083 .525
N of Valid Cases 72
C. Multivariabel

Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Casesa N Percent
Selected Cases Included in Analysis 72 100.0
Missing Cases 0 .0
Total 72 100.0
Unselected Cases 0 .0
Total 72 100.0
a. If weight is in effect, see classification table for the total number of

Dependent Variable
Value Internal Value
kontrol 0
kasus 1

Categorical Variables Codings


Frequency (1)
Status_Imunisasi Tidak Imunisasi 27 1.000
Imunisasi 45 .000
Didik_Ibu_Kat Pendidikan Rendah 38 1.000
Pendidikan Tinggi 34 .000
Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat Rendah 31 1.000
Tinggi 41 .000
Kep_Jamban_Krlg Tidak Mempunyai 18 1.000
Mempunyai 54 .000
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat Tidak Memenuhi syarat 13 1.000
Memenuhi syarat 59 .000
Jarak_Air_Utama Jauh 38 1.000
Dekat 34 .000
Kej_Diare Diare 12 1.000
Tidak Diare 60 .000
Kej_Asfiksia Asfiksia 17 1.000
Tidak Asfiksia 55 .000
Berat_Lahir_Kat BBLR 16 1.000
Normal 56 .000
Umur_Kat Risiko Tinggi 22 1.000
Risiko Rendah 50 .000
Block 0: Beginning Block

Classification Tablea,b


Observed kontrol kasus Correct
Step 0 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 0 36 .0
kasus 0 36 100.0
Overall Percentage 50.0
a. Constant is included in the model.
b. The cut value is .500

Variables in the Equation

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B)

Step 0 Constant .000 .236 .000 1 1.000 1.000

Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step 0 Variables Umur_Kat(1) 9.425 1 .002
Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) 10.923 1 .001
Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) 9.574 1 .002
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) 2.667 1 .102
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 4.600 1 .032
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) 8.025 1 .005
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 5.143 1 .023
Kej_Asfiksia(1) 3.773 1 .052
Kej_Diare(1) 6.400 1 .011
Status_Imunisasi(1) 21.393 1 .000
Overall Statistics 34.273 10 .000
Block 1: Method = Backward Stepwise (Likelihood Ratio)

Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients

Chi-square df Sig.
Step 1 Step 44.228 10 .000
Block 44.228 10 .000
Model 44.228 10 .000
Step 2a Step -.167 1 .683
Block 44.061 9 .000
Model 44.061 9 .000
Step 3a Step -.464 1 .496
Block 43.596 8 .000
Model 43.596 8 .000
Step 4a Step -.467 1 .494
Block 43.130 7 .000
Model 43.130 7 .000
Step 5a Step -.458 1 .499
Block 42.672 6 .000
Model 42.672 6 .000
Step 6a Step -1.299 1 .254
Block 41.373 5 .000
Model 41.373 5 .000
Step 7a Step -2.334 1 .127
Block 39.039 4 .000
Model 39.039 4 .000
a. A negative Chi-squares value indicates that the Chi-
squares value has decreased from the previous step.

Model Summary
Cox & Snell R Nagelkerke R
Step -2 Log likelihood Square Square
1 55.586a .459 .612
2 55.753a .458 .610
3 56.217a .454 .606
4 56.683a .451 .601
5 57.141a .447 .596
6 58.440a .437 .583
7 60.774b .419 .558
a. Estimation terminated at iteration number 6 because
parameter estimates changed by less than .001.
b. Estimation terminated at iteration number 5 because
parameter estimates changed by less than .001.
Hosmer and Lemeshow Test
Step Chi-square df Sig.
1 16.936 7 .018
2 7.841 7 .347
3 5.808 7 .562
4 9.924 6 .128
5 6.939 7 .435
6 5.315 7 .622
7 4.984 5 .418

Classification Tablea


Observed kontrol kasus Correct
Step 1 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 31 5 86.1
kasus 6 30 83.3
Overall Percentage 84.7
Step 2 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 31 5 86.1
kasus 6 30 83.3
Overall Percentage 84.7
Step 3 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 31 5 86.1
kasus 7 29 80.6
Overall Percentage 83.3
Step 4 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 30 6 83.3
kasus 6 30 83.3
Overall Percentage 83.3
Step 5 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 31 5 86.1
kasus 7 29 80.6
Overall Percentage 83.3
Step 6 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 32 4 88.9
kasus 9 27 75.0
Overall Percentage 81.9
Step 7 Kat_Responden_RegLog kontrol 33 3 91.7
kasus 11 25 69.4
Overall Percentage 80.6
a. The cut value is .500
Variables in the Equation

95.0% C.I.for EXP(B)

B S.E. Wald df Sig. Exp(B) Lower Upper

Step 1a Umur_Kat(1) .995 .813 1.496 1 .221 2.705 .549 13.323
Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) .959 .890 1.160 1 .281 2.609 .456 14.938
Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .361 .877 .169 1 .681 1.434 .257 7.997
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) -.713 1.008 .499 1 .480 .490 .068 3.539
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 1.597 1.091 2.142 1 .143 4.941 .582 41.959
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .747 .860 .754 1 .385 2.110 .391 11.396
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.414 1.124 4.610 1 .032 11.179 1.234 101.255
Kej_Asfiksia(1) -.698 .948 .542 1 .462 .498 .078 3.189
Kej_Diare(1) 2.129 1.117 3.632 1 .057 8.410 .941 75.143
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.641 1.035 6.511 1 .011 14.023 1.845 106.596
Constant -2.882 .789 13.338 1 .000 .056
Step 2a Umur_Kat(1) 1.044 .810 1.661 1 .197 2.842 .580 13.913
Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) .977 .886 1.217 1 .270 2.657 .468 15.069
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) -.670 1.003 .447 1 .504 .512 .072 3.651
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 1.508 1.061 2.023 1 .155 4.520 .565 36.136
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .769 .854 .811 1 .368 2.158 .405 11.508
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.332 1.097 4.518 1 .034 10.303 1.199 88.516
Kej_Asfiksia(1) -.700 .950 .543 1 .461 .496 .077 3.198
Kej_Diare(1) 2.040 1.083 3.548 1 .060 7.694 .921 64.292
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.811 .958 8.609 1 .003 16.627 2.543 108.728
Constant -2.793 .743 14.133 1 .000 .061
Step 3a Umur_Kat(1) .965 .794 1.479 1 .224 2.625 .554 12.433
Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) .950 .878 1.170 1 .279 2.585 .462 14.457
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 1.338 1.044 1.641 1 .200 3.810 .492 29.485
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .527 .768 .470 1 .493 1.693 .376 7.635
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.333 1.077 4.690 1 .030 10.312 1.248 85.203
Kej_Asfiksia(1) -.700 .945 .549 1 .459 .497 .078 3.162
Kej_Diare(1) 2.176 1.057 4.240 1 .039 8.810 1.110 69.901
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.651 .910 8.483 1 .004 14.161 2.380 84.277
Constant -2.754 .730 14.216 1 .000 .064
Step 4a Umur_Kat(1) .947 .788 1.442 1 .230 2.577 .550 12.087
Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) 1.190 .803 2.193 1 .139 3.286 .681 15.866
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 1.325 1.018 1.692 1 .193 3.761 .511 27.683
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.353 1.081 4.733 1 .030 10.514 1.263 87.558
Kej_Asfiksia(1) -.624 .937 .444 1 .505 .536 .085 3.359
Kej_Diare(1) 2.254 1.041 4.688 1 .030 9.528 1.238 73.320
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.706 .903 8.985 1 .003 14.964 2.551 87.773
Constant -2.659 .719 13.693 1 .000 .070
Step 5a Umur_Kat(1) .882 .782 1.272 1 .259 2.415 .522 11.177
Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) 1.117 .793 1.983 1 .159 3.055 .646 14.459
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 1.400 1.008 1.930 1 .165 4.057 .562 29.256
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.160 1.014 4.538 1 .033 8.667 1.188 63.206
Kej_Diare(1) 2.344 1.024 5.238 1 .022 10.419 1.400 77.539
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.439 .788 9.587 1 .002 11.464 2.448 53.688
Constant -2.667 .715 13.912 1 .000 .069
Step 6a Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) 1.381 .747 3.420 1 .064 3.979 .921 17.199
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 1.505 1.006 2.236 1 .135 4.503 .627 32.368
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.517 .946 7.073 1 .008 12.390 1.939 79.181
Kej_Diare(1) 2.548 1.019 6.254 1 .012 12.783 1.735 94.166
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.351 .777 9.154 1 .002 10.494 2.289 48.116
Constant -2.624 .702 13.979 1 .000 .073
Step 7a Didik_Ibu_Kat(1) 1.532 .726 4.452 1 .035 4.627 1.115 19.201
Berat_Lahir_Kat(1) 2.328 .905 6.615 1 .010 10.261 1.740 60.499
Kej_Diare(1) 2.338 .970 5.806 1 .016 10.364 1.547 69.438
Status_Imunisasi(1) 2.256 .729 9.579 1 .002 9.544 2.287 39.824
Constant -2.403 .654 13.488 1 .000 .090
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Umur_Kat, Didik_Ibu_Kat, Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat, Kep_Jamban_Krlg, Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat,
Jarak_Air_Utama, Berat_Lahir_Kat, Kej_Asfiksia, Kej_Diare, Status_Imunisasi.
Variables not in the Equation

Score df Sig.
Step 2a Variables Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .170 1 .680
Overall Statistics .170 1 .680
Step 3b Variables Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .114 1 .736
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) .452 1 .502
Overall Statistics .623 2 .732
Step 4c Variables Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .184 1 .668
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) .115 1 .735
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .474 1 .491
Overall Statistics 1.093 3 .779
Step 5d Variables Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .170 1 .680
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) .149 1 .700
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .361 1 .548
Kej_Asfiksia(1) .448 1 .503
Overall Statistics 1.526 4 .822
Step 6e Variables Umur_Kat(1) 1.298 1 .255
Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .331 1 .565
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) .072 1 .789
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .336 1 .562
Kej_Asfiksia(1) .276 1 .599
Overall Statistics 2.798 5 .731
Step 7f Variables Umur_Kat(1) 1.591 1 .207
Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat(1) .172 1 .678
Kep_Jamban_Krlg(1) .008 1 .927
Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat(1) 2.330 1 .127
Jarak_Air_Utama(1) .332 1 .564
Kej_Asfiksia(1) .468 1 .494
Overall Statistics 5.095 6 .532
a. Variable(s) removed on step 2: Tingkat_Pendapatan_Kat.
b. Variable(s) removed on step 3: Kep_Jamban_Krlg.
c. Variable(s) removed on step 4: Jarak_Air_Utama.
d. Variable(s) removed on step 5: Kej_Asfiksia.
e. Variable(s) removed on step 6: Umur_Kat.
f. Variable(s) removed on step 7: Kualitas_Air_Utama_Kat.

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